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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1891)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1891 r TlIK Ol,l) RELIABLE FOLSOM I still Headquarter foi Ice Cream Ices, Cakes, Candles, Etc. Our Special order depart ornate nient for catering to residence and parties is the most popular in the city "Prompt delivery, pure goods and reasonable prices' is our motto. ICE CREAM PARLOR NOW 1307 0 St. Telephono 001 ft 'r, tfi'H tiUf We may not All be beauties 11, 11 wit muv all hute smooth. soft skins iinil lrr f(niloxlliH. which imt In tlicnisolve the ilml elements or Homily mill iniili lliu lilulltett fnco attractive. Mr. 1 1 ittliaiit'M UClllll1l,rltllll HI''" I'lllWIT 11111111 I'llllM llionkln tobocomo ioft, smooth nml clvety mil tlw ciimpoxlim l iiiiulo rlcuier and whiter by ltr""''-f ""., It I not it t'osmetlo III tlu' sense III which tlmt term It ordinarily used, tint permanent liontitWcr. ImllilliiK up tlm wasted iUMiuM tin derlvlnc tlm iKI III" preventing llu inr million of wrinkles, oleutisliw tho pore thor- UmN SOU It. irH.iirrtHiHti iirmiitiu, .-hiiiji flortur" it I l' 'l ' s Knim-lsco, trcntM Indies for nil liliiiUhCH or defect or the fitce or lliiiire. Unlit nt it tllitniii't treated liy correspondence. Ml the Mini Lincoln Druggists sell It. NOW IN NEW QUARTER ! Lincoln Trunk Factory 0 ST 1 100 O ST. Where we will be glad to see nil tiltl friends anil customer Jnnd ns ninny new one k enn get Into the store. C. A. WIR1CK, SUCCESSOR TO WIRICK& HOPPER. f&ttAtf MWOgUAINIID WITH TM. MOOfSV Of THI OOUNTHY Will 011 MUCH IN.OKMMKM 10 (TUDT Or INI MAfOT TMI The- DIRECT ROUTE to nnd from CHICAGO. ROOK ISLAND, DAVENPORT. DE8 MOINEa, COUNCIL BLUFFS. WATKRTOWN, BIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS, 8T. PAUL, ST. JOS XPIl. ATCHISON. LEAVENWORTH. KANSAS CITV.TOPEKA, DENVER, COLORADO SI-NOB nad rUKULO. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS cf Throush CoAChM, Blepr. Free Jlocllnlmi Chtr Car nmt Dlnlntr Oar dally bftWMm CHI CIAOO. DES MOINES. COUNCIL SLUVFS and OMAHA, nnd btwen CiriCAOO nnd DENVER, 40LORADO BPRINQS nnd PUEBLO via St. topb, or Kuuu City nnd Topekn. Via The Albert Loa RoutOr Fat Ezpran Train dally between Chlcoro unit Mtnnenpoll and Bt. Paul, with TIIROUQU lUcllutntr Chair Car 07REE) to nnd from tboae point nnd Knnaa City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake and Sioux Fall via Rock Inland. For Ticket. Map. Folder, or deelred Informa tion, apply at any Coupon Ticket OtHce. or nddre M . ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Oen'l Manager, Oen'l Tkt. ft Pan. AjrL, CinOAOO ILL. LINCOLN tcr AND IkiTITlTC OK 1'i.NMJtMllir, TSIinrtliuiul. ami Tyhowrltliik', It the Imt ami laiviit Cultf.-o hi tint Wt. uu hlmlrnu In nllt'iKlancv loat year. Mtuhnu preparnl lor hmlm In fmiu SlnD month-.. HmhtIimiciM faculty 1'rrMinal liutructlon, Jk-nullful llluttratnl ralalotiup, collevo Jiiiirnal, nml e.-i;uiiviM ui iM-uninniuiii, tH-ni in- ity wiun-Ming Ulliiiridcie a noosE. Lincoln. Neb jssssM'ii. r.rvn'7' Mfl OIIKtlly Ol IllCir sei-reuon nun iii iiiipiiiui widen nml liwlKoiiiciit In IIioiii. livery Imly yoniiK or old, should use It. It lit it wondorliil lirotectton to tlio Hkln from lliu riiviitieM of tlu i..,l .111,1 weather I'rleet I.OO. All drill Chicago.Rocklsland&PaGincRu i fjyj ( f yy 4Ml0&f. j than a million messages 11 lay are sent - 1 over the wires ninny more than a mil lion now, for that report Is more than h y?PJ"S,lf."y.,?...?!,":H?E , . yer old. There uro about 200.000 mllei a.R. !, v, h. r.. chio. nnd reraife. poiia('paid, $IZo&l2&Z"r'?alv"x- TIlKKUXnitlCAL WORLD. UILLION DOLLAR OUSINESS THAT IS OF RECENT ORIGIN. II I Divided ft l'ollnwl Tilt. Irlrgrapll, lliu rrlrplidiii, llir IMrctilo l.lghl, Electric Motor Mini Mlarflllniiriiu. Hiiiiiu Inlr-rratlnir liifiiriniltliiti. SHclnl Cuirpipotiiluniv.l Nkw Yoiik, Auk ao. Half iici:iittiry ago, iih nil tho world knows, there was 110 money whatever Invested in elec trical ludustiles, for