Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1891)
ii i in am !" f i ir rr saawawsasssat gflflfRni i f 5 tVVy;-i '7. '-,. iriiTwfciiwriii inraaaifffiiNi'iii -- - - B r CAPITAL' CITY COURIER,SATURDAYlUfcY 18; -mer EHHBWHnH SEMI-ANNUAL Clearing Sale MILLINERY Everything Reduced One Half from former Price. Ol'tiKA JIOUSK COKKKU. TAKE NOTICEI The Couuikh will not lie responsible for any debt made by nny one In Itn immi, lin es a written order luvotnpniiliw the same, SPECIAL PRICES J 1 On all Linen of Summer Goods, , Otrncr I Oth and The) Courier Can be found At Hotel Iilncoln Now Htnud. Wlmlior Hotel New Htnml. Capital Hotel New Hluml. . Otlell'R Dining Hull Nows Htnml, ilUH O HI. The Gotham News Stand, 118 Hon th llth Ht. The Apex, HI North llth Htroot. Kd. Young, 1030 O mrcot. Clason. Fletcher A Co., 1120 O Htroot. Llttlo HportUlgnrHtoro, 113 North 12th Ht. ' Westorflold's Harbor Shop, llurr UIock. International Now KtnK)rluin, 12U O Ht. sWAn extra supply of papers Is always left at the Uothnm, In case other Newsdealer a applies run short. Cool Shirts AND- UNDERWEAR W." R. DENNIS & CO. 1 137 O Street. Church Advertisements. Commencing April flrtt, Tiir Couhhcii will Insert notice pertaining to sociable, festivals, lecture, meeting ami sermon for all churche free of charge. Atlvertliement for ontertntnmonta where an admission ! charged will be Inserted at one-half tho reg-atarrate. A merry party of young people loft tho city Thursday noon for Crete, nccomtaiiled hy nhuudaut luggage "Hl " elect nasort meiit of mlscllaneous good nil eh n will fac ilitate tho etijojinent of tho projected ten days' outing on tint ground of tho Clmntnii iim assembly, situated on the bnnk of the fur-famed llltio. Mr. nntl Mr. A. llrwo ColTrotli chnHToned tho party which I largely couixwod of tho young people who enjoyed n similar trout last summer nnd preparations have lieen inndo on such nn ox tensive sonlo n to nmiiro n season of unqual ified pleasure nnd comfort, Following I n lint of thoe who nro already nt Croto togeth er with those who will vlnlt tho rnmn during tho coming week: Mr, mid Mr. A. II. Cof froth, Misses Ourtrudo nnd Theo I .awn, Ollvy nnd MIniiIu Latta, Jonnnotto Wilson, Mnudo Hmltli, Anmi llnrr, llertlo llurr, Clnrn Walsh, draco (Irlllltli. Dunn Iooinls, Lulu Clurko, Hnlllo IInowr, Messrs Frnnk Keh rung, W. K. Hnnly, W. Morton Hmltli, Dr. 0. K. I.add, Clarence K. Hrown of Oinnlm, W. V. Moycr, Fred W. HouU, Otto Mohroii- Mocker, W. H. Htull, linrry King, John T. Dorgnti, J. II. Cunningham, linrry rrecmnii, Oscar Funke, 0. W. Oorwlg, J. 1. Kuticon. A very pleasant sociable wo held Thurs- dny evening at tho rcwldeuco ot Mr. and Mr. Hprlngor, llr.11 y ntreet. Tho evening hmI ijulekly ami ploniuiutly mid ''inlno hont and hote" nro to bo congratulated for tho do lighlful manner In which they entertained thoRtiM of the ovenlng. The many leautl ful "hud" prenent vied with each other to make the ovonlng n memorable one, nnd It can be wild to their credit, that thorn who loft to "catch tho early morning car," will nlwny look back to tho event nn having the moRt enjoynblo nlTnir of tho mvimm. bann ing, Ringing nud a tetu a teto In tho ham mock undor tho beautiful tree that ur round tho houoo were among tho many ploature of the evening. Kefrehmouta wore nerved on tho lawn and tho "lce" wero particularly enjoyed by the dancer to re freh them after indulging In tho dreamy wait. Tho table were laden with all tho dellcacle ot the neanon and tho Moral clinplny wa artlcularly admired. Tho Y. P. 8. 