Boils and Pimples
Ate n.itiiro'4 effurM l' eliminate xilim from
tlio lilowl. Thh result may tie jiccoin'llliei
much morrfrnwtuiilly, in well m axrecalilv,
tliroiiitli tlo rlHT cxtri'toryliitiiiicls, lijf
the use bt Aet Sarjmparllln.
"Kor seiernl i'nn I win troulileil wllli
I10II1 anil carbuncle.. In cmtlng about for a
n mcil, It occurietl to mo tli.it Aei's 8.-ir,.i-Iarllla
hail been ueil In in) lather's lumll),
with excellent uecen, ami 1 thought that
liitNfti C'xxl 'r ""' father would MiiiIh'
Kooil for tlio ion Three, or four tiottles of
till, medicine entirely curel me, ami I hae
not Miice In more than two ari had a
boll, pimple, or any other cruptlio trouhle.
1 ean cimsclentloiiily ipeak In tlio tilnheit
term, of Aer'. S.m.iparllla, ami many
year.' experlcncd In the ilru business en
nble. me to upeak Intelligently." 0. M.
Hatfield, Farmland, Iml.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
rncrAiKit nr
DR. J. 0. AYKR CO., Lowell, Km
Price t. lxl)0llk,i. Worth $i bottle.
About Microbes.
A Lincoln Doctor Tells a "Journal"
Reporter Something About Those
Infinitesimal Organisms Which are
now Recognized by Scientists as the
Cause of Disease Professor Koch
and His Cure for Consumption,
Iteporler Doctor, we hour ery little hitiil)
of I'rofossor Koch, the eelcbruteil Uerniuii
pliynlcluti: u'A liln ilhicoxerr a fulliiru?
Ooetor Ou'y pnrllnlly. I'mfe-nor Kooli Iihk
loiiWiiccd tlio world Unit the euro of iIIhciimo
depends outlwily on tile rotniiMil of tlio cuius
and while his method It xoniculiut illHiip
pointing and the remillt ivot entirely walls
factory, mill thin U lno to the dllllcnlty of
reaching the hIio of tlio germ the bacillus
t,iilicreulol with medlclno which will den
troy them Huwcer he hai Marled n wave
of Investigation In medleal pcIoucu which
will roll down the hkok and llnally eo ipicr
deutlt dealing coiiNititiptlon us Mieelnatlon
eoimiiered mnallpox.
Heporler Aro Uie.ro any other iIInchm-h
eaiiKed by till, snino germ?
Doctor Yen, ft few, but one of the most
preMilcnt dlaeaKex In this climate and cum
Milled docK as much dauiauu as consumption
Is caused by an altogether dltterent perm. I
refer to catarrh. Why.ilojou know that nine
out ot ten cases of deafness or throat or misal
trouble are chumhI bycatnrrh, that oNurone
lialf theTusut of eye UUense ml mora than
that per cunt of dyspepsia and Imperfect
dliiL'stloii aro from tlio ciimo cmimj?
Iteportcr Hoes uitnrrh cause consiinipt
lon? Doctor So, not directly, bill tudliectly It
weakens the lung hy uttiickhig the brouchliil
tube, mid this glei the consumption germ u
chutiee to lliulu lodicuieut and eoiisumptlou
ami death follow,
ltporter Can catarrh bo cured?
Djctor Yes. If taken In tlmc,!tliat Is before
the last Htnu Is reached.
Hoporter What treatment Is iiiont huoooss
tul? Doctor I employ a method based strictly
on the germ theory. Tlio nose, throat, ears,
eyes mid bronchial tube, unlike the lungs,
u ro easily reached by medicines applied by
meaus oi various iuipneii iiisiniiiieiiig.
Theso medicines destroy the germ mid thus
removes the causoof the dls asc.
Ileporter Do you use local treatment only?