thu excellent rei. mm tlmt there wen no electrical In dustries to Invest In. Science hail not yet utilised thu auhtlu (Intel -hml not oven begun to learn, oxct-ptitiy In thu mint general way, what Iim propel ties wem, Ton yearn ago tho general public looked with umazciuiint nt tho enormous figures which loprt sontod tho Investments tiiado in tho tele graphic service which had become an old htory. Hundreds of companies, all over tho world, had boon established with big or little capital, and In thu United Stales iiluiiu fheso investments footed up somowhero m ara bundled millions of ilollins. Tho bulk of this was controlled then, as it is now, by a monster com pany, which had swallowed up rivals anil predecessors until it possessed, as It still does, almost a monopoly of tho tele graphing business of thu country. Thu growth of the Western Union company was unprecedented, and its accumula tion of capital was good ground for the wonder and admiration of tho people. That was ten yeais ago Since then marvels have occurred that cast tho growth of tho Western Union far In tho shade. Telegraphing, wonderful as it is, was only tho llrst in a series of miracles that are steadily tevolutionizfng tho in dustries of civilization. Tho various uses of electricity, now as they ate and crude and unfinished as thu develop ment still Is in some ways, have attract ed capital in tho United States alone to tho amount of about $1,000,000,000. The statement seems Incredible, but n little examination is enough to show Its truth. Tho nowly dUoovored form is tiK'd not only to send signals over wires, but spoken messages as well, It is ued to operate machinery in place of steam. It prnie1s cars. It furnishes tho most brilliant and almost tho cheapest nrtlti- ciai ugnt Known, it is even used in a few places to supply heat. And In each of these uses it culls for tho manufacture of a great quantity of special tools and appliances, so that an enormous busi ness has grown up in this branch of manufacture. In Now York city nlono there aro about 400 companies nnd firms wholly engaged in this business. The capital thoy have invested varies from a few hundred dollars to a round million, which is the estimated Investment of the largest one. So rapid has been the de velopment of tho applied science of elec tricity that this business of furnishing electrical supplies has itself been divided into branches, nnd rich companies do vote themselves In many instances to the production of n few specialties alone out of tho long list of articles that are demanded. Tho main divisions of electrical Indus tries are, ns indicated, five in number They are tho telegraph, tho telephone, light, powor and "tho generul trade," so called, or the manufacture of supplies and appliances. It is by considering theso soparntely and estimating their growth that tho tremendous statement above, concerning a billion of dollars, can bo justified. Tho capital of tho Western Union Telegraph compauy, us is well known, exceeds one hundred millions. When, to this figure is added tho sum of capital Invested In other lines, including small local companies nnd cables that aro owned in part in tho United States, it ts not difficult to realize that tbo total is something like one hundred nnd fifty millions of dollars. In connection with this subject of tele graphing h curious story is told, which, Although it concerns only n small frac tion of the money mentioned, is well worth repetition. A fow years ago two or three inventors, Edison among others, cxperuuented largely in what is known as induction telegraphy that is, the re ception and transmission of messages without contact with n wire. It was found entirely practicable to take mes sages or send them from an instrument in a moving car, and two companies were formed, bused on different patents. Tho patents wero found to conflict, and the two companies wero consolidated by way of compromise and began business with bright prospects. They constructed n plant on n certain well