Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 29, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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nnr ,ew .. .
Fall Millinery
opera iiorsi-: corner.
The Couhikh will nut In' rwponalhlt' for
any dobl nimtn by miy one In Its niuni, tin
ea n written imMit iieitmiiMiili"! tln hiiiiiii,
' it M'i'lilly.
A full linn if lr. Wiitnpr'n mnl Hull's Uiirsrls
In lnrK wunrtinpnln.
Wo Iiiimi tlio HKuncy Tor
The Buttoriok's Pattoma.
Tim Vnurlrr Cnn t Koumt At
llotol Lincoln Now Htunil.
Wltulanr llulol Now Htunil.
Cnpltul llutul Nown Htunil.
Oilell'N Dluluit IIhII Now Htunil, IIUM O Ht.
Tlio Clollmm Newa Htmul, 1IH South lltli Ht.
Tlio A pox, 111 North lltll Hlrt'ut.
Kit. Yuutiif.KMOOHt rwl
rlnson, Klotohnr A Co., UA1 t) Hlrrtit.
WcKtcrtlolil'M Higher Hlmp, lltirr lllock.
Intorimtluuitl Nwn Kinpnrltitu, I'iVt O Ht
linn Toil t:inirHtor', l!W North lit li Htrool.
MouroV NhwhKIiuiI,IH Houth lit li Htrt-et.
Ur-Anoxtmiiupply or imperii Unlwnya Inn
I th aothiuu, (n i'hhu other Nowadcnlors
mipplloa run short.
1 137 O Street.
Church AilvcrtWcUHintn.
Commencing April first, Tiltt Couhikh
will liwort notkvtt imrtnlnliiK U) Roolnblret,
foattvnln, Icctiiriw, meeting sermon for
all churchw free of ctinrgu. AtlverUementfl
lor entertainment" where an admission t
ctmrRtsl will lw iiierUil nt onolinlf tho rtn
ular rate.
Larwl nml Vermont.
Whltebr t Coal ami l.lmo Company.
Ii. Harr, Jeweler, HIM O street.
Httth M. WockI, M. D., ISM 1 "trout.
Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O 8t. Telephone 118.
Eugene Hallett, diamond inerehnnt, US N
Eleventh "treet.
Oeo. A. Raymer, ttwl ami wood. 'Phone
!KHt. 1KHO "treet.
Henry liarpuam IIk eliamola sklnn for
carriage cleaning.
Canon City Coal at the Whltebreait
Coal anil Mine Co.
100 llnest engraved calling card" and plate
for 4f" at Thk Couhikh office.
Try "The Fluent" for Ice Cream, Ices,
Cakcw ami Candle, l'JlW O street.
Iadteo kid glovea cleaned or colored at I.ln
colli Hteam Dye works, 1100 O street.
Mis C. J. Oullmette, modiste, lecoHil lloor'
ExiHMitlon building. Tako elevator.
Dr. C. H. Manning removed to new office,
rooms S2 ami St. second tloor Burr block.
Cabinet baths for ladles, given by Mrs. 11.
1). Catlln, professional masseur, SW south
Twelth street, Kennard block. -VSI 4t
Udles can have their party dresses cleaned
by tho French dry process at tho Lincoln
steam dye works llttt O utreet.
Applications for rental of Turner hall for
wclnls and dancing received at 1. J. Wolilen
berg's cigar store, IS" H. 11th street.
"Not how cheap, but how good" Is the
motto of the new Studio U Grande. Call
and see their work, l'J4 south Twelfth street.
Gentlemen should now get out their Ian
summer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Hteam
dye works 1105 O street and have It cleaned,
dyed, retwdred or pressed out.
Coiil of every sl.e from the liest mines in
Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado
and Wyoming for sale by Geo.A. llitymer.
Telephone 300. Olllce 1 liH O street.
