wtwwwP!$B!!W II' CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1891 Rt 5 f ftR. fc ;; ' St. ' r :,v. :.. F l sH ,. W H' 'E '- 1 T ' l V 1 .V- H Wt m.. lrf4 S 1 v MASON'S FRUIT JARS Stone Fruit JARS. JELLY GLASSES. Closing out Sale on REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, SCREEN WINDOWS, ALL SUMMER GOODS. FRANK E. UHR, 9,tf P St MM ,1 iinMr Intern Mmlrrn Tim, Published Saturday. AiMn Ml eoiutniinioHlniH illreetM tin offlrK Wicbbicl. Pkintino Co, i'uiii.ihiikiih.cz) Courier llullilltm, Il: Nimreot. TRI.ICH10S .' 1. Wkhhki., Jh., Editor and Bole Proprietor. HiniM'ltllTlo.vt One Year lijr Mall or Curried f.MMI Hlx Months, tl.OiisTlirco MotitliH, M)r. nnom.iiili'.ilViilliirarally In Advanee Aiivkiitikkmsnth! Ilales fiirnllied on spplleiitlon itl theoflle. Hpeelal rates on Time t'ontraon., roMTHtniTUNi: Short uplcy sketches, xeiin mill Mnrle solicited, l'enuninl ami Uncial notes are rHvllly thwlralile. I'ai.NTlsni We make a specialty e-f Fine 1'rlnttiiK In nil IN lir.noliw. riocietr rk a s..clalt) . Knteredntthe I'oitolllce of Uncoil a second olns matter. Ncli. Tiavii Ljjbo Lincoln Nebraska Souvenir Spoon, A novelty ol value to every patriotic A'ner lenn; ol Interest to every citizen of Nebraska. Price, $35. plain bowl. $4 gilt bowl. Description the Capitol U In b n h relief, split rail o r h n it (1 1 e , stir tn o 11 n t e il by titnul mul w dgc n liUtorlcul te- minder of Pres ident Lincoln. A large line of other distinctive Upoonn In stock. J. B. Trickey & CO. JEWELERS 1035 0 8t POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 65,000. CiuIiiiihii I'urk Special Train. Until further notice, II. it M. trnlim will run ns follow between Lincoln mul CuMi limn park. HViiimiiiw Inve Lincoln 7::l r-M, mul return from Ciishman nt 1 1 !!. SViIunIii Ienve Lincoln nt 'Js.'IO p-m nml return from Uuslmiau nt H t'-M. .Vumims lenvt Lincoln mt lOiilO a-m, !):!IU ikM, llilM) p-m mul n.:W) r-t; reuiniing froniCiKlnnannt 11 a-m, u p-m, n i-m nun u p-m. mul 8:!H) r-M. HeKUlnr train No. 71 leaving Lincoln at 4:'.'0 p.i dally except Humliiy v.,' i'No stop nt Cwmman, honoring ticket", rouiul trip rnto of tti cent will apply to nil. At Manitou. Manitou Bi'III.noh, Colo., June S7. 8hc lal. Manitou l to the people what a sugar barrel l to the tile on a bright summer ilny decidedly atti active. There I an absent o of lllesiiudau Inlhix of ieople at Mnn'loii that M refreshing. These Juno da)a are of the leafy June that Kct prate of- V nioriiliitrn. warm enouuh at noontime to rr liilntl the out iloor wanderer that It Is Hum mer, ami evening full of moonlight P'ul coolness, Tim wnlk,ilrlve!iauil trallsnhout Manitou are so numerous tlmt olil timer of sev.err' season's ex perlenee tliul some now bcautlf w henever they go out. The country I pain (lino for the lively young woman or the brawuv voiiiik man who ilellghta In explor ing expedition. Manitou I bet reached via the Union Puclllc. FASHIONS OF THE DAY, OLIVE HARPER DOESN'T THINK OF THEM ARE GRACEFUL. ALL Die W'nUU a ro Ton Vang In Her Opin ion Homo Hittnplei for Vour nplnlon. There I tn Ho a HktIthI nflrUh Pop lln Thll Hrunon, ltiteclnl Corrcondcnco. Nr.w Yokk, Aug. 07. It aeutns to me that tho corsaKui of uUnifinlilotiiilik' gowtn tlicHo duys nro certainly tho tigli est things tlmt wero over Invented, Thuy mu iniiilo to appear aa long wnlsteil iih polblo by various duvlcen known only to tho (Irc.HHtniikur and tho suffering wearer herself, nml to tho beholder thcie Is ulwnys n miggcstlon tlmt the cornng, la In aoino way divided ngnltnit Itself, nml ho liublu to fall. Tho threo now full gowns hero repronontod aru after thid style, and nothing can bo much inoro ungraceful or ugly, yet they nro called aweetly pretty, gorgeous or grand, ac cording iih tho BJilenliidy'fl stock of ad jectives Is well or ill chosen. a, Uk p2 g'y j?feli & 'AIM ADVICE TO FARMERS. If you Deposit your Savings IN THK Lincoln Savings Bank Safe Deposit Co. S. K.cor. llth and rat. THBY WILL EARN INTEREST FOR YOU At;tho llato or 5-Five per Ct, per Annum-5 Tim UakntM lint Hiring. The ImprovemeuU that haveMkeuplncu