Iljctor N'ot entirely. The blood hclng
polsoucJ by thu ubsuiptlou of the catarrhal
poison must ha purllled by medicines ail
ministered by the stomuoh the sixtcm hclng
thus cleansed and the emise of d I louse re
moved I lie uholo liody soon returns to u statu
of perfect health. This plan of treating
catarrh Is known us
and Is alwu)s satisfactory both to physician
nail patient. Dr. Dennis Is n graduate of three
milicnl colleges uml has had ten years ex
perience, part of this time In the lame hospi
tals of New York city and Chicago. He makes
liocliurgo firconsitlliitliiii. Cases out oftho
city successfully treated by correspondence.
Hours, l to 12. 2 to 7:10 to s: 10; Sunday , 8 to
A p. in. Olll:o corner orTinth and O streets,
Lincoln. Neb. Write for full particulars in
call at otllce. Curo i;iiarnuti d. Addiocs
0. WAHRKN IM.NfvlS, M. D.
HIHTM8' IMS li Jeit whit It purpsrti to b,
" Jesrul fur tlTirttiin. ' It li imil iU
first 1 flfteisth diyi of ieh stb, ui li tbt
ripiiiietttlTt esrMl tt trtli leant!, to U
ipiU f Amirliia tlttrtlitn It tilk tbl ll
tiBllt tal Uii;itt(scil (irittlur is pUlt, com
ptiaiulti trtlelti lir, vhis, ni vbitr to tltir
tin i bowtovtlti u tlrertliemest ; hovtollipliy
on; wilt tiwipipirt or ctbir Belli to uii; bov
aseb to upesl-la fiet, dli:nnei ec iwj polst
tbit timlti of profltitle 11i:uii!:s. If yw idtir
till it til. rSIHIISO' IHI cu blip yoa. Titbipi
yoa izpiBl tut Tea ColUri a yur la ilTtrtlilaj j
If to, rSINTZSS' I1TI siy ibsv yon bow to ot
tala drctle tbi nrrlci yoa ite tow gettlaj f:r eai
bilf tbi mosey. A ynt'i mtitrlptlea eeiti tat
Om t'Ui iiapli copy coiti tut rite Cisti.
AlTirtlilsg li u t prtctliil by nisy but usl
ttool by fiw, Tbi eosdatton of rBIHUSO' IVX
ulintul It tboroagbly. 8arily tbilr idrioi,
suit os n ixpiriisci of m:r tbis twiaty-fln
jM Ju iU bilp yoa. Addreu :
B8& GEO. P. ROW ILL & CO' !
mJ"W Newspaper Advertitlng Bureaa
SjPr Spruce St., New York;'
Himtf 1lMlforiiinfitivttrnmidt
wuik fvt m, r Aunt I iff, uitln.
Irtli, an I Jno lion it IiJrao. Ohio
Isrtrut oiIefrmrtiluluiriiaMtU Why
sii'i inn p ii t-ni titer uu mi a
liliiiilli oii rmitlo th hi ik ami !)
t lionip, lirr r ) tu air Y TfO I
Jiii run ir mwlt rmiihiir from fa to
IUailv All air m ilifiw idu hnw
nd .(art you (an trork In it artllm
or H ili ilnic hU tnonj- fur work
ir nIur unkti mii nnon ibrm
S l.W uii I wnti larf ll lArlli-nlara tram.
Bl.llulUUttt C'u..llti& HHU I'ui tluml.MuiiiA
inn .
in Ml ml . .-A- I i- . - i - i.l ii
tioodrtfn.lru- titHoik i u IttaJtr,
VCilltthBV tiit ttaliA mm iutl.i. feaABA
f - ! mr Mini iiwihi s w
rch JTU4 )l 1 kly lio I ralil rrvm (1 I;
f ID a Ji at lit urt, aiM mule alios go
on. lloihifift.all a(,t lit any art ol
Anitrlca, rou an coninirnra at l.uuit, gtr
'a " .-.. f iiiunivnii uniri
Ilia Hulk 11 I. n.u ,, . w hi liir.
itfrr Hlair W. inn ,uu funil.hlnc
trrnrl Mn I ASH V, S L lIL l.aro.il
lAlflllLXAIIS Hlf. tllr.iiaKmta.
t,il.0 10., l-uMIL Ml, aUltk.
