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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1891)
V 1 r f t. FoPallAR mPER -oP AVPDERN TIMES " Vols. G No. a 3 Lincoln, Nhhiuska, Saturday, July liO, 1(301. F"UIOIC FlVtfi OlCNTS ' - f. r V H UssssWsssssU-XAssiRoissssssssssiS"sssssssssslsssHssrj Victor Rosewater, anon of tho alitor of the Omaha lice, has written nil ItitorcKthiR letter describing Fattl'swstle In Wales, and relate how lie came to dunce with the dlu. It Is probable that I'attl will Ik) heard In America asaln next winter, Although she demands $50tK a night and will not utter m ttote until the money has been paid over, two managers are trying to make nn engagement with her. Marcus Mayer luu olTcrcil her her price to sing two numbers each evening In a series of concerts. Maurice Orau wanfo her to head a grand aiern company, find tells her It woukl look like a oonfeeslon of old age to take to the concert stage. Mow I'attl resents any Insinuation that she Is losing her grip, but at the name time she loves to toko life easy If there Is a much money in It. Mayer Is alio wild to have wore Influence with her than any other manager, and it seems likely that she will appear In concert. That deems to bo the Impression iliat young llosewater got while visiting the songstress. Of course the teachers at tho national con vention In Toronto had a bout at reform In snelliiiK Ennllsh words. They talked and talked and talked, and of course that Is al' it amounted to. The telegraph tells us they spelled step s-t-e-p and hen h-o-n, but when they put the two (words together and wade Htephen there was great laughter. Of course. It is easy enough to oint out the inconsist encies of English orthography, but where U the remedy! What Is the use of ringing the changes on dough, plough, through, tough, etc) It has lieen done, a million times, more or less, but that doesn't help matters. Al most everyone admit the desirability of pho netic selling, and tho moat practical thing the teacher's or philological socletioM cuu do is to olfer a reward for a scheme to fusuro its adoption. I said "almost anyone" because there are a few egotistical pendants who want tho old forms retained so that they may trace English words back to their Greek or J.atln roots. These old fogies dearly lovo to impress the world with the profundity or their learning, but like any other snob they ought to get out of the road of progress. What Is that sense which leads men to do disagreeable, dtfllcult and even dangerous things In the line of duty that they cannot be coaxed or bribed into doing otherwise f How often does an employer vainly try to er suade an employee to do something out-of-hours at an exorbitant price that he will will ingly do in the ordinary routine of duty for u trills? Every person who bos hud occasion to deal much with men must have been struck with this peculiarity in human nature. The delegates to the nutlonul convention of the Young People's Society of Christian En deavor held at Minneapolis probably notion! J. W. Baer, tho national secretary. He Is u handsome fellow with the pleasant maimer and iersoual magnetism which nuike so many men popular. Hut what a change In the young muu. A few jenis ago ho was connected with a society paper in Iowa, and wus a shining light in social circles. While ho was not wicked or wild, ho did not object ton little (-port or u jolly flirtation. He married the daughter of Mr. Van Dusen, the grain king of Minnesota, and took charge of father-in-law's coal department at the head olllce in Rochester, Minn. The llrm hud ele vators at eighty railroad statlous on thu line of the Northwestern railroad from Winona to the Missouri river in South Dakota. Each of the agents sold coul as well us bought grain. It wits Ilaer's duty to see that the ngentH were supplied with coul and to look ufter their reports. The coal came to Wino na in train loads and he designated how it should bo distributed. The concern was so largo that it thought nothing of buying coal in fr.'fO' 000 lots. liaer had an assured position with a handsome salary, not to iiientUii the prospect of a big fortune from his father-in-law, but ho chose to lay it aside to take thu secretaryship of the Y. P. S. C. E which carried him to Boston. Having known him I can understand how the nurrow life and small round of duties In a little town became irksome to him and he longed for the active life and larger sociability of a city. Boer, by the way, went through the torna do which destroyed two or three huudred houses In Rochester ten years ago. He was Hat on bis back right in the path of the storm demon, but It jumped over hi house, smashing those on both sides of him. Home good souls may