c -4 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1891 8 mmmm POPULATION OF LINCOLN 65,000, H. R. NISSLEY&CO. COU. TENTH AND VST. LADIES' FURNISHINC COODS a specialty. A (till lino uf Dr. Warner's mid Hall' C'nre IIOMKKV, UNDKIUVKAH A.NI1 KM) (JI.OVRS III Iniuu assortments. Wo hne I do niicuey for Tho Buttorlok's PattornS. H. R. NISSLEY&CO. TAKE NOTICEI The CoimiKii will not u iisonslblo for any debt nindo by nny ono In It tininc, tin r it written order ntxtiniiumltti tlm miine. WE CAN SUIT IMHI'LAVINU flQQ Trimmed Hats 1 Hanging III I'llcn from $1.00 TO $20 CALL AND SEE THKM. Tho Courier Can be Found At Hotel Lincoln Now Htnnil. Windsor Hotel Now Htnml. Capital Hotel New Htnml. Otlell'a Dining Hull New Stand, IIUH O HI, The Gotham New Htnnil, US South 11th Ht, The Apex, 111 North llth Street. Bd.Yuumr, 1020 O Street. (Mason, Kletolmr A Co., 1120 O Htreet. Wcstortleld' Ihirber Hliop, llnrr HloeR. Internutlonnl Nowh Kniporlmn, 12.HO St. Don Ton Ulnar Store, IM North llth Htreot. Monro' Now Htaiid, 113 Houtli llth Htreet. IfAn extra supply of paper In always left at llio uoiiiniu, hi applies run short. enso other Newsdealer FALL STYLES DUNLAP HATS Hi W. R. DENNIS & ! 1 137 O Street. CO. Chureli Advertisement. Commencing April first, The Couhikh will Iniert notice pertaining to sociables, festival, lectures, meeting ami Hermont for all churches free of charge. Advertisement (or entertainments where an admission la charged will lie inserted at one-half tho reg ularrate. Local and Personal. Whltebrerst Coal and Lime Company Ruth M. Wood, M. D., 1220 P street. Lincoln Ice Co., 1040 O St. Telephone 118. Eugene Hallett, diamond merchant, 113 N Eleventh street. Geo. A. Raymer, coal and wood. 'Phone :;i0. 11IH O street. ' Henry Harpham sell chamois skins for carriage cleaning. Canon City Coal at the Whltebreast Joaland Lime Co. For tine millinery at economical price tee Herpolshelmer & Co'., flue line, 100 finest engraved calling cards and plate for t Vi at Thx Courier office. Ladies kid glove cleaned or colored at Lin coln Bteam Dye work, 1100 O street. Professor G. W. Hill, teacher of Elocution and Oratory, M5 couth Eleventh Htreet, Cabinet baths for ladle given by Mrs. D. D. Catlin profesaioual mateeur, 1220 P street. Ladle can have their iarty dresses cleaned by the French dry process at the Lincoln steam dye work 1101 0 street Applications for rental of Turner hall for socials and dancing received at P. J. Wohlen berg' cigar store, 128 8. llth street. Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by the French dry cleaning process, only 13 cts. at Lincoln Bteam Dye works, 1105 O street. "Not how cheap, but how good" is the motto of the new Studio Le Grande. Call and see their work, 124 south Twelfth street. The celebrated Egg Shampoo remove dandruff and promote the growth of the hair. For sale by Mis Johnston, 1114 O street. Never order a photograph or picture of any kind until you have seeu the work done at the new Btudlo Le Grande, 124 south Twelfth street. Gentlemen should now get out their Ian summer' suit, take it to the Lincoln Bteam dye work 1103 0 street and have it cleaned, dyed, repaired or pressed out. You can get a greater variety of wool underwear in ladle, mens and children' at HerpoUbelmer & Co. than in any other house in the west. Price the lowest. Wedding invitations, either printed or en graved in the finest style of the art at The Courier office. Correct form and best quality of stock guaranteed. Sam pie cheer fully shown. Original round oak stove, the only air tkht rouBd oak ttove on the market, conse quently tho mort economical m consumption ocrueL Bow only uy uunnam ana buck, YOU. is 1186 O street. 