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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1891)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1891 1 ! MASON'S FRUIT JARS Stone Fruit JARS. JELLY GL ASSES. Closing out Sale on REI'R ITERATORS, FREEZERS, SCREEN WINDOWS, ALL SUMMKR GOODS. FRANK E. LAHR, 936 V St. rrnm Lincoln Nebraska Souvenir Spoon. A llOtoItt (if value to ever patriotic A'nui. lean, i)l Intcicst to etcr) rltlcn o Nchinkn. Price, $3.50. plain bowl. $4 Kilt bowl. Description the Caplhtl U In bat.- ictlof, split 1 nil ( o t It a 11 die, Mir tit o ti n t l! (I I) maul ami tt dge nltMoilcal re minder of Pie Mont Lincoln. A huge lino of I other tlUtlnctlte spoons in stock mM3 J.B. Trickey & CO JKWlil.KRS 1035 0 Bt iVlaWafl Inl If you Deposit your Savings in tiir Lincoln Savings Bank i Safe Deposit Co. H. K.cor. UthiuulPHts. THEY JILL EARN INTEREST FOR YOU Atthe Hate of 5-l:ive per Ct. per Annum-5 Biive V(J u week aiul It iiiuoiiuIm with Interest In tit e, years to I,W.(H). llauk'opena at U::w n. m. to U..W p. in. unit Batunlny e entitle, 5 to 8 p. in. Safes to Rent in Burglar and Fire Proof Vaults. Nut lev iirtiMlr. In the mutter untie KstatoJ or Thou. J. Khlil, UoeeiiHeil.J Notice Is heroliy lilvon that In iiiinniaueu or mi ontcr or Nannie1 M. Chapman, J iuIkk of tlio District Conn of I.nucutter County, Ne braska, inailtwia the Stlila? of June, 1S0I, for the ah of the roM cttate hereinafter tie sordini, there will bo mild on the premise hereafter ilt-scrlbed, on ttie Mil ilny of Heplein ber, 1MU, at one n'olook 1', M., at pulillo veil it lie to the hliihcM blihlur, for cash, tlio follow ing described real estate, to- It! Lot number threoCU In lllook numlier seventeen (17 In Kinney's "0" street Addition to the city of Iilucolu, Comity of Lancaster, Htiitu ot Ne braska. Nnlil Hale will remain open one hour. Dated Align! II. Wl. KltANCJH E, JONKS. AilmlnlxtaatrW of tlio KMiite ofThoa. .1 Klihl. neceaii'il. Atkinhom A Dotv, l.t. Atf)H. OltUKIt. In. He. tCstntc of Jaiiirt II, Mickey and I.I. XI MlCKcy iicceiiMti. The heirs at law, uutl all t'Orsotu IntereHiil In the ttate of .loliu II. Mlcke.t, ami 1,1ite Mickey, ilecenneil, will lake notice, that the follow It) order lin lieeu enlered In relation to Mild ettale as follow a: in the illtrlct court, Lnucanler Count, Nebraoka. In. tie, Kitateof John II, Mickey, and 1,1 xle Mlokey, Order. Audtiow'.on this Mlidu ofAutilut, A, I), ISM upon reiullm; the nelltlon orJamtsll Mc.Murtry. Ailiiiliilnlrntorof said estate, and tt nppeatlUK to the court that there Is not sutttclcnt personal prom rty In the hands of and Admlnlstra or, to pay tlio ilebts out slandtnir. and tllHt It Is lucfksnrv In sell mini.. portion of tho real estiituforthepam nt of sum ueuis. ii i iiiririoreoniereo uutl Direc ted, thut all persons Interested In tho entitle, are required to apin-ar before too Judk'ooriho court at tho city of Lincoln, Neb, on the -.'d iliiv nroetoler. A. I) . Itvll.iit I be H.iull - cuiii-i room, III the city of Lincoln, and how cause, Ifiiuv there be. why a llieiuo sho.ild not Im .Kranted to wild administrator to nl tho renl i state or koiiiiich thereof as ahull beuecissitry to pa) such debts. A copy of this order Is dlnctcil to bo pmon ally ertcd nu all pirxms Interested In the estate, fourteen days before thu time for hear ing; of tho mid petition, or the same shall be Buhllshed four consmittte weeks In the ai'Itai, City Count mi, ii new smper pub lished nt Lincoln, Nebraska A LI, UN V., Judge of the District Court Jamkh II. McMiiktuv, AdmluUlrator. S-'.-.'