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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1891)
mm Mason's Fruit. Jars, Jelly Glasses, Siberia Refrigerators, New 'Method Gasoline Stoves, Lawn Mowers, Screen. Doors, Screen Windows, Screen Wire, (Step Ladders. FRANK E. LAHR, 936 V St. Phonic 380 Lincoln Nebraska Souvenir Spoon. A novelty of vnluc to every patrjotlc A'lier- lean; of Interest to every cltlrcn ol Nebraska. Price, $3-50, plain bowl. $4 gilt bowl. Description the Cnpltol Is In has- relief, pllt mil "for handle, Mir m o u n t e l by mntil nnd w dgc n historical re- minder of Prcs Ulent Lincoln. A Inrgc line of other distinctive spoon In stock. J.B.Trickey Arwfl ft CO. JEWELERS 1035 0 8t Clearance Sale! ALL SUMMER GOODS AT ClearancPrices YOU CAN BUY Summer Weights l" IN- CLOTHING, HATS and Underwear, iFor Less Money than Before. Ever vCOME AND SEE US. If jon Deposit your Savings r- ) Lincoln Savings Bank Safe Deposit Co. EOT. itiiisimr oil, ' lHBflViLL'EURillXEIESTiFOR YOU Atjtlio Unte of .5-Five per Ct. per Annum-5 Have 1500 week nnd It amounts with interest In dvo years to $1,500.00. ( Bank opens at 9:30 a.m. to 8.80 p.m. and tAaturday evenings, B to 8 p. pi. ' ' Sta t Rtut la Burglar aad Fire Proof Vaults. W fC' ' V 7 ' S: CAPITAL iMHKf Ls2a A Vmrtr fVjJrtfo fflilttn 7Yir. t'ubUs.hod Saturday. Address all communications direct 10 the office WKBBttt. Pl-UNTING- CO, r-Ulll.tSIIKIIN, Courier building, ll'M N Hired. TklkI'iioXK al L. M'krhkl, Jr., Editor nml Hole Proprlotnr. HUlisCliirnnM Ono Your by Mali or Carried t)J00 Hlx Months, JUiOiTliree Months, We.j Ol 0 mouth fiO Cfiitrt trtrrhljr In Advance. Am snTissmtirra: Hates furnished on application at the office. Hpeclal rates on Time Contract. CoNTRlnnioNsi Short spicy sketches, kk-iiis and stories solicited. Personal and Hoelal notes ore especially desirable. i'amiini We make a specialty of Fine Printing In Alllt-s brunches. Hocletr work a specialty . Entered nt tho I'oilnmce of Uncoil', ns second elms mutter, Ncli., POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. HO FOR DETROIT. The (1. .A, It. National Kiicumpinent. The CliloPROpHoPk Island & riu-lflo Hall way will sell ticket to Detroit for the O. A. 11. National Kncniiipiiient nt the rnto of onu Inn est first clns fnro for tlio round trip. Dates of snlo will Imi ns follows: From n'l stations In Kniiis In Nebraska, July Both to August Ud, Inclusive. From nil stations In Colorado, Oklahoma or Indian Territory, July "Oth to August 1st, Inclusive, lleturn limits on these Tickets will lm same ns other lines. For full particulars uthtivas T. J, Ander son, AsstTOeh'l Ticket and Pass. Agent, To pekn, Kansas, or apply to any Ticket Agent of the lloek llind system. J Jm. HKHASTIAN, O. T ft 1 A. Chicago, III. EXCURSIONS- 'LOW RATES. II) Missouri Pucllle Itn'lhrnv for tlm '! lowing Named Mineral Urrnslons. Tourist siiminur excursion tickets to Col orado., Halt Lake, City, Utah, and other Col orado and Utnlr points of pleasure and lienlth resorts nt lowest rates for round trips, good for six month. At Auburn, Nub., teacher' normal Insti tute, July S to August SO, 1M)1. TORONTO, ONT., For national educational association for teachers, July 14 to 17 inclusive, at loweU ates, first class fare for round trip plus f J momlivrshlp fee. Tickets on sale July 8 to 111 Inclusive; good for return on or before Hep: temberitO, 1MH. Call nt city ticket cilice, liiOl 0 street, opposite Ilurr's block. J. K. It. Miliar, City 1'nssengei- Agent. II. 1. K., General Agent, L'ueoln, Neb. II. C. Townskku, O. I & T. A.,Ht. Lou's, Missouri. ' The Hot Springs of Dakota. These springs are rapidly beeom'ng fainniw on account of the wonderful curative proper tics of tho water, and the many marvelous cures which have been effected by the ther mal bnths. Tbe ton u and springs are delight .'ully situ ated In n picturesque valley In the Black Hills country, abounding In beautiful scenic cuVts, nnd nt an altitude of .1,-100 feet above Itheat-A level; thus Insuring a pure atmos phero and exhilarating climate, nlwolutely tree rroin mniaria. Under tho enterprising and progressive management of the Hot Hprlngs company ninny deelrable Improvements have been made; among tho number the erection of a commodious bath house fitted up with all modern conveniences for tho comfort of guests. New hotels have been built and com fortably furnUued