1!SbiiiatWfi4jSZKi(mm mSSwTsMttttCtOH ...wlhriagSfesfflga: lTM:;miViitMdkmmta t CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1891 I! li p- TllK Ol.l) RlCl.lAUI.K FOLSOM It sllll McndqunMcr for- Ice Cream Ices, Cakes, Candles, Etc. Our Special order depart nient for catering to private residence and parties is the most popular in the city "Prompt delivery, pure goods and reasonable prices" is our motto. ICE CREAM PARLOR MOW OPEN. 1307 0 St. Telephone 501 &t hums i2z A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Itllko the headline of this ndvcrllsomimt. It Is attractive. Oiiuinny Imvo all IIiuiMiiIIIUk orhonduml heart lo mute one lovouljlo, liul they miiy pais unnoticed uinl remain un it now u lieiltuse one lift nut tho qualities of lmrsoiial iienuly wltluli attracts uttoiilloii whleli draw people lo us lo nml out wlmt wo really are. II I Uumino with this udvor-tUcinont-UH lutil nol been Tor an attractive headline you would not Imvo rem! It. hyory lady I Ikon lo lo attractive, nml It K therefore, overy lady's duty lo pyclownttontlon to her complexion. MKN, (IHAIIAM'H EUGENIE ENAMEL Creates u lovoty complexion Instantly on any skin. U Is delicate, hsrmle. ami show no traco or nowiler. It remains on nil day, or until washed otr, nml dust or Mrsplrut on inny bo wlpfct from tlin furo without marring lit italloula tioiutty. II li tin) queen ortlio toilet table. Every lady who use It I de lighted with lis suporb effects, which Imitate mtUre ho porfoctly tlut no ono cun toll tluil tho complexion created by It U nrtltlelal Thl I thu blithest ornrllnrnsmetle. I'HK'h ONK IMIXAIt. All the loading Lincoln druuKlsts no 1 1 It. H. T Clark Drug Co., Lincoln. WHOLESALE AGENTS. 0X72. Lincoln Patrons Wc beg lo Inform you that our Stock of. Spring aid Summer SUITING It now reaJy for your Inspection anil comprises all the LATEST NOVELTIES Prom the Finest French i English Bnrj Girntit Slrtctlj First-Class I Guckert & McDonald, THE TAILORS, 3175, 15th St. Corrttpondtnct Solicited OMAHA, NEB. MOW IN NEW QUARTERS I Lincoln Trunk Factory st 1133 st- Where v-e will be glad to wc all old frlmd and customers and at many new ones at can get into the store. CK. ItflRlCK, SUCCESSOR TO SVIRICK & HOPPER. r SHE FORQOT THE STORY. Hitiuntire of M Diamond Lost In a Flood of Social flmslp. The church It filling fntt for tlio wedding of Reginald Splccr nml Angelina Mnyhurn, and the young lndy friend of tliu lirldo nra fluttering Iti the powa In that ttato of dell clout oxcltemcnt Into which the feminine soul It inovltnbly thrown by a mnrrluge ceremony, no mutter how rvmoto It tho portonnl Interest Involved therein. Knto Vaughn nnd Agglo Morton are together on tho broad nltlc, In a position which enablr them to toe everything with tho utmont minuteness. Knto Oh, nnd they do sny that Mint din mntid star which Mr. Wist wenrs It only Rhinestone Do you believe It f Agglo How horrid people nrol Do they rrnlly tuy tlnitf K. Yes, ti.oy reiilly do. A. I don't believe It. She lint hnd It too ItniK. nod bes.ih's Mint It tho ttnr they tell tho queer ttory nhout. K.-Whnt story? A. Hnvcn't you over heard It? K. Xo, I never did. A.-Well I do think thnt It runny. K.