known railroad, nnd performed work that was highlj satisfactory, when they met with i sud den check. One of tho most enthusi astic stockholders wns very wealthy anil bought up u very large mujority of tho stock. He chanced to bo n spiritualist, and just when the prospects wero most flattering ho announced that he had re ceived n communication from the spirits forbidding him to allow any more work to bo done- by the company. Accordingly the business came to a sudden standstill, and the other stockholders have not yet been able to do anything at all. Tliu second branch to be developed was tho telephone. Everybody will re member the bitter stmgglo which went on for years over tho validity of tho gov erning patents and tho final victory of the Bell company, which gavo It a mo nopoly of the business in nil tho United States. To get a correct estimate of the actual investments made in telephone is difficult. The quotations of Bell tele phone stock, if any should be sold pub licly, would not be n fair Indication, since tho present viilno Is of course far in excess of the first cost, and more than that it by no means represents the in vestments made since. All over the country companies blur and little ate constantly forming to build lines. Moro i of telephone wire in actual use mid more I than 300,000 Instrument, connected. It is certain that there ts morn than a hundred million Invented In this branch mIoiio and probably two hundred mil llonn would I hi nearer tho mark In electric Huhtln tho buitmeM in still nowor, and tho Htvro arc porhnpi not hr largo. Still in August hint tho presi dent of tho National Electric Light ms ttociatlon repotted that tho Inve.ttments amounted to $118,000,000. This repre sented, ho nahl, the operation of 127,111 Hrc lights and liOO.OOO Incandeicenl lights That was a year ago, and tho flgurv weio olllclal and presumably correct. In h Rlnglo month since that time it Is re corded that thoiu weio thirty-seven new companies Incoiporatod in the United States which proposed to operate electric lights, either as their solo business or In connection with electric railroads, the development of water power or somo kindred enterprise The total amount of tho capitalization of these thlrty-soven companies wiih over $1,000,000. Prob ably a considerable amount of this is not paid In, but allowing a fair proportion for failures It isteasouable to assume tho total investment in olectilo lighting '.".; "" " " at $150, 000,000. If that is not the figure lu"" ,l "'" " "' r" " """ " ",v year A still newer branch than the lighting is thu development of power by elec tricity, applied to locomotive or to sta tionary engines, and if the statistics wero as readily attainable as in lefer enco to the three branches already con sidered, it would bo easy to show that tho investment in this is fully us largo as In any of tho others, if not much turgor Ah a mutter of coursu tho Investments in railroads aro proportionately heavy, and with tho rapid multiplication of electric railroads all over tho country tho figures urn growing fuster In this di rection than in any other No recent statement has been made of tho number of miles of electrio railroads in opera tion, nnd the lust one 1 have seen was dati'd .Ian. I. 1800. There wero then over 100 miles in working order. Cer tuiuly there uro several times ns many now. Hut oven thu investment represented in these mtlCfl of road Is fur less at tho present time than in the innumerable plants established for the driving of stu tionury machinery. Of couise it will not do as yet to speak of electricity ns superseding stenm, even in tho running of ruilroads, for as it has been found impossible to economically generate tho electric current directly from the elements, steam and water power aro used for this purpose, nnd in 05 per cent, of all thu electrical plants In tho country steam is really the prime powor. In but 0 cr cent, of tho elec trical plants in the country is tho current generated by water power, Tho advan tage In