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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1891)
gStiiTrfrinjr-T c-- irtnZrmxmimei I 4 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1891 MASON'S FRUIT JARS Stone Fruit JARS. JELLY GLASSES. Closing out Sale on REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, SCREEN WINDOWS, ALL SUMMER GOODS. PRANK E. LAHR, 936 V St. OU Lincoln Nebraska Souvenir Spoon. A novelty of I value to every patriotic A'ncr Icnn; of Intci est to every cltlen of Nebraska. Price, $3.50, plain bowl. $4 gilt bowl. Description the Capitol Is In I) an -relief, split rait f o r h n ml I e , sur in o u n t e il by maul mul w dgc n lilttorlcul re minder of Pres ident Lincoln. A large line of other distinctive spoon In stock. J.B. Trickey & CO. JEWELERS 1030 0 8t Clearance Sale ! ALL SUMMER GOODS AT Clearance Prices YOU CAN BUY Summer Weight CLOTHING, HATS and Underwear, For Less Money than Ever Before. COME AND SEE US. If you Deposit your Savings IN THE Liniln Savings Bank Vfcfe Deposit Co. H. K.cor. IttliHiidl'Hts. THEY WILL EARN INTEREST FOR YOU Atjtlie Kate of S-Five per Ct. per Annum5 Have 1500 11 w(.ik mul It nmount with Interest In Ave ydara to II.W.00. Bankiopciif at 0:) n. in. to 3:!W p. in. and uaiuruay evenings, 5 to a p. m. r fc to Rtat ia Burglar and Fire , PrMf Vaults. K ftiuHMSMfi ajajSaauaSBBBBk BESfavsrrsSmaaVSBSBBM JT & upH9Ch A piiJur lijfmf Mmlfrn Tlmn. Publlsthud Snturdry. Address nil communications itlreftto the often WlCMHlCL. PKINTtNO CO, 1-uni.tNitRiiM. Courier IIuIIiIIuk, ll'U N (street. TKl.KI'IIUNK2l I,. Wkhski,, Jn., Killtnr and Hole Proprietor. HUiiauiiii'NiiNi One Year y Mall or Carried I J 00 Hlx Months, 1 (Kt; Tlin-o Month, fti)o. uno mown vuuetnsinraraiily in Atlrancr. Aovirtiskiunt! Hate furn lot xit on application at the office, flpcclal rate on Time Contracts. CoNTRiniTioHst Hliort spicy sketches, points mid stories solicited, Personal nml Hoclal notes are especially desirable. I'nurmai We make a sprclalty of Fine Prlntlng In all It brandies. Hnclety work a specialty. Entered nt tho Postornco of Mncoln. Noli., n second class mutter. POPULATION OF LINCOL11,169,000. HO FOR DETROIT. The (i. A, It. National Kiiriiitipnia-nl. The Chicago, llock Island Ac Paelllc Hall way nlll sell tickets to Detroit for tlio O. A. 11. National Encampment nt the rate of one lowest first-class fare for tlio round tilp. Dates of sale will lo ns follows: From nil stations In Kansss In Nebraska, July .10th to August UM, Inclusive, from allljstntlons In Colorado, Oklahoma or Itullnu Territory, July Sttth to August 1st, Inclusive. Itcturu limits on these Tickets will lie same ns other lines. ror full particular address T. J, Andcr son, Ast. Uen'l Ticket nml Pass, Aent, To pka, Knsn, or apply to any Ticket Agent of the Hook Island system. Jno. Hkiiahtian. U. T. & P. A. CIiUmro, III. EXCURSIONS. LOW RATES. n Missouri rrlllc IUIImio for tli Kol- lowing- Named Neteral Occasion. Tourlit Ruininer excursion tlclset to Col orado.. Bait Lake Cltr. Utah, nml other Col orailo nuil Utah points of nleaiure nml health resort at low est rates for round trlp, good for six month. At Auburn, Neb,, teachers' normal Insti tute, July 'J to August ft), ISM. TonoNTO, o.vr., For national ntuentlonnl ii.kwUMhii f.ii- teacher, July 14 to 17 Inclusive, at lowest ate, first class fans for round trip plus t'i llivniliershh) fee. Ticket nn wiln Jutv H n t:i Inclusive: irood for return nn or lu.fiiin Hvh. tember.'H), ISM. Call at city ticket olllce, VMl U street, opHHilte Ilurr block. J. K. IL Mll.LAii, City Passenger Axent. It. I. IL MltLAH. Oeueral A .rent. Mncoln. Neb. " ' H. C. ToWNsKNI). O. I'. & T. A..Ht. I.011U. Missouri. The lint Hprlncsor Ilnkutn. These springs nre rapidly becoming famous on account of the wonderful curative proper ties of the VTaters.'and the manyguiarvelou cure which have been effected by the ther mal baths. The tonn and snrlnir am lfOlcrhtriiltv hIih. atedln a picturesque valley In theDlnck Hills CflUlltrv. nboumlliitr In hpnutlrnl mini . effects, and nt an altitude of il.