Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 25, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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".rnrim-n ,) yftffrt iiirrHi I rtHi - VMtuVii.,HUft nfff f"rrT"
' .mKw.'ojr.".' i "if
' . If
BP?S32ifli?iJtj!Ll? lal r"""fl"'",raTsaaBasaBaTasanra
B5ia7'hai '"Jar' - -: J gagafigagaflgagagagagagagagagasl
Clearing Sale
Everything Reduced One
Mnlf from former Price.
The Couimkh will not I responsible for
any debU made liy nny ono In It name, lin
es) a written order nccomnnle thu Mime,
On nil Line of
Summer Goods,
Oomar I Oth and P tracts.
Tha Courier Can be round At
Hotel Lincoln Now Htnnd.
Windsor Hotel Now Htnnil.
Capital Hotel New Htnnd.
OdeU'aDlnlngllallNowaHtaud, 1A2H O Ht.
The Gotham News Stand, 1IH Hontli llth Ht.
The Apex, 111 North lltb Htrcot.
El. Young. 10O Htrcot.
Clason. Fletcher A Co., 1120 O Htrcot.
Lltllo Hport Cigar Htoro, US North 12th Ht.
Westerfleld's Harbor Hhop, lltirr HlocK.
International Nowh Kniporlum, littO Ht.
MTAn extra (imply of paper I always Ion
at the Qothain, In cao other Newadealont
applle run short.
1 137 O Street.
" Church Advertisement.
Commencing April first, Tiik Couhikh
wiU insert ootioe pertaining to sociables,
festivals, lectures, meetings and sermons for
all churches free of charge. Advertisement
for entertainmeaU where as admission Un
charged will 1m Inserted at one-half the rcg
alar rate.
ieal aad Personal.
, Whltebreaet Coal and Lime Company.
L. Barr, Jeweler, U'M O street.
p Ruth M. Wood, M. D 1M V street.
! Lincoln Ice Co., UNO O Bt. Telephone 118.
Bugeae Halwtt. diamond merchant, US N
ieveath street. 1
(JeoTA. Raymer, coal and wood. VPhoae
MK 1134 O street.
Henry Harphaai s-'ls chamois skins for
crri3 cleaning.
' Canon City Coal at the Whitebreart
'Coal and Lima Co.
100 finest engraved calling cards and plate
(or IAV at Thk Courier office.
Try "The Finest" for Ice Cream, Ices,
Cake and Candle, 1330 O street.
Ladies kid glove cleaned or colored at Lin
cola Steam Dye works, 1100 O street.
Miss C J. QuUmette, modiste, tecoad floor'
Exposition building. Take elevator.
Dr. 0. B. Manning removed to new offices,
rooms 2i and 93. second floor Burr block.
One hundred finest engraved calling cards
and plate only 13.50 at Weasel Printing Co.,
USA N street.
Cabinet baths for ladles, given by Mrs. B.
D. Catlin, professional masseur, 234 south
Twslth street, Kennard block. 5-tt
Ladies can have their party drease cleaned
by the French dry process at tho Lincoln
steam dye works 1105 O street.
"Not how cheap, but how good" is the
motto of the new Studio Le Grande. Call
and at their work, VH south Twelfth street.
QeaUemea should now get out their Ian
summer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Bteatn
lye works 1 106 O street and have it cleaned,
dyed, repaired or pressed out.
Coal of every else from the best mine in
Ohio, Keatueky, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado
and Wyoming for sals by Qso.A. Raymer.
