Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 25, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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rf9QSSilsinm& 4
x. '.,-iL&l
Thk Oi.d Rkmaiim.
-Is llll Headquarter (or-
I (( Cream
Ices, Cakes, Candies, Etc.
Our Special order depart
ment for catering to private
residence and parties is the
most popular in the city
"Prompt delivery, pure goods
and reasonable prices" is our
motto. ru-'
1307 0 SI. Telephone 501
Lincoln Patrons
Wc beg to Inform jou tlint our Stock of
Spring a iid Summer
It now ready for your Impaction nntl
comprises nil the
From the
Finest French i English
Biery Garment Strictly First-Class!
Kuckcrt & McDonald,
317 5, 15th St. ComtpondtncB Solicited
-May ho produced by the use of MRU. OUA
HAM'H Kugenlo Knnmcl and her Hose
Bloom. The complexion unit color u-x) made
perfect, nml tho closest scrutiny qould noi de
tect one grain or powder or the least Indica
tion of artificial color. I will ttnko my rep
uutlou thnt on any fnce I can give the moat
delightful complexion nml rotor with Eu-
Knlo Knamel nml Kose Illossom, nml
kl no on could possibly tell thnt
the color or complexion were artific
ial. This Is hitch nrl lu cosmetics. They
aro each mora harmless thnn nny other cos
metic. In the world, because, they nra ench ills,
solving In their usturc, nnd (bus does not
clou up the pore. When using theso superb
cosmetics you nuiy wipe tho dust or perspl
ration from tho fnoe without marring their
delicate beauty. They renin In on nil dny, or
nntll washed off.
- Price of ench It tho two sent anywhere for
. Kor snio ny iiuwAiurn uiahumu
VHAUMAOV, Northwest Corner N nml r.'th
Mrs. Qralinm, 101 Tout St., Snn Krimelnco,
treats Indies for all defects or blemishes ot
face or Haure. Send stamp for her little boolc
How tobelleautirul."
Lincoln Trunk Factory
st H33 ST-
Where wt will be glad to teu all old
friends nnd customers, and at many, new
ones as can get Into the store.
1 VEAR I I urd.rUkt la hri.
I Hack r hliljr lul Hf'M ck n cf lll.l
MI. faorB fMd ttt.ll lkltl.aMl BkA.
Rrr l.tnlitlii,l!l Muck lailMlilouIr,
rliowr la rn TkrM TkaaaaaJ BbIIam
Tmt la lklrm lurUiln, knrw iktjr lt,.l Kill ilto ftraUfc
No Moaajr titf n unlrM uccMful !?. Kaklly anil quickly
laant4. 1 Savra tut aaa wrwkar taMU aak UUirlt i w fowaljr. 1
ktta tlnadjr li(ln ami iIJ4 arllU ni.oii,nl l..(t
bar, wkt ara maklaf out la ta(.. lliNKW
te4 l.l ! 'ull aarlltalara ritKI . A JJr... al oTa,
C(VAibi.KN,Sl 4t). Ami win, Math.,'
A UitlqtiK l)ln Which May ll Crrld
Out fur. Two Thousand Hollars.
(Copyright, Ml, by American Press Asuocla.
Suburban a'rchltoctttruoponsn wider fluid
for thu" display of tho linnifliiullou to the
designer of woll arranged and convenient
houses than It possible to otia whoso prim
tlco Ik restricted to tho conventionalities
Pertnlnlnu to oxcluslvo rlty work. Ilrlcli
nml stonu do not permit oddities and novel
ties In form without heavy pounlty or
expense, but In constructluu: n hulldliiu; of
wood there It nu opportunity for originality
In design without oxccsslvu expunge
In thu nlnntduu of 11 dwelling houto
there It much to ha considered npnrt from
solidity of construction nnd nn ngrccnhlu
distribution of .thu parts of tho exterior
Consideration for thu comfort or thu nccii'
nnnts. combined with facilities for perfect
execution of household sorvleo In Its ml-
uutu detnllt, Ih becoming more fully npr
elated, while Its neglect hns brought upon
tho unlucky dcsluuur wull dexorved con
The Illustrations accompanying this
nrtlctfi represent un odd duslgn for n tub
urban cottage which litis tho double ad
vatitngo In thu plan of 'being suitable for
either u narrow or wide frontage, with nn
exceedingly uconnmlcnl unit convenient nr
rnngomunt of rooms In both tho first nnd
second stories. A cellar 7 feet drop oxteuds
under tha en tiro bulhllug, Inclosed by n
wull 18 Incline thick, Intd up lu llnio
nnd coinent inortnr toltliu top, with suit
able windows nml uutsldo cellar doors
completu. Ahovu tho foundation tho build
lug Is Of wood, In this plnn tho old cus
tom of placing thu stulrwny along ono sldo
of tho purlor In n long, unrrow hull which
served as it ineiu passageway from front
to renr In.s been abandoned. You enter
rmsT sTortv.
