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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1891)
"-f fMnvwmnJn" w"t"Tay CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1891 v I? M H s 15 r ',', tSmagSmmm, mi raaaj.v,jr. vn Jl - POPULATION OF LIHCOLH 65,000 H. R. NISSLEY&CO. COH TENTH AN' I) 1' ST LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS a special!) ' A mil lino of lr Winner's ml nli'-l'"ril nosiKin, i Niii.uw i:au ami kihuiiivfs In luiuo ns.orlnu nix We hnve I It mtino) Im Tho Duttorlck'8 Pnttonis. H. R. NISSLEY&CO. TAKC NOTICEl Tim CoUiUKii will nut lx ieonslllo foi any debt made liy mii mm In It name, ini tmn milieu ordci iiit'ninimiiliM I lie wmio, Don't Fall lo Inspect Our Fall Line of Millinery JUST RECEIVED oim:ra iiorsr. aiitsut Tim t'ourloi din be I'miiiil Al Hold Lincoln NowsHtnlul Windsor llnlol News Htand. I'aplinl lloli'l NcwsHtuml. Odrll's Dining Hull NuwsNInnil, IV.NO HI Tim Oolhiini News Htiuul, 111 Month lllli HI Thn Akix, III Nurlli lllli Hlieel. 11. Yoiimt, lirjo out reel Clnwlli, riPlolHT A l" . 11.0(1 HltriiJ. Wmtornehl's lliirbcr Shop, Hurr JllncK. liitcrnutlnnnl New Kiiiiiorliiiii. liliOt Hon run IMgnr Wore, I is Nmtu lllli HI reel. Moore's NcwsHtmnl.lH South lllli Strut IWAn extra nniiilj of ii'i m Is niw n) h mil t tlio Hotiinui, in mippllcs run short. ease other Newsdealer FALL STYLES DUNLAP HATS W. R. DENNIS & CO. 1 137 O Street. Church Advertisement". Commencing April Hint. TllK COUHIKU will liisoi t notices pel tnlnlng to soclnblos, festlvnK lectures, meetings nud sermon for II nlii.ii-liita fi..i nf clmrire. Adl el tlselllOII ts for cmteilalnment vvheio nn ndmlssloii ls- chnrgivl will ho Inserted nt oue-hnlf tho leg ular rate. I.Mritl Mini Personal. Whltobrorst Coal mul Lime Coinpiiny llutJj M. Wood, M. D., HSU 1 stieet. Iincoln Ice Co., 1010 O St. Telephone US Bugc-no llnllott, diamond merchant, 113 N BVaventli street. Oo. A. Kaymor, coal mul wood. 'Phono MOO. mi O street. Hnry Hiirphnm sell chamois skins for carriage cleaning. Onon City Coal nt the Whltobreast Coal anil Lime Co. 100 finest engraved calling cards mul plate lor iW at Thk Couhikh oMeo. Ladle kltl gloves cleaned or colored at Ltn coin Rteom Dye works, 1100 O street. f Professor G. W. Hill, teacher of Klociition and Oratory, 0.15 south Elev enth street. Cabinet taths for ladles given by Mis. 1). IX Catlln professional masseur, 14J0 V street, Ladles can liavo their party dresses cleaned by thn French dry process at tho Lincoln team dye works 1105 O street. Applications 'oriental of Turner hall for octal and dancing received nt 1. J. Wohleu bergs U'nr toro, I2S 8. 11th stnvt. Flannel shirts cleaned w Ithout HhriiiUlug ly Uw French dry cleaning proce9, only IS cts. atLlncoln Bteam Dye oiU, 1105 O street. "Not how cheap, hut how good" Is the motto of tho now Studio Lo Gimule. Call and nee tlielr work, 1'Jl south Twelfth street. The celebrated Egg Shampoo iemoes ilandmlTand proinotei thn growth of thu hair. For sale by Mi Joluistou till O street. Never onlern photograph or picture of any kind until you have seen tho noik done at the new Studio Lo Qiaud", V2 south Twelfth street. Gcntlcineu should now get out their Iuh toimmer's suit, tnku It to tho Lincoln Steam dyeworks 1105 O sheet and hae it cleaned, dywt,ri!paliedor pivs-l out. Wlding ln Itntions, either