Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 15, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Tins Oi.n Kkmaiimc
In Mill llcailu;utcrs foi
Ice Cream
Ices, Cakes, Candies, Etc.
Our Special order depart
ment foi catering to private
residence and parties is the
most popular in the city
"Prompt delivery, pure goods
and reasonable prices'1 is our
1307 0 SI.
Telephone 601
1k Cm headlines or this trt liintiit. II
Unttrncllvo. One limy have nil tln iiurtlll l-s
oriieml Mini litnrl totalise one Invoiihlo, hut
tluy mnv imiH unnoticed mid leimiln un
known lioi'iUMo one bus not tht'iiinlltles m
liorsoiiiil nenuly which attracts iittunl ttm
which draw people to uh in Mini imi what wo
really are. II I t Immune with this mixer
tlHoiiieut irtt liml mil heeu rornn attractive
hondliiir Ju would not have rend II. Kvrry
laity likes In he attractive, unit It l, llicielore,
overy Indv'siliitylo py cliwi at I out Ion In lnr
Cronies n Itixcly complexion Instantly oniiny
Hkln. It I delicate, hurniless, and shows nu
trace of powder. It remains on nil ilny, or
until washed oil, mill dust or perspiration
limy he. xvlniM from tho nice without uuiirliit:
Its delicate liniillty. It In tho iileon of till'
(allot tuliln. Kvery liulv who uses It Ik ,!!
IlKhtcd with llssiipnrbell'ects, xvhlch Imitate
imt,.ro o perfectly that no one nin It'll Hint
Iho cnmpleslon created liy It l.i nrtltlolnl
Thin I the highest or urt hu'OMiictW'H, I'HIOK
oni: nifi.i.Mt.
All Iho lending Lincoln tlriiirtiMs sell I'
ll. T Clark Drug Co., Lincoln.
wiiolkhalk aukntm.
Lincoln Patrons
We beg to Inform jou Hint our Stock of
spring and Summer
It now rowdy for your Inspection mid
comprises nil the
Krom the
Finest French i English
Every Garment Strictly First-Class I
Kuckert & McDonald,
317 S. 15th St- Corrdspondtnce Solicited
Lincoln Trunk Factory
Where we will he glad to see all old
friend and customcrsjand as many new
oiuv, ah can get into the store,
A Thrilling Kiiltnilr of Trttxrl on
Moonlight on tlirt raging Mississippi!
Tim mtignlllcciit shlowhccl nti-ntnor lone
Pelican, Uiunil for Now Orleans, sped
swiftly down tliu Father nf Wntei, whose
turhlil wave, nu If nngry nt the Intrusion.
Inshrd tho crumbling shore with n lli-rre
hum tlutt changed tin) geography of tlii'
country at every swash
Tim groat Mr-ninhont, with lit precious
cargo of litimnii liven, moss pork, hide,
furniture nnd agricultural Implement
wnt full of llfn niul gnyoty High rone tin
spirit nf ihu passenger. 'I'liu supper table
Imil boon clrnrt'd nwny, lint In t In- fnl''
odors t lint nt 11 1 pervaded tliu long miiiI i If
gnnt Million of the Lono Pelican thcte llt
gurisl grateful lemlhlscenre of tho kiiiii'.
timus hamjuct. Myriads of cut gins pciiil
an t m rcllcctcd tlio llulil from Hid clhiii'lr
Hem mnl tulnklcil nnd iliiiniil incrill n
Ilic nnislc of tlm pmldlc wlii'i'N ilm
churned the wilier in oliidli'iico to (In im
pilNc of tin1 Kri'nl i'IikIiici, wlioiu ct'iiM'li'
Ihroh tiroclnlini'il the inlKhly uti'iiiiii'r .
tliliiK of life, nnd tlm white ami kIIiIciI ii.
Irrlnr, that itrt'tchi'd awny In Knrnt'ui .
pcnipvctlvi', ii'llected tliu twinkling iluln
and mlrrorrd im well tliu happy fiii'e.s oi
the llmiiiK that lingered within, while
iiIoiik Ilm wldu protncnmlii outiddn and m
tlm liurrlrauii deck overhead wandered tin
neullmental and tlm moonstruck.
Far In tlmdlstiiniii antem tralliilnileiim,
hlack cloud of Minoku from tlm tall smoke
taekn Far ahead pierced tlm vUlnn
Iho keen uyed pilot, whonn trained Juil
meiil, memory and Hklll uulilud tlm tl'int
ItiK palace throiiKh tlio wide wiinte of
Silence relKiied in the Iajiio IVllcnn
Naught hut tliu inouotonoiiH cIiiik-oIiuk ol
theeniiliKM anil the tremuloun heating of
imildlo wlii.oWdlHtiirlicd the reposeful h 1 1 1 1
neni that hnioded over nil.