the house from the side of tho vcrnuda,
which kIvcs n pretty elTect from both tho
front nnd side, nnd puss Into n Inrgo hull,
clrculnr In plnn, with n brond, wlndlug
talrwny lending to tho second story. Un
der the principal stnlrcnso Is plnccd the
pnssnge nnd stnlrs to the cellar.
The large room parallel to tho veranda,
with the bay window in front, It the par
lor, which Immediately conncctt with the
dining room adjoining, separated by slid
ing door. The dlulng room It of good
lie, with a hnndsoino octagon bay window
at ono end and largo sliding doors shutting
It off from the hall at the other. Uack of
the dining room is the kitchen, with a
large pantry and storeroom, as shown by
tha plau; also a door from the mala hall
and a back door leading to tho yard la the
rear. The chimneys are of bard brick to
tho roof and of pressed brick from thence.
The open fireplaces in the parlor and din
ing room have handsome glased tllo hearths
and facings, ornamental brass fenders,
sultablo grates, mantels, etc., complete.
The kitchen Is provided with a pressed
brick chimney breast, and portablo range,
boiler, sluk and tubs.
In tho second story the arrnngoment of
the rooms is admirable. The principal
chamber It lu tho front, directly above tho
parlor, with a commanding aspect, which
the balcony affords, us well as adding n
picturesque effect to the exterior. Con-
venlent to the front chamber Is a good
sized bedroom, which may serve as n
nursery for young children if desired.
Above the kitchen, accessible to the hall,
are the bathroom and guest chamber, all
amply lighted.
A comfortable stairway lends to the
attic, in whli . there are two excellent bed
rooms and a 'trge storeroom which may be
used as a servant's bedroom when desired.
The original cost of this house was !,
000. d. W. Kino.
C771H. Sri. liHSi -mm
1 - , JmbbJBBmj itBB
r bmRLoR
nip i . I
mcJ xJK
W 9 Pi 'BED K
wcHroom v
' A Bolt-mli Moment.
After tho brldnl party partook of n
sumptuous bnuiuot. n younger brother of
tho.brlilo got up nnd said, solemnly, rais
ing Ills glnssi
"Lndic and gcntlotnuu, I have to pro
poto a tonst, which, however, must ha
drunk standing. Ploaio tnko your glnssc
nnd ilsu up."
The gui-sts, although somewhat bewil
dered, did so.
"Now," anld tho young tenpeprnce, "If
you will rcmnln standing forn fuw min
utes I'll find out who has Ixmu sitting on
my new stnu-plpu hat." Rochester Times.
The Old Man's Itnrlln
Bho Would you belluvo Itf that vicious
IIUlu Mrs. Went on has taught her baby to
call Its father "Urnuilpa."
Ho What did she do that for?
Shu So that Weston shan't forget thnt
ho Is old enough to bo her father. Life.
Ilottn Ilia Tree.
Thero weru olght or ten of us on the
platform of n railroad station In Tennen
seo waiting for thu train, nnd by and by
somu ono called attention to n woman seat
ed on n barrel and smoking a pipe with
great vigor.
"What big feet," said ono.
"How stupid sho looks," ndded a second.
"Het a dollar sho doesn't know A from
Zl" put In n third.
