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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1891)
"""""TJ - ".f V t t i CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1891 '"?' & i Never Buy a Carpet UNTIL VOL HAVU SEEN THE MAGNMFICENT STOCK -AT TI!K- Exposition Carpet House ALL THK NEWEST EFFECTS IN COLORINGS AND DESIGNS In Draperies wc show all the newest tilings In house drupe, nnd have an attractive line of Lace Curtains ANI. PORTIERRES Always see the Exposition Carpet Store before orilcniig. If you Deposit your Savings -IN THK Lincoln Savings Bank Safe Deposit Co. H. K.ror. Iltluiml I" Mis. THEY WILL EARN INTEREST FOR YOU Atthe Itiiteol 5-Five per Ct. per Annum-5 Have filio 11 week niul II amounts with ntorcst In live year to I,"mi. Hank opens at ll:S0 n. in. to :i::ti) ji. in. and Saturday c-voiilni;-, .1 to s i. in. Safes to Rent in Burglar and Fire Proof Vaults. CAPITAL $200,000.00. American Exchange National ; Bank. I. M. Itiiyinonil, Lewis liiegory, 1'rcsldent Vleo President S. II llnrnliMin. ClISllll'l. I). (I. Wing. Ast.C'iihler E -A. 3ST EI . LlMJJLV, I NlCIJIiASKA. Capital, $250,000 Ojihrrt mid fJivectoi.i: John II, Wright, I'ri".. T. IC. Hnndeis, V.-I'- .1. II. McCluy, Cihler. A H Ituyinond, II I" Lull, Thus t'ochran B It Hirer, Chils West, F L Sheldon. General Hanking liusiness Transacted. Accounts Solicited. German National Bank, UNCOLX, iXlili jf-tOJ" '.r. (.' I!. M'mtu'onu-rj , Prrsident Herman II Sehahnc. in- Pi ml Joseph ll.iehuier, (.'nshlei. U. .1. Wlko.N. A.hl. Cashier. Ciipitnl Surplus .$100,000.00 30,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues letters ol eieilll.iliuu .Units mi nil arls ol'lhewoilil Koit Imi enlli ( lion" a spu'laltv it, 1 1 . h ,1111 1 I h'. Vultllt, I - g-v'fl"- MWiUitu&3& waVWv . rni"1 I! " -TT-l -iTMJ . 1 'A'ir. if ' kkkkH 1 JMfiif elf ' 9mt9E -'s I .. 1 i 1 1 i.J'.. "Hi' s. it . 1 ,t- , .1 nt n.Mrll Mi , 1 . , - . ui ..r I MID en 1 1 il i ik in4 lit I ii 11 n . r r i ji. l-itn be- I lliti.i- r in h ,' ft lli & 14 iu 'h. ri v . .i, ,. u:, iw ml i ' in ,. rl. 111 )rr lllu 1 1 I 1 1 ' I '. 11 ii. t Ii 1 11. Ii iiiiku 1.11 nm. up ilirm. s rt .1 I 1 '- t.i l'ariliiilr.ft.f. I Mux nl I'm iloiol.Miiliie ' I'lt-nsnnt Hour C'luli. There will Im n business, meeting of the l'lennnt Hour eluh Friday evening, Oct (Hli nt 7;0 o'clock nt the store of C It. lllehtor, llnrr block. V. Mohtom Smith, Seet'y, t It ItiniTRii, l'res. A Ureal Country anil How to llemli It. Owing to the great amount of lntoret shown in the northw extern stntes, and espee fully In Montana mid Washington, the North ern 1'nellle Hnllroad as prepared two folder, entitled "Uolden Montnim" and "Fruitful Washington," which eontnln 11 grent many Interesting nnd vnlunblo details In reference to ellnmte, topography, agriculture, stock raising, mining, lumbering, government and railroad land?, homesteads and other sub ject of Interest to the capitalist, business man or settler. These folders can now lie obtained on application to the General Pas senger Agent of the road. It should lie Itornc. in mind by travelers to the Northwest that, among other thing, the Northern I'niillo Hailrond oilers the follow ing advantages It Is the direct lino to prin cipal polntH in Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, It has two trams daily to Helena and llutte, Mont , Hpokane, Tacomaaiiil Seattle, Wah., and Portland, Ore, It has complete equip ment of Pullman llrst class sleeping cars, dining ears, day coaches, I'ulltnan tourist and flee colonist sleepets, the ears being new, comfortable and neat, It has through sleeping car service every day from Chicago, HI., to Montana and l'aclllc Coast points, of l'ullman llrst -class and tourist sleeping cars in connection wli 1 the Wisconsin Central Line, and vestlhi.ied 111 st class sleepers via C. M.iVSt. I. Ky.; It pies through the grandest scenery of seven states and the great young cities of the northeest. The service is complete in ev.iry respect, the "Yellowstone I'ark and Dining Car Uoutu" being, in fact, a thoroughly llrst clays line to trnvel