Suddenly aroiu a wild, unearthly, up
pnlllnu clnmor. Fierce, aiiKry, denioiilnc
)elli and execrations roused from theli
Kluiuheri the hundred of xleepiiiK paxen
Kent on hoard Crash followed criiidi.
SouniN um of lienvj fallhiK IkmIIcm were
heard In quick Niiccesslou, and tlm din
Urcw louder and louder
Frantic men, women ami chlldieu half
chid rnine out of their Ntnterooms and with
pallid lips and tremlilliiK voiced tried tr
learn from each other what had happened
11ml the I ion t I ice u hoarded by river pi
rate t
Mad (die Ntrui'k a Hiiair
Wiim the Hteamer on fltef
The captain had uotjet let I red. Willi
drawn revolver he approached the static
room from which the terrible uproar heem
ed to come.
He listened a moment, then hum open
the door and disappeared on the Inside,
Thero was a momentary lull. Then
voices were heard In llerco expostulation,
the din broke loose npiln with tenfold vio
lence, and theeafitaln, with his ImlrMntnb
iiiKon end, his eye MnrtliiK from their
sockets and hl.s face pale as a nhcet, camo
tumhllni; out through the broken door.
"Save jourselvesl" ho Kiwped, as Im hur
ried toward tliu rear, "The clerk has put
two traveling men from dllTercnt baking
powder factories In the same berthl" Chi
cnjjo Tribune,
A Ciltn Clillil.
i' r
Ivy Jennie, what do you thlukr 1 met
Mr, Uivelace and ho gavo me ttiis box of
Jennie Didn't ho tell you to give It to
Ivy No; ho said, "You know who It's
for," and he looked awful cute at mo.
Ouce n Week.
"Well, this Is Act 1st," said the summer
youth as ho put his nrm around her and
drew her tenderly to him.
"And It Is also Scene 1st," replied the
sumnier nlrl ns she pointed t her frown
Idk chaperon standing not ton feet awny.
Mure TIimii Wat tu lie KipecUd.
Grandnn Lnm mirnrU. tlmr If ,11,1 nni
rain lnit nlk'ht, corns ached like mis-
Tominv Hut. L'rilluln.i vnn rnti't iitiiwI
that tlio weather will be always resulatltiK
iiscii uy your conn. Texas sifting.
Nn Money In Lm,
"Hello, old chappyl Ileen inakm money
"1 should smile, i;ot tn' pockets full."
"lA'iid me a V, will yerf"
"Oh, 1 can't, yer know; it's nil in one
dollar bills." Texas SlfHtiRs.
Unoil Kenton,
Tramp, sir, kIvo me a quarter.
lawyer Howe A quarter Why do you
ask me for a quarter?
Tramp Hecnuse I didn't lik to ask you
for lialf a dollar for fear you wouldn't give
it to me. New York Herald.
No Mull.
Returned Tourist Your uncle Is not
here, I see
Nephew N-o,
Tourist Heard from him lately?
Nephew Not since he died. Good News.
Old Ocpnu't rii;.
Grlmley What is it occasions that pit
eous moau along the coast this morning?
Pennypun- It's very likely caused by the
ocean stubbing Its undertow against the
rocks. Ronton Courier
IIU Cnllliiif.
"No, sir," said the shoo manufacturer,
"I can't sell tho goods at that price. I'm
a shoemaker, not a freebooter." Shoe and
leather Reporter
Ilo had wooed, but never had ntked couiont
Of this maid to be lil wife.
And she had beun to think ho meant
to court nor nu insure.
They went to a restaurant ono night.
And when opentut; soda there,
riirousb his awkwardness, Iho cork took flight,
nearly niuing mo matilcu (air.
Ilut she did not shrink as the missile near
'lo ncr ivory forehead passed;
With a rlpplUm laugh, she cried. "Oh, dear,
Has something popped at last?"
-New York Press.
m 1 4
'? & V
A ItrnlWIIfl Itvpitrt of Ciititrrsnll.
ITnrlnr I lie Miinii,
"Purly nlht, ain't It, Tilly?"
"Yrs, purl) unouKh; kooiI nlnht, Hank.'
"What's yer rush? Wo ain't U-eii htaiid
Iiir here htit a few minutes,"
"0 o oh, Hank Sparks, what a bin Mtory
idler j on are Wo'vo been hero overall
hour "
"Well, what If no have?"
"Well, that's long unougli, tliat' what
We'd ought lo bu 'shamed of ourselves
"Wlmt for?"
