Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 01, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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    Chicago and Erie R. R.
'..nt ClilcnKo A Atlnntlo ll'y.i
In Connection wltli the
Erie Railway
Chicago and New York
Under One Management. - , , '
, . u
Tho Through Trnln of this Line between till-
ohrii nml New York nre rim IM, thus
nvnldlnit niinoynnoo unit ciuifusloti
of ptmimlnn enr or uili'lnu
Vestibule Limited Service
Vestlhnled Limited Train. constIni or lhi
rubu, HinokliiK mid DiJV Coiicliej, with
I'lilliniin UIiiIiik nnd rjlerii nit t'nr
(henicd liy Htt-aui. lighted by uns),
over this Line
livery Hay In the Year.
Pullman Service to Boston.
A t'ullinan lluUct HlcfpliiirUiir to nnd from
llostou dnlly vln this route.
This Is tho ONLY LINK ItuunliiK I'lilliniin
Cars between Chlcniro nnd lloston.
To Columbus, Ohio, nnd Ashland, IC .
Pullman HleophntCjir between Chicago nnd
nbovo Points dnlly.
Trnlus Arrive nnd Leave Iienrboru Htntlon,
For further Infornintlou, onll on tho nearest
Hnllrond Ticket Agent, or Address
W 0 Rlnoarjon, K M Took.', D I Roberts,'
Gon.TnsK. Agt. nen.Mftr. A.n.PTARt:"
Now York. Cleveland Chicago
Santa Fe Route !
Atchison, Topeka & Saata Fe R. R
The Popular Route to the Pacific
Through Pullman and Tourist
Between Knnsas City nnd SAN DIEGO,
CISCO.. Short Line Rates to
Double Dally Train Service Between
The Direct Texas Route
Solid Train Between Kansat. City and
Galveston, The Short Line Between
Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft.
Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple,
San Antonio, Houston, nnd
all Principal Pointt
In Texas.
The Only Line Running Through the
Only Direct Line to the Texas
Pan-Handle. For Maps nnd
Time Table and Informa
tion Regarding Rates
and Routes Call on
or Address
E. L. PALMER, Passenger Agent,
411 N Y. Life Building,
O JM. .A. lEI -ft-, NEB.
Ladies' and Children's
Hair Gutting and Shampooing
a Specialty,
Ladles line Dr. I.n Due's Periodical
Pills from Purls, Krnnce. Thnt positively le
llovu suppressions, monthly derangements
and trregulnrltlcs caused by cold, weakness,
shock, nuemln, or Konernl nervous debility.
The largo pioportlon of Ills to which Indies
and misses 1110 llnhlu Is the illieet ieult ot n
Unordered or Irregular ineiiKtriuitloii. Hup.
presslonseoiitluued result In blood potnnlng
umlnuick consumption. U package or: tor
15. Hunt dlreet on reeulpt of prleu. Hold
lu Lincoln by II V. Ilrown, druggist.
8. .Dllou mi lb. .D.l.uu fur mta m.l
p7 v.,.., diud wtr.puiioaf.ib,
Ir.rr MAN C4n b. itboho
sst VIOOIODI li all
uff.tlnf tram KEKVOUI D2
BILITT. Lo.t or IilllBt M.
hood, hylcsl Eic.l.el, H.oUl
Worrr. StunKd DiT.lopminl, or
r riBIOMAL WBAKHIU. c.n tit to HHrZOT HEALTH .cl
MBH, tko rrlito rowtrof KHIon.
We cUIrn by years of practlrti by
our vxrluslvn infilKil u uniform
'MONoroLY or BUOCIBI" in treat-
-, ..1 -A 'S1'""""1" TentlDiOQUlt
' from m Htstct and Terrltorlis.
OUR NEW I00K JSliWoWiSfia",ft!;W.
Ilwhlltyoicsi. nil Iipl.n.tlon. for BOMB TBEAT
MIIT. Too cu bo rDLLT BBITOBED aa Tsoui.lU
j mi b jjj. Boj4 osr UitlBoaUU. A44rM
W 0 S - IIIKK1I WIMMHi ff IftBPIIII. Bill.
v3-i A
Ml v7T
The Recent Splendid Inhibition on tha
lludion Hirer.
Now York city's lclsuro population en
joyed tho grandest bIiow of tho age In the
llluinltmtlon lino tho other nlRht, nnd It
did not cost them n cent, (or It wns fur
nished by tho nnvnl nriundron of evolution.