Wedding invitations, either printed or en
graved in the finest style of the art at Tub
Couhikh otllce. Correct forms and best
quality of stock guaranteed. Samples cheer
fully shown,
ivmimiitntlnii fli'Ui.u at Brown's riwtuu.
rants (good at either place), five dollars for
four dollars. This makes prices lower than
any other place in the city when the prices
charged on bill of fare is considered ,
Gkolooihtk Have Decidkd the earth's
earth's crust to be over 100 miles thick. This
it about the tbtckness of the man's head who
buys hU railroad tickets by some Inferior and
poorly equipped line, when he could get a
ticket by the "Burlington" at the tarn rate,
PIciayiHffiaV' NIVPw (ta
Onn of the memorable outings of Uui Mn
son was tlm one given by the Phoenix club at
Ciioliuinu xirk Tmonlay evening. It was the
lliuil diiciiig pnity of tlm 1SIK) HI serti", and
the. Idea (if giving it at the palk was Uith
apiirei'liitiil mid enjoyable. The pally left
the city at eight o'cliK-k In two large omnl
Iiiim'I, and at iiIiik the etcelletit UlUKlcof Hob
llrowiie's suKrbori'liotra vmik lieiird llimtlug
througli the thinclint pavilion and out Into
the iiiiet night nuiong the leiify tre ami
iIimmi the murmuring stutitn that wends Its
way tliiough the grouniN Tho program
emlnncixl fouitKu nuiuliers, Mr. Henry
Mayer conduct Inn the cureinonlts in a plenn
iug iniiniior. Diini'ing was the most promi
nent feature uf the ocC'iMm, but the line of
swings, liiiuimucks, boats, etc., proved lint a
little rivalry for tlm chief attraction. Mr
Audnis was prcrrnt, and was untiling In
looking after the comfort and enjoyment of
his guiMts, The pal k was brilliantly Illumin
ated, the cafe neatly arranged mnl well sup
plied with delicious viand, and everything
conducive to an enjoyable (liuewm hand
Hiuinly provided, The music was such as hits
seldom Im'cii iipinl(l in Llncobi for iliiuclng
The time was unexcelled, and as for harmony
and volume It proved lxtli delightful and re
I Milling after lliteuiUK to the pin mmhoh at
tempts. Coming home thnnrrheslrn, tented
on the riMif of one of the vehicle i, rendered
chnrming mehslles, which in the stilly night
fell on the ears of tlintlndexeunloniits with
soothing cITccl TIiono participating were
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer, Mr. and Mrs
M A Nowinark, Mr and Mr Hani Wenscl,
Mr. and Mrs. I Hi neks, Mr. and Mm, M
Kolm, Mr and Mrs. Hlinon Mayer, Mr. and
Mrs. Lou WekHel, Mr and Mrs. II. Gold
smith, Mr and Mrs. H. HellgMihn, Misses
J Oslo Khrllch of Ht. Joieph, Harah Hchwab,
Ida Krleud, Nettie Hellgtohu, Pauline Golil
smlth, Amiinda Kolm, Hot tie Hellgsolin,
Mesirs. Hoi Mayer, Reuben GoldMii'th, Henry
Mayer, Aim Ksunsky, Kdar Wewel, L.
KTseusky and Will Khrllch of Ht Joseph.
At Conservatory hall, on Thursday even
lug, wn held an Impromptu hop compliment
ary to M'ssTIIMe Krnukllu, who soon leaves
LMicolu for Chicago, her future home. It
win a Jolly, union volitional crowd, while the
dance was sprightly aud gay. Ml si Krnukllu
is one of Lincoln's blight, winsome young
ladle', and her nlweuce from Lincoln's society
Is greatly regretted by her many friends.
The following young ladlei and gentlemen
honored Mls Franklin by tho'r pre-.ence.