-llut do toll mu what It It? A. Why, you teo Milt young tnnu It wnt In Now rk, you know, nnd It wot ever to many yenrt iiko you know Mrt. Wett enmo from New York. K. Yen, her mother wnt my coutln't mint. A. Wntn't tho your mint then? K. Of courto not, Mow horrid of you to think I could Imvo an mint to old nt her mother would hoi A. Oh, 1 never thought of thnt. Hut how could the bo K. Why, It wnt on tho other tldo of tho house, you teo, and my coutiu wnt nearly nt old n my mother A. It Angelina Mnyhurn really any re lation to that girl In Philadelphia that Rcggy Splccr flirted to with Intt winter? K. I'm turo I don't know Agnes said tho'd find out hut tho didn't. A. I Agues going to Bar Ilnrbor Milt tummcrf K, Sho tayt the It, to I suppose tho Itn't. A. Why, Knto Vnughnl Wlmt it horrid thing to say, K. Well, I don't care. It't Just to overy time. Do look at Knnuy Packard. Sho lint on thnt old green tllk that tho hat hnd made over for three xummert. A. And tin- Hhlm'ttnue comb. K. Oh, what watthu ttory you wore go lnitotoll mo about Mm. Wctt'tttnrf A. Oh, yet I forgot what wo woro talking about. Well, there wat thlt hand tomo young man that nil thcglrlt were In love with, nnd nt latt ho got engaged lo ono of them. K.-Yet. A. And tho wnt an nwfully proud girl. K.-Oh, I ktiow tho klndl A.-And K. Oh, there It Mrt. Thockmorton. Did you know thnt they say thnt the hot been living nt Newport jiut to thnt tho can get n divorce f A. No; really? K. Thnt't wlmt they tny. A. 1 don't believe It. K.-Vhy not? A. Why, he hat always beon Jutt de- votcd to her. K. I dare tny thnt wnt nil n blind. It wnt probably put on in public. A. I don't enro, he wnt nn nwfully handsome mnn, K. Sho Isn't much to look nt. A. Very likely thnt wnt tho trouble K.-llowf A. Why, a homely wife It nlwnyt Jenb out of a hnndtotno hutbnnd. K. She generally has reason to be. Why In the world doesn't tho brldo cornef A. Oh, tomethlng nlwnyt happent nt the latt mlnuto. K. Oh, how nervous It would mako me. A. To bo married r K. To go through the wedding, A Thorc are the Joneses, next to Mrs.' West. K. Oh, you didn't llnlsu nbout that star. A. Oh, I must tell you that, lor really It Is a remarkable ttory. Now I think of It, I Hhoultl think It might bo worked up for the stage K. I'm sure I should thluk tomnthluii might be worked up for the stnge. I never knew a winter to bo to dull at the theaters, A. If It hadn't been for Bernhardt them wouldn't have been anything. K. I declare I am getting nt nervous at t witch. Do you suppose anything hat happened? A. Of course not. The time nlwnyt teems longer when you are waiting. K. You arc at cool at an Iceberg. A. Why shouldn't I bof I'm not going to be married. K. Oh, how do you suppose she feels? A. My dear, the It probably too nearly dead with nervoutneti really to feel any thing. K. Do you suppose to? A. Oh, I'm ture of It. K. Everybody it here. A. There's a earring They mutt be coming. K. Yet, there goes the orgau. A. Be ture and notice whether the train It gathered or plaited. K. Do you tupposo A.-Whatf K. Never mind. 1 was thinking that Reggie Snicer might g5vo her splendid dia mond If he had a mind to. A. Hit mother hud beautiful diamonds. K. You haven't told me about Mrs. West's ttar yet. A. No, but will tome time. K. There comet Heggle and hit best man. A. Charlie Simpson It the best looking of the two. K. You never did like Keggle. a nu ... i tn A 1.1... . VH, )HI II-.B 111111. , K. (with tudden excitement) Here the comet. The wedding procession enters the church, and commcui gives place to an ab sorbing observation, to that for the time being, at least, nothing further is tnld con cerning Mrt. Wett't diamond ttar. Bos ton Courier, IHMcalt Clioltt). -aj-- Mr. Applngton Marie, this has become past endurance. Thlt morning when 1 wat taking my bath, that monkey of yours jumped on my back. You're got to choose between htm and me. Bin. Applngton Well, give me three dart to think It over. Harper' Dasar. I I I " I 1i- I vft II 9 1 "' Ul Tim liMirliol(lr nml tho Ittt. A householder who hnd lieoti grently an noyed by rntt In hit rellar brought homo