The squadron Is compose'd of the new stool
cruisers Chlcngo, Nownrk, Hostoti nnd At
lanta; tho gunbont Yorktown nnd Con
cord, nnd the dynnmlto cruiser Vesuvius,
nnd their recont buslncsi wns to Instruct
the nnvnl reserve militia In tho uo of the
e.trch lighU.
t - "
- - J r tJT
Every iivnllnbto foot on tho Hudson river
front between Twentieth nnd Sixtieth
truets was covered with K'i-crs, and so
were nil the housetops nod tho points on
the Jersey shore, when nt 0:10 p. 111. tho
flnushlp Chicago gavo tho signal nnd turned
on her two lights of 83,700 candle, power
each, nnd ouch set In the focus of tho mint
powerful retlector known. All tho other
vessels Bet their lights in older, and then
the "senrch light sweep" begun, guided by
the Chlcngo's signals. Thirteen broud
bmuls or streams of pure white lljjlit
spouted into tho clouds from tho anchored
fleet n sight so awfully grniid thnt not n
cheer nrose from the DOO.OOO or more people
who witnessed It, but n convulsive wnvy
motion and u genernl n-h-h showed the ex
Then the strciitns of light begun to turn
this wny nnd thnt Ono-ft-il on n sinull
boat two miles nwav nnd ever' motion of
ltl Afnilnil,t tt enllltl In, kmiM nu (iliilnlt net nf '
vwwi'.ai.b uu.i... ww r. Li. .o r.......a, .wv ..k
noon Another struck u giou) n inllo nnd
n rjunrter nwny nnd the could rend lino
print In tho pure cold light. Far up the
river every outline of tho rocks was show u
and the suits of yachts In tho disWint Imy
wero tnndo -luminous, The sprny nnd
steam of ferryboats showed rainbows und
tho cxH-(sslon on fnces n inllo dlstnut was
discernible through tho ship's glnsses. I'
was n certain demonstration that no Inu
tile ves'tl could get within shooting dis
tance unseen even In tho darkest night.
Thf Population or Mlchlifnn.
A census bulletin Just Issued, which Is
devoted to Michigan statistics, arB that
the populntlou of the state under the cen
sus taken as of Juno 1, 161)0, Is S,(Xi3,&9,
while In 1SS0 the population was 1,030,037,
an Increase In ten years of 456,032 or '47 )2
percent. In 1SS0 Montmorency nnd Oscoda
counties vre unorganized nnd were at
tached ns townships to Alpcnn nnd Alcona
counties, respectively. Since thou, how
ever, they have been organized nnd appear
sepnrnto nnd distinct as counties. The fol
lowing new counties have been organised
since ISS0; Alger, In 1893, from Schoolcraft!
Arenao; in 183, from Bny; Gogebic, in 1667,
from Ontonagon; Iron, in ISSo, from Mar
quette, nnd Menominee, nnd Luce, In lbS7,
from Chippewa and Mackinac. When
parts of counties have been tnken to form
new counties tho population according to
the census of 1660 of tho pnrt tnken Is de
ducted from Hiu populntlou in 16S0 of the
county from which It was taken, wherever
possible, and Is set over uL-alnst the popu
lation of tho new county for 1MH), ns In thin j
way comparison to show growth Is more ,
accurately made, Fifteen counties in tho
state show decreases, most of which are i
small, while fourteen counties show in
creases of raoro than 100 per cent Thirty- I
eight counties show increases of more than
CO per cent.
The Prediction Win Veillleil,
Many a truo word, the saying goes, Is
often spoken In Jest, but no more striking
example Is at hand than that furnished by
a recent news Item from Connecticut. At
nn ex'cursion of New Britain people n few
days ago n Jolly German, Christopher Dahl,
Joked with Mr Curtln, to whom ho had
been Introduced that day.
"Are you Mr. Curtln the grocer, or Mr.
Curtln tho undertaker?" asked Dahl Jocu
larly. "You know there are two Curtlns
In NewBrltnln."
