Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 10, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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I Test Token rrum Wiilin m 111. 3, "To
. Thli Rnl Vn I llor" Au A bin llli
cnurtn lrwnlnl lijr hii lniirttlvn
IlltooKLYN, Oct, 4. A most Impressive
ceuo Is Hint wltiMwcil In tlio llrooklyn
Tabernacle, when nt tho opening of the
moriiltiK service seven thousand portion
an tho main lloor, In t ho two galleries nud
Uio. ndjolnlng rooms, rUo and slug t lit
Doxology This morning In addition la
Uiscongrcgntlnual singing Professor Henry
Eyro llrowtie rendered from tliu organ,
"Theme nml Vnrliitttiim In A," by Kramer
Dr. Talniago's text wns taken from John
vlll, !1T, "To thin end wns I born."
After Pllnto Imil suicided, triulltlon niiyn
tlist his body wns thrown Into tlio Tiber.
ml such storms ensued on nnd nbont Hint
river Hint his body wits taken out nnd
thrown Into tlio Illume, nnd similar dis
turbances swept Hint river mid Its banks.
Then tlio body was taken out mid lo
moved to Iniisnuiio mid put Into n deeper
pool, which Imtiieillntcly becmno I ho center
of similar ntmnsphorlo nud aiiicous dis
turbances. Though these are fnucifiil nud
false trndltloiiH thoy show the uxecrntlon
with which tlio world looked upon Pilule
it wns beforo this mini when he was In full
llfonnd power that Christ wns arraigned us
In n court of oyer nud terminer. Pilule
Mid to his prlMinor, "Art Hum n king,
thenf" nnd Jesus nuswered. "To this end
was I born." Sum enough, although nil
earth nnd hell arose to keep iiliu down, he
la todny cmpnlnced, outbrotied mid con
Bated king of earth and king of heaven.
'To this end wns I born." That Is wlmt
ho camo for and thnt wns what ho accom
plished. Bytho tlmo a child reaches (on years of
ago the pnrcnta begin to (Uncover thnt
child's destlnyt but bytho tlmohoor the
ranches II ft eon years of ago tho question
toon the child's llpst "Wlmt mn 1 to bof
What am I going to bef What was I
sade forr" It la n sensible nml righteous
question, ami the youth ought to keep on
aking it until It Is so fully nuswered thnt
the young mnn or the i young woman can
My with aa much truth as its author,
though on a less expansive scnlo, "To this
nd was I born."
There li too much divine skill shown In
the physical, mental and moral constitu
tion of the ordinary human being to sup
pose thnt he waa constructed without any
divine purpose, if you take mo out on
omevAst plain and show mo a pillared
temple surmounted by a dome llko St,
Peter's, and having a floor of precious
tones, And arches thnt must havo taxed
the brain of the greatest drnftsmnn to de
sign, and walls scrolled and niched and
paneled and wainscoted and painted, and I
hould Ask you wlmt this building was
Sat up for, And you answered, "For noth
ig at all," how could I believe your
And It ia Impossible for mo to bellovo
that any ordinary human being who has
In bis muscular, nervoua and cerebral or
ganisation more wonders than Christopher
Wren lifted in St. Paul's, or Phidias ever
chiseled on the Acropolis, and built in such
s way that it shall last long after St. Paul's
cathedral la as much a ruin as tho Parthe
non thst such a being was constructed
for no purpose, and to executo no mission,
and without any divine intention toward
soma end. The object of this sermon is to
kelp you to find out what you are mads
tor, and help you And your sphere and as
sist you into that condition where you can
My with certainty And emphasis and en
thusiasm and triumph. "To this end was I
First, I discharge you from all responsi
bility for most of your environments. You
are not responsible for your parentage or
grandparentage. You aro not responsible
for any of the cranks that may hnvo lived
in your ancestral line, and who a hundred
years before yon were born may hnvo lived
s style of Ufa that more or less affects you
today. You Are not responsible for the
fact that your temperament Is sanguine
or melancholia or bilious or lymphatlo or
nervous. Neither are you responsible for
the place of your nativity, whether among
the granite hills of New England, or .he
cotton plantations of Louisiana, or on tho
banks of the Clyde, or the Dnieper, or the
Shannon, or the Seine. Neither are you re
sponsible for the religion taught in your
father's house, nor the Irrellgion. Do not
bother yourself about what you cannot
kelp, or about circumstances that you did
not decree.