over. District Passenger Agents of the eonipnuy will supply publications refer red to uhnc, with limps, time tables, rates or other special information, on coummnlea tlousuddicsscd to Chas. S. Fee, U. P & T. A., Ht.l'aul, Minn., will receive piompt attention A) el's deserve llimk contains all the latest and most approvisl reeiH's for canning ami preserving fruit, mid for making Jellies, Jams, tnarmalailes, sweet and sour pickles, catsups, etc. Written ex pressly for Dr. J. C. Ayer iV Co., by 11 cele brated authority on culinary matters. Every recipe tested and proven to be the best of its kind. Send 11 U-eetit stump to Dr J. C. Ayer N: Co., Lowell, .Muss. Tin- Sioux Cll Corn I'liluco Too One Nei Thing t'mler the Sun Opens Oe- toher I, (Muses Ortnhcr 17, MM. The Sioux City corn p'daee opens Oct. 1st, closes Oct l?lli, 1MH. Ten thousand words could not Milllce to Justly describe this uni que structure and the remarkable exhibits In It A novel feature this year will be an ex hibit from Central and South America with nntlves in their own peculiar dress. The great Mexican band (.Ml piece) gives dally eon; certs. The K K. and M V. 11. 11. (North Western line) is tlie only road from Lincoln operating Its own lines direct to Sioux City and Is the pioneer Corn Palace Lino. Olllee llJKIO t-trcet. Call for special rates, dates of sale, etc. W. M. Shipman, J. T. MasTI.V, Ueni Auelit. City Ticket Agent Ilotnliugthe O street grocer Is still on deck, commanding the vessel in a storm of trade. Wedding I in Hal Ions. We are headquarters for these goods and furnish them from the cheapest printed card to the finest engraved work. Having had wjveii yeara experience we Keep posted on the most stylish designs absolutely cor- rect tonus, etc. All we ask intending pur chasers is to call unil inspect samples of the work we are dally turning out. ll:tlN stieet. New styles of invitations just in nt Tiik CoL'llIKIl olllee. Fifteen arils line black dress silk also trimmings to mateh. Will trade for phae ton. Address Jones, enrw Courier. II. V 31. to Ihe Sioux City Corn 1'nhue. The "Hurllngton" makes the quickest time between Lincoln and Sioux City, and they sell round trip tickets nt one fare, beginning September UOth. Call on the agent at 11. ic M. depot or at the city olllee, eorner O and Tenth streets for further information. A. C. Ziemek, City Pass. Ag't. With thanks to the St. Ixiuls Sporting AVics, TlIK Coirimill presents to its readers the handsome picture of Captain Anson, the great Chicago liase ball nriuager and mag nate. Ladle? will consult their best interests by ordering their meat and game at Chipman and Sheen, 1511 O street. All orders either In pei'son or over telephone IN) will bo promptly delivered. Only the finest cuts and choicest meats served to customers of Chipman fc Sheen, I5UO street. Plume ISO. Of the various dallies In the west that come to the Couiuku's exchange table none seem to prosper more than the St. Joseph .Wick. It is a tieau, rentable, crisp and newsy sheet, artistically gathered up, well arranged and chronicles the events of the day in a concise and breey style. Its telegram service is ex cellent while the local stalf presents the days home doings extensively and In readable manner. The Klglitli Wonder Is the Minis CI I) Colli I'llhlle. This Festival opens Oct 1, closes Oct. 17, IK I Among the numerous attractions nre the Mexican Military Hand of 5U skilled mu sicians, and an exhibit from CVntial and South America, accompanied by a tnmih of natives in their Peculiar Dress.. The L'nion 1'acitle has made a rate of One Fare tor the Hound Trip. For date.- ol sale, hunts, etc., apply to your nearest Union Pacific agent Onlj Ten III Cents 11 I'uek. The celebrated "Iluiilugton Home" apply iug cards are now sold at ten cents per pack, (fill cents is the usual price lor such cardsi. Whist, hlgli-llve and euehiv parties will soon lie In order, and w woul 1 Miggest that you l'y In a stoei; ot these cards for future re quirement. A. C. Z.IKMCIl, City Pas-euger Agent. Voullilleiie Kiiinptiin I'nue 1'ieimi linn, Ladles, If you want most elegant laeepiep- 1 aratlon, trj tliis one. It is pure as spring I water, no lead, sediment or other iniuiiousj stlbsti'iices. It makes your skin soft, tivh, and clear, removes tan, blotches, decolora tions, and impaii a pearly complexion Ifyourtaceis not what you deue it, tr Voiltllilene". 