Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 26, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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    vW '' "-
Never Buy a Carpet
Exposition Carpet House
In Draperies
we show nil the newest thing In hotiM!
' drapes, nnd have nn nttrnctivc line of
Lace Curtains
Alwiiy see the Exposition Carpet Store
before ordering.
If you Deposit your Savings
Lincoln Savings Bank
Safe Deposit Co.
S.K.cor.llth audi" His.
Alp In- Hateol
5-Eive per Ct. per Annum-5
Have )u) a week mid It amounts with
nterosl In live years to $I,7K0.
Hunk opens at U:3U a. in. to ;i::i) p. in. anil
Batnnlay evenings, 5 to s p. in.
Safes to Rent in Burglar and Fire
Proof Vaults.
CAPITAL $200,000.00.
American ; Exchange
National Bank.
I. M. Raymond, Lewis Gregory,
1'rosldent Vice Picsldeut
8. H. Ilnriihnni, I), (i. Wing,
('ashloi. Asst. Cashier
mmm smm
. j,,
Linjjlv, : Neijkaska.
Officers and Directors:
John li. WrlKht, I'res. T. K. .Sanders, V.-P-
J. H. McClay, Cashier.
A H Raymond, II P I.uu, Thus Cochran K
It Hlzor, Clias West, K I- Sheldon.
General Ranking Business Transacted.
Accounts Solicited.
German National Bank,
Montgomery, President
llerinan II. Hclinhii' Vice I'rest.
.Joseph Ilofhmcr, (.'lu-hlcr.
O. .1. Vleo., Asst. CusMor.
. $ioo,oou.oo
Transacts a General Banking Business
of the woiM. Foreltfu imiIUtIIoi. u pciMulty
Sinirf tillUt riuniihM'I'ttnnnJtll
wtrik itir u. li Ann !'. uiilo,
1 -. ii .... I..1.1,. Ilhl.i.
i ) U' I 1 ram ir r ."
I iiuitih ,. , ,. ii . ilie Hiik inJ lift
N.t 1.. .... .. (.. ... . .. - I tan ha
Vftliuir tru r ih tmitliitr front r& 10
llilr ,llf iiHtm joincw
lid atari ) u t n rk In arallm
or ll ill lii" 1 1 1 tr mmj for woik
rr I )lnr inikiiotvit iiinr thru.
V'W's1: .aKsaHRBlLiZu't-
1 i jFr
rmaaPsaVa-'- ,M t pii noiMitnui riu '"t ir".
(Continued from PagoS.)
Rev. A.H. Hunt, I). 1).' of Now York,
secretary of thi' American Hlble society was
the guest of Mr. C II. IiuholT a few days
this week.
Mr. Charles A. Wlekersham left Wrslnrs
day for the Paelllc eoast nud Puget Sound.
He will also stop a short time at Houth lleiul,
Mr. nud Mrs, George C. Coekrell and Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. ICwkrell of CIiIohko spent
Sunday with M-. C. W. Coekrell of this
Mrs. U M. Dennis of Hrayton, who lm
U-eu visiting lier father Mr. W. 11. Mcltoti
ert, returned to her home Monday nfternoou.
Mrs. S. M. Kerley, Mr. K. K. Hnyileu'H
sister of Hheoveport, Im,, has returned south
after a very pleasant Lincoln visit.
Mr. James I, Mandell, who has lieen visit
ing his sister, Mr. M. M. DoLovIs, loft Tues
day for his home In ToH'ku, Kns.
I Mr. C, 11. Meddins who has heeti vMting
his In other, Mr. J. H. Meddlns, left for his
home in Hauulhal, Mo., Sunday.
Mr. H. J. Cosgrove returned Wednesday
from a liul'ief trip to Denver, Halt Luke
City nnd other western points.
Mises I.tlu Alexander and Mahel Pratt re
tuiiu.i to Omaha Friday after a pleasant
visit with Mrs. A. H. Haymond.
Miss 8. M. CftfTyn, who has heen visiting
her s'ster, Mrs. C T. Hoggs, K'tt Tuesday for
her home In Ilochcster, lud,
Ueorgu F. Theirs and faui'ly depaitol
Thursday for Des Moines, la., which will he
home their In the future.
Mr. I). H. it. Palton left Monday for Chi
cago where he will attend the Chicago col
lege of dental surgery.