regard this as a providentlul Interposition to save him for tho work he is engaged in, but I cannot help thinking, What about the hundred other persons who were killed! Among the guests at a social utTulr the other evening was a well known lady whoso husband hud died within the six months. She was a looker-on at the gayety, but she gently urged her young daughter to join the other young people In their dancing. Of course there were people who criticised this as Improper because the fashionable period of mourning had not expired. It occurs to me that this Is a place where charity of opin ion might join common sense and keep cap tious mouths closed. Society has preicribed sombre clothing and abstlnenco from amuse ment as befitting those who have lost a dear one. But these are only forms and prove nothing. It does not follow that the observ ers of these forms feel as truly bereaved as others who do not make an ostentatious show of the trappings of woe. Why should the world judge of the reverence you or I feel for a departed one by the blackness of our clothing or the solemnity of our conduct! What right have other people to pass judg ment on us In such a matter! Simply the right which moral cowardice gives to lm)e tluence and intolerance, To tell the truth I admire the lady who has made a text for this item, 1 know that she and her daughter dearly loved the husband and father who has gone tefom and revere his memory, hut the mother has an Intellect that rises above the etty bonds of tashlonnblo dictum The dally pajwrs recently contained an ac count of the death of a young man w hose de mise wus attributed to thu use of cigarettes. As might havo been uxiiected, the journals which consider humanity's progress ami welfare as their especial trust have hurst out Into denunciations of the pernicious practice of smoking cigarettes. 1 have su.mi suveial thousand men, young and old, pulTat tliu lit tle paper tut, but I cannot truthfully say that I know of one who Is tho worse for It. I have a moral certainty, however, that a big percentage of these men are doomed to pay sevcro penalties, because these newspa pers have told mo so. They have demon strated to their own satisfaction that no one can smoke cigarette without direful results, and It eems to be only a question of time when all mokers of this klud will dlo off. This state of affairs is really alarming. If It continue much longer there will be no men lef t to die of drunkenness and oint a terri ble example. Even Consumption, that vigi lant and Industrious sleuth hound, Is liable to run out of material. This cigarette habit is a curse to the race and it ought to be curbed to give the other curses a chance to earn their wages. These politicians are' great fellows for springing sensations. Now they propose to elect a governor this fall with the idea that ho will step Into olllce and displace Gov. Thayer until the next regular election in 1802. Unfortunately for the scheme thoro are several difllculties in the way. In tho llrst place the constitution provides that tho governor fchall be elected in even numbered years. It also provides that his vote shall be canvassed by the legislature, but there would have to be a special session to curry out that provision next winter. No one but Gov. Thayer can convene the special session, and of course he would not le a party to cutticg his own otllcial throat. The fact of the mat ter Is thae the constitution never contemplat ed the election of a governor between times. If u vacancy were to occur now In one of tho other state offices it would be tilled by the governor by appointment, but nt the election next fall a new olllcer would bo elected to llll the place for the unexpired term. Hut there is ho similar provision relative to the governorship. In the case of u va cancy the lieutenant governor steps In. That Is what he is elected for, chleliy. To still further guard against an interregnum tho constitution still further provides that In case of tho death or disability of both gover nor and lieutenant governor the speaker of the house of representatives shall act as the chief executive. The K)liticians must have something to gossip about, the same as other eople, and perhaps we ought not to be too severe on them. DoaiMtlo Item. Judge Fetcrby said to his colored servant. "You will have to quit. You attend to four work very well, but I am always miss ng things about the house, and every time It Is you that takes them." "Boss, don't send me off on dat account. Hit must be a cumfurt ter yer when yer missing anything ter know right whar it am." Texas Sittings. Sketches from natklnivlll University. THE DASEDALL NINE. Harper's Bazar. Why It Is Popular. Because it has proven its