-ion f.. i,n,. tliesea level; thus Insuring n pure atmos phere and exhilarating climate, nlwohitely free from malaria. Under the enterprising and progressive management of the Hot HprlngH company many desirable Improvement have lieen made; among the number the erection or n -ommodlous bath house fitted up with all modern conveniences for the comfort of guests. New hotels have been built and com fortably furnished throughout, conducted In nrtclasi style aud at reasonable rates. Those who prefer stopping nta private house nui iiiui ninny nesiranie coaming place where good accommodations are furnished tt moderate prices. The (Ulterior ilallr sapvIp iii .irnr.iu.i 1... the Burlington Houte, to Hot Spring, with throunh sleeolni; car aiwmimni'nfln.i. fm..t Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora ami Grand Island, innices uie mp an easy and enjoyable one; and for the benefit of all who desire to test tho efficacy of the waters, mnml rrln Hr.l. t reduced rate, good for ninety day are now on aie ai an omcea or tbe Burlington Houte. For tiamnhlet. ilurlilpa nt i,a ....!. and full Information a to rate, time, etc., apply to any agent of the company, or to u, riuauis, went ratrC TH't Agt,, Omaha, Neb. The ttwkotn Hot Hurlnn. The improvements that have taken place at the Dakota Hot Spring during the past year make It now one cf the most popular, attrac tive and desirable reoorta of the country. In addition to the benefit to be derived from the use of the water, the lupexlor climate and beautiful natural surroundings render It an especially attractive resort, while the curative properties of the water make the Spring a rival of the famous Hot Spring of Arkansas. Ample hotel accommodations aro provided at reasonable rate, and the Journey to and from can now be quickly and comfortably made via the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad, the only all rail line to the Hot Spring. Excursion ticket are sold at reduce.1 rates. Full Infor mation can be obtained on application to W. M. 8iinWAr, Gen. Agt,, ., , Uncoln,Neb.,or Jno. T. Mustln, City Tkt. Agt, 1133 O street; E. T. Moore, Depot Tkt. Agt., Cor. n ami 8 street, or to J. H. Buckham, Gen. law. Agt., uinatni, aeb. llurUaxton keute-Tlia Outing Schsoii DrnwiiiKtlii, People have already bjgan pla-mliii the I summer trips, and we would suggest that you pot yourselves regarding the wonderful trout fishing In Estes park, Col. The health giving baths and quiet rest of Dikotn Hot Spring, the hunting and fishing of Wyom ing or the fashionable delight! of Mtultou The Burlington will take you to any of them speedily and without fatigue. There are many other places In which you can spend the heated term, and the agent at the B. & M. depot or city oftiee can tell you all about them. Call and get a book of summer tour and look It over. You will find it full of good things and valuable bint. A. C. ZlKMER, City Faiwnger Agent. FASHIONS FOR WOMEN, SOME OF THE EARLY FALL GOWNS ARE VERY BEAUTIFUL. There t lie More and Illcher KmhrnliN er Than Kvrr llefnm, Nays Ollto liar- per Two Hprcliutii downs I'lrtureil Herewith That Will Please the l.itdles. ISpetlal Correspondence. 1 New Yoiik, July 80. Somo of tlio new gowns for early fall nro vory beautiful, and tlio now lmK)rtatlon show that thuro will bo moro and rlchor motnlllo cinbruhlury than bnforo on thoso Intoud od for carrlngo or visiting, ns woll ua lor tho street. In 0110 Importing lionso that caters to tlio beat truduouly, 1 wiw sotno most elegantly ombroltloreil dress pat torus. Olio of dark Lincoln eronn liullim' cloth had n closely omhroliiured pattern In arabesques, which nearly covered tho front breadth, and thero wero other pat terns Intcndod for tho sleeves and cor sago to match. Tho gold thread Is woven In chain atltch, and usually bordered with black silk dono In tho samo stitch or with cut jet beads about half ns big ns (was, following tho designs. I am thus exnllclt becnnsM tlmm nrn numbers of ladles who can do this work themselves, and it would not bo half a b n. d w it y of "ponding tholr tlino in fixing over tholr last fall dress. Thoro nro no straggling or scattered pat terns. Thoy nro nil closely work ed, so that tho material is abso lutely stiff. Sti ver und copper threads nro often Interwovon with good effect. Tho picture with this shows tho