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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1891)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1891 lr BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S FALL CLOTHING is now in demand. Our assortment is very large and we are better prepared than ever to give you a selection which cannot be surpassed and our prices are so uniformity low that it is to your interest to see our stock before purchasing. Our lessQiiier Suit has gained a popularity never equalled by any Boys' Suit. It is especially intended for boys who are hard on their clothes. Do not fail to see this suit. We are agents for it. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE COR. 0 AND TENTH STS. THE NATION'S PRIDE. I -Bmr -THE STANDARD ROTARY SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE 2500 STITCHES PER MINUTE. THE STANDARD has the largest bobbin of any family machine made. It holds 100 yards of No. 80 cotton. IT IS THE Lightest Run ding and Quickest Lock Stitch Machine IN THE WORLD It has the latest design in Bent Wood-Work. The lat est improved all steel attachments. Call and see the only perfect Rotary Shut tle Sewinsr Machine in the world. LINCOLN OFFICE, 143 South 12th St. W. D. WOMACK, Gen'l Mgr., Kansas City, Mo. t Siymfdr Viicr nf Mmlern Timi" l-'iibllMlio I S-ituivlny. Aillrct nil ciiiiiiiiiiiucitlMiw direct to t lit) ol1lei VVKhsICL PUtNTINQ CO, ri'HMHIIKIIH. Courier llillldltiK, ll:L N Street. TKI.KI'MiiNH'J.VI li. W'khmri., J11., Kdltornnd Sole 1'iopilctor. Ktitficd ut tin IVntolllee uf Lincoln, N1I1., us econd oln mutter. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. Caiets and curtain in design at HeipoMii'lmer ' Co'. MI-hC J (Itillmetto, iixvlUto. I.tittn llloek over Miller iV I'alne. Take elevator. Huy your gioceiie, tea, coll'ee, clt'-i from "Tint Diamond's" new mill fi-fili Mock, at I III) O KtU'Ot. Henry HiiiiIiiiiii, Inn in t, addlciy nml ttirfgOOlll, 11'.! 1101 til llo t'lltll btl ft,)lttl-litt Capital Uolt'l Call on Henry llaiphaiu, II'.1 noitli I'.lcv until Mreet, opposite Cnpitnl Hotel Tor II) net, Hummer liipioK' nml carriage whlN. Our work dpoakit lor Itself It need no brag or bhi.tcr, simply your own opinion 111 testify to Its merits. ThcHtudl.i Lit Urntide Is 011 tin ground Hour, centrally lo catul and a beautiful place Cull mill Nee us ut 1-1 south Twelfth street Tlie Ituillent Home is no new fake Imt lius 1111 established reputation for economy nml lieiiuty, Dimlinm iV Unci;. hom agent, U"'l O street. Colli of eeiyli) fiom tliu liest mines in Ohio, Kentiiekj, Illinois, .MUvhiiI, Colora do mid Wyoming for wile liy deo. A. Hnj uiel'. Telephone ".'.X. Olllee I1UI O xtleet. Hlcycleof nil klmls mid nil miikes nklll fully reiHilreil on short notlee. Wrenehc, oil can, tires and other supplies alwa) tor sale nt Ueorgo A: I'Nhette, 111'-' O stleet. Don't (nil tn see the line illspl ly of Carver table cutlery, tea and colfce pots dionn by Hudgc & Morris. IMiv J. Collinsou, piano tuner, with Crnu ter'nnrt nml music toie, ','!1 Mouth lltli at. Try him. Inect Hcrpolslicinier nery nt lowet pi lees. Co' Hue mill!' Henry Hiiiplrim, sells good harness for good moiie), iilso poor Inn lies 1 lor good money For llrt-elis piiiiio tuning leave ort!