Bh' H
Walter Wnlltiinn Hero I'reinnte Ten Ki
ntttplri nf th DlrTiTPttl Coueeptluiis tif
Amerlcii's Dlicuvitrnr, ToKi-thiir itrlth
tlio Facte Hrgitrdltig Them.
Special Corrcipoudcnce.l
Washisoton, July 80, Mr. Willimn
Elcroy Curtis, In chargo of the bureau
of American republics, lias for months
been ransacking tho inusoutna ami libra
rios of tho world for a portrait of Chris
topher Columbus that would havo some
claim to genuineness. Mr. Curtis did
not eipect nor oven hope to succeed, but
he felt It his duty to inako tho cilort, for
it was, if possible intended to exhibit
the likeness of Columbus at tho World's
fair in Chicago.
Instead of one portrait, eomothlnglike
forty will be exhibited, each enlarged to
84 by 88 inchos in size. In searching for
iwrtraits of Co
lumbus Mr. Cur
tis has had ex
tonslvo corre
spondence with
historians and
collectors, with
tho portrait tnan
of the British
museum, with a
Mr Stevens, of
London, who is
lEoi-rMlnK from Pnulos " of tho most
jowus.i accomplished ami
persistent Columbus collectors in the
worlds with Mr. Ilarrisso, tho great crit
ical authority on Columbian history,
with the Duke do Veraguas, a descendant
of tho discoverer, and many others.
Tho search has brought forth many In
teresting stories and an endless variety
of alleged portraits, but no genuine like
ness. Air. Curtis
has, therefore, re
luctantly reached
tho conclusion
that there Is no
authentic por
trait of Colum
bus in existence.
There is no evi- ,'
denco that the
te "
discoverer over
sat for his por- s
trait, or that u oapuiolo's EsartAViNO
genuine' likeness of him was ever paint
ed, carved or drawn. Perhaps tho near
est approach to a genuine likeness is the
sketch which Cosa, tho pilot and cartog
rapher who was with Columbus on his
first voyage, mallo on tho margin of one
of his maps. Mr. Curtis thinks there is
little reason to doubt that Cosa Intended
to make a picture of Columbus, but as
he was a maptnaker rather than an art
ist, and a very poor maptnaker at that,
no one can tell whother ho camo within
a thousand miles of tho true likeness or
Wo have descriptions of the person of
Columbus from two who' know him
0'iedo and his own son Ferdinand. We
have other accounts from two who cer
tainly knew his
contemporaJ es
Gomara and Ben
roni and In ad
dition we possess
tho description
given by Henera,
who had tho best
sources of infor
mation. Ftom
these wo learn
that his face was
long, neither full
Tilt: YANKZ COLUMBUS, nor thin; his nose
aquiline; his eyes light gray; his com
plexion fair and high colored. His hair,
wliloli r.i nf lirrlit rnlnr liofnrw thlrtv.
I became gray after that ago. In the Paesl
novamenti rotrovati of 1C07, ho Is de
scribed as having a ruddy, elongated vis
age, and as possessing a lofty and noble
; These are the tests with which to
challenge tho very numerous eo called
likenesses of Columbus, and it must be
confessed not a single one, when you
take into consideration the accessories
and the costume, warrants us in believ
ing beyond disputo that we can bring
before us the figure of the discove; er
as he lived. Such is the opinion of
Feuillet do Conches, who has produced
tho best critical essay on the subject yet
A vignette on tho map of La Cosa,
dated 1500, represents St. Christopher
bearing on his shoulders the infant
Christ across a
stream. This has
' been considered
symbolical of the
purpose of Co
lumbus in his die
c o vor i es to
spread Christian
ity to the other
side of the "dark
w a t o r." The
claim has also
. been raado that
La Cosa represented tho features of Co
lumbus in the faco of St. Christopher,
and that Ilerrera must have been of the
samp opinion, since the likeness given
by that historian can bo imagined to be
an enlargement of tho head on tho map
This head Is hardly accepted, however.