"Yes, I know there are," replied Curtln;
"but I'm Curtln the undertaker "
"Very well," replied Dahl ieriously, and
shaking hands with Mr. Curtln, be added:
"Then you will be my undertuker very
His prediction was verified within three
hours. Dahl was Instantly killed nnd hor
ribly mutilated by the excursion train in
returning to New Britain Curtln was his
To Explore Strange UniU,
Mr Frnnk Vincent, of New York city,
has in tho past dozen years traveled 275,000
tulles In out-of-the-wny pditsof the enrth,
nnd written vari
ous books, such as
"Tho Land of the
White Elephant,"
"Norse, Lapp and
Finn," etc He Is
soon to start on
a tour of 40,000
miles, under the
auspices of the
American Geo
graphical society
and the Metropoli
tan Museum of
Art, and will take
not only such sci
entific apparatus
as will enable him to get views of all
worthy objects, but passports and fetters
of Introduction which will tecn're linn the
aid of all regulnr government.'
Ho will sail arouwHAfrlca, mnkliig fre
orient Journeys Inland to places not Itith
eito visited or described, and will traverse
and describe tho Congo Free State and the
cnstern'sectlou, thence to the Cupo of Gooil
Hope; also tho Island of Madagascar He
will go through Media anil Persia to Cen
tral Asia, tho region lately opened by the
Russian Trnnscasplan railroad, nnd then
cross tho Pacific and comti home through
California nnd the west
He thinks nil this can bo done in three
years, and ho expects to make It tho crown
ing work of his carter. Mr, Vincent Is lu
tho prima of llfo, 0 feet 2 Inches high, nnd
in lino physical condition. Ho has nn un
usual faculty of making friends with
strange races, nnd Insists thnt he can travel
alono among the wildest savages nnd bt
. ., .-;
fi x "; . i
a .'UK T ?PW. . if
Nntfil'iii In 11 tfti ,, "
Orent Humorist What only tlfty centn
piece for these Jokes?
Thrifty Editor-Yes, Hint's nil wo enn nf
ford to pay for Jokes, and wru am net nil
wo wnut nt thnt price
Great Hutiioi 1st Oh, you enn undoubt
edly Kot plenty of n certain rndo of Jokes
for fifty cunts, but I would llko to hnvo
you know thnt my Jokes nro no laughing
uintter. Boston Courier
A Uonrrsloii,
Piiterfntnllliis My daughter Is ono of
my tronsiires, joiing mnn. You nsk n great
(lent; nnd whnt will you give me In roturu,
Suitor Oh, I'll glvo you time on her
dowry. Llfo.
Within n lllnck of It.
"Can you tell mo whether this car passes
tho Union dcepo?" asked tho timid woman
ns she climbed wearily up the steps of the
Live Oak electric car In front of the post
ofllco. She addressed her remark lu n gen
ernl wny to nil the pnssengcrH, but seemed
to Indicate with her oyes the woman In
blnck with tho shopping bag nnd tho gold
rimmed eyeglasses.
"This enr passes within n block of the
Union doppo," said tho lady In blnck, gar.
Ing severely through thuso strong glnsses
"You can easily see the deppo from tho
place whore you alight." And she drew
tho strings of her shopping bag tighter,
nnd looked defiantly nt tho other ptisscn
"And when you see the daypn," said tho
pert young woman with tho red hat, "you'll
be sure to know It by Its resemblance to a
western cnttlo shod thnt Is somewhat nut
of repair. "
"Tell you whut," mild tho yomng mnn In
tho corner, removing the head of his cane
from bis mouth for the purpose of making
the remark, "this here dlppo Is n caution,
ain't It? Makes people think Dallas Is tho
Jumping olT place, donchcrknow I had
n friend mighty ulcu follow, from Boston
was coming hero to locate, hanhvatu
business. Ciitnu nnd took one look at the
dlppo and said hu believed he'd go on down
nnd take a look at llutchlns Couldn't
stand the dlppo."
And Just then the car slowed up, and
they nil glared scornfully one upon another
ami cried'
This Is tho Union 17
Dallas Now.
Keeping Up Appearance..
It was one of those clear summer morn
ings for which tho Ozark region Is famous.
I was with n llshlng party on the Current
river. It was about 7 o'clock thnt I strayed
olT fvoin my companions for a stroll
through the woods of yellow plno. Perched
on a high rock about BOO yards from our
camp I found a native with ii lino out.
"Hello!" I saluted.
"Howdy," wns tlw sleepy responso.
"Catching anything?" I asked.
"Cnught nnythlng?"
"Expect to catch anything?"
"Not much."
"What nro you doing bore, then?"
"Keepln' up erpearnncis."
"How is that?"
