Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 10, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Choked in the Night.!
A Well Known Business Man
of Lincoln gives his Ex
periences as to the value of
"The Dennis Treatment"
for Catarrh.
Who lives at 8.1J North tJth street, Lin
coln, I one of the best known German In
the city, tuning lived hero for nearly
twenty 'five ears. Like most of our Ger
man cHIcn his word Is as gooil at hi
bond. He says: "I have had Catarrh for
ten year; would hawk ami spits took cold
eaMly ; my ears would feel (.topped up and
nose also. About Ave years ago my hear
ing began to fall and recently my throat
and lungs would choke up In the night
...iii, .11.,,,. nml I would nearly smother. I
could not rest and would get up In the
morning tired. My general health became
Impaired and I about two month ngo put
myself under Or. Dennis' treatment for
Catarrh. I am now Improved In every
way. I have, no more choking, no
more slime In no-e or throat and my hear
ing Is returning very much.
C. Warren Dennis, M. 1).
Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat 8urneon nml H'ic
lnllst!n Cntnrrli, cnuluntu of threo metlleni
college; 10 years' experience. Hundred or
ease successfully treated. Charges reason
able. Consultation free. Correspondence so
licited, l'ntloi'ts at u distance treated by
correspondence. References, many or tliu
bestpeoplo In Lincoln, who hnvu been cured.
Olllce, over First Nnllonnl Ha nk, lutli ami O.
Hour, 0 to 12, 2 to fi, and 7:W to S:30; Hnnday
8 to 5 p. in.
No matter what others do or say, we still
give you the
Newest and CLinpQ
Best Grades of O JQ J Lj O
At LOWER PRICES than others.
You can save money by buying your
Boots and Shoes of
1043 O Street.
Shirt Factory
To 1402 O Street.
In Its now location this establishment will
have better facilities than over for turning
out first-class work, auilau Inciensed line of
Gents' KnrnlshliiK (food will always bo on
mile. To our business lui been added n
In which garments of all kinds will bo made
to order and nuythlim' from tho smallest tin
(lert'uniiciil to the finest Dress or Clonk will
bo skillfully executed and Hindu on shoit
notice. In till department wo emnloy out
ofthobest cutler and tutors In tho country
and satisfaction Is imnrunteeil In every par
ticular. Our factory will hereafter be known
ns tho
Lincoln Shirt Mfg. Co.
A. Katzcnstelu, Hr., Manager.
Call nml seo us. Cor. llthand O Kt
Steam Laundry
2014-16 O Street,
Office 13B N. nth St.
Tele. 579.
Kino Hust Cabinets
rates to students. Cal
l;t ier dozen. Hpeclal
Call and see our work.
Open from 10 a. in. to 1 p. 111. Sundays
Studio, 1214O Street.
fflwm HI yrar I. l.dnirmiiVt'jr John II.
(lomlnln.lli').N .!' Ikl " ttftot,
I bulimy lift lkr ft. Initili. liut , ffttl
trth v.nuultkl)- l.nw I. .tn In in tit:
fluail.r ! Hi .lH. "' I""" )t'U jo
jll llt.Hi .etr-, .," i'mj ,-..w.
Ami-rim jt.u tut c,tiiii'Hi"l litin. ill
mir nil jcur fti liu.titiiuollo AlllmrM limtiijrMIIIKI
t,rr Mt'tkrr sm '" rurttUl.lnjr
. .!. lull hill Id) Hsrixit.
I'AifiuOi aiis mr " 'i
,lSII 10., IUHTI. Ml, ilK.
