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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1891)
Bwjp sn wssaJL 38LSiJ3EGZZSia CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY AUGUSX ...3, J891. n fc fc K WE ARE ALL GLEANERS. PR. TALMAGE'S SERMON ON THl I MEETING OF BOA2 AND RUTH. A Olsomirs Kiellljr Appropriate loth huon of tha llarvfiil Tlm It Inelndss an Kihurlallon to All Regarding tha ,Intj of Life autKwooe, Colo., Auk. 3, A Mrmou, feaantant with the breath of tlio vast bar vast fields of the west, Indicates that Dr. Talmajro has found lu Ilia scenes through which ho Iim been traveling nod In hU present aurroundlnirs, sUKKeattons of Qos ael lessons. HU U'Xt U tnken from Until U, 8: "And she went and canto and gleaned la ttio field after tlio renpers; and her tuiji was to Unlit 011 a part uf the field belong lag unto Boas, who wait of the kindred of Ellmelccli." Within a few week 1 have been In North Carolina, Vistula, Penmylvanhi, New York, Ohio, Michigan, Canada, Indiana, nilnoU, Kentucky, Missouri, and they are one great harvest Held, atid no svaion can be more enchanting In any country than the season of harvest. Tho time tbut Kuth ami Naomi arrlvu M Bethlehem Is harvest tlinn. It was the old custom when a sheaf full from u load in the harvest field for the reaper to refuse to gntlier It up; that was to Im left for the poor who might happen to ooine that way If thure were hiiudfuls of grain scattered acroH the field after the main harvest had been reaped, limiead of raking It, as farmers do now, It was, by the custom of tho land, left In Its place, so that the poor coming along that way might glean it and got their bread, Out, you say, "What Is the use of all these aarvcat fields to ltuth and Naoinlf Naomi is too old and feeble to go oat and toll lu the sun; and can you expect that Kuth, the young and the beautiful, should tan aer cheeks aud blister her hands In the harvest lleldr" Boas owns a large farm, and he goes out lo sea. the reapers gataerln the grain. Coining .'there right behind tho .swarthy, anlh-ovfned (capers, he beholds a bcautl tarwoman gleaning a womau more fit to bend to a harp or sit upon a throne than to stoop among the sheaves. Ah. that was an eventful dayl tOVR AT FIRST IIOUT. it was love at first sight. Boaa forms an asUshmsfli for the womanly gleaner an attachment full of undying iuterest to the Church of God in all ages; while Ruth, with an ephsh, or nearly a bushel of bar lay, goes home to Naomi to tell her the successes and adventures of the day. That Bath, who left her native land of Moab in darkness, and journeyed through an un dying affection for her mother-in-law, is lu the harvest field of Boas, la afflanoed to one of the best families in Judah, and be comes in after tlmo tho ancestress of Jesus Christ, the Lord of Uloryl Out of so dark a night did there ever dawn so bright a aoornlngf I learn in the first place from this sub ject how trouble develops character. It was bereavement, poverty and exile that developed, illustrated and announced to all ages tha sublimity of Ruth's character. That is a very unfortunate man who has ao trouble. It was sorrow that made John Banyan the better dreamer, and Dr, Young the better poet, and O'Connell the better orator; and Bishop Hall the better preach, ar, and Havelock the better soldier, and Kltto the better encyclopedist, and Kuth tha better daughter-in-law. TBI VALDK or THOUULE. 1 ones asked an aged man In regard to his pastor, who was a very brilliant man, "Why is It that your pastor, so very bril liant, seems to have so little tenderness lu his sermons?" "Well," he repllod, "the reason is our pastor has never had any trouble. YYhen ntlstortuna comes upon him his style will be different." After awhile the Lord took a "child out of that pastor's house, and though tho preacher was just as brilliant as he was before, oh, tho warmth, tho tenderness of his discourses I The fact is that trouble is a great edu cator. You see sometimes a musician alt down at an Instrument, and his execution is cold aud formal and unfeeling. The reason I that all his life he has been pros pered. Bat let misfortune or bereavement come to that man, aud he sits down at the Instrument, and you discover tho pathos la the flrss sweep of ; the keys. Misfortune and trial are great educators. fA'jouag dieter comes into a sickroom vpHM there Is a dying child. Perhaps he is tary caugnilu hlsarssarlptlon, and very rough in his manner, and rough in the feeling of the pulse, and rough in his an swer to tha mother's anxious question, but the years roll ou and