Telephone 380. Office 1134 O street
Commutation tickets at Brown's restau
rants (good at either place), Ave dollars for
four dollars. This awkea prices lower
any other place la the city when the prices
otargM oa dui or rare u conraersa
aaouMum Have Dcibu the earth's
earth's crust to be over 100 miles thick. This
to aheat the thtcl Ters of the man' head who
buys Ma railroad tickets by sons tof after aad
poony aaaipaaa aae, waea ae coaia get a
ticket by Mm "Barlmfton" at the saaw rate,
There are few ntoro bttautlful M)U In this
section of Nebraska than tho ground of the
Chautauqua acmhly at Crete. Hero the
Hlue wind it' slnuoii course amid over
hanging tree and fragrant shrubbery, the
currant moving with a goutle placidity sug
gestive of ijulet and reioe. Kiting f mm tho
bank of the shaded river through a plemwtnt
grove I a plateau enrpvtod with a luxuriant
growth of hluo graw and studded here ami
there with sturdy tree and promllug sap
ling. l'letureapio cottage and building
"dot the land'Ao o'er" and Invent the went)
with a delightful sense of pnlble habitation
ntnl life, free from convention nnd unfetter
hI by tho encumbrance of modern so cal'ed
civilization. Thoaoft breath of mother Na
ture n It sweep through the Mirroundlng
hill and fertile valley gather a now fra
grance nud one breathe air n pure and sweet
a the ntmonphere of the mountain top,
Hurely thl I n lltting place for the gathering
of eager Chnutaimuan n IHtlng place for
the enjoyable study of hoiiio of the serimi
Idea of life a well n for the keen apprecia
tion of lighter thought and for relaxntiou
and helpful recreation. It li no wonder that
In a prairie state the aiwcinbly Idea which
make It Kihlc for thounnnd of congenial
Koploto gather together in one favored
place, I Hpular,
A number of Lincoln young people, them
selve frequenter of tho assembly a year ago,
conceived the Idea that the ground at Ci etc
offer exceptional facilities for the (wrfeot en
joyment of camp life of a private nnd urce
wirlly retrictel character, Acconllugly a
(Mtrty wa made up and some twenty or our
jwople immed n chnrmlng week down by tho
llluo after tho assembly had cloxed and the
place had resumed it wonted unlet. This
year It wa decided to repent thu experience
ho happily begun, and report rrom thu camp
now In operation indlcato nu enhanced repet
ition of the pleasure of twelve month ago.
Pretty cottage take the placo of Incon
venient tent, and under thu careful super
vlnlonofMr. and Mrs. A. Bruce Coffroth
and those specially charged with the arrange
ment for entertalnmont, life In camp Ih giv
en a comfort and eaiw suldoui attainable un
der such circumstance. With all that could
be wished for In tue way of Hurroundlngs,
balmy weather and Italian sky, congenial
company, a well Blocked commissary depart
ment and counties condition for comfort It
is palpably evident that the fortunate so
journer at Crete ar In thu enjoyment of
happiness unmixed with tho Hllghteit alloy.
Of amunemeut there I plenty. Fish of re
spectable site await thu hook of the ungler
and the smooth surface of thu llluo make
boating eny und pleasant, riding ntnl walk
ing, various out-Uoor game, reading nnd
lounging, dancing nnd muolc, et cetera, con
stitute a few of the recreation, while trips
to the interesting town adjacent, meeting the
Incoming trains from which guests are sure
to alight, aide excursion and expedition are
features in the daily programme. From
fifteen to twenty people are lu camp perma
nently and many take advantage of the eve
nlng trains to pass a few hour with their
friends, Tho following person comprised
the party Saturday and Bunday: Mr. and
Mrs. A. B. Coffroth, Misses Grace Uriflltb,
Lulu Clark, Gertrude Laws, Tlieo. Laws,
Anna Barr, Maud Btnlth, Maud Miller of
Newark, N. J., Olive Latta, Jeanuetto Wil
son, Bertie Burr, Dena Loomls, Clara Walsh,
Messers Clarence E. Brown of Omaha, Geo.
Foresman of Omaha, Frank Zehruug, Fred
W. Houts, W. F. Meyer, O. W. Gerwig, Dr.
C. F. Ladd, W. Morton Bmith, W. E. Hardy,
C. D. Miller, Harry 8. Freeman, R. M. Joyce,
John T. Dorgau, Dr. C. E.Bpahr, OttoMohr
eustveker, Dr. W, C. Keeve, It is the In
tention to break camp liext Monday or Tues
day. MiasOna ltnhotf gave a delightful lawn
party Baturday evening iu honor of her
friends, Mis Ferrl of Omaha and Mis Toft
of Toekn. Mis Onu was asslstcil in rtcolv
ing by Mr. Pettlt, Mrs. Hudson liuhon and
Mr. Joseph linhoff. The lawn was beauti
fully decorated and the young peopleeujoyej
a very pleasant evening at game end dune-
ing: Among those present were tho follow
ing: MlsxeaTeft, Ferrl, Joe Winger, Flor
ence Winger, Dora Harley, Ella Raymond,
Eva RicketUi, Stella Elliott. May Lancing,
Jennlo Underwood, Mny Bower. Mntnle
Underwood, Memrs Bryant, Pettlt of Chica
go, Ray Welch, Kitchen, W11 Bowers, Ed
ward Wallace, Harry Evans, Harry FuMer,
Arthur Palmer, Harry Harley, Charlie Elli
ott, Will Raymond, Fred White. James Buy
der,;John Far well.