Messrs. John D. Carson and V. C. Hhlrkley
of Geneva, attended the lepuhllcau state
convention this week,
M .s. Mary McDonald Kuapp of Des
Molues Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hum
mers, UK I 11 street.
Mrs. F. M. Dorrlngtou of Alliance and
Mi. Record of Chadron, Imth formerly of
PI'ittMiiouth, h-o visiting with Mrs. A. Helile
gel, H1B H street.
M'ssdrneo Wiles, daughter of Mr. Issie
Wiles of Plattsmouth,aiid formerly a student
at Cotner university islted at ilethauy
heights th's week.
Mrs. Ellen Bowen and Mrs. F. A. Wl'sou
left Tuesday to attend the Crocker's In Igado
at DesMolues, la.
Mr. anil Mrs. Douglas left Tuesday for
Chicago and Milwaukee, and will In? gone
about two weeks.
Edw. J. Colliusoii, late of.Rlce Hlnzo piano
factory of Chicago, In now with Ueo. A.
Crancer & Co.
Mr. II. C. Meadows mid family left Mon
day for Houston, Texas., which wi'l lie the'r
future home.
Mr. A. Puccunella departed Wednesday for
the east where he will take passage for (len
own, Italy.
Mrs. O. W. Weed departed Wednesday
for New Mllford, Pa., where she will visit re
latives. Mr. John Lambore, chasler of the National
hank at Indianala, Is spending ii few days in
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hayden are v'siting re
latives and friends at Mount Vernon, In.
Misses Anna and Emma Danlienlie ger
started Thursday for New York City.
Mr. P. O. Guthrie left Sunday evening for
a trip to Guthrie, Indian Territory.
Miss Minnie Glllum of Cheyenne is In the
city the guest of Mrs. Will Renton.
Mi 8. Dr. Tucker returned from a visit to
Hot Springs, S. D., Wednesday.
Miss Marcla Fellow Is vMthg relatives
and friends at Syracuse, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Larimer departed
Wednesday for Iiellfoute, Pa.
Mr. John Dorgan and W. Morton Smith
spent Wednesday In Omdiii.
Mr Charles Clark of Omaha, spsnt a few
days In the city this week.
Sir. Theadoro Stover of City, S. D. Is
visiting friends In the city.
Mr. G. II. Williams left for Parkersbu-g,
West Virginia, Monday.
Mr. Henry Nelson has gone for n brief
visit to BanFranclsco.
M-. and Mrs. F. W. Baldwin nnd son are
visiting in Chicago.
Mrs. Jessie Grahm is visiting relatives and
friends in Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hayl'es left Monday
for Glochester, Ills.
Judge Hay won 1 of Nebraska City, was in
the city this week.
Mr. II. P. Stein departed Monday for In
dianapolis. Mr. L. H. Stoughtou swnt the week in
Captain Culver of Mllford, Is visiting In
the city.
Mrs. M.J. Hewitt, ;leparted';foriChlcago
.Monday, , y
Mr. L. W. Irwin left for Chicago Monday.
Rev. A. 8. Hum leftTueoUy for Chicago,
Yoiitlillvno Kuropeuii l'uu i'reparliiui,
Ladies, If you want most elegant face prep
aration, try tills one. It Is pure us sprlliz
water; no lead, sediment or other injurious
substances. It makes your skin soft, fresh,
ai.d clear, removes tan, blotches, discolora
tion, and Imparts a pearly complexion.
If your face Is not what you desire it, try
"Youthllene". I guarantee It to give perfect
satisfaction. I have sought for a prepara
tion that will maliu complexions fresh and
young looking and now I have found it, re
tailed at two dollars or three for live. I have
seemed the agency for this trusty article.
J. H. Hahlky, Druggist, Lincoln, Neb,
Onlj Ten ID Cents u Tuck.
Tlie celebrated "Hurlhuton Route" pity
ing can's at e now sold at t -u cell's pur pack,
(VI cents Is the usual price for such cii"ds),
Wh'st, high-live mid cu"hro pe-tles w' ' moii
be in older, and v woull mggeii that you
I'ty in u stocK ot these cards for future re
quirements. A C .IKMCIl,
City Piisenger Agent.