1 gliaralltif It to give pel tect satisfaction. 1 have sought for a piepara Hon that will mal.e comleious fresh and young looking and now I liae touud it, re-1 tailed at two dollars or three tor lle. I have seemed tlie agency tor this tiii.t) article. J. H. H.Utl.KV. Druggist, I incoln, Neb. WOMEN'S FALL GOWNS. THEV ARE TRULY SUPERB PRESENT SEASON. THE Ollvr llnrper Diorrllirt tlin Wonderfiill) Omul KfTrrls Olitiilnmt lijr Die Coiiililint tloo of I'alllo mid Velvet, Ami Horn Am Cut to Muko tlin Storr Clear. IBpeclnl Corroaiondonco. Ni:w Voiik, Oct. L Nothing innltos a moro superb gown than tlio falllo frnn calso of this season. Tlio cord is licavlet nnd thotoxtttro moro glossy nnd lustrtnu than over beforo, nnd It fulls into snuli rich folds that it is a delight to the nr tistlc eya Tlio colors nro iilso very beautiful Tho warm, golden tinted wood browns nro particularly handsome An imported gown which was on prlvato view last week had it plain full doml train railing from gathers In tho baud which wero sowed to a pointed bodice Tlio sides wero ndjusfed so that tlioy laid smoothly over the hips, and tho skirt opened in front, dlsclosiLj a front of velvet in a deeper shadoof tho brown so that it showed relicts of gold In tho folds. All around tho skirt and on tho waist was a narrow passcm 0 n t o r 1 0 cord of brown silk aud gold braid The waist had a peculiar shape, there be ing but one dart, and that set for ward and trim med the wholu length A V shaped piece of the velvet was Inset at the neck, and tho forearm part of tho hIuovo was of velvet. The whole dress Is a model of sim ple elegance. It can bi copied In cashmere or any other preferred material. It is for a visitinir or rAiu.n and vr.iA'irr COSTUME carriage dres, though It Is quito hand some enough for dinners nt homo, where low necked gowns would not bo Ilkod by tho majority of ladies Another very hnnilsomo fuillo and vel vet costume, Imported by the saint house, has tho underskirt of petunia purple velvet, mndo quito plain and with a demitrain Over this plain skirt is a princesse dress of heliotropo fnillo, tho skirt slashed from bottom to top and cut nway so as to show tho vclvot These slashes aro left loose and linod with taf fetas in n lighter shado of tho same color and bordered nil around with black and gold pnsseinuntcrio half an inch wide. Tho waist is cut out in the back, as it is in front, and trimmed in the entno manner Tlio pretty littlo bonnet is of tho fnillo, with a butterfly of tho vclvot edged with passcmenterio nnd finished with threo plumes nt tho back. A very pretty varlntlon from this would bo to have a moss green Volutina skirt, with a fawn or mnstio or tun or u light brown overdress of camel's hnir or light cheviot, or tho underskirt could be of seal brown, which is a favorito color Vesterdny I saw another of these slashed dresses. It had a petticoat of black satin, and tho slashes wero ot or nngo satin or silk covered with black Chantilly laco laid on flat It had been chosen so that each panel held just ono complete figure of tlio design. Tho pat tern should bo a pretty ono for this Old lace dresses that have- seen their best days would doubtless hnvo enough of good plnces to get enough to cover tho slashes, and it could bo tacked on so as render it n littlo stronger The wnist can bo almost any shnpo but plnin basqno, with tho draperies and accessories of the laco and orange sutin. This is a very becoming style for ladles of any com plexion. This week 1 havo seen somo novelties in tho way of embroiderod skirts. One is of light gray ladies' cloth, and across tho foot of tho skirt is a border of fur o 1 1 0 r beaver or coon down and this is cut oat in scal loped points, and above is a dose and handsome embroidery in silk of tho same