-tl HM9H9 , Vmifni liKTfl Minltrn Whim l-MblltluJ Satuivlny Ail rn nil i'iimiunio.ttlin illretM t tin offlct' Wicmmicl Fkintino Co. I'inii.iMiiKiiN a Courier HiillitltiK, U'U NjHtrret. TKI.KI'IIONr ii I,. Wmhki., Jli., Illltor niiil Hull' lnnli'tor. HiMisoiUiTlo.M ()n Year lijr MiillorCnrrli'il I JIM; Hlx OOjTttrrt' MimtltH, tiV i (UK' 11 "iiih IVhIk Inrnrnlil)- In Alliance AiitKitTKOUtiT"' Union furiil'linloii itppllcntloti l tlicnrllce Slwclnl rules oa Time ('oiitrnels (YnTKIMfTION" Hlitirt ntlcy sketches, iMH-inw nlnl stories sollelteil Personal nil rtoelal note are espeelsll) ileslnilile I'wvmii We niiikH n iHclnlty of Kin" 1'rliitlng In nil It- tinwi'lies Hocli'tv work n swcliilt) . Kuti'rml lit tint IWoinee of t.lncoli , Neb. 11 mnitiil oln mutter. POPULATION OF LINGOLN,65,000. ATTRACTIONS AT THE PARKS. Wlmt l.llii'i'liilt- Mn t:ift-t for Out Ituor AiuiKi'iiii'iil Nt't Vrk Thin afternoon l'iofiior John II Dnrllun the Kftitleinan who untile niioli an t'Xivlli'itt lialloon iiN'imloii mid pnrachutt) Jump nt rimliiunii park lat Humliiy will lv n Mtiilhiroxhlhltliinat Lincoln park That the profi-nor I a thoii)ith elentlit on thin IiIh fnvorlte milijcet no one that nnw him lat Hutulay will over dnu'it He I Rrmvfiil nml nmnnniHtlii'liiK Imlloon with iim niticli inn a ii elili I woiilil it toy ll'X)ii Uo out anil fee him thN nfternooii. IU juup liwt chance. Tomorrow afternoon noi'iir the rent mini, timr foot race lit which ti doen oriuoie zen'ouii yotini; men will each endeavor to conic out tltntlifit It will hen hotly i'oiiti"l til i act) and "III fuiuMi ample nunwiMiicnt for the tftial lire Hti'itlny Kt"t'iltiK at Lincoln I'uik ThNpleataut leoit Nuitwv Inn in H)pulnr favor dally mid newr falUto iltjllght It" liiiiueioii' piirtiit in eauu huh every v I'lt. Tlio nieriyno round, the switch Imi'k riilhimd. lioatlui;. mid vmlotii other atti-ACtloiix an' all in full hliiHt mid continue toiimiwi'verjoiin. ATl'l'MIIMAN. Toumiron will he a gala day at (JuhIiuiiiu, the tntooeletleof tlioUerinniiln Mniinnclior ImvliiK the day nrriiiiKeil tor a Rood time. The hIiikIhk mH'letli'H will ho preneiit and everjhoily will have an enjoyable time. Wednexday Is the outing of tlio Ancient Or der of llllierulaui an I a tine pionim for the eutertainment of all comets l:a heen m rang ed mid you me Invited to participate. Kri-tl-iy U the IiIk oiltlnj; of 'The Hittcher, the linker mid the Cmidle-xtlck nukei" and it will lie made one of thu moit lnterestlli event of the M.-ifon. Thelewlll Ik loth of run of nil kind Hud time will tly fa-l. (In out mid Join in the fexth itlex. Next Hiinila) (Auxtist ililth) the park will lie crovuleil unit the Daululi population will lx out in full force, nliled in iiiiinlierH hyn hl exclusion of tneiity eight ciwelie flout Iowa a'ld another from Interior Nebraska point). It will U oiia of the Inrnest outings ever kwii at dull ti. an. TIiiiiiI) Aililte. Now N the time to piovlde joiirself mid fuinUy with a tollable leniedy for liowel coiuplaiuts U Is ittuioitlceitalu to ho need til, and no family can airord to he ultliout It. Itcofttxhut a trllle mid mty be the iiieutiHof witlng nmdi HUlTerlus, If not lire. Theie are many different lomedies in ue, but Chainbei Iain's Colic, Cholera an 1 Dmr thoea Hemeily Is undoutitiHlly the best. ','" and Ml cent bottles for sale by Clias. U. IUhiI, IhUBRist. ,ii You lateresti'dj The following frank statement tioiu J. K. Hare of Ti enton, Texas, tt ill lie of Interest to many of our oltUens. "My little tioy was tei bad off for two mouths with dlarrhuu . We ued various medicines, also c tiled iu two diK'tom, but nothing done him any good until wo used Clmnibet Iain's Colic, Cholciu mid Dlarrhiea Hemeily, which gate Imme diate relief mid soon cured him. I consider It the tiest uieiliclne made mid can conscien tiously lecoinmeuil It to all who need u dlar i lava or collo meillclne. For sale by Chun. C. Heed, Druggist. The Hot Sprluaa of lkutu. . Theau springs are nipldly becoming famous on account ot the wonderful curative proper ties of the waterV.and the