Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 01, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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ii i .in ii in 1 1 immi Ki,iiuiiiHftfiyniini.i.ii ii iMUfritogQtHkMmvf
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li,t.i.,iiiil.M....,.-.. n
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Clearing Sale
Everything Reduced One
HnH from former Price.
The Couiueh will nut lc tvsiioiwlhle for
ay debt nimte by any one in it tininc, mi
a it written order nivonnwile tho Mine,
n specialty.-
A full lino of Dr. Warner' nml Hull' Corset
In largo assortment.
We have the agenoy for
Th Butterlok's Patterns.
The Courier Cmi be Found At
Hotel Lincoln New Htnnd.
Windsor Hotel New Htand.
CanlUt Hotel New Mtand.
Odeiri Dining Hull Now. Htand. I KM O Ht.
The Gotham New HUnd. MHHouth llth Ht.
Tlie Apex, 111 North llth Htrcet.
BUI. Young. VOi 0 Htrcct.
Clasou. Fletoher Co., 1120 O Mraet.
Little BportOlgarHtoro, 113 North lUth Ht.
Westerfteld's Harbor Hhop, llurr BlocK.
International Now K.mporlum, 1!15 O Ht.
IVAn extra supply or papers 1 always left
at the Gotham, In cho other Newsdealer
supplies run short.
Cool Shirts
jj 1 1 37 O Street.
Church Advertisement.
CommenclBg April first, The Couhikh
will Insert notice pertaining to sociables,
festivals, lecture, meetings and sermons for
all ehurohea free of charge. Advertisement
for entertainments where au admission Is
cbarged will be Inserted at one-half the reg
ular rate.
Ucl and Personal.
Whltobreast Coal and Lime Company.
L. Banr, Jewetor, 1136 O street.
Ruth M. Wood, M. 0.. 1W P street.
Lincoln los Co., 1040 O 8t. Telephone 118.
Kugea HaUett, diamond merchant US N
gaevenin strew.
Geo. A. Raymer, coal and wood.
MO, 1134 O stmt 't
4 '
Henry Harphaai sells ehamoto Um fer
carriage cleaning
Canoe City Coal- at. the
Coal and Llroe 0-
100 finest engraved calling card and plat
for fa,"" at thi rouMKn omo.
Try "The Finest for Ice Creams, Ices,
Cakes and Candies, 1330 O street.
Ladies kid glove cleaned or colored at Lin
cola Steam Dye works, 1100 O street.
Mies C. J. Qullmette, tnodtite, second floor
exposition building. Take elevator.
Dr. C. B. Manning removed to new offices,
rooms') and 86. second floor Burr block.
One hundred finest engraved calling card
and plate only 3.60 at Weasel Printing Co.,
1180 N street.
Cabinet baths for ladle, given by Mrs. B.
D. Catlin, profetBlona! masseur, 4 south
Twelth street, Kennard block. 5-33-4t
Ladle can have their party dresses cleaned
by the French dry process at the Lincoln
steam dye works 1105 O street.
"Not how cheap, but how good" U the
motto of the new Studio Le Grande. Call
and sse their work, 134 south Twelfth street
Gentlemen should now get out their Ian
summer's suit, take It to the Lincoln Hteam
dye works 1105 O street and have it cleaned,
dyed, repaired or pressed out
Coal of every sis from the best mines in
Ohio, Kentucky, IlUsois, Missouri, Colorado
and Wyoming for sal by QeaA. Raymer.
TeUpbooe 890. Office US O street
Wedding invitations, either printed or en
graved in the Saest style of the art at Tm
CocaiaW osbos. Correct forms and best
quaHty of stock guaranteed. Samples cheer
fully shown.
ComantaMoB ticket at Brown's restau
raate(goedatattaar alac), five dollars for
leardnaaw Thl atk price lower than
ay athar alae la ta city when the prices
eaaraed oa bill of fare U coM.dt.-td
OaouMiw Have DaciDso the earth'
arta'seratoUoverl00meta4ek. This
taaaetrttkwtatekaees of the man's head who
hays ale raMroad ticketo by some taterter and
ne coma get a
the same rate.
The young ooplo who liavo been ramping
at Crete return! to tho city .Monday nfter
noon after nn exceedingly pleasant sojourn.