"Well, yer see, !'o got oneer them wjm
tnln what runs things tor home, nnd she'd
nlluscrtelllii'iuothetl noverwork. Thet's
why I'm hyer I'm foolln' her 1 don't
want no feusli nor nothln' I on'y want tor
keep up erpearances," Detroit Free Press
One on I bo Doctor.
A well known clergyman of this city was
a3ked to bolve the Ml lowing puzzle n few
night ugo: If nil the children that King
Herod killed were burled in such a man
ner that only their arms from tho elbow to
the tips of their lingers were visible above
tho ground, how could you distinguish the
arms of the boys from those of the girls?
The reverend gentleman worked at It faith
fully but was obliged to give it up.
"For shame, doctor," cried tho Interro
gator. "Tho iden thnt you should forget
that the children that Herod killed were
all boys." Buffalo Commercial.
Ilehliid the Times.
"Well, you may criticize the young em
peror of Germany as much as you clwose,
but there's n mark of business about him
that I like," said Spodklus
"Why, man, when did you rend the pa
pers last? He got rid of thnt months ago,"
Bald Bodkins.
"Got rid of what?"
"His biz mark, to bo sure."
Spodkins hnd to pay for two. Detroit
Free Press.
A Cheap Con,
Stranger What do you vidua your whlto
cow at?
Farmer Furrow She ain't worth over
ten dollars. Taxing cows this yenrf
Stranger I am not tho nssessor. I am
an olllclal of the Quick Time railroad.
Your cow was killed this morning. Hero's
the ten dollars. Good day. Now York
A Greut Wenror.
Wooden I know, Miss Smllax, that I'm
not as brilliant as some people; but I think
It is the general opinion of my friends that
i I wear well,
Miss Smllax Oh, yes Indeed, you wore
me out long ugo, no-,! on courier
A Gooil Model.
Fashionable Appllcunt (to fair Dolsnr
ttan) Yes, niyLusbaud heard you lecture
on "How to Wiilk Gracefully," and hu
wanted me to Join your class,
Miss Henrietta Tussel I'm nlwnys
pleased when men realize tho importance
of my mission, .
Applicant Yes, ho said hj studying you
I'd learn whnf to avoid. Truth.
J "a
A rirmlUh rntlmr HUln br lilt Chil
dren The Pulnrfi Thoy (irrupted flnld
to lie Hniinted ToiicIiIiiii Seem, nt the
c (Til III An Kil-llllia .Story Untold.
ISpcclitl Corrcipotuliitico.l
Nkw Youk, July t, ltoina used to bo
ono of the most Interesting cities In
Europe. It is very Interesting Mill; but
having, sin co 1870, been tho capital of
Italy, it lias tost much of Its peculiarity
When It wns tho grout contur of Roman
Catholicism, tho poutitlc capital of the
world, it had nu eccksnstlontinosphcre,
tunny dovotlounl pomps und ceremonies,
and special customs nllurlng to tho
noinndlc nnd philosophic travoler, which
Rs secularization has banished necessa
rily I lld not euro for its theology (1 do
not euro for ntiy theology, In fnct.) save
as It lent u curious and plcttirusiitiu cle
ment to thu ancient city
tho popo and temporal
llttlo remained of tho
Pio Nono was
prince of what
oncu poworftil
states of tho church.
Ilomu was, llko
Benares, n thcologic capital, nnd itn hlti
tory und traditions had nn Interest
through its associations of thu day
which thoy hnvo not now, us I have
lenrncd by Inter visits.
Then Italy had n great charm for mo,
tho chnrin which resides in so inntiy
things in our early youth. Thou the
tncdiiuviil chronicles wero fresh In my
mind, among them the tragedy of the
Cencl, reploto with faino nnd horror. 1
and not been n week in tho city before 1
Tlsitcil thu old pnlnco of tho family, in
tho lrnstovuro, in it dirty, dismal neigh
borhood bordering tho Ghetto, 1 hnd
expected to Hud n decayed, massive
structure, dlgurllod nnd pictorial in its
decny, not such u worn, wretched, re
pulsive pile, full of vilo odors nnd nil tin-
' cleanllneik It wns revolting to any idea
of tho romantic, too menu to nccm trng-
l leal. Tho former pnlnee wns what wo
should call n tenement houso of thu low
est clnss, i ihubitod by thirty or forty
i fnmilies, who apparently depended on
washing for n livelihood, but who hud
no thought of washing themselves. Thu
I swarm of small children weto squalid,
tho women slattern, ugly, forbidding.