-is ut CrancerV ntt and niule store, ti'JI South llth street. Miss Miucharl nt HeipoUhciuici for line iiilll'nei . tV LVh., New lli'llliilllli; I'lll'lois. Miss Wulteis, lute of Memphis, has located in Lincoln and opened a handsome ultu nl tires making pilloi In the Iveliuaiil lllock, soutli Twellth street Miss Walters comes excellently lecoinmended, having held the trade tor several venr ol tie-mint pi out ineut Indies ot Tenness-f's capital elty. The lady is aUo suiiihw Imt known in Lincoln, all of whom speak In the highest pinbe of her woik Her parlor aie now ready, and the ladles me invited to call nml see the class of work executed mid heeome posted on pre vailing mode-. WE HAVE JUST SECURED THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE RENOWNED Andres Stoves which for durability, neatness of design, economy and cleanli ness cannot be equalled. We show them in all sixes and in each of the various designs, viz.: ART ANDRES, GROVE ANDRES, MAGIC ANDRES. These stoves are not to be compared with the ordinary (muting stoves. Their advantages are too numerous to men tion. Kindly call in and let us show them to you. KRUSE & WHITE HEADQUARTERS FOR STOVES 1219 0 STREET. Menu. 'I'o tliu largo number of utorles of "tlio meanest trmn" which aru frequently re lated, one should bt added of a certain Frenchman, fatuous for his lialiltof grum bling nt ever) thing anil on every occasion lie was attacked liy lutlmiimatory rlion tnntlsui.and was carefully nursed liy his wife, who was very ilevotetl to hint In spite of Ids fault Uniting disposition. Ills sutlcrlng caused her to hurst Into team sometimes as she hat at hit bedside. Gnu day u friend of the Invalid came. In and asked him how lie was getting on "lludlv, badljl" hu exclaimed, "and It's nil my wife' fault." "Is It possible," nuked the frletitl In sur prise. "Yes. The doctor told me that humid Ity was had for tue, nml there that woman ultit nml cries, just to make It moist In thu roonil" New tliiles. mahqi rnicR conTWMtn I Al.WAVh I I E II I E NEWEST HOOKS HV THE MOs'l I'OI'LLAK AfTIIOK.s htilisi'iiptitiii, Nt.w, Mriiuif.iiMuiik' ami I'liblUhcrt' Acnt KVON - IKJSlll KCill Mia-esoito MI ETON LYON, Removed to 11J6 O M I ri.AT "Jli klBr Mr w W' l 1 e-v - -i' . .uirr i.'.jwiiu " "'"IWfcltfnn uiwi' vv,KiVM.T-.lVAvi llje nml Kur sin ki-iiii, j l)r U I.. Dayton, oeuli.t mid nurist, li-IKI ' O stteet, teleplinno :l7."i, Lincoln, Nthr. ! I'lniio T1111I111;. 1 VothillLr tiilrls Ml Itilleh to lilt elifil Hi ot imi-le as a pluiKi bflnt; pioperly tuned, mid nothing is better lor the instrument than to have n competent tuner ntteiid to it. Ml. Edw. J. C'olleuson, lor the pn-t ten yenrs connected with entern lactories as an ex pel t In piano tuning, voicing nml reiiarliiK, is now will, ( 'i'iine..rV firr mnl itnikh. tit.. yjl south llth stllet Ml'. Collellson's eilst- eiu work was toocoutluluj;, nml he is now to become a resident ot our beatltllul city. He conies highly recomeuded and we trust nil who appreciate fcooil tuning will gv him a trial. The t'nloii raellle stein. Has placed in dnil) service a solid train be tweeti Lincoln anil JSioux City making close connections at Columbus w Itli main line trains for nil points we,t, with Albion, Cedar Knplil-, Old and tiiaud Niand and blanches, except .Siiiidnjt. Lincoln and .Sioux Citj dally connects eloely in union depot, Sioux City, with the ewuiiiK trains ot conuectinn; lilies, tor the not th mnl east. Tor lull pal tic ulars apply at lull U street or ut depot. 