Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 22, 1891, Image 1

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Vol. O No 07
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A p.uty of Llncolnltes have returned from
Spirit I.nke, Iowa, mid It Ik worthy of note
Mint thoy Improved their opportunities mid
learned to hwIiii, Auiouk lliem wan one
nmrrled nml three young Indies. They will
llinl It 11 valuable acquirement. They may
never be placed in danger where they will
need it to save themselves, and they muy
never las called on to rescue another, tt.s one
Lincoln Utile did recently, but It will Ihi a
great comfort to them nslde from the pleas
ure It will add to any lake or hen bathing In
which they may Indulge, It will rob tho wa
ter of much of It terror. After learning to
hwIiii one discovers that It itspilrc a very
little exertion to keep oneself iilloat. Thous
and of eople who have leeii thrown Into
deep water and drowned would have been
saved If they had known how to sustain
themselves Until help came. It Is a compar
atively env thing to do and with the knowl
edge of how to swim comes tho ability to
lloat with a minimum of exertion, That
feeling of helpfulness add wonderfully to
the comfort of a perron when riding on n
boat of any kind, and tho Lincoln Indies are
to be commended for their good sense and
issrserverence in learning to swim. They
can do a good turn now by telling their
friends how easy it was and urging them to
learn at the llrst opportunity.
Dull time- have not pi eve 1 very heavily
011 Lincoln, and one reason for this muy be
found in the enormous sum of money spent
by the Lincoln Htrt-et lailway company in
Improving its system. Apropo of which, it
is quite within the range of iiosdhilltic-i that
that company will establish a factory of itx
own for the manufacture of Htrcet cars. The
company has had occasion to remodel the
cunt of the old Hapld Transit line and to re
build one or two that have lieen wrecked.
In the latter cuso a car has been almost re
constructed from the iron work up. The tact
is demonstrated that the company can build
cars In its own shop that are better than
some of those which have been bought else
where. The natural conclusion is that it
ought to construct Its equlppage here and
that it probably will.
Have you ever heard how the combination
of Ice cream nud soda water originated ( A
country druggist down in Pennsylvania orig
inated the wi inkle almut twenty yeaiH ago.
He handled the two commodities in question,
but it being a small town he had difficulty in
getting enough ice to keep his fountain cool,
He Anally conceived the idea of putting a
little ice cream in each glass of sody water
to cool thejatter. People like the combina
tion and it'gradually spread until now it is
well nigh universal.
We pick up our morning puper every day
confidently existing to Uud it running over
with telegrams from all parts of the woild
and none of the news more than twenty-four
hours old. What a contrast with some other
countries Mexico for example. A friend
tells ine that the morning paers are really
printed the afternoon In-fore, and the news
boys actually go about the streets howling:
"Here's your tomorrow's jxiper." They aie
too lazy down there to work nights, and ieo
ple are (00 indifferent about news. Their pa
lters run to editorials, and it makes very lit
tle difference whether the telegraphic news
is one day or one week old. Homo times they
run in stuff that has been f 01 gotten by the
rest of the world for a mouth, and the editors
doit with the calm assuianco that their
readers will not know the difference. A Chi
cago paper spends more for the telegraphic
service ot the day than a Mexican puper
spends lit a year. Of com se the people dow 11
theie are not great readers. In the city ot
Mexico with a population of :KX),iHJU the lead
ing paper hasn't over .VXH) circulation. An
American can't help thinking, however, that
if they would Improve the puper by an in
jeetlon of Northern enterprise it would In
create tho circulation. Hut, on tho other
haud this sheet is said to lie making $40,0(10
a year, so what's tho uef
Li e has been made u burden to Frank It.
Stockton ut times by the queries of curious
people who want to know thu sequel to "The
Lady or the Tiger." It is generally assumed
that .Stockton never answered the question.