pi in ten or en KraMliu the finest stjleof the nrt nt The Couiuxu olllee. Conect founs mid bwt quality of stock guuranteed. Stun pies cheei fully xhowii. Original round oak stows, tho only nir tight round oak stove 011 tho market, cone quenMy the mcst economical 111 coiismuption of furl. Sold only by Uituhnm and liuck, 1US1 O stieet. Commutation tickets at Drown' retnu ranta (good at either place), llvo dollars for four dollars. This makes prices lower than any ctlier plaeo In the city when the prices charged ou hill of fare is considered . All meals at Odell's new dining hall ie durrd to twenty cents. No cieillt and 110 UcLWm to nnj one. The meals arc same as fbrtutvly and the price lower than ever. This mates the boaid nt Udell's cheap and be best In the state fortlie money. With thn exit of September we iliVinlvt thoughts of slimmer mul begin to look for wanl to thngiiitlsof tlmi'iimllig season" Ortohiir M't-N tlio leturii of thn siiiuin rr tinxi-li'iM ami tlilx Is tho mouth In which people- prepnto for the winter. If the month Is cihiI, ns It usii'illy Is In this climate, the 1 1.1.4 or kocIiiI MClU It)' which Is nt the IIikmI in Ihi'iMiilKi'iiiidJiiiiiiiiiy, Ins lis source nt thlstlnitiof thiijeni Now tlmt It Is long since pint, we all ndiult that the senvm or IM 'til was not as Iholy ns It might hno biim This was dun ton Mil loty of cnuies All of thesi have, It Is to be hopeil, since Ihvii leiiiiM'l, mul there so'ini fioin thn piesent (HitliHik to In nothing standing in the way of this w Intern enjoyment IVnple urn counting on 11 it active season mid e er thing points In this diiectlnu Alietdy pliuis are being pel footed for the rutertnlmueut of thn gay circle, and luforo the mnlitli clos the mii lous sih'lal oiganlitlous of the clt will have euteied iipiu their nc'utoiued loiltiil of festUlties or hae c miil"toil the iiiiiiugciuents foi 11 Inter outlet', mid n num ber of new clubs and ibiueltig t'oteiles, etc , hip piotulscd ami iier prospect of success fill liiaterlnllitliiu. The I'leastut Hour Club, the leading social assoclntlun of the lit) was rcotgiiulred lor thn season of 11 'HI, I'llda) eililugnt u mietiilg held at llttl .! ritcher's The following olllcers were tlected pifslilent, C It I'ither, lce-piesl-ilent, II, O Picfiunn, Mt'titai, V. Mittou Smith tieasiuei, Cliules L Hurr, miisier of celemoiiles, I' V .'lining, executlxe comiuitlee, S. T St John, C I) Mull"ii. mul Iriink L llnthnwa Tne club stmts out with fifty Ht'M'ii members mid with the iissuinnceof liiilliiiut w iutet Atraugemeuts liaxenot jet In-en complete,! but it Is pi oh 11 ble that the iieulng pmt will U'glHn some time in Nowmhei It is the pieseut itentlon to make the opening event a le- ceptloii to newlj nmiiliil niemberN of whom thel 11 w III iluutli hs be m end. I h i Til 's I a P.eulug ilub which had such a successful cmeei last 3 cur will linlil Its tlrst leguliii inittlug Tuisihi) owning nt the icsldence of AlU-i Ui nee (li lllltli, I'lfteeuthnudN stltet Anew plan of work has been ndoote I and much phasnre mul piollt me txiecttted In thn ensuing months The (.'hnutnutpm clivle including (lie one Jut oigauled lij Mi IV i: llmd,me iibout to commence the legular course and there is smo to lie mi uuwouttsl actllt In this direction Man of society 's hi Igliest mid most popular me in heis nm