Half a dozen people had had their say,
when a "native," who had been whittling
away at u shingle nml sitting with his feet
dangling off the platform, turned ubout
and called to thu woman i
"Mary, is tho shotgun In tho cart V
"You'un totu It along yerol"
"What furf"
"Got to shutu sumo of theso 'tins fur
tnlkln' 'bout you I Drap somu uxtra buck
shot In tho bar'lsl"
Mary didn't go, however. Six npolngles
worn rendered in six seconds, nnd thu hus
band accepted each and every ono nnd saldt
"You'un needn't totu that ar' gun over
yerel Theso 'uus hev cum down tho treol"
-Now York World.
Somu Qiiver Happenings.
At n flro lu Georgia recently, thero being
no watur at hand, somu littlu colored boys
pelted It with watermelons which were
growing in n neighboring field, and tho
melons bursting soon quenched tho Haines.
A Massachusetts farmer claims to haro
found nn npplu that Is outwardly perfect,
but tho Inside of which has been entirely
consumed by n worm that crawled In
through thu stem.
A musician out west has Invented n glass
trombone. Ills object lu so doing was to
enable deaf people to seo tho music its It
Cassctl through, but for somu unnccountn
lu reason tho plan has not worked. Har
per's Young Peopte.
Love nnd WUdum. v
Ono bright day In w Intry enthcr
Lovoand Wisdom met together;
Alt Ixivo carried was his qulvur, .
Yet ho did not seem to tihlvor.
Wisdom, though In furs, was coldi
Lovo was young mid Wisdom old.
Wisdom, M'cr seeking truth,
Asked thocuiuoly, naked youth
How his body was not frozen.
As ho hadn't auy clothes on?
Uive, for nnswer, sent nn arrow
Whizzing Into WUdom's marrow.
And tho old man's blood waxed hotter:
T III bo boiling cro lie's got her.
A. 0. flnlinu lu Now York Sun.
lining Wrll.
"Goodness gracious," yelled tho man
ager, meeting tho lender ot tho orchestra
coming up, "thero was n terrible mess of It
half wny in tho lost act."
"And didn't I manage It nicely?" said
tho leader. "I caught up so that even you
must havo noticed I wasn't more than threu
bare behind when the curtain fell." File
gende HI .ter.
The Uelght of Tollteness.
Mrs. Passee Will you kindly change
your seat, sir, so that you will bo between
me nnd theso young Indies?
Old Gentleman Certainly. Don't you
wish to see them?
Mrs. Passee No, Indeed; that would be
very rude. I am their chaperon. Now
York Weekly.
Ecclesiastical Item.
Teacher What arc the names of tho
even days of the week?
Boy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
"That's only six days. You have missed
one. Whendocsyourmothergotochurch."
"Wlien pa buys her a new hat." Texas
A Suggestion.
He (despondently) My dear, we really
must cconoml.e. Now what can we get
along without)'
Shu I really don't know, Crank, unless
It's your uppetlte. Harper's lluiar.
Fair Customer That bicycle I bought
for my llttlo boy only three weeks ago bos
gone all to pieces.
Dealer Yes'm. You remember I war
ranted It to go fast. Good News.
Jcapnr There are men In the world who
orguo that electricity Is life.
Mrs. Jnspar Then it Is no wonder thnt
so many men llvo shocking lives. New
York Herald.
It May llo So.
Thero are 150,0rJ,SV3 watches lu usu at
the present time. Of this uumber thero Is
a possibility that onu keeps as good time
as tho reader's. Jewelers' Circular.
Not Besponslble.
"Was that policeman dismissed for club
bing?" "No, ho proved that he was nsleep wheu
ho aid tho clubbing." Epoch.
Shu Wits Never Anything to film.
She So you loved and lost, did you?
Ho No, sho returned nil my prescnts.
Epoch. A lllse In Ttnupcrittiire.
The goodly housewife now prepares
To seek souio summer spot.
Where she can keep quite cool until
Her husband has to pay thu bill.
And then ho makes It hot
u -New York HcraM.
A- Mill flehftm All Ills Own, anil It
"Tickets, please,' said tho conductor of a
trnln on n line running out of Detroit as
ho entered the car.
There was n very general response In tho
sliiiKi of pasteboard until ho came to a
farmer who was very earnestly looking
out of tho window.
