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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1891)
ri .. pi I-: V CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1891 t f Chicago and Erie R. R. 1 Lain Chicago A Atlantic U'y T 1 m Connection xxltli the Erie Railway I'OltMH Till". ONLY I. INK 3 IIKTXX'K.KN Chicairoaiui New York Under One MmiiiKCliicut. SOLID TRAINS. Tho Through Trains ol this l.iiiobolxvconehl. J ciiku 11111T Now York arc run solid, thus avoiding ntiuoynni'u imti eoniusiou of ohmmlng ears or uillnu connections. Vestibule Limited Service Vcstlhulcd l.lnilteil Trains, consist Ini? 01 law- uiiuk, Hiiiokluitiinit Diiy Coaches, with Pullman DltilliK miilHIrop nicCar (healed ly steam, lighted hy Kilt), over tliln l.lno llverv Pay In the Year. Pullman Service to Itoston. A riilliiimi lluilel Sloepliii! t'r to mill from Huston tlilly via this route. This Mho ONLY LINK lluntiliiK I'ulliiiiiit Curt betxvooli Chicago mill Huston. BUCKEYE S3 J E f-H To Columbus, Ohio, mill Ashland, Ivy. I'lllllimn Sleeping Cur botHoeti Chicago mid nhoxe Points dally TruliiH Arrive mill I.iit Dearborn Station, CIUC.UX). For further Inforinutlon, cull on thu nearest Ilallroad Ticket Agent, or address W 0 Rlneujon, A M TucW, I) I Roberts, Oon. I'ass. Agt. (Ion. Mgr. A.ll.l'.Agt. New York. Cli'voliiiul Chicago Santa Fe Route ! Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansas Ut and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANG!2I,I-:S, anil SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Kales to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Train Service Between Kansas Citx ami PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, anil DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kansas City anil Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City anil Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, anil all Principal Points In 'lexas. The Only Line RunnliiL' Through the OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan Handle. For Maps and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address E. L. PALMER. Passenger Agent, 411 N Y. Lite Building, O E -A. X-3C -fii. , NEB. Ladies' and Children's Hair Catting and Shampooing a Specialty, -AT- SAM.WESTERFJELD'S BURR BLOCK I, mill's Uti Itr. l.i! Hiie'it I'orlnillciil l'llls f ruin Purls, France. That positive!) in llovti suppressions, mnnthlj dcinugemcntH mill Irregularities caused by cold, xxenkuess, shock, uucuiln, or general norvous dehllltj. Thu largo pinpoillou of Ills to which ludlca and misses are liable Ih the dlicct reaiilt ofii dlsonlered or Irregular menstruation. Hup. prei-slons continued result In hlooil poisoning mid quick consumption, fi package orll for IV Sunt till t-ct 011 receipt of price, otil In Lincoln liy II W. Iliowu, druggist. $3000; A VI'.AfsI I 1 iih.lMiakrt. Irlfflf lerliuy fairly mi Utmii I rii ftliliei n, wu mi rt-Nu iin nritr,hi mIio, itftrr itittrutilon, villi work hiiuttriciiiiljr( li w t rtttn llirrr llniutaHd hollar YrarlnihiMr mn 1 aiuir unr wrlhe) li r I HUtofurnUb tht ituAtl'iiiorniii 11 nt t mIiMi ) iiimiMiniiliaiRiiii unt No nmiifv fir 111 milt n rulutai r I il iit1 nU kly I ('annul I If r ' it im ikir iroin em h ilUiri 1 1 rr mil) I liam airily Uiitliil ami irnIlM with uul inriit a tuvt li ir fiiaklutr tirr tiwm a u ra It lla.NHW nl Hill. I II. I nil M'tlM.l.r. 1'K I',! AMirt M, I!. CAM.I.S, tk. 440. A iik ilu Aliiliit'. VIGOR OF lasHy. Quiokly, Permanently Restorod. AVcuknvii, NTviiiini'. Ili'lillllj. uiul oil the train of ovllt from i-nrljr vrmraur lu if t'xte ttio rrnulti of ovi'rwiirk.Blckiiiiis, w rr ,otc h'ml itrcDgtli, dovclupiuont, nnil tnuu irlvt'n to ntur orirnii "nil imrtlnii nf thu Ixiily hlnil'lo, n iluni nicttti(l. Iiiii'icillatii liiiirn oincrit urn, hullurn l!Uiolble. Vll ri'fiTi'iui'i. llni.k, vxplttuutluus Hill priinfii umlli'il lni'nlt'O) frio, AiMrews Rll MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. HIS LITTLE SCRAP. 