turning to set Inns tilings tins ear anil betwixt p vial couues at the uulei sltles, chautauipia work, liteimy clubs, etc. the) will lliiil pleut) to occup) their spate hoiiiM. Tlie I'mtilarchs will be lleller thiiu ever mid at IcaH two now dancing clubs me Just now incmbi)o. Any nuinbei of hoiie partlismiil itH'cptlonsaropromvd mid the indications mtt that cards will icgaiii their old time populmlty. The belles will lme an iueienseil uuuibir of organizations xtrlct ly their own, umoiig tlio uewir ones being the 1 tcoiitly 01 gmilK.'d "Thimble Club" mid the fair sex will not tie nt a loss for amuse ment mul Instruction of their own, indepen dent of tho lords of creation. And wed dings too Four or lle will occur this month and they may he looked forall w Intel. Some of our most popular )oung piople will be removed from tlio ranks oftlin single by thu first 1 omul of matiimouial ccicmou les. So, taking eveiy thing Into consldera Hon theie mo interesting tiniM in stire One of the most eujo) able evrlits of the past week was a m ty given by Mls Lillle 12 llonfoy in honor of her lslting comln, Mrs. Dr, Diudi, of Sioux City, li., nt tho homo ot Miss IUm-iIo PadiKxik, 114 south lilth stieet, Tuesday evening A paiticulai 1) pleiuant featmeof tho evening's enter- tnlmeut wns thu rendition of t.eernl piano selections by Mrs. . L. Hell. Piogreniw hlgh-tUe wns Indulged In, after whlc. dainty refieshmeiits were servtil Those particlptt lug weie: K. II. Stocking, V. II Selty, O W . l'erry, 1 O. Hird. 11 Wilson, W. II. Staekhouso. V., Mlchuer, . J Comstock, L. Wvssel, J. V. Mejers, M. K. radilock, MKms K. Fox, Alma Sharp. Hilda II30I111111, Kate Hesse, Jessie L-inder, Herth Hughes, Mr. G, H. and Dr. Alice II. Crandnll, Mrs,' V. L. Hell., Mr. and Mrs. i'nddoek and Mis. H.J. Drink. A new enrtl club hns Just been organized, and from the tiimes composing tlio member ship we would predict n very pleasant and t'lijoj able season for thorn. They w ill meet each alternate Tuesday evening, and their membership has Ui-n limited to twelve couple. Tho name chosen by them is nn ap propriate one, ns their amusement will be high fire mid they will bo kuonn as the "Hon Fir Cluii" those Iwlug mcmliers are Mesrs mid Mosdames O. M. Thompson S. L Moore, A. K. Keunard, Cal Thompson, K. K k Mooiv, ueo. Cook. U. M. Keefer, Geo. 11. Clark, A. G. Hlllmeyer, Jno C. Allen.nndA. Hurlhut,Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Claik, will entei tain tho club next Tuesday evening, which will be their initial party. Me Louis M. Colin, of whom mention was made in our last Issue has rented the Io.mi ttou at present occupied jointly by Ferry 0v Har lis and Cutler iS: Co, 1217 O street. Mr. Colin hns been ou a several mouths search torn location mid Ills Ideal was finally tea- 'llred on sent chlng Lincoln. After slgiilug tho lease Mr. Colin immediately left for Chicago to bu) a stock of goods expjetlng to ho ready for business by October 10. Tho name of his store w ill lo "The Lea lei" and a genei al line of dry gond, fancy good and uoulties will be carried As the gentleman tsnn established hustler for trade he will make thing decldedl) lively In and mound his place of business. their future lioine ou the Ivaw Mr mul Mrs, Gregg hnf leslded In Lincoln for the Isist ten j ears, during which time Hiny have ulwn)s