MPW'WIWt' P'JIWI'WMMI " ww"w23E2J22 pp i 1 1 I i ij ' m f s i s I?? CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, jl-b jixjin ii ii AUGUST i, 1891 MASON'S FRUIT JARS Stone Fruit JARS. JELLY aLASSES. Closing out Sale on REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, SCREEN WINDOWS, ALL SUMMER GOODS. FRANK E. LAHR, 936 1 St. '.iCa 4UM jpyy-r,v.-......-.- -MnHF tlfl83IBUMIJyMU MMUQ. ""'P'... S-VM4 Uf A mnfir i;mti .Undent 7Vmr. tfrav Lincoln Nebraska Souvenir Spoon. A novelty of value to every patriotic A-ner- lean; of Interest to every eltlen o( NcbrnHkn. Price, $3-5. plain bowl. $4 gilt bowl. Description the Cnpltol I In b n relief, f-pltt mil f o r h ix nil 1 e , mi ni o u n t e d by innul niul w dge n historical re minder of Pres ident Lincoln. A large line of otber distinctive spoons In Mock . J.B. Trickey ft CO. JEWELERS 1039 0 8t PubllnUod SatUrdny. ,.Mre nil eommiinicttlon direct m tin office WlCBHia PUINTINO CO, I'Ulil.tMlir.ltH, Courier Hulldlin, UM N Hlrcot. TKI.KI'llONK&VI 1. Wrhhkl, Jr., Kdltor and Sola Proprietor.' Suiihciiiitioni Ono Year by Mull or Carried 2P0 Mix Months, lt) Three MnuthM.ftOc.s Ono niontli 110 Cents Inrnrnlily In Advance, Advwithicmknt": Hates furnished mi application at llu office. Hwclal rates on Tlmo Uontrncik. roNTHimTiiiNH!Hliortilcjr sketches, poem ! stories solicited. lVrvonnl Anil Boclal notes are especially desirable. I'nl.vriNiil We make a sieclalty of Fine Printing In nil Itn branched Hocletv work a socially. Kutcredntlho I'oMnince of Lincoln as second olno matter. Not). POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 65,000. HO FOR DETROIT. Thr (i, A, Iti National Knriiiiiuiiiit. Tlio Chicago, Rock Island & Piielllo Rnll way will null tickets to Detroit for tlio O. A. 11. Nntlonal Kncnmnmout nt tlio ruto of one lowest tlrst-dnss fnro for tlio round trio, Dntes of snlo "III Ih an follow) From n'l stations in Knuss In Nebraska, July With to August Uil, Inclusive, from nil stations In Colorado, Oklnlionm or Indlnti Territory, July UtUhto August 1st, Inclusive. Return limits on these Ticket will he same nil other linen. For full particulars nddrens T. J. Ander son, AM. Oen'l Ticket nnd Pass. Agent,- To H'kn, Kansas, or apply to any Ticket Agent of the Hock iKliiud system. J XII. Hkhahtian, U. T. & P. A. Chicago, 111. WOMEN'S DRESS TODAY, i TA3TE AND BEAUTV POSSIBLE AT LOW PRICE THIS SEASON. EXCURSIONS. LOW RATES. Ily Missouri I'lii'llln Hallway for lli Kl luwlnit Named Niiverul Occasions. Tourist summer excursion ticket to Col orado., Snlt Lnko City, Utnh, nnd other Col orado nnd Utnh point of pleasure niul lienlth resort nt lowest rates for round trips, Rood for six mouths. At Auburn, Neb., teachers' normal Insti tute, July 'J to August :W, lb'.U. TOHONTO, ONT., For national educatlonnl association for teachers, July 14 to 17 incluilve, nt lowest ntcs, first class fnro for round trip plus '! uwmlHrhip fee. Ticket on Nile July 8 to t!l Inclusive; good for return on or lieforo Sep tember :, Mil. Call nt city ticket otllce, I'JOl U street, opposite llurr'a block. J. K. R., City Passenger Agent. U. P. H., Qeueml Agent, Lincoln, Neb. II. C. TowxsKSD, O. P. & T. A.,Kt. LouU, Mliwourl. Clearance Sale ! ALL SUMMER GOODS -AT ClearanceMces YOU CAN BUY Summer Weight -IN- CLOTHING, HATS and Underwear, For Less Money than Before. Ever Thr Hot Hlirlncnof llukuln. These fprlngn are rapidly tiecouilng fnmou on nccount of the wonderful curative proper tle of the wiitern, nnd the ninny Jnmrvelou cure which Imvt been effected by the ther mal Imtlit, , The town nnd prlngM me delightfully Hitu nted in n iilcturewpje valley in the Blnck Hills country, nboundlug in beautiful ceuld effect, nod nt an altitude of 3,400 feet itbove the en level ; thUM (untiring a pure ntnior phere niul exhllnrnting cliumte, nlisolutely