Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 25, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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.iiiiinhiii .1.. i nm in ..i.n, ., ,,..,.. .,,- ,. . " !S?HMJ""J3 aaBiAITU U CVm.-T-"rmtnr'tiiiiMiiaaMiM.M-n.,... MJ TTT?rlgaaBssaal
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6 CAI'llAL qI'it ouURIEB, SATURDAY JULY 25, 1891, I
y ' '
Wo )ratr tnAiincr Ar In th Family
Clrcl Than thn Mill Appeal of !
parted Out Vacant I'Ucri t th rirn
t( J n fl - , v
IUakbm, 0., July tfc-For tunny years
peoplebavn Kalitrvd In multitude nt this
fMOrtoMhoyeaVfor a great out door as
sembly, Tho ground are n short sail
from Sandusky; tho plnce beautiful be
yond description, Dr. Tnlmage preached
thl morning In thl dcllKhtful place to a
vat multitude, HI subject wn tho "Va
cant Chnlr," mid hi text, I Snmuol xx, IP,
"Thou ahnlt bo uiImh1, becnuto thy eat
will lw rinpty."
Bet on tho tnhlo the cutlery nnd the
chased silverware of tho piilnce, fur Kliitf
HauI will kIvo a itnto dinuer today, A di
tlngulhed placo I kept nt tho tnhlo for lit
ou-tn-law, k celebrated warrior, Dnvld hf
namo. The guest, Jeweled nnd plumed,
come In nnd tako their places. When pco
pie nra Invited to it ktiix'- banquet they
Are very ntit to k. Hut Imforo tho cover
re lifted from the fount Snul look nrottud
and find a vacant sent nt tho tnhlo. lie
say within himself, perlmpi nudlhlyi
"What doe thl mennf Where I my son
Indnwf Where I Dnvld, the grent wat
rlorr I Invlteii him. (expected him. Whutl
it vncnnt chair nt the king' bntiquctl"
Tho fnct was Hint Dnvld, tho warrior,
hnd been seated for the lnt tlmo nt lil
father-in-law's tnhlo, Tho dny before Jon
nthnn hnd coaxed Dnvld to go mid occupy
thnt plnco nt tho table, iinylng to Dnvld In
the words of my text, "Thou shnlt bo
minted, becnitM thy neat will bo empty."
Tho prediction wiu fulfilled. Dnvld wm
minted. Uls cnt wo empty, Thnt one
vncnnt chair ipoko louder ttmn nil the oc
cupied chnlrn nt tho banquet.
In almost overy homo the' article of fur
niture tnko n living personality. Thnt
picture ntrniiKer would not loennythlng
remarkablo eUbsr In its design or execu
Um, but It It tnbro to you than nil the
picture of tho Louvre nttd tho Luxem
bourg. You'remomber who bought It, and
who admired It. And thnt hymn book
you remember who snug out of It. And
thnt cradle you remember who rocked It,
And thnt Bible you remember who rend
out of It. And thnt bed you romember
"who ilept In It. And thnt room you re
member who died In It. Out there I
nothing In all your homo o eloquent nnd
so mighty voiced as tho vncnnt chuir. 1
uppoeethnt before Saul nnd his guests got
up from this banquet thero wan a grent
clatter of wine pitchers, but nil thnt racket
was drowned out by the voice thnt came up
from the vacant chair nt tho tnblo.
Millions hnvo gnxed and wept nt John
Qulncy Adams' vncnnt chair In tho house
of representatives, and nt Henry Wilson's
vacant chair in tho vlco presidency, nnd nt
Henry Clay's vacant chair lu tho American
senate, nnd at Prince Albert's vncnnt chair
In Windsor castle, nud ut Thiers' vacant
chnlr In the councils of the French nation,
But all these clmlr are unimportant to
you aa compared with the vacaut chnlr In
your own household. Have these chair
any lesson for us to learn f Aro we any
batter men and women than when they
first addressed usf
First I Mint out to jou tho father's va
cant 'chair, f Old men alway like to sit
1b the same place' and In the same chnlr.
