Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 15, 1891, Image 1

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Vol. 6 No OO
Lincoln, Nkhhasica, Saturday, AtiviHt in le-ioi.
uwA."r.'vivrv a v. , 'jrx',i - - rt . i,. vwi ?i . iwxwxwwrivi x " ,... ?Nifc:vw fv uu,y . '..r.' m 1,1 H- 'UA'Bir
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What n surprising Increase them has Uvii
In tlio number of girl's hlejclos within tliu
lust inontli Tho kkmI bishop lIllVVII In No"
York who soonsl femulo rideis us guilty of 11
grave Impropriety ought to cnim to Lincoln
anil seo how iiuxlestlj our girls and jotnig
ladles couixrt themselves 011 tliu wheel It
might dinngu his opinion Pel hups, just ho
foro lie vented Unit d)sieptlc opinion, ho
hapensl to see some woman rlilt-r who was
not n lady. What othiT reasonable oxplau
ntlon Is there of hl attltnd At an) into
he should not unit foi the (J. A It encamp
ment of 1SJM, IiokIioiiIiI iiiihl to Lincoln at
once. Hu may o'o, nhnoit any plcaxant iu
niiiR, Rroilpi of Rills orjouiiK Indies tiding
whi't'ls ni(Hli.tly ami ni-iiorully, ittid just as
likely as not the will havt an t-qtml iuiiiiUt
of cavalU'r attendants.
Tin t?o)'l hook tells ns to lovo our enemies,
hut us eorjHuatloim have no mjiiIh propnhly
the injiiiiL'tioii doesn't iueludv them. Hence
wo who lmu felt tho t runny of tho l'tillmuii
car BjBtem may llnd innocent Katisfaction in
tho lnlsfortiiues f that t;i;iititli' monopoly.
Tho Hock Maud, U11 Miiwoiiri I'aoillc, the
Hanta Ke, the Milwaukeo & Northern nro
worrying tho l'ulliimn outfit with law Milts,
ami Njveral of them tin eaten to silhstitutu
their own sleeping earn. Tho l'ulliimn rules
aro iiou clad and caiiiedoiit on tho "public
bo (1 1" principle Iwcaunc tho concern has
11 practical mouoisily. C mpetltlonconi)ells
tho railroiids to put forth every effort to win
public favor, and publL' sentiment xhould
eucouiiiKe every light 011 tlio arrogant 111011
oM)ly. .
I ireMimo men are something of a mhtery
to women, though I do not neo why they
bhould 1ms. If women would only take their
brothers und couslin us fair reprewntathes
of tho sex they would not throw ho much of
a halo of romance and sentlnient uliout other
men. It in refieshing to llnd 11 woman who
sieH up men about right, and I cannot help
imotlng tho renmiks of sucli a oiioapropus 11
matter of recurring Interest, nhu sayn: "One
of tho hardest things to think of is a suitable
present to give a man friend 011 his birthday
or at Houio umilveisary when it is tho custom
to make present. A real inuniiy-iiiim
doesn't wear jewelry, and since hair watch
chains 111 o out of fashion, there is nothing to
bo made in that Hue. it Rcemsas if a present
to a mini must alwuys partake of the useful
rather than' tho sentimental. You can em
broider suspender for your In other or cous
in only ) oil can't either, for those worthies
will tell ou betotehaiid Just what they
think of them. Hut don't, I beg of jou,
make such pieseiits to a mull who after all
may marry some other gill. And brothel s
ami cousins tell you with biutul fiaukness
that they would piefer to buy twenty-live
cent susiienders trom a pedler, to wealing
jour l)eautlfully embioidered present. Tho
men the most of them luito smoking caps
and tobacco pouches, and slippers, likewise
tha lug mugs and drinking cups Handker
chiefs ot white silk with their initials done in
bilk tho color of the girl's huiraio not so bud.
The hut lining was a boon to us, but no end
of tun to them. Canes and umhiellas aio in
good taste, if they 111 o useful. A handsome
puier cutter or 11 silver soup box aio accept
able, hut men dislike a lot of luhbisli to pack
and unpack like 11 Miss Nancy I real I)
think the ungiutcful fellows aiemoie blessed
in giving than in 1 eceiv lag. Like tliu little
chap in Helen' Hahles, they don't want to Ihj
hoddeiedwit lings' '
Did It ever occur to ) on that whole cities
run toceitalii stjles in men's clothing ami
that one city vailes lioin othersf A tailor
was talking uliout It tho other duy, ami as
ho has bad n wide expel fence, probably ho
knows wheieul' u alllnns. Now in Now
York, liesnsnt-Kl'Jv every mull who makes
any pretensions to ilrfvlug well weuis u cut
away coat and will nS 1 e teen in a suck or a
l'riuce Albert. In Bo,Un and Wellington
the long tailed coat in In the ascendant. In
llultiiiluie the sack seens i'j be tho rule for
general use, but in I'hlludi Iphla jieoplo are
too slow and Indifferent to Iiavo uny particu
lar pi eference. In llultimox a l'rinee Al
bert Is exceedingly ruro on (ho streets, and
tho uituu)s will hardly uumler one in ten.