there has been one dead In his own house, aud uow he comes Into tha sickroom, and with tearful eye he looks at tha dying child and he says, "Oh, how this reminds me of my Charlie!" Trouble, the great educator! Sorrow 1 tea lu touch in the grandest painting; 1 hear its tremor lu the sweetest song; I feel Its power In the mightiest argument. Grecian mythology said that the foun tain of Hlppocrene waa struck out by the toot of the winged horse, Pegasus. I have often noticed In life that the brightest and most beautiful fountains of Christian com fort and spiritual life have been struck out by,the Iron shojl.vhoot,of disaster and ca- lAsmlty IseqjDatlersaourage best' by the lash of, Mebtiahsgbeisar's'rturnace. . I see Paul's fro wessfbta whan 1 find him ou tteaJsdri W MbL.ub M Rlaraaf , t he lightning in the Dreakers "of Mellta. God crowns his children amid tho howling of wild beasts and the chopping of blood plashed guillotine and tha crackllug Ores of martyrdoat It took the persecutions of Marcus Aure Uus to develop Polycarp and Justlu Mar tyr. It took the pope's bull, and the cardi nal's curse, and the world's anathema to aevelop Martin Luther. It took all the hostilities against the Scotch Covenanters and the fury of Lord Claverbouse to de velop James Renwtck, and Andrew Mel ville, and Hugh McKail, the glorious mar tyrs of Scotch history. It took tha stormy sea, and the December blast, and tha deso late Maw .England coast, and tha war whoop osavagai(o show forth tha prowess When aeald the storms they sang. aou we stars neara, and tha sea; And the sounding aisles of the dim Sang lo tha anthems of tha free. It took all onr past national distresses, and it takes all oar asssant national sor rows, to lift up oar nation on that high oanar when U will snatch along after tha foreign despotisms that have mocked and the tyrannies that have jeered shall ha wept down" under the oowrpotea't wrath' of God, who bates oppression; and, wka, by tha strength of bjs own red right am, will take all ntea free. And so ft la laeUrldu ally, aad in the family, and la tha v church, sad In tha' World, that through darkas aad storn and trouble men, women, aareaeaaatlons, are developed. TUB BKAUTT OF rSUVSSHir. Aaata, I saa in my text tha beauty of on Mtstiaf friaadshlp. I suppose there wars plenty of friends for Naomi while she was all ages, all generations, have an Interest In prosperity Hut of all her acquaint- 'll iha fact that she was to become an an snots, how many were willing to trudge cestresa of the lml Jesus Christ, and all off with her toward Juda wkotiiauc bad to .make that lonely journey? Our the heroine of my text. One absolutely ono. I suppose when Naomi's husband wns IW Ing, and they had plenty of money, and all things went well, they had a great many callers. II tit I suppose that after her hus band died, and her property went, anil she got old and poor, sho was not trouble! very much with callers. All the birds that sang In the bower while the sun shone hare gone to their nests, now the night hu fallen. Oh, these beautiful sunflowers that spread out their color In the morning hour! But they are always asleep when the sun goes down! Job hud plenty of friends when ho was the richest man In Us; but when his property went and the trial CAinc, thflii thcrM were nono so much that pestered as Kllnhar. tho Tcmanllc, ami Illldail tlio Shiihitc mid Xophnr the Noam athlto. Life often seems to bo a more giiiie, whero tho successful player pulls down nil tho other men luto his own lap. Let sus picions arise about n man's character, nml ho becomes like a bank In a panic, aud all the Imputations rush on him and break down in a day that character which lu due timo would havo had strength to defend Itself, Th ore are reputations that have been half century lu building which down under some moral exposure, at n vast temple. Is consumed by the touch of a sulphurous match. A hog can uproot a century plant. In this world, so full of heartlessucMiiuil hypocrisy, how thrilling It Is to find some friend as faithful In days of adversity us lu days of prosperity! David had such a friend in Hushal; the Jews had such a filend In Mordecal, who lienor forgot their causo; Paul had such a friend In Oneslph orus, who visited him In Jail; Christ had such In tho Marys, who adhered to him on tho cross; Naomi had such a one in Kuth, who cried out, "Kntreat me not to leavo thob, or to return from following after thee; for whither thou goest, I will go; and whero thou lodgcst I will lodge; thy pco pie .'shall be my pebpleand thy God my God; where thou dkst will I die, nnd