a solute merit over and oyer again, because it has an un equaled record of cures, because its business Is conducted in a thoroughly honest maimer, and because it combines economy ami strength, being the only medicine of which "100 Doses One Dollar" is true the-e strong points have made Hood's Sarsnparllla the most successful medicine of the day. All sorts of souvenir spoon. Sixxms for coffees, spoons for tens, spoons for after din ner coif ees und spoons for oranges. In fact spoons for every use and all as neat, nobby MM TOE CHEW. THE OLEE CLUB. and pretty as ever leftu Jeweler case. There Is something awfully pretty In orange spoon. On one side of the howl Is a siw edge, the other side plain. This Is somewhat of a de parture from the general stylo and it takes well. You don't know what n handsome line of souvenir skoii that Lincoln contains un til you havo seen Eugene iiallutt's beautiful stock. ORIGINALITY. Written Corfu K Co DIM Kit. The wolf was knocking at the door. I can hardly refrain from saying he had knocked lieforc, hut that would ho running into poe try: and tho editor has said it must be prone, I knew theie w-ere brilliant gems burled burs led within me, (deeply burled), so I cast aside my timidity, which has been my iiilu, and wrote to a prominent publisher, asking if I could le of any use to him in his Hue of bus iness. The answer came speedily, (I had told him about the wolf.) "Why ceitalnly madam, you can help us and we should like to help you;'' (a game of reciprocity you ob serve) "Just cond something original, somo now thoughts, your btter was quite spicy." I ondcred on the task Imposed in exchange for the ducats. ''Oilglnal", "Home new thoughts." Home great writer has written that our present originality Isj but the thresh ing over again of old straw. My eorresxnd ent was an eastern man. If he hail been on the broad and expansive (should be written exiensive) prairies of the west, Inhaling vast whiffs of nature's elixir, ho would know the very evident fact that originality was de ceased and buried lieyond any hope of future resuscitation. Another Item wanted, was "something new and bright about noted peo ple". You remember he complimented my letter; people always do. He felt In uti In stant I was bright. I am but new bright ness. Ah I That Is another thing. The brightness of today Is simply the brightness of yesterday tiollshed up a little. Don't Charles D. Warner say everything has lieen told! All' topics touched iqionf Why don't he say exhausted! as far us any freshness is concerned. He says the jokes on noted ho pie have Iteen with us from the beginning, brought out at intervals uud titled to new weureis. I have read a joke or two in his budget, that were related in our family us lielonglng to ourselves. However, 1 agree with him Originality is a myth, more mythical than heathen mythology. It Is the inuuuer that preserves ufter till; uud I say if one can take mi old thought in a pluiti dingy garb one that has been worn thread-bare uud clothe It allow in such an active manlier, us to muke it remembered, he is a beucfuctor, not only to the original producer, but the present era. 1 will tell something original right here. Now that there never was a Helen or Troy, what matters it! In a grad uating class u young lady read a good essay on "Beautiful Women." At one stage of the proceedings she let Helen fall ill the arms of her lover, Priam. I claim thut us u new idea about a noted iiersou. Diamonds, pearls and ull the gems hud lieen used but not one had oiK'lied a mine uud reduced thu business to dollars. "Eureka" she cried, "I shull have tlie ideu patented;" "I shall put a fence around that;" Hut alas, ulusl Uuiure the fence was built she enjojed the Incompara ble pleasure of reading "Ies Miserable," mid there lucked away lu a snug corner wus her coined thought. She had novel reail thu book, nor even thu thought in print; so when two or more have the sumo thought, who owns It! Oncu upon a time I tiled writing some Hues to lit a favorite melody; Ono staua of another song stuck In my head. It wus "iierfumo sandaled feet." 1 tiled all other kind of feet lu vulii except thirteen feet, that 1 felt would lie certain death. Even Chicago feet fulled. 