, by the critics
Discarding the La Cosa vignette, the
1 earlient claimant now known is an en
1 graving published by Paulo Giovio In
1577 Giovio had in his villa at Lake
Como a gallery
of notable people,
and among them,
it is known, was
u portrait of Co
lumbus Tlio en
graving of 1575, a
TjU E? I'osed to hav
been tnken trom
thibpictuie That
'A tlu.n win ii nnt.
trait of O'lim
bus in that ti
the de dry picture.
lery vwo kuow from tho edition of Va
aari'a "Lives of tho Painters," 1509,
wherein is a list of tho pictures, which
includes likenesses of Vespucius, Cortes
and Magellau, beside that of "Columbo
Geiieovese," This Indicates a single pic
turo, but It Is held by somo that GIotIo
must havo possessed two pictures, since
this woodcut gives Columbus tho garb
of n Franciscan, wlillo tho painting In
tho gallery at Florence, supposed also to
follow a picture belonging to Giovio.
gives him a mantlo
A claim has been made that tho orig
inal Giovio porttnlt is still In existence
in what is known as the Yauez picture,
now in tho National library at Madrid,
which was purchased of Yauez in 1703
It had originally
a close fitting
mantlo and tunic,
and the mantlo
was afterward
painted over so as
to show a robe
and fur collar.
Tho llkouoss
bears a certain
rose m bianco to
tho woodcut and
to tho Florence T,,c JOMA"u wmjmuub
llkouoss. The Yancz canvas Is certainly
the oldest In Spain, and tho present Duke
1 If 1. -.- !.-. aV - M f -t....--ti....
do Veraguas, a descendant of Columbus,
considers it tho most autheutlo of all.
It Is thought Antonio del Hlncon,
well known in Columbus' day, may have
painted this Yauez canvas on the dis
coverer's return from his second voyage.
Cardcrera and Uauchcro, good authori
ties, indorsed it. Tho picture now in the
rooms of the Wisconsin Historical so
elety was copied from tho Yanez portrait
Tills woodcut of 1603 was undoubted
ly tho prototypo of an engraving by
Caprlolo, published at Homo In 15W),
and theso cuts, ono or tho other, and a
mingling of tho two, havo given rise to
many Imitations. A number of so called
portraits of Columbus can bo traced to
these two engravings. From an Ameri
can point of view tho most interesting
of all pictures bearing a supposed rela
tion to tho scattered collection of por
ttultsof great men in tho villa at Lake
Como is now In tho gallery at Florenco,
and Is said to have been p.iintod by Al
tisslmo boforo tho year 1508. A copy of
it was made for Thomas Jeilersou in
1781, and was at Mouticello in
and having been scut to Boston
to bo
disposed of, became the property of
Israel Thorudyke, and was by him given
to thu Massachusetts Historical society,
in whoso gallery It now Is
Aftsjr tho woodcut of 1575, the next
oldest engraved likeness of Columbus Is
tho ono usually called tho Do Dry jior-
trait. It shows
a head with a
three cornered
cap, and possesses
a Dutch physiog
nomy ite short,
broad faco not
with the descrip
tion which we
find in Oviedo
and the others
who knew Co-
HAVANA MEDALLION. ,umbu8 , if(
Do Dry says that tho original painting
was stolen from a saloon in the Council
for the Indies in Spain, and being taken
to the Netherlands fell into his hands
He claims that it was painted from life
by order of King Ferdinand, but critics
havo not been able toclear their mind of
tho suspicion that it was painted from
tho imagination by some Dutch painter
About a half century ago Jomard
found at Vicenza a Titianesquo canvas
marked "Chribtophot us Columbus," and
he claimed that tho features correspond
ed to tho written descriptions of thu dis
coverer given by ids coutomporarleH.