"For being so silly."
"I reckon wo ain't the only silly folks In
the world, then."
"That don't make no dllTereuco, Good
"No, wait a minute. Tilly."
"What for? You n'poso I'm going in
stand hern all night?"
"Nobody wants )ou to stay here nil
night, hut I don't see why you should
snatch yourself away like this,"
"Pa'll lie culling nm llrst thing 1 know '
"l)t him call, It won't hurt him."
"It might hurt you If betook a notion lo
comti out or lo set old llo.e loose."
"l'shawl Who's afiald?"
"You'd bettor be. Good night."
"Walt a minute."
"What for, you big guinp, you?"
"Oh, lieeause."
"1 shall not stay out here another min
ute." "Yes, ou will."
"I shan't. Let go my hands."
"I don't have to."
"You mean thing, you I 1 if you dare
kins inu again, Hank Sparks!"
"Oh, I daren't, uh? Therul"
"Hank Sparks!"
"Thero's another."
"I'vo a notion to call for pa. I will If
you kiss mo again, sir!"
"Oh, you will? There! Now call him.''
"Yoti'ro the worstcase 1 over saw. Shame
on joul"
"Pshaw! I pity a feller who ain't grit
enough to kiss his girl when ho can,"
"I'd bu ashamed If I was you, sir. Good
"Good night, Tilly."
"Good nlght."-Munsoy'n Weekly.
A Loulenl Ki'ImmiI.
Many years agon rich, wicked and par
slmouioiiH Dutchman lived in one of the
towns In the Mohawk valley. A subserip
tlou wiih started to procure a lightning lod
for tlm village church, and tlm Dutchman
was visited by tlm committee. He heard
tliu request for u contribution anil scratched
Ills head,
"Whoso house Is dot, you Hay?" queried
"It is tliu church tho Isold's house."
"Veil, If der Iird wants to (hinder down
his own house, ho can shoost duniler it up
nglnl Iglfsnodlngsl" Ivatu Field' Wash
A Iteinuily Hugitentvil.
. -. : 4 v.
r?&i "r&ir-?r
"Do you know who that fearfully liHinelj
woman Is over by the door?"
"Yes, that Is mj wife, and 1 would n
mind you that lieauty Is only skin deep."
"Then, my dear sir, why on earth don't
you skin her?" Hrooklyn Life.
One of the Two.
lu tho woods
Dolan'(holdlng hntid to uoae) Murther!
Mtirther! Hut phat's allln the cloltnan-l
la it mortlfoyin' ol woudther?
Woodman Why, you greenhorn, don't
you know a skunk when you smell one?
Dolan Musha, but It's a skoonk Is It
that's luakin the atmyshpere so consh
plckyous? Well, now, It's mes'lf as do
bo sayiu It that aithcr me uoso Is Igzagcr
atln thohlttywatlonortheglntleman sadly
negllcts Ids brlth. Roston Courier.
An Ignoramus.
Mr. Rliukers I understand, sir, that
your Ron and my daughter are engaged,
and! feel that on account of my daugh
ter's youth their contemplated marriage
should be postponed.
Mr. What? Mj son talking
about marrying? Why, he's a mere Infant,
a perfect ignoramus. H doesn't know
enough to hist him over Sunday. Why,
sir, the fellow hasn't been out of college
over a year. Good News.
For I'utiire Iteference.
Ho Is your father wealthy?
Ho-Is he old?
Ho-Mothcr dead?
She Yes.
Ho Is your temper good?
Sho They say so.
Ho Well, I'll make a memorandum, and
perhaps I mny seo you again before the
close of tho t-eason. Llfo.
Nu Cruelty In Speed.
Lady (at horse race) Don't you think it
Is cruel to raco horses that way this hot
Horseman Raco 'cm how, mum?
"Making them go so fast."
"Why, mum, the faster they go the
quicker they get through." Good Nuws.
Drew the Mne.
Miss Smllttx I like to waltz with you,
Mr. Woodeu; but why don't you over re
verse? Wooden Well, 1 have reverses enough
in my business without bringing thum Into
my pleasures. Roston Courier.
Anil the Futlier ,
Father Washington was n very famous
man, Johnnie now why should wo celu
brate Ids birthday tttiy more than mine?
Johnnie 'Ciuse he never told a lie.
Smith, Gray & Co.'s Monthly.
A Complicated Cntc
Caller Has your mistress gone out?
New Servant No; but shoaln't at home.
Chicago News.
C3 7 ll
The Hlnry nf n Hrvnt tllrl IVIm ,M.i
Kept Her YViinl.