man ner of innking up such 11 pat tern. Tho coat waist is not now a positlvo neces sity, for nt least two-thirds of tho IHl tnfltita nwn EMIIIIOIDERKD QOWN. Inft(lo wit,, othof styles of corsage. Tho illustration shows ono of tho now ones in princess form, with tho front draped ncro. This is of belgo ladles' cloth embroidered with gold threads nnd black bei ds. Tho body and back nro of tho samo material two shades darker, and thoro is a panel of black velvet down tho right side. Tho samo idea, is carried out in tho soft silks, In velvets, and in other woolen goods in n.11 tho newest colors and black, but I must say that I think tho effect less pleasing in black than in colors, for the gold trimming looks garish on black. Undoubtedly black is tmliiir to 1. thn" stylo for fall nnd winter black in every- ining. Aiotre win do used to mako ele gant retention irowns. ami tlman win have scant trimming and that nearly al ways 01 nice or jet. 1 saw an imported gown which is probably now delighting its owner at Saratoga. It is ft regal princess of rich black molro, with 11 square cut neck filled ia with black not. Around Mm ia a narrow lino of garnets, and nt tho'wnlst a looso Cleopatra girdle and pendnnts'al most two inches wide set closely with garnets. Duttons of tho same aro sot on tho stoves, and a fall of black thread lace extended around tho nock nml mmln VtmuletS On thu shoillilnni. Thorn wna alongtrnlu and around It a rulllo of oiacK lace, very full, Headed by a lino of garnets. Among tho caprlcos of, fashion Is thnt of wearing black crapo dresses for Btreet, for visiting and at homo. Last season tho fashion began with blacl: Japaneso crapo and crepe tie chlno, nnd then tlu Italian crapo was used generally over iridescent silks, and now It la tho heavy English crape, such as has been hereto fore only used on mourning robes. Wholo dresses aro made of it over Blips of black gtace silk, nnd it is trimmed with handsome bright galloon, velvet or gold or silver embroidery around the bottom of tho skirt and on corsage and sleeves. Of coarse on such n flexible material it wonld be impractical to put heavy masses of embroidery, so it is generally done in fine figures or outlines, and a very little of it goes a great way on crape. The real beauty of English crape is the excuse for its use other than for deep mourning, and it certainly makes op superbly. A bonnet with colors, a bit of bright trimming or a bunch of nowers takes away the appearance of mourning. It makes a costly dress, but that Is another plea In its favor for most women. For tUOUrnintr also thim Is nn nnnmal amount of Courtauld or English crape used, and I have seen one or two very pretty camail capes made of crape, with inserts or luster less silk, edged by lusterless beads. They do not look bo heavy ns the mostof mourning wraps. For fall, nearly all gloves will be with gauntlets, and nearly all hats will be of, soft felt, with no yutiui uairitu tips and long plumes, ' mingled with. -.... 1 ue largo nats, which look like halos around a pretty face, will be ill hk'h favor. Some of the new ciupe visiting dress. hats are niade of undressed kid, In soft colors brown, beige, gray and pearl, drawn tightly over frames, and edged with gilt or silver braid. Indeed, so. much of tho silver and gilt braid is seen m the warehouses that it is no longer a matter of surprise to me that money is scarce. Ouve OAnrKK. I ' 1 (j$m PifcyN ,V" - at t "H The Yellowstone Park Must. The Northern Pacific Wonderland em braces n list of attractions simply unequaled. The Twin Cities of Ht. Paul and Minneapolis nt the head of navigation 011 the Mlsstalppl, uiiltitli, Aslilnuilaml the Nuiwrlors nt the head of Lake Supei lor; to the westward, the Uke Patlj Region of .Minnesota, the Red River Vnlle) wheat fields, Valley of the Yellowstone, Yellow st.inu National Park, lloetnan nnd the Onllntin Valley, Helena nnd liuttn, Missoula nml the Bitter Root Valley, Clark Fork of the Columbia, Lakes I'end d'Orelllo nnd CV-ur d'Alcne, Hokniie City nnd Falls, Pnlou. Wnlln Wnlla, Big Demi ami axiom agricultural districts, Mt. Tncoina nml tho Cnscmlu Mountains, Tnco inn, Henttle, luynllup Valley, Hiioqiialiulc Fall, Puget Bound, the