a trap nnd tet It whore ho thought It would do the most good. Nuxt day ho wnt made flnd by Ilntlliiu thnt ho hnd cnught n vory nrgo rat. Ho wnt nbout to put tho cnptlve to death whon tho rnt protested. "Thlt It by no meant fair nnd Just. I entered thlt trap to prove mycoullduiice In your Integrity. No one could bo more nur prlted than I wat when I found myself n prisoner." After duo reflection the householder lib crated the rnt, but only to llnd, two or tlirco days Inter, Mint the number had greatly lucrcntcd, and thnt hit tloret wcro fast liclng carried away by wholesale. Catching tight of hit former prisoner, ho taldi "You depended on my Integrity and 1 re stored your liberty." "Kxoctly." "I depended on your Integrity, and you have wrought still further d imago to my property." "Oh, lint you must understand, my dear sir, that a rat In a trap It n heap different from n rnt nt liberty." Moral You'll teo It whenever n Judge suspend sentence on a bad man who hat promised to reform. Now York World. Two Clrmt Future Open. "Well, Mr. Pedagogue, docs my boy thownuytpvclnl aptitude, for work?" asked tho proud father. "I think to, Mr. Ilroutoti," returned the sclioolinaster. "I am uncertain nt yet whether John will make n sculptor or a baseball player. Ho It unerring In hit aim with paper wads, but the condition of his desk top convince me that he can carve with contldornhlc fnclllty." Hnrpcr's Ma in r. lint. tern tint Act. Warden (of Insane iiMylum) This Kor woman Imagine tho It shopping nil thu Mint. Sometimes the sltt In sllcuco for whole week. Visitor Whnt It the doing? Warden It I supposed that sho Imag lues the Is waiting for the. change. Cloak Itevlow. In tliv llnmlt of Ills rrli'iuN, Citizen I hear you are running tor ofllce? Candidate Yes, a month ago I placed myself In-tin) hand of my friends. "How nro you now?" "I would like to borrow fifteen cent to get a dairy lunch." Baltimore American An Instiinris "Humor is tho most powerful force In thu world," remarket! Ciiiiiho "How do you make that out?" asked Fanglo. "It overcome the law of gravity." Harper's lluzar. A Contrast. He tnt on a board nt the uuscbnll uaine, And broiled In the biirnlmt sun; Ho knew overy player's Christian naint And. If any ono scored a run, Ilodnucoil nnd ) clled and uru v red In tho fnco And shouted and tossed lilt hat, For ho, at you Imvo guosscd. wna n base- Hall crank -and Uicy net like that. 'II. He snt In a cushioned broad nlsle w In a cool and unlet church. And squirmed at )ou would, pertiaps.lt ou Were a echnnlbor and feared the birch. lie heaved a sigh when the minister snld "Amen," and he grabbi-it liU tint. Por ha wnt n man -a umlu blped- Anil In church tbeyncl like that. r No l)freptloii( Knrnged Customer (rushing wildly Into tho drug store) Say, thlx xcnlp lotion lias taken all tho hair out of my head. I've n great mind to sue you for damages Druggltt (coolly) You couldn't collect damages, my dear sir, for I have witnesses to prove that I dimply told you the lotion would preserve your tcalp, nnd any Jury could see plainly that your tcalp is nil there. Pharmaceutical Km. THE COTTON BLOSSOM CLUB. tlriitliar Uarilner't Aildrxss on the Death of llriitlmr Hawkins. "My frena," said Brother Gardner after the meeting had been opened In due form, "I hov n sorrowful dooty to perform in ait nouncln do death of Bruddcr Cllngttone Hawklut, n member of ills club llbln in Newark, who passed from ulrth away fo' days ago, Dis am do futt death dal has tooken place in our ranks since tW club was organized, an it affords us cnuscVur terns rvtleckshun. I ktiow it are usual In tlch cases to applut a committee an to move