Take things as they are and decide the
question so that you shall be able safely to
My, "To this end whs I born." How will
yon decide ttf Dy direct application to the
only Being In the universe who is corape
. tsnt to tell you tho Lord Almighty. Do
l''you know the reusou why he Is the only
one who can tell? Because he can see
everything between your cradle and your
grave, though the grave be eighty years
oft And, besides that, he Is tho only be
ing who can see what has been happening
for the last five hundred years In yvur au
otstral line and for thousands of years
clear back to Adam, and there Is not one
person In all that ancestral Hue of six
thousand years but tins somehow affected
your character, and even old Adam him
self will sometimes turn up In your dispo
sition. The only belug who can take all
things that pertain to you luto considera
tion is God, and he is the one you can ask.
Life is so short we have no time to experi
ment with occupations and professions.
The reason we have so many dead fail
ures is that parents decide for children
what they shall do, or children themselves,
wrought on by some whim or fancy, decide
for themselves without any Imploratlon
of divine guidance. So we have now in
pulpits men making sermons who ought to
be in blacksmith shops making plowshares,
and we have In the law those who Instead
of ruining the coses of their clleuts ought
to be pounding shoe lasts, and doctors who
are tho worst hindrances to their patients'
convalescence, And artists trying to paint
landscapes who ought to be whitewashing
board fences. While there are others mak
ing bricks who ought to be remodeling
constitutions, or shoving planes who ought
to be transforming literatures. Ask God
about what worldly business you shall un
dertake until you are so positive you can
in earnestness smite your band on your
, plow handle, or your carpenter's bench, 01
your Blockstono'a "Commentaries," or
your medical dictionary, or your Dr.
Dick's "Didactic Theology," saying, "For
this end was I born."
There are children who early develop
natural affinities for certain styles of work.
When the father of the astronomer Forbes
wm going to Londou be asked his children
what present 'e should bring each one of
them. The boy who was to be au astrono
bmt cried out, "Bring me a telescope!"
And there art children whom you And nil
by themselves drawing on their slates, or
on paper, ships or houses or birds, mid you
know they are to budrnftmncti or artlMsof
sumo kind And you Mud others cypher
lug out dllllcult problems with ram Inter
est and success, and you know they aro to
bo mathematicians. And others making
wheels nud strange contrivances, and ynu
know they are going (o bo machinists
And others are found experimenting with
boo nud plow mid sickle, and you know
they will (mi farmers. And others aro al
wnvs mvnnnlnu lnnkktilvi or linlls or lint.
and making something by tlio bargain, nud
thoy aro going to bo uierchnnts.
When Abho do llnnco had so ndvnuced
in studying Greek that ho could translate
Auncreoii at twolvo years of nge, there
was no doubt left that ho was Intended for
a scholar. Hut In almost ovcry lad Hiito
comes a llin? when ho does not know what
he was uiMile for, and his parents do not
know, and It Is a crisis thnt God only can
dt'L'lilo. Then there nro thoso born for soma
especial work, and their fitness does not
dovulop until (iiito Into. When Philip
Doddrldgo, whoso sermons and books hnvo
harvested uncounted souls for glory, be
gan to study tho ministry, Dr. Calauiy,
ono of tho wisest nnd best mon. ndvlscd
him to turn his thoughts to somo other
work. Isaac Marrow, tho oinlnont clergy
man mid Christian scientist his books
standard now, though ho has been dead
over two hundred years was tho dlsheart-
eimiout or his father, who used so say that
If It pleased God to tnko any of hlichlldren
away ho hoieil It might bo his son Isaac.