moved In out most select elides where their pieseuee will oft times be ml'sed this winter Mr Gregg's Lincoln nllbv will be continued mul thny hope to see their f 1 lends on oecissloiml visits Mr lv)scr williiuiiiiigu the local olllee Miss I'.leanor T)iulale of tho 'Men mul Women" couip my was tulertnluisl, dm lug her shot t sta) in Lincoln, b) her mint Mis. L Wt'sterinan, Sixteenth mul S stiects MlssT)iulalo will be temembeiiKl by man) Lincoln people, hn lull nppeatisl In this cit) In V. with Modjeskaaud with "Slieniiiuloah" In 1H), both of which times nlm was enter tained by her cousins the Mess is Westei mull of tills city A few few fi lends weie Invited to the Wt'stirinali home Moiuln) evening to ineetMlfs T)iulale 'lliej weie. Mr mid Mm John M Tha)er, Jr , Mi and Mis II T Dobbins, Miss (leitnule l.'iws M'stis G W (lei wig mil mn I) Liu Mr I' II Ames of New Ymk clt) and Mis Helen I'oreiiiiin of this clt) vt-it tpilet I) mm lied 'I Inn win) nfteiuoou ut live o'clock ut thu home of the luldo's slstei. Mis. O It Onklo), Sixteenth mul M streets llev John Hewitt perfnrnusl the ceiumouy ill the presence of lelnllves mid a few im iiiedintu filends of the fnmll) 'Hi' tloinl ilecointliius weie very beiiutiful mul the presents were ver) elnborate and costly. After the ceieinony 11 delightful Wedding supM'i' was solved ami Mr mid Mrs Ames departed on the 7 :W ti ilu for New York clt J where tliu) will spend the w Intel Mr, Wnltei L Diwson, bo ikkeepiT in the olllceof public Imiilsmul billlillugs wus umi rieil nt Heimelt, Nib Inst Tlimsdii) evening to Miss Muggle I' llnrues, the beiiutiful mul iiccoinpllshcd itaiighterof Judge J I). Hnines of that place I'he ceienion) was peifoiiiird al the home of the sister of the bilde, Mis. W F Tin ln'tt and witnessed by the Imme diate relatives mul Intimate fi lends of both families. Mr ami .Mrs Dawson depm toil in the evening for 11 short wedding lour lifter which theg will nuike tlielr home in Lincoln A vol) pleasant time was enj iy I by the f 1 lends of Mi Chin les Webei wlio weie In lted to sjieiid the evening ut his home, 70.' South Klghtecnth stleet, the occasion being his twent)-llit blithdii) M my Uiintirul tokens weie piesetited him b) his filends, which weie of courie lilghl) iippteu'ntid, The Union baud toiiileiod seveiul excellent selettlons and thu evening was thoroughly o'ijo)cdb) evci)ono pre-ent. I.ust wiH'k the etigngeui it was in ule pub lic in Nebiaska fit) of Mis J niyliin Wei vl to Mi Kitiil Sclmniof New York City Tins weekthe uewscomis fiom I'hllailetphla miiiouuclug the engagement of Hour) Wessel tnMlsGince Arnold both of that city. Kvidentl) tlie Wessil fmnll) 1110 enJo)ing a inuli linonlal Imioiii Lieutenant and Mis T W Gilllltli ic tinned Ki Id i) f 1 out an extended sojourn In the last nndmo ut the Inmeof Mis (iiitlith's parents, Mr. and Mis 0. It Oiklo) They will have next week for Ft Clatke, Texas wheiu Lieiltenaut Gi'llltli will join his regi ment. Judge J W Fitzgerald of St Mni)'s Kas., state delegate of the li national league of Ameilea for tint state, was In the city Tues day on his wu) to the convention of tlie league in Chicago October lift mul second mul wns thu gue-t of Hon. John ritigcinld. Miosis. Wehter mid White of Central Cit) 111 e in the cit) mul will 1 cumin mul be come members of the L'tncastor county