Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 19, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    ," n -' rFf5J'W
r ivmirw-nfwfi'i
rr l!lwUH;t!)MFWWI8FyUil'llT',OflWg''' VWSj tW "ffHHjW11'-' "? '
v v'TOsfln , . ffvfv" '
ill I
o specialty.-'
A full line of Dr. Warner' nml Hull' Corset
lii Inruo assortment.
Wo Imwi Iliu nueney for
The Butterlok's Patterns.
The CoUHlKU will not Ik rwpousihlo for
any debt mndo by nny one in It nnmo, tm
wa it written order nmimpnnic tho same,
Be Sure and Attend
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Ttin Courier Can be Found At
Hotel Lincoln New Wand.
Wliultor Hotel Now Htnnd.
Cupltnl Hotel New Htnnd. ...
Odell'a Dlnlnf Itnll Now Htand, IWH O H .
The Clothnm New Stand, US Houth Hill HI.
The Apex, 111 North iltli Htrcct.
KI. Young, 1020 O Htrcol.
(Mnson, Fleloher A Oo.. 1K0 O Htrcet.
Westerneld's Harbor Hlioj, llurr UlocK.
International New Emporium, 12tt O Ht.
HonTon Cigar Wore, 1!W North llth Htreot.
Moore' Newn8tnnd, 11 Houth llth Htreet.
MT-An oxtri. supply of paper li nlwityF left
at the Gotham, In ctino other Nowdoalor
anpplle run short.
1 137 O Street.
Church Advertisement.
Commencing April first, Thk Couhiku
will insert notice pertaining to sociable,
fMtlval. lectures, meeting nml sermon for
all churches free of charge. Advertisement
for entertainment where an admission ii
charged will lie Inserted nt one-halt the reg
ular rate.
Lacal and Personal.
Whltebrerst Coal and Lime Company.
Ruth M. Wood, M. D VJ30 1 street.
Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O Ht. Telephono 11&
Eugene Hallett, diamond merchant, 113 N
Eleventh street.
Geo. A, Kaytner, coal and wood. 'Phone
WimO street.
Henry Harpham sell chamois skin for
carriage cleaulng.
Canon City Coal at the Whitebreast
Coal and Lima Co.
100 finest engraved calling cards and plate
for a.r-rt at Thk Couhikh otllce.
Ladle kid glove cleaned or colored at Lin
coln Steam Dye works, 1100 O street.
Professor O. W. Hill, teAcher of elocution
and oratory, CI15 south Eleventh street.
Cabinet baths for ladles given by Mrs. B.
D. Catlln professional masseur, 12S0P street.
Ladle caa have their iarty dresses cleaned
by the French dry process at tho Lincoln
team dye work 1105 O street.
Applications for rental of Turner hall for
socials and dancing received at P. J. Wohlen
berg' cigar store, 123 8. llth street.
"Not how cheap, but how good" is the
motto of the new Studio Lo Grande. Call
and we their work, liM south Twelfth street.
Gentlemen should now get out their lat
summer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Steam
dye work 1105 O street and have it cleaned,
dyed, repaired or pressed out.
Wedding invitations, either printed or en
graved in the finest style of the art at Tiie
Couhieh office. Correct form and liest
quality of stock guaranteed. Sample cheer
fully shown.
Commutation tickets at Brown' restau
rant (good at either place), five dollar for
four dollars. This make prices lower than
any other place In the city when the prices
charged on bill of fare Is considered.
All meal at Odell's new dining hall re
duced to twenty cents. No credit and no
ticket to anyone. The meal are same as
formerly and the price lower than ever.
This makes the board at Udell' cheap and
the bet in the state for the mouey.
The Nebraska meat market has been pur
chased by Kemp & Warwick and removed
from 1218 O street to 225 north Twelfth
etreet where tbey have opened up In neat,
clean style. All meats guaranteed fresh and
a full line of the best grades always on hand.
Good delivered promptly to all parts of the
city. Both gentlemen are old cook and
know full well bow to handle meats, Cal
up telephone 47.
Wit Jjb, BBMRJ
Tho golden wedding of Mr. nnd Mrs, Hen
Jamln K. Bailey w a celebrated In a lilting
manner Saturday evening nt the homo of
their son l)r Benjamin K. Bnlley, Eleventh
nml I! street. The entire houo wu thrown
open and the decoration beautiful nnd tasty.