1U Autlclpatnl Ho ft Mimp tint llanUI Klii'W Ilia Trmle. UputMott lluveii tho other tiny I met jouiiK nmti fT10 had Just comn oil u train. H had a black uyc, bin noso hud received an awful jam, and after a patient lnviwtl gallon of his right lower Jaw, at lilt ro guuxt, I did not lii-iltatu to tell him It whs fractured, When I nsked the particulars of thu collision and bow many were killed ho smiled h lop Jawed sort of a smile and inld: "Tbero wasn't any collision as I hcnni of at least not on tbn railroad " "Then you've had a rowf" "It wns this way: Yesterday inoriitnu I was around hero looking for it Job when ft man comes up to mu and looks tnu all over, and then asks if 1 was it lighter. I says that I was nothing to brag of, though I knocked the Erie Kid out in live rounds, mid fought tho ButTalo Rusher to a stand still In seven. " 'What sort of a match does you want to tnakeV says I. " 'Wall,' says be, 'I'm a-llvln np here a bit on a farm, and I've got a I my nniued Dan'l. He's a cheerful oung man, Dan'l Is, but he's got u sncllln of the head about prizo lights. He thinks he's thu comlii Sullivan, and thu cru.u Is riinulu away with him ' " 'But what has 1 to do with )our bloom in sou Dan'l t' " 'I wants you to go home with mo. I'll pass you olT for an orphan I picked up. Then I wants you to put on the mittens with Dan'l and knock him all over thu township and reilucu thu swelliu of kiu head.' " 'For how much ougarr' '"Wall, if It's a success I won't mind ten dollars and your railroad fare mid a big boiled dinner.' "Well, sir, it struck me right, and wo hopped onto a train and bowled away. Tho old man was a eliiiekllu all the way home over tho way I was goln to do up hU bloomln Dan'l, and be gavo mu all the pointers hu could to make the Job easier. We arrives arter awhile." "And Dan'l was there?" "He was, sir. He proves to bo six feet high and to weigh about a ton. I supposu I looked n bit lonesome, for thu old iniiii winks me iinIiIo mid says: " 'Nexer mind the size of him Hu's big, but slow mid awkwmd, and 0110 tap on the iioso will grog him.' "And you put on tho gloves?" "That's what wu did. Dinner was hardly over when Uan'l Invited mu out to the barn to scrap a bit. Ho had an old set of gloves and he could haidly wait to puel olT Thu old man winks at mo to play his bloouiiu child a inlnuto or two, and then laud him, anil I proceeds accordingly." "Did Dan'l seem at all agitated?" I asked. "Nover a bit, sir. Ho was as cool as tho north side of an iceberg in January," "Well?" "Well, the old gout calls time on us and we stepped out. I leads with my left after claret, but doesn't get any. I swings my right for his jaw, but it wasn't there. Had I better see tho doctor, sir?" "Yes, later on. What followed?" "Why, sir, tho bloomln innocent hearted Dan, who doesn't know a swing from an upper cut, wades Into me. Ho drives mu all over the barn and hack; ho knocks mu to the right and thu left; hu lands all over me, from thu top of tho head to thu knees, and by and by ho swings for my Jaw and puts mu to sleep." "Knocked you out, uhl" "Yes, sir; and so completely that when 1 