-" vrT'"'v99nrf'ntnrvrrT -twv yvim$0?!CTR$?(vwttf!vppi CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1891 ' ,r- A" ,J J it SB? t Nothing Else wpiixls A)i't' 1MII- lor itlmtilnlliw ft tnrpM llvor. sliMiRllicnlnir illm'Mlon, niul row IaIIiir llu iwllon of llu l.mrti, 1 hey con IaIii tin cnlmnol, nor any other Injurious tlrug. Vul are composed ot tto ncllo rlnct Hlr of the lcl icRefntilo c(tlmttlo, I mh n nufteier lor )cnn tromil)popli ami llirr tumbles, nun louiiil 1 0 iM-tiiiftiii'iil relief unlit I commenced liiklnu A)et's l'lll. Tlir) li(o rllrrtPil a complete cine " Hempc Mnonc, WmII.i Wnlln, V. T "Wlicncw I inn tumbled Willi rmiMlpft lion, or minor from Iom of npixMlto, A)rt's Nils set me tight wsnln " - A .I. Kler, .lr., Ilork llouo, n, 'Kor llio cure of licmlnrlip, A)r'i fn tlmtlle Pill nre Hie most cffertlvniioillclrie I emincil,"-!!. K..Iinesllorclicster,Mii. Tm boxes of Ayer's rill riirril m of iiriero licnihtclie, from which I was IniiKnsnt fcrcr "-Kinnm Ko)es, llulihnriliUni,Cimii Ayer's Pills, rnn-AtUMi nv DR. J. 0. AYEK fe CO., Lowell, Mi. No-ld ly nil Dealers In Mcilli'lms. Cushman Park GRAND PICNIC 1gSS9loRROW. Lincoln Social Club! Refreshments and Lunch -will be served and lots of fun will be the order of the day. There will be a great list of fine attractions, among them SWANKEE ON THE HIGH ROPE ! BASE BALL, llotwcvn llii' Sioux nntl Murines! Fine Music and Dancing ! Don't tuUt the train. Leave 1 130, 1 :jo 3:30 nnd 5:30, returning ntf, lonnd 1 1 p.m. Admission Ten Cents. nrj Lincoln Nebraska Souvenir Spoon. A novelty of value to every patriotic Ar.er lenn; o( Inteietri to every citizen of Nebiaskn. Price, $35 plain bowl. $4 gilt bowl. Dckcrlptlon the Capitol Is I if ban- relief, pllt rail (or handle, sur monntc d by maul anil w dge , nhUtoilcul ic minder of Pres ident Lincoln. A large line of other distinctive spoons In stock . J.B. Trickey ft CO. JEWELERS 1035 0 St JEME1 3 u t7) oow -J O KM oS 7 u tern fi.1 A n a J c- S ,1 Mimibrr Mimtii MmUrn Wiiim l-'ubllMhod Snturcluy V.I Iress itll ortmiinmiestliiiH illrecttn IIih omen WlCHNUU PmNTINQ CO, rinii.inii Kim. Courier lliillillnu, ll: N Street. Tiaiei'iioNM'iVl L. Wkhhki., Jit., Editor nnd Hole Proprietor. Hunscuii'MoNi Ono Yeiir by Mull tir Carried fi( Mix .MiiiitliK, l.iHi(Ttirfu MonlliN, Wh'.j O110 month iMCViilnhivitfnlily In Adtnnce. .VnviiTitMr!Tni Itnlen fiirnllieil 011 niilluillon nt tlm onlce. H-clnl rules on Time t'onirncu. CoMTiunrtloNi: Hhort spicy ski'tclie. m-iiiii nnl rtorlcsmtlli'ltril. 1 Vrv.iml nml Huclnl note nrti i'x'clnllyili'lrlil. I'nlSTlNO' We innke ft iwllty of Kino Printing. Hi nil Hi lrmiclnx. Society work impeclnlty. r.utoroil ntllio Postnillrn of us Hcconil cliiss mutter. t.liirnln Null., POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. CnroU nnil curtains Herpolshvlmer CoV. In novi'it iIoiIkhs nt MKh U. J. (lulliuvtto, tuoillsto, I.nttn lllock over Miller tc I'nlnc. Tnko olovntor. Dr. U.K. Lmlil, duntlst, W O Htrtft. to & p. in. Tuloptiono I .VI. Ollkti bourn l 11. in. lluy your Krin-orliw, tens, eolTovs, etc., from "Tliu DlaiuouilV new nnil frosh stock, nt 1 III) O strict, lli'iiry llniplmiii, lim-ni'ii, saddlery mid turfKOods, H'Jnoitb lllovontb street, (ipiiixltL' Cnpltnl llutel. Call on Henry llnrplimii, t I'J north Klov entli street, opKslto Cnpltnl Hotel for lly nets, siinunvr Inproboi mid cnrrliiKo bli, Our work sjienks tor Itsolf It ihhhIh no liniR or bluster, simply your otvn opinion will testify to; lt merits. The Htudlo Lo Ornndo Is on tlio Kround floor, centrally In rntut nnil n beautiful plneu. Call and seo us nt I'J I south Twelfth stnt't. IC)f mill Kur Siii-kpou. Dr. W. h. Dnytou, ovullst mid nurist, 'M O street, telephone IITA, Llneolu, Nebr. Tint Union relllii.S)sliii. Una placed iu dally servleo n solid