.il.lni I AHIIl.sllHUM l.ftlliri
A VIlAr: ! I utiilttukr totrlfflj
Itmcli njr (iil)' tult 1'irrul n f t tltr
tritMhtti r-u ml Miltr, aitl wlto,
ttlrr liitlrudl'MttMllI wk lm)iitlil uiljr,
Imw in tarti Ikrf 1 ltwiii lillar 1
Yrirliillivlr 'n lu- lltir Mhtrftrrtltry lltr I HlllaUafurnith
h ltulluu rtliil' hitil,al uliliJi ut Mil rittt tlial lui unl
ho inoiifv tot fiivuitli-t n ntfulai ittntr I nn m iI i(iI kv
Irtnivil I lr re tmt n wurkcr Iroiti ttnU UUtrK I r t.uitij I
tif alrftdy utfiil uj irothlrt! hIMi nn Ii wmiii imp
nuuiUr, h irn nrnklim on Oimhi ? tU lu.MIW
14 Hill. I II. I.ill .r1lrw!ir. I'll r.l Atl.lir- at t n ,
C AMJ:., llk 4)IU, Ant il. Aluliit
Washington gossip.
Prosldrut IliirrUiin itml Ills l.lttlo Jokw.
Jerry Hush nml III "Noon" llliinrrs.
(lo.slp of Trucy, W. U Scott, Urosvrnor
Cliirlouit nml Others.
IHpwIitl CorrcK)tidenco.
Washington, Oct. 8. Tlio statesmen
nru beginning to mnko their nppeurunco
in Washington to got ready for tho long
session of congress now approaching.
House and room hunting la now tho or
der of tho day, as all tho now senators
and representatives, anil many of tho
old ones, must (hid quarters for them
selves and their families. Tho initiated
know how to go about it, nml how to
avoid being taken in by rapacious laud
lords, and for tho benefit of tlioso who are
not initiated, I will tell them that if they
want a houso or a suite of rooms In this
city they will do well to put tho matter
in the hands of a real estate agent or
soino friend who will conceal tho fact
that tho quarters are wanted for a mem
ber of congress.
There is a sort of nnwritten law hero
that if a congressman will stand it he is
to bo always asked to pay about 110 per i
cent, more for a houso than any ono else.
Not that statesmen aio uudeslrablo ten
ants, but that, as a rule, thoy are too
proud to hunt around and hagglo for
terms. Tills is particularly true of tho
now congressmen, to whom a f,000 sal
ary looks as big as tho inconio of a Van
derbilt or a Gould. Two years ago a
friend of mine, a new member of con
gress, was about to sign a lease for a
houso hero at a rental of $1, 200 a year,
when ho happened to discover that tho
sumo promises had been ollered to an
other man for $700. When tho landlord
was taken to task about this ho replied:
Oh, that is nothing. Wo know you I
nvtu uiuiuuvi) (tins nu iiiiiujo ftoi
mcro from members than from other
people. If you hadn't told mo you were
u member I shouldn't have asked more
than 700 at tho start."
tttnfn o ittQitiltuv utttl iifn filiitfitfa nob
1 - 1- I
President Harrison is ono statesman
who doesn t have to worry nbmit finding
n houso In Washington, tlo knows
where ho is going to livo for at least a
year and a half to come. After that all
is uncertainty. Great preparations aro
being made at tho White Houso for tho
coming social Beacon. Mrs. Harrison
will havo to assist her Mrs. McKee, her
daughter and her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Russell Harrison. I hear a bevy of fair
friends from England aro coming over
to spend u week or two at tho executive
mansion friends who havo entertnined
Mrs. McKeo and Mrs. Harrison during
their sojourn abroad. Tho social allairs
at the White Houso aro always brilliant,
nml tills winter they nro expected to bo
unusually resplendent. Tlio old houso
never was so beautiful as it is today, and
it is well worth a long journey to seo it
when filled with the famous men and ,
women of tho capital.
1 advise nil my friends who read this '
letter to come down to Washington in I
January or February and tako a jeep at '
Washington society and participate in j
one of the White Houso receptions. '
There is no difficulty about getting in. 1
If an invitation be not extended to you
on your own account, call on your sen- !
ator or representative and tell him what
you want. Ho will tko you with him.
If lie doesn't, nover vote for him again. I
1 throw out this gentle hint in good
season, so that wives and daughters may ;
make an early start in their littlo cam
paigns against the pocketbooks of re
luctant husbands and fathers.