Ill l'lttsburg men seem to In as ludllleientas
In riiiladelpliia, and this Is generally true of
western cities. Some" hat Himllur distinc
tions may bo noted in tlio wealing of hats.
In ISoston tile putlouihiates, In Now Yoik
the high hut and the Derby uio favorites,
lu Chicago the Derby predominates, and
farther west it bus a hearty ilval in the soft
hat. Out in the mountains the slouch lias
the pull.
Do mi know how easy it is for the em
ployesof a bank toiobitf If you do jou
ought to have an lucreaseil resjiect for man's
honesty A bankei was explaining jester
day how it might lie done, and he knows all
the ins mid outs of tlio business, for lie cuino
up from tlio toot 1 f tho ladder. "I was tel
ler once," he said, uml I could huvo gutted
the hank without any trouble. Tho teller,
you know, handles tho cash and ho is tho
only einplojeo who actually litis charge of
tho cash. Well, suppose tho directors come
to tho bank to make 1111 examination, They
sit around a table and a teller biings the
money fiom tho vuult to lo counted, Very
often they don't know, in a large bank,
whether they have counted 'i0,(X)'J or $.',00,
lH), That sounds impiobable, hut just lis
ten, Tlio bills uro usuully tied up in pack
ages of f loo and tlHMi, The dirictors often
do not open these packuges to count tho bills.
They accept the figures marked on tho out
side mid set them down for addition The
money is hunded back to tho teller, who re
stores it to the vault and returns with a load
of other bills, Hut suppoo they are not
other bills. HupjKiso ho brings back the
Mine onei. The directors would count up
the packages again and set down the
amounts marked 011 the outside I ucd to
tell my dlrectois when I wasa teller that I
could 10b them poor They laughed at the
idea anil it nettled me. Mo one day I made
flii.iMi (nullity ror ? ino.iwi). to show them
how easily It could li done 1 could have
Inula shoitage of thousands and Jet made
the books balance to a cent The danger
ft um steals of thU kind could Ihi mimed to a
minimum If adlicctor would accompany the
teller each time he went to the vault It
would not he necessary for him to handle the
cash. All he need do is to keep Ills ejes oiell
and see that tliu teller acts square "
The well-woin Joko iilsmt (ashlers and
Canada might make one think that that in
dividual had an open sesame to the funds ot
a bunk, but this gentleman thinks the teller
has more upiMiituuitles than any one, except
when It comes to handling stem Ities "Why,"
ho wild, "the teller has plenty of chances
and he doesn't have to falsify accounts or
have a confederate, lid can hold back do
posits. He can forgo checks, as tho Inwk
keeper never bothers about their genuineness
The teller generally lias chaigo of the sigua
tliro book and Is tlio only one to pass 011 slg
natures. Almost every hank has accounts
that aro seldom drawn 011 Tho teller can
liook them v.ith Itogus checks, and no one
will be tho wiser until tho depositor comes
to Hud his balance nearly wiped out."
Not only did this bunker runk the teller
iiIhivo tho cashier in his opjioi tuulties for
robbing 11 bank of cash, but he also put the
Individual Ixiok keeper, the discount clerk,
the general book-keeper and the had cleik
on credits ahead of tho cashier. "The nidi
vlduul bookkeeger," ho said, "has another
snap, but ho must have 11 confederate 011 the
outside Tlio confederate must be a ilcosl
tor and work the checks. Tho look-keeper
can make a f l,(HHJ balance upH-ar as $1(1,1100,
and what is to hinder tho confederate from
draining on that llctltlous balancer I know
of a case in which it wns done to tlio tune of
$'.'(1,(100. You see thet euro sovei al men in a
bank who can steal 11 pile and skip lefoie lo
lug touud out."
The cashier hasn't such it great chance at
the cash of 11 bunk after all, it this man may
Lo believed. "Ho muy step up to tho ills
count clerk and say, "Here, ciedlt William
Jones with $10,000 make iislgnuture for tho
mj thlciii Jones, paste it in tho signature
liook ami then proieeil to null out tho money
The name on the checks (oiresKmls to tho
slgnatuiein the liook and the toller has no
icusou to suspect the at. count. In other
schemes the ciifhler needs a confederate
One of the biggest loopholes Is in floating
drafts all over the country, 10,00() heio and
(),000 theie He may Iiavo 100,0on out,
but the IxMiks aio the only place that will
show It, 11111I he must have tho help of the
book-keeper. The president hasn't as many
chances to rob 11 bank of cash as people Im
agine. Idko the cashier he can gel away
with securities dejiosltcd vvitli the bunk, hut
his opportunities to get at tliu cash aro not as
good us these of Ills clerks. Ho cun get it
indirectly, however, by having the cushiei
in collusion vvitli, and in some bunks alone
It is customary for these two oiticials, soine
times for tho 111 esident alone, to make loans
without consulting the dliectors. You see
what a chance there Is theio."