Ml sue Franklin, Llbble HenereU. Flor
ence Winger, Helen Gregory, Joy Webster,
Kdlth Flsk, Minnie Parker, Mamie Howers,
Heislo Turner, Grace iluir, Grace Oakley,
Maud Onkley, May lltirr, Jo Lottriilge, Dora
Harley, Onn ImholT, Stella Elliott. Kunlticko
etts, Jennie Underwood, Mamie Underwood,
Mnrcla Dnrra, IouIm Smith, Ella Raymond,
Htolla Curtice, Kal'e Crlley, little Andriis,
Agues Hewell, Florence Farwell, Hattle Root,
Helen Welch, Margie Winger, Lucy Grllllth,
Kate KlueUch; Me-srs, Uethel, Harry Kvaii,
Frwl White, West, Marstand, Kitchen, Fo:s
Hacrwt, Mat. Baldwin, Farwell, Harley,
Wilson, Winger, Raymond, Welch, Woods,
Snider, Newton D. Kvani, Edmlstou, How.
ers, Folsom, Smith, Howell, Ralph Winger,
Chapman, Ixittridge, Elliott. Among the
lookers-on were noticed Mrs. Oakley, Mrs.
Franklin, Mrs. Hewell, Mrs. Winger, Misi
Lllllhrldge, Miss Htoddard, MIm Dat'iuei',
Judge Parker, Mr. T. K. HaudeM, Mr. K. K.
Crlley, Prof. Howell, Prof. Gray, Prof. Hag
enow, Prof. Mor'e nnd others.
The beautiful home of Mrs. II, K, Luwis at
Twentysoveuth andJN streets was th-own
0eii WiMnewlay evening to a largo and
merry gathering of children, iviith, Marga
ret, Harold and Frederick IajwU proved tie
llghtrul entertainers and a delightful evening
wns enjoyetl by those present which were as
follows; Ruth Raymond, Louisa Hurnlii:n,
Joe Huriiham, Kuiina Outcalt, Jetsie Outcalt,
Clara Watklns, Mnrgerle Watklns. Dornthy
Caulleld, Ruth Holmes, Emily Wtvks, Hadle
Mnuett, Faith Mauett, Helen Manett, Minnie
Morrill, Inilsa Hraca, Marlon Ogden, Jennie
Camplwll, Hazel Fackler, Wlufenl Hhermau,
Fannie Woods, Helen Woods, Fannie Mars
laud, Eluin Marsland. Amy Nisbet, Margie
Lootuis, Alice HoKselmnn, Helen Tuttle, Harah
Heybolt, Silence Dales, Arthur Raymond,
Joe Huriiham, Dick Outcalt, Hert Watklns,
Paul Weeks, Harry Hargreaves, Carl llevwy
Herbert Halrtl, Wells Lipencott, Newton
Camplwll, Rlchanl Imhoff, louls Feckler,
Horace Sherman, Sidney Murphy, Robert
Guthrie, Gilbert Lewis, HogerLewN, Donald
Nisblt, Ned Loomls, Horace Munsoii, Milo
Munson, Frtxl Hlghter, Moicon Iwls, Ben
ton Hales, James Dales.
A iiarty of young iieople consisting largely
of members of the old Yorke club obtained
tho use of Lincoln park Thursday even
ing and gave an initial promenade and dance,
lasting from 8 to l'-'iliO. Browne's orchestra
was in attendance. Those present were:
Misses Elite 8 teen. Clara Carmody, Cora
Talbot, Hattle Lelaiid, Carrie Ixdniul, Hawk
of Nebraska City .Grace Knapp, 8. C. Knnpp,
Minnie DePue, Burch, Cochran or Knusas
City, Boyler, Freeman, Steen of Wahoo,
VanComp of Omaha, Wright of St. Louis,
Bonnell, Fannie Wilcox, Hinrord, Hall, Grif
fith, Sterling, Hooper, Btears, Smith, Eawy,
Fryman, McClay, Allison, Hawley, Wech
bach, Atulersou of Columbus, Messrs, Coin
stock, Iiougwell, Charles McCall, Johnson,
Melsner, Wing, Kimball, Bigger, Bert Howie
Wilson, Plummer, Welch, Kruse, Iove,
Hall, Eugene Thompson, Hall, Northnm,
Morrill, Walton, Martin Aiken, Meyer,
Weehbach, Frank Everts, Frl Houtr, Grif
fith, Camp aud Brown, Mesrsnnd Mt"diiino'
Stewart und Clarkson.