nt the Dakota Hot Spring during the pait jej ir?ko it now one cf the uiont opulnr, nttra t'tvo and deilrahle reMtrU of the country. In addition to the lienellt to lie derived f,om tho use of the wnter, tlie superior cl''n-t and tieautlful natural surrounding render it an especially attractive resort, while the curative properties of the water makes the Springs a rival of the famous Hot Bpring of Arkansas. Ample hotel accommodatlui", are provided at reasonable rates, mid the journey to and from can now lw quickly and comfoitablvirido via the Fremont. Elkhorn tc tuisiouri vuey Iuuiojiu, mo ou.y till mil line to tho Hot Spring. Excursion tlcUeU are sold at reduced rate. Full infor mation can Ih) obtained on application to W. M. Hllll'MAN, Gen. Agt., Lincoln, Neb., or Jno, T. Mustln, City Tkt. Agt., 11X1 O street; K. T. Moore, Depot Tkt. Agt, Cor. 8tn and S street, or to J. H. Uuckham, Gen. Pass. Agt., Omnha, Neb. Have 1100 m weclc and it amounts with Intercut In Ave year to l,W.ai. Hank open nt 0:) a. m. to :i::W p. m. and Saturday evenluit, S to 8 p. m. Safe to Rent in Burglar and Fire Proof Vaultt. Notice of 8tr. In the matter nftlio Eslatel of Tho. J. ICIdd, Deceased.! Notluii Is liereby given that In pursuance of an order of Samuel M. Chapman, Judge of the District Conn of Ijancastor County. Ne braska made on tho !M day or Juno, 1801, for the sale of the rent estate hcrelnaltcr do scrlb '. there will lie soM on tho promts hereafter described, on the Mh day of Heptem ber, 1SJI. at one o'clock V. M at imhllo yen .,..' . ii... iiioimat hlililor. for riinli.tha follow- liiitdeerlbeil real ontate. to-lt: I )t number 1hrco(31 In Blook nuinher seventeen (17) In Kinney's '" street Addition to tho city or Lincoln. Conntv of Lancaster, Htalo or Ne braska. Haldsale will lemnln open ono hour. Dated August 14. 1S01. . ' KANCsB,Joskh. AdmlnUtaatrlx'.of tho Kstato orThos. J. "Kldd. Deceu-Xil. , .. Atkikom A- Dotv. g-lO-St. Atfjs. uunutt. In. He. Kstateor Jamesll, Mickey nml I z TloMlckoydeceaseil. The heirs nt law, ami all nersous luterott-d in tho vstnte of John II. Mickey, uud Llszlo Mickey, deceased, will take notice, that tho following order hait been entered In relation to snld estate ns follows: in the illktrlcl court, Lancaster County, In, Re. Kstntoor John II, Mickey, and Lv lo Mickey, umcr. And now, on this 18th day of Auiriut, A. D. 1K9I upon rending tho petition of Janus II. MoMurtry. AdmlnUtnitorof said cutnte, and It appearing to the court that there Is not Sufficient personal property In the haiuls of and Administrator, to pay the debts out standing, and that It Is lu'ccusary to sell some por.lon of tho rel estate ror the payment or iuchdebts.lt Is thert-roro ordered and direc ted, that nil persons lnlerctfd In tho cittnte, are rH)Ulred to appear licfore I no Judge nftho court at the city ol Lincoln, Neb , on the &l day or Octoiier. A. D.. IH9I, tit the Equity court room, In the city or Lincoln, and show caue, Uatiy there bo, why a license should not I granted to snlil administrator tn sell tho real estate or so much thereof us shall ho necessary to pay such debts. A copy or this ordorl, directed to boneron ally served on nil persons Interested In the estate fourteen dnyit before the time for hear ing of tho said pet It Ion, or tlm tamo shall bo aumlshed four consecutive weeks In the apitai. Citv CooiitBH.u newspaper pub lished nt Lincoln, Nobruska. Aii.kn W. KiKt.ii, Judge or tho District Court Jambs II. McMurtky, Administrator. 