free from mnlarin. Under the enterprising niul pngrelvo mnnngement of the Hot Hpringt company I ninny dwlrnlile improvemenU hnve leeii made; among the numler the erection of a commodious bath house lltted ur with all modern convenience for the comfort of guests. New hotel hnve been built nnd com fortably furnished throughout, conducted in Hrtclas style and at reasonable rates, Those who prefer stopping tit n private bouse will II nd many desirable boarding places where, good accommodations are furnixhed at moderate prices. n The superior daily service now afforded by the Burlington Route to Hot Springs, with through sleeplug car accoumioc'ntions from Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora and Orand Island, make the trip an easy nnd enjoyable one; and for the benefit of all who desire to test the efficacy of the waters, round trip tickets at reduced rates, good for ninety days are now on sale at all offices of the Burlington Route. For pamphlet, descriptive of the springs, and full information as to rates, time, etc., apply to any agent of the company, or to J. Fhancim, Gen't Pa'r& Tk't Agt., Omaha, Neb. COME AND SEE US. Ollr Harper Describes an India Bilk Walking tires and Oantrn Party flown of Hiitlnr The New Fabric of itin Autumn Deacrlhcxl. IHpvclal Correspondence.) New VortK, July 23. There never has been n season In my recollection when n woman could drew so prettily nnd Uvsto fully nt n low prico as now. Thorn aro so many beautiful fabrics that nro also cheap ones that there is no renson why n woman should not dress well nnd becom ingly. China, pongee, India and other summer silks aro very cheap, and they rctiulro little trimming after tho pre vailing styles. Old dresses enn bo cov ered with lace, cheap as to price but ex ceedingly protty In design, nnd no mat ter how cheap tho lnco it is always pretty and good for ono Benson at least. I saw n lady yesterday in n dress of gobelin bluo India silk which I know sho woro Inst sea son, and it bad been remade with a double ruffle of black loco around tho bottom nnd basque of black Spanish not Tho basqno ended on tho shoulders in a sort of puffed breletto and was puffed on tho shoulders. Tho remainder of tho costumo was of tho silk, nnd very hnndsomo it was too. Around tho bottom of tho wnist thoro was a puff of the lnco llko that on tho shoulders, a very ixia B-K wAUCBia novel and effect- toilet. ivo idea. A dainty llttlo bonnet of tho bluo with threo pink roses finished the costume. A dress which was mado for a young married lady to wear at tho Southern society reception had a Bkirt of old roso satin, with a reversed plaiting of tho same around tho Iwttom nbout four inches wide, nnd this was headed by n flat gold braid nbout half nn inch wide. Tho Louis XV cont was of the snmo, with very narrow gold braid around tho rovers nnd cuffs. A full jnbot of white kco filled in tho neck nnd fell below tho cuffs. Tho wholo mado nn elegant toilet nnd renlly cost very little monoy, ns tho lndy mndo it herself. I could not help ndmiring another simple dress for its gruco nnd adaptabil ity to tho wearer and tho surroundings. It was a satino, pink with brown flowers in quite lnrge pattern. The skirt is mado with a ruffle, a. puff nnd n very novel drapery, nt the top. Tho wnist resembles it nnd is trimmed with n novelty cotton brocade in brown and cream. The back has postillions of tho novelty. Altogeth er It could not bo prettier. It was for a garden party, nnd it can bo imagined that it would show up against the green of the foliage in high relief. A cream challio with lilac sprnys would be lovely in this style. It requires a very flexiblo material to drape well in this style. Amoug tho new goods now arriving for fall Is n beautiful white corduroy. It is renlly not exactly white, but pearl or cream, nnd