1 turned to an ad miring audience and told them I would have to Iku row tho line in question; it Just fitted tho accent of tho music I bonowed it, en closed it In quotation murks, had it printed, had it complimented. Home time after, wus reading Virgil found it almost exact, How to the song 1 hud robbed to see if it wus a quotation. I found quotation marks were very conspicuously absent. And, Is not a woman getting ready to prove "Looking Backward" a fraud! She things it lienrs en tirely too strong a resemblunce to "Woman In the past, present and future," written years ago by a germau author, August Bebel. No, thoro is no originality. The eastern man may have thought wo would wander about between durk and daylight In search of toothsome morsels sweetened by tho dews of heaven; but not so. Wo opened tho door and let the wolf lu. Originality is too source und exeuslve for poor folks. In cons elusion is ther anything original (except Helen of Troy) In this! If not adieu for tho present. Cohinni:. Ayer's Sursuparllla, operutlng through thu blood, eradicates the scrofulous taint. Dr. O.K. Ludd, dentist, 1105 O street. Telephone 1KJ. Olllce hours I) a. m. to 5 p. m. Never order a photograph or plcturo of any kind until you havo seen the work done at the now Studio Lo Grande, 1 1 south Twelfth street. Ulcyeles of all kinds and nil makes skill fully repaired on short notice. Wrenches, oil cans, tires and other supplies always (or sale at George & Flshetto, l-U'J O street. Be sure and try eastern Wyoming Nut coul. Best lu the market, price -1.40 deliv ered by Geo. A. Raymer. Telephone !W0, 1134 O street. Timely Advice, Now is the time to provide yourself and family with a reliable remedy for iwwel complaints. It is almost certain to be need ed, anil no family can afford to be without it. It costs but a trifle and may be thu means of saving much suffering, it not life. There are many different remedies in use, but Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy Is undoubtedly the liest. 'Si and M cent bottles for sale by Chas. C. Reed, Diugglst. JftiBB 2BlBn39lsfBBBBBBV Kojunku plajcd to small houses Tuesday and Wediicduy evenings hut the audiences were Isith appreciative and demonstrative, approval lielng shown by ficquelit applauses. The scenery In tvujunka is of a very high order and much of it very novel and pictur esque. The work of tho company is far above that of the average s-K-ctnculnr pro duction and had the engagement been nt any other season of the yei-r, thu business would hive Iweu much larger. It wns thotlrst up Karnuce of the piece hi Lincoln mid tho record made this wi-ek will servo as un ex cellent gmi'nutee and a good advertisement for Knjiinka on Its next engagement. Thursday evening Thatcher's minstrels ailed' Willi Ulch mid Harris' Comedy company held the boards at Funke's and proved thu strongest drawing oird of the sumniur season. It was a large audience and nearly every sent In tho thentro was taken. The bill was something new uud thoicrform mice the llrst given on uy stage. The Idea of liiierinliigllng comedy diama, und min strelsy Is u novelty and it certain alterations are made, it may prove n big success. The play In its entirety is titled "Tuxedo", tho first act opening as regular society comedy, Introducing u minstrel llrst part lu thu second act and finishing with the llnalu to the play in the last act. It has a sem blance of thread but of course this is lost sight of during act two. Hiighy Dougherty uud Goorge Thutcher are tho strong male characters while Llrrle Derlus Daly, Ida Fitzhugh and Blanch Huydoii creditably represented the liest of the female artists. Raymond Moore, the very clover tenor made thu vocal hit of thu evening. Ills sweet se lections winnlne the gieatest share of ap plause. "Tuxedo" performance lasted until live iiiluiutcs to twelve. It will haeto lie cut and dried somewhat after which tho nov elty will probably have a big run. , tiii:atiiiual.tai.k. The Funke will ho dark the balance July. J. Kline Euimett begins his starring tour nlwut tho middle of August. John Stetson is to manage Marlon Matiolu and JohuTMusou's tour lu comic opera. Beatrice Morelaud has an offer to join the Joseph Jefferson Florence combination next season.' 4 Edgar Hnyder, dramatlu crltlti of the Oma ha Bee occupied u box at the Initial jierforiu imco of "Tuxedo" nt Funku'sTluirsday even ing. Work on thu new Lansing is progressing and the contractors give assurance thut they will have the house completed on date agreed UH)U. Manager MclteynoliN of the Ftinku is tak ing in thu giuat Northwest. Hols in Port land today and expects to be in Lincoln next Saturday Murlo Wuiiiwrlght's coming elaborate re vlvul of "Amy Holt-art" will Imj one of thu liiq-ortunt thcutiical events of the early full seusou In New York. In "The County Fair," which Is now lielng presented In Chicago, C. B. Jefferson, Klaw nnd Erlonger. are using a wagon one hun dred uud llfty jeuisold, "A Straight Tip," John J. McNully's farce comedy which hail such a long and successful run ill New York last seusou is to lie present ed lu many Of the largo cities next season with u Hue cast of comedians and vocalists. Many new and attractive features arc. to be