The newspapers quote him us answering:
"When I become 11 lady 1 will tell more but
a woman can decide the question," There
is evidence, however, thut thu evasive author
has answered tho question, that is to suy, he
has given his opinion. He was tulkiug of
tho story with 11 lady coriospoudeiit when he
asked her what she would have done if she
weio in the place of the woman in the story
who hail to open the door. The lady said
she would prefer to have her lover eaten by
tho tiger. Stockton promptly said' "So
would any woman who loved tho man,
thut is, if I understand woman's uature cor
rectly." "Hut after all, 1-11't it a question
fur each woman to determine for herrelf r
Belvu Lockwood wus tho tlrst woman to
ride a bicycle In Washington. Of course she
was hooted and there was the usual rut
about about "women utisoxlng themselves,"
Now the tiling is so common that at u recent
wheel meet the young men were accompan
ied by scores of wives and sweethearts on
their graceful safeties, and tho world smiled
approvingly. Custom makes and unmakes
social laws, uud It is not sensible to gauge
usages for one era by what ruled at another,
There has been an unusual number of wed
dings of late, and it is notable that most of
them have been marked by the use of elegant
stationery. There Is nothing like line copper
plate engraving for wedding cards and iuvi
tatuus, uud it seems to be reaching u point
where Lincoln people will have nothing else.
This Is not to be wondered at. Copperplate
produces beautiful remits, and by the side of
It the finest of printing looks coarse. There
Is n wonderful sight of satisfaction, too, In
having engraved stationery for such an oc
casion. Aside from the beauty of its ap
pcarauco one knows he has the finest thing
that Is used anywhere, as good as a (lould or
a Vandeibllt would use for a like purpose.
That comfoit Is worth a great deal, The
wonder is that anyone mi clump printed in
vltatlons. Copperplate work Is a little morn
xNMislve, It Is true, but weddings are so few
ill any family that it Is really a small Item.
The difference might easily be snvtd by cut
ting down some other item of display, and
there Is hardly anything else that will fttrlkn
tho guest so favorably as the procr thing in
stationery. In tills connection is also worthy
of remark that about nine tenths of the en
graved stationery used by Lincoln people is
furnished by the Wessel 1'rltitlng company
The reason of thai is simple, too. That In
stitution has always made a specialty of the
finest work of this kind, and the qu-illty of
its product cannot Ihi excelled. This applies
to the stock as well as totheeiigravlug. An
other advantage in dealing with this house
unless It has special orders to do otherwise it
furnishes the styles which are in vogue In
he best social circle of the east. The custo
mer never has to worry about the stylo or
tho form of such stationery. Persons dcslr
iug work of this kind should call on the Wes
sel Printing company and examine Its sam
ples, V
Every once in a while one sees an item
about Clara Hart on and her connection with
the lied Cross society. From the invariable
use of her first naiuo In full and generally
with the prefix Miss, I Imagine many readers
take her to lie a young woman. Much is. not
the case, and bIio In not the romantic looking
maiden that some may picture to their
minds. Miss Barton is a typical old maid In
apiH-arance. Now this not Intended as a
disparagement, but simply to remove u nils
uprchensiou. Mis Barton llrstgaiued prom
inence during the war when she acted the
part of Florence Nightingale for wounded
Union soldiers. It was the good fortune of
the writer several years ago to see a collet
tlon of relics Miss Hmton hud gathered from
AudersonvillH prison anil raved all these
yearn, and 11 wonderfully interesting group
of curious objects It wus. Among them was
the bee hive used by the Union prisoners for
a poitotllee, and there were various utensils
fashioned out of pieces of old canteens. Miss
Barton is held In high esteem umoiig the old
vets east, you muy be sure. Hlie is said to
huve been the tlrst person to decoiute sol
diers graves as a patriotic rather than a per
sonal act of homage, She is the only woman
whoever sat in tlie Swiss national council,
and no other ever received the iron cross of
Prussia us she did f 1 0111 the old Kaiser Will
If theie is any one thing I quite udmire
above ull others it is the summer girl. She is
a charming eutily any way you muy take
her, for the season or for aye, and I cannot
resist the temptation to reeat the remarks
of one who has made her u study at a nation
al guard encampment: "The summer girl Is
always lovely, but she is particularly fetch
ing ut camp. The uniforms, the buttons and
the guns and swords set her off to perfection.
Hlie is either brilliantly 'up' In mun uverlng
before hulf of it is told her, or she Is cliurm
Ingly stupid, and pouts her pretty mouth,
and says, 'Oh, dear, will they really flrel' and
'What does that order nieunC Hlie says 'Mr.