Columbia River, Poitlnmlandtlie Willamette Valley, Mray'a Harbor Mid CltV. Wlllntia Ilarlmr nml (?lv of South Bend, Victoria on Vancouver Is land, Alaska 011 the north nnd Callfomln nn the south. The Northern Pacific runs tun ilnllv ..r. pies trains with Dining Car nnd complete ruiiman service lietween St. Paul nml Taco ma nml Portland, via Helena and Butte with Through Tourist nml Vestlbulod Pullman Sleeiwm from nml to Chicago via the Wiscon sin Central, and first class through sleeping cm service in connection with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Passengers from the enst leaving St. Louis in the forenoon and Chicago in the afternon, will make close connections w Ith the morn ing train out of St. Paul nt 11.00 11. m. the following day: leaving Chicago at night, connection will be made with Train No. 1, leax lug St. Paul 4:1.1 the next afternoon. Yi:m.ovhtone Pahk Skamo.v. Junk Iht to Outoiiku 1st. District Passenger Agent of the Northern Pacific Railiond will take tileniiir In iiii.nlv. Ing Information, rntes, maps, time tables, etc., or application cnu lie inado to Chns. S. Fee. O. P. A.. St. Paul. Minn. Write to above address for the latest ami best map yet published of Alaska Jut oust. Be sure and try enstern Wyoming Nut coal. Best In tho market, price 1.40 deliv ered by Geo. A. Raymer. Telephone :iW. Ii:i4 0 street. Timely Ail t Ice. Now Is the time to provide yourself and fnmlly with a reliable remedy for liowel complaints. It is almost cei tain to be need ed, and no family can afford to be without It. It costs but n trifle and iny be the mean of saving much suffering, If not life. There tire ninny different remedies In use, but Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Dlar 1 hoea Remedy Is undoubtedly the best. !.'."i nml fit) cent bottles for sale by Chns. C. Reed, Diugglst. Brown's restaurants, Windsor block, !M0 until Eleventh street, and 1418 O stteet. rive dollar commutation ticket 1 educed to four dollars, good nt both place. Henry Hniphum, hntues, saddlery nnd turf goods, Wi north Eleventh street, opposite Capital Hotel. AI Miiuitiiu. Manitou Si'KtNOH, Colo., Juno U7. Spec lal. Maultou U to the people wlint a sugar bariel Is to the file on a bright summer day decidedly attrii-tlve. There is an absence or flic nml nn influx of people at Manitou that 1 refreshing. These June day nre of the leafy Juno that poet prate of cool morning, warm enough at noontime to re mind the out door wanderer that it Is Hum mer, nnd evenings full of moonlight nml coolness. The walks, drives nml trull about Manitou are so numerous thnt old timer of several wnson's experience find some new beauties w lienever they go out. The country is para dise lor the lively young woman or the braw ny young 1111111 who delight in explor ing expeditions. Manitou is best reached via the Union Pacific. Tho ieculiiir enervnting effect of summer weather I driven off bv Hood' Km-cnim rilln, which "mnkes the wenk strong." Men llatlilng 1,11(111 Miles from the. Sen, nt unrllcld llenrh. The fatuous health resort, Garfield Bench, nil Great Snlt Lake, elahteen miles from Salt Ijike City, is reached via tin Union Pnelllc, "The Overland Route,"nnd is now- open. lhl Is the only real sand beach on Great Snlt Lnke. and Is one nf llui Hn.a liu'Mmr nml pleasure resort In the West. hor complete description or Gnrtleld Beach and Grent Salt Lnke, send toE. L. Lomax, Oeu'l Pas., and Ticket Agent, Omaha, for copies of "Sight nnd Scenes In Utah," or "A uiimpse 01 ureac Bait Lake," or upply at 11(44 O street. E. B. Slosson. CItv Ticket Agent. Call on Henry Hamliam. 14-' north Elnv. enth street, opposite Capital Hotel for fly nets, summer laprolies and carriage whips. Our work speak ror Itself. It needs no brag or bluster, simply your own opinion will testify to Its merits. The Studio Le Grande is on the ground floor, centrally lo cat id and a beautiful place. Call and seo us at 1-4 south Twelfth street. Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by the French dry cleaning process, only 15 cts, at Lincoln Steam Dye works, 1105 O street. See our beautiful Individual ice moulds before ordeiiug elsewhere. Finest" 15:S0 O street. cream "The Uulrk Mini Comfortable. Trip. Two new trains have been added to the al ready excellent connections east that th Great llock Island Route has been offering to its patrons. The Lake Shore & Mich. Southern has put on a new train, leaving Chicago dally at 10: !!0 a. 111., and the Fort Wayne (Pennsylvania i.niej one bi iiii-ia n. in. These are daily trains, scheduled on fast time, nnd arrive at New Yoik City next ternoon at 3 o'clock, and via the first men tioned Boston passengers reach their destlnas tlou but - hours Inter. The Rock Islnnd Route Sleeper leaves Omaha dally at4::50p.m nnd arrives nt Chicago nt 8:05 a. 111., In time to make this important through connection. For rntes ami ticket apply to J. L. De Bevoib, Gen'l Agent Pass. Dept,, Itlth & Famntn Sts., Omaha. Jno. Sehabtian, Gen'l Tkt. & Fas. Agt. E. St. John, Gen'l Manager. Are You Interested; The following frank statement from J. E. Hare of Trenton, Texas, will be of Interest to many of our citizens. "My little boy was very bad off for two months with diarrhwa . We ued various medicines, nlso called In two doctors, but nothing done him any good until we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhiva Remedy, which gave imme diate relief and soon cured him. 1 consider It the best medicine made and can conscien tiously recommend it to all who need a dlar rluua or colic medicine. For sale by Chu. C. Reed, Druggist LincolnPark Lincoln's Great Pleasure Resort Now open dally to the public. The finest tlplcnlc grounds In the state, vltli fine boating nnd fishing. Dancing ;a lllons, Illuminated with hlcctric lights and beautiful drUcs. The Park Is large and will accommodate ever)lxdy. Secluded places for private picnics can be bad. Hand Concert every evening 7 until y-jo, HUNDAV, Aimi'NT 11. BASE BALL! A fine game by well matched nines. Game called nt 3:30 V. M. GRAND -:- BALL. In Mammoth Pavilion every Tuesday nnd Friday night. Electric cars run to the Park every 12 minutes from ( o'clock In the morning until 1 1 -30 nt night. ADMISSION, 10 OENT8. v SiLSOtV TICKETS v On Hnln at Hurley', Hlillllntr Bros.', OdellV Hesiiiurniit nnd Ed. Young's. liny Coupon 'Tickets nml Suif Money. Soft Shoes for Any lady suffering several deaths each day from hurting shoes, should wear Soft Shoes for Tender Feet. Buy them of ED. G. YAXES, 1129 SSSBSBSBW LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH ICE FOR SUNDAY DINNER. AND THEY. WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbtjsh Makers of Bon Rons and Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water. SUMMER SPECIALTIES ! Thin Coats and Vests in Alpaca, Serges, Pongee, Silk Lustres, Drab Dete, Mohair, And all popular Fabrics so Cool and Comfortable in Hot Weather. The many styles we show will suit you. The low prices we make will certainly please you. SEE OUR ELEGANT ': Madras and Flannel Shirts BEFORE YOU BUY. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Comer O and lOth Streets. Cushman Park. BaSaaSaaKalsalSBSBQBBIsBslHjHBflBaw ' Sunday, August 9, "THE SAXONIANS," Baltimore . , , Prhlc. A grand opening musical carnival, Intro dttclng LITTLE PAULINE, 1 . 1.nVK -tar "'J child nctrcss ard vocal 1st. ill her chnrnctor en..... 1....- .1 and dances. Our cliallcn.-.. mn.irni ... TIEMEYER AND LEITON Performing on eeventeen different Instru incnts. is'axonlau trio MARGUEIUTE-PAULINE-FAWN In Spanish, Scotch nnd skirt dancing. tut- iiium ucumnui, uie most graceful artists on the stage todav. JAMES LETTON In character sketches, songs, dance and funny sa lugs MARGUEIUTE-(SAXON)- PAULINE In thelricllned sketch, "LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY." The popular German comedian, GUST. MYERS In his unrivaled Teutonic specialties. MARGUERITE The child cornctlst, madolln tololst nnd vocalist LITTLE DOTTIE-Comlng Pnttl In operatic airs The performance to conclude with Gus Tlcmcyer' comic AVtv.'J".'.'0.0 IT WM"'E YOU ARE ULTNCf.' In outer that you can hear the best entertainment yet produced in Lincoln the admission will ! nnlv tn cents. Groccrvmens' oulltur Wi-.ini.rinv August is, all day. Tender Feet. STREET. US FOR EAM t V i 1 'f t r i ;wm . n , 1 '.i ,a -, -r 't'itfW-fptiW' nnnrtjUlil...;!.-. asaaaiaaHwasnieaattr a Tt"