throughout, conducted In flrstclnM style nnd at reasonable rates. Those who prefer stopping at a pi I vale house will find ninny desirable boarding places where good accommodations are furnished at moderate p-lces. Tbe superior dally service now afforded by tbe Burlington Rout to Hot Springs, with through sleeping car acooia mentations from Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora aud Orand Island, makes the trip an easy and enjoyable one; ami for the beneflt of all Who desire to test the efficacy of the waters, round trip tickets at reduced rates, good for ninety days are now on sale at all offices of tbe Burlington Houte. For pamphlet, descriptive of the spring', and full Information as to rates, time, etc., apply to any agent of the company, or to J,. Fhancih, Oen't Pass'r & Tk't Agt., Omaha, Neb. The UakulM Hot Springs, The Improvements that bare taken place at the Dakota Hot Springs during the put year make It now one cf the most popular, attrac tive and desirable resorts ot tbe country. In addition to the benefits to be derived from the use ot the water, tbe superior climate nnd beautiful natural surroundings reader it an especially attraotire resort, while tbe curative properties ot the water makes the Springs a rival of the famous Hot Springs of Arkansas. Ample hotel accommodations are provided at reasonable rates, and the journey to and from can now be quickly and comfortably made via the Fremont, Klkhorn & Missouri Valley Kallroad, the only all rail Hue to the Hot Springs. Excursion tickets are sold nt reduced rates. Full Infor mation cau be obtained on application to W. M. Biiii-uan, Gen. Act, Lincoln, Neb., or Jno. T. JJustln, City Tkt. Agt., 11!W O street: E..T.' Moore, Depot Tkt. AgL.lCor. otn and 8 street, or to J. R. Buckbam, Gen. Pass. Agt., Omaha, New. ilurlluatoit Houto The Uiitlng; Season I Drawing On, People have already bgau planning ttia I summer ,trips, nml we would suggest that vou nost toaratlva resm'nWntc the wonderful treat flsWuir In Esses park", Col. The health' sWlucbatba and aufet' rail ot Dskoti Hot Springs, the hunting and' fishing of Wyom ing or me lasmonaoie uengnis oi uiuiiou The Burlington will take you to anv ot them speedily and without fatigue. There are many other places in which you cau siend the heated term, and the agent at the B. & M. depot or city office cau till you all about them Callandgetajtxjokpf summer tours aud look Ujov'er. 'You will And R fujl of good things andValuable bints. ' A. C. ZlEMKR, City Passenger Agent. CITY COURIER, wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm AUNT SARAH'S GOWNS, 6ME HAS NOT CHANGED HER STYLE OF DRESS FOR VEAR9 h VltH.fl "Nlsen Mlrauily" In New fork ami Statltsd the I'eople of Ilia Metropolis with Her OIl Htjln flarti, tl'li'lch li Hera Depicted, IH pedal Correspondence. New York, July 10. Up In Squeo dunk, about two miles buck of thu vil lage and half it mllo oti tho bias from Buttermilk Falls, Aunt S.irnh liven mid tins lived, without over having hud n il siro to leave ever since lb'2. whn -di" married Uncle Zebedeo and li-.-c.tii.-) lulitreu of lila homo. AUNT SAItAll'S THAVKUNO DH4 AND r MOIIfJIMI DOWN. Tho years linvo tttood still for Aim' Snrnh ns fur ns taslilon tfoes. nml jucIi succeeding year, when oho unfolded lior wedding clothes, her traveling dress mid second day gown and morning robo to air them nml pack thuin away again in fragrant sweet clover, they seem so new aud fresh to her that sho cannot Imagine thafthoy would )ki cnrfoxitlcs to any ono else, nnd ho when lately her grand niece was about to start for Europe Aunt Sarah decided to make her u vIhR. Accordingly she packed her trunk with all that bridal linery that had lain ho long In tho clover scented drawero, and soon nfter made her appearance nt Nfccci Mlrandy'n on Fifth avenuo In Now York, In the gray barcgo traveling gown of inahy flounce, rnch bordered with taf fetas ribbon, with n fichu 'and ribbon bows in front, In full nulled uudertileovcH nnd n bonnet of gray satin shirred in the back nnd with a drooping plume. Ilet largo scalloped handkerchief was carried In her hand, held daintily by thu inlddlo. contrasting strangely with her toll worn hands. She would not coil her jjlovcs mi cars; not she. The next morning tdio camo down to breakfast In an ethereal robo of tafk-ia. snuff brown In color, trimmed with bands of brown molro und n regitn-nt or bows, and