Prof. Eastenlay gave his pupils his time
honored annual entertainment Tueitlay af
ternoon. A long program was prepared and
enjoyably completed, all present taking part.
Refreshments were handsomely served and
all enjoyed the pleasant occasion. Those
present were: Mlssew May Philpot, Ida Shel
don, Minnie McClay, Hattle McClay, Miriam
Parks, Mildred Parks, Minnie Miller, Allle
White, Vergle White, Com Wagner, Lila
Watson, Jennlo Erb. Jlauie cu-iuuau, Cora
Beach, Vlnnle Beach, Maude Woixls, Mary
DuTell, Bertha DuTeil, Katie Carventh, Pau
line Meyers, Ida Ireland, Ida Gunnison, Com
Gilbert, Olive States, Luoy McCargar, Alice
Mclaughlin. Mildred Worley, Alice Jorsted,
Nina Eastenlay, Ella Hunger, Grace Cook,
Nettle Hare, Delia Rov, Alta Scott, Minnie
Carleson, Agnes, Maggie and May Morti
mer, Mr. Worley, Mrs. Traver and
Mrs. Boettcher, Messrs, Clark Oberlles, Bus
hel Suutfer, Masters Paul Hunger, Max
Meyers aud Elmer Holbln.
The residence of Mrs. G. K Brown present
ed a very pretty scene on Thursday evening,
the occasion being a delightful reception gly-
en In honor of Miss lltilln Hablu of Beatrice.
Mrs, (I. II Clarke and Mrs. I). W. Brown
assisted In iccelvltig Mu-lc aud dnticlng
were the fontuiei of the evening Those
present were Mosclnuio, Kit ker, Hammond,
L V llurr, Appelget. CiilTliomptou, O. M.
Thompson, OrcKg, lple, Heiitou, Brown,
Cook, Wler, Onkley, Dorris, Tllteu, ImholT,
Mcintosh, Hvvnii, I'urst, White, Wolcotto,
llatliaway, Llpptioott, Daws, Hawkins,
Stent us, t'lisiy, Cowdry, Wnugli, Plunk,
Wndswoitli, Dnuiiow, Fuuke, Mills, Ogden,
Foster, Heesoii. Cilley. Dildlnc. Green. Pat
rick, Terry, Hlmw, llurlliilt, Vandeuberg,
Misses, May Burr, Nellie White, Olive Ulttn,
Minnie bitln, Maud llnminotid.
Mr Frank H Iluir entertained his gentle
man friends right royally Hatnnlay evening.
Exteudve preparations were made for the
enjoyment of the guests, and the evening
was passed mou pleasantly. Excellent music
was furulsliiHl by Swedish and African ipinr-tette-i,
ami this, with cauls, etc., constituted
the entertainment Those present were F
C .eliiung, Cluirle- Iluir, Dick Lewis, H T
Ht John, J T. Dnignii, Frid Houtr, C. T.
Luld, C Y Smith, W F. Meiers, F. C
Hone, Hum Lowe, Dick Miller, R M Joyce,
G W. Oerwlg. Charle- Hawley, W. Morton
Hnilth, Frank llnthaway, Kd Fltrgerntd, K.
J. Fitgernld, Will llamiuiiud, R S, Mcin
tosh, Chiirles Clarke, George Foieiuau,
Omaha. W G. Muirlson, of Ht. Joe
Mrs. I M. Iliiymoiid entertained a party
of young iK'ople ery delightfully Tues
day evening lor her nelce, Sllss Maud Miller
of Newark, N J., at her beautiful home,
Hlxtceuth and It si i cote. The following were
pieseiu. .lleisrsU. tlerwlg, John Dorgmi,
V. C Zehrung, II. H. Fro-man, W. Morton
Hnilth, Will llnrity. Will H. Htiill. Miss's
Gertrude I.aus, Mlnnh end Olive Littn,
Gracu Grllllth, Lulu Clark, Delia Lootuis,
(leorgle I law ko of Nehraskn City, aud Maude
The P H. cooking dull met with Mln
Estella Elliott last evening aril gave one of
their delightful dinners, to which they In
vited their gentlemen friends. After the
inviting repast was dl-Kiseil of the evening
was very pleasantly imis-hsI with cards and
dancing. The pal tlclpants were as follows.