wakes up I was lying half a mile away beside the highway. I looks for Daniel, the tender blossom, and ho was down in thu hay Held. I looks for tho old man as played mo against thu field and ho was sitting on thu fence close by When I wakes up hu says: " 'Poor maul I sees tlmt cyclone when it lilts you, but I couldu'tsave ye. I'm a con stable and down on tramps, and thu best thing you cttn do Is to make a skipl' "I skips, sir, and takes thu bumpers of a freight train to bring me black eu and battered nosu mid broken Jaw back home, and 1 want you to put it in thu sporting columns of your paper that thu under signed, which is me, you know, has gone a-wisltlug of his friends mid is not open to any more country engagements against un knowns until ho has thu gatu money down in his bloomln pockctl" M. Quad In Nuw York Evening World. A Stum per. Lawyer Now, Mr. Costello, will yoa have the goodness to answer mu, directly and categorically, a fexr plain questions? Witness Yes, sir. Lawyer Is there a femalo at present liv ing with you who Is known in the neigh borhood us Mrs. Costello? Witness--Yes, sir. Lawyer Have- you over been married to her? Witness No, sir (Hero several jurors scowled gloomily at thu witness.) Lawyer That is all, Mr. Costello; you may go down. Opposite Laxvyer One moment, Mr. Cos tello. Is the lady In question your grand mother? Witness Yes, sir. Chicago Legal Ad viser. A Cnnscleiitioua ArtUt. "I'm very sorry, sir," said tho artist, "hut I cannot undertake your portrait." "And why not, pray?" "It xx-ould ruin my reputation, sir. Your coloring is bad, your head is out of draw ing, nnd altogether a faithful portrait of you would bo extremely inartistic." Har per's Bazar. A lu)lne Institution. Chira Here's a slot uinchii'e and 1 haven't a nickel I xvonder il a dime xxould do. Her Brother No. You weighed on one of those machines not half an hour ago. Clara But this is another machine. Good Nexxs i , i! ' ssed II ! I w K mbVW44 V aLw a Jk ' ' btIb A Thf Hliln to NIp On. There's brilliant young physician In Detroit who should liao been a great American humorist. During the recent hot weather a put lout who hadn't lieen sleeping well applied lo him for advice. "What sldo should I sleep on, doctor?" ho Inquired. "In winter or summer?" asked the doc tor, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "What's that got to do with It?" ex claimed tho patient half angrily. "A great deal," tespouded tho doctor mysteriously. "I don't sec It." "Of course you don't," said tho doctor Imperturbably. "If you did you wouldn't liu hero asking mu about It." "(3o ahead then," and thu patient nettled back resignedly. "Well," continued thu doctor, "In win ' ter, when It Is cold, ou should sleep on thu Inside; out In such weather as tills you should sleep on tho outside In a hammock with a draft all around It and a plecu of lev for a pillow. Two dollars, pleaau." De troit Freo Press Information llniiieatvil. Count D Organbore A yacht Is now an indispensable adjunct to every gentleman. I am getting one. She Indeed: whom "iru you getting It for? Truth NntliliiK Alli'h-eil About II. He was a eaudldiite for parliament and a limb of thu law. While cauva-sslug hu was treated to tho following: Mr. Candidate (knocking at thu door whciu thu wife appeals) Is jour hint- 1 band In? Wife No, sir. but I know what you 1 want My husband Is sine to vote for jou because you got him olT for stealing that i gun Candidate No, no, alleged stealing of I thu gun I Wife Alleged bo bothered! Wu'vo got the gun In tho house now. Tit-Bits. I A l(enily Herkimer. Teacher Meyer, supposing I buy 1J ells of cloth, costing 1 11-1'J thalers, for a pair of pants, can you tell mo how- much I shall have to give for the cloth? i Meier(wlth a soul abovo fractions) Sir, IK ells of cloth aro not sulllcleut to make ' you a pair of pants. You will want two 1 ells. Then, taku my advice and don't go mid buy cloth at ! 