Captain' and 'Mr. Lieutenant,' and she asks
w hat he has those things 011 his shoulders
fur She Ikiws to her friends as they march
in ranks and makes faces becuuso thoy won't
life their cups, or take any notice, and there
by drives them distracted and out of step,
She puts on a big soldier cloak over her llliny
dress when evening comes uud tho boys ale
free to flirt. She refuses to go when camp
gets ready for 'taps' and she wants tho mess
hall cleured for a dance. She coaxes tor
decorations and meduls, uud she treats the
Colonel with much less deference than she
bestows upon some private her caprice se
lects. She just about breaks up camp nud
goes home with her pockets full ot tilings
she bus cold-bloodedly stolen while the boys
weren't looking, and which go with her 're
meiubera' about the room.
Cleanse the blood with Ayer's Sarsapanlla,
und realize what poor health you huve hud
One hundred finest eugruvett calling curds
und plute only 'J.Wl ut Wessel Printing Co.,
lKMJN street.
A Mother's driitituilu.
My sou was in un nlmost helpless condi
tion with tlux when I commenced using
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera uud Dianliu-a
Remedy. It gave him immediate relief and
I am sure it saved his fe. 1 take gleat
pleasure in recommending it to all. Mrs. M .
L. Johnson, Kverett, Simpson Co., Mis. 'Si
und fit) cent Ixittles for wile by Chas. C Hot I,
The Nebiaska meat market has been pui
chased by Kemp ,V Warwick and removed
from lli O street to ',h,'.' north Twelfth
street where they have opened up in neat,
clean style All meats guaranteed tresh ami
u full Hue of the best grades ulways on hand.
Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the
city. Both gentlemen are oM cooks and
know full w ell how to handle meats. Call
up telephone 17.
Special sales on all lines est Dry floods next
II. It. NishLuv A: Co.
Bicycles of all kind and all makes skill
fully rciMiired on short notice. Wrenches,
oil cans, tires and other supplies always tor
sale at George & Flshette, 144',' O street
Coul of every sUo from the best mines
in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora
do uud Wyoming for sale by (Its). A. Hay
uier. Telephone :KK). Ollico 1PU O street .
Henry Harpham, sells good harness for
good money, also poor harness for good
Lincoln with two of the handsomest base
ball parks In the west, with unexcelled trans
portation facilities, with plenty of ball
cranks and an abundance of enthusiasm has
suddenly found itself without a club. Sumo
how or other that Illusory figment known as
tho franchise has sllpcd out of our grasp
and wo are left stranded, clubless, franchise
less and Dave Itoweless, and by tho way
what a mysterious thing is that aforesaid
franchise. It Is hud to gel and costs good
money, and they tell you it can't be taken
away You put up the wherewithal, you got
the franchise, or something they udl by that
name, your club U-glus to play ball, and
then after a while, three or four fellows lu
another city several hundred miles away get
together and you rend In the paper the next
morning that your club has U-eu dropped,
that the franchise has ticcu forfeited or some
such thing; at any rate It is gone Queer
Isn't itf A few months ago this town was at
the feet of Dave Howe. We all liked him,
lielleved III his promises uud really thought
he intended to "act the square". Anything
and everything we hail was his nud ho got
lots of our stuff. Our mtrlotlu citizens math
ed each others corns in their eugernesto full
down tsL-foro the shrewd biisebnll magnate.
Oh ye, Dave wus "In it" and 11 good many dollars irrespective ot gate receipts
found its way into his jiookets. When he
wanted money ho asked for it uud got it.
Now he bus the money, the franchise, every
thing tangible, while Lincoln bus a lot of
players 011 it hands who havu't received any
money from Dave for weeks. Tough isn't itf
Here is what is coming, or rather what is
said to be due some of the boys: Boat, 1 40(1;
Cllne, 40l. O'Day, MOO. Jack Howe, fiKM),
Baymoiid, iio, Burkett, f.'AHJ. A consider
able amount is also owing the others. The
boys want to know why they weieu't paid
out of tlio gate lecelpts. They insist they
were not. They think Messts Hurley, Mosh
er, Townley, Lemlst nud Little are the leal
base ball magnate and they threaten to suu
these gentlemen. Its a pretty kettle at best,
anyway. The games this week but nobedy
now cares for tlio score. It's all over
I'rof. V. M. Ulbt-ault's
distinctions are valuable. The pi-ofostor's
fourth season opens September first at his es
tablished studio in the Llmlell hotel for piano
harmony, and voice culture. Prof, (libeault
has successfully instiuctetl a large clas for
thriv years, with prosects for a Isrger class
tlio coming season than ever before. Any
one desiring a thorough course in any of the I muiitu ulii.iil.l ti,lili..4rf llfltv Ut- .'nil nf li.l-
"I"1 v" '" s-. - ...... ......