tho satno sot of hoops, mid with a remarkable tulle cap on her with rosettes of pink ribbon, and Mit looked with distasto upon tho morning gown worn by her nloco; and tho grand niece's toilet received it hoveio sniir of disapprobation, as it wiw nimp!o zephyr gingham, mid entirely disproportionate as to width of skirt or lu-r fiithi-iV means. Then Aunt Sarah wanted to rakl- a walk down Fifth avenue, and piPM-ntod herself dressed for tho promenade in a bright royal purple molro, mado with s vero plainness as to skirt mid walut, ex cept tho zigzag lines of black velvet down the front, and tho lacn under Hleeves reached to thu wrist, whero they wero met by green kid gloves Her bon net was of ilovo colored natln, with mi ostrich plumo of tho same shade outside und pink roses inside by tho cheeks, and n frill of white lnci inside tho bum. She looked severely and with oviden pity on Mirandy'a plain black rumvl'e hair gown, and turned up Her nnn in secret over the obvious fact that slie had no hoops to wear, anil curiously enough In the confusion of sights ami hoiiimN alio fnilrd to notlro that other women were dressed just like Mimndy, and she meditated that afternoon us to the possi Wllty of Mlrandy'H Imsb.ind bavlntr fnlled In business, and slut thought ot th egg money that alio had savfd in a collm box that she had always kept iu the old clock, and was thinking uf giving hr enough to get one decent outfit, at teas. for herself and daughter who wss gotm; abtoid without suitable clulhicg. AUJIT SARAH'S KVE.NINO TOILET AC flOM KSADK COSTUME That evening there wur com pi m ind Aunt Sarah camo down biuiinu mid smiling In a wonderful dress of whit tuffetn with threo dojp li'iunceH, hh-i. having regular flowor lwln of brilliant pink, blue nnd yellow blossoms in their foliage Tbe slaves w-ru (lowing, and worn with open nndersleeves of blond lacn, and a littln row of gold bonds mid a handsome, teal lace handkerchief, mid with her Stills abundant hair rilcdy crimped Thl dre'ss sho Blmost decided to give to Mirandy'a niece outright, m) sorry she felt for her in a simple white gown of Japanese crepe that clung closely to her, slender.young figure, look ing "for all the world just like u night gownr'ao she after ward told Unclf,Z-b- Th visit waaovr and Aunt Sarah went home blissfully ignorant that her precious gowns were out of style. Let us honor "Mlrandy" and Mirandy'a daughter for their delicate and very un usual treatment of Aunt Sarah, and bo glad that she is oot "out of conceit" with her'rich but queer old dresses, and above all .let ut be thankful that wj don't have to wear such ourselves. Olivf Harper. SATURDAY, JULY 25, SOUVENIR SPOONS. A friend of mlno-poir callow youth Wan married yesternight, And I went to tho obsoiules And watched tho mournful rite. And itrolUnu around w Ith uloomy thoualit Forhohnti been my friend I camo upon the wedding ulftt Kind friends had thouuht to send. Upon a tablo they were laid. All cluttered In a rlnir. Full seven dozen eomenlr spoons And not another thing. There wero Itoslon, bynii and Salem spoons, And spoons of Souanttimvllle, And spoons from Squcdunk and Cohoet, Huag't Patch nnd Jones' Mill. And tout enlrs of Oconto WashlnBton. And Noah and tho ark. And Ke, nnd O rover Cleelnnd too, And Moses In tho dark. And 1 wept a wet and liquid tear, And I said within my heart, "What could n marrlaso do but fall With such a dismal start?" For much I doubt, as married life Wears off Its rIoss with years, That tho thouuht of spoons such plcostiro Rives At to warrant ou enlrs. -Boston Courier. He Made a llatl llreak. She Oh, don't you think Miss Browne Is the nicest girl In tho world? He Why, jes, of course, if jou think so. She Aud her eyest Oh, don't you think they nro splendid? Ho Very. She And hasn't sho tho cute.M little mouth nnd the kindest, dearest face? Ho Yes, Indeed. She And such n beautiful complexion! And what halrl He Very beautiful. She And, then, Isn't she graceful, nml locsn't she waltz divinely? He My, yes. Sho And isn't sho tho sweetest, sweetest girl? He Yes, Indeed. She And don't you think sho knows an awful lot, nnd don't you-oo-ooo-ooo t-h-1-n-k ? He Why, what's the matter, Mabel? Sho Oh, I t-h-o-u-K-h-t y-o-u 1-o-v-e-d me, Tom? He Why, so I do. Sho W-e-l-l, then, how enn you bear to tnlk so n-b-o-u-t t-h-n-t h-o-r-r-l-b-l-o o-l-d u-g-I-y Urowne girl? Sheflleld Telegraph. She Soneil Up