"Is sho a good faithful girl?" asked tie
"Say,"nnswered tlio man, "you Just w't
till I call my wife. This business Is suit
of In her department mnre'ii lu mine, I', I
call her down, and you and she can tail
the matter over,"
Then the man stepped out Into tho had
ml shouted, "Maria! Marial"
"What's tho matter now?" nnswerul
back a woman's voice,
"Say, Maria, you Just come dow u ami
tell this lady what you know about Julia
She wants to know if Julia is faithful."
Down came Maria so quickly that tt
seemed as though she must havo slid down
tho balustrade. Rut, of course, she hadn't;
She was too old for that, sixty years old If
she was a day She Jumped Into thu mid
die of things, as thu old Romans used to
say, straight oil.
"Faithful' Well, there Isn't no faith
fuller house girl in Hrooklyn." That is
the way that she began
"And It wasn't her fault that sliu left
here, neither; I'm bound to say that," con
tinued Maria "It was all my fault, every
bit of it, and I know you'll say so when
you hear tho story Rut then perhaps you
don't care to hear the story Maybe you
are In an awful hurry to get home."
"Oh, no," answered the caller, "I should
like very much to hear tho story I'm sure
that It will interest me."
"All right," said Maria, apparently very
much pleased, "I'll tell you tho whole
business. It's a cat story. I'm a cat hater,
I am. I didn't use to be, hut of late years
we've had so many of 'em out In our back
yard that I've been forced lo huto 'em and
to make war on 'em. I reckon I'vo killed
a hundred cats Inside of a year, haven't I,
"Well, )es, should think so, Maria, all
of that," answered tho man. "You're somu
on cat killing, Maria, thuy's no use sayln
that you ain't."
"I've a method of my own," continued
Maria. "I put thu cat in a box and chloro
form him to death, and then I throw his
carcass into the asli barrel I sent out all
of a half barrel of cats one moiulug It
scared the ash man so that Im almost
"Well, here thu other day I caught a big
yellow rellow that had been howling and
yawllng about In my back yard for over a
jear, Ilo was a monster cat and he had a
voice on him like a steam cat's Tliu mill
ute I caught him I yelled for Julia to coinu
out and help nm put him into thu box Wu
had to work 1 tell you, but finally we did
It. Then I put tho big soapstone on top
of the box that I generally use to hold it
down. Rut, Lordy mercy! thustono didn't
amount to anything. I never saw a cat
thrash around so In all my life.
"'l)ok here, Jtilln,' said I, 'you'll havu
to sit on the box till I can give him a llttlu
chnloform to quiet Ml tn.'
'"All right, ma'am,' said Julia, and
down sho sat.
"I ran Into thu house for thu chloroform
and do you know I couldn't find a drop?
It was all gone. So I stepped to the win
dow and called out: 'Julia, you'll havu to
sit there awhile till lean go to the drug
gist's and get some chloroform.'
" 'All right, ma'am,' said Julia.
"'Promise me, Julia,' said 1, 'that you
won't get off the box till 1 como back.'
"'You know very well,' Julia answered,
In a sort of grieved way, 'that I won't get
off.the box till you como back. WImmi I
say I'll not do a thing, 1 generally doesn't
do It,'
"I didn't stop to say any more, but put
on my bonnet and shawl ami started for
the druggist's I hadn't gone four feet
from the house when I met Miss Rartlett,
an old friend of mine, ami perhaps you
won't believe it, but it's a fact just "the
same, I forgot what 1 was out on thustreet
for, entirely forgot it. I always was an
absentminileil cieature, wasn't I, Aaron?"
"Yes, Maria, you nlwajs were a little
given that way."
"Miss Rartletttold me," resumed Maria,
"Hint she was going up town shopping,
and asked mwJo go along with her, and 1
went. Then Tasked her to take lunch with
me in a restaurant, and sho accepted the
vitation. Wo hud a real nice lunch
.Ickcn soup, lobster salad, Ico cream and
" 'Won't you have something more?' 1
asked Mrs. Rartlett.
" 'Oh, no,' she said, 'I couldn't.'
"So I called for the check, and when tlio
man gave it to me I put my hand into my
pocket for my purse. The llrst thing 1
touched was thu chloroform bottle. Then
I tho'ught of Julia at home sitting on the
cat box. I knew that sho hadn't stirred,
for she had promised that sho would stick
till I should get back, And I had actually
been gone four hours!
"Of course I hurried home. When 1
got there I wns forced to ring the door bell,
for I had left my key in the house. Rut,
though I ranga do.en times, nobody came.
All at once It occurred to me that Julia
couldn't sit on the cat box and answer the
boll call too, and then I decided to go lato
a neighbor's yard and climb the fence be
tween his yard and our back yard, ami I
did it. I tore my petticoat awfully, though,
before I got through with the operation.