So soino of thoso who liavo been character
I .cd for their stupidity In boyhood or girl
hood havo turned out tho mightiest bene
factors or benefactresses of tho huiniin race.
TIicno things being so, am I not right In
saying that in many cases God only knows
what Is tho most approprlato thing for you
to do, mid ho Is tho ono to ask. And let
all parents mid nil schools and all univer
sities and all colleges rccognIr.o this, nnd n
largo number of thoso who spent their best
years In stumbling nbout nmong busi
nesses nnd occupations, now trying this
and now trying Hint, nnd falling In nil,
would bo nblo to go ahead with a definite,
decided and tremendous purpose, saying,
"To this cud was 1 born."
But my subject now mounts into tho
momentous. Ixt mo say that yon nru
mado for usefulness and heaven. I judge
this from the wny you nro built. You aa
into a shop whero thcro Is only ono wheel
turning and that by a workman's foot on
a treadlo, and say to yourself, "Hero is
soniothrnjj good being done, yet on a small
scale;" but If you go into a factory cover
ing many ncrcs, nnd you find thousands of
bands pulling on thousands of wheels, and
shuttles flying, ami the whola sceno bewil
dering with activities, driven by wntor, or
steam, or electric power, you conclude that
tlio factory was put up to do great work
and on a vast scale. Now, I look nt you,
and If I should find that you hnd only one
faculty of body, only ono muscle, only one
nerve, if you could see but could not hear,
or could hear and not sco, if you had tho
use of only ono foot or ono hand, and, as to
your hlghor nature, If you had only ono
mental faculty, nnd you had memory but
no Judgment, or Judgment but no will, and
if you had a soul with only ono capacity, I
would say not much Is expected of you.
But stand up, O man, and let mo look
you squarely In the face I Eyes cnpablo of
seeing everything. Ears crtpablo of hear
ing everything. Hands capable of grasp
ing everything. Mind with more wheels
than any factory ever turned, more power
than Corliss engluo ever moved. A soul
thnt will outlive all tho universe, except
heaven, and would outlive all heaven If
the llfo of other Immortals were a moment
short of the eternal. Now, what has the
world a right to expect from youf What
hns God a right to demand of youf God Is
the greatest of economists in' tho universe,
aud he makes nothing uselessly, mid for
what purpose did ho build your body, mind
and soul as they nro bulltf
There nre only two beings In thouniverso
who can answer that question. Tho angels
do not know, The schools do not know.
Your kindred cannot certainly know. God
knows, and you ought to know. A factory
running at an expenso of (500,000 n year,
and turning out goods worth seventy cents
a year would not bo such an incongruity
as you, O man, with such seml-inflnlte
equipment doing nothing, or next to noth
ing, in tho way of usefulness. "What
shall 1 do" you ask. My brethren, my
sisters, do not ask mo. Ask God.
There's some path of Christian useful
ness open. ,It may bo a rough pnth, or it
may be a smooth path, a long path or a
short path. It may bo on a mount of con
splculty or In a vnlley unobserved, but It
Is n path on which you can start with such
faith aud such satisfaction and such cer
tainty that you can cry out In the facu of
earth and hell and heavcu, "To this end
was I born." Do uot wait for extraordi
nary qualifications. Philip tho Conqueror
gained his greatest victories sentcd on n
mule, and if you wait for some capnrisoued
Bucephalus to ride Into the conflict you
will never get into the world wide fight at
alL Samson slew the lord's enemies with
tho Jawbone of the stupidest beast created.