1 iBmt.m- WBhBHm The first dancing pnrly of the ""' " held In Masonic temple Thursday ' evening with Mr. Uw mid Mis 'ay Marshall it host and hostess. They proved delightful entertainer mil' a happier company of young eoplo new-r gnlhered tlirro. Tho "Mist of th'J season" nlany llnd tho Iiu-m-U-r of tho guy circle fresh nml enthusiastic nml on this occasion with tho warm hospl lallty of tliopiitortnliioisandthi genial spirit of Him guest, there wn mom real enjoy ment than I often found even at a dancing pnriy. It was a highly creditable opening, prvNiglug delightful event or a simi lar kind which mny bo looked for In tho coin ing mouth. There was a largo nttondniieo nml many of the toilet wero now nml hand some. Tluwjlnvlted were! Lieut, and Mr. T W. Grllllth, Messrs and Memlnmes, Max well, John West, VniiDuson, 11.8. Mcintosh, llunkle, Young, K. O. llrndloy, II. It. Nlssley, Myron Wheeler, I). 1 1. Wheeler of Oiiinhoi Misses Nellie Kelly, Oeitrudo .leinor, llertle Mcllilile, Gertrude Laws, Minnie mid Ullve Lnttn, LUIIa llnthnwny, Knclmel It rock, Nel lie White, Jeannotto Wilson, Lottie Amlru, Klorenco Drown, llertle mid Lulu Clink, .Mntidu Hiultli, Clarklo Pace, Margaret llnlnl, Klttlo and Alice Cowdroy, llnttlo Inland, Kniiiiy nml Klorenco Hawloy, Hnllle Hooper, Mmtha 1'iiuke, Maud llurr, Anna Kunke, Leila Shear. Maud Miller, Maud Hammond, Grace llui r, Carrlo Ielniul, Badto Decker, Nnn Lllllbrldge, Jo Winger, Katie Miller, Binlth, McLaughlin, Gertrude and Cnroln Hill, Messrs, Fred HouU, W. Morton Smith, McArthur, Oscar Funke, Stove Lnugworthy, Dr. Hpahr, Hob. Mulr, Dr. O. F. Lndd.'S. T. Ht. John, Charles Hall, Will Clarke, C. All dm, Frank llurr, Charlie llurr, Will Hardy, Mark Wood, John Dorgnu, Will Meyer, Hob Joyce, Frank Everett, Fi auk Hatha way, Bam Low, J, 11. Lcinlst, Frank Mi ning, Fred Howe, Will Hammond, Hnrry Hnll, C. Y. Smith, Ed Fltgornld, E. J. Kit 7., gerald, Harry Lansing, Dr. Hooves, Joseph Digger, Frank Pollr, Dert Wheeler, Charles Mullen, Martin Altkeu, Harry Kreoman, FredShole, Charllo Hnwloy, C. E. Mont gomery, C. Magoon, Mark')) I, C. H. Hlchter, McDrido mid Neil Miller. About forty croiiK, being tho fmiuedlato relatives of the contracting parties and their intimate frlemU, assembled nt the residence of Hon. Willlniu Loose, 1847 G street Thurs day at ilueu A.M. to witness the unir rlnge of their dnughtcr Etlle Willetta, to Mr. Archibald Alfred Scott, ouu of the Kpular teller In the First National bank. The cere mony was very impressively jwrformwl by lle'. H. T. Davis, using the wedding ring, tho bridil party mnrchliig hi to the innslo of "Mendelssohn' Welding March." The bride wa tastily costumed In cream serge, miulo princes entrain, white slippers ami glove, diamond ornaments and can led in her hand a spray of white rose. After tho ceremony, the guest wero invited to nil elegant dinner, shortly after which the bride nml groom de parted for a short eastern trip, showered by tho guests with tho customary handsful of Irico and tho proverbial slippers. The present couiiKsed an extensive list of valuable and ornamental tokens, among them Mug a house and lot mid a bed room set from the bride iwreitts, hand painted dinner net from the grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Scott Br. of Ashland, diamond eardrops from Walter A. Leem, undo of tho bride, draft of ono hundred dollar from Frnnk Scott, New York, draft of llfiy dollar each f rom G. L. and It. M. Scot I, Ashland, cut glass water set, lUymou H. Leese, solid silver water set, J. . Leeae and sisters, Parkers burg, ,W. V. Those present were: Hon. and Mrs. William Lvese, Mecsra. and Me- dame. W. C. Scott, 8r. Ashland, W. C. Scott, jr. Ashland, J. M. 8towart, E. Kernes, Hnrry Porter, Hev. H. T. Davis, Men lames: A. M. Hickman, Howard, Sam Long, H. II. Shedd, Ashland, W. M. Hover, Tecumseh, L. J, Fowler. MImch Clara Levse, Leo Loose. Anna Howland, Seward. Allio M. l)avl. Jusslo Scott, Ashland, Maggie Seoul- ler, Beward, Lyle Hover, Tecumseli, Maggio English, Clara Cnrmody, Minnie DePow, Lillian Etlgar, Messrs Walter A Loee, G. L. and K . M. Scott, Ashland, Hay Leese, 11. D. Wilton aud other. Mr. and Mr. Scott