tho use of electric motors over steam lies in the greater economy of tho former. Especially is this true in thu case of small factories and light machinery re quiring small power. In such cases un less steam can be drawn from a central plant it is expensive, tho small stoaui en gines being disproportionate in cost to largo ones. It is not so with electrical engines, or at least it is not true to tho same extent, nnd thousands upon thou sands of 8mtll engines aro today in use, while tho demand for thorn is growing so rapidly that it taxes tho resources of tho manufacturers to turn out a sufficient sup .y. Tho very moderate estimate of $100, 000,000 us the sum of tho investment in theso power machines or engines brings the total, as I have figured It, thus far up to $000,000,000. And lest any 0110 should at'cuso mo of exaggeration, I will quoto from tho speech of Mayor Daven port, of Kansas City, before tho National Electrio Light association on Jnn. 1, 1800. Ho declared that then, in the four branches I have described, thu total in vestment was $000,000,000. This nearly two years ago, nnd n statement raudo from official statistics. 1 have greatly underestimated tho present figures not exaggerated. And there is still the "general trade" to consider. It is seriously questionable if this does not employ as much capital as all tho others combined To produce linn nnmlnil all the materials and supplies needed probably costs fully as much if not more in tho way of investod capital, as tho great operating companies employ. For it must bo remembered that the widest nso of electricity has not been touched on. This is what electricians term the domestic branch. Not only is electricity widely used in Isolated plants for tho production of light which has been considered but electric bells, bur glar alarms and similar contrivances are in hundreds of thousands of counting rooms, business buildings and privnto residences. Their use is increasing us rapidly as that ol all the other inven tions based on tho now science, huleod, it seems almost us if tho business moved with tho swiftness that the fluid does. Nothing has happened to check it thus far, and it seems cortnln that k will ex pand Into still more marvelous propor tions in the near future. Surely a hundred millions v year in crease in n now business is one of the 1 greatest wonders oven of this century of l scientific miracles. Daviu A. (Jt'HTIS. Hciuiirkithlc In Mini) Wu). The blind prencher. Uev W. H. -Unburn, is a romiukable man iu many ways, Although he hits been blind al most over since his childhood ho has read and studied more than most men who havo their eyesight. His memory for voices is littlo short of marvelous. Ho has been known to instantly recog nize and call by name, upon hearing them speak, persons whom he has not met for twenty years. Vim C'uu't llonril tilth 11 I.lL'hl Keeper. As the dwelling of the lighthouse keepers of the United States are often tastefully planned, well built and located on picturesque sites, people 111 search of biimnier quarters havo so besieged keep ers for accommodation that the light , house board hns been compelled to pro , hiblt them horn tuking boarders um I any circumstances. lei How tit IIiiiiu Hunt 1 1 Plcturrn. A novel way Is to have tho lower right hand corner of tho upper picture overlap tho tipiier loft hand comer of tho next lower, and so on for us many ns you wish to hang together. Three, however, I look better than more with this arrange ment. Tho plan can 1k reversed, of course, and the slant bo toward tho left mid downward us well us to the right. Naturally the space and adjoining ob jects aro to be considered. Htiw to Give it lllnimr nt llt-aliiiiriini. First, friends, never ask your guests "what thoy uro going to have." Order it yourself. You can, however, ask If your guests hnvo uny preference! for in stunce, in ices. Endeavor to find out before hand what they piefer, or if they have any antipathies. Aim to order those things that uro peculiar to thu sea