bar. Mr, Webster was formerly tiensurer of Merrick comity mul Mr, White is well know 11 heiensn gtndii'ito of the statu lllllvolslty. Mr. JniuesM Unity ot Detiolt, Mich., is in the cit v Nting w Itli his old friend, Hon, li II. Oakly Mr. Hint) was a rexidcut of Lincoln lltteeu )etu- ago uinl is biiipiised mid delighted ut the taiiid growth of the cnpital cit) Mis. H W. Hulliuiiuof Spiinglleld, Ohio, heailug of the illness of her )ouug gimul cliill, Hazel, diughter of W S. HulTmaii, 12.M Ivstieet, came to Lincoln Wednesday to be at the bedside of the little sullei r Master II. llufoid left Tut "day with his uncle. Cnpt. M 11. llufoid for a visit in Utah. They weie accompanied as far as Omaha by Major C II mid Miss Lizzie llufoid. Messrs. I'd ward Leigh, John Gesford, W. J. O'llrlen mid Silas Needs, all of Ceieseo, visited with H Nichols in tlie this clt) Tues day. They weie oil theii wu) to Oklahonu. A German club is being orgauizl in this city to 00 composed of about twenty couples It is their intention to g v e four genitalis tlur lug the winter. .Mrs. C. A. Jeuks returned to her home In Mobile, Ala., Tuesday after spending u very pleasant summer with her mother Mis, K. L. l'eckmau. Mrs A. 11 Metidenhull mid daughter, Mrs. Itert K. lletts, itepmted Sunday evening to visit with friends ami relatives at l'eorln, Illinois. Mr. Charles Strahler, a former resident of Lincoln but noivof Hot Springs, 8 D , wns In the clt) tills week MlssHelln Wulkerof Stevenvllle. Ohio. Is visiting her cousins Mr mid Mrs Kii'terday, 2.VWI Vino stteet Mr ll'rt II ivvl' departed Weliimdiy for Kewniiee, III , where he will spend a month visiting relatives Mrs Mlxou mid Mrs. Ilnmllntoii of With llm, ICnn., who have been visiting O. W. Smith, left foi home Wednesday. .Mr S W Little mul family are enJo)lng n visit miioug telntlves mid friends in Los Angelos On I Judge M. II Iteeso and family have given up housekeeping mul taken appartmeiits at the Llndell. Mi. A W Pierce left Thursday for Pott Worth, Tex., where he will make his future home Mi mid Mrs James Ivell) left Tuesday for Chicago mul Mllwuukio for n month's visit Mls Initio Hut r departed Sunday for Hos ton, Mass , wheic sho will spend tlio winter. Mr James Heatou has'gone to (Mchmoud, Va , to attend tlie undertaker's convention Mr O II Mm rll mul fuuilly have leturned home after 11 few week's v Islt In Polk county. Mr Willis Shorl hns returned from a visit to Ids foi hum homo In Hiiuillu, W. Vn Mr J A He) nobis left Wednesdii) on the east bound tialti foi ludlnuaolis, Ind. Dr. MiCimnm of Teciimseh was in the ( Ity Tliiiisdii) on his way to Chicago. Mis. I A Seiss left Wodnes 1 1) for Sioux Clt) to ntt'iid the corn p ilaco Mis Hose Cooley is visiting lelnllves mul ti lends In Morrison, Colorado. Mr nut. Mis John ".-lining have gone to houel plug ut 1115 II street. Mr J S Marlleld lias gone to Pueblo. Col , oil a business tl ip Ml mul Mrs. M L Freeman lift Tuesday for Denver, Colorado .Mr John lv Light depirtcd Weilnesduy moiniiig for DesMolues. Mr.S Giniit mul F Soinervllle went to Sioux Clt) Wediiisdn) Mis W 11 Hester Is visiting telatlvis nt Colfnx Springs, la Mi II 1- A lllu of Cass count) is visiting fi lends In this clt) .Mi C O I'm ks is at Sioux City attending the cm 11 pallnce Mr. W S Scott lelt Monda) night for Galveston, Texas Mr DiulelH