train be tneeu Lincoln and Bioux City making clixo cunneetluus nt Columbus with uinln lluu trains for all ioiuti west, With Albion, Cednr Haplds, Onl mid (Iraud island mid branches, except Sundays. Lincoln and Sioux City lull v connects closely iu union depot, Sioux City, with tlio evening trains of connecting line for tliu noi th and east. Kor full partlo ilium apply at 1014 O street or at depot. At lluiiltou. Manitou Spuinos, Colo., Juno 'J7. Sm till .1 Manltou Is to the peoplu what u sugar barrel It to tlio Hies on n tirlght sutnmer day docliledly attractive. There Is an absence of (Hi's mid nu lnllux of people nt Manltou that is refreshing. Tlieie Juno days are of the leafy Juno that poets prato of cool mornings, wnrni enough at iiiioutlmo to ro mind the out door wanderer that it is sum mer, and eveuingn full of moonlight and coolness. The walks, drives and trallsabout Mniiltoti nro so numerous that old timers of several season's experience Unci some new- leautles whenever thoy go out. The country Is pnrn dise for the lively yoiiim woman or the brawny young man who delights In explor ing expeditions. Manltou Is best reached via the Union Pacllle. The lint Hprliutsnr DHkotit. These springs are rapidly becoming famous on account of the wonderful curative proier ties of tho waters,aud the ninny marvelous cures which have been elfected by the ther mal baths. Tho town and springs nre delightfully situ ated In a picturesque valley in the Mack Hills country, nbouudlug in tieautlful scenic effects, mid at an altitude of tt,400 feet above the son level; thus Insuring n pure atmos phere mid exhilarating climate, aWlutely free from malaria. Under tho enterprising and progressive management of the Hot Springs company many desirable Improvements have been made; among the number tho erection of n commodious bath house llttctl up with all modem conveniences for the comfort of guests. New- hotels have been built and com fortably furnished throughout, conducted Iu flrstclass stylo and at reasonable rates, Those who prefer stopping at a private house will find many ilesiralile boarding places where good accommodations are furnished at moderate p'-lees. Tho superior dally service now afforded by the Ilurllngton lloute to Hot Springs, with through sleeping car accommodation from Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora and Oroud Island, makes the trip an easy and enjoyable one; and for the benefit of all Who ileslre to test the olllcacy of the waters, round trip tickets at reduced rates, good for ninety days are now on sale at nil olllces of the Burlington Route. Kor pamphlet, descriptive of the springs, mid full information as to rates, time, etc., apply to any agent of the company, or to J. Khancis, Gen't Pass'r& Tk't Agt., Sen Untiling 1,000 Mllr.froin I lie Sen, nt (litrllf lil llench. The famous health reort, Garfield Beach, on Great 8alt Uike. elahteen miles from Salt Lake City, is reached via the Union Pacific, "The Overland Route," and Is now open. This Is the only real saud beach on Great Salt Lake, and is one of the ilutst bathing and pleasure resorts iu the West. Kor complete description of Garfield Beach and Great Salt Lake, send to E. L. Lomax, Gen'l Pass., and Ticket Agent, Omaha, for copies of "Sights ami Scenei iu Utah," or "A Glimpse or Great Salt Lake," or apply nt 1044 0 street. E. B. Slson, City Ticket Agent. Are You Interested) The following frank statement from J. E. Hare of Trenton, Texas, wtl be of Interest to many of our eltbwas. "My little boy was very bad otr for two months w ith illnrrhcen . We used various medicines, also called iu two doctors, but uothlng done him auy good until we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhaa Remedy, which gave Imme diate relief and soon cured him, I consider