September llrst ut Lludell hotel. Lessons
one Jollur each.
Dentil (i u lireut Man.
In the death of Judge O. P. Mason, Liu
coin shares with Nebraska in tho loss which
it entails. The one loe u respected,
un upright man, a kindly, genial character;
the other, one of Its most distinguished soin,
one of the few remaining land mirks ot the
early days, an able statesman and attorney
and one who id his days on the bench was es
teemed by nil us a pure, high minded judge
Those who were received Into clote compan
ionship with Judge Mason ure best utile to
appreciate his finer qualities Their privi
lege It was to see and kiow him as lie was, to
lienetrnte the depths of his kindly hem t und
reulle the extent of Ills broad and benevolent
character Honored by all men, admired for
his ability powers, he never forgot thut he
wus a mail, and never In all his busy career
did he fail to Hud the time to answer the
piteous call of distress. Ostentation wus a
stranger to him and the world will never
know his numberless acts of private charity,
deeds of tender pity, dictated by hi great
heart and performed by patient bunds. Uu
uffected, generous, hearty and free; of strung,
forceful character, mukiug fust frlenls uud
bitter enemies. Kudowed with gift,, which
by aduptlbllity and application ho made the
means of his own advancement and with
which ho was able to render a great service
to the state In tho pioneer days. He has left a
strong impiess in the history ot Nebraska us
well ns on the affection of hundreds of people
unknown beueticiurles of his kindness nud
county. The deceased leaves four children,
all daughters who reside in this city. They
are; Mrs. Fred Harris, Mrs. Hilaud Wheeler,
Mrs. Thomas F Teasdnle uud Mls Bessie,
nil of who-n huve tho sincere sympathy of
Lincoln people lu their bitter trial. Tho
uuernl occurred Wednesday and was at
tended by hundreds of friends. The inter
inent took place at Nebraska City.
Ileer 1'ark ami Oakland,'
To those contemplating a trip to the moun
tains in enich of health or pleasure, Deer
Park, on the dome of tho Alleghany .Moun
tains, ;l,tHKI feet above tho sea level, oilers
such viii fed attractions us a delightful at
mosphere during both day uud night, pure
water, smooth, winding roads through nijiiu
tains and valleys, ami the most plctiisesque
scenery in the Alleghany range. The hotel
is equipped with such adjuncts conducive to
the eiiteriuitiiueut, pleasure ami comfort of
its guests as Turkish and Russian baths,
swimming pools for both ladies and gentle
men, billiard rooms, superbly furnished par
lois, uud rooms single or ensiiite, all facili
ties for dancing, un unexcelled cuisine and a
stierior service.
The surrounding grounds us well us the
hotel are lighted with electricity, have cosy
and shady nooks, meandering walks, lawn
tenuis courts und grassy play grounds for
! children within full view of tho inviting ve
, raudas. Six miles distant on tlio same moun
tain summit isOakland, she twin resort of
. Deer Park, and equally us well equipped
for the euteitaiumeiit anduccommodatiou of
.its quests, lluth hotels are ukjii the main
line of the Baltimore und Ohio ruilroad, have
the advantage of its splendid Vestlbuled Lim
it (si Express truins between tlio Euft uud
Wist, and are, therefoie, readily accessible
out all units of lint i-iiiiiiliv. TlcLi.i. ,n,kl
foi return passage until October IIM, am on
Nile nt gieittly iislucod rates at nil principal
ticket otltcos throughout tho country. Tick
oU rending fiom St. Louis, l-oulsUlle, cm
ciunutl, Columbus, Chicago mid any point on
B A O, system me go'sl to stop off at either
Deer Park or Oakland, and can be extended
by agent at either resoi t If deMsited witli
him for safe ktvplng
For full iufoi mation as to rates, 100m, etc ,
udijiossdourgo D. DeShields, Manager, Deer
Pnfrk or Oakland, (Ian ett County, Maryland
The Appreelathe liilllois,
Before leaving Yellowstone Park, those
members of the National editorial association
who had made the tour or the I'aik, assem
bled nt Mammoth Hot Springs lintel and
were culled to order by vice president Hun
ter On motion 11 committee was appointed
to draft resolutions of thanks for the com te
oils treatment 1 oeolvod on every hand from
those lu contiol of tlio Paik, and Col. Sam
boln Jones, of Louisiana, Frank A. Arnold,
of Indiana, nud Joseph U'lcht, of .Minnesota
weru appointed 011 the conunlttis) and
broujlit in the following, wJilch were unani
mously adopted amid heaity cheers, the lad
les heartily Joining.