The question naturally presents itself. "Is
theie 110 safeguard against dishonest ollicers
and employes of a bank" This banker says
mere is no unsniuio security, hut that the
danger can be reduced to a minimum by
hondinj: the mn with 11 suiety company.
Ho says thepiesldont uml cashier should be
required to make a dally lepoit ami the di
rectors should examine the bank as often as
once a mouth.
Headmlie, costiveliess, and piles are
throughly cured by a Judicious use of Ayer's
Tlio Whitebreast Coal and l.ime company
is always at tho front supplying tho finest
grades of nil kinds of coal
Ky uml Kitr surgeon.
Dr. W L. Dayton, oculist and aurist, VMi
O street, telephone :i7., Lincoln, Nebr
Huvo j'ou seen the beautiful line of photo
graphs of Aineilcu'sgreutest stane celebrities
at TlIK CouillKU olllcef Tho lino embrace
all the leudlliL' and iihW nmniliimit nrtM
and aio tho work of Falk of Union Square
.ow orn, uiKioiiniediy tlio tluest photo
grapher in the country. Call in hiiiI see
Tlio new tinner hull, comer lOtli and N
slieets can now bo rented lor balls, partes
etc., on application to Henry Velth, Hip; q
Think of it Tho Cosnioiiolltaii Magiiine. a
giant among the gi eat monthlies, ami Tim
CouitlKlt will Isitli be sent to any addiessoue
year for three dollars. For turtuer particul
urs read huge advertisement 011 page eight.
Spiciul sales oil all lines of Dry (Joods next
II. H NthsLr.v ,v Co
Hlcycles ot all kinds and ail makes skill
fully icNiiie on short notice. Wrenches,
oil cans, tires and other supplies always tor
sale at Heorgo it Fishetto, U'i O stjeet
Tlio declining powers of old ago may be
wonderfully recuperated and sustained by
tho dally use of Hood's Saisaparilla.
Coal of overv sl.e from the best mine
III Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouil, Colora- 1
do uml Wyoming for sale by Oeo A Ituy
Uier. Telephone ,'IUO Olllco lllll O street I
" - I
Never order u photograph or nictura of
any kind until you have seen tho work done
at tho new Studio Lo Uramle, liM south
Twelfth street.
We left St 1'atil and its thousand ami otiu
delegates and visitors on Saturday afternoon
July isih, our pai ty .'oiulstlng one liuiiilnil
ami forty live, tanging in ages from neaily
the (Irotngoof woniaii (a child of ten months)
10 the seventh ago of man, with ulo 11 fair
spi Inkling of old maids Kveiy state In the
t'nlon was reireselitisl, with (s'lhaps the
South In greatest iiuiuIhts Their peculiar
dialect stamps them at once ami to nil unac
customed eat it Is intensely luteiestiug The
beautiful vcstihiilcd ttaiu of tho Northern
I'liclllc witli Its eleven coaches Including 11 vo
I'lillnmii's ami a dliiiug car steauud out ml
I I'i After 11 succession of large factories,
grain elevatois, business blocks and icst
iIi'Iicch we leave St Paul ami in 11 few mo
ments 111 live at ami hiss Uiiough Minneapo
lis tlie gieat Flour City or the Noithwest
Tlio beautiful lukts of Niiitheru Minnesota
are soon left in the distance ami we speed on
thtough the felt lie plains ami tolling pi allies
towiild the great Yellowstone I'nrk. The
couutiy Is 11 beautiful stretch apMaiing like
11 hugu paiioiiima, the coj fin 111 cottages
which dot the landscalHi heie uml theie, tho
busy little cities striv lug to make their mark
in the commercial world, all niss us in qukk
suci cssion. Tlio farming country Is uubiok
eu until we lent h the Had lilids vvheie glim
Nature gives evidence in its cinder like ci ca
tions uml molten masses of lock, of tho tires
which viiveloNslthe eaith thousands of years
ago. The country 1 Isos gradually fiom hll
liM-ks to hills and tho illstuiuo msjii pieseiits
tho snow capwd ltocky mountains
At Livingstone we leave the mainline (miss
iug tin ough I'm aills Valley ami alight at
Cinnabar, the gateway to the wiik whole we
change Irom the convenient I'ulliuuii to the
large comfoi table stages In which we make
our live dajs Jouniey through the paik
After 11 two houis drive we leuch the mam
moth Hot Sittings Hotel, 11 huge, commodi
ous structtilc. Illuminated with electric lights
and allot ding all minlern lonvenlences We
are now tl'JOO feet above the level of th sea
Facing the hotel and within a few minutes
walk uro tho Jupiter Steps or ToiruceMt.,
1 islug to a height of '"Ml feet above tho
plain. Imagine if you can 11 mountain of
lime ami magnesia rising by irregular stew
until it reaches an immense height and you
have a faint conception of this wonderful
work of nature. On its summit uro 110 less
than fifty hot spilngs ismilng forth their
sulphur, magnesia and other mineral waters
which glide in rivulets down tho mountain
sides, changing tho marble whiteness into
bright golden tints, which sparkle In the
suii'lght. Metals and almost any substance
placed liesido one of these springs, will in a
few hours Iw coated witli tho mm bio white
uess of which tho mountain is composed. At
tho Spilngs wo w el o divided Into parties of
nine, tlio seating caicity of each stage.