many marvelous cures which have been effected by the ther mal baths. The town and springs are delightfully situ ated In a picturesque valley In the .Black Hills country, abounding In beautiful sceulo effects, mid at an altitude of 3,400 feet above the siii level; thus Insuring a pure atmos phere mid exhilarating climate, absolutely free from malaria. Under the enterprising and progressive management ot the Hot Springs company many desirable Improvements have heen made, among the numlier tho erection of a commodious bath house lUtcd up with nil modem contenlences for the comfort of guests. New hotels have been built and com fortably furnished throughout, conducted in llrstcla sttle mid nt leasonable rates. Thoso who prefer stopping uta private house will lliul many desirable boarding places where good accommodations are furnished at moderate prices, n v" I I) The suiierior dally service now afforded by the IlurlitiRtou Houte to Hot Springs, with through sleeping car aeeomtiKH'ntloin from Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora and Grand Island, makes thu trip an easy and enjoyable one, and for the lieneflt of all who4 desire to test the efficacy ot the waters", round trip tickets at reduced rates, good for nlnetyJMays are now on Mile at allotllces ot the Burlington Houte, " For pamphlet, descrlptlto of the springs, Mid full Information as to rates, time, etc, apply to any agent of tho cooi'iauy, or to J. KiiA.icis, (ien't IWr& Tk't Agt., Ointh'i, Neb The Union I'mllte S) t em. Has placed In dally .ertieo h solid train b t ween Lincoln nml Sioux City making close connections at Columbus with main Hue trains for all points wet, with Albion, Cedar Kaput, Onl and Giaud Island and blanches, except Huudajs. Lincoln and Sioux Cltj dally connects cloely iu union depot, Sioux City, with the evening ti (tins of connecting lines for the noith and east. For full panic ulars apply nt 10U O street or at depot. E. II, Hlosson, C. T. A. SIUNS ANU rOKtNS, Kara itfvp In ilewy ItvliU tlnit nlitlit Tin? klnu.toxl loulnu nt tlio burst All iiftttirn sltimlicrcil In th llulit Of hosts of illvtil Ami li unit sho in I in) n I ho Inno Strolled ixwit tlio iTlmplInu liruok, Hint inmlo Hoft tntula for tlio iimM's refrains "T,iko lirmrl, iminif limn," It unlit Vet, siicli 11 in r Din until ws he, lie il irnl nut look tion her fncoi but 01 tliu cor ) mini,' million, sliu Just limw'cil for ono cm-- for hour her talk nml mcrr) Innuli Mmlu rh) tlnnlo echoes In tlio ilnrki Her speech him one lonit 1 Anil I At iMtiho fnlleriili "Cnn't ou tea My lonuo U almost nut of Joint? 1 think It's tlmu loll cnniii to tlio T" -ClilviiKiiTrlliuna. It. O. I-'. .Irlll. A teacher In thu village school up In WUcousIn oue Hue inornltiK reieltetl new pupil, a little miss of scteii earH. After taking her iinniu for tlio school rolls the teacher inlili "What in j our papa's name, Sumiiif" "Mr. Jessitp," rcplktl Susie. "Yen, but t hat I his llrst name?" "Don't know Ids iimuu In just Mr. .lis up." "Yes, jet I knows'' then n a bright Idea struck her thu teacher asked "What tlos your inauiuia call him f" "Ohl I know what j on mean now," the Innocent child replied "Ma calls him a ilurncd old fool." Tho teacher illd not register thu child's fthcr as I). O F. Jessiip. Texas Slftlngs H in tlioiiy Iu Two KIiiIh. OI'KMNO MOVKMKKT. IKTIIODUCTIOK OF IIKI.ATIVK MINOU KKSUMI'tlON OK IIIKMi: WITH VAIIIA1 lO.Sb RGAITEARAXCE OF DOMINANT MtNOIt Tlllltl' 0,,-yg A CLOSINO MKASUltKS -Life. Their Dispute. A Belfast mail entered a business place and asked at what time the first train left In the morning. "At 0:43," replied the man. "Ha, ha," laughed the gentleman, "I'm right for once. I'll go homo mid tell my wlfe." "What Is upf" asked the man. "Well, you see," replied the gentleman, "I and my wife hail a littlo disputo