It the best medicine made and can conscien tiously recommend It to all who need u dlar rheea or collo medicine. Kor sale by Chas. C. Reed, Druggist. SUMMKK OIRIiS IN TOWN, THEY AME BUSY TnYINQ ON THEIR NEW FALL QOWN9. OIIn llurprr Tlilnka liiurn Nrnr Vn m I'lorr Vnrlrly of (loiuls In C'luiino Priini llriul Hit l.rttr Hint Vou Will Aicrrr. tltli llrr. HcL'lnl CorresN)nilcncu. Nkw YoltK, Sept. 17. Lust wot'k tlio last of tlio auiitiiiur Krls returned to Nv York Tills wuok they nro buying full Kownn. I know what pretty gowns thero nro to cliooso from. Ono Is of drub chovlot In shepliord check, tlio check boiug inos.s Kreon The oklrt Is wnlklnj? length (which menus that it just clonrs the Kround), mid Iiiih it simpta hum, mid a fow upturned plaits at tlio wnist und fnu plnlts nt tho back Tlioru Is a very Imndsomo jnukut basipto of moas green fulllo, with bronze buttons. Tho vest , NKW VKX.U OOWNS. opens over n whlto plipio shirt front, with standing collar and white satin tie. Tho revurs to tho jacket nro of drub fuillo tho exact shiulu of tho ground of tho dress. Tho lint Is of very flno drub felt, with n narrow bins border of tho Miino iniiturinl ns tho dross. Tho ribbons nro tironzo green und tho feathers drub, shading to brown. Tho back of tho biiBquo is plain coat. Another elegant full walking costume is of striped camel's hair in palest biscuit color, tho stripes being only duo to Blind ing produced by tho wenvo. Tho skirt apparently opens iu front over brown faille, and tho side draperies (ns woll as tho bottom, and, indeed, every edge) are bordered with a narrow, brown Bilk gimp. The busquo is slnshed nnd bor dered like tho skirt. The front has a simulated girdlo of brown faille, studded with largo nail heads Above this is n full vest of bis cuit colored faille (everything is faille j now), and the rovers nre the same, stud ded with more nail heads. Tho bonnet to match this costume Is of biscuit col ored noil, trimmed with brown velvet ribbons and velvet pausies with a little russet grass. The back of tho basque is cut quite plain, with the beams left open for the slashes. In being thus careful to give all the details, t hope that those who see tho pictures will have no difficulty in mak ing a garment like either of theso if they please. Any seasonable goods is adapted to theso styles, and it requires about five yards of material forty-four inches wide, aside from the trimming for each. Bicycling Is now apparently n fixed fact for girls, und during the bracing autumn months thero will bo much op portunity, and so hero is a now and modest bicycling costume, which is put forwnrd by our best houses. Tho tight busquo and ordinary skirts hnvo not ful filled all the requirements. This cos tumo has n blouse that is partly basque, yet allows tho freest movement. The skirt is a plain one, like any, bnt at the bottom there is a drawing string on each side for about twenty-four inch es, or more if desired, and whon about to mount the strings nre pulled in and tied around tho ankle, just nbovo tho boot top. This gives it the nppearnnco of Turkish trousers without tho uncom promising ugliness of the divided skirt. Enough of the skirt should bo left be tween tho two gathered places to allow free movement. It does not take a iniu- BICYCIJNO COSTUME. nte to untie the tapes and make the skirt iuto a neat walking dress again. This can bo tuado of serge, cheviot cloth or flannel, and a vest of quilted silk or chamois can be worn under the blouse for extra cool days. It does not matter greatly what style of hat is worn, but the bicycle makes the Indy rider ammar rather conspicuous, anyhow; so the quioteruud more modest nnd unobtrusive her costume tho bettor it is. Perhaps one of the soft woolen cups now worn so much would lie the most suitable, hut