Ount included Mr ami Mrs. Han is, Mr
ltuukle, Miss ijctstm and Miss Mabel Ilairls
of Kenton, Ohio, Mr. ami Mrs. Moiuliigstar
and Mis. O'Funell of Howling (lieu, Ky ,
tlio writer
Miss II111 ris, a handsome jouug lady of
nineteen summers was the life of the junty
and her experience with a bear Is an inci
dent of tlio tl ip Shu and the U-ur spied each
other simultaneously and us she felt no in
cliuat'on to being hugged 111 broad daylight
she picked up her sklits ami skipped, leaving
Hi 11I11 in the distance. It is sui prising to see
how tame all the animals in the paik appear
to be. Tlio squirrels uudrabbitsaud gopheis
will scamiK-r about thoioailsldeaml sit with
in a few feet of the stages seeming to think
that the piocesslon Is for their IsMielit entire
ly We were so near Ut a half doen deer
that the driver lould huvo lushed them with
his whip No one is allotted to molest ani
mals in any way under penally of imprison
ment, in (on-eiiieian of which, buffalo, deer,
elk, auteloc, cojotes ami others roam
tin ough tho forests and munch tlio succulent
heibsaml giaks, to their heaits content.
Thu first day we journeyed forty-five miles,
wending our way through dense forests, over
mountainous trails and folding rapid 1 11 li
ning streams. Sui pi Iso after curprlso pre
sented itself, hot springs bubbling by the
wayside and gej'sers shooting their mass of
boiling water and vuor from amid tlio trees.
About four miles from Hot Spiings wo enter
the Cation of thu tioldeii (lute On all sides
the locks aio coated witli a beautiful golden
moss from which the Canon del lv us Its name.
Tlio load which leads tin ongli thi canon is
but a mile in length and was built by the
government at a cost ot (14,000, It passes
mound the Tel nice mountain through tliu
natural (lolden Unto for live miles or mom
ami we aro through tlio dense foiests of
which two thirds ot the park is covered. On
ull sides tliu fallen timber is shewn into a
lattice work while at times foi miles may bo
seen tall, limbless tiees, destitute ot foliage
showing tho destiuctive path of the forest
Tho Obsidian Clills loom up almost er.n
dlcularly to a height of 1000 feet alsivo our
path on one side with 11 beautiful expanse 0
lilly covcied waters, the Heaver Ijtkc, on tho
other 1 he mountain is composed of obsi
dian or volcanic glass ami has the apear
ance of hard coal, though somewhat trans
parent ami was uxsl by the Indians tor mak
ing an ow heads Tliu Noiris llej'ser Hasiu is
tlio first group of gejsers and hot spilngs
that wo encounter, tho Devils Inkstand be
ing the first. The Inkstand is a circle ot
about four feet diameter and slopes down-
word, the foi mutton In winch It is enclosed
is black.
Some muy huvo but a taint idea of what
11 geyser is and an explanation muy bo lu or-
ier. It is u hot spiing with placid surface
and lies dormant until itorlodteiilly it shows
signs of the hidden toice within the turth.
Gradually it boils liighei uml higher some
times fuicing the volume of hot watet und
steam to a height of 0 feet Thu names
uioileiived piincipally from the shape of tho
loriuatlou aiouml the ciatei. I will not
weaiy jou witli a minute detail of tills won
del till trip as I might wiite volumes uml
then glvu but 11 tuint conception, so I will
meiely note a few of the sights which to mu
werotuost wonderful ami gland.