about thu time the early train left, ami I've beaten her, ha, ha." "What time did your tvlfo any the tram went out!" "Quarter before 7," replied the man. "Ha, ha, I've beaten her and I'll go right home, ha, ha." Uangor Commercial Won by a Neck Mrs. Bingo You know that Bangor woman who lives next door? She was in ,a dry goods store this morning making a lieu ttnu tor inotnosi lovely suiumur uress you ever sawj and'she was in such a hurry thnt she actually pushed over several people. Bingo Did she get tho tlressf Mrs. Blttgo Oh. no. I got there first. Cloak Hetietv. iBelr KtldeuK V I Brlggs Hoar doyou expect to marry a girl who pays.fion apiece tor ner uresscr Qrlggs Because' if she "pays $100 for a dress she will bo satisfied to pay 75 for a suit of my clothes. Cloak Hevlew No Wonder He Looked Sad. Wtint did the telegram sny, papa? What did tlio loWrnm sn 1 Vou look 'so, worried, so pale and III -why should we not tiesn)? Is something wrong at the store, papa . mother sick at seaf Wlint did thu tcle.'rain sa. papn. that ou look so sad at mel Nothlnk'." ou sa. Now tilt mo truu soiiin. thlne's gone wronu, 1 know, for 'tlsu't often nu look that wa. nor olten oil answer tnc so. but ho answered not the plendlmr child, and netcr a word did he sn Hie Ulcifraiii lind, 'The grit innre won and we're In the soup todft)."'hends llnioo. How to llruln l.miil In l.eiel I'Ihci'S. Sink a well down to tho first iioroui stratum. Tlw water from the tipiier soil will How readily Into tlio well, especial ly If drain pipes or tllus be laid Iu Its direction. Iluw to Muk (linger llerr. Into one giillon of Lolllns; witter put ono pound of lump sugar, one ounce liest unbleached Jnmiiicti ginger well bruised, three-quartern of an ounce of cream of tartar and two sliced lemons. Stir tho Ingredients frviitiintly In a covered vessel until lukewarm, then add one and it half or two ounces of yeast and keep it iu it moderately warm place, so as to oxritu a brisk fermentation. Thu next day rack and strain through Manuel. Let it work for a day or two, then strain again and bottle, wiring down the corks. Iluw to Art nt Tnble. Do not eat hurriedly or bolt your food It is vulgar as well as being bad for digestion. A knife should not be held by the blado nor a fork by thu prongs. Grasp both knlfo and fork by the handlo, directing both by extending the foretluger along the backs close to tho bundle. Never eat potatoes, vege tables or anything for that matter with tho knlfo blade, which was made for cutting only; the fork was designed for carrying food to tho mouth. Always bo polito and pleasant to those with whom you arc dining and endeavor to antici pate their wants. Do not teach across tho table for the salt, bread, etc; if they aro not close beside you ask your neigh bor or a servant for them politely. How to Out Illd or Mollis. Sprinkle furniture and cushions thor oughly with benzine It is sttro deatli to moths, and will not spot or injure the most delicate fabric. How to Dress. Somebody has said "dress according to your means." Dut this motto is illogical. Probably tho only persons who dress ac cording to their means are paupers. Millionaires do not dress better than clerks who earn twelve to fifteen dollars a week frequently not oo well. Serv ants very often dress better than their mistresses There exists a positive mania Lfor deceiving others as to our wealth and position, und consequently the clerks and servants live in cheap often dirty rooms and eat thu poorest and least nourishing tood to enable them to weal "false feathers." Men and women should dress neatly and comfortably, but ac cording to their station iu life as well us menus. Nourish your bodies and minds before indulging vanity. "Fine feathers do not make duo birds." How to llinott Itust from Unite. When kuivts or other steel