it will be largely used for jackets for young women nnd children, and will te trimmed with gold braid and either large pearl buttons or gilt ones, according to tho requirements. ' Wash silks nro more popular than ever, and for fall there Is an iuliuito variety of new shades, colors nnd patterns. They are all striped or checked and in deli cate colon. They wash better than cambric and look bettor, and thoro is nothing that feels so nice ns silk. There will be no end of night robea for ladies made of this lovely material. They ore not "AT THE PAflKSr Oiititiinr Atinitemeiit At LliiVnln' t.ovrlr Mummer lietroat. Tomorrow will (hi a big day nt Cushmnn nnd Mnnnger Anlnnhm n tempting pro gram for your entertainment. At three o'clock The Lincoln Giant will enm tints n lib tho police ntid llremcn. At live o'clock the fnmotn Ainbnmn Troubvlour will er form In opera, comic and sublime. It U n most pttnMint attraction nnd will surely please you. At Intervals during tho day tho Hilurinn quartette will render choice selec tion. Mondny N Yankee Hill Day nnd the rt'ldent of that vicinity with lot of "town folk" will lenve on a train of ten coaches nt cIrIiI o'clock in the evening and return nt twelve midnight. . AT UXCOI.n I'AUK. Tomorrow thU beautiful resort will bo open n uunl for nil comer nnd every at tention will he paid patron so that the iwual pleasant Holiday will bo enjoyed, On Tiles evening there will tie a grand bnll given, in tho mammoth pavilion nnd excellent n.uslc will Iw provided. Wednesday N the grand Y. M. C. A. picnic and a big time I being arranged for that oeeniiloii, There ample entertnlnmeut for nil comer nnd no one will rail to hnve n gool time. ou nro Invited to come out nnd participate in tho ex erclnei of the week. The electric car of the Lincoln street rnllw ay go out every twelve minute. Dr.C. F. Ludd, dentist, IKtt O street. Telephone 1.V1. Office hour On. m, tofip. in. Never order n photograph or picture of nny kind until you hnvo seen the work done at the new Htudlo I-e Grande, 124 south Twelfth street. Bicycles of nil kinds and all makes skill fully repaired on short notice. Wrenches, oil cans, tires mid other Mipplles always for sale nt George & FIhetto, 1442 O street. Be sure nnd try eastern Wyoming Nut conl. Best In the market, price f 4.40 deliv ered by Geo. A. Raymer. Telephone .TO, lllHO street. Timely AiUlre. Now I the time to provide yourself and family with u reliable remedy for bo.vel complaints. It is almost certain to be need ed, nnd no family can nlford to be without it. It cost but n trille nnd tuny be tho menus of saving much HUlTcrlng, If not life. There arc tunny different remedies In use, but Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea Remedy Is undoubtedly the best. : nnd f0 cent littles for Mile by Clins. C. Rvtd, Druggist, Brown' retnurniiK Wlndvir block, '-MO north Kloventh street, nnd HIS O street. Five dollar commutation ticket ledueed to four dollar, good nt both plnces. Henry. Hniphum, harness, saddlcrv nnd t'irf goods, 142 north Eleventh street, opposite Capital Hotel. At Matutou. Manitou HI'iumix, Colo., June 27. (Spec ial. Mnnltou I to the people what n sugar barrel is to the tile on a bright summer day decidedly atti active. There is nn absence of tile nnd nn influx of )eople nt Mnnltou Mint l refreshing. These June days are of the leafy June that" poet prate of cool morning, warm enough at noontime to re. mind the out door wanderer that it is Hum mer, and evening full of moonlight nnd coolness. The walk, drive and troll nbout Mnnltou ure so numerous that old timer of several xeason'x experience llnd some new beauties whenever they go out. The country i purn dlse lor the lively young woman or the brawny young man who delight In explor ing expeditions, Mnnltou is best reached via the Union