11-12 thalers, but Home thing a little better for two thalers. That will make it exactly two thalers. Buntes Feullleton Aiiiiljtlnit it Woril. A teacher gavo out words for analysis. i "Banknote" was one of them, mid the teacher's astonishment may be imagined when one jouug lady brought the follow ing unique anal sis: "Bank-note Is a com pound, primitive word, composed of 'bank' and 'note.' 'Bank' Is a simple word, mean ing the sldu of a stream; 'note,' to set down. 'B'liik-notu,' to set down by tho sldu of a stream." Yinulaud Independent. rreseme iif 311ml. Mr. Practical Joker, while gutting his clothing checked nt a concert the other night, xx'as struck on tho head by a falling rafter and bled profusely A doctor bent over him assured that ho was dead, when Mr. Joker opened Ids eyes and said: "Here Is a dime, my good fellow; tell them to check tho flow nf blood along with my hat and coat." Loxvell Citizen. Time Went Slow. During one of the dullest days last week In the Stock exchange when there xvas nothing doing, and every one xvas waiting for the hands on tho clock to reach 3 p, in., Murray Ballon, calling a broker to him, said, "Say, old fellow, xvhat tlmo is It?" "Txx-o o'clock," xvas tho answer. "Two o'clockl I have had txvo century plants bloom since then." Boston News. Ill the Alpi. Tho landlord Is xvritlng out tho bill with the assistance nf tho head waiter. "Have you noticed that thu gentleman in No, 7 looked at the weather vane every morning during his stay here?" "Yes, sir; every morning." "Then we'll put down, 'For use of weather vane three francs.' " Intransl gennt. Superitniiiiiiteil. Jones Those ulckel-lu-thu-slot machlnoH arc not a nuw thing after all. This paper says that they aro nearly a hundred jenrs old. Smith Indeed Perhaps that is why they so often fall to xvork. Munsey's Weekly If- u I'unr It ii le, Ktc. Mludcure Doctor Make up your mind there is no p.ilu, and there Is nono. Five dollars, please Patient (moving toxvnrd the door) Make up your mind there Is no payln, mid there Is none. Yankee Blade. Conjnciil llexntluii. Doctor Did jour wife take tho butter milk as I recommended? Husband No, doctor, It xvas too sour for her, so I put some sugar In and drank It mjself. Fllegendo Blatter. L'amil. "What Is the difference between thatdoit and this sauage?" "None, except that one's alive." (Both order steak.) Brooklyn Eagle. A Chiiuce for thu Hotter. She Well, how do you feel this morn ing? Hu Thank jou, llku another maul Shu I congratulate jou. Truth Kmn li ilk'o Is I'imir. Teacher Whence Is the word "obedi ence" derived? Scholar Fiom being whipped. Fllu geudu Blatter lli'.illt or Hotel I1I1U. Shu Thudajs aio growing shorter noxv. meu't the Hu Yea, and so am I Munsey's Weekly vS Ski i AS i im ii THE ARIZONA KICKER. Making Things Inlrrrallnv fur Rill Chiiilao A (irrnl Cllmntr, TlIK ltinilTTlllNO. Wetold Bill Chlldao in those columns o or two months ago that tho climate of this locality would wear him out, and strongly advised him to lrael, He thought hu knew thu tow n better than wu did, and the result wns a hanging last Friday night Bill kept on drinking and fussing until ho put a bullet Into