A very pretty affair was tho Doll party
given by Nannie Hood and Estelle Leoule to
their friends at the rwldeuce of Mr. Hood,
corner Tenth and J street last Thursday af
ternoon. The little "tots" enjoyed them
selves hugely with their doll and romping
and playing till they were tired. The little
guests present were Bee Bllllngsley, Badie
Grimes, May Benton, Martha Wolf, Bertie
Bwlft, Maudie Franklin, Laura Depligh.
The Patriarchs enjoyed a plcnlo at Lincoln
park Tuesday afternoon, concluding with a
dance in the evening. Tnose present were;
Messrs. and Mesdames. C. N. Gere, Joseph
Boehmer, J. D. Macfarlaud, E. P. Holmes,
M. I. Aiken, A. B. Raymond, I. M. Ray
mond, C. C. Burr, H. E. Lewis, a II. Burn
bam, Frank Lewis. Carl Funku, Mrs, Heard,
Mb Harris, Mrs. Ina, Mr. G. O. Whecdon,
Mr. J. P. Faucon, Mr. Dorr and Mr, W. B.
The Rennaiaanoe literary club enjoyed a
delightful outing at Lincoln park yesterday.
Among those present were the following:
Messrs and Mesdames, Judgo Field, H. N.
Wilson, A. J. Bawyer, F. M. Hall, A. D.
Hartley, A. C. RlcketU, and the following
children: Eva RlcketU, Li we Rlcketts,
Charlie Bawyer, Nelson Bawyer, Helen Wil
son, Blossom Wilson, Carl Hartly, Pet Hart
ley, AUIn Flake and George Fiske.
Last Monday a merry gathering of youug
people en joyed a plcnlo at Lincoln park.
Among them were the following: Misses
Teft, Ferris, Joe Winger, Florence Winger,
Ona Imhoff , Dora Haley, Ella Raymond,
Eva RlcketU, Bulla Elliott, Messers Harry
Evans, Harry Fuller, Arthur Palmer, Harry
Harley, Charlie Elliott, Will Raymond, Fred
V blU, James Snyder and John Farwelt
Mr. V. O, Chase of Baltimore, the well
known eastern capitalist, who has been visit
ing hereduring the past week, left yesterday
for Colorado Springs, en route to the Paclflo
coast. During his visit here he has aiade
many friends who greatly regret the absence
of such congenial company.
Mr. O. L. Snyder of Freeport returned
yesterday aad will proceed to arrange for
the opening of his denUl parlors in the new
Brace block. Mr. Snyder is a pleasant gsa
tUmsa and oae who fully understands his
The following people go to Crete aext weak
to camp oa tat assembly grounds: Messrs
and Mesdames, Beeson, Coffroth, Greene.
I Burr, Buckstaff, BaeMoa and family, Mlaees
Minnie and 0!lvo Lntta, Itertle, Clrnce, Hel
en nnd Maud Burn Mrrer Will Hardy,
Charles llawley, Frank ilurr and Dr. Inld.
There are some ieople who have been liv
ing in Lincoln for a number of year that
have not the slightest Idea where Mllford I,
and nnvcr heard of any such place. This Is
easily accounted for when we think of Ihnt
Mr, and Mr L, Weel, Jr., have return
ed from their northern trip and are domicil
ed for the prthMit nt Hotel Lincoln, They
expect to be nt home to their f rlend as wxm
n a stiltahle lesldcnce con bo found.
A hotisu of kIx to eluht room with nil
modern convenience In wanted by the editor
of tho, either at once or within
thirty ilny. Addres or apply nt thl olllco
Mr. Clem Stclner accompanied her
liitf niece, Mir Mmle Harper, homeward
Wednesday. Mr. Htelner will vWt In mid
about Denver for a month or more.
Mr. F. (1. Kaufmnu left Sunday evening
for n fojourn of thirty day nt Denver and
lluffiilo park, She wn nccompnuled by her
mother, Mr. J, W, Iver.
Mr. Win. II. Walker, of Muiiviu mid
Wnlker, Unn gone on nit extended trip of lu
lues nnd plenum through Arkaiunx nnd to
Memphis, Teuii.
Fred Hallutt left for CIiIciiko Ttiedny
Ho Is nn oxcrt tlshermnu mid will cast hi
lino In the Inke of WiseonM'i before return
ing. Mr. N, 1). Newman nnd daughter, Mis
Fannie nre enjoying n trip to the lakes of
Wisconsin In Judgo Thurston' prairie car.