Speaking of tho president reminds me
that last week I was astonished to hear
that ho actually told a joke to 0110 of his
callers during business hours. President
Harrison is not much of a joker, and he
cares littlo for tho light sort of conversa
tion which with many men is a stock in
trade. As a rule tho president is, dur
ing business hours at least, very direct,
practical, earnest nnd serious, hut one ;
joke, nnd a joke on himself at that, lias
made such an impression on his mind t
that lie lias repeated it to several per-
sons Ex-Postmaster General Hutton '
was at the White House one day shortly
utter the president returned from his
trip to the Pacific coast, and he spoke of 1
the kindly manner in which the press.
without regard to politics, had spoken
of the president's speeches delivered dur
ing the tour.
"Yes." said General Harrison, "tho
press has treated me very kindly in
deed." "Well." said Ilatton. "they
were pretty good speeches: to tell you
the troth. Mr President, the best
speeches you ever made, in fact you
never talk so well ns when standing on 1
tlio end of a Pullman car. Why is it I
you can't make as good a speech at a
dinner or in a hall? If I were you, Mr
President, I would send to Mr. Pullman
nutl borrow a palace car and keep it out
here in the yard back of the White
House, and when a delegation calls upon 1
you and you have to make them a little
speech just adjourn the meeting to that
I part of tho yard where the cur is. Then
I you would always bo sure of saying
something worth listening to." Tho
president thinks this is a very good joke,
but as yet ho has not sent for the palace i
I asked a gentleman of high station
who was tho president's favoiite cabinet
minister. "If you mean his nearest per
sonal friend in the cabinet." ho replied,
"my answer of course is Attorney Gen
eral Miller They were, as you know,
law partners, and their friendship is of
long standing, very close and confiden
tial. After the attorney general, Secre
tary Tracy comes next in tho president's
affections. I have heard General Haiii
Min say that Xr Tracy was one of tho
I most lovable men he ever met, and ho
Icoiiiiiieiited on tiie fact that the only
I man lie took into his cabinet as a
stranger General Tracy and the presi
dent liad never met before the former
j came down to Washington to take his
I seat at the presidential council table
( hail ijuickly become one of his warmest
I personal friends and most valued ad
visers Secretary Tracy is indeed an admirable
tniiti plain, simple, sincere direct,
thoughtful of tho rights and feelings of
others, and with n tinge of unconscious
melancholy In his composition, placed
there by tho tragedy of two years ngo, to
make him more interesting and fascinat
ing. Ho has won the hearts of all the
newspaper men by his kind treatment of
them nhd his willingness to help them in
every way he can A correspondent who
called at tho secretary's houso ono recent
night said ho round Mr. Tracy Hitting in
Ills window smoking nml reading a
newspaper, and In his shirt sleeves. Tho
corresjwndont ollered to glvo his card to
tho servant at tho door, but tho servant
replied that a card was not necessary.
that .Mr 'lraoy made it n rulo to seel
every ono who wanted to see him. '
Uncle Jerry Husk is another favorite i
with President Harrison. Tho secretary I
of agriculture is, indeed, one of the most
popular men in Washington. He is as I
simple and unassuming as any farmer
full of good humor and dry wit. Prob-1
ably nothing better than his response to ,
the man who joked him because ho wit .
tho tall end of tho cabinet "Well, If 1 1
am tho tail end I will try to keep the
Hies on? this administration" has been
heard in Washington in many a day
Undo Jerry gets oil a good many thin.;-'
like that. I don't know another prom ,
nent man in Washington who goes to
boil nH t,nrly 8 Mr, lusl ,i,)0!,. t is
rare thing to find him up after I) o'clock
in the evening, and he likes to retire
about half past 8. Ho gets up at day
light and, farmerlike, takes a peep at
tho weather and comes in talking about
tho possibility of frost and tho progress
of tho corn crop. Another of Uncle Jer
ry's peculiarities is his liking for tho old
fashioned noon dinner. In Washington
every ono takes lunch at midday and
dinner at 0 or 7 in tho evening every
" V ' . .Y" "..."", ...:Jf" '.".. f, '
U.:i T ..Tr' o
o'clock sharp and his supiicr at U.