Whereas, The countless licuutics and won
drous grandeur or this magnificent National
park have never yet been told by tongue or
mjii, nud no artist's brush has ever given ade
quate 11 presslou to the counties charms, the
bewildering Inllueiices, or the profound Im
pressions or tills grandest museum of Hod's
wonders in uattilu's tonus uud shiipos, lu our
native laud, upon Auieih-aii soil, therefore
ltosolvcJ, Thut we heartily endorse and
approve of nil that has been done by our
nutlorul government to preserve Intnct these
wouileisof nature, animate and inanimate,
and wu uigo upon our seiiutorsainl represent
atives fiom eveiy section of this great Union
to lurtlier augment pe iimuiy national aid,
with n more geneious liaiid that Americans
und mankind at large may enjoy with com
tort und satisfaction the pleasures, beauties
ami IhiiicIIIm ot til's Art gallery or the woild,
Resolved luither, That worccoguUo in the
Yel'uwsloue park association a commenda
ble splnt of and enterprise, such as gives
to ton iu, s who visit the purk every comfort,
pi lvilege and lacillty iu tile wuy ol hotel 11 c
comuiolalioiis, water, electric lights, etc.,
within the lange ut leasuuable porsililhty,
and 111 the Yellowstone puik llaiisportatluii
hue, of which M, (.leo. H'. U'ukelleld is su
peiiutelideut, u stage seivicu tar superior to
our anticipations, uud oue which we do not
think Ueicelkd uuywheiu, more eseciully
lu view of the numerous difficulties unit ob
stacles that ale to lie eneouiiteicd and over
conic, the pai k stages being especially uilupt
eil to Hie business, the cllld,ies careful,
courteous uud attentive
Resolved fuither, That our thanks me le
uewed loour secietary, J. M. Page, uud wo
hereby lender our esp.-ciui IhaliKs to the
Northern Pacific Ruilroad, uud to Mr, B. N.
Austin, A. t. P A. of the same, who liersou
ally accompanied us uu our tour uud er
formed. many acts of kindness and courtesy,
to W, O. Johnson, Uen. .Manager, nml C. W.
Dehey, Asst. Supt. of Hjtels, to O. W.
WnUelleld, Supt., uud P. U. MoKenzle, Asst.
Supt. of passenger transportation, and K C.
Culver, Supt ot Height transportation, for
liuuu'ioiis attentions mid courtesies extended
during our visit to the National Yellowstone
park, und to the troops stationed in the park
tor their geiitlouiuul) deportment uud coin's
teous treatment of visitors.
T. Samiioi.a Jo.nkh,
T. Samiioi.a Jones, 1
Fiia.nk A., Committee.
JOrtKI'll Lkiciit. )
Ayers Hair Vigor gives vitality, gloss and
freshness to the hair, and restores its beauty.
Never order a photograph or plctur.) of
any kind until you have seen the work done
ut the new Studio Le Oruude, P.'l south
Twelfth street.
A Cure for Cramps In the St iiiiutcli.
Albert Erwlu, Editor of tho I-eoiiard, Tex
as, Graphic, says: "For tliucuioof crumps
in the stomach Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
nud Dlurrhuja Uemedy is the U-st uud most
speedy 1 ever used," Muny others who have
tried it entertain the same opinion. For sale
by Chns. C. Reed, Druggist.
ViMilhllene Knropeau I'ikh l'iuiurtlou,
Ladles, if you want most elegant face prep
aration, try this one. It is pure as spring
water, no lead, sediment or other dilutions
substances. It makes your skin soft, fresh,
and clear, removes tan, blotches, dlscolora
tlons, nud imparts a pearly complexion.
If your face Is not what you desire it, try
"Youthlleiie". I guarantee It to give perfect
satisfaction. I have sought for a prepara
tion that will make complexions fresh and
young looking and now I have found it, re
tailed at two dollars or three for five. I huvo
secured the agency for this trusty article.