son. Never speak to the waiter in a loud tone. Shellfish should be placed before you nllvo before cooking for your inspec tion. If thu dinner is given in a lurgu dining room bo careful to seat tho ladies so they will command 11 good, view of the rami, A prevailing form of dinner at thu restaurant in New York during thu winter is (first) deviled crabs with olives or celery, or both; (second), lobster, a la Newburg.with potatoes ait gratiiii (third), broiled chicken with 0110 or two vege tables; (fourth), u salmi, lettuco preferred; (fifth), ico cream, enko nnd small colfeo. Hum to I'ri-tcnt Neuralgia. All excellent way to prevent neuralgia Is to plunge tho sides of tho head be hind tho ears in cold water immediate ly on waking every morning. A great number of nerves are concentrated at those points, nnd the shock burdens them, thus materially assisting tho sys tem In warding oir neuralgic troubles. This simple practice- will savo many uu hour's pain. Ilotv to IIi-Iiiiii III it Thi'iili-r. Do not crush at the box office window; you will only disturb the temper of thoso who aro before you, and you cannot get your ticket or tickets one second earlier. Do not talk to your friend from the mo ment tho curtain is raised until it falls; if you must say something inula your remarks in n whisper. Do not quarrel with 11 person if you find him occupying your seat; endeavor to bo polito and gen tlemanly; if there is 11 mistake, the usher will remedy It without attracting atten tion. If you do not liko tho piny or per formance, do not mutter your displeas ure aloud; leave the theater nt the end J of tho net; other people may enjoy what I you dislike. Always remember that thoxo who uro sitting behind you de.siro to witness the performance us well us yourself. Ilotv to ,k 11 Fiivnr. A favor should never be asked unites securing it bo uu absolute necessity. Never usk a favor from a stranger or up. acquaintance unless some business or other circumstance morally entitles you 1 to ussiimo that you uro justified. When you really need n favor go to friends: if they uro true they will grant it. Friends uro often proved in adversity. It is u safo rule never to ask n favor unlets you beliovo you can, in some way, recipro cate it. When you do ask do It confi dently and fearlessly 11 faint heart usu ally fails in this as in other things. How to I'rt-vi-ut C'ahlmuo Oitor. When you boll cabbage put a good sized lump of stale bread in the water. This will absorb tho noxious gases and prevent tho offensive smell. How to Select run. Tho simplest way to discover If fish Is in good condition nnd fresh is by the color of tho gills and smell. Fresh, sound fish have bright red gills and smell sweet. Stale fish, which uro yet sound, have dull trt1rti1 trill a lir iitnnll nil 4rlt TTn. I BOim(1 tt9h aIJva ys 8mt.i haAt Iu a souml I fish tho eyes uro prominent and the fins erect or stiff; in unsound fish the eyes are sunken and tho fins hnng and are flabby. It Is always well to see that your fish is perfectly fresh, for no food Is so riuh in disease germs as unsound fish. How to I'rcMtrvu Fruit Tri'i. t Fruit growers aro constantly annoyed by tho inroads of insects of one kind or other, which destroy tho fruit and Injure tho tree. Hero is an excellent recipe for tho pre vention of tho Insectscourgo and the pres ervation of tho trees: One pound each of suet, quicklime, snuff and sulphur: mix all well together and put them into a vessel containing four gallons of soap suds and wine. Let the mixture stand for two or three- days and then (in Feb ruary each year) apply It to every part of tho trees with a paint brush. This not nlono kills tho insects' eggs and pre vents their attacking tho trees, but causes the trees to look particularly green during tho ensuing summer. How to Improve Muclluiftt, Almost nil mucilugcs become so dry and hard nfter n time that papers, etc., which havo been cemented by them to polished surfaces crack and fall olT. To prevent this dissolve a little brown sugar In the