Mlsse-i Florence Winger, Evtella Elliott, Oua
Imhotr, Kim Iticketts, Ella Raymond, Dora
Harley, Mc-wrs, Jiuues Snyder, Eugene Pace,
Will Raymond, Harry Harley, Fred White,
Hat ry Evans.
Mrs. M.A. Newmark entertained n pleas
ant group of young ladki at her coxy home
on M street Friday of last week. Tho affair
was given in honor of M' s Florence Levy, of
New Orleans, a visiting niece or Mrs. M.
Ackermnu. Hcfrt hmeuts were served and
a most enjoyable time w.h had by the follow
ing misses: Harah Hchwab, Ida Ft lend, Itosa
l'Viinck, Harr, Ida Hun of Ht. Joeph, Pau
line Goldsmith, Matildn Friend.
Mr. Nnp. J. Roy, formerly of Now York
city, has taken charge of the cutting depart
ment of C. R. RlchU'r's tailoring establish
moid, In the Burr block. Mr. Hoy is recog
nize.! ns one of the most talented designers
and cutters in the cist, and Mr llichtcrs
congratulates himtelf upon having si-curtsl
tho services of so ncumipllshcd a gentleman
in this depnrtmont.
Ho many ladlei keep asking "Where m
wo gel a f'limo made for our screens that we
pn'uted so lovely " For tho benefit of all
such Tiik Couhikh would say that at the
Nebraska cabinet works, l'.,-.M-'.;, M street,
these and all other kinds of tine woodwork
are made, to order.
The Kcunaissauce literary club enjoyed
another or their delightful outings nt Liu
coin imrk yesterday. Those in attendance
were as fo'lows: Mesirs. and Mcsdaiues
Judge Field, H. N. Wilson, A. J. Hawyer,
Frank M. Hall, A. D. Hartley aud A. C.
Mr. Willie Ehrl'ich and sister Miss Josie, or
Ht. Joseph, arrived Saturday on a visit to
their sister, Mrs. L. Wessel.Jr ,18127 L street,
Mr. Ehrl'ch returned Wednesday while Miss
Josie will remain in Lincoln for several
I huve a full dress pattern of Hue black silk
faille witli trimming to match, It is lato
style and entirely new. Will trade same for
Jewelry, a buggy, or most any thing. Ad
dress Chas. Jones, care of the Couhikh.
Mr. A. II, Meudenhnll of the Journal with
his brother, Mr John Mendenhall of Peoria,
111., have returnrd from a two weeks visit to
Halt Uke City, Garlleid lieach and other
mints of Interest in that locality.
Ml s Clam Baldwin who has so successfully
conducted the kiudergiirten for tho past year
and a half has returned to our city and will
re-open her school In the same location us
formerly next Monday.
Miss E'la Jackson and Blanchu DeWltt
have returned from Valparaiso where they
have been visiting for a week. They report
Valparaiso as the place to go to evade the
hot weather.
Miss Sarah Traxler of Philadelphia, who
has lieen visiting Mrs. F. C. Sidles and other
friends left for Omaha yesterday. She will
also visit in South Dakota tiefore returning
Ex-Senator Hnell came in from Falrbury
Monday to spend a few more days with his
father, Mr. Levi Hnell, b'-M L street, before
leaving for his home at Tacoma, Wash.
Rev. T. R. Eastenlay of Sault Hte Mai ie,
Mich., brother of the Eastenlay brothers of
this city, is in the city und will seml a few
weeks here recruiting his health.
Mrs. S. L. Wise of Lansing, Mich., arrived
in tho city Wednesday and will spend several
weeks visiting with her sister, Mrs. 1), E.