Thu husbands and fathers weio absent,
earning their daily pittnnce, except a
few old and decrepit men, who might
hnvo been superannuated brigands. Thu
broad stairways nnd high arches, filthy
and broken, served to remind one of
tho departed mnjesty of the edifice.
1 wtit up nnd down stairs resolute
ly, exciting tho wonderment of tho
swarthy Inmates, who evidently ro
gnrdel me ns ono of tho crazy
foreigners thnt invade Homo every win
ter and spring. I pleased them by dis
tributing Ktuall coins among them, but
thoy could give me no information.
Thoy seemed novcr to hnvo heard of the
Cenci: 1 might us well hnvo nsked them
about Nutna Pompillus or Tnrqiiintns
Priscus. They bellove, however, that
tho plnce is lmunted this is nn old tra
dition nnd tnlk of Eecing ghosts, nnd
hearing sobs, cries nnd tnoaim after tho
manner of tho superstitious. If there
wero any ghosts, the rr'ned pnlnee
would be eminently pro; i lor them to
stnlk in. If I were u ghost, und did not
mind dirt, I might select it myself.
All tho whilo I wns thero 1 kept mar
veling in whnt room tho lovely Beatrice
Cenci hnd slept, and if her dlnholic father
could renlly hnvo abused mid tortured
her, us lias been recounted. Wlmt a
hideous story it isl Shall I repent it? It
I may bo now in certnin of its details to
many readers. Thero nro different ver
j sions, but they nil ngree in substance.
' Count Francesco Cenci wns ono of
I tho richest nnd most powerful lords of
J the Sixteenth century, his father having
been minister of finnnco to Popo Pius
; IV. A grenter monster, nccordlng to
nccounts, never lived. Ho wns ns in
famous as' Nero, Caliguln, Commodns,
or nny of tho vilest emperors of nncient
Rome. He seems to hnvo been as near
as possible totnlly depraved. Muratori,
the Italian historian, narrates in his
Annals that ho was twico mnrrlcd.(whnt
should such a wretch as lie want of u
wife?), Beatrice being, with eleven other
children, the product of the first mar
riage. Ho tinted theso children with a
fiendish hate, after lie had tnken a sec
ond wife, as if they had been his bitter
est foes. Ho was accused of causing tho
murder of two of tiis sons at tho hands
of his hired bravos, and tio trented every
body with wanton cruelty. Beatrice
wns so beautiful that sho inspired liiui
with nu incestuous passion, and tio per
becutod her, day after day, until ho
finally accomplished his infernal pur
poso. Having sought tho protection of
her kinsmen and of Pope Clement VIII
to no purpose, sho was so nroused to
frenzy by her wrongs ns to conspire with
tier brothers nnd her stepmother to kill
her fatiier.
If ever tinman croaturo wero justified
in committing parricide, she was cer
tninly. Such a villain us tho count
needed to bo swept from tho enrth j ho
wns a moral pestilence. Thero are t,ev
ernl reports of tho manner in which
Francesco wns removed. Ono is thnt
Mgr. Ouerra, who wns in love with
Bentrico (any man might have been ex
cused for lnvinir her. if n littl nt wlmt
.....0 ..u.f .. ,.,,w v .Mill.
j has been told of her be true), joined
I with Beatrice and her brothers, Bcr
t nnrdo und Giacomo, to rid themselves of
I this human fiend. They engaged two
desperadoes to waylny him nnd kill him
, whilo lie wns on his wny to Petrelln, n
I grim castle in tho Sabino hills, near tho
rseapolitnn frontior. Their attempt wuh
frustrated, whereupon Bentnce nnd her
stepmother, goaded to desperation, drug
ged ttie count's wiue in the palace, and
introduced into his room, whilo lie wns
in a stupor, two assassins, wtio dispatched
him, Sept. 0, 150S. by driving a nail into
his eye, penetrnting tiis brain.
Some writers contend that Beatrice
wns guiltless of tier father's death, and
that nothing could bo proved against liar
at tho trial; that his slayers wero two of
his own hirelings whom ho had injured
so foully that they thtu took rovmgo.
Otio'of tho tnou confeisoil, Implicating
the Concls. Thoy wore put to dreadful
torture, And Oiacomo nnd his step
mother confessed, ns nny ono might do,
to escape tho exquisite pain. But Bea
trice, though n dellcnto girl of only six
teen, with tierolo fortitude refused lo
Implicate herself, and won thereby thu
enthusiastic ndmtrntlou of the sternest,
most pitiless men.