They somehow feel mora nt home, nud
sometimes when you aro in their plnce nnd
they come into the room you Jump up sud
denly and say, "Here, father, hero's your
chair." The probability la It Is an arm
chair, for he Is not so strong ns ho once
was, and he needs a little upholding. His
hair Is a llttlo frosty, his gums n little de
pressed, for lu his early day there was not
much dentistry. Perhaps a enno chnlr
and old fashioned apparel, for though you
may have suggested some Improvement,
father does not want any of your nonsense.
Grandfather never hnd much admiration
for new fangled notlous,
I sat at tho table of one of my parish
ioners in a fonner congregation; an aged
man was at the table, and the son wns pre
siding, and tho father some what abruptly
addressed the son and said, "My son, don't
now try to show off because the minister
la herel" Your fnther uevor liked any new
customs) or manners; ha preferred the old
war of (doing things, aad he never looked
C'Taapps aa when, with his eyes closed, ha
A With armchair In the corners From
tha wrinkled brow to tb tip of the slippers,
what placidity I The Wave of the past years
of his life broke nt tho foot of thnt chnlr.
Perhaps sometimes he was a little Impa
tient, and sometimes told the same story
twice; but over that old chair how many
blessed memories hoverl I hope you did
not crowd that old chair, and that It did
not get very much in the way.
Sometimes the old man's chair gets very
much In the way, especially if he has been
so unwise aa to make over all his property
to his children, with the understanding
that they are to take cure of hi in. 1 have
seen in such oases children crowd the old
mau's chair to the door, and then crowd It
clear into the street, aud then crowd It
Into the poorhouse, and keep on crowding
it until the old man fell out of It Into his
nt"yourfasW'sTcs3f was 'a sacred
plnae.y'iTheekllojten ueedfco cllm up on
tba'ruagsof tyfora apodlght kiss, and
tae loager he stawd tt better you Uked it.
But that chair has" been"' vacaut now for
some time. The furniture dealer would
not give you fifty cents for it, but It is a
throne of Influence In your domestic circle.
I saw In be French palace, and In the
throne rooni, the chnlr thnt Napoleon used
to occupy. It was a beautiful chair, but
the most significant part of it wns the letter
"N" embroidered Into the back of tho
chair In purple and gold. And your fath
er's old chair slu In the throne room of
your heart, aud your affections have em
broidered into the back of that old chair In
purple and gold the letter "F." Have all
the prayers of that old clmlr been answer
ed? Have all the counsels of that old chair
been practiced f Speak outt old armchair.
History, tells us of an old man whose
tfcaee sons wore victors n the Olympic
games, and when they came back these
three sons, with their garlands, put them
en the father's brow, aud the old man was
so lejoloed at the victories of his three
chlldrea that he fell dead in their arms.
Aad are you, oh, man, going to bring a
wreath of joy and Christian usefulness
a&d But ltoa yaur.fathar'a blew, or on the
vacant chair, or on the memory of the one
departedr Speak out, old. armchaltl With
reference to your fatherthe woeds of my
. save ooeu minute, -xvmx, saait oe
Because my seas wm oe empty."
MOTHER'S ClUlR. -"'-. 1 M .
I go a little further on fa 'your house and
the mother's chair,, f
nu very apt to
a rocsung chair. Hue baa so many
and trouble to soothe tbat It must
have rockers. I remember It well; It was
aw old chair, aad the rockers were almost
went oat, far I waa the youngest, and the
had rocktd th whole fnmllr It 'swarthy miner, the tear rolling donn his OSCAR CRAI0 8 IDEA. , - . - - -. I
iande n creaking noise n It moved; hut
these wn muMc tn.tbo spuud. tH fa Just
hlffB i'iiou-B) '16 allow ui eklMtet lo nut
oar Vd I'd" tier lap. That vnsj tbcf Imak
wnrro wo urpim urn nil nur nun nun nur-
rlea. Ahl what n chair thnt was. It wns
different from the fnther' chnlr; It was en
tlrely different. You nsk me howf I enn
not tell; but we nil felt It wns differ
ent. Perhaps there wns nhout this chnlr
more kviitleness, moro tondvruvM, more
grltf rhon we hnd done wrong. When we
were way ward fnther scolded, but mother
cried, Ut wn n very wnkvful clinlr. In
the sick dny of children other chnlrt
could not keen nwnke; thnt chnlr nlwnys
kept nwnke kept easily nwnke. Tho chnlr
knew nil tho old lullnble nnd nil tho.