The IMkIiIIi M'oiider Is the 'sluux t'lt Coin
This Festival opens Oct. 1, elo-e Oct. 17,
1 "s'.'l. Among the numerous attractiors are
the Mexican Military Hand of .V) skilled mu
sicians, ami an exhibit from Cent nil and
Houth America, accompanied by a faniflv of
natives in their Peculiar Dress. The t'nliin
I Pacific has made a rate of One Fare for the
Round Trip, ror dates ol sale, limits, etc.,
npply to your nearest Union Paelllc ngeut.
Criminal Practice.
Colonel Percy Yurger Is one of the mast
popular criminal lawjers In Austin. He
has an Immense criminal practice nud
usually Micceeds, with slight assistance
from the jury, In acquitting his clients, u
matter how atrocious their crime or ovo
whelming tho evidence of their guilt. Last
Sunday Colonel Yurger' llttlo boy, Tommy,
wM asked by his Sunday school teachen
"Tommy, tho mini who Is good In this
world goes to heaven, now what Iwcoinos
of the had men who disobey the laws of
"Papa clears them." was the response.--Texas
"Hey, Lizzie, como nn Join do gang.
Dere's bully swliumln In ilit sower." Life.
Fume has Its own peculiar bitterness.
"Isn't It pleasant to go back with lauiels
to your old homef" nsked somo one of a
celebrated artist, who replied, qulz.lcallyi
"It would be, except that many of my
townsmen think mo a house, painter. That
is a worthy trade, but still it Is not my
trade." Vet such n sting In not tho sharp
est to be imagined.
A century ago there lived n famous al
manac maker, named Partridge. One day,
while travcliim In the country, lie stopped
for dinner at nn inn, and afterward called
for his horse, tu order to continue, Ids Jour
"If you will take my advice, sir," said the
hostler, "you will stay whero you are, tin
less you want to be overtaken by it heavy
"Nonense," was the reply. "It doesn't
look in the least llku rain."
Ho proceeded on his way, nnd was thor
otighly drenched by tho shower in which
he had refused to believe. Turning back,
he was met by tho hostler with n broad
grin. .
"Well, sir," snld tho man, "you see I
wns right, after nil."
"Yes, you wcro right, and now you must
tell mo how you camo to know about the
"Well, sir," replied tho man, "you see
wo have a book at our house called 'Par
tridge's Almanac,' and whenever that fel
low promises us a fair day wo know it will
rain. Now this day Is put down in tho nl
manna as 'settled lino weather.' I looked
nt the prediction before I brought yout
horse out, and that was how I could put
you on your guard. "Youth's Companion.
Ills Views.
The traveler stood lookiug nt the Klorlei
of Yosemltu for the first time. He had
Journeyed 3,000 miles to see the wouderfu
valley. Defore him In solemn griiudetii
rose the Cathedral Rock, the Three Rroth
ers aud the Sentinel Dome. The Urldal
Veil falls, dissolving lu a feathery mist ai
the waters descended the tremendous
precipice, lit up with varied tints the som
her majesty of tho scene, while El Capital
mighty, overpowering, unapproachable,
seemed to frown sternly over all. Tin
traveler became conscious hu was not alone
At his side, apparently lost In wouder,
'stood a stranger looking nt the mnrvelout
He addressed the stranger.
"Is not this stupendousf"
Tho stranger bowed his head, ns if he felt
the inability of words to describe bit
"Do you think," pursued tho traveler,
"that this terrific gorge wns cnused bj
some titanic upheaval from below? Or it
it the result of glacial action? What art
your views, if any, us to"
"My views," blandly interposed the
strnuuer, opening n vnll&e he carried In his
hnnd, "are only $1.50 a dozen nnd cheap nt
twice the money. Permit me to show you
n few snmples." Chicago Tribune
Changed tlia Subject.
One ot the most dllllcult things to do
gracefully is to change tho current of un
pleasant conversation, but tho small boy
am do it if circumstances make it neces
sary. "Thomas, will you please tell me why
you pulled up tho onions from my Dan
vers onion bed? How many times have 1
told you to keep away from the garden?"
Thomas grew red In the face, aud his
grandfather went on to depict tho evil fate
that was sure to befall boys who went
nround destroying what their elders had
Meantime, Thomas had pulled himself
together, and ns tho harangue was con
cluded lie enld, with n smile, referriug to
nn event of the previous week:
sl'Pity our old rooster died, wasn't it,
grandpa?" Youth's Companion.