'I he Hut springs ol Dakota. These springs aie rapltllj becomlnj; fmimus on account of the wonderful curative pros'i ties ot the wnteis, and th- many marvelous cures which have heeii elleeted by tlie tller lual baths. The town mid spruus are lelihtfulU situ ateil in a picture-ipie valley in the Mack Hills couiiti v , aliouinlliiK in beautiful wnic ell'eets, mnl at uii altltllle ol II, Kit) tcet aliove the sea level, thus Ilnill'iMK U pule utllios. phet'e and elnlaiatili.' clim.ite, itb-olutelv tiee from uial.iila L'lltler the elitel prising and po-e-sive umnageiuent of the Hot tSpiins company many dcsiiahle impioveiueuts have been tuiule. unions the number the election ot a commodious lintli house tltted up with all iiioilern conveniences lot the comfort ot quests New hotel- have been built and coin tortably turiiihed tluouliout, coudtictisl in llrst-ciass stjle and at reasonable intes. 1 l'llOse w ho preter stopping at a pi IV.Ite house will I'.ml many di-nable l nitlnii; Jplace u here j;ood acconiini.slatons ale tuilil-hed , lit model ate ptiees. I The uierlnr dally serv nv now a Horded jv tin- Hill lilipt'HI It.oite to Hot Splines, with 1 through sliepnu car lu'commodatious tiom Omaha, Lincoln, Auioui ami (iraud Island, makes the trip an en) and enjovnble one, and tor the bellellt ot all Who tlesire to test t he ullicncv ot tlie waters loun I tup tickets at tislucetl rates, isid tor ninety tlas uie now on saie m an oiuces o: iu- iiuuuitou Itollte. I'or paiuphlt t. tlesi'iiptive ol tlie springs, and full tntoruiation ns to latet, time, etc., appl to iin ngtsit 01 the eomiiuy, or to J I'kvm I, lien't I'ass'i ,v Tk't At , t Hotel Clerk (mispiclotmly) Your bitiiilln has coinu nimrt May I aik what that ilieer thiliK Isf (nest This is a new patent llru escape. I ill ways carry it, so In ease of llru I call let inj-clf down fiom thu hotel window Seuf Cleik (thoiiulittully) I seu Our tunns for iii.("itis with il ro escape.s, sir, nru In variably cash In advant c Good Nuwh Removal Sale - As we intend to remove to our New Furniture Block on 13th street, between O and l about September 1st, we have con cluded to oiler our large stock of FURNITURE at nearh cost price until that time. As we in tend to make genuine hestvy cuts, these sales at reduced prices will be strictly cash. Call and investigate. AUG. TH. GRUETTER & CO. 1 1 if and 1 1 i.S N Street. YOU GET FITS And the right kind as well, as excellent wear and latest style in Shoes when jatronizing- Ills Ttolllile. The repot ter saluted a pitnbler as he stood on the after deck of u Day Hldu boat last evening comliiK from thu races, This is thu conversation "Win or losef" by reporter. "Win kooiI money illu play on last race." Thu uambler hail won. Hu was not elated; hu did not smile. Theru hu tttonil lliitikiiiKof something', and his thoughts presently came to thu Ntirfacu in wopIh. "I was thjtikln," said he, "how easy some men can vvfup, shed tears, yes, c?j' like women. Only today n blj" man rmiiu to thu back of my box with a ticket on KIiik Ila.ein. It called for fifty dollais iik'ainst live. Tliuru ho stood with tears; running down his face and his ticket, ready to be cashed, In hU hand. Poor fel low, I thought, that will help hlmoutot Home tight placu. "'CtyliiKforJoyf' I naked. "'Nope,' Hiild the man. " 'Sorry you wonf Hiild 1, suprlscd. " 'Nope,' he replied. "Why, wbnt was the itiutter with lilmf" asked thu reporter, unable, to hold down bib curiosity. "Had liny fever," wild thu gambler, look lug fnr, fnr nwny. New York Commercial Advettlcer. A Prudent Mini. There was a man sitting on n bench In Union square thu other day with the Index finger of tils right hand tied up In a rag The hand was resting on his knee, with the finger pointing across Fourth avenue, when a policeman catuu along nml seized thu rag and pulled It oil. Tho linger looked exactly llku all the rest large, wrinkled and dirty. There was no soru or wound ot other renson why It should have been tied up. "Havo you been begging on the strength