Keyes, 183. Cheiry street.
Mrs. Carrie Hlce nnd daughter, Mrs. Anna
J. Pratt who has been vMilng Mrs. M. M.
DoIevls for several days left lust night for
their home in St. I-ouis.
Mr P L. Wing returned to the city Tues
day after a very pleasant three weeks visit
nt Cold water, Mich.,nndsevertil other north
vru nnd eastern cities,
Miss Stella Rice, organist of the church of I
Holy Trinity, sister of Mrs. P V. M. Hay.
iiiond, relui Aed Saturday after a three week
vacation in Iowa.
The Y. P. S. C. E. of the First Congrega
tional church gave a lawn party Wedue-day ,
evening at tho residence of Mrs, H. Harris,
1010 K street.
Mis. Maria C. Rose of Thirty second und
P streets returned Thursday evening from ,
Peuusylvenia aud Ohio after nil absence of
four mouths. '
Mrs. P. V. M. .Raymond and son Frank, I
after a four week's visit with Mrs Raymond's
mother, Mrs. Rice, have returned fiom
Osage, Iowu.
Mr. Jceph II, Bigger of the Columbia
national bank returned Sunday evening
after a two week's visit to his old home In
Cadiz, O.
Mr. und Mrs. L. Wessel, Jr., have rented
the Gibson residence, 187 L street and ex
pect to be at homo to friends after Septem
ber tlrst,
MU Estella MoVickers, f New Lisbon, Q.,
is visiting tho family of her cousin, Mr. J. M.i
McVickers, on Twenty-fourth und Sumner
Mrs Kdwnnl Kwlng entertained a few lit
tle friends Wislncsdnyevoiilng for !,olgh and
Janette Murray of Birmingham, Alabama.
Miss (leorgle Hawley, who hns Ik-cii visit
ing In this city for the past two weeks, re
turns to her homo in Nebraska City today.
Mrs A M Sliirfiiil.. mnl iliiittrlit..-- fltm
-' ',..-. - ......p....... ,
Mrilll... of Hi-muffin, til. iil-.t vlaltlfii Mr.
and Mrs. (.' D. Traplmgeu, Hi'J7 B street
Mr. M. I.. Alfnrd who Iihn Iioom vlaltftitr
Ills undo J. V. Wolfe for several weeks left
.Monday for Ins home at Humboldt, Kns.
Mrstrs, II, P. Cook, John R, Howell and
'. A. Untchel have gotui to Chnpell, Neb.,
where they will organize a (I. A. R. post.
Mrs, J. A. Nicholson of Grluuell, town,,
arrived In the city Wednesday and Is vMtlng
with her niece, Mrs. K. It loughrldgc.
Mr R. K. Neil of Paw Paw, III., arrived
in the city WV.Ine day and will spend several
weeks visiting Ids son, Dr R. H. Nelr.
Mr and Mrs, John M. Wilson, who have
been vMtlng their sou, Kile K, Wll-ou, re
turned homo Monday to Wabash, lud.
Mr. aud Mrs. H. II. NI'Mey are expected to
loturu home Tuesday, after n pleasant vl'it
to the latter's home at Wniisekn.
Mrs. A. S. Hproiilo and daughter Miss
Mollleof Kvnustou, III , are visiting Mrs. V.
D. Traphngen, lli','7 H street.
Mrs, Frank Mitchell and Mrs. Charles
Fox worthy left Tuesday for a two week's
visit with f.'iends in Omaha.
lt nml Mr.i .1 P Vtui I tif li'ninr tfiliii I
.... .... .......... ....., .........
are visiting their daughter, Mrs. K A. Jlc
Hrlde at HW.I C street.
Elder Howe and Mis. ilonu and son, left
Monday for DeadwisMl nnd Hot Springs for
a ten day's trip.
Huperliiteudeut and Mrs lllguall and Mrs.
A. llurltiut are li'M lout lug at Hot Hprlugs,
Houtli Dakota.