it ehould match the costume, and nil should be of dark color. Gray is really tho beit color for bi cycling, as tho mud spots which nie bound to get on show less than on dark blue or black Ol.lVE Haiiper. ." jtftril Mb V 4 J mSSSm EX-OOVEflNOn BULLOCK. A Oi'itriiliiii Wlin Una Nut Often llenn ikn ( Lately. H'clnl UorresiMtulence.l Atlanta, Sept. 17 Georgia has, since tho days of tho war, elected three men at different times ns governor whoso reputations have extended far beyond the borders of the state Governor tlrown, who afterward served iu the senate, was perhaps the most powerful, and in some lespects tho shrewdest po litically of any of them, as ho was cer tainly tho richest, and probably tho rich est man in the south Governor John tl. Gordon was tho most showy and mag netic, if not the most popular, of tliefO governors, and he has just been elected to the Mcnute from which ho resigned a dozen years or more ago that he might go into private life nnd tunko a fortune. Tho third of Georgia's governors who won a repute outsido of his stato in re cent years was Governor Dullock. In some respects Bullock Is nmoro typi cal Georgian than either of his dlstin guished associates in tho gubernatorial chair His influ ence with tho farmers of Geor gia has been very great, nnd it has been due to the fact that he per sonally k n e w what tlielr em ba rrnBS incuts, trials and oppor tunities are As n young man he distinguished himself not so much by political activity as by re- wt-aov iiui.lock. voiding a sincere deslro to show the farmers of Georgia what their magnifi cent opportunities were and how best to realize on them. Thus ho was called from one end of tho stato to the other; ho knew it perhaps moro intimately than any man in public lifo in that state; his face was familiar in tho mountains of northwestern Georgia and in tho low lands of the coast, lie had a vast fund of information, and was always rendy to speak to farmers upon those subjects which were nearest to their hearts, tell ing them things which it was an advant age for them to know, and thus ho won their highest regard. Not by tho ordi nary channels of political advancement was Governor Dullock promoted, but becauso he had become so thoroughly identified with tho revival of prosperity in the empire statu of the south. Dullock, perhaps more than any other man in that section, taught the Georgians what a magnificent realm thoy had; showed them tho wealth beneath their mountains and how to get nt it; taught them how to realize on their splendid timber wealth, and iu tho farming com munities preached them agriculture which was not shiftless and haphazard, but scientific nnd accurate. It was very natural, thereforo, for tho people of his state, aiul with ono accord, to desiro his election as governor, and his popularity was maintained while he held tiiat office. Governor Dullock has been somewhat conspicuous of Into in connection with Alliance affairs in Georgia, although ho Is not actively identified with that move ment. He is still a young and ino.it vigorous man, nnd whether his political career be over or not, it is certain that he has a most active business career ahead oflmn S. G. Sciavyn. ANNA DICKINSON. Her Present Home Is nl Or. Sennnl's Interplnes, Goshen, N. Y. Special Correspondence.) Goshen, N. Y Sept. 17. Miss Dickin son is now living hero, elghteon miles from Newburg, in the family of Dr. Frederick W. Seward, whoso home, Inter terpines, is an elegant and picturesque residence, in tho midst of an extensive nnd romantic park, the grounds adorned with a grove of tall, stately pines, ma ples and chestnuts. Tho room she occu pies is a large and haudsomo one, charm ingly furnished in antique oak, with an atmosphere of quiet and luxury. A fa vored guest with people