shade. They are very expensive but very sumptu ous, and -will bo worn for early fall by those to whom monoy is no object and longed for by tho rest Ladies buy the gauntlet gloves and embroider pretty flowers PAU.M: AND LILAC AND PETUNIA VKI.VKT with fine jot, gilt the culls, bometimes or steel beads on their own 11-itinls A tiny pot-Ket is now sot in at the col larol tho dress to hold the watch Of course if the watch is very largo this j won't do, but if small it is all right A Email gold chain bangs down with a ' tiny unciior ot gold ot a basket, or some j other pretty device The bell effect will bo soon on nearly all ot the walking dresses, Out there will , iv') M bo very littlo dip in tho back. It is not now considered necessary to have many out door dreses Each young lady, even of tho wealthiest faint lies, has one nice cheviot or other woolen walking dress for best new each season, and one that is hocond best from tho past season for a ot good material will witli ordinary care do for at least three bensons, with perhaps n slight alteration Out tho day has gone by when it was n disgrnco to wear the same dress in the street moro than once, Olive URrcR, VDDITIOXAL DHAMATIC. i Continued from 1st page Tho critics speak highly of Edith Hamil ton 's performance rf Lj one In John Palm er's "Ust Ditjs of Pompeii," which comes to the Lansing in December. The seats for the llrst piodtictlon of "Ther uildor" In New York were sold at auc tion October 1st at Charles Foihinan's Twenty-thlhl Stieet Theatre. Iiouls James and Fnslerle Wanle pool Issues next season aud star Jointly. They promise to produce the new plajs, "The Lion's Mouth" and "Meinnon " Major Charles E. Hlee's "MeCiirthy's Mis haps" Company opened (he season at the St. Chillies Theatre, New Orleans, on Monday to a Jammed housj. This attraction Is look ed at Funke's The llostoulaushaui accepted a new opera, word by Arthur Maey, music by E, A Newcomb, both of Huston N1111111 of opeia not yet decided upon. The llostmilaus will he seen this season at Puukc's. Charles Frohiuan's new Columbia Theatre, In Huston, Is it beauty It Is to be a strictly comedy house, aud it will lie proudeced the works of llrousou, Howard, Sanlou, (lllletle, llehi'co and De Mllle, and Charles Froli innn' New York successes. There Is a proiect tin foot in New York In the shape of a big theatrical fair In Decern ber lo benellt the Actors' Fund The Isiolhs nro each to lepresent a paillcillai'theativauil attended hj alie) of handsome actresses tlood looking aclors aie to appear at cetialn hours. "Nattual (las," which Is a lale season at ti action at Funke's, has been blitzing awitv at Washington this week, and IIh luilllaiicy lias rellectnl hearty laughter and good fisi lug on very huge audiences at tlio National Theatre. Meanwhile the ever iioptilur Sam Cox quietly scooped In neai 1 flO,(KKI In Hie box olllee for his stnis, Donnelly and (llraiil Last Moiidaj nlglit, at th Haldwin Then tlv, Sol Smith Hussell made his Mist appear ance In San Fraucisco in several jea'" Ho pU'sented "''eacelul Valley," Edward E. Ivldiler's new comedy. A lelegiam iccclVeil lu New York sajs Mr. Hussell was most cordially welcomed b 11 large and tindiiuu alile uuilicncc. Hussell will oeseeu at Funk's lu NovemlM'r Monday night Eiedeiick Paul Hug began the third aud last week of his engagement at tlie Standard Theatre New York, wheie ''The Struggle of Life" lias made su much ol u sueet-ss that lie could continue lor 11 longer term had tint a il'e Ions contract been made to present tie- play at Mrs. John Drew's Aich Street Theatre In Philadelphia on Monday Mr. Paulding lias, however, arraiigisl to liettnn to New Yotk in November lorn second engagement Paudllng has an en gagement witli the Lansing in January. Tlie company to support Harry Lacy In the production "Jack Hoyal of thelU," which was pioduced at Philadelphia Mem, lay Is com posed of the following members. J. H. Fit. Patrick, J. II lluuity, Hany llatto, Ernest Taiiton, James Lackaye, Myron Cnllee, Lldsey Hurst, Claude II. Ilrooke, Logan Paul, Phil Hunt, F. 