Indian Mike. No doubt Mike ought to hnxu been shot long ago, but thu bo)s concluded that Bill Chudsu was getting too cmeless with his gun, and hu wns Invited to go out and bo hung Wo were early on the spot, of course, while our contemporary never oxen heard of thu case until next day Wu expected Bill would bu a little soru on us, but hu wasn't. Unwanted to shake hands with us beforo ho was tied, and during the llf teen minutes allowed hlmoii tho head of thu barrel he spoko In thu highest terms of us as a cltleii mid as thu editor of a gieat weekly paper Hu called direct attention toThu Klcker.declatiiiglt worth llvu tluiiva tho subscription price (one dollar In ad vance), and added that If ho had heeded the good advice found In every Issue lip would not have been standing where h was In fact, Bill talked so lluelitly that xx u xveru almost a mind to ask thu boys to spare him and let us try him as mi adver tising solicitor Wu rellocled, however, that the crowd had been put to a great deal of trouble and would probably ho disappointed, and therefore held our pence while Bill was sxvung oil Thu xery last thing he did was to hand us his gun as an equivalent to tho cost of ten jears' sub scription to The Kicker for his mother It's nil l ATI:. We are In lecelptof letters eveij week from parlies In the east asking nbout business, the climate, chances, etc. There aru some good things about this country, and wo don't deny that there are some bad ones. The better xxay Is lo come out mid personally Investigate As far as thu elliuatu Is concerned, wn declare it thu best on earth. Ourowucasu Is a proof of what It can do. Wu at rived In this town thieii years ago wit li one lung gone, lame in both knees, dead hioko for cash, and having a cough on us which made over) body think a tliiiuileistorm was coming Up when xxe lot loose Our ues xxeru so bail xxu couldn't sou a Digger In dian llft foot axvay, and our hearing had run down until a iiinn would have had to ask us four times to drink with him beforo xvo could haxe suspected what xvas up. The llrst thieo nights hero xvo slept un der a watfon on Kit Carson square, ami xvo distinctly reiiiemlei of old Bill Parker kicking us lie: oss the street when xxu nsked him to lend us a dime to buy breakfast. Old Bill Ij dead now Wo took somexvliat of an act lu part in his hanging Today xve nru tho richest and thu healthiest man In tho county, feel llku a Texas steer all tho time, and have got a hole full of money. Iiefore the climate took hold of us anybody could boot us around and slap our Jaxx-s. Tho worm turned ono day, and rIiico that time xxu have shot ten men and discouraged about fifty others. Thu mall xx ho kicks us has got to bu chain lightning. Wo lead thu social swirl, will shortly I mi elected mayor, and xvh ' 'ur xx'o say goes. Gradually, as tho clliu has alloctoil and de eloped us, wo have h trodiucd thu stylo of eating with a fork, xxoaiing white shirts and encouraging Chiiiesu laundries, and wo nru considered authority on grammm-, prlu fights, ancient history, poetry, thu business outlook and the grizzly bear. M. Quad in Noxv York World. Wouldn't Killer the Itnee. Old Citizen (to editor) Your friends want you to make t he race for mayor of the town. Editor What's tho salary? Old Citizen It's six dollars a year and exemption from road tax. Editor I'll not enter the race. I bellcvn the otllce should seek the mail, mid if It jumps on me, knocks me doxvu, liaudcuiTu laud tars mid feathers me, I'll inaku my will and taku It Into the family hut twt