Over two hundred guest responded to Itivl
latlnn mid worn received hi tho purloin oil
the second floor by Dr. nml Mr lleiijniiilu
F. Bnlley, Mr. and Mr. Edgar A. Bnlley,
Mr. nnd Mr Henry K. Bnlley nnd Mis Nel
lie Hnlley, tho children of tho couple wliowj
marriage wn being celebrated, Soon alter
nine o'clock tho brldo nnd groom of over
hnlf a century took position In tho window
bower Mill wero gieotod wltlinppmprlnto re
mark by tho llov. Iowl K. Orogoiy. Tho
present wero elaborate and costly. Those
present went a follow) Mourn and Mo
dame, H. W. Eddy, (1. W. Park, H. M.
Ashby, George Bagnall, W. M. Slilpmnii, C
II. Clinlfnul, II. O. Iloblo, J, D. Fletcher, J.
West, Trnphngen, H. lllchter, W. S. Iltitr
1111111, (1 W, ljrmer, J. H. Klngsley, Horteii,
II Cnldnell, F. W. Collin, T. 11. I.cntltt,
C.N. Mori ill, Nowlen, W. II. Klrley, F. C.
Tucker, I), II. Young, E. (Inrlntid, George
Cook, George II. Clnrk, H. It. Niwley, J I).
McFnrlnnd, W. E.KIrker.J. A. BuckntnlT,
G. M. Bartlett, F. W. Luwl, II. E. Iuwl,
J, II. .Mauritius, M, P. Mnuortiu, J. J. lm-
hoir, 0.11. lmhoir,lloowbuh,H. A. Sutton,
. 11. Dennis, W. O. Klrkpntrlck, Hlouo
brenker, Brown, C. O. Mrxo, L. C. Burr, E.
H. ApHlget, H. E. Moore, E. K. Crlley, C.
W. Vnrney, F. W. Baldwin, O. M. Thomp
son, II. II. Wlliou, A. S. ltik)inoud, George
E. Bowernmu, Albert Wntklus, IV. It, Cum
bridge, M. A. Warren, W. B. Ogdeu, F. A.
Brown, W. B. Wolcott, E. K. Well, S. O.
Elliott, C.N. Little, Chnrle Little, S, F.
llnrrl. J. W. Winger, S. B. NUbot, H. W.
Hebbnrd, It. A. Perry, E. P. Holme, Henry
Kehrung, E. P Ewiug, Eoralin Ewing, E.
E. Heuklo, Paul II. Holm, E 11. Curtis,
Joseph Boehmer, Cliarle Mayer,
Charles West, J. II. Webster, It. l
Outcnlt, G. !,. Uiuib, B. H. Cowdry, W. A.
Selllck, P. V. M. llnyiuoud, E. Doollttle, W.
O. Jones, K. B. Ulghter, F. I). Crim, C. B.
Manning: Mic, Wade, Brace, Anna llurr,
Ilollowbush, MoKe,U(iWfrmiiii,riu'olM) Elliott,
Little, Unrri, Periy. Ida Bier worth, Gertie
I.nw, Sellick: Mer, George Wnlnh, N. G.
