I?' rUi CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST i.Sl 1891 MASON'S FRUIT JARS Stone Fruit JARS. JELLY GLASSES. Closing out Sale on REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, SCREEN WINDOWS, ALL SUMMER GOODS. FRANK E. LAHR, 936 P St. (AM -TVmCAM FUlif 1110 ui'tglicil lii llielr m'iiIc And tlio t'li'pliaiit packs hU nn trunk, Hut rat never toll tbelrotwt tiilcn, Ami one h'Moiii cU clilnW In a chunk. Sli'k ilui'kh never yo to Hie iiinck; A horn cannot plow bli own mane; A hlilp U not hurt by n tack, Anil it window never suffers from pane. l)it veUloin wear their own pants, Which (act lav them open to scorn; No nleci'or nephew loves antu, Anil it cow never blows her own horn. A cat cannot parite lt own claws, No po'cuplm dIIih Its own quill; Though orphan bear still have paws, A bird will not pay Itt. own bill. their Wo have tho boat wall papor tho country can produce. THE INTERIOR DEC0RAT1YE CO., 1 134 N St. A. C. Zkimkk, I'ics. Caki. Ki.wii'h Mjj'r. rTVJ, Lincoln Nebraska Souvenir Spoon. A novelty of value to every patriotic Amer ican; of Interest to every cltlen of Nebraska. Price, $3.50, plain bowl. $4 gilt bowl. Description the Capitol U in has i cliff, split rail f o r It a n il 1 e , sur in ount e d by tunul and w ilge a historical re minder of l'res. Ideul Lincoln. A large line of other distinctive spoons in stock . J.B. Trickey & CO. JKWKLKRS 1035 0 Bt lh?pu vjinn If you Deposit your Sayings IN TDK Lincoln Savings Bank to 'Safe Deposit Co. K. K.eor. llth ami P Ht. THEY WILL EARN INTEREST FOR YOU AIthoHntoof 5-l;ive per Ct. per Annum-5 Have t'iW a week and It amounts Interest In live years to 11,500.00. Huuk.opeiu at U:30 n. in. In 3:30 p. m with mill BAtunlay ovenlngs, S to 8 p, in. Safei to Rent in Burglar and Fire "" Proof Vaulti. I Muuim Mtjifr of MmUrn 7'Onr I'LtbllMliu.l SriturUny. il.lre" nil iMiiiiiiiiniotllnin ilircoti.i Him oflle, VVicmmici. Pkintino Co, I'IMII.IHIIKIIH.CD Courier llulMlmr, ll: Ntn-i-t. Tki.ki'iionk ii l. U'kshki., Jit., Ivlltor mill Knl,. li (iprli'tur. si'iiMMitfrioM t)m Vnir liy MnllorCnrrli'il I.MKI) Hl MoHtli4,fl.iiii1'hri'i MtitilliH, ntu 5 Unit month WKVnlnliiriiriilily In Ailtitnw AnvitKtmitir.NTi: Hull' fiirnUhtil on iilli'iillnii it ilitMiflti'i1. Hiwlnl rnlfnimTliiii't'iiiiirni'ls. CoNTiUiUTliiM" Hliortupley nVftelii's, ihh-mw mill slorlfSi'olli'lliMl. IVriHinnl niiit Hoelnl notes rt nirellly ililrnlilc. I'HlNTlsir Wf nuike n x't'llty of Klne Printing In nil lt branchi'. HiH'li'tr rk ft "tliilt y. Knlcroiliitllii' I'liitnllli't' "f Mni'oln. Ni'l., lit oi'Cllllil ullisn lllllttl'l', POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. A otbli'Krain iimiiiiim'p. tint Aiut'lla Hives Im. Nitlliil for tlio Unltiil States where she will nrilvu soon aftor tbi nppiMirniioK if hi'i' Inti'st novel in tin' AiiKH't number of th CosinopolltMii, After nemly two years of slleneo tliii now story of Mls Hives will lie received with the Krcntest Interest by those who enjoyeil her earlier work. Mnrneil, triiM'lliil and In every way uiiituritl, her Intent prodiietlon Issnld to be woithy of the talent which rhvo such great promise. Tim scene Is laid In Curls where the nlitlinr has lieen living for two years, and the heroine Is a Virginia girl who is studying music alinrnd with a negro servant for n chaperone. The story lins been Illustrated by IvatoOreatorex, one of the most pronilsiug of American pain tern In I'arls, and u ehiinuliig portrait of Miss ltlves is the frontisplecd of the maga zine. Aueut the baecarat waudnl, Oeueral Adam Hadeau of tyrant's stall", who was nf trw mils Secretary or Legation In I-omlon and saw much of the Kuglish nrhtoerney, writes mi article on ''(lainhliug In High Life.' The cartoons which have been Hindu of Ills- innrck, furnish a subject forMumt iialstead, reprisluctloiis of many of the most noted cartoons, illustrntlug the paper. "Itralns," the new seiubtiionthlv imblishisl at Meadvllle, l'a., Is at hand neatly gotten up mid excellently printed. Drains Is what seems to ho uueiled ill literature these days mid If the United Publishing ouipiuy wll only show- that a resectuhlo aiiiDiint of goml lirnlns Isiluing