will be at home after November first nt 2Uh Vine street. The Tuesday Evening club which wa or ganized a little over a year ago and which wa the source of so much enjoyment to it member during its llrst season, entered ac tively upon the second year of it existence this week at a very interesting meeting held at the residence of Mis Grace Griffith, Fif teenth and L street. A new plan of work combining literature, history and art ha been arranged for tho present winter, aud in pursuance of thUplan the llrst meeting wa devoted to the study of Italian literature ami history. A very entertaining and in structive program was rendered by Mr. W. E. Hardy, Mis Minnie Latta, Ml Dona Loomls and Mis Grllllth. Those present were: Messrs, W. E. Hardy, W.E. Clarke, O. W. Gerwlg, W. Morton Smith, Frank C. Zehrung, H S. Freeman, C. D. Mullen, Dr. C. F. Ladd, Mia Gertrude Laws, Dona Loomls, Anne Fuuke, Minnie Latta, Olive Latta, Anna Uarr, Maud Miller, Cora Hardy , and Mr. and Mrs. A. It. CotTroth. Mr. A. G. Deeson gave a delightful high five party Monday evening for her brother and sister, Mis Katie aud Mr. Ned Miller, also a visiting friend, Mlsi Fannie Smith nil of LaVayette, Ind. The prize were very beautiful and the Hot royal was won by Mis Katie Miller aud the sucond fell to her brother Mr. Neil Miller. There were present : Mr. and Mr. H. Q. Green, Mlsa Minnie and Olive Latta, Maud Uurr, Anna Funke, Martha Fuuke, Jeaunetto Wilton, Hallie Hooper, Jennie Underwood, Fannie Hawley, Lillle Hathaway, Maud MillerKatlo Miller, Fannie Smith. Margaret Dalrd, Gertie Law, Fay Marshall, Meer: Frank Hathaway, Otcar Funke, C. K. IUcbter, Robert Mulr, Ned Miller, Charle Hawley, Will Meyer, Will Clarke, Will Hardy, F. C. Zehrung, Lew Marshall, Dr. Ladd, Dr. Reeves, Dr. 8phr, Dr. Imhoff , and Lieutenant Pershing. Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. O. R, Stephen, 2824 Q street, wa held the Ini tial meeting of a Whist club whleh ha just been organized by a uumber of East Lincoln ladies and which will hold weekly meeting throughout the winter. Mr. Bawyer wa elected president and Mr. Smith vice-presi dent after which two hour were spent at the game of whist. Refreshments were then served and the nrt meeting proved a great success. The club Include the following .wiM. Upturn.... Rr. ui,-.. Hnivnii. Colonel Pace, Charle Pace, Brown, Hale, Balabfarv. Lvman. Roberts. Smith and Tho ne. The Thliiihte club met Inst Saturday after noon with .Mis MniiileHiullh, and on this oc casion the youiifr Indie of the club Invited (heir gentlemen friends to ten. Tltcro weie present, Misses Jeniilo Underwood, Rnchnel llrock, Anna Funke, Hnllle Hoojier, Klorenco and Kanulo linn ley, Nnniilo Lllllliildge, Gertrude mid Cnroln Hill, Minnie and Ollvo Irfittn, .Maude Millers Miwh W. F. Meyer, John Dorgnn, G. W. Gerwlg, Frnnk llnthn wny, Joseph Digger, lw Mnrshnll, Hnm E !ow, II. 8. Kreeiunii, Oscar Funke, W, .Mor ton Smith, Kred Houtz, 0, I). Mullen nml Dr. C. F. Ladd, Mr. II, W. Huirniau left yestontny for Sprlngllt'ld, III., nccompauleJ by tho remain of llttlo Hiiro, the chnrmlug little grnml child who wns the Idol of 11 lovely homo. The remains n III to Intered In tho family biirlnl ground In Springfield, Ruilge & Morris, the enterprising hard ware dealers, 1122 F street hnvo leased tho old Gruotter fiiruituro stand nml mo now re pairing mid remodeling the building prepar atory to stocking It with n complete lino of furniture. Mr. Fred G. Pluiiimer left Wdnedny morning for Now York where ho will enter a military academy. Ileforo leaving lie wn presentisl with n gold hendoil cauo by 11 iiuiii of his friends and nssoclnte. All express packngo containing two I11111 divd engrnvcil minounceineiits left the Cou hikh ofllce Thursday nddresoil to Hal Northnni, Dlalr, Neb. Tho event takes placo Monday afternoon, MlMCIiirlhel C. Alford went to Omaha last week. She will remal.i there during tho winter to Mulsh