Elder, Harr, O. N. Pace, Olmrllo Burr,
George Wing and Dr. Snhr,
Wexluesxlay evening being the birthday of
Marglo and Knlph Winger, Mr. Winger
celebrated the event by entertaining a large
company of children at their pleasant home,
Thirteenth and J street. She wa assisted
In receiving by Mis Ellison, Mis Kuto Stod
dard, Mis Kibble Meacrest and Ml Flor
ence Winger. Mis Bird Ellison presided at
the piano. Mr. Winger entertained tho
children In a delightful manner and the eve
ning was thoroughly enjoyed by all present
who were a follow: Hattle Huffman, Bes
sie Haden, AmleNUbet, Daisy Potvlu, Edna
Klrkpntrlck, Florence Putnam, Florence Far-
well, Helen Welch, Kmlly Weeks, Mattie
Crlley, Jennie McFarland, Clara Buckstaff,
AdaOregg, Rose Foster, Bern lee Becker,
Kate McAthur, Agnes Sewell, Grace Sander
Helen Burr, Jessie Lansing, Winnie Hill,
Anna Hammond, Clara Hammond, Ada
Waugh, Laura Houtz, Hattle Imlioff. l-.clnn
Harley, Bessie BartrutT, Jeio McFarland,
McConulff, Lorn Fiske, Tudle McGnhey,
Bloss McGahey, Mary Homer, Ida Wilcox,
Mabel Wilcox, Daisy Odell, Henrietta Hnw
ley, Bessie Curtis, Mnmle Hartley, Mabel
Pyle, Edith Pyle, Loulso MoWhlnnle, There
mi llohman, Foster Muir, Lutle Brown, Anna
Snyder, Isabelto Chalfaul, Fminle Marshall,
Agne Heed, Carrie Heed, Olive Graham,
Pear Bonnell; Stafford, Hewitt, George
Holme, James Hayden, IjwIs Hayden, John
Harley, Earl McGoo, lialllo Lyman, Alfred
Cook, Joeph Webster, George Bartlett,
Elam Seacret, George Scott, Paul Weeks,
Frits Funke,Bruder Funke, Edwunl Mosher,
HallMosher. Haymoud Hall, Ralph Haggard
Alllo Sniulcrs, Frank Homer, Dick Curtl,
Roy A'shby, Owen Onkley, Ralph Hathaway,
Harry Newton, Wlllnrd Yates, Theo Crlley,
Ralph Britton, Arthur Jones, Willio Purker,
Edward McWhlnule ami Alva Clarke.
Ten years ago on tho fourteenth day of Sep
tember Mr. W. Q. Bell and Mis Georgie J.
Burlingim exchanged vow before the alter
to "love, cherish and protect, a loiig as life
do last." Monday evening in commemoration
of the vows taken at that time and so loyally
fulfilled during that period, a number of In
vited friends assembled to enjoy the happy
couple' tin wedding anniversary. The host
and hostess was ably assisted by Mrs. Barr
t'arker, and duriug the evening Miss Nellie
Young pleasantly entertained the company
with violin solos. Elegant refreshment
were served and each of the following partic
ipant wero presented wlthsouveinlr spoons:
Messrs and Mesdames B.Parker, J, II. McClay
R. P. R. Miller, 8. D. Hyde, E. W. Baldwin
G. 8. Baldwin, C. J. Ernst, H. Eurung, It.
R. Randall, Tho. Mlltonberger, S. Whiting,
F. E. Campbell, Wilkinson. C. S. Clasou, W.
O. Fletcher. Prellgh, T. J. Curtis, Dr. and
Mrs. Faulkner, Muxdames, D. 11. Young,
W. B. Cheney, McShane, Chicago; M. W.
Ensign, Misses Emma J. Baird, Nellie
Young, Hattle Curtis, Llda Foreman, Net-
Zelii ung and Dally.
The Misses Kittle and Alice Crowdry were
at home to their young lady friends
Tuesday afternoon, and on this occasion, as
heretofore, prove l most delightful enterta In
ert). The principal deversiou wns found In
razsle dazzle, and the afternoon was thorough
ly enjoyed by all present. The prizes were
lieautlful and costly nnd fell respectively to
Miss Naomi Wener and MUs Fannie Hawley.
Those present were; MUses Llllle Hathaway,
Lela Shear. Gertrude Hall, Carrie Hill, Van
Dusen. Fannie Hawley, Cbas, Nellie White,
Maud Smith, Hattie Leland, Carrie I.elnnd,
Florence Hwley, Maud Burr, Fay Marshall,
Minnie Latti, Olive Latta, Hol'.owbusb, Mar
garet Baird, Anna Funke, Janetto Wilwu,
Gertrude Laws, English, Shoon, Gertrud
Ziemer, McBride, E.tella Klrker, Hnllle
Hooper, Naomi Weaver, Martha Funke,
Gertrude Marquette, Lulu Clarke, Nannie
Llllihrldge, Rachel Brock, Kittle Dot gnu,
Bertie Burr, Clara Walsh, Jessie Leland
Corest. Mesdsmes: Maxwell. Griffith, Hol-
yoke, Henkle.
A pleasant incident at the reunion of stu
dent at the State University, Thursday
evening was the Shakesperean recital byMU
Anna Janvier of Eureka. Ill , a visiting
niece of Mr. and Mr. J. T. Jones of this city.