As thu Cuncln wero connected with
tho most lllustilous families of Homo a
greal elTort was tnndo to mivo thorn. Tho
renowned advocato Farinnccl defended
them ably and eloquently, urging in
their bohnlf, oven If ctilpnblti, tho dread
fill vices nnd crimes of thu count, which
weio well known in the highest circles
of society, parllculnrly lo tho eccleslm
tics. But nothing availed, Tho pope,
who wns autocrat then, and continued
to bo until quite recently In his own do
minions, might hnvo shown clemency,
hnd not tho Princess of 8anta Crocu at
thnt juncture been murdered by her son.
Tho highest nobility were in tho habit
of committing tho most utrocibim crimes
In thoso days with perfect Impunity.
Pillage, ravishment, poisoning, hired us
misslnatlon, overy nort of Iniquity, wero
cultivated along with literature and tho
arts. Romu wns tho center of overy
conci'lvnblo form of wlckudiiusnnt which
Justice ordinarily winked unless moved
by reasons of policy,
Tho Santa Croce murder nlnrmed
Clomont VIII, who thought thnt an ex
amplu must lie made, lu thu liopo of dis
couraging private assassination, then so
common in Rome. Ho determined,
therefore, that tho Cencl should miller,
and tils will was omnipotent. Ho is snld
by some authorities to have beun Influ
enced to destroy them by tils desire to
confiscate thu rich estates of Count Fran
cesco to thu holy see, something to
which the popes in that and lu later
centuries wero addicted. Tho famous
Villa Borghese, which all tourists re
member, for it Is ono of tho stock
sights of the Eternal City, was pnrt
of tho Cencl property, all of which
wns given to the Borglieso nnd Aldo
braudini families, kinsmen of Popo
Clement nnd his Miceessor, Paul V.
Eveiy kind of corruption nnd villainy,
from wholesale (daughter and the sack
ing of towns to forging wills and the
practice of simony, was so much the
custom that crime caused no horror.
But severe punishment, especially exe
cutions, awakened tho most animated
interest, stirring Homo to its depths.
When it wuh known thnt Oiacomo
Cenci (thu younger brother, Bernardo,
hud been acquitted for want of evi
dence), Bentrico nnd their stepmother
her maiden name wns Lucrezla Petroni
wore to bo lieheuded, tho whole city
wns oxcited and eager to witness the
closing sceuo. Tho Romans have for
ages been devoted to every species of
show or spectacle, and retain this form
of devotion to tho present. The scaffold
was erected near tho Castle of Sant' An
gelo, a momorablo pile, long used as a
state prison, and built around tho tomb
of tho Emperor Hadrian.
Beatrice, who has been confined in tho
cnstlo nearly a year, is naturally tho ob
ject of all eyes. Sho is very palo nnd
worn, having been mengerly fed in hor
dark, damp dungeon, und showing truces
of iutenso mental nnd physical suffering.
Tlioso graceful limbs hnvo boon twisted
until tho bones cracked and wero ne;irly
dislocated. From those hazel eyes tours
of agony hnvo been wrung, while tho
strong will kept bnck tho words for
which tho tortuiers anxiously waited.
Tlioso golden t reuses hnvo been almost
torn out. Shu has been nicked again
und nguin, nnd yet her great soul con
quered her soft nature and kept it firm
ns rock. Desplto all sho has endured her
step is firm as shu moves toward tho
pcuifold; n faint smilo of resignation
plays about her sweet lips; a strango light,
as of another nnd a better world, rests
upon nnd illuminates her lovely face.
Sho looks to tho vnst Catholic crowd
llko an angel descended from heaven,
ready to atone with touching putieuco
for tho sins of mankind.
A feeling of deep awe for the beautiful
girl creeps through thousands of hearts
in thnt pitying, superstitious throng,
nnd they need only a commanding voice
to snatch her from her doom. But the
voice comes not, nnd sho soon ascends
the platform, unaided, and awaits the
headsman without a tremor. Clad in
white robes, with her confessor at her
side, she embraces her brother and
mother-in-luw, kisses tho crucifix pre
sented to her, puts back her abundant
hair, with a serene smile lays her beauti
ful head upon tho block, and in another
moment it is severed, with a heavy thud
and n gush of blood, from the symmetri
cal trunk. Tho vast concourse starts
with n half suppressed groan und a thrill
of horror, and thu brief, clouded, tragic
life of tho ill starred Beatrice is ended.