wordless song which mother slug to their
sick children noun In which nil pity nnd
compnnn nnd sympathetic Inllui'iico are
That old chnlr has stopped rocking for it
good many year. It may Ira set up In tin
loft or the garret, hut It holds n queenly
poner yet. When nt midnight you went
Into thnt grog shop to get the Intoxicating
draught, did you not hear a voice thnt mild,
"My son, why go In theror" And louder
thnn tho bolstvrou encore of tho plnce of
sinful nmusement, n voice saying, "My
aon, whnt do you do heror" And when
you went Into the house of abandonment,
n volcu snylng, "Whnt would your mother
do If she knew you were herer" Aud you
weru provoked with yourself, nud you
charged yourself with superstition and fa
naticism nnd your head got hot with your
own thoughts, and you went homo nud
you went to bed, nnd no sooner had you
touched tho bed thnn a volco snldi "What I
n prayerlcM plllowf Mnnl what Is tho
tnnttcrf" This, You nro too near your
inother's rocking chnlr.
"Oh, pshnwl" you sny. "There' noth
ing In thnt. I'm flvo hutidred miles off
from whero I wns born. I'm three thou
sand mile off from tho church whoso hell
wns tho llrst muslo I ever heard." I can
not help thnt. You nre too near your
mother's rocking chnlr. "Oh," you sny,
"there can't bo nuythlng in thnt. Thnt
chnlr has been vncnnt n grent while." I
cannot help that: It is all the mightier for
tbat. It Is omnipotent, that vacant moth
er's chair. It whisper, it speaks, It weeps, It
enrols, It mourn, It prays, It wnrns, It
thunder. A young man went off nnd
broko his mother's heart, and while ho was
awny from home his mother died, nnd tho
telegraph brought the son, nnd he camu
Into tho rooui whero sho lny nnd looked
upon her face, and he cried out: "Oh,
mother, mother, whnt your lifo could not
do your death shall effect! Thl moment I
glvo my heart to God." And ho kept his
promise. Another victory for tho vacant
chnlr. With reference to your mother the
word of my text were fulfilled, "Thou
shnlt be missed, becnuse thy seat will be
1 go ou u llttlo further, nnd I come to the
Invalid's chair. Whatl How long hnvo
you tieen slckf "Oh! I hnvo been sick ten,
twenty, thirty years." Is It poidblor
Whnt it story of endurance. Thero nre in
many of tho families of my congregation
these Invalid' chnlr. Tho occupant of
them think they nro doing no good in the
world, but thnt Invalid's chair I tho mighty
pulpit from which they hnvo been preach
ing, nil these years, trust in God. The first
tlmo 1 preached here nt Lakeside, Ohio,
amid tho throng present, there wo noth
ing thnt so much Impressed moan the spec
tncle'of just one face the face of an In
valid who wns wheeled In. on her ohalr. 1
said to her nfterwanl. "Madam, how long
have you been prostrated f" for she was
lying tint In the chair. "Ohl" sho replied,
"I hnvo been this wny fifteen years." 1 said,
"Do you suffer very muchr" "Oh, yes,"
she snld, "I suffer very much; I suffer all
the time; part of the time I was blind. I
always sutler." "well," I snld, "can you
keep your courage upf" ."Oh, yes," she
said, "I am happy, very happy Indeed." Her
fnco showed It. Sho looked tho happiest of
any oho on tho ground.
Oh, whnt n mean of graca to the world,
tbeno Invalid chairs. On that field of hu
man suffering the grnco of God gets Its
victory. Kdwnrd I'ayson, the Invalid,
nnd Hlchard Baxter, tho Invalid, and
Robert Hall, tho Invalid, nnd the ten thou
sand of whom the world has never heard,
but of whom all heaven 1 cogulznnt. Tho
most conspicuous thing on enrth for God's
eye nud the eye of nugels to rest on, Is tint
a throne o( earthly power, but It Is tho In
valid's chair. Oh, these men aud women
who are always suffering but never com
plaining these victims of spinal disease,
and neuralgic torture, and rheutaatlo ex
crueJatlotwllljatuwerxto the roll coll of
tho martyrs, and rise to 'the martyr's
throne, nnd will wave tho martyr's palm.