there Will I be burledi.tba Lord do so to mo'and mora also. If aught but death part thee and me." ritOM DAHKMIUS TO DAT. Again, I learu from this subject that paths which open In hardship and darkness often come out In places of joy. When Ruth started from Moab to ward Jerusalem, to go along with her mother-in-law, I sup pose the people saldt "Oh, what a foolish creature to go away from her father's house, to go off with a poor old woman toward the land of Judeal They won't live to get across the desert. They will be drowned In tho sea, or the Jackals of the wilderness will destroy them." It was a very dark morning when Ruth started off with Naomi; but behold her In my text in tho harvest field of Boas, to bo nffianced to one of the lords of tho land, and becomo ono of tha grandmothers of Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. And so It often Is that a path which starts very darkly ends very brightly. When you started out for heaven, ohl how dark was the hour of conviction how Sinai thundered and devils tormented nnd tho darkness thickened! All the sins of your life pounced upon you, and it was tho darkest hour you ever saw when you first found out your sins. , After awhile you went into tho harvest field of God's mercy, you began to glean In the fields of divine promise, and you had more sheaves than you could carry as the voice of God ad dressed you, saying, "Blessed Is the man whose transgressions aro forgiven and whose sins are covered." A very dark starting in conviction, a very bright end ing In the pardon and tho hope and the triumph of tpo Gospel) So, very often In our worldly business oi in our spiritual career we start off on a very dark path. We must go. The flesh may shrink back, but there is a voice within, or a voice from above, saying, "You must go," and wo have to drink tho gall, aud wo have to carry tho cross, and wo have to traverse tho desert, and we are pounded and flailed of misrepresentation and abuse, and wo havo to edge our way through ten thousand obstacles that havo to be slain by our own right arm. We have to ford the river, we buve to climb the mountain, we havo to storm the castle, nut, blessed be Uou, the day of rest aud re ward will coma On tho tiptop of the captured battlements ws will shout tho victory; If not In this world, hen In that world where there is no gall to drink, no burdens to earry, no battles to fight. How do 1 know itf Know it! I know It because God says so "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the tin light on them, nor any brat, for the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall lead them to living fountains of water, and God sha'.i wipe all tears from their eyes." It was very bard for Noah to endure the scoffing of the people In his day, while he waa trying to uuim tne ark, ami waa every rooming quitted about his old boat that would never bo of any practical use. But when the deluge came, aud the tops of the mountains disappeared like the backs of sea monsters, and the elements, lashed up In fury, clapped their hands overndrowned world, then Noah In the ark rejoiced in his own safety and la Aha safety of bis family, and looksi outfonUhe wreck of n ruined earth 7ft i ' '.Tag surrKiuxos or jksus. Christ, baundad ojf.persecato, deuiada pillow, worse maltreated than the thieves on either side of tho cross, human hate smacking lu lips In satisfaction after it bad been draining his last drop of blood, the sheeted dead bursting from the sepul cbers at his crucifixion. Tell me, O Getii semane and Golgotbal were there ever darker times than those J Like the boom ing of the midnight sea against the rock, tha surges of Christ's anguish beat against the gates of eternity, to be echoed back !.' all the tbropes of heaven and all the dun geons of hell Bnt the day of reward comes for Christ; all tha pomp and dominion of this world are to be hang on his throne, uncrowned beads are to bow before hm on whose bead are many crowns, and all the celestial worshlpU to come up ft his feat Ilka tha hamming of the forest, like the rushing of tha waters, like the thundering of the sass, while all heaven, rising on their thrones. beat tlma with tbsir scepters: "Hallelujah, for tha Lord God omnipotent reigneth! Hallelujah, the kingdoms of this world have become tba kingdoms of our Lord Jesvs Christ!" r .