The lady selected for her subject, "an Inter
view between Arthur and Hubert," from
King John. Miss Janvier has an easy com
mand of au excellent voice, siteaks clear,
I without affection, Uertalk is pleasant, each
bk nyTv ? lirr
gesture nnltirnl and tho posing clevorly exe
ciiIhI, In giving Hubert' command, It
'wii done nmterly nnd n hnrsh ns tho old
fellow might linvo been himself, while In Ar
thur' plcndliu "lie evinced nil tho teml.inieM
nnd sytnpathy true to tho young man'
No more ilellhted company ha assembled
In Lincoln for some lime limn wn entertain
ed last eciiluif, nt tho homo of Mr, ami Mr.
P. W Plunk, tf.1l south Seventeenth stu-et.
1 ho event wn tho occasion of Mrs, Plunk'
first plnuoiecitnl uinl the parlor were lllleil
with invited guest. Following I the pro
gram which mii fruitlessly rendered:
ltliiii(Mlln Iloimrolnij Ni in . - I,lst.
VnlsoNo. II (!lioiln.
NIkIiI Winds, Wallnro.
Voenl Solo, Helented,
Ileaptodle HoiiKrolso No. 2, l.lst.
Honoln, op. 'Zt, So. 2 (Moonllulit) lleelhoven,
'iiwiiliimle, .... (lottsehalk
Nooturiio. on .'17, No, 2, - Chonlii,
Tho Awiikenlugorihn I.lou, DeKontskl
Fled KrusB hail been exivtlng word from
Omaha for heveral ilaj Inst we-k Informing
til 111 or tho arrival of well of a lady
friend In whom hi entire life I ceuteied,
Well, Tuesday 11 message wa received and
without much delay or delllteratlou, (and In
fact without Icnvlng key for hi partner,
Mr. White,) our genial frleml, the.hnrdwaro
merchant soon found hlmclf 011 a Burling
ton 11) it IhiiiiiiI for tho mvtropol'e whore tho
idol of hi heart I visiting. Frod Iris been
there every since and an Inquiry at the store
yesterday 11 to hi return wa answered;
"can't tell when ho'll come back maybe
iiowr." It I however presumed tint lie will
turfi up healthy and happy during tho com
ing week.
Mr. C. A. Longwell who lint for several
yenr held the responsible position of head
liookkceper forthe H.T. Clniko Drug Co.,
nnd for tho past two month acting In tho ca
pacity of cashier during Mr, W. E. Clarkn'
absence from tho city, leftTuetdny fcr Omaha
where ho will nmko hi future home, having
purchased an Interest In an old and well e
tabllshed real etate nnd lire Insurance busi
ness. Mr. Iingwell leave 11 I10U of warm
friend who wish him abundant success In
hi new undertaking,
Tho newly organized Thimble club held it
first meeting Inst Monday afternoon with
Ml Fnnnlo Hnwlcy, Eighteenth and M
streets' Tho club consist of the following
young Indies: Misses, lialllo Hooier, Maude
Miller, Fannie llawley, Olive Lntta, Rachel
Brock, Carola HIII.NannioLllllbrldge, Anna
Funke, Florence Hawley, Maude Smith,
Jenulo Underwood,
A merry box party witucsxed tho perform
ance of "Tho Fust Mall" nt the Funko Mon
thly evening. The participants: were: .Misses
Martha Funke, Alice Cow drey, Olive Lnttn,
Kittle Cow drey, Janetto Wilson, Minnie
I.atta; Messrs Phillip Wing, Frank Zehrung,
Earnest Funke, John Dorgan, Dr. Reeve
and Dr. C. F. Ladd.
Mr. Archie Brook and Mist Alvira Alex
ander were quietly married Monday morn
ing at nine o'clock at tho home of the bride'
parent, Twenty-eighth mid N street, Rev.
C. E. Brndt performing the ceremony In the
presence of relatives and a few friend of the
The receipt of a handsomely engraved sea
son tlc'iet for the corn palace at Sioux City
I acknowledged with thanks by Till: Cour
ieh. The fifth great annual festival open
on the first and close on the seventeenth of
Gov. and Mr. John M. Thayer and Mr.
and Mr. John M. Thayer, Jr., were In Oma
ha Wednesday in attendance upon the cere
mony Joining in marriage Ml Leoln Carter
and Mr. Newton Barkalow.
Continued on Page !.