But when one of these Invalids' chair
becomes vacant how suggestive it isl No
moro bolstering up of the wenry hend. No
moro chnuglug from side to side to get an
easy position, No more use of the band
age and the cataplasm nud the prescrip
tion. Thnt Invalid's chair may bo folded
up or taken apart or set away, but It will
never lose Its queenly power; It will al
ways preach of trust In God and cheerful
submission. Suffering all ended now.
With respect to that invalid the words of
my text have been fulfilled, "Thou shnlt
be mtssod, becauso thy seat will be empty,
I pass on and I find one more vacant
chain It U a high chair,. Jt is the child's
chair. If that ofeidnbe ooeu pled I.thlnk It
is the most poteut ehalr In ail tho house
hold. 'All the chair wait oa' It; all the
chain are turned toward It. It means more
tbau David's chnlr'at Saul's banquet. 'At
any rate it makes more racket. That is a
strange house tbat cnu be dull with a child
in it. How that child breaks up the hard
worldllness of tho place and keep you
young to sixty, seventy and eighty years of
ngo. If you have no child of your own
adopt one; It will open heaven to your
soul, it will puy Its way. It crowing In
the morning will kIvo the day a cheerful
starting, aud lu glee, at night will give the
day a cheerful close. You do not like chil
dren 1 Then you had better stay out of
heaven, for there nro so mnuy there they
would fairly make you crazy. Only about
five hundred millions of them. The old
crusty Pharisees told the mothers to keep
the children awny from Christ. "You
bother him they' said; "you trouble the
Master." Trouble blml He has tilled
heaven with that kind of trouble.
A pioneer in California nays that for the
first year or two after his residence In
merra ruevaaa county thero was not a
tingle child In all the reach of a hundred
miles. Out the Fourth of July came, and
the wluere.were gathered together and
they were celebrating the Fourth with ora
tion and poem, ant) a boisterous twees band,
and while the baad was plajtocaa taf nut's
Tolas was Beard crying, ani all the Miners
were startled, aad the swarthy saea began
to, think t their homes "ea the eastern
coast, and of their wives aud eUMrea far
away, aad their heart were thrilled with
homeslckueas as they aeei the bafeaery.
But the muslo went on, aa taeahlUerled
louder aad louder, and the brass band
played louder and louder, trying to drown
out the Infantile Interruption, woes
fare, got up nud shook bis flit and snld,
"Stop th it noly band, nnd glvo tho baby n
chance," Oh, theie wns pathos (n it, n
wellngj(d cheer lu It, There I nothing
toarotlic nud iltaiid subdue tho soul
like n child's voice But when it goes nwny
from you the high chnlr becomes n higher
chnlr nud there Is desolation nil nhout you.
lu threc-fourthsof the homes of thl con
grrgntlou there Is n vncnnt high chnlr.
Somehow yqu never get over It. Thero is
no olio to put to bed Ht night; no one to nsk
strmigc questions about (Jul and heaven.
Oh, wliat is tho iiseof thnt flgh chalrf It Is
to call you higher, What n drawing up
ward It Is to hnvo children lu heaven I And
then It Is such n preventive against sin. If
n fnther Is going a "ay Into slu ho lenvoa
his living children with their mother; hut
If a father Is going nwny Into sin whnt In
he going to d with his dead children float
ing itliout him and hovering over hi every
wayward step. Oh, speak out, vncnnt
high chnlr, nnd nyi "Father, como bad;
from slu; mother, como back from world
llness. I nut witching you. I am waiting
fory6u." With respect to your child tho
words of my text hnvo la-en fulfilled,
"Thou tlialt bo missed, because thy sent
will ln empty."
My bearers, I hnvo gathered up the
voice of your departed friend nnd tried
to Intone them into one Invitation upward.