- That song of love, now low and tar, Bra loaf absU swell from star te'atar-, ThatliAU the tasaklng day wMeh tips The goMMa spired Apooalyp)a. Again,' I learn 'from my, subject that evanta wktaa aaasa to be mosf taaigalfl oantmsy be momentous. Can yoa tsaag Ine anything mora unimportant than the comidgof a poor woman (rasa Moab to Judear Can you imagine sarshlag atera trivial than the fact that this Ruth Just happened to alight as they say Just hap pened to alight on that field of Boas? Yet nations and klmrdotns must look at that 1 one llttlo Incident with n thrill of unspeak able and eternal satisfaction. So it U lu your history and In mlnoi. events that you thought of nq importance at nil havo been of very great moment. That casual con versation, that accidental meeting you did not think of ll again for a long while: but how it clmugod all the current of your llfel It seemed to be of no Importance thut Juhal Invented ruilo Instrument uf music, railing them hurp and organ, but they were the Introduction of nil tho world's minstrelsy Aud as you hear tho vibra tion of a stringed instrument, even after tho fingers have Im-cii taken awny from It, so all music now of lute and drum and cornet Is only the long continued strnlnsof Jubal's harp and Jubal's organ, It seemed to bo a nmtter of very llttlo Importance that Tubal Cain learned tho uxes of copper and Iron, but that rudu foundry of ancient days has its echo In the rattle of Dinning ham machinery and the roar and bang of factories on tlio Merrlmnc. HKAOTV Or rKMALK INIIllftTltV. Again, I seo lu uiysubject an IHuHtrnlluu of tho beauty of female Industry Heboid Kuth tolling In tho harvest Held under the hot sun, or at noon taking plain bread with the reapers, or eating the parched corn which lions handed to her, Tho customs of society of course havo changed, and without tho hardships and ex pot tiro to which Kuth was subjected, every Intelli gent woman will Dud somethlug to do. I know there Is n sickly sentimentality on this subject. In some families thero are persons of no practical service to the house hold or community, nnd though there are o many woes all around about thorn In tho world they spend their time languish ing over a new pattern or bursting luto tears at mldulght over the story of some lover who shot himself! They would not deign to look at Ruth carrying buck the bnrley on her way home to her mother-In law, Naomi. All this fastidiousness may seem to do very well while they aro under tho shelter of their father's houM; but when the sharp winter of misfortune comes, what of these butterflies? Persons under Indulgent par entage may get upon themselves habits of indoleuce, bill when they come out Into practical life their soul will recoil with dis gust and chagrin. They will feel In their hearts what .the poet so severely satirised when he said: Folks are so awkward, thlnirs so Impolite, They'ro elegantly pained from morn till night. Through that gate of Indolence how many men and women havo marched, use less on earth, to a destroyed eternity! Splnola said to Sir Horace Vere: "Of what did your brother die?" "Of having nothing to do," was the answer. "Ahl" sold Splnola, "Hint's enough to kill any gen eral of us." Oh, can It lie possible In this world, where thero Is so much suffering to le alleviated, so much darkness to be en lightened, and so many burdens to be car ried, that thero Is any person who cannot find anything to do?" TIIK BOAST OF MADAM K HE STAEL. Madame do Stael did u world of work lu her time; and one day, whllo she was seated amid Instruments of music, nil of which she hud mastered, and amid manu script books which she had written some one said to her, "How do you find time to attend to all of these things?" "Oh," she replied, ,Tthese are not tho things I am proud of. My chief boast Is I n tho fact that I have seventeen trades, by any ono of which I could make a livelihood it neces sary." And If In secular spheres thero is ao much to be done, In spiritual work how vast tho field I How many dying ull around about us without ono word of comfort! We want mora Abigails, more Hannahs, more Rebeccas, more Marys, more Deb orahs consecrated body, mind, soul to the Lord who bought them. Onco more I learn from my subject the vnluo of gleaning. Kuth going into that harvest field might havo said: "There is a straw aud there Is a straw, but what is n straw? I can't get any bnrley for myself or my mothor-ln-law out of these separate straws." Not so said beautiful Kuth. She gathered two straws aud sho put them to gether, and more straws until sho got enough to make a sheaf. Putting that down she went and gathered more straws until sho had another sheaf, nnd another nnd another nnd nuother, and then shu brought them nil together and sho threshed them out, and she had an ephah of barley, nigh a busbol. Oh, that