Shumgnr slew six hundred of the Lord's
enemies with an ox gond. Under God
recllon. I consulted my own tnstes. I
liked lawyers and courtrooms mid Judges
nnd Juries, and I reveled In hearing the
PrelltighiijjseiiN aud tho Hradleys of the
New Jersey bar, nnd as assistant of the
county clerk, nt sixteen vears of age, I
searched titles, foreigners,
recorded .Iced, received the confession of
Judgments, snore witnesses mid Juries
nnd grand Juries Hut after nwliilo 1 felt
a call to the (impel ministry and entered
It, and I felt sumo satisfaction In the work.
Hut ono summer, when I was
spittle cured tho blind man's eyes In thu
Now Testament story. Tako all the fac
ulty you have aud snyi "O Lord, hero Is
what 1 have. Show mo tho Held and back
mo up by omnipotent power Anywhere,
anyhow, any time for God."
Two men riding on horseback came to a
trough to water the horses. While tho
horses were drinking, one of the men said
to the other a few words ubout the value
of the soul, and then they rode away, and
In opposite directions. But tho words ut
tered were the salvation of the one to
whom they were uttered, and he became
the Rev. Mr. Champion, one of the most
distinguished missionaries In heathen
lauds, for years wondering who did for him
tho Christian kindness, and not finding
out until, In a bundle of books sent him to
Africa, he found the biography of Bralnerd
Taylor and a picture of him, and the mis
sionary recognized the face In that book as
the mnn who, at the waterlug trough for
horses, bad said the thing that saved his
soul. What opportunltlss you have had
in the past. What opportunities u have
now. What opportunities ypu MM have
in the days to cornel N -jgj t
Put on your bat, oh, woman, this after
noon, and go In and comfort that young
mother who lost her babe lost summer. Put
on your hat, oh, mon, nnd go over and see
that merchant who was compiled yester
tenlay to make an assignment, nnd tell
him of the everlasting riches remaining for
all those who e.rve the Lord. Can you
slngf Go nnd sing for that man who can
not get well, and you will help him Into
heaven. Let It be your brain, your tongue,
youreyes, yourears, your heart, yourlungs,
your hands, your feet, your body, your
mind, your soul, your life, your death, your
time, your eternity for God, feeling in your
soul, "To this end win I born."
It may be helpful to some if I recite my
own experience in this regard. I started
for the law without asking any divine dl
u to
i..urge a
blinron Springs, mid whllo seated In tho
park of that village, I said to myself, "If I
hnvumi especial work to do In tho world I
ought to Hud It out now," nud with that
deteriiiliiitliiii I prayed as i had nover be
low prayed, mid got the dlvlno direction,
and wrote It down In my memorandum
book, and I saw my llfo work then as
plainly as I see It now
Oh, do uot bo satlslled with general di
rections. Get specific directions. Do not
shoot at random Tuku aim mid flro.
Concent rati). Napoleon's success In but
tle cainu from his theory of breaking
through tliu enemy's ranks at ono point,
not trying to meet the w hold lino of the
enemy's forcu by u slmllnr forco. One rea
son why ho lost Waterloo was because ho
did not work his usual theory, nnd spread
his forcu out over a wldo range. Oh,
Cliilstlnn man, oh, Christian woman,
break through somewhere. Not a gen
eral engagement for God, but n particular
engagement, anil miuie Hi answer to pray,
er. If there are sixteen hundred million
people In thu world, then there nro sixteen
hundred million different missions to ful
fil I, dlllYrcnt styles of work to do, different
orbits in which to revolve, nnd If you do
not get the dlvlno direction thcro nro at
least fifteen hundred mid nlnety-nlno mil
lion DossllillltleH tlml. vim will n.l.. .. ...I..