11. Tyler, Henry Dans, Mary Hampton, Kate Hawthorne, Maud Monroe, Marlon P (Jill ton, Rita O'Nell, Minnie Reeves, Nelson Waldrou, chief 11111 ehhicst; C. O. Ilrowu, electrician, Henry tireen, in advance, nnd the reliable nnd ex perienced Horace Wall, manager. Tho Lan sing has Harry Lacy booked. I'rey & Krey, liurlsls. This prosperous firm has opened city sales rooms nt 11 1 South Twelft street, Foreman fc Crowes old stand, where they will keep in tock a nice line, of cut Mowers, designs etc. The greenhouse remains as formerly nt 'J'.'nd aud (t streets. See Ilotaliug maple syrup. the grocer for now, pure Edw. J, Colliiison, piano tuning, voicing and reparing, with Craucer's ait and music store. The handsomest things in ladies head wear at Herjiolshelmer it Co's millinery depart ment. Notice of sale. In the matter of the estate or Thomas .1. Kldil, deceased. Notice having been hereto hue given that lu pursuance uf an onler of bniuuel M Chapman, one of the Judges of the District Court of Lancaster County, Nelirasku, the undersigned would on Hie sth day of Sip teincer Is'Jl at one o'clock p.m. on the piem Ises herein afterdescrllieil, oiler snld piemlses for sale nt piddle vendue to the highest Mil der nnd at said time the undersigned admin tratilx deemed It for the Interest of ull pei snns concerned theieln that said side ho xist poiied, nou therefore notice Is hereby given that said sale has heeu adjourned lo the lllth day of October l-'M aud on said last date at one o'clock p.m. on tho promises heieln lifter descilbvd, there w 111 be sold at public vendue lo tlie highest bidder the following described real estate, to wit -Lit number threo 'U in lllock number seventeen, 'IT lu Kluuni's I "O" street addition to the city of Lincoln, I County of Lancaster aud stub- of Nebraska, snld sale will remain open one hour. Dated 1 September hth, lS'Jl. I I'll.tM K-. i:. .losK-i, I Administratrix of the estate of Thomas .1. I Klitd, deceased At tln-on A Ilol. li-lli-:H Attorneys. HARDY & PITCHER - ilAYH 5HSHSH5HaSESH5aaSSSl5HSHa5HSH5H5SSH5HS35HSHSaS5aSHSHSH5HFaSHF55a5HSHSH ; Sh FURNITURE 5E5asa5BSBSHSHSH5a5aSH5H5HSaSHSE5asaSHSH5aSE5HSHHSHSH571S5H5H5a525HSHSHSHHSH5HS2S SI -&1 211 South 11th St. Novelties in Cloaks and Dress Goods Capes ami Ulsters, Reefers and ICnlish Top Coats, Trimmed Astraehan, Mink, Moullou and Martin, at greatly tluced pi ices. fcJL mmmWM llMiiifli 1(1 'in '"A U $ A new lot b.t- .ittlwil (dlliii.e beaullful si In suitings kcusatlou tif the low 11 Please i, til next week and Inspect mil new (ilovc dcp.iitmciil THK BAZAR, 1023 O STREET. Towrlleor i neiuer And then Wc an c iusivc ngents foi tlie high nit llrass anil Nickel Signs, such ns wc display at our stoic. They arc attractive and make an excellent advcrllscmcnt. A.( . .II'.MI'.H, liesldeut. THE INTERIOR I 134 N ?33RSS&?ic5fv5"; CHILDREN'S CLOTH TOP SHOES The same shoe of sold in the sprintr. and c 2 to 5, Infants. 4 to lxAi Spring ED. G. 1 1129 O fi !SSSS55SQS5322c2liSSS Till- LARGEST STOCK OF IN THE CITY. LINCOLN, NEB. iSaJsll!r KuiMr re- T3 11 a. rt o O u o o be (A - S CI u l -) 3 X c? 2 - rt in u 2 o o CO oar which have been the A DILEMMA not lo write thai Is the question. us iiooiei III tile lillllil to sillli'l The leputntlon of lining usked by A 111111L' lad to write lu her until Aouiigladv to write lu her autograph album, And having kepi the book two vears, more or less, not written In It Or lo lake pen aualusl 11 host of doubts and fears, And, hv ouch writing, end them? To start to write To wilte perchiiui'e lo make a blot av, there's thu rub; I'orln Ihiililarksiime blot what feelings urn Hliowu forth nervousness, distrust of self. And iiniuy olheisl -Not as, forsooth, When one Is writing lo his girl, for then, I The should make u blol, he draws a line Round It, and ays It was Intentional, And iiieaul to mark a plaeu wlieie hn did kiss. And she believes the yarn nnd kisses It. And believes thai she Is happy. Cam. I'.i.wick, Mauiunr DECORATIVE CO. STREET. y.syr&ittttZr?Z4Js which so many were wore so well. Heel. YATES, STREET. :- In -h. ' h Hi II. A- C11..