in resolve, nn to claim dnt de deceased had all de vlrchews an none of dc vices of mankind, but we shan't follcrout dnt pro gramme. "Bruddcr Hawkins was only a common man llkodorestof us. Anything like hard work made him tired. "He wasn't de tuos honest nn upright man In de world. I think be would pre varicate as quick as any mnn I eber knowed, nnd I'm snrtln he owed mot of us borrowed money. "In losln Drudder Clingstone we enn't tny dnt a thlnln light has bin blowed out forever. De light hat blu blowod fas null, but he wnt no shiner. Ho uebber elicn rlz up to support a tuoshun In dlt club. "We can't say dat he was liberal, chari table, modest, forgivin, conscientious nn full of integrity, 'knse he wasn't. His wife supported de fam'ly while he put on de style, nn If he hnd found n dollar bill on do tlonh la dls hall he wouldn't hev Dod dered too ask who lost it. "He was J 1st fair to medium, same ns de rest of de world. He had some good pints an some bad ones. Dar was many n bet ter man, nn some few not so good. We will put tho utusl emblem of sorrow on de doahknob, an send a lettor to his wife say. in dat we hopo be is better off, nn she too. M. Quad in New York World. Truth Stranger Than Flctlnu. Mr. Angler It sometimes occurs that, in trout llshlug particularly, all tho known arts of tho plscator will fall to lure the wary game, and In one Instance I remem ber having to try a very unsportsmanlike recourse. Mr. Listener Yes? What was that? Mr. Augler I wat fishing one day In the Sprain brook and discovered In a deep poo) an old trout that must have weighed seven pounds. I tempted him first with all the artificial halt at my command, from gray hackle to flamingo tiles, shook n button off my flannel shirt Into his eye, ottered him a strawberry on hook and u forelock of my red head, flirted all the known brands of worms In front of his suggestive mouth, and wasted all my lunch on him in tl" way of decoy, and when I was Just nbout to give up in despair a thought struck me. Acting upon it I went to a neighboring farmhouse, borrowed a two quart syringe used for the demolition of insect pests, walked back and drew all the water out of the pool, and walking into the exhaust ed reservoir picked up my seven pound peckled bauble. Boston Courier. DOMICILE ERECTED BY JOHN. ITransltted from the Vulval of M. Goose, by A. I'opo.) Heboid tho mansion reared by Diwlel Jack. Bet tht malt stored In many a plethoric sack In the proud cirque of Ivan's bivouac. Mark how the rut's felonious fatim Invade Tho golden stores In .Mm' pavilion laid. Anon, with .civet foot nml Tarquln strides, tiubtlo Urlmnlkln to his quarry glides; Orlmnlkln grim, thnt slow tho tierce rodent Whoso tooth Insidious .lolitn't tackcloth rent. l)l now the deep mouthed canlno foe't assault, That oied thoavonuer of the stolon mult, Htorod In tho precincts of that lofty hull That rose, complete at Jack's creatlvo call. Hero stnlks the Impetuous cow with crumpled horn, Whereon the exacerbating hound was torn, Who bnM'd tho feltnuslnuuhterbvnst tlmtslow The rnt predaceous. whose keen fangs ran through Tho toxtllo dliors that Involved tho grain Thnt lay In linns' Inviolate domain. lioro walks tho tad eyed damsel crowned with rue. Lactiferous sxtx from vaccine ci t who drew, Of that cornlctllnte beast whoso tortuous horn Tosiod to tho clouds. In fierce vindictive scorn. The braying hound, whoso bragitnrt bark nnd stir Arched tho lithe spine and reared tho Indignant fur Of puss, that with vermlnlcldnl claw Htruck tho weird rat, In whosu Insatiate maw Law reeking malt that erst lu Juan's courts wo tnw Ilobed In senescent curb, thnt seems, In