I set In nrrny nil the vncnnt chnlr of your
home and of your soclnl circle, nud Ibid
them cry out this morning: "Time isshort
Eternity Is near. Take my Saviour, llent
pence with my God. Como up where I am.
We lived together on earth; como let us
live together In heaven." Wo nnswer thnt
Invitation. Wo come. Keep n seat for us,
n Snul kept it sent for Dnvld, hut thnt seat
shall not bo empty. And oh when wo nro
nil through with this world, nud wo hnvo
shaken hands nil around for tho Inst time,
nnd nil our chnlr in the homo circle nnd iu
the outsldo world shall be vacant, tuny wo
be worshiping God In thnt plnco from
which wo shall go out no moro forever.
I thnuk God thero will bo no vacant
chairs In heaven. There we shall meet
again nnd tnlk over our earthly heart
break. How much you have lieen through
since you saw them last r On tho shining
shoro you will talk It nil over. The heart
nehes. Tho loneliness. The sleeplesn
nights. .The weeping until you hnd no
more power to weep, !ecnuo the heart wiw
withered and dried up. Story of empty
crndle nud llttlo shoe only half worn out,
never to be worn again, just tho shapo of
tho foot that once pressed It. And dreams
when you thought the depnrted had come
back again, nud tho room seemed bright
with their faces, nud you started up to
greet them nud in the effort tho dream
broko and you found yourself standing
nmld room In tho midnight nlono.
Talking It nil over, and then, hand in
hniul, walking up nnd down lu tho light.
No sorrow, no tears, no death. Oh, heaven I
beautiful heaven I Heaven whero our
friends nre. Heaven whero wo expect to
be. In tho east they take a cngo of birds
and bring It to the tomb of tho dead, nnd
then they open the door of tho cngo, and
the birds, flying out, slug. Aud I would
today bring a cngo of Christian consola
tions to the grave of your loved ones, nnd
I would opit the door and let them fill nil
the air with the muslo of their voices.
Oh, how they bound lu theso spirits be
fore tho throne! Some shout with glad
ness. Some break forth Into uncoutrolln
bio weeping for Joy. Some stand speech
less In their shock of delight. They slug.
They quiver with excessive gladne. They
gazo on the temples, on tho palace, ou tho
waters, on each other. Thoy weave their
joy into garlands, they spring It Into tri
umphal arches, they strike in on timbrel,
and then all the loved ones gather iu n
great circle mound the throno of God fa
ther, mother), brothern, sisters, sons and
daughtera, lovers and friends, hand to
hand around about tho throne of God tho
circle ever widening bund to hand, joy to
Joy, Jubilee to Jubilee, victory to victory,
"until tho day break and the nbadows fleo
nwny. Turn thou, my beloved, nnd be
liken roe or a young hart upon tho moun
tains of Uether."
To Keep the Home Cool.
Much of the heat of our houses Is sup
plied by the kitchen range, which Urldget
keep red hot oven lu the dog days. Pre
vent this by using n gan stove or oil stove
as far as possible. Then shut up tight nil
rooms not In use. Not only should the
shutters nnd wlndoaws be closed, but the
blinds must be lowered to exclude every
rny of light, nnd the doors locked to pre
vent the running In nnd out of tho chil
dren, who thus admit waves of heated nlr.
Perhaps It would be neither wise nor prac
ticable to herinutlcallv seal nil the rooms
of a house, but one room, nt least, can bo
so treated the parlor, nnd also the dining
room between meal; the room selected
should be closed early In tho morning
while tho nlr has some freshness, und !o
foro the sun strikes the windows; then it
should not Iw opened until Into In tho after
noon. .
Every house should have nn accessible
trap door In Its roof, and when this Is left
open n current or heated nlr must rlsu
through It nnd make n general draught
over nil the house. Awnings should be
light in color, and should be nt nil windows
and doors except those to the north. They
are great helps lu keeping out glare, but
thoy should lie chosen of a kind which Is
readily raised nnd lowered. After sun
down, n plentiful watering of your street
and pavement, nnd of nil the gardeu you
possess, will cool the nlr wonderfully.
Ladles' Homo Journal.
Women and Mee.