0. E. of tho Plymouth Con gregational church wn entertained Tuesday ovenlng In tho way of a Clothes-pin social, given by Hov. Norman lMiuunt hi renldence, No. I8IU Wnhlngton itreet Hefruihment were cerved nnd tho young iteoplo pronounc ed Hev. Plan nnd wife Micceful entertain er. Those present were: Mear V. It, Dawe, K. 8. King, Htark; Metwr Clarence King, llaruey Pcckman, W. 11, Bethune, Hew ell Bandenon. Will O.Cook, AlbraCook, W. H. Stanley, Arthur Stanley, E. H. Davl, Mr. A. W. Uuo; Mime Mary Walton, Eva Moadowi, Agnes ami Jennie Bethuno, Lena Welder, Alice Martin, Maggie Miller, Loom l, Stanley, draco Thompson, Jetle Lane. Never let a friend leave Lincoln without 2 a ouvenir poon. It leave a lasting Impres sion on their mind of their visit here and ot tho beautiful city from whwo it came. Eugene llnllett carries an assortment of these pretty token that would do Justice to a Hroadway Joweler. He ha them In all shape and iltes, with gold, oxidised and plain silver bowl and the designs too numer ous to mention. You kuow Hallett and where hiaatore I, 113 north Eleventh stroet. HoorhUcorpsofefllclent salesmen will bo glad to shew you the line or anything else In Jewelry or silverware it you will call. Tho following Lincoln people departed Monday for Toronto to attend the couvou tlrn As ttia tltkHrmol awliMatl seuA.tlsttnii L. A. Sherman, Mis llyam, M. E. Jones, Mr." fourth treet Mr. Itolxrt Heed of Lnucnster. Ohio, Mrs. Henry H. Feldhof of Kanat City, Mo., Mr. 0. W. Chnndlerof Pueblo, Col., and Mr. William I). Crawford of Nelson, Neb., nro guest of Prof. Fred U Wood nnd wlfo at 1WI P street. Hon, II. M. Iiwlsof Madison, Wk, I vis iting hi daughter, .Mrs. !oyd Stunner. Mr. Invls whs for eight years United Htntes dl trlct nttoruey for the ointoni district of Wis. I'onslunnd Isn prominent man In Ihi lliiilgor state. Hov. A. W. Ijiwrence, pastor of the Pie byterlan church nt Mlnden, nrrlved In Lin coln Snturdny, acfoinpniilcd by his wlfo nnd llttlo daughters, Lillian nnd Mattel They are tho guest of Hev. W, I). Pnttoiinnd tamlly, Mr. L. A Vnrnoy of the Sterling Pre Sun and (leorgu P. Marvin of the lleatrko Democrat nnd city council wero In Lincoln this week on their wny ty St. Paul to attend n nntluunl meeting of the editor thoro. Mr. William I toss of David City nud Anna Maim of Deliver were married nt tho homo of Mr. Mcllnth at Twontysecnml nnd N streots Hntunlny ovenlng, the Hev. Merrll ierformlng tho ceremony. Mr, Henry Kvnus nud family hnve gono to OskiMh, Wis,, their former home. Mr. Evntis will make n visit of otio mouth and re turn, leaving his family to enjoy tho rc mnliilug summer months. Mr. Harry A, Heeso left till wve'e to rep resent tho Nebraska state university chapter of tho lletn Thotn Pi fraternity nt tho umiiinl convention nt Vonullii-nn-CliAUtnuiia, Lake Chautnu(lin, N. Y. Mr. F. M. Woods and daughter Helen re turned from New York, Friday. Tho wero nccomimuled homo by Frnnk Woods, who lias lieen nttendlng Columbia collego for the past year. Mr. Oeorgo C. Smith midwife of tho union stock firm ot Nelson, Neb., nro nttoudlug thu twenty-fifth anniversary of tho mnrriage of their uncle and aunt, Professor nnd Mrs. Wood. Mr, nnd Mr. II, E. Wormloy of Nebraskn City, nrrlved In Lincoln Friday to mako thl their home. They wero formerly host nnd hostew of