Tlio death of W. L. Scott has remind-
P1l n annA .,... i,oonl.i in Washington of
' ".- ---
tho days iti which tho Into tnillioimiro I
was n pago in tho houso of representa
tivca hero. Even at thnt early ago Scott '
(leveloiKHl a rumarkahlo facility for
money making. lie Baved up enough of I
Mh salary to buy a horse and wagon, and
iet tho ontflt t0 tl,0 KMttniMtor of tho
house at good rates. Ho took a contract
for carrying tho mails from tho railroad
to some country postofllces in Maryland,
and sublet tho contract at 11 profit. He
bought a piece of real estnto in Wash
ington out of his savings, and held to it
till he was able to get about fifty dollars
back for every ono put in. Wo havo a
young p:igo in tho houso now or ho was
in tho last house and hopes to bo in tho
next who has mado about $20,000 by
judicious investment of his savings in
Washington real estato. Some day no
doubt he. too. will bo a millionaire am
a statesman.
One of tho brightest, most manly lit
tle fellows ever seen in Washington is
tho youngest son of Mr. Clarkson, tho
chairman of the national Republican
cominitteo. Grosvenor is only nine, but
lie is a lad of remarkable spirit and in
dependence. Threo weeks ngo ho was
at Fortress Monroe with his nurse and
ills aunt, his father iwing busy in Now 1
York and his mother and elder lyothers '
not having returned from Europo. The
next Sunday was his birthday, and ho
wanted his father to spend that day with
him at Fortress Monroe. Mr. Clarkson
couldn't go, and telegraphed Grosvenor
to that etfect. Imagine Mr. Clarkson's
surprise on Sunday morning when Gros
venor walked Into the (lining room of
tllL. Phim hotoi wth H tho dignity nml
self poiso of a veteran traveler, and took
a seat by his father at the breakfast ta
ble. "You wouldn't coino to rns, fa-
1 ther." ho said, "so I thought I would
come to you. Came up by tho boat from
I Norfolk. All by myself? Certainly."
I There aro two things that 1 havo no
ticed about Mr. Clarkson, one that ho in
the busiest man in America aud the
1 other that he has more friends than any
body else. 1 suppose this is because he
is always doing things for other people.
I and taking mighty little euro of his own
1 interests.
I In speaking about the men whom tho
I president is fond of I should have men
tioned Mr. Clarkson. General Harrison
has tho same opinion of the former etl-
i itor of Des Moines that every one has
! who enjoys an opportunity to M-e some
thing of the man's loyalty, heart and in
tellectual resources. I happen to know
that Mr. Clnrk-ou is in such high favor
in the president's eye that he could havo
had a seat 111 the cabinet long befou-this
if he had wauled it. but he didn't want
it. "I am not rich enough to take a seat
in the cabinet.' he said "To go into a
position like that a man must make up
his mind to get ifd.UOO a year for doing
J $50,000 wortli of work, and to spend
$20,000 a year for the privilege of do
ing it."
Another newspaper man who enjoys
the friendship of a host of jieople is Gen
eral II. V. Boynton. Washington corre-
, student of tho Cincinnati Commercial
Gazette. General Uoynton has just
printed in The Century a clever paper on
"Public Men ami the Press," a topic
which ho must be familiar with, for he
has been a Washington correondeiii
for about twenty-five years, and has
been on terms of intimacy with most of
the big men of that period. Boynton.
like Clarkson. will run his legs off to
help his friends, and has never developed
nny facility for feathering his own nest.