Courier .lob I'liuit SI 111 Under It
Old Management.
Too niu h state fair nnd too few In atten
dance mnde It impossible to dispose of the
job plant of Tiiu Couhieh at Wednesday's
sale as wa advertised. Accordingly the
original owner of the plant, Mr. L. Wessel
Jr., will continue the business a heretofore,
however making somo changes In the manage
ment which will lie announced later. Our
friends amf patron will therefore please
remember that we are still at the old stand,
111HN street, ready to serve tbem, us for
merly with the best products that can be
turned out of a print shop. Our superb Hue
of tine invitations, calling cards, announce
ment, programs, etc., remains unbroken
and we trust our patrons of the past will
continue to show us the same kind consider
ation in the future. Regarding the future
of The Couhieh job plant wo will socu
have au important announcement to make.
Until then "don't forget to remember" that
we still take the lead In all kind of engraved
stationary, printed matter, etc. location,
lliM N street. Telephouo 8.53.
Diamoudsl Who Is there but admires
tliem! The world of fashion bow to them
as do the subjects to their king. They are
the recognized head of precious jewels and
as such ttlnoys command tlue admiration.
Speaking of diamonds reminds us that Hal
lett, the diamond merchant has just added a
big line of new store that embrace tho lot
est shape nml uioaI elegant variety ever
shown west of Chicago, Tho settings are
particularly beautiful and among them
many are seen for the tlrst time on the mark
et. We would like to describe them, but see
ug them would be betttr appreciation, and
as Hallett always takes such great pleasure
In showing his goods you should call and
ermlt him to eiitettatu you for a while.
You don't have to buy.
The Peninsular buso burner is the latet
Improved heater in the market. Before buy
ing, call and see u full line nt Diiuhum &
Buck, 118H O street.
Tho celebrated Egg Shampoo removes
daudruff and promote the growth of the
hnlr. For sale hy Mis Johnston, 1114 O
Never order.a photograph or picture of
any kind until you have seen the work done
at the new Studio Lo Grande, 12-t south
Twelfth street.
The Whitebreast Coal ami Lime company
is always at the front supplying the finest
grades of ull kind of coal
One bundled llnest engraved calling curds
and plate only f8.,50 at Wesel Printing Co.,
1I1WN street.
Now is the tune to get stove for the win
ter. Dunham & Buck have a big lino of all
the tluett makes. They also repair old
stoves, set them up aud furnish parts needed
at reasonable cost. Call, M2d O street or tel
ephone 3W.
Word iif Hie (Ileal Noun ns Sung by Alice
Mary unci John, down In n distant old vil
la tie.
Fell deep In love nnd wero ciiKitKcd lo be
Hut one lino day up went tho t.oso of sweet
At w lint her John of some other girl had
John simply !idleil, he wn much given to
Ami some old song softly ho started lo slug.
Mary, w Ith nige, every moment mow warmer,
And nt hi feet threw her cnxiiuuiiieul ring.
"I won't ho your wile," said Mary
"llmnk goodness for thai," said John,
"1 halo such a brute," said Mary.
" lint other girl don't," said John.
"I'm going hack to the dairy
"Well thai' Just as well," wild he.
"I hoH)iiiril I' nt Hit wedding
Of .Molllo Mnlone and me "
Mary turned 'round, Just went 11 step nr two
from lil m(
Thou nt her John, unci farewell sly gliiure
sho throwj
Thinking perhaps ho wa already reixuitlug,
Hut nil ho said was, "I don't euro what you
Out came III pipe, soon clouds of smoko ho
uas pultlUK
lulotho air, stretched out full leuitUi on
tho green,
Mary stood b) . somehow her heart was hIkIi
Hud John become tired of hi village queen?
"Am I to go?" said Mary,
"I don't rare n rap," said John,
"To spllo you I won't" said Mary.
"Well mnyhc yoiMViin't," said John.
"Oh, why are jou so contrary,
I'll ilrown uiyseif,slr," ald she.
"Hnltl John, "On our wuy.deur Mnry,
Send Molly Matono to me."
Tear lllleil her ees,
11 wllh her apron sho
Iter prcttj face, heaving
it heartrending
All now seem o'er, what wn tho use of her
Turning to John, she thun Kcntly said "good
bye." Up like n shot, Jumped the young fellow nil
Touched to tho heart by such 11 tender fare
well, Kissed all tho tears from tho sweet faro of
hi Mary,
Told her the talc fond lover iilnuy tell.