Pacillc. The iiecullar enervating effect of summer weather is driven olt by Hood's Hawnpa rllla, which "make the weak strong." dLc4 If you Deposit your Savings -IK THE- Lincoln Savings Bank Safe Deposit Co. ,H. K.cor, llth and I' 8ts. they Sill earn interest, for you Attlie Rate iif 5-Five per Ct, per Annum-S . Save 3U) a week and It amount with Interest tu five year to $1,300.00, Bank open at 0:30 a. in. to tl:30 . m. and Saturday evenings, S to 8 p.m. ' Salts to Rtat ia Burglar and Fire Preef Vaulti. The Uukotit Hot Spring. The Improvements that have taken place at the Dakota Hot Springs during the past year make it now one cf the most popular, attrac tive and desirable reaorta of the country. In addition to the benefits to be derived from the use of the water, ttte superior climate ahd beautiful natural surrouudingt render It an especially attractive resort, while the curative properties of the water makes the Spring a rival of the famous Hot Springs of Arkansas. Ample hotel accommodations aro provided at reasonable rates, and tho journey to and from can now be quickly and comfortably made via the Fremont, Elkboni & Missouri Valley Railroad, the only all rail line to the Hot Spring. Excursion ticket aro sold at reduced rate. Full Infor mation can be obtained on application to W, M. Siiii'UAN, Gen. Agt,, Lincoln, Neb., or Jno. T. Muttln, City Tkt. Agt., 1133 O street; E. T. Moore, Depot Tkt. Agt., Cor, Mn and S street, or to J. R. Buckham, Geiu Pass, Agt., Omaha, Neb. AJjr i ., " lit I HurlliiKtuu Itoutr The Outing Season I Drawing On. People have already bjg'an planning the I summer trips, ntid we would suggest that you post yourselves regarding the wonderful trout Milling in Estes park, Cot. The health giving baths and quiet rest of Dakota Hot Springs, the hunting and ftihlng U Wyom ing or tlia fashionable delight tot 'Maultou The Burlington will take you to anv of them' speedily and without fatigue. There are many other places in which you can spend the heated term, and the agent at tho B, & M. depot or city office can tell you all about them. Call and get a book of sumnwr tours and look it over. You wllj find lb full of good things and valuable hints. KC. ZlEMKR, City Passenger Agent, mado like the regulation night gown, however, but more like a morning wrap per and they are so very dainty and pretty that they can be worn in tho mornings If so desired, only adding a cord and tassels, or belt of ribbon with long ends. There aro silk ginghams for young ladies and llttlo girls. They are tough and strong and keep clean a long time, pink BATIKE OARDE.N and they do not party oown. roquiro much trimming. Some of the new Bengalines and foulards have such flaring and deco rative patterns that largo women ore practically debarred from wearing them, still tho perfection of tho designs is great enougti to mako us excuse them. There is corduroy silk which is superb ly rich and handsome. It will bo com bined with olalu silk or satin. Some of tho new suralis are showing Roman tripes, bat tho usually brilliant primary colors are softened and better blended than before. Some of them havo damasse flowers on the alternate stripes, and the plain stripes match the corduroy silk jased ns trlnluniag. fj Sometimes theso Roman stripes- are nfadQ,ap,with plain amhtaatchiauf tho darkest stripes. : Satin 1st noir the favorite material for dinner ami rrcupuuus, uu . ia ; beautiful. The best liked colors aro old rose, mastic, beige and gray, also black. Very lustrous black silks are very fashionable, and will, be more so, though black silk of any kind is elegant. Tho taffeta with a multitudo of very narrow Cnked rnfles will be much seen this 1L Olivk Harpkm. . Sen llatlilni; 1,000 Mile from ttutSfii, Iliirlleld llencli. The famous health resort, Gnrfleld Beach, on Great Salt Lake, eighteen