lidded. Alsiut two mouths ugo thu ileud walls of thu city uud thu store windows were In-decked with glaring advertisements announc ing that Forepaugh's great circus would Imj in Lincoln lu July. The circus was in Oma ha Thursday nnd as July closes next week it is to lie presumed thut thu Porepvigh shows have given Lincoln the go-by, The Interior portion of the new Lansing thentro begins to assume visable form. One can, standing where the stage Is to be built, already see the frame work of the bal cony and gallery. Unlike all other building operations, the construction of u theatre lie glu with the interior work, This once com pleted it takes comparatively little time for thu erection of thu walls. Ed A. Church has returned from New York after a mouths sojourn witli the "pros fesh" during which lime the new Lansing theatre was brought more conspicuously into prominence that all other advertising could do. Mr. Church Informs the Courikk that hu is more thun pleased with the line of at tractions that he has secured. He feels jubl luut over the prospects of thu now theatre aud when the time comes will make known a series of important and Interesting announce ments regarding thu house ana the attrac tions that will bo a matter of pleasant sur prise to all lovers of thespiau amusement. Ayer's Ague cure is a vegetablo prepara tion, aud warranted to euro ull malarial dis orders. Brown's restaurants, Windsor block, '-!1U north Eleventh street, and HIS O street. Five dollar commutation tickets reduced to four dollars, good at IsMli places. Henry Harphum, harness, saddlery and turf goods, HJ north Eleventh street, opposite Capital Hotel. Al Muiiltuu, Manitou Sriu.sus, Colo., Juno 27. lSc lul. Maultou U to the eople what a sugar barrel U to the files on a bright summer day decidedly attractive. There is an absence of Hies and an influx of people at Manitou that U refreshing. These June days are of the leafy June that poets prate of cool mornings, warm enough nt noontime to re mind the out door wanderer thut It is sum mer, and evenings full of moonlight uud coolness, Tim wulks,dilvcs and trnllsuliout Maultou aio so numerous that old timers of several season's exs-rleuce llnd some now beauties whenever they go out, The country Is para dise lor Urn lively young woman or the hi aw ny young man who delights in explor ing expeditious, sluilltnu U best reached via thu Union I'aclllc. A Young Man of Ideas. I. -Life. A Great Nurcess. Hagley That fishing trlpof yours wasn't a success, I understand! Bailey Oh, but It was. Hagley I heard that you lost all your fine fishing tacklu uud narrowly escaped drowning. JJalley Y-y-yes, that's true, but I caught threo fish. Rochester Post-Express. The iectillar enervating effect of sumniur weather Is driven off by Hood's Harwipa i Ilia, which "makes the weak strong." Sea lUtlilng 1,11110 Mile from the Hen, at (larilelil llrwrli. The famous health resort, Garfield Beach, on Great Halt Iuke, eighteen miles from Halt I-ake City, Is reached via thu Union Pacific, "The Overland Route," and Is now open. This Is the only real sand beach on Great Halt Iake, uud is one of thu finest bathing and pleasure resorts In thu West. For complete description of Gnrlleld Boach and Great Halt Lake, send to E. L. Iomax, Gen'l Pass., and Ticket Agent, Omaha, for copies of "Sights and Scenes In Utah," or "A Glluqise of Great Halt Luke," or apply at IOHO street. E. B. Slosson, City Ticket Agent. Call on Henry Harpham, H'J north Elev enth street, opposite Capital Hotel for fly nets, summer laprolte and carriage whips. Our work speaks tor itself It 'needs no brag or bluster, simply your own opinion will testify to its merits. Tho Studio hi Grande is ou the ground floor, centrally lo cat id and a beautiful place. Cull nnd see us nt l'-il south Twelfth street. The Wbitebrcast Coul and Lime company Is always at the front supplying the finest grades of all kinds of coal t'.ye uud Kr Surgeon. Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and uurut, VMl O street, telephone 375, Lincoln, Nebr. Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by the French dry cleaning process, only 1ft cts, at Lincoln Steam Dye works, llltt O street. See our beautiful Individual Ice moulds lieforu ordeilng elsewhere. Finest" IS) O street. cream "Tho Are You Interested! The following frank statement from J. E. Hare of Trenton, Texas, will lie of Interest to manyof our citltens. "My (little boy was C-Jr---- sfM'f fjjsssg' f., II. Xp&b: inu or iv. st i fLi ttt .sssssssssssCslW W f lCstaxTssssssssssi :r3L&M&Z5iB9Mjl. : sbV-,."-i- Ay V."1-. - i!jjZj Ri; . -'-"T9 . -asMsshCV..sBMJL: Jl. VA 1 .i..