the work or the pip 'i-It nlil doubtless Iki a success. The second niiinber speaks well for Its prospect. Timely Ailtlie. Now Is the time to provide yourself mid family with n reliable remedy for bowel complaint It Is almost certain to be need itl, and no family can afford to be without it. It costs hut a trllle. mid limy he the means of saving much xutferliig, if not life. There are many different remedies in use, hut Cliamberlnbrs Colic, Cholera an.l Diar rhoea Keiuedy Is umlonbtedly the best, til and oO cent Unties fur sale by Chits. O. Heed, Druggist. At Muiiiiiiu. Mamtou HriiiMis, Colo., June V.7. .Spec ial. Manltou Is to the people what it sugar barrel Is to the tiles on it bright summer day decidedly atti active. There is an absence of tiles nnd mi influx of people at Manltou that is refreshing, These June dnys are of the leafy June that poets prate of cool mornings, warm enough at noontime to re mind the out door wanderer that it is sum mer, mid evenings full of moonlight and coolness. The walks, drives mid trallsnhout Manltou are o numerous that old timers of several season's experience tlnd some new beauties w believer they go out. The country Is para dlso for the lively young woman or the brawny young man who delights in explor ing expeditious. Manltou Is best reached' via the Union I'ncillc. Tlif Hot Nprlnsaur llHkotn. These springs are rapidly becoming famous on account of the wonderful curative prof iles of the waters, 'niicl the many marvelous cures which have been effected by the ther mal baths. The town and springs are dellghtf ulh- situ- ateil hi it picturesque valley In tholllack, Hills country, alioumllug in beautiful sceuin effects, and at mi altitude of 11,-UX) feet above the sea level; Mius insuring a pure atinos phero and exhilarating climate, absolutely free from malaria. Under the enterprising and progressive management of the Hot Springs company many desirable improvements have lieen made; among the number the erection of a coimuoillous bath houe fitted un with all modern conveniences for the comfort of guets. New hotels hnve been built and com fortably fiirnldied throughout, conducted In llrtclnvs style and nt reaonaUe rates. Tlios who prefer stopping at a private house will llud many desirable hoarding places where goihl acconiuioilatlons are ruriiMieil at moderate p'-lces. The superior daily service now afforded by the Burlington Houte to Hot Springs, with through sleeping car accommodations from Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora und Grand Island, makes the trip an easy and enjoyable raw, and for the benellt of all who desire to tet theeillcacy of the waters, nniiul trip tickets at reduced rates, good for ninety days are now on nle at all offices, of the Burlington Houte. " iFor pamphlet, descriptive, of the springs, and full information as to rates, time, etc., apply to any agent of the company, or to J, Fjcancis, Gen't lWr& Tk't Agt., Omiha, Neb. The I'nliin I'nrltlr System, Hai placed in dally service n f-ollil train he. tween Lincoln and Sioux City making close connections at Columbus with main line trains for all iohit west, with Albion, Cedar ltapidf, Ord and Grand Island and branche, except Sundays. Lincoln and Sioux City dally connects closely In union denot, Sioux City, with the evening trains of connecting lines for the notth and east. For full partlc ulars apply at 1011 O street or at depot. E. B. Blossok, C. T. A. the latkst Fashions; FABRICS THAT WILL PLEASE THE MOST FASTIDIOUS llim Nklrli Will llx Iiiii.iI fur Win liurliitf tin' C'oiiiIiik Autumn A I'mik lloliin (limn Tlmt Miiy He C'nlliil it I'm llmwi or h Mutlimu. (Upcclnl Corrc9ioidi-iicc. New Youk, Au. 5. Tho now Htyles in woolens for fall nvo markod by deli cnoy itiiil Rtnoothni'M of Htirfncu rather than thu rough blatikot ufTeut bo much liked last season, ami wlillu perhaps thev an roiilly no prettier tlioy look ho jiihv now bucutiBu thuy nro now. NEWEST llllAIT.ItV IN SKIUTH. Sotnu of tho curly linportiitlotis tdiow iorges In oxiitiisito colors and in it dor-t-of fluuness of tuxtnro that one would think impossible. Yesterday 1 saw u lino of Mitch goods Ouo pattern whh m dull, bluebli Krcen, llko u bfgoulii lull, and ho ilcml lino that it looked liko tine nllk when hud in folds. It will bo trim mud with builds of volvut, either black invisible green or tnnbark color. For young persons this latter would bo tho most suitable combination. There Is u purplish slate color and several shades of gray, but in tho most of the.