unless. Atlanta Constitution Not MonotonoiiB Tor Clarence. "Pop," saiil Clarence Calliper, "glx-e me Mvo cents?" "What for?" said Mr. Calliper. "To get some sarsaparilla with." "You have asked mo for Mx-u cents every day this week," said Mr. Calliper, as hu handed over tho money "Don't you think i this Is getting a little monotonous?" "No," said Clarence, "I don't I don't always get sarsaparilla. Sometimes 1 get root beer and sometimes I get soda." New York Sun. Since Thru. Bobbs I couldn't possibly sleep as late as you do. Why, 1 am out of bed as busy as a bee at o'clock every morning. Dobbs You don't say so. Hoxv long have jou been doing that? Bobbs Ever slncu baby came. Iondon Tlt-Blts. Uiiaiicreanful KITorta. "Pnpa," said Willie, as thu bass drum xvont by, "that man ain't as strong as hu looks, Is he?" "I don't know Why?" "He doesn't seem to be able to break the box open "Harper's Bazar. Not it Scrap. Madge Vera and Bob had quito a fall lug out last evening. Mabel Imbed! Hoxv did it happen? Madge They xxeru sitting In the ham mock and the rope broke. Brooklyn Eagle. Nn Ni'Ms tn lllui. Jinks The paper sajs thu court has de clared you a bankrupt, Blnks. Biuks Oh, that's no new I knoxv that long ago, Somervlllo Journal. Not (icttim; Them. Miss Turner (out shopping) I xvlsh you wouldn't ask mi ninny qmtiofis, Tommy. Thomas I'm not; I am asking answers. Lowell Cltlen I'niiii the Heart. ri .i,vv'r-. . v v- I .... r--rr t.v- "Hide. Jlminj ' Here's dad, by jingol" j "Hail, did yor saj I'd give fifty cents to ' Ih. In Siiudav school with mx pants onl" I Ufo Wnnteil the lUnil. A man with a big hand, organ had ttopped to play on Irving place, xvhen a woman cmuo out and said: "I xvlsh you'd lie kind onougli to inoxn on and not play here. Theru's a very sick man In the house." "You no xvanta ills mooslok?" "No," "Somebody seek?" "Yes." "lie no Ilka ills mooslok?" "No," "Vera xvoll. If ills mooslck not loud enough, I send you doxvu dat brass band even pleca to inaka dat seek man feols Lappyl" Noxv York Evening World. Time In Cool HIT. Proud Father My old friend, I har brought around my sou to see If you couldn't make a place for him In your es tablishment Bo In just giailuated with high honors Old Friend My dear old boy, nothing would please mu better Tell him to cnl' around In two yeais Noxv York VYeuklj. Ho Kno. A society woman I knoxv xvas Invited by a friend to receive xxitli her one evening. The friend xxas tho xxlfu of a professor In otiu of our large, well endowed colleges. My frlond xx-as dressed very handsomely, of course, and did all she could tn enter tain and amuse thu crowd of people who passed before them. Shu saw a tall, In tellectual looking man approaching, mid at that moment the hostess whispered "lleru comes Professor Blank. Very learned man. Is professor of psychology Do talk to himnml say sumo of your clever things." Noxv my friend has an Immense amount of savoir faire, and Is "up" in all thu chit chat of tho day, but pyschulogy is way ho j ond her mid thu very word frightened her. So after the formal Introduction hail taken place, mid her friend turned to ad dress somebody else, sho felt conversation ally stranded. Not nu idea xx-ould come to her. Thu professor stood looking at hur very much as any man would gaze at a pretty xvomau, but said nothing. At last hu stammered out: "Wuaru having very line weather Just noxx" "Yes," answered the learned man, "very pleasant indeed, but there's a change coming. I can toll by the xxay my corns achol" Detroit Free Press. llnxx He (lllllllil