"Tickets, please," said tho conductor.
Tho man paid no attention.
"I'll tnku your tickut, If you pleasu."
Tho man looked up at him. "Hain't got
any," ho answered slowly,
"Well, the mouoy tlion. Where arc you
"Hain't got any money."
"Well, then, what nru you on here forf
If I don't get cither money or ticket I must
put you off the train."
"You wouldn't stop an express train Just
to put ono man off, now would you?"
"Wouldn't I? You'll soon seo whether I
will or not. Now I want your ticket or tho
cash without any more fuss."
"Nnry onu."
Thu conductor paused for a moment or
two nnd then called the hrnkemau.
"Now aru you going to get off without n
fus. or will wu have to throw you off?"
Tho man sighed and said hu would gooff
quietly. When thuy got out on the plat
form nnd the conductor hiul his hand en
tho bell rope thu passenger cast his eye
over thu Hying landxcnpo and wild:
"Ain't theru no way wo can Hx this up?"
"Certainly. Tickut or mono."
After another look thu man shook his
head. "Let her go, captain."
Tho conductor pulled thu ropo. Thu air
brakes scrunched nnd thu train enmo to it
stop. Thu man stepped off, ami then,
hnudlng thu conductor a bit of pasteboard,
"I don't client no railroad company, cap
tain. Hero yu are."
"Why In thuudor didn't you give mo
this lieforof You can rldo five miles
further on this ticket. Step aboard lively,
"Never mind, captain. I would have to
walk llvo miles back If I did. t llvo over
yonder. So long, cnp." Detroit Fret
An Infnllllilo Sign.
Tho poets with n fervid heat
Proclaim thnt summer's como ngnln:
And suck with vnrled clrcumstanco
This ilarlnx dictum to sustain.
IiO,seu thu Mowers!" they remark;
"IA likewise look upon thu trees!
And list tho gurgling song of birds,
That wnrhlo to tho evening brucel
"And vlow tho erduro of tho ground;
And mark thu nzuro of tho nky;
And nt tho blooming landscape round
I'rny now dccortlratu your ojcl"
And by hucIi varied Islblo signs
Thu poets prove that summer's come
I know It by tho wny thoHtainps
In my pockctlmok liegin to gum.
Boston Courier.
Too Strict.
In Germany tho pollco regulations nro
very strict, nnd nuy vlolutlon of them is
promptly punished, Thu pcoplu huto it
holy terror of tho Inn. Two gentlumen
happened to meet In Berlin, nnd the fol
lowing conversation took plncu:
"Have you heard the dreadful news
about Miller?"
"No; what is it?"
"Ho was lu n bout on tho river. He fell
overboard nnd was drowned. Tho water
was too deep."
"Didn't he know how to swim?"
"Swim! Don't you know thnt nil per
sons nre forbidden by the pollco to swim lu
tho river?" Texas Sittings.
On n Ijong Journey.
Tramp Plense, mum, I enn't git work
nt mo trnde now nnywhero around here,
nnd wild you be so kind ns ter help ma
nloug on me Journey to n place wheru I cau
find work?
Iady Poor innn! 1 didn't know busi
ness wns so dull Where do you expect to
And work?
"Conslderln' the time o' year, mum, I'm
afraid I'll havo to go a long wnys north of
"Indeedl What Is your trade?"
"I'm a snow slioveler, mum." Good
Dolus Well.
Strnwber Whllo I was rooming with it
friend of mine, who Is in thu gus business,
tho other night, we wero awakened by it
slight nolso, nnd then a burglar crept
softly Into the room.
Slngcrly Dear met How did you get
out of It?
Strnwber Very well Indeed. My friend
got everything ho had. Harper's Bazar.
It Was True.
"The same old Jokes," snarled the land
lady as she overheard tho now boarder dis
cussing the spring lamb.
"They've ono thing In their fnvor," an
swered the boarder.
"What's that?" snapped the landlady.
"They nre not as old ns tho lamb," was
the cruel nnswer. Detroit Free Press,
The Chitpernn's Motto,
Miss Straltlaco Do see that poor blind
beggar woman on the corner, Maude? How
pitiful It is to seo her sitting thero in tho
crowd with thnt card, "I am blind," sus
pended around her neck.