her schooling nml complete her music studios nt the academy i f tho Sa cred Henit. Mr. M. Ilnrr mid faintly arrived In Lin coln Thursday morning from Johannesburg, South Africa. Mr. Darr is a brother of L. Darr and it Is hi intention to locate in this city. Mr. nml Mm. A Hiirlbut will bo nt home to n party of friend on two occasions next week, Wednesday nml Thursday evenings when high II vo will 1hj tho center of attrac tion. Mr. Austin Hanks nml son llertle, will leave for their home, Denver, Col., on Tues day next, after u threo months visit to her sister tho Mis lllalrs, 1201 K st. Mr. II. C. Northnni ba gotioto lllalr, Neb., where noxt Monday ho will wed Mix liortio Cook, a highly esteemed young lady, former ly a resilient of this city. Captain Edgar 8. Dudley, formerly pro fessor of military tactic at tho state univer sity wn In the city it few day till week on hi way to LosAiigulcx. Mr. F. P, Wiggins mid sister, Miss Hnttlo Pitcher, of Cedar Rapids, la,, aro tho guests of Mr. ami Mr. P. W. Townseiul, Thirty seventh mid P street. Mi 8, C. M. Caldwalder and family left Wednesday evening over tho Missouri Pn clllo for 8an Atitoula, Tex,, where they make their future homo. Hon. F. 8. White, Judge S. M. Chapman and Dyrou Clarke of Plattsmouth passed through the cltv Tuesday on a hunting trip through Nebruskn. Hon. R. 11. Graham and Mr. Graham de parted Monday for St. Louis. After attend ing the carnival they will leave for a visit to Hot Spring, Ark. Mr. nud Mr. Grllllth and their daughter, Helen of Carthage, Ills., are tho guest of Professor and Mr. L. F. M. Easterday, 2320 Vino street. Tho Y. P. 8. O. E. of the Plymouth Con gregntlount church meet overy Sunday eve ning nt O.iiO o'clock. All are cordially Invit ed to attend. Ml Ella Spraguo returned to her homo In Dolle-Plnlno Ind., Thursday after a very pleasant visit with Mr. E. C. Wldmnn of this city. Wnrd en Hopkins aud Chaplain Ho wo left Tuesday morning as delegates to tho nation al prison cougross which convene at Pitts burg. Mr. W. M. Ateinethy of Kansas City re turned home Tuesday after a very pleasant visit with Mr. and J. H. Miller, ltlll Q street. Mr. and Mr. A. R. Greene and daughter, Miss Nellie of Gilead, Mich., aro visiting Mr. and Mr. George Dlgelow In thl city. Mr. Susie U. Mooro left Wednesday for Nile, Mich., after an extended visit with her nephew, Gran Ensign of this city. Mr. L. Wetsel, Jr., will return Monday from St. Joseph where she tin been visiting her parent for tho ast week. Mr. J. M. Weber I visiting in St. Louis, the guest of his son who is a member of tho faculty of the university. Mr. and Mr. G. C. St. John departed Wednesday for Now York city where they expect to spend the winter, Mr, S. II. Mnllory of Charlton, In., mid hi private secretary, D. J. Thayer arrived in the city Monday. Mr. R. R. Randall left Monday evening for Springfield, Ill's., Baltimore aud other eastern cities. Mr. 8. C. Langwoithy returned Tuesday from 8ewnrd whore he ha been spending tho summer. Mrs. L. Lelberman returned Wednesday from a five week's visit among friends in Davenport la. Mr. J. H. Harley started Wednesday on his annual business excursion to the eastern markets. MissC. V. Scott and Mr. E A'hedon lett Thursday for New York to spend the winter. Mr. W. W. Turner and Mr. C II. Bowman have gone to Sioux City to attend the corn palace. , MKs Grace Morton left Thursday for Ham burg la., to attend the wedding of her cou sin. Lieutenant-Governor Ray of Illinois Is the guest of L. G. Baldwin of University Place. Mis Pauline Goldsmith after a several days visit in Omaha returned home Tnetlny. Mr. Fred C. Sholes left t .Is week for the Black Hill to be gone a week or ten days. Mr Abe Hirtch, of the Hlrtch Hide Co., Quincy, III., was in Lincoln yesterday, Mr. A. W. Mane left Thursday morning to visit among friend in Kansas City. Mr. John L. Webster of Onnha spent a few day in the city thl week. Mr. McCoy of Omaha was the guest of Mr. J, B. Cunnlng'ham this week. Mr. A. E. Pike, Kllpatrlck-Koch manager wa in Omaha yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hubbard left this week for Sioux City, la. Captain and Mr. . 