wo might nil be gleaners! TilK BTHAY I'ltlVlLKOKS COUNT. Ellhu Burritt learned many thtngs while tolling in a blacksmith's shop. Aber cromblo, the world renowned philosopher, was a physician in Scotland, and he got hls.phllosophy, or the chief partof It, while as a physician he was waiting for the door of the sick room to open. Yet how many thero are in this day who say'they are to busy they have no time for mental or spiritual Improvement; the great duties of lite cross tlio neld llko'strong reapers and carry off all the hours, and there la only here and there a fragment left that is not worth gleaning. Ah, my friends, you could go Into the busiest day and busiest week of your life and find golden oppor tunitics, which gathered might at last make a whole sheaf for the Lord's garner. It is the stray opportunities and the stray privileges which taken up and bound to gether and beaten out will at last fill you With much joy. There are a few momenta left worth the gleaning. Now, Ruth, to the Held! May each one have a measure full and runniug oven un, you gleaners, to, t lie Held! And If there be In your household an aged or a tick relative that Is not strong enough to come forth nnd toll In this Held, then let Ruth take home to feeble Naomi this sheaf of gleaning, "Ue that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubt- leas come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." May the Lord God of Roth and Naomi be our portion forever! Hardealng Cast Iran. Soma Cblcagoans have lately been con- duaUng satisfactory experiments in hard enlng.vsst irnn by a new chemical Drocesa. Briefly described, the mode of procedure is as ;jiwsi 7he iron Is put in a furnace and ited to the nroner temoerature. J whsa the chemical is put on the upper side ana goes ngnt tnrougn it, so that when cool tba under sfde is as bard as the upper side, and whan broken the Iron Is as hard Inside as outside. Mo. trouble is experlenoed in going through six Inches, aud the chemical can probably go through any reasonable thick ness. In Chicago Vt is being used for hard nlng brick dies made of cast iron, where as heretofore brick dies were necessarily made of steel This is a great saving, both In material and work. Another use la for shoes on grips of cable cars. New York Journal. Prom Trarahcore comes a quaint plaat called the "eerbaros," which has a milky, potsoaoas jaloe. The unripe fruit Is used by.the natives lo destroy dogs, as Its action muss tnetr teeth to loasas and. fall oat. lliiw to Mftkn Kiiirnce of Href. Chop one pound of lean beef fino and plncc It with a half pint of water in n bottlo. which they will only linlf fill. Agltnto violently for half nn hour, then throw on n sieve nml receivo the liquid In i Jute. Boll tlio undissolved portion In a pint of water for twenty minutes. Strain nml mix with the cold Infusion. Evnporuto the liquid to tho consistence of thin sirup, adding spice, salt, etc., to suit tho tnsto, and jionr tlio essenco whllo boiling hot into bottles or jnrs or tin cans, which must bo closed np airtight and kept inn cool pluco. How to Mnli Triinafer Taper. Tnko Bomo thin post or tissuo paper, rub tho surfneo well with bluck lead, vermilion, red clinlk or nny coloring" matter. Wipe tho preparation well off with n pieco of clean rag nnd the paper will bo ready for use. low to Kstlmuta Discount liy l'reniluni. First fix in your mind that 100 per cent, is nil that there is of anything, and there foro nothing can over declino in vnluo moro than 100 per cent, though it can advance nny number of thousands. Abovo 100 tho premium is exuetly in tho same figures as the per cent, but below 100 tlio corresponding discount is only tho differenco between 100 and the minor sum to which that per cent must bo added to bring it up to 100. Thus, when gold was at 00 premium, paper was at 07 discount, because a pajwr dollar was worth but 02 cents. That 1b, it took this 62i cents worth ofpnper und 00 per cent moro of 02 cents that is. 1173 cents to buy a gold dollar. If gold were at 1,000 per cent, premium imper would be within a ininuto fraction of 01 per cent, discount. Row to Taku Grease Spots from Carpets. Lay n pieco of blotting paper over the spot and set a flatiron just hot enough not to scorch on top. Chungo paper as often as it becomes greasy. After most of tho oil has been extracted apply whit ing. Brush off tho whiting ufter a day or two and tho spot will bo gono. Uow to Converse. In conversation it is always well to re member tho old saying "The language of fools oftentimes abounds in wisdom." No matter how wise wo aro wo can