. .. ,.... rf .... .... f. nils- i
tako. On your knees beforo God get the
matter settled so that you can firmly Nay,
"lo tills end was I horn,"
And now I como to tho climacteric con
sideration. As near as I can tell, you were
built for h happeternlty, all tho disasters
which havo happened to your nature to be
overcome by the blood of tho Lamb If you
will heartily accept that Chrlstly arrange
menu Wo nre all rejoiced nt tho Increase
in human longevity. People live, as nenr
as I enn observe, about ten years longer
than t hey used to. The modern doctors do
not bleed their patients on all occasions ns
did tho former doctors. In thoso times If
a man had fover they bled him, If ho had
consumption they bled him, If ho had rheu
matism they bled him, nnd If they could
not mnko out exactly what was tho mntter
they bled him. Olden tlmo phlebotomy
wns denth's coadjutor. All this hns
rrom the wny I seo people
nbout nt eighty years of age, I
una mo insurance companies w ,
chango their table of risks, mid
mail no more piomlum nt sovontv than
they used to do when he wns sixty, and no
moro premium at fifty thnn when lie was
forty. By tho advancement of medical
sclencomid tho wider ncqunlntnnce with
tho laws of health, mid thu fact thnt peo
ple know better how to tnke enro of them
selves, human llfo Is prolonged. But do
you realize what, after all, Is the brevity
of our earthly stater In tho times when
people lived soven and eight hundred
years, tho patriarch Jacob snld thnt his
years were fow.
Looking nt the life of tho youngest per
son in this assembly nnd supposing he
lived to be a uonngenarlan, how short the
time and soon gone, whllo banked up In
front of us Is an cternltyso vast that arith
metic lias not figures enough to express Its
length or breadth or belgbu For a happy
eternity you were born unless you run
yourself agattist the dlvlno intentions. If
standing In your presenco my eye should
fnll upon tho feeblest soul herons that soul
will appear when the world lets It up, nnd
heaven entrances ft, I suppose I would bo
so overpowered that I should drop down
as ono dead.
You havo examined tho family Blblo
nnd explored tho family records, nnd you
may have daguerreotypes of somo of the
kindred of previous generations, you havo
hnd photographs taken of what you were
in boyhood or girlhood, nnd whnt you
wero ten yenrs Inter, and It Is very Interest
ing to nny ono to bo nbleto look back upon
pictures of what he was ten or twenty or
thirty years ngo; but have you ever had n
picture taken of what you may bo and
what you will lie If you seek after God and
feel tho Spirit's regenerating power
Whero shall 1 plant the camera to tako
the picture? I plant it on thlo platform.
I direct It toward you. Sit still or stand
still while I take the picture. It shall be
an Instantaneous picture. There! I havo
IU It is done. You cnu seo the picture in
Its Imperfect stato and get some Idea of
what it will be when thoroughly developed.
There Is your resurrected body, so bril
liant thnt the nooudny sun Is n patch of
midnight compared with lu Thcro Is your
soul, so pure that nil tho forces of diabo
lism could not spot it with an imperfec
tion. There is your being, so mighty mid
o swift that flight from heaven to Mer
cury or Mars or Jupiter and back again to
heaven would not weary you, nnd a world
on each shoulder would not crush you. An
eyo that shall nover shed a tear. An en
ergy that shall never feel a fatigue. A
brow that shall never throb with imin.
. ... .. .
us could say that we would go with faces
shining nnd hopes exhllaraut amid earth's
worst misfortunes mid trials. Only a lit
tle while and then the rapture. Only a
little while and then thu reunion. Only n
little while mid then tho transfiguration.
lit the Seventeenth century nil Kttropo
was threatened with a wnvu of Asiatic bar
barism, mid Vienna 'vasespeclnlly besieged.
Tliu king mid his court had fled, nnd noth
ing could snve thu city from belug over
renting at whelmed unless thu king of Poland, John
Sohleskl, to whom they hail sent for help,
should, with bis army, como down for the
relief; mid from every roof mid tower tho
Inhabitants of Vienna watched and waited
and hoped, until on the morning of Sept.