8-2-Mt The Velluwstuiie tark Line. Tho Northern Paclilo Wonderland em braces a list of attractions simply un piDUd. The Twin Cities of Ht. Paul and Minneapolis at the head of navigation on the Mlrniwilppl, Duluth, Ashland and the Superiors at the head of Lake Superior: to the westwaul, the Lake Park Region of Minnesota, tho Red River Valley wheat Melds, Valley of the Yellowstone, Yellowstono National Park, Hozemau'aud the Gallatin Valley, Helena and llutte, Missoula and the Bitter Root Valley, Clarks Fork of the Columbia, Lakes Pend d'Orellle and Cotur d'Alene, Hpokano City and Falls, Palouse, Walla Walla, Dig Bend and Yakima agricultural districts, Mt. Taeoina and tho Cascade Mountains, Taco nsa, Seattle, Hiyaltup Valloy, Snoqualmle Falls, Puget Bound, the Columbia River, Portland and tho Willamette Valley, Gray's Harbor and City, Willapa Harbor and City of South Bend, Victoria on Vancouvors Is land, Alaska on the north and California on the south. The Northern Paclilo runs two dally ex press trains with Dining Car and complete Pullman service lietweeu St. Paul and Tnco ma uud Portland, via Helena and Butte with Through Tourist and Vostlbuled Pullman Sleepers from and to Chicago via the Wiscon sin Central, and first class through sleeping car service in connection with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Passengers from tho east leaving St. Louis in tho forenoon anil Chicago in the afternon, will make close connections with the morn lug train out of St. Paul at 0:00 a.m. the following day: leaving Chicago at night, connection will be made with Train No. 1, leaving St. Paul 4:15 the next afternoon. Yellowstone Pauk Seahox. June Iht to Octooeh 1st. District Patsenger Agents of the Northern Paclilo Raihoad will take pleasure In supply ing Information, ratn, maps, time table, eta, or application can be made to Chas. K! Fee, O. P. A., St. Paul, Minn. Write to above address for tho latest and best map yet published of Alaska jut oust. ULTKAFASIIIONAIILK GOWNS. Tho ono on tho right is a gray foulard, with pink and green flowers. Tlio skirt is slightly lifted on tho right sldo to show a luce foundation, and is caught tinder a bow of black velvet ribbon. The bns(tio is inmlo with a deep fall of the material, held by a belt of velvet rib bon, which is not allowed to quite meet in front, and tho ends fall In loops held by jet ornaments. Tho waist is gath ered, and a lace arranged across tho bust in a manner suggesting a Spanish jacket. With this is a gruy kid plnteau hat, trimmed with three twists of black volvet and silver cord. Tho garniture at the back is silver wheat ears and black volvet ribbon, with strings of tho wiine. The bonnet is in perfect tnsto. The middle costume I somehow men tally christen "tho washerwoman style." It is of figured China silk, with dull red flowors on a gobelin bluo ground. The style of making can bo nnderslood at a glance. The gimp and sleeves nro of cream whito China silk, and black vel vet straps and liows hold tho corwigo protier in place. A small plateau bon net of bluo crnpo with silver gauze rib bon is worn with this. Tho third, which was called "Just grand" is inndo of crepon in belgo color, with sleeves nnd gimp of ivory crepo do chine. Tho skirt has threo flat floutices trimmed with narrow cardinal silk braid, with ruby nail heads placed at intervals all along tho upper edge of tho braid trimming. Tho braid is also placed upon the gimp, holding in the fullness. The hat to go with this is a belgo Milan braid, with a wreath of pink roses and beige satin bows. Sleeves tiro not nearly nB largo and high in thonowestcostuties ns theyhavo boeu. Many of them, indeed, are scarce ly gathered at tho top. Still they are not to be culled "out" altogether. Qauutlet gloves aro very popular and tho gauntlets aro stitched lu many orna mental patterns, sometimes In bright colored silk. Among the new fall goods just im ported I notlco several fancies in change able woolens. They aro very handsome. Ono camel's hair is bluo in one light, red in another nnd plum seen from the front. Another is blue and gold. There are also several changeable poplins. Uiwaking of poplin reminds me that I think there is to bo a great revival of Irish poplin as a dress material. It is exceedingly rich and durablo, and no matter how hard one wears it, it does not grow Bhlny llko tho best grades of foreign Bilk. It is par ticularly adapted for wraps and outsluo gar ments. A very elegant wrap is mado of Irish poplin liko the picture shown. It is lined with soft taffeta nnd sim ply stitched in threo or four rows urouud the bot tom. It is high on tho shoulders the Town Man finm the City and What lln Lvnriifid, Harry Pointer twho