He liar. !eeti. and still is. a power in
Washington, being both loved and
feaicd In his private ami social rela
tions with men General Boynton is mod
est, retiring, generous, charitable, in
his piofessiona! work he is critical ami
alert. He can be vindictive, too, and it
is an old saying here that if a public man
has anything crooked in his career, and
Boynton ge after him. the victim may
as well retire at once to private life aud
save trouble. Once started. Boynton
never lets up. More than ono luckless
yiiblic man has felt the force of his
tieiichaut pen, ami many more will feel
it in the future, for after a ijuarter of a
ten' nry of active s.-r vice the Nestor of
the corps of correspondents is as active
and virile as ever.
Wai.tkk WnM.MA.N.
A NuIhIiIo I'lrco of Oratory by .tunics (I.
IHpeclul Cnrri'SHitidutice.
Nkw YoiiK.Oet. 8. While I was chat
ting with a ptofessor of elocution and
rhetoric, who is a member of thu faculty
of a New England college, a day or two
since, lie satil that one evidence of the
decay of oratory was tho dllllculty which
teachers like himself had found In pro
curing extracts from contemporaneous
speeches which would bo Biiitablo for the
use of students of oratory Ho said that
perhaps tho highest test of the perma
nent met it of a speech, so far as its ntu
torical and rhetorical qualities were con
cerued, was tho use of it made b
professors of rhetoric, and tho Inset tlnn
of extracts fiom It in the text books
used for students of elocution and out
At one time Mr. Heeoher furnished h
good many available extracts for tin
young students; ii few quotations fmm
I'M ward Everett's, Charles Stiimior'H and
William Ii. Seward's speeches tiro made
use of. Lincoln had furnished three ex
tracts suitable for short orations, and
they aro to be found in all modern le.M
books. These lire quotations from his lirst
and second inaugurals, and his Gettys
burg oration in full. Webster's speeches
had richer material for these professors
to make use of than tho utterances of
any other American orator
Of recent addresses or orations, how
over, with a single exception, almost
nothing worthy of the usu of students
had been discovered. Tho exception, the
professor said, was an extract from an
address of James G Ulaltie. This is tho
peroration to Mr. Blaine's oulogy of
General Garlield, delivered in thu house
of representatives on tho 22d of Fobru-
nry. 18S2. Tho professor
said that tlio
extract. wl.lcl. for some years passed al
most unnoticed, just as Lincoln a Get
tysburg oration did, has now became al
most as familiar as was tlio immortal
Gettysburg address, and Is sure to bo
handed down to posterity as 11 noble ex
ample of the use of tho English lan
guage in the spirit of true oratory.
This extract is perhaps tho only quota
tion from Mr. Blaine's many speeches
which will become something like a
household word. It will bo carried down
to posterity, just as Webster's famous
address to tho survivors of tho buttle of
Bunker Hill, or his upostropho to tlio
Union In his Hayno speech will, through
the frequency with which it is employed
in schools and colleges by tlio young
students of oratory. Mr. Blalno's pero
ration Is now found in every text book
011 oratory which has been issued within
tho lust five years, and at nil tho oratori
cal displays in our colleges and schools
for the past year or two this quotation
had been heard as delivered by some one
of the pupils.
Yet at the time of its dolivery it ex
cited littlo more attention than did Mr.
Lincoln's address at Gettysburg. It was
a noble nnd solemn occasion. Perhaps
no orator over had a more inspiring
audience or a more sympathetic and
solemn theme than did Mr. Bluino upon
that occasion. Tlio president of thu
' United States and his cabinet sat in the
j circle in front of the members' desks and
directly before Mr. Blaine. Sherman,
I Sheridan, Huucock, Admiral Porter ami
I all oi1 tho distinguished generals except-
1 ing Grant were there. Tho Supreme
, court in its black robes were before him,
distinguished senators ami ex-souatora I
I were there, and in the gullet les were tho
I families of some of tho most famous men !
in tho country. 1
Mr. Blaine read his address without
any attempt whatever at elocutionary
display, and when he finished it seemed
to most of those who heard him that ,
while tho address was a most uoblo trib- '
ute to the memory of Garfield, yet it
lacked thoso rhetorical flourishes and !
that oratorical manner which many re
gard us essential to tho perfect oration. 1
That same criticism was made when
Lincoln finished his Gettysburg address.