The Emerald Fool is a handsome green
tinted spring about 10 x to loot. The water
legUterlng about 1&0 degrees at its idge. It
is us clear us the air and as fathomless as the
oceans depth The Mount (h Is the hugost of
this group and foi res Its watci 100 feet high
c pi oceed onward passing guju'ts and hot
spiings in pioftislou enteilng the (Million
CnilOII with its IIIL'i'e.l walls tlkliiirln Hi, 1
heluht of I(K) feet abuvo our trail We foi
low (he rapid 1 mining (llbbou ilver until
with 11 nihzhtv bound it dimlieu ut,,, il,
ledge a distance of so I, ot In Us mad 1 iish to
the sea, The Faint I'ots me to my mind the
gleatest wonder wo have jet seen The
Mummotli Faint I'ots cover an men nf lilt
fiO feet ami have the apliealauce of lime
boiling, InlhhlllU! and slilnltei imr cniillnniit
ly day ami night, siiinuuir ami w Intel, jeai
after year Soineaie white, some mn pink
ami ot hem blown On Hist, helmlillnu il,,
one can 'iieielj exclaim Wondeiful' "Oh
Uod, how wondeiful me thj cicatlolis"
TlielO Is III) lilai e In Um wn, Id ul,.. ..L......
tic Is almost foi (eil to believe theie Is a Hell
ami wliutlimj bcexicctod In the futuie than
nnniiiiuesesixiy squaie miles orpaiksur
The highest point ii,his on the
thild day out Wo ascended the piccipltnils
Devil's stelis. mi Mai v's iniiiiiitiiln mI,.,,., ,,
on lis vim lop lay Marj's Lake, llilNI feel
above the level ot the sea. At the miner
(lejwr llasln me the lamest number nf i..v
ihms and springs. Old Fallliful whose eriin-
tlons iKXMir eveiy sixty live minutes as iegu
llir IIS clock WOlk Hint IiisIm fnne ml, ml... . I..
Ing I.MI feet, lleo Hive, oveiy twenty houis,
iiisiseigni ininutes ami Uses ',HKI feet. Fach
Hew surprise sei-instoiclipso its pieileeossnr
In gialideiir ami uny one of the gejsor basins
Is worth, alone, coming thousands or miles to
Keu The (liand Canon and Yellowstone
Falls is the grandest sight or ull, Itolng as it
Is, so entirely ilHtciont fiomHho others. The
scelierv herealsiiiu Ih miu'iilili..,,.! ..,,,1 1..
grandeur collides the beauties of Colorado
ine wagon load encliclm the nioiiutaliis,
follow Ing the com so or the Yellowstone
river until we leach the iiiMr fulls wliere
we cioss a w(MHlen bridge which smus hard
ly ca pa bio of heating the buiileii our sUige
contains. A few minutes drive ami wo
1 einh the Oram! Canon Hotel.
Alter ui mlng ouisolves with a stair each,
to assist us lu making our descent uml ascent
of tlio seemingly .oioiiilleu!ar Incline of the
mountain on which tho hotel is situated, wo
follow 11 mil row trail Just wide enough to al
low us to pi oceed single tile Tliu path leads
ton natural platform at the veiy side t,( thu
Lower Fulls ami before us is stiotcheil as
beautiful it scene or rugged nutuioas Is pos
slide to behold inivulum, Al....... ... n...
L Ph.m- Fulls dash their crjstal waters rrom 11
, heiglit of 1UI) feet. On either sldo tho moun
tain 1 iscH to 11 height or NKJ reet. A our
I side the mass ot water fulls iltif,w... ..f "'ji
(feet losing itself in 11 vuMiry gmvo beueuth.
riiriun us mo wans 01 1110 111111(1 UallOII
i stretch for miles until It meets tho heavens
I in tho distance. Tho silvery spray from the
J fulls fin iilsh nourishment for thu beautlful
,veuluro ut Its sides and from our height like
a stiver inruaii, me mass or waters How 011
(foiover. Tho Grand Canon Is lieyoml my
scoH) 10 picture wiiu words and no artist
could lepioduio in oils the coloi lugs of gold
and crimson with whldi natiiio has painted
this vast expanse of lock Wo managed to
teat ouiselves uwaj fiom this entrancing
scene and after 11 nights lest we ptocotsluil
hoiuuwaid In all wo traveled loo miles by
stage ami weiu not the least bit fatigued
Low Wkhmki.
To overcome the minks of age, ull who
huvogriiy lieurds should use Hucklnghum's
n, ...... ii... iei.,..i...... ,.. 1 . . v
"j'u' "t i iiisni-m, mu iiesi nun cleanest
dje made for coloiiug In own or tihick
All meals nt Odell's new dining hall 10
diued to twenty cents. No cusllt amino
tickets to anyone. The meals are same us
lounerly and the pi lie lower than evei
Tills makes the boa id at Odell's 1 heap mid
the best in thu state for tlio inonej'
Dl. C F. L.11I1I, dentist, llll'i O htreet
Telephone l.Vf. Olllco houis, Ha 111. tii.'ip III
Ladles Iiwn Tenuis blaers ami jackets at
reduieil pi ices
H. H. Nissi.KV ,V Co.
Huy coal iniiusl near your homo. Nuwcus
tie Nut is conceded by ull that have used it to
bo tho best for kitchen use. 1'ricu (I. Ill de
livered Sold only by Oeo, A. itaymer. Tel
ephone :'.H). IPS I O street.