J. II. Haklky, Druggist, I mcolii. Neb
All meals at Odell's new dining hall re
duced to twenty cents. No credit and no
tickets to an) one. The meals are same ns
formeily and the price lower than ever
This makes the board at Odell's cheap and
the tcst in tlie state forthe money,
Dr. C. F. Ladil, dentist, HO.'i O street.
Telephone l.VI, Office hours, Ha. 111, to.'i p. m
Ladles hair dressing, Mis Johnston, till
O street.
Buy coal mined near your home. Now ens
tie Nut Is conceded by ull thut have used it to
be the best for kitchen use. Price M.4() de
livered. Sold only by tleo. A. Ruyiner Tel
ephone lM. WU O street.
.Mr, (lark, tu the Put. lie.
I wleh to say to my friends and the public,
that I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Dlarrlm-u Remedy as the best prepara
tion in use for Colic- and Diurrhu-a It is
the finest selling medicine I ever liuud' l,
because It always gles satisfaction. O. H.
Clark, Orongeville, Toxas. For vile by
Chas. C. Reed, Druguist.
0K!2R'fe,!:il , -
vCSVkSVHS TcLiil. irjJJlt
(Special l'ot'im;il ( oriespondeuee
NKW YOHK, August X, S'.I Thuse-isou of
IMI tr.! begun 011 Monday, and although If
was a muggy nud sticky, warm night, liuiid
nsls iff pisipln were turned away fiom flu.
Ihrie theatres that ohiiisI their doors. The
most successful, and III fact tlm only novelty
was malinger Charles Frohiuan's piodm-tlnn
of "Jano" at the .Madison Square. II was
entirely sin ssfnl, nud there was not the
shallow or a doubt but that the play will be
wal inly received every wheie It Is full or
run, ami gives all evening of peibsd enjoy
moot. "A Fair RoM," at the Fouiteeiith
Stris-t theatre, has Ihvii wsm before, but It
has Ims-ii very handsomely stagisl this time
and was very warmly looelvisl. The third
opening wns ut the Bijou, where tho much
tnlkedof "A High Roller" Is a very stupid
uud course variety show without a single re
deeming feature 111 Its favor Barney Fagan
who managed to get himself Inside of seven
different gorgeously ihishy costumes during
the two acts of the play, was also it dismal
failure and take It as a whole it wns the bilg
es t fiasco New York has sismi for ninny a
By a strange coincidence thnsi theatres
also niiened their doors in louilou on Mon-
iluy, but there was but one novelty, namely,
u. It, Minis' mul Hubert Buciiuiiuii'n, "The
Trumpet Call" at the Adelphla. It wns suc
cessful and will have a run. The others were
the Olympic witli "Truthful," W W. Kelly's
antique Chicago star, draco Hawthorne, and
The Strand, where "Wilkinson's Widows,'
known in London as '"The Late lamented,'!
was revived (J race suffensl the severest
frost she has felt since she left Stillwater,
Mich., where the thermometer was thirty de
grees below zero, and the railroad had her
trunks lu hock, and "The Late Lamented"
scored as great 11 hit ns It did here.
Lincoln people who have noted the rapid
and substantial coustiuctloii of tho new
Ionising Theatre, will be to hoar that
Ilia painting nud lusldo finish of this Itcautl-
T it I temple of amusement has Usui awarded
to the Interior Decorative Co., of this city.
.Messrs. Iinsiiig ami Oliver have displayed
heir usual tact and business sagacity (n
placing this lmiortntit contract lu the hands
of so reliable 11 llriti, whoso facilities for the
thorough und prompt completion of the work
are nlsjve criticism,
Mr Kleiner the President of the lnte'lor
Decorative Co., says the plans and specifica
tions call for tlie llnest work and the best
material obtainable, and he propose to dem
onstrate the entire ability or his establish
ment to turn out high grade work equal lu
nil leqs'cts to that pnsliiccd elsewhere lu
the country, ami judging from the many
compllmentory notices uud recommenda
tions given tills firm, we have no hesitancy lu
predicting that their portion of thu work 011
the "Now Lansing" will lelloct creditably,
alike 011 the proprietors, Messrs, Ijinslng
and Oliver, ns well ns onthemselves.