8. Dudley left Tues day lor Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. H. R. NissleY I vUltlmr at her old I home, Wasesa, Minu. city wns In the city this week. Hon. James M, Woolworth of Omaha 1 In the city thl week. Mr, U. E. .Montgomery left Tuesday Smith Center, Ko. Mr. II. P, Waggoner of Atchison wn for In tho city this week. Mr. 8, E- Root departed Tuesdny for DutteCity, Mont. Mls Jonnlo illnlr linn returned from Hot Spring, Dakota. Mr, mid Mr. V, J, Chandler spent tho week lu Chicago. Mis Kntle Mitchell left Tuesday afternoon for Sioux City. Mr. William R. Frost depirUd Tuesday for Keokuk, la Miss Nellie De.Mars I visiting fi lends In DuhU(Ue, Itma. Dr. II. K. Kenuaii departed Kriday for Macomb, III, Miss Mary Smith has returned front the Black Hill. Mr, John Cunningham went to Omahn eilnesdny. Mr. J. K. Grllllth departed Thursday for Chicago. Fifteen yards flue black dress silk also ti limning to match. Will trade for phae ton Addicss Jones, cnio Courier, A ha la-en noted lu these columns befoie, the matrimonial market Is 011 a great boom likowho dues Hallett diamond department lioom, for where there marriage, tliero also Is tho precious nml lusty emblem, tho din niond eugngemeiit ling nud of course being heailitiartor., Hallett has sold a largo ma jority of these dainty circle. Tho wedding ring, nlson particular nud tnsty emblem, is also found at Hallett' in the newest shnH nml In abundant variety. In fact nowaday Hallett is headiiiatter for every thing In tho Jewelry lino that Is requisite to the hap piness of a wedding occasion. Thl of course includes a beautiful lino of diamonds, watches, clocks nud llverwnre, nil in the latest designs nml at living prices. All the Comfort or Homo" is the title of one of Chorion Krolinmus Lyceum theatre successes nml tho striking picture that tho various scenes present nre as truo to life as they aro natural and enjoyable to tho auditor. In this great play Mr. Kroli man ha one ot hi greatest drawing cards. We have a ttriu lu Lincoln ttiat in presenting "All tho Comfort of Home" nre fully ns suc cessful as Mr. hrohmnn and herein is mndo reference to the well known nud 'popular mercantile tiou-K' of Imle Moycr & Co., 104 uoi th Tenth street. Just now this firm Is supplying hundred of Lincoln home with dry goods in profusion, including a magnifi cent lino of dress goods, Hnnuels, blankets, comfortables, yarns, and all tho other winter comforts, whllo in the grocery department this firm shows u llnoof goods, both Imported nud domestic, that cannot bo duplicntoil else where. Of course they keep all the staples in this lino as well as tho delicious canned goods nud delicatessen In vurletyJsiillK'ient to tempt the appetite from tho most lowly to the exnlted mid highest ruler of the laud. Louie Meyer & Co. mo not now to Lincoln housekeepers. Thoy havo catered to n desir able patronage for fifteen years, studied their overy wnut mid If there Is anything in tho dry goods or grocery lino that they do not supply and supply at reasonable prices, then certainly they cannot elsewhere bo found. Call on them and see their new dry goods embracing the latest from a fashionable mm ket and everything pure, fresh nud re liable lu the grocery line. Wt-ilillng Invitations. We are headquarters for these goods nud furnish them from tho cheapest printed card to the finest engraved work. Ha lug had seven yenra experience wo keep jiosted on the most stylish designs absolutely cor rect forms, etc. All we ask Intending pur chasers 1 to call aud Inspect sample of the work we are daily turning out. ll!H N street. Winter Is Here and likewise is Hutchins & Hyatt the pio neer coal dealers of Lincoln, who have in the past