Barring tho bathing incident which came no
near resii ltlng seriously for Mis Clara Walsh
and Mis TIiihi Iaw, and which wan tho oc
casion of n innxt uomiiH'tirialilo net of lierolum
on tliomrtof MIm llertlo llurr who iilono
remuittl tlin two young Indie, notliliig oo
currcd to mnr tho plfnuiiro of the outing and
It U doubtful If nny niDH'inlily uf young mo
pie ever extracted inorii real enjoyment out
of n tn liny' cmupliig exM)tlunco tlmn did
tlm Creto wijonriior. Thoro wiih n largo In
Mux of vMtor tlm latter part of tho week
and many Hxnt n very plenMint Hundny,
nmong wliotn went tho following) Mr, .oh
rung) Mr. ami Mr. On-one, Mr. and Mr.
Frank Hlivldon, Mr, and Mr. A, U, ColTrotli,
Miw Grace Gillllth, Lulu Clark, Goitrilde
Inw, Tlux). Iiwh, Anna Hair, MaudHinith,
Maud Miller of Newark, N, J Ollvo Lnttu,
Minnie Iattn, llerllo Burr, Delia IX)inl.
Clara Wnlnh, Memor Clarence K, Brown of
Omaha, (loo. KorerniPti of Omaha, Frank
Zehnmg, U'. F. Meyer, O. W. (lerwlg, Dr.
O. F. Ijuld, W. Morton Htnlth, W. K. Hnhly,
Hurry H.KnvniHii, John T. Dorgan, II. J.
Hall, A. B. Jaw, Iinr Marahntl, Ktnery
Hardy, Hurry Krug,
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Tiffany entertained a
iwrty or friend delightfully, at their elegant
homo Twenty-ninth ami O treiU (Saturday
evening, the occastlon of tho birthday of
their helcn, Mil Katlierlno Wiley of New
York, Can), muilu, dancing and elegant re
frexlimenU heled to mm a very enjoyable
evening Among thovi preaeut were the fol
lowing;. MIm Do 1'ue, DewotNw, Hopkln,
Mefrll, Pound, Cockran, Itlghter, Uaylord,
Hammond, Wiley and Halo. Momi-h Will
Hammond, W, Doweem, II. Oruiw, Guy
Hopkins, It. Pound, Mark Woods, Kd. Itlght
er, Ueorse Wood, Mr. tsvan, J. 1'. Heard-
sley andO. Brown.
A congenial party of Lincoln peeple enjoy
ed Tuesday evening In rather a novel way.
They provided themselves with a tempting
luncheon chartered an electric car and paid
a visit to Cottier Unlvemlty and vicinity.
They left the city at about 7.:0 and did not
return until after 10 o'clock. Tho following
Is a list of those who enjoyed the outing.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoover, Mir Helen Hoover,
Mr. F. G. Danials, Mr. Helen Knobb, Mr.
Unylord, Ml Minnie (laylord, Mr. H. M.
Child, Mr. Hchotlold, Mr. Kddy, Mlu Nol
lis Eddy, 1'rofenHor It. N. Volck, MIm Flor
ence Hchellanger, Mr. W. Howard, MIm
Myrtle Appaluy and Mr. G. W, Doyley,
Mr. W. H.Hanly gnvoherson Emory u
delightful urpriKO party Thuroday evening
at her home, Eighteenth and M troet.
Among those present were the following:
Mintte Iioulm) Hmltli, Maud Hauimond,
Alice lUgliUr,Joo Winger, Katc Knelling,
Fannie Kawley, Jennie Underwood, May
Underwood, Ltbble Soacrest, Eva Hlckot,
Mario Jones, Emerald Jones, Kittle Kleutch,
Nannie Ltllibrldge. MesrH Ed Righter,
George Evans, Homer Edmiston, Evan of
Racine, Wis,, lUy Edmiston, Horace Haul
der of Beatrice, Trumbull, Luke Bumtead,
Foas Heacrest and George Kleutch.
Mr. D. II. R. Patton, late of the Htato
Journal counting room has accepted n iosi-
tlon with the Couhikr and will look out for
the Intercut of the wper in It subwjriptlout
dertinent and will alio call on our liiiNlnesr
men for tbeir ontors In the llilu of lino print
ing and engraved sUtlonory. Mr. Patton
ha numerous friend in Lincoln and wo Uko
pleasure In Introducing him to tho Inhabi
tant of Lincoln a one of tho Couhikh fam
ily of rustler.
Mr. E. W. Lemon, of Crete, and MUn
Maggie Berkley, of Dorchester, were married
Monday evnlng by Ho v. C. B. Newman at
Mr. Newman' residence. The groom left
Tuomlay for Freeimrt, Ill,,whero ho will Uko
xecond place In u mill operated by Brow n
Bros., of this city. The brido will follow
him In a few days, bhe lias been making her
home with Mr. and Mr. Joliu M. Cotton for
some time and is a estimable young lady.