tu'les from Salt Lake City, Is renched vin the Union Pacillc, "The Overland Route," nnd Is now- open. This Is the only real wind beach on Great Halt I-ake, mid one of the iliust bathing nnd pleasure resort In the West. For complete description of Gnrrleld Bench nnd Great Salt Lake, send to E. L. Loniax, Geu'l Pas., and Ticket Agent, Omaha, for copies of "Sights and Scene) in Utah," or "A Glimpse of Great Salt Lnke," or apply at 1044 O street. E. B. Slosson, City Ticket Agent. Call on Henry Harpham, 142 north Elev enth street, opposite Capital Hotel for My nets, summer lap robes and carriage whips. Ou work speaks for itself. It needs no brag or bluster, simply your own opinion will testify to its merits. Tho Studio Le Grande Is ou the ground floor, centrally lo cated and a beautiful place. Call and see us at 124 south Twelfth street. Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by the French dry cleaning process, only 15 cts. at Lincoln Stenm Dye works, Uttt O street. See our benutlful individual ice moulds tiefore ordeiing elsewhere. Finest" 12:10 O street. cream "The ssfsgsBggsgeaessssssssBe vC , iS2cSS32282SS53) I Soft Shoes for Tender Feet. Any lady suffering several deaths each day from hurting shoes, should wear Soft Shoes for Tender Feet. Buy them of ED. G. YATES, 1120 O STREET. assgfcgsssegescScesssesssJissssgs LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US FOR ICB CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER, AND THEY. WILL RECEIVEJ PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbijsh Makers of Bon Boris and Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water. SUMMER SPECIALTIES ! -o Thin Coats and Vests IN Alpaca, Serges, Pongee, Silk Lustres, Drab Dete, Mohair, And all popular Fabrics so Cool and Comfortable in Hot Weather. Ihe many styles we show will suit you. The make will certainly please you. low prices wc SEE OUR ELEGANT Madras and Flannel Shirts BEFORE YOU BUY. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Corner O and lOth Streets. Unlck nutl Comfortable Trip, Two new trains have been added to the al ready excellent connections east that th Great Hock Island Houte has been offering to Its patrons. The take Shore & Mich. Southern has put on a new train, leaving Chicago dally at 10: :M a. m., and the Fort Wayue (Pennsylvania Lines), one at 10:43 a. in. These nre dally trains, scheduled on fast time, nnd arrive at New York City next nf ternoon at ii o'clock, and via the tlrst nien tloned Boston passengers reach their destlnao tlon lmt -' hours later. The Hock Island Houte Hleeper leaves Omaha daily at 4:!i0 p. in., nnd nrrives nt Chicago at 8:03 a. in., in time to make this Important through connection. For rates nnd tickets apply to J. Ii. Dk BKVOIH, Oen'l Agent Pass. Dept,, HI th & Famam 8ts., Omaha. Jno. Seuaktiak, Oen'l Tkt. & Pan. Agt. E. St. John, Oen'l Manager. K.K.D.G.CQ. The Peoples' Store We haye decided to DUCED PRICES on all continue our SPECIAL RE- v Are You Interested? The following frank statement from J. E. Hare of Trenton, Texas, will be of Interest to many of our cltUens. "My little boy was very bad off for two mouths with diarrhoea . We used various medicines, also called In two doctors, but nothing done him any good until we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhu-a Remedy, which gave imme diate relief and soon cured him. I consider it the best medicine mado and can conscien tiously recommend It to all who need a diar rhoea or colic medicine. For sale by Chas. C. Reed, Druggist. SUMMER -:- GOODS during the month of July ip order to reduce our stock pre paratory to putting in fall goods.. Come and Look us Through and Get . Some Bargains. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. ' ' '' 1518-1520 O Street. Telephone 448; i t I dfaLkJi V, j lij a