Every ono recognized thu pathos of Mr.
Blaine's closing words, yet nobody spoke
of them as a perfect example of sublim
ity of thought, purity of diction ami as
callable of sustaining the highest tests
of eloquence and oratory. Rather slowly
did the public appreciation of the im
mortal quality of these lines make itself
manifest Today this speech is quoted
everywhere as one of the most majestic
aud perfect exhibitions of what true elo
quence is that the English language
Incidentally to this matter It is to bo
noted that of all that distinguished com
pany, not members of congress, who .it
before him veiy few are now m the
laud of the living. President Arthur is
dead, and so are Secretary Frelinghuyscii
nnd Secretary Folger Sherman, Sheri
dan. Hancock and Admiral Porter aro
dead, aud three members of the supreme
court bench, including tho chief justice,
have since then passed away, aud yet at
that time there were many who thought
that Mr. Blaine's hold on life was more
frail than any of these men
E. .1. EllWAItDS.
The Antiirriit (if the Itrcitk fttit Table.
Hr.vr.HLY Faums. Mass.. Oct. 8. What
can u man that is eighty-two years of
age be expected to do? The genial "Au
tocrat of the Bieakfast Table." tlio ven
erable poet, essayist, teacher and physi
cian (for his standing 111 medical annals
alone is one to be envied), has accom
plished the revision of the complete itiv
eiside edition of ln works, now being
rapidly issued from the press, in twenty
volnines, nnd. 111 homely phraseology, is
resting on his oars. His genera! health
continues unimpaired With the love
and esteem of thoe near him. ami thou
sands of admirers wherever the English
language is -pokeu. he has een. one by
one, with the sole exception of the
'good (junker poet. Whlttler hi:
friends, usociutt" aud enuteiiioraiie
pass from the stage of action while lie
remains a l"inbng tepresentative of the
'class of men mid women of gen. us that
, have made New England faun u in t la
past half cchtuix. and one pel-imps, that
Of all others has leal tietl the I'haiiuing
secret of glowing old gracefullva be
coming coiiumou that is characteristic
of the good sense pervading
his entire
A l
How to Nut the Color In I, nun.
Dissolve a half pound of saltpeter In n
pailful of water and dip tho lawn in it
noveral times before washing.
How to .11 n l,i mi .l'.ulliin llnrp.
Take a rectangular bos made of thin
boards, live or six Inches deep and about
the same width, and of a length to ex
tend across tho window it Is to ho set
at, so thai tho bree.o can sweep over It.
Gltmit strip of wood half an Inch In
height at the top of each end of tho box,
Upon these ships stretch tho strings
lengthwise act oss tho box and turn by
tension pegs, as in thu case of a violin,
The sounds produced by tho rising and
falling of the wind are of a drowsy ami
lulling character.
Hint Iron .structures lleoiiuit ITniiiife.
By examining a worn bur or car wheel
with an oidlnary microscope it will bo
seen that tho worn surface is coining olT
in thin flakes or scales. By applying a
microscope of very high power, however,
it will bo seen that iron is composed of a
vast number of minute flakes held to
gether by a peculiar cement, just as very
flat ami long bricks might lie in a wall
by mortar. Long continued jarring
breaks up this cement to a lino powder
with 110 adhesiveness, ami then the flakes
of iron fall apart just as a brick wall
would fall if tho mortar should turn
to dry sand. But by somo law not well
understood continuous motion in tho
sumo direction destroys thocemeut many
times faster than irregular motions.
Thus a regiment of soldiers keeping step
weaken an iron bridge more than ho
many wild horses.
Iltiw to Put Awuy flutter.
Mix well together 0110 ouiico each of
saltpeter and whitesugarand two ounces
of best salt, all in fluo powder; give ono
ounce of this mixture to each pound of
butter and thoroughly work them to
gether. Tho butter thus prepared is
then to lie tightly pressed into clean,
glazed earthenware vessels so ns to havo
no vacant spaces. Butter thus put up
acquires its finest flavor threo weeks
later aud preserves it for a long time.