Not Synoii) inoin.
Gentleman (on crowded street car)
What Is the difference between manufac
ture and make?
Second Gentleman Let ma see It is
Man (hatiKiUK on to rear platform, lu
terruptliiu') It is this this street car is
manufactured to seat thirty people, but It
is made to carry fifty or more. Life.
Thr Jojt nf Domestic Life,
Youuu Mother James,, you
mustn't go near the baby
Young Father Mayn't I Just look at
Young Mother No, dear; he's nsleep
I'll let you take him when ho wakes up lu
the night. New York Press.
U Li L J'M Wi$3&F
Continued from Mr-st igo.
Ing. Hilda Thomas, as Tony (la), old Hen's
ward; OUlo Arclnnero as Fllit, the widow's
ninld; and Harry (Illfoyle, tho waiter, were
oxtiemelygood. Miss lloyd's Imitation of
Caiineuclta brought down the houe, and the
Daly Misters' subdued skirt dances and yel
low frock had about the same elTect.
IIKl.t.A (lOl.tlKN
Is Funke's closing atti action for next week
and the engagement Is for Friday nnd Satur
day evenings on wlilcli ihviisIoii "The Mar
tyi" by D'Kuiery, author of "Two Orphans"
etc., will lie presented. The company Is
playing an engagement this week In Omaha
and tho llee, ipeaks ns following of the com
pany; "The company is n strong one mid
produce n stroim repertory of linn stock
comedies. Harry Robinson made a decided
hit as Prof, llangle, the crusty old llenedlet.
Martin Golden did some very clever work as
"the lean and sllppeied" Judge Growler.
Miss Emma Duller, n very pretty and win
some actrest, played Eva Clinton very ac
ceptably. Mis Carrie Giaham made a very
pleasing llelle, and danced charmingly. The
rest of tho company gave excellent suppoit
The orchestra rendered several very realistic
musical selections during the waits, which
were received with great favor."
Matinee this afternoon at l'nnkes,
"Chinatown" Is due at the FiinkeTliursday
Marcus Majer will star Miirlon Mauolu lu
Marlon Chester sajs she will hereafter bo
Marie Sydney
Maiy Audeisou Is pieparing her dramatic
memoirs for the press,
"Mr. Wilkinson's Widows" uin l, ,.r...
ented at Funk Wislnesilay evening.
The Martin Golden company will Ui at
the Fiinko next Fildny and Satiirda.
Manager Charles Frolmiau will pioduco
"Thei mldor," Victorian Sanlou's rainous
tragedy at the Twenty-third Htleet Theatre,
Now York, October nth.
Chillies Conies, who made a hit as tho
Velliiout farmer, in "The Cnimcl.-." Im.
achieved great success as the Stranger in
"A llolol'i tliu Ground."
Ileruhardt closed her Sail h 'iiucUco en
gagement, September lu'th, nud the teh
graphic message has It that she was not a
"wholly brilliant success,"
Alexander Salvinl opened his season at
the Chicago Auditorium on Moiuluv mul m.
cei veil it lieni ty welcome from mi Immense
audience mat completely filled the vast
Tho friends of Ever Elusive Rice will Ihj
glad to know that his "Evangeline" contin
ues to do a very largo business In Australia
receipts over $i,UiW a week. "Evangeline
will soon be seen at Fiinke's.
Josellll 8. liaworth llllllennsl ill (lie fii-mid
0eni House in Chicago on Tuesday, lu
anna ivaiiiiiriiie uroens tiramat'tttlon of
her own novel, "Tho Leavenworth Cise,"
and made it brilliant .success. Sir. liaworth
When Richard Mauslleld makes his etitl mice
next Monday evening at the Garden Theatre
X. Y.. as Nero. In Is Hiniiifwthl ti lim. liik.n
on a tout, during which he has palnU 1 Rome
a nrigiii Vermillion. .Mauslleld, with an
old-fashioned Jag wrapped up hi u Roman
toga, will undoubtedly make the gods smllo.
Mansfield will be seen nt tho new Lansing
later lu the season.
II. & M. to tlieHlniiK City Corn I'll lace.
Tho "Ilurllngtou" makes the quickest time
between Lincoln and Sioux City, and they
sell round trip tickets nt one fare, beginning
September 30th. C ill on the agent at 1). &
M. depot or at the city olllce, corner O and
Tenth streets for further I'ifoi. nation.