"The Finest" he cream parlors are now
open ami you aru invited to cull liO
sti eet
Henry Hurphaiu, sells good harness for
good money, also poor harness lor good
The NehifiMlfii nii.iit In w l..u , i...-
chastsl liV Kelllli . WitrviIi.Lr ninl r.ii.u,,l
fiom 1','ls O street to '-"-'.'i uortli Twellth
su eel w nere uiey nave opened up In neat,
clean stvle. .VII meat Lrifirfint.M,jl rr..kli ..ti.l
a full lino of the U-st grades ulwujs on hand.
1 ikmxh ueiiverisi promptly to ull pints of the .
J city. Hoth gentlemen aro old cooks and
L 111 IIS. full ai.11 lir.ia .. 1. ..... I I . ... ft. J .. I
"""" iiii mil ihi km lltlllUlU IIlt'UlH v.(ll
Uptltphoiif 7
.V Cure for Clump lu the stouuuli.
Alliert F.rwin, Kdltor of tho Leonanl, Tex
as, Graphic, suys "For thu cum or crunig
in tho stoinuch Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diuriha-u Uemedy is the best uud most
sieedy I over uss." Muuv otheis who have
tritsi it entertain the same opinion. For sale
by ('has C Hosl, Druggist
A Mother's (iratltiicle.
My son wns in an almost helpless condi
tion with llux when I commenced using
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarihiea
lleinedy It guve him Immediate rellot und
I am sine it snvisl his lire 1 take gieut
plciisuie lu reconinieiidlng it to all Mrs M
L. Johnson, Kveiett, Simpson Co , Miss. 'Si
mid ') cent Isittles tor s.ile by Chns C Hivd,
One hundred tlntt engraved culling curdj
and pluto only .' to nt Wessel l'rlntlng Co.,
13t) N utrect.
AftiM a seilesof dark
nights at Fiinkes, this
Hipulur play house
will again open Itsdisir,
Thursday ami 1'ililay
(Veilings of next week,
the bill being Katie
Kuinictt lu hei succeos
fill pnslnctlon of "'Ihe
Waifs of New York "
Theie Is the glimpse or Castle Harden which
Isexceislluglj iiillstic the reptislltctlon of
the olilTilnlty (hllich, the Tombs police
com I ami tlio gl eat Haileiii rallioad blldge
siene, showing two trains ciosslng lu opsi
site directions al tlie same time Willie Itu
Tiis iKatle F.mtnett) ami the Junloi wair (ier
tle are caught upon the In lilgo with the two
trains apptoai hing Willie quickly climbs
down lietwts'ii the ties with the little one and
hiitigs lij' his hands while the ( hild clings to
I1I111 A passing boatman comes to t licit
lescuu ami they are saved, It Is one of the
most successful mechanical scenes over
shown oil the stage Them Is also a gieut
III e si 1M10 iiiaiingeil w 1th exti emu cleverness.
Clara Maker, an experienced ami haiiilsouie
act I ess N the latest uddltlou to Knslerlek
raiildlug's company
.lcHs.Vains has cotupletisl thu music
ror "The Stl uggle or Lire " It Is said to Is-
oligiiiul, meliHliiiiisauil catchy
Itobcit llllliaiil has written a one-act play
uillisl "'i ho Last I'eiformiiuce " Ills fi lends
ti ust that Its name will not provo prophetic
of the fate of lis Hist pfsentatlon
'Cilidiillouetto," tho now operetta pur
chased hj' Hiidolph Aiouson in Fails, Is
founded on the old story of Cinderella, but
them is little of thooiigliial tale lu tho work
The scenes am laid In Purls, ami thu h.tsoii
ages ale of thu modem tj's
During the run of "A High Holler," mana
gers Comstock mid Itoseiiquest will make
HIJ011 Theutie cisil and comfortable by the
uoor distill al runs In addition to this
they will piovido miIiii leaf runs, nrtlstlcully
decorated with satin, for every seat in tho
house. Tho ladles will receive Ices from
Maillurd'H between the m ts ut overy icr-
Oteio, tho Spanish dancer, who created
such a sensation at tliu Kden Mukoo lust Win
tor is lion engaged In fortune telling in tho
Jai din do Paris, Spanish dancers am not
such novelties In Kuros', that they can com
innnil even model ntely hugu sulaiius, ami
Otero finds it mom piolltahletogathor in the
small fees of the ciepulous than tfl wiigglo
oil the stage
Philadelphia's beautiful (Ii ami 0H.-ra house
is now even 1110111 attractive than ever The
alterations lecelitlj' lliiule, stauiis it thu
handsomest theatre in tho citj', while for
convenience or intciing, its exits, its luoiid
isles, coinfol table seating and 0x1 client veil
tilation, makes it the safest and most conve
nient theatre in thu I'lilon Manager K
Clioliueley Jones may Ui iiccredlted witli
having the leading theatlo or the cltv of
brothel lj' love and that his management of
the houso is populur uud ixiyingcuii best be
attested by tliu fact that tlie hous is crowd
til almost nightly uud that tlie patrons nl
wajs leave well pleased It Is con
(luctoJ on 11 lils-ral policy uud oicij atteu
lion and impiovemeut that is oireitsl the
theatre loving public any wlieie, is given the