Booth Too long a proy to Chrnnos' Irou tooth, Heboid the man whoso loving lips Incline Full with ynumt Kros' ojculatlvo slim, To tho lorn maiden, whoso Inct-alMc hnnds Drew albudnctlc wealth from lacteal glnmts Of thnt Immortal bovine, by whoso horn Distort to realms ethureul wat borne Tho beast ululouu, vexer of that sly Ulytse quadrupedal, who madodlo Tho old murdaclous rat that dared devour Antucedaneout ala In John's domestic bowor. Lot hero with hirsute honors dollied, tuccluct Of saponaceous locks, tho Priest who linked In Hymen's goldun bands tho thorn unthrlft, Whose mean exiguous itarou from many a rift. Even at bo kissed the virgin alt forlwrn. Who milked the cow with Implicated horn, Who In tierce wrath tho cniiliio torturer skied That dared to vex tho Insidious murlcldo, Who let auroral eflluenco throuub tho pelt Of that sly rat that robbed tho palaou Jack had built. Thu loud cantankerous Slmmtliuo comes at last. Whoso shouts aroused the shorn eccleslast. Who sealed tho vows of Hymen's sacrament To him who, robed In garments Indigent, Exoscubites tho damsel lachrymose, Tho cmuluator of the horned brute morose. That tossed thu dog, that worried tho nt, thnt killed Tho rat, that ate tho matt, that lay In tho house that Jack built. Now Orleans Picayune. A Dufl In the C'hnlern Timet. During tho period of the cholera visita tion Dr. Hruggemann one day had a quar rel with u retired cavalry officer, who was known to be a professional bully. As Bruggomann wnt the aggrieved party he hud the choice of weapons. The duel was fixed for 0 o'clock the next morning. The champions and their seconds arrived punctually on tho scene of action. "Sabers or pistols?" inquired the officer's tecoud. "Neither," said Bruggemanu. "The choice of weapons rests with me." At thnt moment his servant man brought a basket containing two dishes of cucum ber tabid and twelve unripe apples. "I go in fur cucumber salad," tho doctor coolly and politely remarked. "Thu of fending and offended party shall each con sumo six apples nnd this carefully weighed portion of excellent cucumber salad. The retult wo will leave to the cholera." Our swashbuckler had no Inclination to try thu efTcct of these murderous weapons, nnd a reconciliation was effected amid gen eral hilarity. Kalendar 'Katie (aged five years, who doesn't like to say "please") Papa, pass the bread Papa If what, my dear? Katie If you can reach it. Muutey's Weekly. Asserting III Hlght. "That's exactly what 1 came here for this evening, Miss Mildred." The young mnn laid nside his hnt, cane and gloves. "That's exactly what I came for," he re peated, possessing himself of her baud, "1 want you for my wife." "You might have saved yourself the trouble, Mr. Falrball," exclaimed the girl, taking her hand away "I shall never marry you." "Another word of back talk like that," said the young baseball umpire, quietly but firmly pasting bis arm about rer waist nnd pulling her head down on his shoulder, "will cost you twenty-five dol lars." Chicago Tribune. Her I'rlce. Husbaud When the tailor comes for that suit of initio to be mended I want you to let him have it. Wife But I should think you would let me mend them; It is so much cheaper. Husband No, It Isn't. The Inst time you mended my clothes it cost me (SO for a now dress for you. Clothier and Fur nisher. Too Great n Surprise. "What's the matter?" ntked the police man, pushing through the crowd that had gathered about a man in a fit. "He he asked me to to have some Ice cream," soblied a girl, "and and I told him n-no." New York Herald. All Hun liowii. Clara The doctor says If I don't get out of town this week ho won't