Smith of Plattsmouth spent Suiula) in Lincoln Mr Paul Vandervoort of Oniiliiwus ill Lincoln this week, Mrs. 11 O Shepai d started Wodiu-dn) for Stillwater, Minn Mr P A Williams left Tuesday foi Col orado Spi lugs Mis, Pollock of Chicago Is visiting her ss tei Mr ). Wise. Mi (1 P Kllouslolber left )esterday for Wellington, ICns Hon J M. Moon of Sioux City spent Sun day In Lincoln. Miss Mai cm Mellugh is visiting friends In MuiIImiii, Wis Mis HIss-ll has gone for a brief visit to SHkaue Pulls. Mr Thomas F Seal of Unlmville. Pa , is in the city. Mr. Hlchnrd Hodd is speiillnga few da) s ' 111 Detivet. j Mr J T Weuwoith spnt the weok In Chicago Mi II A. Tibbetts depirtcd Mondn) for Denvei Mr. mid Mrs. ,1. J. Hutler left Monda) lor Denvei Mr. and Mrs F A. II oth left Tuesday tor Chicago Mr. W. Morton Smith spent Tueslu) in Omaha Mr. Charles Thornbuig Is In Chlcagi 011 bus uiHS. -Mr. T. J. Hudson left Motuliy for St Louis. Mr. A. S. Williams has gone to Youngs tow n, O. Miss Kiln H. Luiels vlsltuig in Cincinnati. Mrs. S Hurcli is v isitiug in Lelnuon, ICih. Oloaks - Oloaks ..4 $5 00 $6 00 $6 50 and $7 00 7 50 8 00 9 00 9 50 10 00 12 60 14 00 15 00 1 7 00 18 50 19 00 20 00 UP TO $50 00. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ! ress &oods. Lndics we will give you ;i selection of Dress Gotuls that will suit you. ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST ! j w wiNGeR&eo. 1109 0 STREET. C. R. RICHTER, SUCCESSOR TO lumArtciRlCttTER- I rf rrrtrRiiitmrmrm 1-1 nun rrri irm il 1 1 1 nrrn Br Wmm tr yy : xam mm w.m sii ? Burr Block 1204-1206 0 Street. ACOEI HEATERS Mrs. C. J. Todd, tho modiste left Tuesday for Chicago where she will inspect thu latest fashions, expecting to return within two weeks. Mrs. O il Thompson gave a delightful high live party Thursday evening at her ulensnnt home, 521 south Fourteenth street Tho decorations weio very tasty and Mis Thoinpnou prov ed a delightful entertainer. Thoo present were: Messrs and MesJnmcs, John C. Allen, A. Jnuseu, A C. Ken 'nnid, Kdwnrd Hignell, li. Woleott, A. JH. Wuir, Chailes Kwfer, E. K. Crilev, George llrown, A M. Hiinl. F W. Haldwln, John SaUbery, Oeorje Clark, A. W. Hill iineyer, O, K. Mooie, Call Thompson, F. D. I Houlette, David Wiw, Dll I) in of Ft. Scott, t W. S. lluirmmi, J Q. Underwol, Dr. Da) I ton, Dr. J. A. Halley, Dr. 11. K. Gillln, Dr. i F W Tucker, Mr E. Thompson and Miss Helle Snbiu Mi. Mason Giegg's business requiting his constant attention in Kansas City wheie ho has acquit ed nn Intel est in one of her largest elevators, it has been fouti I ueoessi ry to lo. catetheio p.'iinanently. Accoullngly Mr. Gregg mul family left Monday evening for Mr. II M.Stialher and family, of Haw I iug Gteen, Mo., are v isitiug in the city, and ate the guests of Mr P. S htvlnd and fumlly. Mr. John L. Miller.Edgnr Miller mid Miss es Fniiule Smith und Katie M Itlor, of Lu Pa)ette, Ind , are visiting Mis. It. Q Green. Huzel IlulVmau, vonugen daughter of W. S Hullin.ui, 1'JH K stieet, died eaily this morning utter ai illness of s-nei al d lys 51in. Dr. McKlbbeu of Joseph, Oregon mid Miss M. C. Cat mean of Hopkins, Mo, are liecliannd family. Mr. W N. Hhelnnder and fumlly leturned Tuesday from u thieo week's visit to Silt Lake Clt) mul points in Colorado Mr W. A. Williams left Tueshi) evening for Lamoul, la , having been en Iks I there b) the seiious illness of his motliei Mrs. A. McKoefer deputed Wednesday for St. Louis, for n Hit ee wit'k's visit with her daughter, Mis D P. Linge Hev. HUliop Honacum leturned Saturday from his St Louis visit mi I deput ted Tues day tot Dubuipie, low a Mu. Wise who has boon visiting her sUter, Mrs. I) C Ke)e., left Thursdi) for her homo in Lansing, Midi. Misses Minnie and Olive Latta were in Omiihn Wedne.