The ChauUiUua Anembly grounds at
Crete aro now in po fusion of a camping
party from this city comprising among oth
ers the following: Mewerw and Mesdames, A.
B. Coffrotb, A. G. Beoson, Green, F. L, Shel
don, J. A. BucksUff, C. C. Burr, Messrs
Frank Zehrunx and Will Hanly, Mtoes Min
nie and Olive Iatte, Bertie Burr and Maud
Burr. The party have engaged cotUgett and
propos remalnlna: some time.
The Knight of I'ythirn aliterbood gave a
picnlo sod baV Wednesday afternoon and
veemg at Lincoln Pa-k, Klectrio lights
brilllanlly ellumliated the ipaciou pavil
lion, where dauo'nj was indulged in until a
late hour. The affair wr.-. a grand succeed,
and on to be remembered.
ntnlly will mm follow much to th rtgret of
ninny friend,
MIm Edna Lane of De Molnc, Iowa, I
vldltlng her sister, Mr. W. 8. Hummer,
1KU II Mreot, Hho will upend tho summer In
this city.
The MiMe',Emernld Jone, Mnrlu Juno
Tllllo Franklin, Hunting nnd Mal-el Met calf
enjoyed nn outlier nt Lincoln park Tnelny.
Mr. Inalah Hale of Fort Mndlfton, Va.j I
spending a few day ill tho city, vl-ltlng her
son. W. H. Hamilton, nt 1IHW F street.
Mr. C. M, Lewi accompanied by her son,
loft Thursday for Mlnuenoll where she
goes to vlnlt relative nnd friend,
MIm Helen SI. Nance, daughter of Ex
Governor Nance, I vUltlng her mint Mm. C.
C, Blnren at '-WS dm Held street.
J. W. Jcklliler nnd family aro spending
their summer vacation In Raymond with
Mr. I.lckllder' relative.
Mm. J. W. Maxwell left Tuewlay for nn
extended vlult with relative nt her former
homo, Dunkirk, N, Y,
Mr. SI, A, Nowiuark rtiteiUlned a num
ber of frlendi yesterday afternoon In honor
ofMr.L. Wetwl Jr.
Mr. J. Kelly of tho excise board Inenjoyliig
hummer life with III- family, nt Colfax
Hprlng, Iowa,
Slim Olllo Mann nnd Mr. Viola Itenrey
left Tuesday fttr n wiek' visit with friends
In A I inn, Neb.
Mls Llrrle Flshur of Geneva I visiting
with tho family of Sir. nnd Sim. J. 11, Luke,
31 HI L street.
SIlsx Llrxlo Griflln left Tuesday for n visit
to Washington, I). U., Bnltlmoro and other
Mr. P. V. SI. Raymond and sister left
Thursday for a visit among friends at Osage,
Councilman Halter and wife have return
ed from a two week visit to friond In Can
SIlsso Kittle Kleutch and Lucy Griffith
have returned from a weeks visit at Omaha.
Sirs. 1), E. Baum of Omaha was In tho
city this week visiting Sirs. C. H. Llppincott.
Sir. Fraud Hortigan, a well known Cbau
Ultima organiser and worker is in the city.
Mrs. Dr. Carter left yesterday for Halt
Lako City where he will join her husband.
Mr. Hani E. Law ha returned to Lincoln
and will make thi city hi permanent horn e.
Mrs. Millard and daughter, Miss Harriet,
have gone for a visit at New Briton, Conn.
SUM Grace Oakley is visiting with her
friend Mlsn Jankltw nt Fairbury, Neb.
Mr. Parmella Smith returned Tuewlay
from a qlslt to Weeping Water, Neb.
The SlLoi Nelllo and Grace Hawk of Ne
braskn City are visiting In tho city.
Lieutenant Governor Majors and Seuntor
Eggleston were In the city Thursday.
Sir. S. W. Palmer has returned from a
vi'it with relatives at Rockford, III.
Sllss Gertrude Yate. hn returned f,-om a
two weak' visit to Central City.
Sir. nnd Sir. A. tiuel and F. C. Burrel
left Tuesday for Columbus Ohio.
Sir. W. A. Jonos nml sister departed Slon
day for a visit o Craton, N. Y.
Dr. F. B. Righter has returned from a
trip to the Black Hill's country.