"I had to turn n'corner of the house bu
foro 1 could reach the place where I had
left Julia, but that was quickly done, ami
then I stood in her presence. She gave me
a look that made me turn cold all over, but
sho said nothing until the cat had beuu
killed and deposited in the ash barrel.
Then she told me that she should leave mo
In tho morning, and sho did leave me, and
think she did just right, and if 1 ever can
say a good word for her I shall certainly
"Faithful?" continued Maria, after a
brief pause, "there's nobody any faithful
ler than Julia, Just think of holding a
ynwling, yellow cat down for live mortal
hours, without a mouthful to eat or drink,
and without oven ns much as a book to
read, If that ain't, faithfulness, I'd like to
know what's lacking," New York Times
A Sensible Selection.
"Who is that little fellow coming up the
"My husband."
"Well, you weru wise to gut us little of
mankind as possible." Once a Week.
Sho (a summer girl) Well, say at least
that you will forgive nnd forget.
Ho (moodily) 1 may forget, but I nevtr
forgive! Rrnmntlo Mirror.
OpfntJ Jsn, I, 'Dl.
all Iinfrovtrainti
The Lincoln,
'I'Kll.MH-f'.' WTO fl.tll
he hitter price Includes Ilnlhs
First-Class in Every Respect!
Iliiniiietf, Hull nnd Iteeeptlnli.
Wenie es eelnlly well prepared to enter
tnlu Iniireor sinnll untherlmrs nt Itnmplels,
Halls, Iteeeptlims. I'.le. Itiitesnnd mil InTor
million eheerfull) ulu'ii nt thenlllee.
Cor I 1 ml Hlli Sis
Atchlsun, Leavenworth, .St. Joseph, Kansas
Cit, St Loul anil all Points South,
Kast and West
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons
Wichita, !!utcli!non nnd all p-hclpal
point In Kansas.
Thocmh road to the Great Hot Spring
of Arkansas, Pullman Sleepers an 1 FYce
Reclining Chair Cats on ill trains.
Cltv Ticket Agt
GeVl .;nl
sy -p"j'aau';;itjrirjsgj5rCgo--..g
j .1 1. .' JTT' . s' -'U ji-TrTi. . ' K.frT' :t71 -
1 ilBHliilMfSrallllHSh
1 wu iwi MiiTmriniw n m
MIW1 llllHllM.ffBaBl 11
BHlHlT III Wrfflllfflr I
J. A.
Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in Gity and Farm Property
"rtuntu run iiiii
North German-Lloyd Steamship Co.,
Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines.
Also Railroad Agent for the dlffeient Companies ICast nnd West
Southampton, Havre, Hamburg, Stctten, Iomlou, Paris, Norway, Plymouth, Bremcti,
Sweden, and am point in Europe
Post Orders and Foreign Kchango issued to all prominent points in Kurope.
Ilnvlui; InrKe facilities east with Ilm liltfi;et Hanks and Hnvluirs Institutions, I nm pro
pared to niaUe all kinds of Loans on l-'lrst Heal Kstnte .Miirluaifes, Cite or Kami I'lonerty,
I ro 11 1 I toft yea is, nt tliu lowest Interest I also deal lu School Hotuls, Stale, County and City
Warrants, aUo In Slate, Coiiulj and City Cei tilled Claims, mid will always pay the hlkhesl
market price. Call and see me or Coriespond with me.
L. MEYER, 10S North Tenth Street.
J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor
This beautiful new house under Its present management will be conducted In
thorough first chiss style on the American plan, rates $2.00. It has
Including passenger elevators and bath room on ever floor. Tho sleeping
apartments are large and elegantly furnished and may be had either single or en
suite. We have reserved a limited number of rooms for city patrons and are pre
pared to give excellent table lioard with or without rooms at reasonable raUs.
Call and sec u.
TH6 -f
Telephone 482.
C. K. Monlijoiiiery, President
Herman II. Hehiiler, Vice Prest.
Joseph M.iehmer, (ashler.
O. J. Wilcox, Asst. Cashier.
German National Bank,
Capital . . . $100,000.00
Surplus . . . 30,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues letters or eredlt.ilrawdrnrisonnllpnrti,
i.rthe world. Korelmi collection u specialty.
Nebraska's Leading Hotel.
Cor. Iltli mid Mamey Hts ,
02vCA.IX.A.. ITLD.
All Modern Improvements and
B. 8ILL0WAY, Proprietor.
IRA HI0BY, Principal Olerk
Car. lath aad Q,
f T -s
', 1