-duy lu attendance upon the Uui us Eastman wedding. Mrs G W. Fischer, wife of Hullmaii oc Go's mtUtlo designer, uirivod lu Lincoln. her futuie homellimsday. Mr.S. S. Clinse, an extensive propel t) owner lu Liii'olumul a lesldeut o( Uw An geles, Is at the Liudoll Mr. and Mis. Chailes II, Wainei I etui ned Tuevlay li oiu n visit to Hulfalo mid other eusteru )K)iiits. Hon. Atirnm Miller of Wushiugtoii, In., spent Tuesday in Lincoln ns the guest of General Mcllilde What is there that let tins Its value, Its iienutv and Its admiration as well ns u dia mond; Time does not harm Its brlllinucy, Its spaikles never fall to charm the eye and age makes no distinction as tochauge in val ues They nre ulw nv s the same. Unlike nil other jewels they never go out of st)le, mul niondinlred alike by king nud pea-ant, iloh and poor, high au lowly. Eugene Hallutt, the Eleventh street jeweler has now nn n sortment that for variety of styles, neat set tings, handsome stones nud low prices, fur surpasses all competition -If such there bo any. Hnllet's dealings in diamonds have been so extensive that in ) ears past he bin established himself ns tlio diamond mei chant ot Lincoln His place is headquniteis, Never bu) u diamond until you havu seen Hallett. ACOM RANGES mmWWZ$lm&$A3yRTTi&Win Dangler Gas Heating and Cooking W. B. WOLCOTT, Telephone 273. 130 South Eleventh St. tl. K. lliowu, Kecelver. Tho Lincoln city electric railway hns pass ed Into the bunds of u receiv er nud the com t hnsshowu uuusunll) clever judgment in tlie appointment of Mr. G. K. Drown. Mi llrown has hid experience in the stieet lai busiuess and with his customary tact in that line will uudouhtlilly bring the brslness 011 u p tying basis mid soon 1 educe or wipe out the liabilities uoiv duj TI1.1 load isgtvlnggood and legular s.rv ice mi I with a mnu nt the helm like Mr llrown its business will be much benelltted. At Auction Household goods mul piano, Mondn) at I o'clock i 11 , 1IU7 L street. Tho Whitebi east Coal mid Lime coiiipmi) is nlwn)sattho I lout supp))iug tho lluest guides of nil kinds of coil One hull lied lluest engraved calling cauls and plate only fJ.JW nt Wessel Pi luting Co., 113H N street Now is the time to get stov es fo r the w In ter. Dunham oc Huck have 11 big line of nil the lluest miikes, They nNo lepnir old stoves, set them up mid furnish pans needid nt ienouable cost. Call, IUM O stieet or tul-ephouuV.i'.i, Ladies hail dressing. Miss O street. Johnston, 111 Tlie Peninsular base bin ner i the latest impioved heatei in the mniket. Hefoiebu) lug, call and nee a full line at Dunham 00 Huck.lP.M O street. Wedding in vlfitloiif Wessel Pilntlug Co. 17.' 2k ' Wmm lnptit mil CI111U c line nl onllneil stvlislnl A l'l.-s. .I. MM noil IMICns (OOlls M l.l.l ll. rhe IniKi'it vil li, IV vie have v I sliown. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. PRICES THE LOWEST. m i l 1 n 1 7 iiia..M.ifci."' '