He accounted for tho Flemish rtitf, ixiint
ed beard, gold chain and other anachro
nous accesborieH by supposing that theso
had been added by a later hand. Though
Jomard was very confident ho had tin-
earthed a true llkonesa of Columbus, tho
critics declined to agreo with him
A similar out of dato tuff and mus
tache adotn tho likeness at Madrid asso
ciated with tho Duko of Berwick-Alba,
in which tho finery of the throno makes
part of fho picture. The owner had a
private plato en
graved from it,
and a copy of this
engraving was
presented toOba
dial! Rich, the fa
mous collector,
who appeared to
have confidence
in it, and who
gave his copy to
the Lenox librarv
in New York, huok's columuus.
where it now is. A picture belonging to
the Duko of Veraguas is open to similar
objections on account of Its beard, armor
and ruff, although Munoz adopted it for
his official history. A picture of a be
dizened cavaliar, ascribed to Parmlglano
(who was three years old when Colum
bus died), 1b preserved at Naple. , and is,
unfortunately, the lommon notion of
Columbus In this country, from its hav
ing been used by Prescott in his Ferdi-
j nand and Isabella for somo unaccount-
ablo reason it is retained In the latest
I issue of that work and from Its having
'been copied for tho American Antt
Iquarlan society it was long ago re
I jectcd by competent critics.
' Within a short time a discovery of
jsome Interest has been made at Lake
I Como, where, In tho house of Dr. Orchi.
was found an ancient portrait ot Colutn
I bus closely resembling tho Jefferson pic
ture, except that there is a greater droop
in tho eyelids. Dr. Orchi proves that
this picture is at least 000 years old, and
it has been all that timo in his family
In the town hall at Ocogeletto is another
portrait, more than 300 years old. which
bears a strong ro
semblance to the
best of the por
traits made alter
ri uiuvius eugiiiv
firings Mr
....! 1 a
' n unpi' is rnni
Giovio. within
ton or twelve
years after the
death of Colum
bus, hired an art
1 1st to paint the discoverer's portrait from
uescriptlons of his personal appearance
.a"rJ V ".. 11 Tal V
given by those who had known him. It
is, therefore, probably the beit of tho
Giovio portraits, and somothlng llko In
chin, hair, noso, brow, etc tho real
Columbus, but tho expression, tho Indi
viduality, has been lost forever to pos
terity, Slnco Mr, Cm Us began his search por
traits of Columbus havo been turning
up from nil parts of tho world, Dan
bury, Conn., Is tho last placo In tho
world ono would visit for a plctuto of
tho discoverer, yot Mr. Curtis received
from mat town a
trait which, in all
probability, was
painted 830 jours
ago from one of
the Giovio en
gravings or por
few days ago a por-
traits. Nothing
whatever ( s
known of tho his
tory of this old
painting except
that It was left In
chargo of a citi
zen of D.mbury
hy a seafaring man, who afterward died
" amlkfjaa-iaftal pVVtst afajlftailft Ian at amlatltAal B m lalaA
abroad. Mr, Curtis has admitted to his
collection, to bo exhibited by means ot
photogravure pictures at tho World's
fair, only such portraits as have artistiu
Interest or hlstorio value, and he has
I found It necessary to reject hundreds.
If ono wero to discover a genuino por-
' trait of Columbus, with unquestionable
. proof of Its authenticity, probably he
could get a million dollars for It. Gun-
ther, thu Chicago collector, recently
bought an old Columbus portrait In Lon
don for a sum variously stated at from
fl.000 to 18,000, but probably nearer the
former figure. Waltkii Whllman.
Tlie Wlrs of llrltlsli ArUiblaliupi nml
llltluips lli'iiiiitruo) of thr Church.
ISpvclnl Corroipotiitonce.)
New York, duly 30. A strango fea
ture ki connection with tho Church of
England is thu abnormal position of the
wives of tho archbishops and bishops.
Thuv aro ontirelv Imiored a survival.
' probably, of pre-Reformation times
, uml tlinv nro debarred from anv tinrtiel-
patlon in tho rank and prooodtiru of their
husbands. Thus, wlillo thu archbishops
of Canterbury and York outrank every
peer of thu realm, and aro addressed as
"Your Grace," In tho sainu manner as
tho dukes whom they precede, their
wives are forced to yield tho pis to tho
damo of every uowly knighted grocer or
linen draper, and aro styled not "Du
chess" nor oven "Lady," but only "Mrs."