-e there is a pink shade, which gives a pearly luster I noticed ono piece ol pure gray which had mi over surface ol wool, which gives it tho appearance ol much higher priced goods than it r (only ninety-llvo cents per yard, forty six inches wide) Thero is another new color, between purple, brown, chocolate nnd crushed raspberry it mixture ol each and altogether ono of the most desirable similes possible for nil ages Thero ia n new moss green which in some indetlnablu way shades from the color of tho green growing moss to the dead and dry, and it is most lieautiful Tho now weaves in woolens are very soft and beautiful, most particularly the cheviots in light weight for autumn They aro woven ho tlmt the stripes are diagonal, und in some lights scarcely dlscerniblo whilo in others they are sharply defined, but all in ono color Tho tnnbark shade is very soft and pretty and combines with almost uny trimmiiiu or color. Thero is a pearl white cheviot in chevron weave with hero and there a long brown hair woven loosely, apparent ly on tho surface, und 1 predict that this will immediately "take" among the young ladies. Trimmed with brown velvet nnd silver or gilt cord it would be an ideal gown. Tiiese diagonal and chevron wenvts only como in grays, drab, pearl white und ecru or tan, They aro forty-eight Indies wide and cost two dollars it yard It takes about six yards to make it full dress, and perhaps three to four dollars more for trimming say sixteen dollars for all. 1 give hero tho very newest style of skirt for making these goods; but it ihoiild bo only velvet around tho bottom, or a bias piece of the wimo goods, not trimmed ns it appears in tho pattern. It will bo noticed that tho front of the iklrt is made long and draped up in front to make it slight punier drapery on the bips, it welcomo change from the mi verity of tho dresses of the past season The bell shapo is maintained in the back, however. Nearly all tho newest skirts nro being draped in somo way or other slightly, but still enough to break up the lines. The pretty Bodford cords that came out last season somehow- did not seem to take as much ns it was hoped that they would then, but they have sprung into a sudden popular ity for this sea son. They aro light, flexible, and tho ribbed ef fect is undeniably pretty, nnd tlioy take any kind of trimming well, particulntty the nail heads and the firm, close woven metallic gimps. They are in grays of all had os, snttlT browns, moss, garnet and other colorings. The roversosideshows a beautiful basket weave, tine nnd novel, and mnny ladies hnve their Bedford s inndo , A LOVELY HOME GOWN wrong side out, thinking the basket weave prettier This materialis foity two inches wido null costs 1.15 per yard There is a new crope gloria in wool and numerous other things which I shall tell about nest week. .lust now I want to givo a short description of a nrett , nnd useful home gown which can lie called tea gown or matinee, just as, tie j wearer prefers. . f The model was ,inade of dark green I China Bilk'with a floral pattern ofvio lets, with shaded green leaves, of "course lighter and dnrker than the ground work. The sleoves wero of violet surah, and the Spanish jacket of white lace, A sort of belt with long ends readies from back to front nnd hangs in front This can be copied in tiny color or goods preferred, and can have a Wat tean plait in the back if desired, or it can bo plain princesse. A foot trimming can lie added if wished. Tho front gnthered at the neck and held in again at the waist. This style is very becom ing to both stout and slender ladies Ouve IIarpru -.'V'-' h, fv ', V jjgP i'',iV i if' 1 'Mr .' i AT THE PARKS. Ureal .Spurt nt llulli nr Mnriilu'n !ltr ItraurtK. At CimIiiiiiii tomorrow Malinger Amir us hits a Hue program, which embrace an aerial exhibition and a base bull game In the former Prof. J, II. Darling of Boston, a mot scientific balloonist, will make the ascension, mid promises a beautiful exhibition if the weather Is agreeable. He will also make a pat achutii drop mid will otherwise entertain the crowds that seek C'tnliman's hrccr.y bor tiers, The game of ball at three o'clock will be it close and exciting one, as both clubs hnve stioug teams. The Biirllugtons have Ihvii In fine training dining the week, and will do u verebtttli) tocnuie out victorious. It Is a bcnctlt game for the Giants, w ho are soon to go east. AT LINCOLN I'AIIK Ti.