11 the rising sun throw mi unusual and
unparelleled brilliancy. It was tho rcllec
Hon on the swords mid shields and helmets
of John Soblekl mid his nrniy coining
down over the hills to tlio rescuu; mid that
nay, not oniy Vienna, hut Kurope, was1
saved, And st.-u you not, oh, yo souls, lo
sieged with sin mid sorrow, that light '
breaks In, thu swoids, mid tho shields, mid
tho helmets of dlvlnu rescue bathed In the '
rising sun of heavenly dellvuraiw:u Let '
everything elsu go lather than let heaven I
go. What a Htrmigo thing It must bo to (
feel olio's self born to an earthly crown, ;
uui juii iinvo oeuu ooruiorn tlirouu on
which you may reign after tho Inst mon
arch of all tho earth shall havo gouu to
I Invito you to start now for your own
coronation, to comu lu mid tako thu tltlu
deeds to your everlasting Inheritance
Through an Impassioned prayer take
heaven and all of its raptures. What a
poor farthing Is all that this world can
offer you compared with pardon here mid
llfo Immortal beyond the stars, unless this
sldu of them there lie a place large enough
, nun neaiiiiiiii enough ami grnntl enough
for nil tho ransomed. Wherever it be, In
i what world, whether near by or far awny,
! In this or somu other constellation, hall
home of light and lovu and blessednessl
Through thu atoning mercy of Christ, may
wo nil get, tnerol
Operating in u Pot Hog.
A friend of mlno owns u skyu terrier,
now 8 years old, of which she Is very fond.
when tho llttlu fellow wns about a year
old a very savagu cat Jumped at him
without the slightest provocation and
scratched his left eye, from the effects of
which a cataract formed mid nfter two
yean caused blindness In that eye. From
sympathy a cataract formed gradually
over tho other eye, mid last summer he be
cmno totally blind. Somo years beforo tho
second eyo becumo affected the owner took
Teddle (such Is his uame) to an eyo mid
ear hospital of this city mid had nn opera
tion performed on tho oyo which tho cat
had scratched.
Ono of tho physlclnns attached to tho
hospital was tho operator, and ho was sur
rounded by other physicians, by assistants
and nurses, nil of whom were deeply In
terested. Tho owner held tho dog In 'her
lap, cocaluo was administered, aud Teddle
did not move uutll a deep cut caused him
to give a llttlo cry. Tho operation was a
failure; the cataract was so hard that thu
Instrument slipped. It was llko working
on n pleco of marble.
Later on, the same doctor performed tho
operation painlessly on two different occa
sions on tho same eye, with no better suc
cess than tho first time; but ho was willing
to try it ngnln and cut off the cataract en
tirely, but it would bo neces&nry to chloro
form the dog, hh tho pain would otherwise
bo too greaU Teddlo's mistress was nt the
same time Informed that he might die
from tho affects of tho nnrusthetlc, mid sho
would not tako tho risk of losing her peu
A few months ago, however, she changed
her mind and determined to allow It to bo
chloroformed, preparatory to tho fourth
operation. The doctor, upon examining
tho eyo, told her that nature had done
what tho threo operations had failed to do.
Teddlo had evidently struck himself
against something which had loosened one
ui tnu lunR-ra oi mo catnract wuicn now
swings to and fro llko a curtain, mid en
ables him to seo enough to get around
without hurting himself. So tho fourth
oiieratlon was not found necessary. Now
York Epoch.
Dhl tho Tiger Mnko u Mistake?
On May 13, at the village of Hebool, in
the Ankoln subdivision of tho district of
Knunra, a largo tiger was killed under the
followlug strango nnd tragic circum
stances! Shortly nfter sunset a womnn of
the cultivnting class was gathering fallen
fruit under a small clump of mango trees
on the edgo of a rlco Held not moru than
100 paces from her dwelling.