-""-", m ..MIL Si' very bud oir for two months with illairhu'n. We urns! various medicines, also c.illwl In two doctors, but nothing done him any good until we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera uud Dlarrluea Remedy, which gave Imme diate relief and soon cured him. I consider It the best medicine madii and can eonrrluti tlously recommend It to all who need a illitr ihii'it or colli misllclnii. For sale by ('hits. O. Heed, Druggist. Uulek and 4,'otiifiirliilileTrlp, Two new ttallis have been added to the uU ready excellent cnnucctloim east that til Great RiH'k Island Route has been offeilug to Its pfitlXIII. Thu Ijike Hhore & Mich. Hon! hern has put on a new ttalii, leaving Chicago dally at 10; !U)a. in., ami thu Fort Wayne (I'cuusylvnnlu Lines), one nt 10:15 a. m, These ore dally trains, scheduled on fast time, and arrive at New Yoi k City next nf tcrnoon at 'J o'clock, and via thu Hist men tioned Boston Hisseligers reach their ilestlnas tlon but 'i hours later. Thu Rock Island Route Hlei'T leave Omaha daily at 4:!MI p. to,, and arrives al Chicago at 8.0.1 a. m., In time to make this liiqNirtnut through connection, For rales and tickets apply to J, L. I)K IlKVom, Gen'l Agent l'as. Dipt,, Hitli & Fiirnnm Hts,, Omaha. J NO. Skiiahtian, Gen'l Tkt. & Pass. Agt, K. St. John, Gen'l Manager. An Appropriate Name, A young man from the metropolis Is in the habit of paying a visit evory week to his fiancee, who lives in a city not two hundred miles nwny from Now York. The young lady In question- has three bright nephews rang ing all tho way from five to thirteen years of ago. They havo been much interested In their weekly visitor, who has succeeded in winning their confidence to n marked oxtuut. At tho dinner table recently, at which were present all tho mambers of the faintly, Including tho young man himself, an animated discussion took place among the three boy as to what they should call, tholr uncle to be. "Let's call him 'Undo Frod,'" sihl Loland. "What's the matter with plain Frcdf" aid Ned. "Well," said Guy, "If ho's coming up here every week this sumniur, I think we had better call him chestnuts." A Vesjatable Hymn. A lot of vegetarians held n convention recently in Iximlun, and during the ses sions a number of hymns appropriate to the vegetarian cult were sung. Here la a bit from one of thoso hymns: The whcatmsul bread for Infanta, . ItaknutiheiteslrsTonnth,- i . .. . No partlc.e lie larger than A pin's head small and round. Tho stuff of Ufa Is wboatmoal bread; For ticnsnnt, prlnco and peer; And children who on it aro fed i Will have tho best of cheer. Hurrah! hurrah! hurraht my boys, j For Rood old wheatmcnl bread: The children wilt grow fat and fair If oil It thoy aro fed. -Now York Tribune. A Last und Long Farewell. Drum, l'ers. Jenny, tho artificial flower maker, and her young man. He I have come to bid you goodby, mademoiselle, as you won't havo inu for a husband. Shu (slightly uffected) But you'll write mo often, won't you! He I hud not dared to usk If I might do so. But, then, oxcusu mo. May I Indulge u hope? She Oh, dear, nol But there is a society that offers u prize of 000 francs to any young woman collecting a million postugo stamps, und every llttlu helps, you know. Journal do Charlerol. A MfitruMill!an Drcwnmr. Local Statesman What an Impractical, visionary dreamer your neighbor, Jinks, isl Winks Yes, Isn't he! Only the other day lie said hu thought the street cleaning department ought to make somo attempt to clean tho streets. New York Weekly. The Truth About It. McFlngle I saw an advertisement of Dullard's storu in the papers this morning. McFungle I thought hu never adver tised. Ho told me so, and said he never would. McFlngle He didn't. It wus lu the list of sheriff's sales. Boston News. Pilled the lllll. "We havo no use for beur stories," said tho editor. "Our readers demand some thing spicy." "Well," said the mau with the manu script, "this story Is about a cinnamon bear." IndlanuK)lls Journal. A Ileuewal of Youth. Primus (scholar and traveler) Greek is not yet u dead language, aud tho Greek nation, sir, Is not at all senile. It has un dergono a rejuvenation. Secundus Yes; I hear It is crying for its marbles again. Lite. A lleaclt Horror. Fweddle You look all bwoko up; what's the inattuh? Cholly Aftah my dip yestahday my valley fohgot to cotno nwound to dwes me and I pabsed a howiblo night iu tho bath house. New York Herald. A Doctor's Error. She Isn't Dr. Anderson very absent- minded t Ho Yes. That's why ho never married. He went to kiss his sweetheart once anil vaccinated her Instead. Loudon Tit-Bits. A Warped Judgment. Dingo Aren't these strawberry dishes' mighty small! Mrs. Bingo Yea. They were selected by Cousin Jack. You know he has jusU opened a grocery store. Brooklyn Life. tf .&&& 1 m I J