Tho Fimke has oiem'd Its season, Katie
Kuimett and her clever company giving two
excellent ierformauces of "The Wulfs of
Now York," Thursday and Friday evenings
to gixsl houses. The piece is one of continual
Interest with a wealth of excellent scenery
that works admirably The Harlem bridge
scene showing Jtwn trains crossing iu oppo
site directions il.ld Willie Rtlflis, a bootblack
hanging from the Iteam witli n child iu oue
arm, foimed a most novel and realistic pic
tine. A court room shows up very natural
and tho fire scene Is another well laid piece
of stage work. Miss Etuniett as Willie Itu
fiis sustains the various difficult roles In ex
cellent manner her acting being true to life
while her makeup wns In keeping therewith,
Herbert Singleton the man of wealth, Pietro'
llama the Italian uud (ieorge ThomMu the
Dutchman, ull did clover work. Amy Allies
us Biddy and little Gertie, tho protege of tho
heroine are deserving of special mention.
It is n good cast and uu equully good piece.
It wns well received uud thus The Funko'f
opening was a success and a good success at
tho start means much ror n season's for
This new candidate for tho approval of a
Lincoln audience will Is- given at Funk's
Monday evening. Tho company aps-ared
at Burlington, la., last week, and tho Huwk
eye rev lowing the Krfonuauce says "The
company is a very siqierioi one. Tho mem
bers uie nlljllue vocalists ami received hearty
applause and many 1 e calls. The star or the
company is Marie Heath. Always a favorite
she captured the audience witli her sweet
voice and cunning ways. She is unsurpassed
In her repr. seiitutlon of a sprightly mlschlov
dim girl. Tlie singing of Mr. Eckert nud
Miss Berg was delightful. It Is seldom. In
deed, thut a company is able to secure two
such singers, and those of our music loving
people who were not out last night lme
much to regret. Miss MuybWIe Eckert, with
a rich contralto voice deserves a more prom
inent pai t In the combination. Frank Mur
phy furnished a large amount or fun He is
a clever comedian,
THKTHH.A1. (ii)sSII'
Tlie Fuuke's opening wnn (( i,lg siuvevs.
Bob McReyuolds has some gieat .Septem
ber bookings.
Hilly Emerson is rehearsing his miiistelor
guuizatiou iu Chicago.
The New binslng will open its desirt sure
and certain Thanksgiving ,vk
Nat (iiKslwin will prisluce "Nance Old
lleld" this season as a curtain raiser
I.ewis Morrison's summer season 011 the Pa
cillc coast has turned out an Alaska frost.
Swin the season will be in full blust again
and then lookout for some line attiiutious,
Maude Harrison has consented to marry
nctor Edward Bell, a joung man from Duffu-
In, at present a nirinlicr of the A. M Palmer
IM Church Is negotiating for a certain
gleat att 1 act Ion for I lie oienltig of (he New
Lauslu (
The Lansing goes up nipldly and soon the
new theatre will be under roof, icndy for the
artist's biush,
Paul Arthur and Katherilie (liny, both of
Charles I'lohnmii's "Jane" company weio
mairied last .Monday.
Jack llaverly Is lu New Yoik, and gossIP
has It that the veteran will be out again soon
with a big amusement enterprise
Manager Joseph l.ovy has been made hap
py by the return from England of his stars
Maigaiet Mather and Oils Skinner.
Stuill t Robsou's line lilodllctlon of "She
Stoops to Conquel" will nut oH'ii tlie pretly
new iiieatre in Jersey i:ily "Tlie Henrietta
will be substitute!. It Is found that the
stage is not sufficiently large ror the ponder
ous scenery of Goldsmith, s comisly, which
Vocgtllu Is painting for Mr Robson.
Out or the oue bundled und thirteen farce
coiikhIIcm that threatened to take tho mad
this season two have already eollas.isl. "A
High Roller," It is said, will never leave Man
hattati Island, and grave doubts are tuiter
laiuisl as to the running qualities of Funny
Rice's "A Jolly Surprise" "The Da.lcr," "U
and I," "A Wolf Wedding," "A Knotty AN
fair," and several others.
The new drop curtain at Funkn's was sisu
for the llrst time Thursday evening at the
0M'tilng of the house. It is uu artistic piece
of skillful brush work mil represents n mas
sive circular Roman court gorgeously hung
with rich drnplngs, ,'l'ho scene Is mil of life
and gaiety iu which thirteen female Heuri-s
appear enjoying a Roman festival. It re
colvcd duo uppriM'latlon of the audience.