ten years sold thousands uf tons of coal and wood to cheer our home during the cold season. This firm is now prepared to handle all order and promptly deliver same lu any quantity. Their specialty in nthracite, is the well known Scrnnton coal, while in bi tuminous, they handlejauioug othei s, tho ciltj brated Canon City, Rock Springs, Meudota nml Vulcan. Besides those Uutchius & Hyatt have most anything in the coal and wood Hue that you may want. Cull in nt 10-10 O street or ling up phono 225. To the Ladles. Mrs. C. J. Todd, lias just returned from Chicago, aud is now prepared to give her patrons the latest styles in dress malting. Best class of work solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. 102.") O street. All meals nt Odell's new dining hall re duced to twenty cents. No credit and no ticket to anyone. The meals are same as formerly and the pi ice lower than ever. This inures the board nt Odell's cheap and he best in the state forthe money, The Whltebreast Coal and l.lme company is always at the front supplying the lluest gindes ot all kind of coal One hundred tlneot engraved calling cards and plate only fJ.W nt Wessel Prlutlng Co., 1130 N street. Grand cloak exhibit at Herolsheiiuer & Co. Ladle and children's clonks In the greatest variety at the lowest prices. Now Is the tune to get stoves for the win ter. Dunham & Buck have a big line of nil the finest makes. They also repair old stoves, set them up aud furnish parts needed at reasonable cost. Call, 1120 O street or tel ephone of.'. Ladles hair dreHhi, O street. Miss Johnston, 111 The Peniutular base burner is the latest Improved heater In the market. Before buy ing, call and see a full line at Dunham 6z Buck, 1120 O street. Commutation tickets at Brown' restau rants (good at either place), five dollars for lour dollars. This makes prices lower than any other place lu the city when the prices charged 011 bill of fare is considered . Ladles will consult their best interests by ordeilug their meat nud game nt Chlpmsn and Sheen, 1341 O street. All ordeis either lu jwson or over telephone 1M) will be promptly delivered. Wedding invitations Wessel Printing Co. Mr. J. W, Cnrliloof Creto was In tho n fow da) thl week. .Mr, GeoigoN. Fortwiunii of Oumlia JBflEii&D ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST ! J 1a WINGeRSCO. 1109 0 STREET, ACOM HEATERS ACOM RANGES Dangler Gas Heating and Cooking s t o v e s. W. B. WOLCOTT, Telephone 273. 230 South Eleventh St. sB H V ialllllB aiaaaMiaaULJ HIGH WATER MAlth' AS iEEAT REACHED N OUi ENDEAVORS TO SECURE THE LATEST NOVE.TES AV PAPER AXGNGS. THEY ARE WELL WORTI LVSPECTNG. THE INTERIOR DECORATIVE CO. 1134 N A. C. ZlKMKlt, President. SEE OUR LADIES' FINE CAMEL'S HAIR COMBINATION i -& i i UNDERWEAR sx $2.25 A SUIT THE BEST IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. Wo are nlli-r'nir bargains Hint you cannot resist In llio following depart ment. t'LOAKH. DltKSs noons, IILAN'ICKTS, HOSIERY AND UN DEHWKAIl Heo our stock before buying oNewhcre. NEW SENTIMENTAL SONGS. The lilies are quite its tlty ami family mote idiotic Imil those of 11 good many drauiiig-room favot iles.) ''Darling, Slumber Wbllo You Wnko." "I Loved Theo ero I Loved Thee." "My Knlr Brunette." "Blow. Getitlo storm." "List to I lie Noiseless Murmur V.V.omJ Memories of Day to Come." "The silvery .. lm',,f'o Beumlng." '-Tho Forest Mermaid." Hoc, Hi """B " i"i--v.iiis iiry." --nil, do Tiiy Hhnilow Ever llrlKht!" "fahariin llout Bone." "Oh. Budiller than the Lily." -TIs Joy to Grieve for I lieo. "Wo never Mi.t. nml Vn- m- vnri .ti. llano's l-nrcwell to his Grandson." "The Dumb (llrP Song " "Tho Gallant Fleet of Switzerland." "NowthoMoinlng sun li Setting." "Oh, find I tho nine of m Wild Gazelle." "Sweet Tresses Wreathed in Smiles." "Nonih, Thy Closed Eye on 1110 Onzlng." "In Death I'll Llvo for Thee." "Oh. Play to Me tho Htrluiiless Lute." STREET. Cam. Ei.wiuk, Mnunger AT . WJ J