Time. The 25th of Juno (runt day). Landlord calls on joung doctor for his rent. "Good morning, doctor." Doctor Good morning, sir. You'r looking very ill; put out jour tongue. Landlord uts out his tongue. Doctor sees the hit dlord's tongue, gives hint a prescription and soie's him home not to leave thu house for a xxeek or txvo. He departa poacefullj lor bed, minus the rent. Tlt-Blts. Hair or it. "What hymn did I understand you to say?" inquired the Suudaj school teacher of thu joung lady who presided at thu mu lodeou, mid who had just asked him to close the service, thu superintendent buing absent. "Sing half of 2 ID," she answered, smiling nt bis nervousness and confusion. "Wu xvlll noxv close by singing," he said, addressing tho school "by singing hymn 123." Harper's Bazar. IIOjIlOOll )U) i, "I xvas horn and raised in a Now Eng land village," said the retired merchant, as ho sat on his piazza and looked at a newly shingled roof across the way, "uii It is astonishing what memories that root calls up. You have no idea xvliut u ndl'it It is to me, even noxv, to knoxv t lint thus shingles are all nailed tccurcly doxvn." Somervlllo The fcnme Thlnif. Edith Y"t nuti't imagine hoxv Mr. Bull finch comiliioititcd your singing. Ethel Did he, though? Edith Ye, he said 'txx-as heavenly Ethcl-Urnllyf Edith Well, Jui the same thing. He said 'twas simply unearthly. Tlt-Blts. Very liwjiililll I . A. Hoxv do you like jour landlady? II, She Is a very cltx-er woman, but the has entirely too much curlouty "In xvhat direction?" "She Is nlxx-uys asking mo xvheu I am go ing to pay my board bill." Texas Slftiugs. Letting No Chance Slip. Housexvlfu If you are not axx-ay from here In two minutes I'll send for a police man Hungry Hlgglns Give me the 'arrant, ma'am. I'll hunt one up fer on'y ten cents. Indianapolis Journal. At Hur Harbor. Ho (to Boston girl) You aro "up" on geology. Can you tell me xx hat kind of rocks these are xxu aru sitting on? Boston Girl To the unengaged thoy aro trap. To tho engaged they aro gneUs. Life Out ol Tint ii. Biggs Well, HarrU, hoxv 'ro your folks in the couutiy? Harris Oh, they're all right they've scut for a donkey Biggs Are jou going? Brooklyn Eagle. A dreiit t'luhlur. Sklnnj - What do j-ou t'ink of du No name's new ilulder? Fatty He's .i corker Dat feller kiu ketch enxt'iu He lies Inn know cd to ketch a train. Town Topics XX lint Hi- Neeiliil. Gils Do Smith You have very large ears Ullliooly Yes, my ears aru large. All I lnck noxv to bo a perfect na la your brain. -Tc.n Slftiugs &-' -ritJJ1 I TWO LINCOLN C1TIZUNS. A l.llKoln llnrtnr's Interview With m Courier Iteporler The Kiperlenee of Imo Lincoln Clllena. Hi purler As Catarrh Is lour specially doc tor, could Xoil refer the leaders of the Courier In some onsen jou haxe Healed here In Lin coln? Iioolor- Vest hern me suXitiiI Icstluiotilnls, ulxon xnliiiilnrlly, with permission lo uiiiku Iheiu public If I itesltoil, Iteporler -I sen i mi hnxooim here from Mr. Maiuilel I'lirue. where does ho llvu? IhM'tnr Mr, I'lixtie lives nt the northwest comer of lllli uiul () slrcols. Hit Is a brltfht xouiitf limn mid Is superintendent or the nil lint department In the .lourunl olllec. Ilia until toiiU llrst premium In tbn thru) Inst slate fairs here, lie siijs. "l-'or lliu past nr teeujearsl haxe siillered Intensely at this NMisouoflhe joarxxllh catarrhal hav rover. My exes Mould be red mid Inllniucd. My nose would ootislnntlj ill-1'biune. Hoinetlines I would uo a Inrie handkerchief uxcry hour. Mj head roll lull. I xxould snecre Inordinate