-niorrow aftnio3ii and to-night will ie two line Indian exhibitions nttlils popular resort. Tho famous Sioux tribe of Indians will be on hand to give an entertainment In their own ipieer and ancient style. Aside roin war dances, giant dunces, etc,, they will give exhibitions of their marksmanship, and In vat lolls other ways fill out an interest ing program. Jo-morrow altemoon there will ben matched game of ball between the Lincoln nnd Denver clubs, which promises to furnish ample sHirt for the cranks It be ing the first Sunday game since the return or the team, It will doubtless be well attended. The Tuesday mid Friday evening dances at the pavilllou are Ui-ouilng very iKipular and are hugely attended. Good music Is always In attendance and the best or onler always prevails. The pm k has its usual pleasant at tractions such as Uniting, sw Itchback riding, the merry-go-round, etc., mid continues to please the multitude that go out every day and on Sunday it's handy to reach tho electric cars go till ect to I lie entrance every twelve minutes, and from any part of the city for live cents. Be sure and try eastern Wyoming Nut coal. Best In the market, price 1.10 deliv ered by Geo. A. Haymer. Telephone !IV0, Mill O street. New styles of Invitations Jut in at Tiik t'liuuiKiiolllee. Ciistiinuii Park Si'lul Tiitltis. Until further notice, H. ,V M. trains will run as follows between Lincoln and CiiMi inati paik. IIVifiii'Mfifj-U-avi Lincoln 7:".(i p-m, and return from Ctishmaii at 11 p-m. Stittmltiyi Leave Lincoln at 'J:!S(I P-.M and return from 'uliiuu at P-M. SuuiIiiiih Leate Lincoln nt 10:!H a-M, '2:'.M p-M, !);.') p-M ami :.'K P-M; returning from Ciishiuauat II A-M, !t P-M, 5 P-M and li P-M. and S.JIO i-m. Regular train No. 71 leaving Lincoln at l;'-'(l P-M dally except Sunday willaNo stop at Ciishiuan, honoring tickets, loiiiul trip rate of 1T cents will apply to all. Brown's rctauiauts, Windsor block, till! north Kleventh street, mid Ills O street. Five dollar commutation tickets reduced to four dollars, good at both places. Henry Haipham, harness, xaddlerv and turf goods, 1-4'J north Kleventh street, opposite Capital Hotel. Sru llthliit( 1,01111 Milt- from the Ken, t (liirlirbl Uracil. Tiie famous health resort, Garfield Beach, on Great Salt Lake, eighteen miles from Salt Lake City, Is reached via the Union PiielUc, "The Overland Houte," and Is now open. This is tho only real sand beach on Great Salt Ijike, and is one of the tluist bathing and pleasure resorts in the West. For complete description of Garlleld Beach and Great Salt Utke, send to K. L. Lomax, Geu'l l'us., and Ticket Agent, Omaha, for copies of "Sights and Scenes in Utah," or "A Glimpse nt Great Salt Idike," or apply at 10-14 O street. K. II. Slosson, City Ticket Agent. Call on Henry Harpham, II'.' north Klev enth street, opjwite Capital Hotel for My nets, summer laproles mid carriage whips. Our work speaks for Itself. It needs no brag or bluster, simply your own opinion will testify to its merits. The Studio Le Grande is on the ground lloor. centrally lo cated and n lieautiful place. Call and see us at l'J4 south Twelfth street. Flannel shirts cleaned w Ithout shrinking by the French dry cleaning process, only 15 cts, at Lincoln Steam Dye works, 11 Itt O street. See our beautiful individual ice cream moulds before ordeilng elsewhere. "The Finest" 1W O street. Uulek und t'oinforliililii Trip, Two new trains nave been added to the al ready excellent connections east tluK th Great Rock Vsliiud Route has lieen offering to its patrons. The I.ake