Mr. U. M. Lnmbertsoii nnd wife have re
turned from Mineral Point where they have
!eoii visiting for tho past three week.
Mr. II, M, llusliuelt returned Suudiy uve
nlng from n visit of two two week nt her
old homo In Queen City, Mo.
Mis Minnie. E. Gnylord, who lins been
spending tho ast year lu Toronto, Ontario,
returned homo Wednesday,
Ml Janetto Wilson went to Denver Wed
nesday where she will visit with lelatlve and
friends about two week.
Mr. C. G. Davl and family returned Bnt
urday from nu extended trip to Ohio and
New York.
Misses Getrude and Carola Hill nre vlsltlna
nt Bloomliigton, III., enroute to Now York
Mr. II. M. Well of the Crete Vidette, visit
ed Monday with friend at the capitol.
Mr. John Kehrung and Mr. R. J. Ore
visited the camp at Crete Wednesday.
Mr. Fred Thoma has returned from n
visit to her old home at Lacon, III.
Mr. N. H, Montgomery left the city Mon
day for Tecumseh, his future home.
Miss Lotta Anderson It lu tho city visiting
nt the conservatory of music.
Mr. Ell Barne of tho Statu bontil of Agri
culture, I In the city.
Miss Corn Hardy Is Binding her vncitlon
at Rochester, N. Y.
Mis Mlnnlo Lntta Joined the camping par
ty at Crete Tuesday.
Mr. Mary Bnrny I visiting friend In
Now York city.
Colonel E. D. Webster of Btruttou I visit
ing in the city.
Hon. L. W. Colby of Beatrice i visiting In
the city.
Mis Hnttiu Blauchard has gone to Maul
tou, Col.
Mr. and Mr. Ed Cerf are In New York
Miss Ella Root is visiting iu Denver.
Grnyues, bjMnos, diiudrutr, nnd nil dis
eases of the Kcnlp and fnll'ng of the hnlr cnu
be cured by uslmr Hull's Vegetable Sicilian
Hair Renewer.
A nice residence of 7 or h rooms with all
model n improvement within ten block of
CoimiKU olllce. Will take iosMiou nt
once or wlth'i IK) day. Addres or c.i'l on
L. Wkhhkl, Jit., till olllce.
Go rid do likewise. If your whlsker-i 111 e
grizzly and unbecoming ue Buckingham'
Dye and they will look n when you were
Coal of uvery size from the best mines
in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora
do and Wyoming for sale by Geo. A. Ray
mer. Telephone !t00. Olllce 1 134 O street.
Dr. C. F. Ludd, dentist, 110.5 O street.
Telephone 153, Office hours, 0 a. m. to H p. in.
Think of it The Cosmopolitan Magazine, a
giant among the great monthlies, and Tiik
Courikh will both be sent to any address one
year for three dollars. For furtner particul
rrs read large advertisement on page eight.
New styles of
Covrich office.
Invitations just In at Tiik
Brown's restaurant are the only one lu
the city for ladies. Tho menu is extensive
and embraces all the season latent dellcacle
while pi .'res are extremely low.
Buy coal mined uear your home. Newcaa
tie Nut is conceded by all that have used it to
bo the best for kitchen use. Price 94.40 de
livered. Sold only by Geo. A. Raymer. Tel
ephone 300. 1134 0 street.
Whex Gbant Baid, "We will fight it out
on tb's line If it takes all summer," he proba
bly refered to tbo "Burlington," as every
body knows it is the only "line" worth fight
ing for in this part of the country.
The Elkborn Line is now running Reclin
ing Chair Cars daily, between Omaha and
Oeadwood, free to holders oinrst-closs trans
portation. Henry Harpham, sells good harness for
good money, also poor harness for good
Mr, Clark, to the Public.
I w sh to say to my friends and the public,
that I regard Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy as the best prepara
tion in use for Colic and Dlarrtuea. It is
the finest selling medicine 1' ever handled,
because it always gives satisfaction. O. H,
Clark, OrangeviUe, Texas. For sale by
Chas.0. Rc:d, Drt'fUt,
Have you seen the beautiful line of photo
graphs of America's greatest stage celebrities
at Tan Couiuaa office I The line embrace
all the leading aad roost prominent artists
and are the work of Falk of Union Square
New York, undoubtedly the finest photo
grapher in
the country, Call In and see
A Splendid llltl of fare for the Coining
Week at the Turk,
At Lincoln park July SI, Sunday, th L'ri
coin Jfuieo club will endeavor to tlrfeat the
Oinahn Miico tenth.