mucilage. This will strengthen the adhering qualities of any mucilage, rs will also tho addition of n drop or two of glycerine. But care must bo taken not to add too much of tho latter, us it would prevent the mucilage drying suf ficiently llott to lli-movi Fluli Oilom. A difficulty is often experienced by housekeepers in removing the smell from cooking utensils iu winch fish litis Leeu fried or boiled, t'hico some red hut oin tiers iu the pan or pot, upon them pnttr koine boiling water and movo tho ciudurs i round for a minute or two, when it will lie found that all smell or taint of fish vill have disappeared I LLLV rB i1M'"bBi iaiiH. Hill Mr-' -XiBBBBBBH Openrd Jan, 1, '01, All Iniptovfmtntj The Lincoln, TKHMS-12 WTO 11.(0. tie hitter pi In- Iih-IuiU-n llnlh-. First-Class in Every Respect! Itiiiiiint, I tn I In mill Itri't-ptlnlin. WiMiie i-upvclnlly wt-l prepared to enter tain hi w or miiiiII Kiithc-ilm:, nt llniiitrts, Hulls, lUri-ptlotis, Ktc. Itatit unit full Infor mation chert fully islvi-n nt tlieollli'c. Cor I" 1 ml Htlt tf. MIK.AIISA MAtlKKI FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- Atchlson, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis nml nil Points South, East and West. The dhect line to Ft. Scott, Parsons Wichita, Hutchinson nnd nil p-hclpal points In Knnsns. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers aiJ "rcc Reclining Chair Cais on all trnlr.. J. E. R. MILLAR, R V. R. MILLftR, City Ticket Agt G;VI Vjjni JMtBBBBKSflBBhLT -1 3?rc3i?' irSSri-Sv VfBMBBBMH BTBr-MnBtltBkBaBnUiBBBUB '" ' C lBmrfM1lWfTT1ii1iBflti in -3.111111111nflLIIM9IH9UflH 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbBIBSM SIDEWALK AND BUILDING g BRICK BBBBBBBBBVaB33BBBBBBBBBi.BBBBBBBBBBl 1 lilllfflllllllllljllllr!!-" ,-H ilSSBS J. A. U. MEYER, Notary Public and Real Estate Deiler in City and Farm Property -AOKNT -jffi3k?5JSIs7'rvwx.'i!fj3trW9?RSSSSL .x?$3B22shA)iL.t'' North Gcrman-Lloyi Steamship Co., Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines. Also Railroad Agent for the dlffeient Companies East nnd West Southampton, Untie, Hamburg, Stetten, London, Paris, Norwat , Pit mouth, Bremen, Sweden, and any point In Europe. Post Orders and Foreign Exchange issued to nil prominent points in Euiopu. HiivIiik larifo facilities i-iwt with tliu liluuest ltanlts ami Savlmc Institutions, I am pre pmeil to make all kinds of l.onusiiti l'lrst Heal Kstnte Moitiiiitii-s. (.'lit- or l'arni Ptopeiiy, iroin I to 5 years, at the lowest Interest I also ileal In school llomls, state, County nml city Warrants, also In Htiui-, County nml City Curtlllftl Claims, ami will always pay the hlijhest market price. Cull ami set- me or Correspond with me. L. MEYER, 10S North Tenth Street. UNDFR NEW THE - J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor. This beautiful new house under Its present management will be conducted In thorough first class style on the American plan, rates $2.00, It has ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES Including passenger elevators nnd bath rootn on every floor. The sleeping apartments are large and elegantly furnished and mnv be had cither single or en suite. We have reserved a limited number of -ooms for city patrons and are pro pared to give excellent table board with or without rooms at reasonable rata, Call and see us. THeB0ND Telephone 482. C. K. MontKoiiiery. I'renlilcnt. Iteriiiiui H.HrltnlierK, Vice Pri-it. Jtxupli ll.-.-hiii.r, c ahliT. O.J. Wilcox. Ait. etiililor. German National Bank, .A'co.x, xnn. Capital . . . $mo,ooo.oo Surplus 30,000.00 7r.insac:s a General Banking Business Iiiiif. I -Ht-is (iri'iPilli.ilniu-iliiirt nn nil parts 1 t tin- urn hi. riiii-liriiiolliioiin specialty. Nebraska's Leading Hotel. THE MURRAY Cor. Iltli unit Harney fits., STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Modern Impiovemeuts ami Conveniences B. 8ILL0WAY, Piovletor. IRA MOBY, Principal Clerk VITRIFIED PAYERS BUGKSTAFF KOH THE- MANAGEMENT. BOND. Cor. 12th and Q. BBBBBTBBBliBKfBBr SwtiiMiiTi