Miss Jennie Hmltli left Wudneulay for a
throe week visit at Manltou.
Mr. W. H. Stull returned Sunday from an
extended eastern trip.
Mrs. Ieua Smith Wcdueduy
Little Fnlh, N. Y.
Sll.n Ltz'e Miller departed Monday
Lend City, H. D.
Sir. Chariest H. Allou of Valparaiso, wen in
the city Monday.
Mr. Gilbert Guthrlde left Monday for
San Delgo, Cal.
Mr. John Humphrey I visiting at Ham
mond, Ind.
Mr. C. C. Slorso left Tuebday for Colton,
Mr. A. B. Smith of Omaha was In the city
this week.
Miss Jenette Wilson Is visiting relative-, in
Mr. George Eaton has gone to Seattle,
Mrs. R. H. Nelr is vlUtlng at Hot Springs,
B. I).
Sir. Fred Hmlxor Is the guest of Mr. Frank
Mr. C. E. Goodman of Omaha is in the
Mrs. E. Ellison I visiting at I.a Grange,
Md. .
Tli"t'nliimMnn Kxpress" nnd the "Key
lone K.x ," tiro Trains for I'op
ulnr t'nvur.
What lino of rnilrond In the United State
Is there that constantly makes so ninny Im
provements n doe tho Pennsylvania? The
answer comes none. The now fast trnln to
Chicago which entered tho service on Juno
ilh as tho Chicago Hieclal,ha lieeu rechrlst
ened "Tho Columbian Express," in honor of
tho great fair. In bestowing this titln on
tho now train, tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company lins Utkeu the Initiative among the
railroads in recogui.lug the merits of the
World's ExpDiltlon by providing ecial fa
cilities for tho comfortable nnd seedy move
ment of visitor. The train Is particularly
worthy of bearing the honored title. It Is
tho rliett example of train const! uetlou, as it
contains accommodations for those who seek
tho comfort of a well appointed passenger
conch, The Pullman drawing-room sleeping
and dining curs and Its cheery passenger
co.iclu, nro all vestlbuled. Tho Columbian
Exprets It vci New York 4. CO p.
ilelphla tU'lS p. m,, Hnrrisbuig
every day, n "i irj at Chicigo
tho next day,
Tho enst-lKHiud colinteipirt of this train
will Imj known ns tuo "KeystJiio Express."
It will leave Chlcijo via the Fort Wuyno
route nt 10:45 it. in. every day and arrive In
Ph'lndelphla 11.35 a. m., und Now York 3
p. m. It w.'ll bo titilpied ill eveiy respect
in the wes. bound train, and will cany a
dining car from Chicago to Allhnce, nnd
Altoonn to Now York. Thcso trains will Ihj
equipped with tho hot grade of now cars,
they will luti on a fest schedule, and the
hours of departure mid arrival at prominent
centres commend them nt once to the favora
ble consideration of traveler.
in., riuiu
V:"A) p, m.
5:15 p. in,
Offered to Buyers of
.For the
:irc closing them out regardless of former
values and it will pay you to
Voutlillcne European Face Prepiirtlon,
Ladles, If you want most elegant face prep
aration, try this one. It Is pure as spring
water; no lead, sediment or other injurious
substances, It makes your skin soft, fresh,
nnd clear; remove tan, blotches, discolora
tion, and imparts a iearly complexion.
If your face is not what you desire it, try
"Youtblleno", I guarantee it to give perfect
satisfaction. I have sought for a prepara
tion that will make complexions fresh and
young looking and nowl have found it, re-
UlleU at two dollars or three tor nve. 1 have
secured tho agency for this trusty article.
J. H. Hahley, Druggist, Lincoln, Neb.
CuthuiMii Park Special Trains.
Until further i.otlce. B. & SI. trains will
run as follow tietween Lincoln and Cusii
man park.
!FiriliiM(li Leave Lincoln 7:!X) l'-M, nnd
return from Cushmnn at 11 l'-M.
S'i(rtn Leave Lincoln nt 3:!I0 f-M and
return from Cuihmau at 8 i-m.
Hunilniii Leave Lincoln i at 10:110 a-m,
3:110 p-m, a:!K) ! and 5:30 P-M; returning
from Cushman at 11 A-M, U P-M, 5 l'-M und 0
r-M, and 8:!I0 p-M.
Re,Jlar train No. 71 leaving Lincoln
at 4:30 P-M daily except Sunday will also stop
at Cushman, honoring tickets, round trip
rate of 15 conU will apply to all.