Suddenly from n shallow, dry ditch,
which rau close by the spot, a tiger, which
hnd apparently stalked tho woman under
Its cover, sprang on her, seized her by the
back of the neck and boro her to the
ground. Her shrieks of agony brought
out a neighbor s. h u housu was not more
than fifty paces away, mid who then saw
the tiger standing on tho high ground
above tho ditch at some little distance from
the body of his victim. There thu animal
seems to havo remained until tho arrival
of the patel mid n Mohiiuiiuedmi with a
loaded gun. Thoy had heard tho outcry of
the llrst eyewitness from where thoy wero
sitting in thu oatel's house, not less than a
uarter of u nn'o distant.
You are young again, though you died of I 4UC """'"nwinn. wiin commendable
decrepitude. You nro well again, though pro"Mle.cMlii mid pluck, succeeded
you coughed or shivered yourself nto th" unhV'TY1 ,0 lbi" tUT t0,k!"
tomb. Yourevervdav iUnl.tM r- .,,, bim with one ,ot. An examination of thu
apostles and prophets and martyrs, and corp?, ,,"owe,, V V , r "m1rk!,. '"J"'?
most exalted souls, masculine and feml I " '7'. $ the teeth of the tiger
nine, of all tho centuries. The archangel
to you no embarrassmenU God L.mself
your present and everlasting Joy. That
is an Instantaneous plcturo of what you
may be, And what I am sure some of you
will lie. If you realize that it is an Imper
fect picture, my apology Is what tho apos
tle John said, "It doth not yet appear
what wo shall be." "To this end was 1
born." If I did not think so 1 would be
overwhelmed with melancholy.
Tho world does very well for a little
while, eighty, or a hundred or a hundred
and fifty years, and 1 think that human
longevity may 'yet be improved up to that
prolongation, for now there is so little
room between our cradle mid our grave we
eaunot accomplish much, but who would
want to dwell In this world for nil eternity I
Some think this earth will dually be turned
into n heaven. Perhaps It may, but it
would hnvo to undergo radical repairs, and
through eliminations and evolutions and
revolutions and transformations infinite,
to make it desirable for eternal residence.
All the east winds would have to become
wet winds, mid all the winters changed to
springtides, and the volcanoes extin
guished, aud thu oceans chained to theii
beds, and the epidemics forbidden entrance,
aud the world so fixed up that I think It
would take more to repair this old world
than to make an entirely new one. But I
must say I do not care where heaven Is If
we can only get there, whether a garden
lsed America, or au emparndised Europe,
or a world central to the whole universe.
"To this end was I born." If each one of
He had lingered ntfther to drink the blood
nor to tasto tho f.',wh. For somo tlmo past
ho hod been frtS slaughtering cattle In
the neighborhood, but bad never attacked
a human being, and was apparently uu
wounded anil in good health.
May It not, then, bo fairly surmised, nska
the correspondent, that in the uncertain
light, owing to the dark dress and stooping
posture of the unfortunate woman, the
tiger mistook her fora qundruped,and wns
himself for the moment taken a buck nnd
alarmed nt his own act? Thnt he would
soon havo recovered himself and have re
turned to his meal had ho been undisturbed
there can lie little doubt. Times of India.
TaUpMthy lo Dreamt.
The mysterious Influence, telepathy,
manifests luelf In a form not very dissim
ilar when ono person dreams of that of
which another Is also dreaming of which
there nre many well authenticated In
stances. Or, again, two persons may nt
nbout the smue time dream of the samo
transaction lu which the two aro mutually
concerned. Blackwood's Magazine.
llellvf In tlie llonedioc.
The popular belief in tho horseshoe at
tained Its greatest diffusion nbout the end
of the last ceutury. Aubrey tells us that
in his tlmo most all the houses in West
Ioudon hnd a horseshoe over thu door.
Lord Nelson nailed oue to the mnst of the
Victory, miJ "Lucky" Dr. James used ono
as a crest for bis carriage, Su Louis Ho-
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