who love her, she may bo found daily, comfortably ge.itd at ease in the favorite old green leather covered study chair that once belonged to Charles Sumner, the picture of health nnd happiness and surrounded by her fnvorlte books us she busily writes. The claim of her legions of friends that she is still tho most gifted female orator of the day is universally conceded Sho has not been to her homefPitUton, Pn.) since her five weeks' incarceration in the asylum at Danville, that state, but lectures the last time at Goshen, on Aug. 13 and has been actively en gaged in magazine, syndicato and news paper work. Her wonderful knowledge of tho prominent men and women of this country, in the past quarter century and more, even to the smallest personal de tails, including hundreds of tho residents in and nbout New York city, will nil ba utilized and depicted iu her contemplated large volumo that will consist of Reminis cences and Recollections (and may be called by that title at present), since, at the age of sixteen, sho was called to present an embodiment of her views on the slavery question before tho Thirty eighth congress. It will most assuredly be an interesting nnd instructive work. Thero Is also some slight contempla tion of another attempt to achieve his trionic honors and, moro probably, a re newal of her dramatio work following "The American Girl" and "Aurelian," the latter tragedy hardly regarded ns a stage success, bin of which a famous critic wrote that "there teems to be nothing that iu any degree will approach the literary excellence of this beautiful dramatic creation, which will unques tionably live as n classic of the 'itage." She has finally regained her full strength, her physical system has recov ered from the agonizing strain placed upon her and her mental faculties are brilliant and unimpaired. Albert P. South wick. ,b3- IwlRVaiKWiKi THE NATION'S PRIDE. PP SEWING 2500 STITCHES TH has the largest bobbin of any family machine made. It holds too yards of No. So cotton. . IT is THE- Lightest tailing and Quickest Lock Stitch Machine " IN THE WORLD It has the latest design in Bent Wood-Work. The lat est improved all steel attachments. Call and sec the only perfect Rotary Shut tie Sewing Machine in the world.. LINCOLN OFFICE, 143 South 12th St. W. D. WOMACK, Gen'l Mgr., Kansas City, Mo. We take pleasure to inform our patrons that we have decidedL prompted by the advise of many of our friends to add to our line of Dry Goods a complete department of fine Kid Gloves. Having secured the co-operation of MissjCrow and of Mr. George Drew, the latter lcftJbr New York and Philadelphia yesterday, where he will join our east ern buyer. He will purchase the largest and choicest stock of Gloves ever brought to the Capi tal of Nebraska. Any new Novelties in Dress Goods or fancy wear lately imported, will also have his special attention and will be found on our conn ters the latter part of next week. THE 1023 O WE HAVE JUST SECURED THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE RENOWNED Andres Stoves which for durability, neatness of design, economy and cleanli ness cannot be equalled. We show them in all sizes and in each of the various designs, viz: ART ANDRES, GROVE ANDRES, MAGIC ANDRES. These stoves are not to be compared with the ordinary heating stoves. Iheir advantages are too numerous to men tion. Kindly call in and let us show them to you. KRUSE & WHITE HEADQUARTERS FOR STOVES 1219 0 STREET. jjjHs -- HILTON M LYON.fKZVJtiUftWtS LYON & HOblll UGH, bucceois to -THE STANDARD ROTARY SHUTTLE MACHINE PER MINUTE. N STREET. I ALWAYS HAVE THE NEWEST HOOKS II Y THE MOS'l POPULAR AUTHORS BAZAR uMm subscription, New, MannfactuieiV and Publisher' Agent. MILTON LYON, Removed to 1136 O St. 9 ' 'V fc ' v . k4mr-um. 4U&- s. . ..- i , 1 -