has liccn boarding a month with Farmer Wi'therlwo) I'm off for the city tomorrow, nnd I Itellevo I've ttot Information enough here to run my :oluinti all NUtuiner. Great place for a keetiobcrterto pick up knowledge, Mr. Wothcrbce. Old Mr. WctlicrlMO let' sec, joit'rethe igrlcultttral editor of the paper, 1 bollovo, Harry Pointer Not quite Hint, but I think I'll have charge of tho "Farm and Garden Notes" when I show them what I've picked up. William Wothcrbco-l'd kind o' llko to hear Home o' the things lie's set down tn Ida liook, wouldn't you, par Old Mr. Wetherliee W'yea. Read some nf 'em off to us, Mr. Pointer. Harry Pointer (producing notebook from his Inside pocket) They're mostly In the nature of suggestions and advice which inch practical men as you are don't really need. Old Mr. Wetherbee Oh, good gracious, wo don't get too old to learn. Go ahead. Hnrry Pointer (reading) "Now fatten your hogs." Tho column always begins with short, terse sentences liko that, you know. Hen Wetherbee That's all right. That ain't bad ndvlce, Hnrry Pointer "Fat hogs nro wintered more economically than spnro ones." William Wetherbee They're what? Harrv Pointer Wintered. Hen Wothcrboo Ho'monns breeders, Dill. Hnrry Pointer Certainly, Its only the breeders that require, fattening. Old Mr. Wetherbee Got nny more n good as that? Harry Pointer "Keep all tho young pul lets." Hen Wetherbee That's good sense. Poul try's got to be young and thrifty or else there's no money In It. Hurry Pointer I think so. I've covered that point in my next note. "It rarely payH to keep a pullet after ho Is four years old." William Wetherbee (after an Interval of silence) You liavo got that point dowu In gooil shape. What elso havo you got there, Mr. Pointer Harry Pointer "Do not uncover your po tatoes until tho hugs have left the fields." Hen Wctherbci Well, potatoes want a little touch o' September frost, really, be fore they get metier enough to dig. Harry Pointer Yes, but I suppose thnt Is too generally known to need comment. William Wetherliee You Just want to put down things that ain't generally known, eh? Harry Pointer As far as possible, yes. Old Mr. Wetherbee I guess you can do It; got uny more? Hurry Pointer "If your eggs don't hatch after the proper length of tlmo has elapsed try them under a different hen." Old Mr.. Wetherbee (In n reflective tone) It does beat all how a young, fresh mind let looso on an old farm llko this '11 think o' things we never dreamt of, and prollt by our mistakes. I've thought of It often lu readln these newspaper farm notes, but I never realized It so fully as I do at this in I nit. See here, Mr. Pointer, you Mend i.iu the paper and come out tn the fall to see how we've plckod up an Im proved. Come In Octoiier when we're thrashln liuekleherrleH. Morris Walt In Detroit Free Press Help Offered. v! U I. , . , . ffeJrJteNM "Just look, laural what a lovely little dog thnt old gentlemnn'a gotl How I wish he was tnltiol" "Shnll Ol git Mm for yer, lydyf'-Puuch. n n I 111 mm l A SBa, I 1 YjA Merely Test. The barber bud adjusted the towel, patted bis victim's face nnd proceeded with the opeulug scrape. It sounded like the noise of a street sweeper. "Do de nuuih hu'ht you, sab f" the barber asked. "Hurt met I should say so. It about killed me." He procured another, nnd gave a long crape. "How MkjuI ttat one?" he asked. "That hurts worse than the other." Still another was brought out and this time a wall announced the result. "Dat'n hu'hts yer, too. do itf" "You Infernal rascal, of course It does. What do you mean by getting mchereand tearing the face off mof Haven't you got any good razorH?" "Deed I has, boss, but 1 klner 'spected dat foh or flbe ob 'em needed lionln an es yoh face seemed right tender like, I thought I'd jes' tnke do opperchunity ter tes' 'em an mako sho'." Detroit Freo Press. FALL WltAI. nt Hcim llathliiif 1,000 Mile from the Hen, (lurnelil lleacli. Tho famous health resort, Garfield Beach, on Great Salt take, eighteen miles from Salt Lake City, is reached via the Union Pacific, "Tho Overland Route," and la now open. This is the