cutlery be come rusty they should bo cleaned at once. To remove the rust rub with it flannel dipped in sweet oil; then cover it with slaked lime and allow' it to rest tor twenty-four hours; wipe clean and finish oil with some powdered whiting and a chamois leather. This will make tho at tides as bright as new. An excellent way to prevent steel knives and forks rusting is to plunge thu blades iu a pan of whiting after washing and remove them just before they aro used. When they aro wiped they will bo perfectly bright, and if kept in this way cannot got rusty. How to Pretent Lumps buiiikliiK. A smoky lamp is generally caused by tho wick being too high. This cau bo prevented by regulating the wick. Soak tho wick in strong vinegar before using and dry it thoroughly before putting it into tho lamp. Most of the unpleasant ness attending the use of oil lamps cau be prevented by this simple precaution. How to Kill Aphides on Itoae Treea. Some use tobitcco paper, two pounds soaked in a gallon of boiling water and trained. Others use liquid ammonia. But by far tho best preparation Is fir tree oil ono ounce to two quarts of cold water. This should bo mixed over night In the morning, if tho water is hard, a enm will be found floating on tho solu tion. This must bo skimmed off, else it will blacken the leaves. It is then sprinkled upon the ntlected plants, and the operation repeated every ten or fif teen days. This solution will not injure or discolor even tho most delicate azalea blossom, while it effectually destroys the aphides. How to Join llrokuii Amber. Broken pipestems or other article tnado of amber may be mended in the following way: Smear Hie parts with linseed oil; heat the fracture over the gas jet (protecting the other parts trom the heat) and press the edges togethei when they become soft and adhesive Allow tho joint to cool gradually an I polish slowly with a little whitening ami water, finishing with olive oil. Ambct may be improved by boiling it in rap oil for twelve to twenty-four hours How to Clear Moss from Walks. Gravel walks iu gardens and shaded 1 places are frequently covered with an unsightly growth of mos. This can In effectually prevented by watering the j walks with a solution of sulphate ot cop per (blue vitriol). How to See Down it Well. By the use of u pieeo of looking glass, when tho sun is shining brightly, you may discover a minute object in the bottom of a deep well. A ray of light Is thrown down by the reflective power of the mirror. When tho well is so situated that tho reflection oanuot bo made to reach the perpendicular point, two or thruo mirrors can be used, throwing the reflection of ono on tito other until the desired tocus is obtained. jp '&&&&acttaZBc&& SOFT SHOES -FOR TENDER FEET - W ear these a a little comfort ED. G. i 1129 O LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US FOR-. ICK CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER, AND THEY. WILL RECEIVE4 PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbush Makers of Hon Hons and Chocolates Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water. PT.MRNUIA m spent as mm aj ODIDAYEAR IN ADVERTISING TODAY IT TAKE5 SbfrH HGURE5 TO TBLL HIS PORTUNC . Keep YOUR BUSINESS, and, Incidentally, YOURSELF, Before the Public Don't Depend on Them to Discover You ! SUMMER SPECIALTIES ! Thin Goats Alpaca, Serges, Pongee, Silk Lustres, Drab Dete, Mohair, And all popular Fabrics so Cool and Comfortable in Hot Weather. The many styles we show will suit yon. The low prices we make will certainly please you. SEE OUR ELEGANT Madras and Flannel Shirts BEFORE YOU BUY. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Corner O and lOth Streets. sSH shoes and take in life. YATES, STREET. THE MORAL IS: -o- and Vests IN r - .-4si tomtit itrriiM - 'timL,k ' , 'i.ji tfSAw t