patiotisol the (lianil Opera Hon"
The Pit 1 est uml Ileal
Articles known to imsliial science ar iimi in
piepuilng HimnI's Sursapui ilia Kvery In
grcdlctit is carefully selecUsi,' ex
limliicd, ami only the lsst letaliusl. The
medicine is prepansl under the supervision
of thoroughly cotiiHteut pharmacists, ami
every step lu thu process or manufacture is
carefully watched with 11 view to securing in
Hood's Sursapui ilia the U-stpo-slble result
Tliu Colorado .Midland isrcsousihlo for the
must novel, and at the same time thu most
practical department thu j ear's railway ar
raiigeiuunts. This now departure conies lu
the foi in of a combination ticket, which is
good for passage on ull the regulur truliis of
the line ttetwecil Colorado Springs and Wood
laud Park, and allows the holder to stop at
any of the hotels in tlie justly famous 'Uto
Puss " The fact is that all the hotels are In
tho Pas-, uml tho visitor can, therefore, have
11 lino oppoitunity to see all there is to tie
seen In one of the inoit celebrated arts of
the picturesque West
Tlio arrangement is so simple thut anyone
can uiidei stand It at it glance The tourist
buys 11 ticket at any of thu oillces or the San
ta Fo or Midland roads, tor us many dujs us
lie exists to Iw out, paying theretoi a lixwl
amount This ticket entitles him to the Wst
accomiiKslatlons at the hotels between the
IMiints meiitlomsl, ror us long or as short a
time as he desires to remain at any one or
them He is then entitled to travel t tho
next one he wishes to visit, without addition
al cost, as his ticket is good on the trains 11
often as he wishes to ride
In this way he hus tlielsMiillt of the low
est weekly or monthly rate, and can divide
his time nmoiig the v.uious reports and pay
million even lev, -than If he s-s'iit the
whole time at 11 single place
Tlieso tickets aie made gissl tin a week, or
any number of dajsup to thirty, and cliil
dlen aie given ,1 red11c.1l late It nsts a
mail much less to travel in this way than it
roiiuerlj did, he has uoauxKtj about his ex
Ieiisos, for they are all juiil in advance, ami
he knows to a dollir what his trip Is going to
c st him For families it is a great comtort
uud convenli nee, for all bustle and discom
fort are done awuy with.
Tliu Midland has put 011 threo extia trains,
wlili h now make seven trains each way
III ough the Pass ovny day A peison call
travel through thu Hie Pass almost any
hour of the day or night, and the guests o
thu various 1 esoi Is can pay each olhei f 1 lend
y Visits Without niiv additional
This plan wlllceitalnlv move tl ut mm
ulur of uny jel IntriHtmcil, ami them Is no
li'irsnn whj it should not lieu gieut suet ess.
Full Infoi iiiatioti can honhtnlncd fiom any
agent of the Santa Fu sjsteiu 01 Colorado
Midland mad, or by communicating with
CIiiim S Leo, (I iial Passenger Agent, Col
orado Midland Hallway, Deuvei, Colo,
The Western Association, which opuiusl
lie season so auspiciously, has lately evinced
signs of weakness, and at the present writing
it Is uui'citulii whether the young iissoi latlon
will be able to successfully weather tliu stol 111
which now tlucntcus It, or be shafteieil 011
the Jutting locks- I e, Omaha, Milwaukeo
ami MliiueaHills, If them is 11 illsiiiptloii It
will liu owing lo theso clubs The patioiiage
has not been up to expectations In any of the
eight cities, and Sioux City, Lincoln ami Du
lutli have had to Ih bolstered upcoiislileiably,
but they were still "lu It " When Omiihu
lugaii lo weaken Westell! Association stis'k
took a tumble and if has taken 11 struggle to
rcstoracoiillilcncc The Minneapolis, without
uny warning, disbanded, and on top or this
came the frantic elfoi Is of Milwaukee to get
into thu American Association. For several
da) sit looked exceisllngly doubtful If tint
season would lie finished, Imhssl, It Is by no
inealis eel lain yet, but an Hiunst client will
be made and Ihe probabilities an that thu
worst has been piis,sl, With the Hist signs
of Internal weakness public Interest In the
ssiit Is'guli to decline and ns elpts ill opMl
oir coiiessimlliigly, making It veiy illllliiilt
to keep things lioatiug. It has boon a hard
year, anyway, ami thefutiireof theoigaulji
lion is problematical. Kansas City, Milwau
kee and Omaha would like to gi t Into 0110 of
the big leagues. Hut In any event It Is more
than likely that with thu money already
Invested lu thu enterprise, there will Ini
base ball of some kind for several years to
come, It Is 11 significant fact that tho most
financial trouble has been in the larger cities.