Miss Folllbud-Ycs, It Is pitiful; but,
Ethel, what a delightful chaperon she
would make. Somervllle Journal.
Florence at Hume.
Toots (standing in the shadow) Is Miss
Florence at homo this evening?
Bridget Como out where I can seo you.
(Sot to voco: Yes; red hair, no mustache,
turn up noso). Yes, como right In. Now
York Herald.
A Convenient Arrangement.
"Sir, I take tho liberty of saying that yeu
havo my umbrella."
"Very well, you take tho liberty; I'll
tnko tho umbrella." Epoch.
Or KWo T
"Papa, don't you think these ulasses
mnku me appear lutellcctualf"
"Yes, my dear, but uuder all clrcum
itaucea keep your mouth closed." Truth,
IJVLmr'iiJtt tissssssssssUiatt. A 1 ".
:iHtnfii.r1t bsfassssllsssvlMM , 'A 4CL1
JJi' HV lalstl'aSSSsSaSSSsl
'IsilsssssssssssssssssD SHH""
UssssssssssssssssB HllWrA
Op'ned Jsn, 1, '91,
All ItDpronmenti
The Lincoln,
TKHMH-K.M) TO 4.(0.
h latter price Includes liiiths.
First-Glass in Every Respect!
lliiniiii-t, IIhIIh nml Iteerpt Ioiik. C
Wo nro esieclnllv well prepared to enter
tain large or Niiinll gatherings nt llamiuets,
llnlls, ltcceptlniis, Etc. ltntts nnd full Infor
mation cheerfully glM'n nt tho oltlce.
Cor. I" n nil (Mb Sts.
Atchlson, Leavenworth, .St. Joseph, Kansas
City, St. Louis nnd nil Points South,
East nnd West.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons
Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal
points in Kansas.
The only rond to the Great Hot Springs
of Arknnsas. Pullman Sleepers aid Free
Reclining Chair Cars on nil train.
City Ticket A gt. GsVI Vgjnt
T. A.
Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in Gityand Farm Property
North German-Lloyd Steamship Co.,
Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines.
Also Rnllroad Agent for the different Companies Enst and Vest
Southampton, Havre, Hamburg, Stetten, London, Paris, Norway, Plymouth, Hremen,
Sweden, and any point In Europe.
Post Orders nnd Fotelgn Exchange Issued to nil prominent points In Europe.
Having large facilities east with tho biggest Hanks mid Savings Institutions, I am pro
pnred to make all Kinds of Loans on First Itenl KMnte Mortgages, Cltv or l-urin Property,
from 1 to S years, nt tho lowest Intorest. I also deal lu School llonds, Htnte, County nnd City
Warrants, alio In Statu. County and City Certified Claims, nnd will always pay tho highest
market price,
Cnll nnd see me or Correspond
L. MEYER, 108
J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor.
This beautiful new house under its present management will bo conducted In
thorough first class style on the American plan, rates $3.00. It has
Including passenger elevators and bath room on every floor. Tho sleeping
apartments are large and elegantly furnished and may be had either tingle or en
tulte. We have reserved a limited number of rooms for city patrons and are pro
pared to give excellent table board with or without rooms at reasonable ratos.
Call and tee us.
Ttlepbone 483. Cor. lath and Q,
C.'K. Montgomery, I'rctlilont.
Herman H. Hrhnherg, Vice l'resl,
.Icseph llnehmer, Cashier
OiJ. Wilcox, Assl.Canhlor.
German National Bank,
i.rxcoL.w xiu,
Capital . . . $100,000.00
Surplus . . . 30,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Iwiies letters or ciedlt.ilrnwdriirts on nil pnrts
of the world, Foreign collections n specialty.
Nebraska's Leading Hotel.
Cor. lull and Harney Hts ,
or-irL. : xti:ei.
strictly First-class
All Modern Improvement nnd
B. 8ILL0WAY, Pro-rletor.
IRA HIQBY, Principal Olerk
w It li me.
North Tenth Street.
WSWWSOSSstssmnMiMiMiUflr r T n n 1 iMwawi
.r.lfrr ruwutiw.:.
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