Shore , Mich. Southern has put on a new train, leaving Chicago dally at 111: liOit. m., and the Fort Wayno (I'eiiusylvauia Lines) one aflO: I.') a. m. These are dully trains, scheduled on fast time, and arrive at New York City next teruoon at !i o'clock, and via the lirst men tioned Boston passengers reach their destitias tiou lint " hours later. The Rock Island Route Sleeper leaves Omaha dally at -L!!) p. in., and 111 rives at Chicago at S:(tt n. 111., In time to make Mils important through connection. For rates nnd tickets apply to J. L. I)K Bkvois, Gen'l Agent Bass, l)ept Utth Si Farnatn Sis., Omaha. J.no. SKiiAhTiAN, Gen'l Tkt. iS: Pas', Agt. K, St John, Gen'l Manager. Are Yon Interested? The following frank statement from J. K. Hare of Trenton, Texas, will lie of interest to many of our citizens, "My little boy was very bad otr for two months with dlarrluea . We used various medicines, also c tiled in two dittoes, but nothing done him any good until we used ChamlierJaln'H Colic, Cholera and Dlarrluea Remedy, which gave Imme diate relief and soon cured him. I consider It the liest medicine iiuida and call conscien tiously nH-otniiuMid It to nil who need a diar rhiea or colic medicine. For sale by Chan. C. Reed, Druggist. Frank Lahr is making a big run on Mason's fruit Jars, stone fruit Jars and jelly glasses. He is closing out refrigerators, freeers, screen windows and all summer goods at such prices as will move them. Don't buy anything hi the abovo line until you have seen Frank Lthr, 'J.'MI P street. Applications for rental of Turner hall for social! and dancing received at P. J, Wohlen lierg's cigar store, I3 8. llth street. The best domestic coal in the market for I $4.40 delivered. Be turn to try Eastern Wy oming nut for sal exclusively by Geo. A. Riymer, IBM O. Cushman Park. TOM OK KOW BALLOON ASCENSION Not the ordinary common kind, hut a sclcntlllc one by an expert. PKOF.J, II. DARLING. of Boston, America's greatest aerl.ilist, will make an ascension and parachute drop In the afternoon. Giants vs Burlington's A fine matched game between the Lin coln Giants and the HurlinutoiiH comes off at 3 o'clock. It Is a grand benefit for the Giants, and all Inters of the sport should he on hand. WEDNESDAY NEXT W.C.A. OUTING under the personal management of the ladles of that noble order. Go out, have a good time, and help the grand cause along. Next Sunday State outing of the Man n.icchor societies. eradSQggfeftossegg? 1 SOFT SHOES FOR TENDER FEET W ear these a little comfort ED. G. 1129 O t LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH ICB CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER, AND THEY. WILL RECEIVEJ PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbush Makers of Bon Bons and Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water. SUMMER SPECIALTIES ! Thin Coats Alpaca, Serges, Pongee, Silk Lustres, Drab Dete, Mohair, And all popular Fabrics so Cool and Comfortable in Hot Weather. The many styles we show will suit you. The low prices we make will' certainly please you. SEE OUR ELEGANT Madras and Flannel Shirts BEFORE YOU BUY. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Corner O and lOth Streets. lincolnPark Lincoln's Great Pleasure Resort Now open dally to the public. The finest picnic groutuMii the state, with line boating and fishing. Dancing pavilions, Illuminated with Electric lights ami beautiful di Ives. I he Park Is large and will accommodate i-tertooiiy. M-cluilcd places for private picnics can he had. Band Concert etert evening 7 until 9:30. S,iiii;iv night nnd Sunday aftn ivn INDIAN SHOW Sioux Tilhe, Ghost dance, etc. BASE BALL! Lincoln ts. Denver. A line game b well matched nines. Game called at 3.30 P. M. GRAND -:- BALL. In Mammoth Pavilion every Tuesday and I'lld.iy night. Electric cars run to the Park every 12 minutes from (, o'clock In the moinlng until 1 1 d at night ADMISSION, 10 CENTS. . s-: a.sox rch'irrn -.- On Sale at Hurley's. Shllllmr Bros.', O.ldl'K KfMiiuratit ami I-M. Younu's. liny Con f on Tirkilt nnd Snir Monty, shoes and take i in life. YATES, STREET. GQ2??5SSSSS 2?S3SSsiSi US FOR -o and Vests IN . m 1 .K s l Hi ! iff !.