A. C. ZlEMEU.CIty Pass. Ag't.
Edw. J. Collfmon, piano tuning, voicing
and rcparlug, with Craucer's art and music
The handsomest things in ladles head wear
at Herohheimer & Co's millinery depart
ment. Notice of Hale.
In the lyattcr of tho estate of Thomas J.
Kldd, deceased. Notice having been hereto
fore tiiven that In pursuance of an order of
Samuel M Chapiiinu, one of tho Judges of tho
Ulstrlct Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska,
tho uuderslicned would on the Sth day of Hep
teiuccr ls'Jl nt one o'clock I'.M, on the prem
ises herein nllerdescrllied, oiler said premises
for snlo at public vendue to thu hlirhest bid
der and at snld time the iinderhluued iidnilu
trntrix deemed It lor thu Interest of ull per
sons concerned the iclu Hint said sale be sst
poned, nou- tliereforc'uotlce Is hereby given
Hint said sale has been adjourned to the l:ilh
dayofOe'obor lis'Jl ami on said Inst date nt
one o'clock r.y, on the premises herein after
desctlbed, there will be sold at public veudiio
to the highest bidder the following described
real estate, to wit It number tlino (.:! In
block number seventeen, (17, lu Kinney's
"0"stieet addition to tho city of I.lncolu,
County of Lancaster and state of Nebraska,
said sale will remain open one hour. Dated
September lsth, ls!)I.
FllANCKS K. Jonks,
Administratrix of tho estate of Thomas J.
Kldd, deceased. At cllison A Doty,
l)-l'J-:H Attorneys.
211 South 11th St.
- Mis as plain as A, li. C that our--
is meeting the popular approval. Everyone who has glanced
through it lias expressed themselves highly pleased. We
are showing many elegant styles in Men's and Hoy's Fall
Suits, which we want you to see before you purchase.
msr tiihiie pabloe ca.zr-
oooeieseesocsoec e os
1 & w) I
K aK 'IBWm9afA
aTjaalaT aBi
Such expressions ns "hcaulllul," exquisite," "charming," "lovely," etc., arc nil every
day occurrnncc nt our store. The Indies cannot say enough In praise o(
onr exclusive Novelties In Paper Hangings
1134 N
A.C. ZlKMKU, I'lesldeiil.
. A -V M. V'. A A
I Ladies' Cloth Top Shoes.
Welts and Turns.
I Philadelphia Toe,
ED. G.
1129 O
OF "
" loey, dear, Is oo Hied 1 "
"Kss luvey sweet dreliilllred,"
"Do ee missy dllst gel In pwei-lous lovey's oyes 1"
"Kss, ducky, loey; so had pweclnusi'iin'l sen her own
loiey sweet "
"I'auonev lovey dussleel ouu Illy bitty tlssiims olleii
sweeties Illy nioulT"
'Ksj, llootsle, eflinssy pen ides don't look."
"t)h, d-ilriitiiui missy peoples; ouey lovey snias'ee wholo
lot or 'em. No sweeisle, put up II t tu moiirlo and
pull nice veil ly over luerslde, now for uliolc lot o f
Ussuins yum, yiiui, oo, oo.ihi."
"I)ref..l iliHid,say owuleown, what ooilo If missy man
say naughty slugs to oo ducky ilovey?"
"Kill him loily million limes, hut my ownllest iiweo-
lous wouldn't let missy man IimiU nt her, would ho.
"Tollldn'l belli II turn times, hiiney. Ixivey always take
care of Ittleownle?"
"Kss, dlickcy, lovey. Now Is sweolsloblrdlo seoplo7"
Ittlo liltsle. Tan birdie take It t Irs imppluon ownles soul-
der. and ma) ho ileum lltlodeams all ubout tlssiims
and sink how owulest own loves her while she seeps
lu his arms all nlcoy nicer"
"Kss, sweelsle, ownle, and now ties play lis nighty night
and baby lovlusweetslo go all scolilo seep and des
ileum Ittlo nice denm, and lovey keep nil naughty
lings away."
And she was '-'I years old and ho was s.".
C'AKI. KlAVICK, .Malinger.
A A ,W a. W al-af aV f
r.alifnrnia Tno b!
vtllllvliim AUvi