Ills Pockets. There Is n young married woman of my acquaintance whose first wifely cxperieuco with tho needle bus resulted In a capital Kko on her. Sho found what appeared to two Immense rips on tho Inside of the talis of her husband's frock coat, and while be was down town she carefully sewed them up. When the young man came home to lunch his wlfo met him, coat in baud. "I've Just inonded It," sho said; "there were two awful rips la the tails of It." "Let me Bee," said the husband ot the Industrious young woman. "Idldn'tknow there was a tear In It." "Yes, there was; right there." "Uut those are the" Tho young man caught the look ot Inno cent doubt on bis wife's face and stopped. "Yes, those were fearful rips; things were getting In them all the time." And the young man went down to his office nnd picked out the threads In order to get at hU bank book nnd a few letters that tie bad In those tall pockets. Kansas City Times. llarreil Out. J Jack Will you come out for a sail In inj cntboat this morning? Charlie Delighted to, old fellow, If you'll wait till I chungo my clothes. I don't want to run the risk ot getting this yachting suit wet. Munsey's Weekly. The Modern Drama. Farmer's Boy Say, pop, there's a man outside wants a job to help clean out the stables and feed pigs and do other chores for a while. Farmer A tramp? Boy Dunno; he's purty well dressed. Farmer (who has rend Denmnn Thomp son's "Old Homestead") Ohl I guess he's some New York nctor practlcln fer a new play. Good News. A Temler Correspondence. COfiA TO JAKK. Deaii Jake Come tomorrow ovenlDU sure. Pap Is at home, but Is laid up with a soro foot. See? Coha. JAKE TO C0II A. DEAn Cora I can't come tomorrow even ing. I am laid up on account of your papa's soro foot. Sec? Jake. New York Herald. A Moving Mystery. Mrs. Brickrow (after the moving) The family who lost lived In this house left it In a perfectly horrible condition. Mr. Brickrow Tho agent told mo it had stood empty ever since wo lived In It be fore. New York Weekly. The Ilesult of Truliilng. "This, Indies nnd gentleman, Is the cele brated trick mule, 'Dot,'" said the clown, as the animal was being led In Jo the ring "After tunny years of effort I am able to say I can make him do anything that lit wants to." A Hint. Voung Bourer (diffidently) Yes, MU Lucy, they do say I am clever at baseball Lucy (yawning) 1 should so (yawm dearly love to see ou make a (yawn) home, run. I'ltuburK Bulletin. Equally Hoastfal. "What Is the difference between a man of family nnd a family man?" "One boasts of his ancestors, the other brags about his progeny." New York Herald, Her Choice. Penolone What would you suggest as favors for our next german, Dolly? Dorothy (unhesltatiugly) Huhbnuds. Life. Tally One. Teacher Johnny, give me the name ot the largest known diamond. Johnny Tbe ace. Brooklyn Eagle. i 1891 MtM OHlif "Msf ni4nt-. -a This man always had his ,."F- .AM ' '! " M 6) OHEAPBR THAN ANYONE ELSE COULD AFFORD AND THAT'S THE WAY HE OOT The Interior Decorative Company, 1134 N A. C. Ziijmiju, Pres. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US FOR ICE CREAM FOR 8UNDAY DINNER, AND THEY. WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbtjsh Makers of Hon Rons and Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water. SUMMER SPECIALTIES ! Thin Coats and Vests IN Alpaca, Serges, Pongee, Silk Lustres, Drab Dete, Mohair, And all popular Fabrics so Cool and Comfortable in ': Hot Weather. Th e many stvlcs we show will make will certainly please you. SEE OUR Madras and Flannel Shirts BEFORE YOU BUY. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Corner O and !Oth Streets. K.K.D.G.CQ- The Peoples' Store We have decided to continue 'our SPECIAL RE DUCED PRICES on all SUMMER -:- GOODS (luring the month of July in order to reduce our stock punitory to putting in fall goods. ' 'Come and Look us Through and Get Some Bargains. KILPATRICK-KO'CH DRY GOODS CO, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hoots and Shoes. 1518-1520 O Street., I II urt I 3 ( , k. ) O O ( M UK v ...f . . Ml . - into, ''I firct' 1 I !l t i i ot, f i .i hstr s fll .rij. .?' - ' n ! -, I i -o--o- 4". ;'i,i l Mil i 111 o, i rotri er0t DEOORATINQ DONE DY PARTIES WHO OOULoVo IT street. Caul ELviCrvMrn suit- von ti. low prices we o ELEGANT pre- Telephone 448. iU 1 !&AM$y mkM&ML &j&j&J... j.. - " --v"- i innniiiir"1 "iti" ''- - a.u iA HMMMriaw M f-