What Ones It Menu'.'
"WO Doses One Dollar" means si nply that
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the most economical
medicine to buy, because it gives more for
the money than any other preparation. Each
Isittle contains lis) doses and will average to
Inst a month, while other preparations, taken
according to directions, are gone In 11 wis'k.
Therefore, lie sure to gel Hood's Saisaparllla
the I test blood puriller.
The Yellowstone 1'ark I, hie.
The Northern Paclllo Wonderland em
braces 11 list of attractions simply iiucqualod.
Tho Twin Cities of Ht, Paul and Minneapolis
at the head of navigation on tho Mississippi,
Duluth, Ashluml anil the Miis'rlors at the
head of Lake Superior-., to the west wurdfl the.
LkkulVrk lUgloii of SMnnmotn, the-Itrst-'
River Valley wheat fields, Valley of the
Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Pnrk,
Rozcmuu uud the Gallatin Valley, Helena
and Butte, Missoula and the Bitter Root
Valley, Clarks Fork of the Columbia, Lakes
Pend d'Oreillu nud Cn'iir d'Alene, Hpokntio
City uud Fulls, Palouse, Walla Walla, Big
Bend and Yakima agricultural districts, Mt.
Tacoma and thu Cascade Mountains, Taco
tnn, Seattle, Puynllup Vnlley, Huoquulmle
Fulls, Puget Sound, the Columbia River,
Portland nud the Willamette Valley, Gray's
Harlxir nud City, Willapa Harbor ami City
of South Bend, Victoria un Vancouver Is
land, Alaska on the north nud California on
the south.
The Northern Pncillc run two dully ox
press trains with Dining Car and complete
Pullman service Iwtweeti Ht. Paul ami Taro.
ma and Portland, via Helena und Butte with
Through Tourist und Vestlbuled Pullman
Hlceiicnt from and to Chicago via the Wiscon
sin Central, und llrst class through sleeping
car service lu connection with the Chicago,
Milwaukee .t St, Puul Ry.
Passengers from tho east leaving St Louis
ill the forenoon and Chicago in tlio afternon,
will make close connections witli the morn
ing train out or St. Paul at U.tsi a. m. the
following day: leaving Chicago ut night,
connection will lie made with Triilti No. 1,
leaving St Paul 1. 1 ft tho next afternoon.
Yi:i.uWhToNi: PaukScahon. Jim: Imtto
'JcTOIItll lsT.
District Passenger Agents of the Northern
Pacific Rallioad will take pleasure iu supply
ing Information, rates, maps, time tables,
etc , or application can Ihi made to Chas. S.
Fce.O. P. A., St Paul, Minn.
Write to alKive aibliess ror tlie latest und
U-st map yet published of Alaska Jut oust.
I huve a full dress pattern of Hue black silk
faille with trimming to match, It is late
style and entirely now. Will trade same for
jewelry, a buggy, or most anj thing. Ad
dress Chas. Jones, care of the CouitlKK.
Tlie Whitebreast Coal and Lime company
Is always at the front supplying the finest
grades or all kinds or coal
llje ami Kur miiuiiiii.
I)r W L. Da) ton, oculist and aurist, HAM
O street, telephone .I7, Lincoln, Nebr
Have you veil the beautiful line of photo
graphs of America's greatest stage celebrltfei
at TllK Coi'lilKlt officer The lin- embrace
r'l the leading and iuot pioniilieut artistw
end are tho work of Falk of Union Square
New York, undoubtedly the finest photo
grapher in the country. Call iu and see
Think of it Tho Cosmoiolituu Magazine, u
giant among tlio great monthlies, and T111:
Coi'ltlKK whl both 1h sent to any address one
eur for threo dollars. For furtner partlcul
ars rem I lurge advertisement on page eight.
"The Finest" ice cream parlors are now
open and you aro invited to call li'.IO
I-odlcs Imwu Tenuis hlurcr and jackets ut
reduced prices.
II. R. iV Co.
New stles of imitation. jnt iu ut TllK
Coi-ltlKIl office.
Henry Hal phani, harness, saddlery and
turl good-, 14',' north Eleventh street, opioitu
Capital Hotel.