answer for mo. Maude Why, what makes you so feeble? Clara 1 have been working so hard get ting my summer outfit ready. Brooklyn Life. Wouldn't Need It. Jagway Aren't you going to take your overcoat up in tho mountains with you? Travers What's the uso? There are no i pawnshops there. Clothier and Furnisher. tmi&mkak&f riv; mIsMw Ji ' X'fW M ( rfCiAj ifiWJ' OpneJ Jan. 1, 't)l. til ImproTemtnta The Lincoln, TKItMS-IUMlTO II.IO. ho latter price Includes lliiths. First-Glass in Every Respect! Iliintiiels, Hulls nml lti rpllinis. Wi urn especially wi-ll prepared to enter tiriu Inrtreor small untherlmts ul llamiuets, HnlN, lteecptlous, Ktc. Halt sand full lufor million cheerfully clvcn at llieolllee. Cor. I i ml mh Hts. HlKAHHiV. Mahkki FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- AtchUon, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louts nnd nil Points South, East nnd West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons Wichita, Hutchlnon and nil p-hclpal points in Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. Pullman Sleeper and Free Reclining Chair Cars on all trains. J. E. R. MILLAR, R V. R VILLAR, City Ticket A gt Gsn'l s-mt l '.JM-BlBW "- .BSjBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlHBSjBlBtkM B t -9 . ItLBHMf. ML utmtwmM.i. Hh -s 't3tan7t,'?!,9rt90Stfe!?'BlBi wjssLWLsfl'iiasMtififfB'i1jrffTrt PutstBtHtBsiiiiHB nlBlWiBBl,;fl sBBBBBBsHtBIBKHBBHHBBHjLi9- SIDEWALK AND BUILDING a Lo. tmRM8k La. MEYER, Notary Public and Raal Estate Duller in Git; and Farm Property -AQENT gBlf feg, North German-Lloyd Steamship Co., HamburgAmerican Packet Co., and Baltic Lines. Also Railroad Agent for the different Companies East and West Southampton, Havre, Hamburg, Stetten, London, Paris, Norway, Plymouth, Bremen, Sweden, and any point In Europe. Pobt Orders nnd Foreign Exchange Issued to nil prominent points In Europe. Hiivlng large facllltie east with thu biggest Hanks iind Hnvlngt Institutions, I nm pre pared to make all kinds of Loans on First ileal Estate .Moitwuues, L'ltv or rnrm Properly, irom I to 3 years, nt tho lowest Interest I also ileal In School Bonds, Htnte, County and City Wnriants, also In State, County and City Certified Claims, ami will ulwas pay the holiest market price, t 'nil and m?o inetir Cnriexpoud with me. L. MEYER, ioS North Tenth Street. UNDER NEW THE- J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor. This beautirul new house under Its present management will b conduottd In thorough first class style on the American plan, rates $i.oo. It has ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES Including passenger elevators and bath rooms on every floor. Tho sleeping apartments are large and elegantly furnished and may be had either single or en suite. We have reserved a limited number of room for city patrons and are pre pared to give excellent table board with or without rooms at reasonable rates. Call and see u. -... THO BOND Telephone 48a. Cor. lath ad Q. Montgomery, President. Herman H. Hchnherg, Vice Pretl. Joseph Uoehmer, Cashier. 0. J. Wilcox, Ast. Cashlor. f German National Bank, AA'COAiV, A';. Capital Surplus $100,000.00 ,30,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues letters ofcipdlt.drawdraftson nil parts of thu world. Foreign collections a spcelnlty. Si tJJsHsaaaaaaal ElMtfcldsffJr.', Nebraska's Leading Hotel. THE MURRAY Cor. lith and Harney Hts., OCLZZL, 1TSS. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Modern Improvements and Conveniences. 8ILL0WAY, Picrrietor. IRA HIOBY, Principal Olerk -AND- VITRIFIED PAYERS O.K. LHLSpjsraT'tTiBr BRICK J.A.BU GKSTAFF FOU THE MANAGEMENT. BOND. i I , A