Miss Bird EII'hoii of LnGrange, I ml , Is a
Kiieitnt the homeof Dr. nnd Mrs. Cnsebner,
ItKBF street.
Aycr'sHnrtMiimrllla contains bslide of Potus
i nut aud Iron, and vegetable blood purifiers., the O street grocer, handle i
Fruit hnhliii mid Lunvh Toa(uo put up by
the H'oiiuih'.i CViiinini coiiini of Chicago.
These goods are worthy of a trial. Htoro
Hil O stres-t. Telephone 111(1.
"Have you got tho latest design in souvenir
spoon t" asked a lady or her friend. "If you
have not, don't fail to visit Eugene Hallett,
the jeweler. Ho lies tho cutest designs pot ,.
ble, aud mi assortment so varied, one would
hardly realize there could lie so many pat
ternr." This Is no exaggeration, as Mr. Hal
lett has always endeavored to procure every
thing that Is now and elegant in his line, und
in the way of souvenir spoons his choice is in
comparable. It will pay you to call and see
them before purchasing e!ewhere.
The celebrated Egg Hhumpoo removes
dandruff nnd promotes the growth of tho
hair. For sale tiy .Miss Johnston, 1111 U
IwidloM, did you know that the now Diamond
grocery has opened in Britton's old stand,
1110 O street! Mr. George Proudllt is tho
hew proprietor, too, and the store has been
restocke 1 and everything is new, neat aud
fresh, with prices ipiotiil that must make
trade brisk.
Dr. C. F. ImiIiI, dentist, 110.1 O street.
Telephone l.'s'l. Olllce hours Hu. m. to Tip. in.
Flc-inel shirt eleuued without shrinking by
the French dry cleaning process, only in cts.
at Lincoln Steam Dye works, HO'i O street.
See our beautiful Individual ice cream
moulds before onleiing elsewhere. "The
Finest" ISM O street.
Call on Henry Hnrphaiu, 1W north Elev
enth street, opposite Capital Hotel for lly
nets, summer luproU-s aud carriage whips.
Frank Lahr Is making a big run on Mason's
fruit jars, stone fruit Jnns and Jelly glnssos.
He is closing out refrigerators, freeers,
screen windows aud all summer goods at
such prices as will move them. Don't buy
anything in tho above Hue until you have
seen Frank Ijihr, 0150 P street.
Bo sure and try eastern Wyoming Nut
conl. Best In tho market, price $-1.-10 deliv
ered by Geo. A. Raymer. Telephone .'100,
lliHO street.
All meals at Odell's new dining hall re
duced to twenty cents. No credit and no
tickets to anyone. The meals ure same us
formerly and the price lower than ever.
y niaTtte-ilje board at Odell's cheap and
the best in the o.te for the money.
Brown's reetuuiur.ts, Windsor block, 'Jill
north Eleventh stieet nml ltls O street.
Five dollar commutattiu tickets reduced to
four dollars, good it tmth places.
Never order a phtiogrtiph or picture of
any kind until you buve seen the work done
nt the new Htut.h Le Grande, VS south
Twelfth trwt
Met II (lit at the Door.
Fred Did you And the old gentleman
out when you called to sea his daughter!
Harry No, It was myself I found out.
Detroit Froo Press.
SeU Working.
"What do you consider the best lire ex
tinguisher."' "A flremau." Lowell Citliea.
To luelf In manjr Important particulars, Hood's
Sanaparllla Is itlRerunt from aud superior to any
other medicine.
Peculiar hi combination, proportion and prep
aration of Ingredient, Hood's ftariaparllla poa
acaies tlio full curative raluo of the belt known
remedies of Ilia vrgvtalilo kingdom
recolUr hi Its niedirlual merit, llood'a 8ariapa
i rlllaaci'ompllihet rurr liltlit-rlo unknown.
Peculiar hi ttrength and economy Hood's 8ar
1 tapartlla U tlio nnljr niodirluo of which can truly
, lie said, " 100 doea uuu dollar " Medlrlnea hi larger
' and imallor liotllct roijulro larger doiet, and do
. not produce at good results at IIish1' .Sariajurllla.