only real sand beach on Great Silt take, and Is one of tho finest bath'tig nnd pleasure rewKt In the West. For completo description of Gartleld Beach and Great Bait take, send to E. L. Lomax, Geu'l Pass., and Ticket Agent, Omaha, for copies of "Sights and Bcenoi in Utah," or "A Glimpse of Great Salt take," or tfpply at !OUO street. K B, Slohson, City Ticket Agent. The Ilajlent Home is no new fako but has an etab"sliel reputation for economy and beauty, Dunham & Buck, sul agents. ll"'l O street, "" and has a standing flowerpot collar, with two long ends of rich satin ribbon hanging dowu tho back, In front it clojos invisibly uuder a bow mado of long loops and ends. rtotmng can surpass tno ueauty or quiet elegance of this wrap. It can bo mado of lino ladies cloth, pinked or hemmed, and it enn bo left plain or be 'inndsoiuely trimmed. Youug or middle ged Indies can wear it. Dlack or gray, tan, or in fact any color, is suitable Cheviot wilfmnko it when tho gown is of the same. The majority of the wraps will bo of nearly this htylo. The reefer and walk !ng jacket will como next, and then tin. long princess shaped redingote, with n Irapcd front. For more ceremonious oc :asions theie will lw rich velvet mntitleA both plain nnd brocaded. The plain will De embroidered in silk, with bend in not, us hulta the tnsto of the wearer Tlio walking dresses will be plain Mini -rly all tallormado OLIVH llAltl'Klt. THE NATION'S PRIDE. -aaaaar T. TT P STANDARD ROTARY SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE 2500 STITCHES PER MINUTE. THE STHNDKRD has the largest bobbin of any family machine made, holds ioo yards of No. So cotton. It IT IS THE- Lightest Running and Quickest Lock Stitch Machine " IN THE WORLD It has the latest design in Bent Wood-Work. The lat est improved all steel attachments. Call and see the only perfect Rotary Shut tie Sewing Machine in the world. LINCOLN OFFICE, 143 South 12th St. WOMACK I W n WflMAPr r!.,Jl M.. r ... ,, I - . . . . ,, wi.ui.v1-t., vj,, , mgi., jvnnsas vity, Mo. NOVELTIES, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, FURS. At Special Prices This Week. Mr. Bonwit has just returned from New York, where he has pur chased the latest NOVELTIES in every line of Ladies' wear for the coming FALL. An early inspec tion Solicited. Do not buy till you have seen our line. THE BAZAR 1023 O STREET. lie Was Interfiled. The first presentation of u stupid play. First Nlghter (to compaulou) This Is aw ful rot; uenrly everybody Is noddiiiK- Companion Yen, but that fellow there in tho box appears to be intensely pleased. lie must be from the country. First Nlghter No; he's the author of tho play. Arknusaw Traveler. Thu Devil's In the Muiiii. Girls, don't believe all the young men say to you on a moonlight nU'lit, Moon light and truthful speaking don't truvel together. If ajoung man tells you on a night that is stormy and threatening that he thinks a great deal of jou, the chances aro that ho is telling the truth. Atchison Globe. Within the l.uw. Wildej cd Man I want a lot of poison right oX Drug Clerk It's against the law to sell poisons to people who look as If they wanted to commit suicide; but I'll let you have a bottle of Dr. Ulack-Sequet's elixir of life. That seems to lie pretty sure death. Good New. There Will Appear A Prominent Stove Adv. In this space Next Week. LOOK OUT FOR IT. A Nunou lruic. "Ay, friends, that was it narrow escape I had I Thirteen of my companion capsized lu a lioat and found a watery grave." "And how is It )ou were not drowned?" I I stayed nt home." Muuchoner Kal emler ,t the Opi-nt. Auditor (enthusiastically) Why. your prima donna lugs llko u cannryl .Malinger (dryly) Yes, but her hill Is much larger Dramatic Mirror feaeeV m W WbMMV II II .sri.rjim' -" rA rt-eT msi. 'AtT.mmv -MILTON M LYON.GMWV'?NfiM(f . I ALWAYS HAVE THE NEWEST BOOKS IIY THE MOS'l POPULAR AUTHORS .ind Publishers' Agent. On u Lriptiull, NtWb, .u t .....Iwl..I1.Ii' I LYON & HOSIJURG1I, Successors to MILTON LYON, Removed to 113O O St. I f M 1 1 1' . j&ug&ftt- y w -vt,y BieMBUMWUmWiW 11 1 WSWWWX"1 VWMlWaMkWMMS mxnarjjiumM