All lover of band music can have their de
sire In that direction satisfied nt Lincoln
park every night. Hand conceit each night
the coming neek nt H:.'KI,
Tho managers of Lincoln park hnve finally
secured tho world renowned Paul Boyntou,
who will glvu his water exhibition nud ac
quntic show on Friday nnd Siturdny, Au
gust 14th nud 1.1th, at 8:110 o'clock each even
ing. Thl I n ptre attraction and ono which
tho eople of Lincoln n'ld other place of the
slato cannot n fiord to miss seeing.
Tho wltchlnck railroad If still 0110 of tho
lending nttrnctlons nt Linn oln pni k, Noth
ing but prise Is henrd from those who have
traveled over this charming roid.
At Ciistuunii I'nrk.
Tomorrow will 5eas usual, a gay time nt
Cushmnii nud the usual program ha been
prepared for the day, Iwsldes a well mn'ched
game of ball ha been iirrnnged for; the
(Hants nud Omaha Cranes doing battle. It
will bo an exciting game n both sides have
nssurcd their friends that they will win. Go
out tomorrow and euj ly llfo nmid the leafy
bows of the shade trees, swing lu the hum
mocks, drink of natures healthful spring
nud be happy, Take your lunch with you
and mnke 11 day of It. What cheaper or
more plensnnt eutertnlnment can you find.
VoiitliltriiH Knropran I'uro l'repnrtleu,
Ladles, If you want most elegant face prep
aration, try this one. It I pure n spring
wnter; no lead, sediment or other Injurious
substance. It ii'nke your skin soft, fresh,
nnd clear; removes tan, blotches, discolora
tion, and Impart a pearly complexion,
Ifyourfncol not what you desire It, try
"Youthlletie". I guarantee It to give perfect
satisfaction. I linvo sought for a prepara
tion that will iiiuku complexions fresh and
young looking nud nowl have found it, re
tailed nt two dollars or three for five. I have
secured tho agency for thl trusty article.
J. II. Haiilkv, Druggist, Lincoln, Neb.
Cushuiaii l'ark Special Train.
Until further notice, B. & M. trains will
run a follow lietween Lincoln and Cush
mnii pnrk.
tl7(fiies(fii Leave Lincoln 7::S0 p-M, und
return from Cushmnii at 1 1 I'-M.
6'cif unfiifa Leovo Lincoln at !i::t() l'-M and
return from Cuihman at 8 l'-M.
&'niufits Inve Lincoln int 10:30 A-M,
!!:30 P-M, 3:30 I'-M nnd 5:30 -M; returning
from Cuthmnn nt 11 a-m, 3 l'-M, A l'-M nnd )
l'-M, nnd 8:30 l'-M.
Regular train No. 71 leaving Lincoln
at 4:20 l'-M dally except Sunday wlllnUo stop
nt Cushmaii, honoring ticket, round trip
rate of 1ft cent wltl apply to nil.
CliHUtnuiUii Assemblies.
Fifth Annual Session Long Pine, Nebruska
August 1st to lttth. Ono faro for round trip
from Lincoln, Neb. Ticket on sale July
31t nud August 1st.
Excellent ground, abundant spring, de
lightful shade, and the best of talont engaged
to carry out an Instructive program.
Third Annual Session Black Hills Chautau
qua Assembly, Hot Springs, South Dakota,
August llth to 20th. Round trip rate of tir
from Lincoln, Nebraska. Ticket on sale
every day. Located at them famous spring
visitors can enjoy both tho Chautauqua eu
tertnlnment and the attraction of n health
and pleasure resort
J. R. Buchanan, W. M Bhipman,
G. IA., Omaha. G. A., Lincoln.
J, T. Miistin, C. T. A., Lincoln, E. T.
Moore, Depot'!'. A., Lincoln.
"Tho Finest"
open end you
ti eet.
Ice cream parlor are now
ure invited to call. 12S0O
The bent domestic coal in tho market for
64 40 delivered. Be sure to try Eastern Wy
oming nut for sale exclusively by Goo. A.
Raymer, 1134 O.
A Mother's Gratitude.
My son wes lu an almost helpless condi
tion with Mux when I commenced uslnjr
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera nnd Dlnrrhien
Remedy. It gave him immediate relief and
I nm sure it saved his life. I tako fcieat
pleasure in recommending it to n'l. Mr. M.