I'eculiar in IU " giMid name at homo " lliero U
. inoreof lloxl't tUnaparllUioldln Lowvll, where
I It l made, limn of all oilier blood purifier.
I'eculiar In Hi phenomenal record of Me
1 abroad, no other preparation hat ever attained
ucli popularity In to abort u time Do not bo In
duced to Ukoany other preparation, lleturetoget
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soldbyalldruggiita. ?I tltforJ. Preparedonly
by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apolliet-arlet, Lowell, Mad.
IOO Doces Ono Dollar
Feill '91
Fall Dress Goods !
Wo arc showing the most complete line of New Fall
Dress Goods that can he found West of Chicago. We have
all the new weaves.
"Bedford Cords."
"Faille Cords."
"English Whip Cords."
"Paris Robes."
"Imported Boucle."
"Poll-ca Dotts."
"Diagonal Plaids," Etc.
We extend you a cordial invitation to call and inspect
our Mammoth Stock of Dress Goods and Cloaks. We have
no old goods to show you. Everything new and fresh from
the mills.
1109 0 STREET.
Agents for Mine. Demorest Patterns.
Fret Work, Sgreens and -Panels
Fall Line ofMKNTELS Always in Stock,
The Prodighl Son.
It was Inwards the close of n bright MiinnmrV tiny that the Prodigal son arrived
at the paternal mansion. He had come by the qulckenl mute, "The Hiirllnt'tou." The
un was declining In the weot the only tiling that eer doe "decline" west of Chi
cago, except Hate Hall and Its slanting rays threw a golden tint upon the grav hairs
of the aged father, who sat on the front porch i eiidltiL' the l.-ut INTERIOR bFrn
RATIVE CO.'S advertUement. u'
The gate openetl, and
Ills spectacle, descried n
the walk. He was about
accoi dance with the ustia
icglon, when he came up,
rim which encircled hi
don't win know me ;'
the old 'man, after acrnti
his spectacle, "I would
hide hanging in a tun
b-hoyi" Then the fond
neck and wept wept be
hadn't been washed since
him in all the same, gave
of clothes, anil then walk
terior Decorative Co.'s
play of Paper I langings,
. J
fl B(9r 3Mbi
We don't know how this legend of the Prodigal son came down througli the age
so accurate, and free from side Issues, but its here, Intact and unincumbered, ready to
adorn a back cover, or point a moral. The moral of this stotv is, if vou would prosper
in this world, buy Paper Hangings, and Mouldings of
1134 N
A. f. .I KM Kit, President.
You've read about the man who was "too busy
to write an 'ad., " haven't you? A number o"f
people have asked us how we found time to
write these advertisements, the) didn't vec how
we did. Well, we do. It's not much time that
we get, though, some evenings, as the ads. them
selves will testify; but we do our best under the
circumstances. It always struck us that a man
A " couldn't take time to wtite an ml. for his
customers wouldn't take the time to take proper
care of their wants.
He that as it may, we have goods that justify us
in harping on each day in the year. It doesn't
make us tired to tell about 'cm, and we trust that
it won't make you tired reading about 'em.
Shoes of the right sort will always bear recom
mendation . Our shoes are of tliat sort .
1015 O STREET.
iii.t.fiTiri rri i urn i'umiija.ui:u:ju rrn
m D1BI I Wmmmmamm ftV J
Fall '91
the old man, peering over
ragged tramp coming up
to set the dog on him, tl
custom of that hospitable
removed n dilapidated hat
brow, and cried: "Father,
"Know you ?" returned
nllng him a moment over
know jioii If I saw vour
yard. It's my awn lost
parent fell upon his son's
cause it vsas so dirty. It
Christmas. Hut he took
him n bath, nnd a new suit
ed him down to the In
store to sec their rich tlls
Mouldiugs, Fret Work, etc.
C.Mtl. Kl.WM'K, Milliliter.
" V.5-