erf that?" asked tho nlllcer "No, sir." "Is your linger soref" "No, sir." "What's your object In wrapping It up this way?" "Well, sir, that's thu finger I alius use to scratch my head with. The nights are getting cool now, and I wrapped It up last night so as not to get cold in it. I've bin using that finger forty-three years now ami have got too old to change." The olllcer looked nt him u long time, mid then passed on with the remark that since the papers had raised such a great howl about people being clubbed for noth iug no patrolman had any show to enforce the respect due to his position. New York World At the Ni'wsliti) ' Mission School. Teacher (to Mickey) Now, Mickey, you read the lesson to me llrnt and then tell me, with the book closed, what you Mickey (reading) See thu cow Can thu cow runf Yes, the cow can run Can tint cow tun n swiftly us the horse? No, the horse runs svv Ifter than the cow (Closing up his book to tell what lie has read) Get onto tie cow Kin her jigtep run? Ile'cher'lifu she kin run Kin de cow do up de horse a ruimiti? Naw, do cow alnt in it wld de horse. Life Parker & Sanderson, See their fine line of shoes for SUMMER WEAR lOOO O ST. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US FOR It Has it Morn Miniirtiiis .Viunil. "I suppose," observed thu high school girl to Amy, "that when Mr l'iuperc proposes you will accept liiinV "Indtitl 1 won't, Mildted," replied Amy "I don't t'Npict him to pop, but when hu does it will be a colli day for him " "Don't say It will be a cold day," urged Mildicd. "You known that is lepreheii slbluslatig Pay it will be a gelid sectiuti of tho hebdomad." Pittsburg Chronicle. ICK CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER, AND THEY. WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbush Makers of 1km Bons ami Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice .Cream and Soda Water. -j S. B. MOORE, m:vit i;ri'i;ri'.s i M Fine -f Waif fP&ysrs and Decorations. I ! Mmm. Call and examine, the largest line in the Cltv . None but the best workmen employed li Ices that can't be beat step in. "" '"" 1134 0 STREET. P P E R H. W. BROWN DRUGGSnUFBOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. L). M Fern V Finest Flowei ant' Garden Seeds. 127 South Eleventh street. Time No Ohjetl. "Hy getting j our ticket over our Hue," urged tliu traveling passenger aent of thu X., Y. ami '. railway, "joii will snvu six teen hours' time on tlie trip " "Uu thu A.. II. and C. route," Mid the agent of t lie rival line, "you get i.117 miles mote riding for thu same money Tlie agiiciiltutist from bought hi-, ticket over thu A., route Chicago Tiibune. LINCOLN'S NEWEST AND FINEST STABLES V J IMtATT. l'ioprlet..r First Class Livery Rigs Haw creek 1) and C Now or Nevei. A recent ad eitiseineiit was to thu fol lowing ollecl "Thu public Is recommended to ectuo a copv of this highly lutoiesting book, a fiom present nppvnrnucO' It U not at all t tvlib .ippi.u.uuc iiNuij' a sccoihi eiution win ou piiniou I'Uexeiulc Ilhitter At nu lluurh l),i or N i; r Family Carriages, jni w ' i i.i ' it... ..... A. ii. -v..-. i . ..- jrj' iTeniiemen s ijiiviiii Mgb, nit. BOARDING department. Wi .i i-,'iiii v well piep.ued tobo.iul .1 1m itut iiiinibti uf lun i' and luvlnt; tbcl.uv-t u , I in, st npupped stable In the ci' i an t ike best if c.uc of all liore en tinstldt,i u. Out -.'able i light and iuhiim with utisuip.issed ventll.ttion All vehUles .nut buiuss iccctve dailv cleinin,' and ilw.iv s Ic.tve the st.ibU In neat, clean C.M.I. AX I) SEE L.-r.rE IS .1 Tltl.M.. Tolophono 5IS. Stnblos 1639-1641 O St. 13