L. Johnson, Everett, Simpson Co., Miss. 2.r
and .'0 cent lxttle for wile by Clin. C, Ro :!,
The Cigarette Questlou.
"Dou't you think smoking so many
cigarettes hurts you f"
"Oh, I hnvu no doubt of it. But there Is
one consolation. It doesn't hurt uiu half
as much as It docs tho cigarettes." Detroit
Free Press.
Too Dangerous,
Doctor There is ono thing more,
wife must not speak a word today.
Patient's Husband W-would you mind
telling her yourself f Dorfbarbler.
Coming and Going.
Passenger (on outgoing steamer) The
steerage appears to be empty. Don't Im
migrants ever return to Europe?
Captain Often. But they go In the first
cabin. New York Weekly.
A Total Loss.
Briggs Did you hear altout Robinson
losing his new flannel shlrtf
Griggs No. How did It happen?
Briggs He got caught in a shower.
Clothier add Furnisher.
Bcallstlo Effect.
Stage Manager (to tho two supers)
Now, mind what you nro doing. This even
ing you have got to represent the great ris
ing of tho Dopulacel Dorfbarbler.
To ttsslf in rosny Important psrtlcuUrs, Hood's
BsissparllU It diffmnt from and superior to aor
othsr mtdlcln.
Peculiar In combination, proportion and prep
aration of iBfredlSBU, Hood' BsnspsrUU pos-
the full curative vslae of to bstt known
remedies of the veg stable kingdom.
Peculiar In Us medicinal merit, Hood's Ssrsspa
rilla accomplishes curat hitherto unknown.
Peculiar In strength and economy Hood '1 Bar
ttpsrtlUli the only medietas of which can truly
be laid, " IM dottt one dollar." Medlclnti In larger
end smaller bottles require larger dotes, snd do
not produce at good results as Hood's BanspsrUla.
Peculiar In It " good name at home " Ultra Is
more of Hood's Sartspariila sold In Lowtll, whsre
It It made, than of all other blood purifiers.
Pscullsr In Its phenomenal record of tsltt
abroad, no other preparation has ever attained
such popularity In to thort a time. Do not bo In
duced to Use any other preparation, lie lure to get
Hood's Sartaparilla
Sold by all druggist. HitlsforfS. Preparedonly
by C. !. HOOD CO., Apothecsrlet, Lowell, Mats.
100 Dos On Dollar
1' 1
We are closing
Dry Goods.
1528, 1530 O
REMEMBER: The next
time you are down town to
look at those Patent Leather
Shoes and Oxfords displayed
$ in the west window.
ED. G.
1120 O
fP rmfifimn 11 , n 1 1
TX prominent Indy of till city wiis In the other dny, und noticing
r the two sleepy looking Htorks on our screen near tho door
bHckencd us to ono side, and In n semi-tragic, stage whimper, nkod uk
if we didn't know that torks wero hnihliiKer of poor Iuck7 Told iih
to bo uro and tnko them nway. or got iinotlior scrcon, or they would
"Hoodoo" tho place. Thnt 'twould bo a pity to'lmvo such a nice tore
mined for the sake of two such stupid looking llttlo rooster.
Wo assured our kindly disposed friend that wo fully nppreclnteil
hor solicitude for our welfnro, but that wo entertained no misgiving
whatever for the mischief they might do uh, nwohndn lot of ma
cot to counteract their Inlluence In the Minpc or brand new, correct
Hhaped, dopenduhle und nrtUtlc 8hoeH.
It's a fuel, too. Our 13.00 shoe for ladle Is 11 king mascot, so'.
our 3.00 boot for men. Our M.00 hand-wait 1 another. Our H.W)
French Kid I yet another; nnd our WX) Kngllsh walking boot Is n
death blow to nny "Jonah," unci can put to illghfu hull cnrt-Iond'
or"Hoodoon." Wo nre only too linppy to show these miiKcotH.
P. H. Tho ktork still roost high.
1015 O STREET.
100 Engraved Galling Cards
And Copper Plate, for $2.50.
If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards front
same, at $1.50. i
4wHJm. .:.;!
Offered to Buyers of
For the
Ten Days?
them out regardless of former
and it will pay you to
Koch Dry Goods Co.,
Groceries, Boots and Shoes.
1 . m 1 . . r 1 rrrn, , 1 , n , fm .
, tj0
r 0
w."J JUP
J !
ji.MM'inii'n 1 mi. iia.H