Kilpatrick-Koch Dry Goods -Co.,
Dry Goods. Groceries, Boots and Shoes
1528, 1530 O Street.
sar vii
a-at I VVL ' ? aaaaal tfl
Jaf gafaav 'aaaaaal jdtf I
aV .aaaaaaaH faaaaaavVaNslgAai
Did:You Ever Think of It?
No matter how depraved or wicked n man may
be, let him simply fall between the upper and the
lower millstone and lie'ls certain to be a fine man
when lie comeK out Fine goods are a specialty
with us. Our Paper Hangings nnd Mouldings are
n synonym of beauty nnd excellence. It costs you
nothing to see them nnd but a trille to take them
1134 N street.
Chautauqua Assemblies.
Fifth Annual Session Long Pine, Nebraska
August 1st to 10th. One faro for round trip
from Lincoln, Nob. Tickets on sale July
31st and August 1st.
Excellent grouuds, aim ml tut MH.ngs, de
lightful shade, and tho best of Ulent eugaged
to carry out an insli uctlve prof, -am.
Third Annual Session Black Hilts Chautau
qua Assembly, Hot Springs, South Dakota,
August llth to 30th, Round trip rate of :."
from Lincoln, Nebraska. Tickots on sale
eveiy day. Ijocated at thoso famous springs
v'sltors can enjoy both tho ChauUuiua en
terUlumenti and the attractions of a hop'th
and pleaiiro resort.
J. R. Buchanan, W. M Siiipman,
G. P. A., Omahu. G. A., Lincoln.
J. T. Mastln, C. T. A., L'mo'ii. K. T.
Moore, Depot T. A., Lincoln.
A. C. Ziemijr, Pres.
Carl Elavick, Mgr.
Iidles Lnwn Tenuis blazer and jackets at
reduced prices.
H. R. Nishlky & Co.
trays mm npna hvmh
oorly aajaypad line, when hi
Met by th "BttrUagtoB" at 1
Thursday evening Hotel Ideal was thrown
open to a large gathering of young people
who passed the time at card and dancing.
The guests were received and enterUlned by
MIm Nellie Htlderbrand, assisted by Mr. W.
A. Belts, and excellent music was furnished
by Professor Seidell.
Mrs. L. W. Blllingsly and daughter, Mis
Bee started for the seashore yesterday' where
they will spend the summer. Capteln Blll
ingsly accompanied tbem as far as De
Moines where they will be joined by Mrs. J.
M. Knox, brother of Mrs. Blllingsly.
Mr. J. F. Morris returned yesterday from
Toronto after a three weeks visit during
which time he took a trip down the St. Law
rence river and to other points of interest
He report having bad a delightful time.
Miss Stella Klrker returned from Concor
ia, Kas., Thursday where she bad been visit
lag friends for Are weeks. Her cousin Mrs.
W. W. Bowman and son Freddie came wltb
her for a visit of some length In the o ity.
Miss Addle Morrll of Hasting who for the
past two weeks lias been visiting at her un
cle's, Dan Hopkins, went to Missouri Valley,
Iowa, Monday where she will visit some time
before returning to her borne.
Mia Georgle Theill leaves to-morrow for
Chicago, where she will visit relatives and
friends for a few weeks, after which she will
sojourn in northern Indhni, returning early
la the rail.
Rv. G, W. Maine and wife returned yes
terday to their home in Elliott, Iowa, after
having spent a week with the former's sister,
Mrs. T. J. Vaugbt at south Nineteenth
Colon! Robert McReynolds and his moth
er returned yesterday from their trip to the
northwest, during which he spent three days
on British soil at Victoria. Vancouver Island.
Mr. and Mr. N. B. Vaill who have been
pending th past six or seven weeks with
relatives and friend in Illinois and Iowa
returned home Monday.
Mr. O. O. Bell has located at Red Cloud
as receiver of the First National Bank, Th e
Ayer's Hair Vigor givei vlUllty, glo-.s, and
freshness to the hair, and restores Its beauty.
"Tho Finest"
open and you
cream tumors aro now
aro invited to call, rr.0 0
The best domestic coal In tho market for
$4.40 delivered. B sure to try Eastern Wy
oming nut for sale exclusively by Geo. A.
Raymer, IliU O.
Frank Labr is making a big run on Mason's
fruit jars, stone fruit jars and jelly glasses.