While Kansas City, Minneapolis, Denver ami
Omaha have Ih-cii In dlru straits almost con
tinuously since tho opening of the season,
Lincoln has piusilisl the uveu tenor or Its
way practically umllsurlMsl.
The giunes with Deliver weio unexivctijdly
transferred to this city, ami tho first of tho
series was played yesterday.
VVIiiit slum lie said of tho Lincoln's trip)
It i hardly necessary to enter Into particu
lars. Tho club has been gone sorno three
weeks unci wo have lost about two games out
of overj' thris.
Scrofula cannot resist the pin Hying owcr3
or Ayei 's Sai sap irlllu. Sold by ill ugglsts.
The Yellowstone Park I, hi).,
'I lie Noithein Pacific Wonderland em
braces a list or attractions simply uncqiiulod.
The Twin Cities of St Paul and Minneapolis
at the head of navigation 011 the Mississippi,
Duliith, Ashland ami thu Hiici!ois at thu
head of bike Superior, to tliu westward, the
I-ako Park Region of Minnesota, tin Roil
River Valley whuit fields, Valley ot the
Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park,
Hoemail and the (Jallatlu Valley, Helena
uml Hutto, Missoula and the Hitter Hoot
Vullej, Chirks Folk of tho Columbia, bikes
Pend d'Orellle and Own d'Alene, Spokane
City uml Fulls, Palouse, Wullii W11II11, Hlg
Hemlnnd Yakima agricultural districts, Mt
Tucouiu and the Cast tide Mouutuitis, Taco
nia, Si'iittle, Piiyalhip' Vhlley, HiHHpialmie
Fulls, Paget Sound, tin Columbia River,
I'oitlaml and the Willamitte Valley, dray's
Harbor and City, WIIIiiini Hurlsir uml City
or South Itciul, Vlctoila on Vaiicouvirs Is
land, Alaka on the north and California on
the south
The Noitlieiu Pacilli inns two daily ex
press trains with Dining Car ami complete
Pullman serviie tietweou St Paul and Tiico-.
mu ami Portland, via Hehiia and Huttc witli
Tin ough Tourist and Vostlbuhsl Pullman
Sleepers fiom and to Chicago via tlie Wiscon
sin Central, and Hist class tliiough sleeping
cui service In connection vvitli thu Chicago,
Milwaukee it St Paul Hy
Passiigers fiom thocMst leaving St. Imis
fu tho forenoon and Chicago lu the uflernon,
will make close connections witli tlio nioin
ingti aln out of St. Paul ut IMS) a. m tho
following duj leaving Chicago at night,
coiiiitctiou wIIIIh) iniido witii 1'ialu No. I,
leaving Si Paul I 1ft the next afternoon.
Yi:i.i.(nvsTo.M: Pauk Si: vmin. Jim: 1st to
'lCTOHI.ll 1T
District Piuseugei Agents of tlie Northern
Pacitlc ltailioad will take pleusiue in supply
ing inroi niatlon, rates, maps, time tables,
etc , or application can Is made to ("has S.
Fee.U P A ,St I'aiil, Minn
Write to ulsive addi ens foi tlio latest ami
best map jet published of Alaska jut oust.
V niillillene -i;iiriiieuu I'me I'repiirllnii,
Ignites, it vim want nutst .li.,',ii,r fu,,., ,ts..
aratlon, ti this one It is pine as spring
watei no lead, sediment ui other 111 jtll ions
substances it makes jour skin soft, fresh,
and clear removes tan, blotchos, discoloru-
uons, aim impaiis a iearly complexion,
ir jourfueo is not whut you deslro it, try
'Youtliilene" I L'iifirtnit.M, If ,, i,uu ,.r..
- IS -,. .. w IV" -, il", v,
satisfaction. I have sought tor it precau
tion that will niuLi, iv,iiil,ic.iw r...l
' ---- ......... .Vlllr,v,,llln ,li-il 111(11
young looking and now I have found it, re
tailed at two dollars or three for five I huvo
sevureii ine agency tor tills aitlde.
u 11A111.KV, uruggist, Lincoln, Neb.
L idles hair dressing. Miss J .hu.toii. 1111
O stievt.
ll. Cliiik, Ii, the I'lilillc.
1 Wish tO SJIV til MIV frli'lliU nml (I,., ,..,1.11..
that 1 mgurd Chamlx-rhiln's Colic, Chuleni
uuu uiarrmi'ii Ueiiusty as tlio lust piepam-
11011 111 use ror uolio uml Diiuihiea It is
tho tluest sell in,: medicine 1 hcvi i,iiui
because it alwajsgivw satisfaction. O. H,
CI 11k, Orangeville, 'IVxiis. For sale hy
Cutis. C. Hetsl, Druguist.