learn from tlio expressed thoughts of others. Therefore it la well not to endeavor to monopolize a conversation. It is still moro unmannerly to forco your own opinion against that of others, especially older people. Offer youropinion respect fully and politely; if it is not accepted, hold your own counsel. Listen to the opinions of others, even though they are less enlightened than you on the subject under discussion. You may learn much from their ideas. flow to Fold an Umbrella. Many umbrellas aro broken by tho care less manner in which they aro folded und put usido after using in tho rain. When folding an umbrella tho cover should first bo shaken out until all tho folds lie freo from tho ribs. Then catch tho ends of tho ribs near tho handle in tho right hand, and closing the let hand firmly around the cover near the point, push the umbrella through it, gently turning tho entire structure from left to right until all is neatly folded. After using an umbrella in the ruin it should bo al lowed to dry, handle downward. flow to Treat a lieggar. Chateaubriand was once asked, "Would you recommend me to appren tice my son to so nnd so;" and ho re plied, "Learn how this merchant treats the poor nnd then uso your own judg ment" There wus a wisdom in this re ply"that should sink deep into people's hearts. Our treatment of the poor and nnfortuuate is the truest indication of our character. All that can bo added to this excellent paaable is, When ono who is in want applies to you for assistance, imagine yourself In his place aud "do as you would bo done by." Uow to Kut ItadUhes. Everybody knows how to eut radishes raw with salt But here is a plan by which a delicious breakfast dish can bo mado of them: Select somo young round radishes, boil them for twenty minutes and serve with hot buttered toast How to Make Acorn Coffee. "Acoru coffee'is much used in Ger many, and preferred by some to the or dinary coffee. Somo scientists claim that it is preferable to tho coffee of com merce, as it does not possess the same drying properties. It is made in tills way: The acorns are dried, shelled, split and roasted. When perfectly roasted a little butter is added, and then the berry is ready for brewing. In the raw state acorns are very astringent, but they lose this property in the process of roasting. How to Eipel Insects. All insects dislike peuny royal; its odor kills some and drives away others. Make a decoction from the green leaves of the pennyroyal plant, or, if these ore unob tainable, procure some of tho oil at a druggist's. Steep some pieces of cotton in either liquid and strew them where the pests exist or -are suspected to be. Repeat tha operation when necessary. Dow to Clean Varnished Walls. In cleaning varnished wood, paper or walls it is injudicious to use soap, as it frequently causes dull blotches or streaks to form upon the varnished surface. The best plan is to mix, about a quart of vin egar to two gallons of water and wash with tha solution, using a soft cloth. This will effectually clean the varnitn and renovate the paint or papering. Ladies' Gents "Vr 'PWOT'i. f Vf" fl" yj- -OT kjBEalaSCsaaalaaaff vtl W MsajayaCTTglaaaamifcWaiaaaaaaaaaaaa1aara; E. R. GUTHRIE 1540 O STREET. THE OLD Ca "OFFERS" SPECIAL SALE THIS W66K ON ALL GUADKH OK CARPET1NGS Our work speaks for itself, it needs no brag orblnster, simply your own opinion will testify to its merits. A. M. DAVIS & SON. Phone 219. H. W. DRUGGSITHlBQOKSELLER (The'Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry's- Finest Flower anc1 Garden Seeds. pr 127 South Eleventh street. What Do You When Relente from the cltv's dut and heat, Ihe dall.v toll, the duties of tociety; rcM rccieatlon'and enjoyment ; opportunity to leaf under nireodlng trtesj to fit-h in still pools and ruthlnj" wateri.; to glide over niliroml lakei.; to climb mountain heights into the pure air of heaven; to Kport in ocean's tolling urf; to tand on bold head lands, against which dah the breaking waves; Ut Inhale the spicy air of fir and pines, the oone of the mountains; the salt brcees from. (be sea. You want to reach these at once by the most picturesque and expeditious route and by means of trains the most comfortable, the most luxurious, the fcafest to be found. In short, jou want to take the "11URL1NGTON," with the confident assur ancc that no disappointment awaits you. All These You Want When Summer Comes. J. FRANCIS, Gen'n'asn. Avjent, ' Omaha. Paragon Paragon ? RELIABLE 1 1 12 O Street. BROWN r4 t r- f y Want Summer Comes? A. C. ZIKMER, City Pass. Agent, ,fe..,H & Lincoin Lincoln House 'A' t csv