He Is closing out refrigerators, freezers,
hcreen wiudows and all summer goods at
such prices as will movo them. Don't buy
anything in the above line until you have
seen Frank Lahr, W1 P street.
Henry Harpham, hells good harness for
good money, also poor harness for good
A Mother's Oratltude.
My sou wss in an almost helpless condi
tion with (lux when 1 commenctd us'ujr
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrluua
Remedy. It gave him immediate relief and
I am sure it saved his life. I take fcieat
pleasure in recommending it to ell. Mrs, M.
L. Johnson, Kverett, Simpson Co., aim. -
and 50 cent bottles for sale by Chps. C. Reed,
1204-1206 O STREET
Few western houses can pride themselvts
on showing such a fine line of souvenir
spoons as does Lincoln's old reliable jeweler,
Eugene Hallett. There Is something partic
ularly novel ami attractive about such to
kens. Its comparatively a new idea a fad
that 1 both beautiful and useful. You
should ree HaUett' exclusive novelties. He
ha spoons that no one else can get, they are
his exclusive designs, mane lor mm ana can
be bail no where else. Go and see his line
and it will surely please you.
.. u
Special sales on all lines of Dry Goods next
H. R. Nishlky & Co.
When Chant Said, "We will fight It out
on this line if it takes all summer," he proba
bly retered to the "Burlington," as every
body knows It Is th only "line" worth fight
ing for in this part of the country.
Uls First llrlef.
First Young Burrlster Allow me to con
gratulate you. I saw you this inorulug
UUI rjiug avu$ w .uo oratfeo vuuiui nivu pa
brlefbag In your hand. So your first client
has comef
Second Ditto (with a look of satisfaction)
Yea; my tailor has token out a summons
against mel Mondo Umorlstico.
Stood the Test.
Mm. Gofrequent You needn't grumble
about the price of this bonnet, Alfred. It
was the finest one on the street yesterday.
Meek Husband How do you know, my
Mrs. Gofrequent How do 1 knowf 1
met Mrs. Gadabout while I had It ou and sh
didn't speak to me. Chicago Tribune.
'E redrct tohavo to chronicle tho first boating accident of tho season,!
wiiiuuiuuK piHceoii -iiicsuny last, it appeors tliat two men left
here about 5 o'clock on tho evening of that day. and when In tlm
inlddlo of Hall Crook a sudden niiull struck their frail bark. They Immedi
ately put about nnd endeavored to reach tho opposite side, but owlnif to the
sudden blow an oar was lost, ho that all chance of gaining shore vanished.
They wero about abandon nil hope when one of thorn discovered that ho
had on a pair of Nlsbel's chcup but sorvlcable Water-proof, Cork-llned
Shoes, In which he waded ashore, drawliiK tho boat after him. It was u
narrow escape.
The Elkhorn Line Is now running Reclin
ing Chair Cars dally, .between Omaha and
Dead wood, free to holders of Hrst-daw trans
Coal of every sis from the best mines
In Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora
do and Wyoming for sal by Geo. A. Ray
mer. Telephone il00. Office 1134 O street.
Mr. Clark, to th Public.
I wish to say to my friends and the public,
that I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy as the best preten
tion in us for Colic and Dlarrhiva. It is
th finest selling medicine I ever hsuJI-d,
because it always give satisfaction. O, H,
Clark, Orangeville, Texas. For sale by
Chhs. C. Red, Druggist
Makes rnsuj Utss avlsmbls, and often Is to
self destruction. Dtttrsss after eUag,stek
acb. bsartborn, soar stosucb, mtcU) dtyrst
slea, tc, at canst: by this vary common and
laeresslag discs. Hood's SsrsspsrlUstoDti the
stomach, crests as appetite, promoUt healthy
dtfsrttoa. rtHTs sick bsadsche, clears tb
ml, and corse th most oUUtvste cats of dys
pepsia. B4 tb foUewtefi
" I bav bn troubled with dyspepsia. I had
batUttl sppsilu.sad what I did eat distressed
as, or did so Uttl good. la an boor after eattog
I woald experience a falatasss or tired, aUgon
feeling, a Iboagh I bad not eaten anything.
Hood's SsrtsparUU did roe an Imments amount
of good. It gsv ise an appetite, sad my food
relished and satisfied tb crating I bad previously
experienced. It relieved me of that faint, tired,
all-gone. feeUngi I bar felt eo much better since
I took Hood's Sarsspsrilla, that I am happy to
recommend It." a. A. Paoi, Wale-town, Mass.
N, B. He sure to get only
Hood's Sartaparllla
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