Johnny, ho htiKged hi Mary,
And Mary she hugged her John.
Ho vowed Hint 11 fairer fairy
Ho never had gazed upon.
And while little Mary' laughing,
Her head resting on hi breiit,
With that I'll conclude tho slory,
No doubt, you can gue tho rest.
Well, Sarah, what have you lieen doing to
make you look so young f Oh, nothing much
only I wen using Hall's Hair Renewer to res
tore the color of my hnlr.
Ladle hair dressing,
O street.
Mis Johnston, HI
New llresmmtkliiK 1'nrlors.
Mis Walters, late of Memphis, ha located
In Lincoln nml opened a handsome sulto of
dress making parlor In tho Kenuaid Block,
:i2! wuth Twelfth street. Miss Walters
comes excellently recommended, having held
the trade for several eors of the most prom
inent Indies of Tenness'.-e's capital city. The
lady I also somewhat known in Lincoln, all
of whom speak In the highest praise of her
work. Her parlor are now ready, but the
formal opening occurs next Wednesday, and
the ladles are cordially invited to be present.
Exposition Millinery Opening.
Mis Alice Mlnehnrt has returned from tho
en?t with n complete line of Millinery good,
Including all of the latest novelties. Miss
Mlnehnrt bits taken chargoof the Exposition
Millinery department and i now ready to
serve and please her old friends and patron.
The fall opening commenced yesterday morn
ing nnd will continue until Monday night.
A Comparison.
"Pa, It poker anything like old maldf"
asked young hopeful.
"No, my son," responded tho father, who
had been there, "but it la n good deal like
beggar my neighbor." BostonTrnuscript.
Sarah Aim In a IlUgo.
Upon tho kitchen table, with her work unfin
ished yet.
Bat Sarah Ann, Intent upon a thrilling novel
ette The baker and tho groccryman knocked loud
ly, but In vain;
Then kicked tho paint all off the door, aud
went away again.
Tho flro went out. tbo light grew dim, but
Sarah Ann read on,
Intent upon tho fortune of Lord AlgcrnoD
Whose proud and
wealthy father designed hti
son and heir
For the beauty of the season
tie Vere.
the Lady Maud
She lned him, but Lord
his tin's distress.
Algernon, much to
Dlsllkid the Lady Maud and
loved a modest
8be camo to where the beauty accidentally
This willful lord proposing to the governess,
who fear
She's unworthy of the houor. hut she loves him
as her life.
And will do her very best to make a true and
worthy wife.
Sho still reads on. and a sho neared the bot
tom of tho page,
ULt tCMt.iV. t.&47 lj Mas,C becimv convulsed
w 1th Jealous ruge.
Forgot herself, nnd maddened by tho sounds
of rapturous kissing.
Sprang fnrwnrdnrab turned the leaf, the
other page was misting!
-Ilorxey N. Bloomer In New York Sun.
Hood's Sar-
has by Its
merit and
Its wonder
ful cures
flilence of
the people,
tho most
blood pu
rifier and
cine. It
cures srrof.
ula, salt
tlnn m ,
kidney and
liver com-
Splalnt.catarrh, rheumatism, etc. He sure to get
Hood's Sanaruirllta.whlrli li peculiar tu Itself.
Hood's gariiparllla sold by druggists, fll six
for IS. Prepared by C.I. Hood 4 Co., Lowell, Mam
100 Doses One Dollar
I ,
it Mniinvnn
ilssaiss w""L
1 COMMIM) EXTrUa Xsvs.
. ivMP)S
ry -VvakC
New Fall
will take place the coming week. A very elegant line of
the latest novelties. Be sure and attend this
Opening Sale,
1109 0 STREET.
Burr Block, 1 204-1 206 0 Street.
The Choicest Season's Novelties will be
sold at Economical Prices.
Dangler Gas Heating and Cooking
S T O V E S.
Telephone 273. 230 South Eleventh St
of is-
Dress Goods
BasasasasasassssW rLyffrTtiifi'JnJM IBassasasasasasssssl
S)J2hSjsssbw- Wt -.sastssssssssM
, 1
' I
l40&MttUf&tapil -ymuj:mlt t",mmJuiMWMmMii:- "i