Society is composed, principally, of
women nnd Indies. They cnll upon each
other nud boro each other fearfully, yet
each would feel mortally Injured If tho
other did not cnll.
The natural prey of mnn Is woman, nnd
of woman, mnn; hut mnn has less leisure
to pursue hi natural Instincts.
The appreciation by which a woman is
held by the mnlo sex gives n good index, on
the Inverse ratio method, of tho estimation
in which she Is held by her own.
Nor, though husband nud wife uro ouo
and Indivisible, does it follow that the
admirer of the one will be equally attached
to the other? Politically speaking. Enn-
pland and Ireland stand to each other In a
very similar relationship.
Intellect in woman is appreciated by mnn
only In so far as it qualities her to appreci
ate it In him. Murray's Mngaaine.
Suit A.klatt Mew York.
Chief Bonner said the other day that
tlalms aggregating at least (3,000,000 were
pending against this city for alleged viola
tions by tho Are department of patent
rights. "Syndicates have been formed to
pwsh these claims," said the chief, "nnd
there an two big suite iu the courts now.
One is for an alleged infringement of a
patent on the heater stove used on our fire
engines and the other tult relates to the
Nlbba relief valve. The city authorities
have been legally adyUed tbat none of
these claims can bold agalest the city,"
New York Time.
It Crttalilirl at
World's rnlr.
iBptclal Cort Mpooilence.l "
Chicago. -July 16, Thero Is going lo
be nn International conference of chari
ties and corrections offlcInU in Chicago
In 1803. 0car Crqla. n brainy Inwyef
from Rochester, president of the New
York stato board of charities, Was tho
wannest advocate of such a convention
at this year's meeting of ilioie Interested
in chat I ties nnd corrections at Indian
apolis, and It wns he who Was forenibst
In suggesting jn connection with It n
very bright Idea. Ite th6tight it would
he an Inteteitlng adjunct to tho Vor(dV
futr to huvo a building set apart foi
chnrlticx and cotrcctiotiM appllnnas
This plan wn, adopted by tho convcti
tlou, and tho Chicago representatives at
the conference assured tho gentleincfi
thnt they would meet with n warm wel
cotuii ut the liantU of the fair uiunngcic
Mr. Cruig Is ";nthuslnstlc over the in
ternational conference and tho show u(
charities nnd cnrrectlotiHappllunces, Hi
has already set to work to provide for n
splendid showing from Now York state,
Mr. Craig Is known to his brother olli
claht as a great "hustler." He Iihh ln.-'jn
prominent iu public nnd ch.irituhl"
moveincntfl for n Hcore of yearn, during
which time he hint become fumoun ns oik
of the ablest disciples of Ulnckstotle in
America. He hits been president of the
Now York tdato board of charities foi
two years, and lie spends much time in
creating plans for tho constant Improve
ment of the prison, asylum and nlin
"Yes. we will have npneo ket apart for
the exhibition of our charities and cor
rectiomi appliances," ttnld Mr. Craig.
"We will Imvq fioctlonn of prisons und
jails of barbaric ideas, which nro passing
off very rapidly; also models of prisons
nnd jalln representing the modern nnd
advanced ideas in the care of criminal
In twenty years there has been won
derful change in the care and treatment
of the criminal. We have Bet the pare
of thin reform and European countries
followed public sentiment. While theio
Is much yet, to 1k corrected iu our pris
ons, I can cheerfully say that tho prison
er today In treated moro liko a human
being. The criminal is taught now.
Before ho was tortured. Look at our
Eltnlra reformatory.
"The commissioners of charities nnd
correction at tho big convention held
at Indianapolis were all loud in their
praise of this institution nnd looked
on it in every wuy ita a model. Wo want
to reform, and white there uro many
stumbling blocks we aro getting there.
Our prlbon wardenn nre more humane.
The men nro encouraged and nio no
longer overworked. While there are still
dark cells nnd certain modes of punish
ment to which many peoplo object, I
would wiy conservatively wo cannot al
together dispenso with punishment from
prison rules. Some men you cannot re
form, and these fellows aro always cre
ating a disturbance. It is necessary nt
times, in order to keep discipline, to pro
vido severe punishment for the unruly.