Sho continues to live, however, on can
vas und in marblo, in song and story,
and will yet livo through coming cen
turies embalmed in tho pathos of her un
numbered woes. Tens of thousands of
wnyfnrers will in tho future visit, ns I
hnvo done, the scenes of her misfortunes
and her distressing exit, to reeat, as
their sole comment. "Poor, poor Ben
trico!" Her remains wero buried in tho vault
of tho Church of San Pietro, in Monto
rio, and thero they still repose. She
wny have been somewhnt idealized by
time nnd through her borrows, but thero
is no rational doubt that she was n brave
nnd beautiful maiden, nnd tried as few
hnvo been in tho furnnco of undeserved
affliction Tho celebrnted painting iu
tho Bnrberini palace, attributed to Guido
Reni and familiar to all persons inter
ested In art through countless copies and
engravings, is not, ns has been generally
supivosed, a portrait of Beatrice. I used
to think so, in coinman with everybody
else, but 1 nm glnd to know otherwise.
I never could understand how tho origi
nnl could have so insipid, so character
less a face. It is far better to leave thu
form and features of tho charming, ill
fnted girl to the imagination, which is
more gifted than any artist can be, since
it presents to each mind its own ideal.
Junius Hemu Bkowne.
Mwkh liM
Lincoln, : Nebraska.
Ojh'an ami Dinclom:
Jehu II Wrlitlil, I'les. T. K. Hnii.lcrs.A'.t"
J. II. Mci'lny, Cimhler. I
A (s Uiiymnml, III;, Tlios Cochmii K
llfSUer, Clin Wert, F I.HIH-ldnii.
Cicncrnl Banking llunlncss Transacted.
Accounts Solicited,
Lincoln Shirt Factory
To 1 402 O Stroot.
In Us now locution this establishment i
hnvo iM-tter facilities than ever lor turning
nil Mrst-elass hoi U, nm! 1111 Increased lino of
Oellts 'I- lirulshliuf (binds will always tie oil
sale, '1 11 our business has been milled u
In which tfiiriueuls or nil kinds will he inmlu
to order nnd 1111MI1I11K rroiii thu siiiallest (in
ilcriiiirincut to tlie llliest I Hens or Clonic will
be sltllllully executed nnd luiide on short
notice, In tills department we emeloy nun
oflbubest cutters and llllers In the country
mill satisfaction Is uuiiiautecil lu every par
ticular Our factory will hereafter be known
lis the
Lincoln Shirt Mfg. Co.
A KiitrciiKtcln,Hr., Mimniier.
Cull mid see us.
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Steam Laundry
2014-16 O Street,
Office 138 N. nth St.
Teie. 579.
Leading j
Flno tlllst Cabinets 3 per dozen. Hpoclnl
rates to student. Cnll mid see our work. .
Studio, 1214 O Street.
Open from 10 a. lu, to I p. 111. Hiliiilnys.
1 A pamphlet of Information nclt.
.trclui mo iaw, .mining jiuw iu.
-Obtain mteni., uitTtstiu, inuie
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cf Through Coachea, Sleeper. Free Reclining
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I Faat Expree Train, dally between Cnlcatto
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, Bloux Fall, via Dock
For Ticket. Map., Folder., or ut.lred Informa
tion, apply at any Coupon Ticket Office, or addresa
Qen'l Manager, Oen'l Tkt, Ct Fas. AitU,
MkiMIiuihI, and T) snrltliu 1 Hie li-t and larvt-at
Oillrtiti In I ho ffwi ie. -Mudrnt. Ill uttuulaiuv hut
ear. Stu tent, pri'iiared mr limine lu front 3 in a
month.. Ki-rli-iuv,t faculty IVtmiu.iI lii.iructlon.
lk-autlful llliulrau-d cil.tUvm-, ivllt-k-v Journal., mid
wliiiciK ef H'iinmii.hli, -iil free by nddrviuliig
I.ILI.IIIHIIX1K & HOO.SK, Lincoln, Neb
yf irtBI; 11 'Iff, tii ' (' j3
J.r?yl.W-M'l!Sa)cvf yr
-nitoGKuaaiVE isvciire.
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O. II b I' H K..CnlM(N anl rerelTr. potUfepoU,
llM.lloktl deck ufrarvl.jrouervrr handlist.
Tea Ve.u cr . vne vr uiaur