Tho wives of tho bishops of Loudon,
of Durham and in fact of every other
prelato of the Church of England aro in
a similiar incongruous position, although
their husbands ovcrrank the barons in
tho house of tuicrs and aro entitled to
the predicate of "Your Lordship." It is
surprising that this anomalous stato of
affairs to which Queen Elizabeth is
recorded in history to have drawn the
attention of her advisers should havo
been allowed to exist unchanged through
thu course of three centuries.
The church, both Catholic and Re
formed, continues to this day to form
tho most democratic institution of the
world. It is tho ono walk in lifo where
humble birth is no drawback to thu
highest preferment. Tho late primate
of Hungary was of tieasant origin. Tho
prince archblshob of Cologne Is tho son
of small potk butcher at Coblentz on
j the Rhine, tho prince archbishop of
I Poseu Is the brother of a village tailor
at Elbing, tho prince aschbishop of
Dreslau is tho only child of a weaver
earning a fuwjgrodchenn a day, while an
other famous cardinal has a brother who
peddles hides and rabbit skins. Cardi
nal Mhalowitz, of Agram, who haR just
died, was the son of a village school-
i master, and during tho early part of his
lifo passd three years of penal servitude
in the penitentiary as a rebel against thu
Austrian government. Moreover, at tho
funeral of Cardinal Gangelbaur, thu
archbishop of Vienna and primate of
Austria, the emperor 6tood at thu head
of thu coffin with the dead prelate's two
brothers, dressed in tho peasant garb of
upper Austria, standing beside him.
Adrian IV, the powerful pope who
gave Ireland to England, was the son of
a lowly Kentish serf, and quite a num
ber of other celobrated pontiffs were of
equally obscure birth. Napoleon I was
wont to declare that every French sol
dier carries a field marshal's baton in his
knapsack, and in the same manner it
may be said that every faithful son of
the church who enters the priesthood
j carries the crosier of an archbishop, the
red hat of a cardinal or even the tiara of
a pontiff In the folds of his cassock.
While prelates as a rule are dignified,
imposing and stately, there are some
with whom I have been brought Into
contact who havo startled me by their
exceedingly democratic demeanor and
by their free and easy behavior. Tims
I havo seen the cardinal archbishop of
Lyons, while standing arrayed in his
gorgeous robes on the steps of the gtand
altar In tho cathedral preparatory to
blessing tho people, coolly tuck his
crosier under one nrm, much in the
samo manner as if it were an old um
brella, for tho purpose of leaving his
hands free to take a pinch of snuff I
have met In tho streets of Agram the
celebiated bishop of Deakovar. who is
regarded as a species of vice pope by
the 18,000,000 Slavs of Austro-Hungary,
striding along booted and spurred, clad
in a uarK coarse gray snooting jacket, a
' ott ten nat percneil raklslily on one
' side of his head, a stout hunting crop
' uuder his arm ami a cigar in the corner
' of his mouth
The late archbishop- of York was wont
to devote his vacation to tramping
through tho lake districts of England
with a photographic camera fitted up in
a two wheeled cart drawn by a small
i jackass Tho lord bishop of Chester
may be seen flying about his dloceeoon a
tricclo. The bishop of Ripon plays
football with as much zest as a school
boy, while the well known Bishop Elll-
J cott, although seventj -two years of age,
nas oeen uutinguuiitng Himself during
the past severe weather as a fancy skater
on the Ice. A.v Ex-Diplomatist.
Times are Hard
We can't change the times,
and we can't give money away,
'but we have lots of goods
and these we can give or sell
to you at such figures that
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See their fine
Removal Sale
As we intend to remove to our New
Furniture Block on 13th street, between O
and P, about September 1st, we have con- .
eluded to otter our large stock of
at nearly cost price until that time. As we in
tend to make genuine heavy cuts, these sales
at reduced prices will be strictly cash. Call
and investigate.
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MluuunN UTUWfcgZT,rin"fVvt-Si.
Money is Scarce.
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I Jit
style in Shoes when 't
: i I
line of shoes for
1 I A la WAYS
have thi:
Jjubecriptlon, Nei, Mniiiif.icturer' ami Publisher' ARt-iit.