"But tho greatest reform is in the
quartern provided for the criminals.
While in New York stato wo need some
new prisons, our prisons nro models of
cleanliness and ventilation, The men in
charge of them are competent, intelli
gent fellows with humatio natures. Tho
thousands who visit tho World's fair
will be greatly interested no doubt nt
the great collection of torturing para
phernalia of tho past. It is most aston
ishing, though, how quickly tho peoplo
have changed their minds its to the treat
ment of the criminal. Sympathy is tho
ruling idea now with Americans. Of
this we show more to our unfortunate
classes than any other nation in tho
world. The solicitude of our people for
the poor and suffering cared for iu our
public institutions of charity is also very
great Every foreign visitor who ex
amines our bcheme of charity is pro
foundly impressed by its magnitude aud
its comprehnMvenesj. They look over
our prisons, asylums und poorhouses
and Fay they are models, mid New York
! is not the only statu whero this is ti ue
. A i mir nvlillittlitu " ha nnntftiiiufl
in(t f -- t -vi tiiit
'we will not ulono have models of pris
ons showing, comparisons, hut also all
the known correction paraphernalia of
olden and modern times We will
show the iieople how the insuno are
cared for in our own sfateusylums and
the great advancement in the humane
care ot them. T!ihm will aUo be
shown all the appliances for the educa
tion of the ff-eble minded, the blind, the
deuf and dumb, etc - We' will have pu
pils from institutions in the state of Illi
nois and other states present daily to
make our exhibits more interesting.
Mr. Frederick II Wynes.of Illinois, will
oon go to Europe to consult witb chari
ties nnd corrections officials on the other
6ide of the Atluutic aud anange for our
international conference
"Mr William F Rusnow. of Buffalo,
who had good experience at the Pati9
exposition, will look after the collection
and arranging of models, etc. There
will also bo shown at the charities
and corrections building practical illus
trations of how charity is bestowed in
out great cities Taking New York for
example, where perhups there is more
provision made for the needy than any
other city in the world, we can show the
system in operation by means of photo
graphs, etc Our system of charity is
extended steadily as the demand in
creases. And yet our homes and asy
lums, refuges and protectories are over
crowded, and new fields ot charity are
constantly opening up."
Uow tCi)wrl Kaglastoo r.ook
Atone time be was in appearance quite
an ideal Robert Etimere, but. of late he
has grown too gray and stout and jolly.
His thick hair is long, aud when he
brushes it straight back from his high
forehead he suggests very strongly an
old fashioned Hoosier dominie. He is
stiH very vigorous, and delights in soli
tary tramps over the hills and in long
day cruises in his little Uarnegat boat,
which Is well known on the lake and al
ways saluted with exra fervor and en
thusiasm by itenta launches and yachU.
the Coming I O " " " I Jr J "V .- .-" v Jf7
i4UJiCo TdldUULl 1
1540 O STREET.
Our work speaks for itself, it needs no brag
or bluster, simply your own opinion will testify '
to its merits.
Phone 219. A J .1:112 O Street
The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry'? Finest
Flower and Garden Seeds.
127 South Eleventh street.
What Do You
Release from the cltv'b dut and bent, the dall.v toll, the duties of hoclety; rtbt
recieatlon and enjoyment; opportunity to loaf under Mending trees; to fish In still
pools nndrukhlng waters; to glide over mirrored lakes; lo climb mountain heights
into the pure air ot heaven; to sport In ocinn's tolling surf; to stand on told head
lands, against which dash the breaking waves; to inhale the spicy air of lirs and pines,
the ozone of the mountains; the salt breezes from the sea.
You want to reach these at once by the most picturesque and expeditious route,
and by means of trains the most comfortable, the most luxurious, the safest to he
found. In short, jou want to take the "BURLINGTON," with the confident assur-
ancc tbat no disappointment awaits you.
All These You
Gen'l Pass. Agent,
' ' Omaha.
mi 1 1 iiniiii nr 1 1.
Summer Comes?
Summer Comes.
fr ngmm -t , i rl
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Jashw -s?55 5aW.
City, Pass, Agent,
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