Another method is to take fresh butter
eighteen pounds, fine salt one pound,
saltpeter one and a quarter ounces and
honey or fine brown sugar two ounces.
Work and press as above. Some fill
tho vessels only to within one-half or
three-quarter inch of tlio top and fill
with coarse salt.
How to Mnk Artlllrlul Cnrnl,
Melt together four parts of yellow
resin and one of vermilion. Dip tlio
twigs, stems, carvings, etc., in it and
then dry without touching. Tlio effect
is very pretty.
How to Makn Honey.
Tuko of soft water six pounds, puro
honey three pounds, white sugar twenty
pounds, cream of tartar eighty grains
and essence of roses twenty-four drops;
mix in a brass kettle and boil five min
utes, taking special euro not to let it get
smoked. It is better to havo a charcoal
fire or place the kettle on hot coals. As
soon as the kettle Is taken off add thu
whites of two eggs well beaten, stirring
thoroughly. Two more pounds of puro
honey added at that time will increase
the honey flavor. A slight decoction of
slippery elm is sometimes added while
cooling, but in hot weather it is liable
to foam and rise to tho surface.
Ilou to .Make it ('In t li Viit'ririiiif.
Spread it out smoothly and rub tho
"wrong side" with a lump of beeswax
(perfectly puro nnd free from greusoj till
the surface presents a slight but per
fectly uniform white or grayish appear
ance. A cloth so prepared will turn
water for several hours.
llnw to l'r'iiiri. Wu fur I'iiIUIiIiik I'lnon.
Take twelve and one-half pounds of
ordinary yellow wax, rasp it as fine u
pii-siblo and stir it into a hot solution
composed of six pounds of good peurlash
and rain water. Boil .mil stir it while
boiling us long us it froths, then tako off
and stir in at once six pounds of dry yel
low tidier. It may then be poured into
molds of any desired size aud will burd
en on cooling. When wanted for use a
pound of it is dissolved in five pints of
boiling water and well stirred nnd
the mixture applied while warm to tho
floor with n paint bru-h. When cool,
wipe with a coarse woolen cloth. Ono
coat of this will last six months.
Hon In .Mulu' Itrlne fur I'ork.
Take brown sugar, bay salt nnd com
mon salt, two pounds each; saltpetre,
one-halt pound, and water, one gallon.
Boil gently aud remove the scum. An
other favorite'picklo is made with twelve
IKiiinds n t common salt, two pounds of
sugar or moIascx, one-half pound of ni
ter and water enough to dissolve it.
Htm to Miikr 11 ' Omelet.
Parboil a lamb's or calf's kidney and
cut it into small pieces, as for an ordi
nary kidney stew. Add an equal quan
tity tit Flench mushrooms (chainpeg
uoiisiaud stew them until they are near
ly done. Then add, chopped fine, a
small quantity of green pepper, season
ing with salt and black pepper as usual.
When the kidney and mushrooms are
cooked thoiiiiighly place in an omelet,
made in tne uual way, and you have u
hicaktust dish tit for .1 king.
llo to Ui'stois Wlillf I'litlllitU TIihI
Mate Illlllrtl flli,v.
Dissolve '.'i pounds of white Marseilles
soap 111 seventy five pounds of soft water
and mid, with constant stirring, one
ounce ot liquor auuuoiii.i. The flannels
are to he soukc) in this fluid over night
and afterwaid washed thoroughly in
So Do Several Thousand
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This Is the ONLY MNH Itimiilnic rullinan
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Trains Arrive ami !eavn Dearborn Htallon,
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The Popular Route to the Pacific
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The Direct Texas Route
solid Trains Between Kansas City am!
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The Onlv Line Running Through the;
Only Direct Line to the Texas
Pan Handle. For Maps and
Time Tables and Informa
tion Regarding Rate
and Routes Call on
or Address
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OlivX -a. r-z Ji. , ITSB.