ly M.N whole ajulein lieenuie xxenk and I was unlit lor until. II lieuiiuoti me ns lisinit this season, hut I xxeiit to in lleimla, xx Iioso treat ment bus Ntopped II entirely, ami am a well as ii y limn mm Ills treatment hns HilXeil Iiiiiii lour to six xxeeks of Intense suit oritur, liestdi s loss or time. I mu Kind lo rec ommend his ticnlmonl to uiijone sintering (mm mix form or Calairh," llcpoiler Is liny fever n enininnii iIIciimi? ImioIoi II IsqiiPn piiivalout Whx.dojoii knoxv that lnl jour my xvlfo ami I xxeru spending m nun lime In tbe While llioimtalua xx lieu thoie wore H.ium hay fever patients then' who dared not return liimut till tho summer xvas oxoi, the mountain air only allordliiK Iheiu Irenlnm I nun this moat e. eiiiolntltiK tioiihlo llopoiler-Who Is Mr, Chits, .lacks? Iioolor Mr .lucks lives on I) street, bo txxeeti l!7lh uiul 'Jsth slnels. Hu Is a hrlek lajer and winks for Hosier A Wcnxer ou lliu new Adxenl college tie aaxs, "I had Ca tarrh, Iho worst kind. Would hnxvk and spll. cnnstiintlx , hush uiih slopped up, head iichcit mid foil illr . appetite poor, had rliudnu In ears; vxas xxenk ami scaieely able Inuurli at all Hr lieiiuls treated urn one month mid I am noxv entirely well. ' Tho Dennis Treatment FOR CATARRH Isnlxvnys satisfactory, hold to iilijslclau ami patient, Hr. Ilcnnls, llje, l;ai, Nose unit Ihrniil Hiuyonn, iiml Ciilnrrh NpoelnlLI Is a uriiduiiti' or three iiiedlenl i-oIIouon, and has hud leu joins experience, part or this lime In the laritesl hospllnl In Nuw York oily. He mikes no eliiune rot consultation. Ciiscn out or the ollj siicccshIiiIIv treated hy cones piindeiico. Hours, ti to I'J, 'i Inn, 7.110 lo M::i0; Hiiiulav, atonp in, Olllee. corner Tenth nnil n stiects, Lincoln, Nidi. Write lor mil par ticulars or cull at olllee. Address, C. Warren Dennis, M. I). TOUR AfotelSlNG? 33 A. 3ST.IC - Lincoln, : Nebraska. Capital, $250,000 Ojlhtis uiul Pitrclor: John II. Wright, I'res. T. . Sanders, V,-P- .1. II. MeClay, Cashier. A H llnyiuoiid, II I l.aii, Thus Cochran I! HHl7ur, ('has West, K I.Hhelilon. Banking Business Transacted. Accounts Solicited REMOVAL .. Lincoln Shirt Factory To 1402 O Stroot. In Its next loi-jitlmi this establishment xvlll hiio Ix'tter fiic i"los than over ror turning out flrst-clasa Hoiji, mid an Increased line or (icnts Ktirnlsliliik" l'xls will a I ways hu oil b-ile. To our biilinuiiis boon added a LADIES' TAILORING DEPARTMENT In xxkilVli tiuriiicnt or Mil kinds xvlll hu lilildo to oidei auik il) thing rroui 'he smallest 1111 ileiuiiniielil r thoilnest Dyss or Cloak will he skuiMllj excuiitiil an made on short notice, tu li i ilepnrliiu-i't xvo employ one ofthulA'-t cutlers andllttrs In tho country iiml smnfaeti.,11 Is uunranl-ed In every par tlculnr Out f u-torj vrill hereafter lie knoxvu s fbc Lincoln Shirt Mfg. Co. A ICiitreiHe'n, Hr., Milliliter. Cnll and see lie Cor. lllhand O Hts !K SUPERIOR WORK -110 TO- SMALL'S Steam Laundry 2014-16 O Street, Offlcc 138 N nth St. Tele. 579. Leading PHOTOGRAPHER! raten to tuttoiiti . nil una mo our work. Studio, 12x4 O Street. Opt 11 ti)iu t a 10 to I p. tu. Hutiiluyv f f.t mi tMi t -r t t tliitr m 1 t r J' hn It. 1 11 in ,t wi k u, u KfaJff, 1 1 t mtkr itiu t) tut iit .1 1 ) itjiki b w I rum iium i 19 1 U 4 l Ihr tM ki 1 11 ir tvu fii It ir)iT H In my (-Ait nt U 1 it )oU III CvllllUrlll, ( tiullif, gIV t ur tiuir.x 1 (arr imniruU ol ,JMmmUk HuS"' BlV w - ii. ik a 1 11 urn iirti y pi iu ur fvtrs m tkri W t tart Jihj r.tuUbln( t ihmr aU . l,l ill-. Itutt. I Alfl li I I AU- HiV . Adtrontoo,.