tho Morton houso In Nebraska City. Misses Gertrude and Cnrola Hill left yes terday for a sojourn In the East. Thoy will visit Now Yorx, Scranton, Penn., and tho seaside resort, returning in Septomlxir. Mr. M, Strati of Den Moines Is a guest nt the homo of Mr. Loul Meyor, accompanied by her daughter, Mis Gertis nnd her son Leon. They are en route to Mnnltou. Dr. 1), F. Ualley left yesterday evening for Oswego, N. Y., where ho will place Edward Nettle ton, nn Inmate of tho Insane asylum, In tho Ulonmnry homo for treatment. Mis Florcneo Wentherwax from 1111k- lleld, who ha been visiting in thl city about two weeks, left yesterday for Jewell, Kn., where she oxpects to visit her slater. Mis Lluio Burtis left Sunday evening for Toronto, Out. She will visit the Thousand Isles, llrockvlllo and other point on the St. Lawrenco before her return. Mr, and Mr. Joel Davis and R. Hhelander left yesterday for Lognnsport, Ind., to spend a month hunting nnd llshlng among the lake of their native state, Mrs. Stella Johnson and children, who have been visiting Ma. ami Mr. John M. Cotton for the part two weeks, left for Spen cer, Ind., Thursday. Mis May Campbell of Saline county, who ha been visiting friends in thl city, left for her home yesterday, accompanied by Mi Kate Dougherty. Mr. and Mr. E. Hallett returned Monday from Ottumwa, la., Mrs. Hallett' former home, where slio bo been visiting for several week. Mr. Henry H. llaith and Mrs. E. C. Oil more havo gono to Hot Sprlng, 8. D., where they will spend a few week tor tho benefit of their health, Mrs. Pareu England of Aspon, Col., an old resident of Lincoln, I tho guest of her sla ter Mrs. J. N. T. Jones at :M)7 north Twenty- Lel and Personal. Whltebreast Coal and Lime Company. .. L. Barr, Jewlr, UUO O street, ( Call up the L. D. T. Co., Phone 100. j Ruth M. wood, M. D., 1336 P street. ; Lincoln lot Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 118. ' Kugeas Hallett, diamond merchant, 118 N Eleventh street Oeo. A. Raymer, ooal and wood. 'Phone 800. liat O street. Henry Haxpham sell chamois skin for carriage cleaning. ' Canon City Coal at the Whltebreast Coal and Lime Co. 100 8net engraved calling card and plate (or .fw at Tan Courier office. Try "The Finest" for Ice Cream, Ice, Cake and Candies, 1390 O street. Ladles kid glove cleaned or colored at Lin coln Steam Dye work, 1100 O street. " Miss C. J. Guilmette,' modiste, second floor' exposition building. Take elevator. Dr. C. B. Manning removed to new offices, rooms 22 and 33. second floor Burr block, One hundred finest engraved calling card and plate only 3.fi0 at Weasel Printing Co., 1130 N street. Cabinet baths for ladle, given by Mrs. B. D. Catlln, professional masseur, 334 south Twelth street, Kennard block. 5-33 4t Ladles can have their party dresses cleaned by the French dry process at the Lincoln steam dye work 110 O street "Not how cheap, but how good" is the aotto of the new 8tndlo Le Grande. Call and see their work, 134 south Twelfth street Gentlemen should now get out their last summer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Steam dye works 1 105 O street and have it cleaned, dyed, repaired or pressed out Coal ot every siae from the best mine in hk, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado and Wyoming (or sale by Geo,A. Raymer. Telephone 300. Office 1134 O street ' Commutation tickets at Brown's restau rant (good at either place), five dollars (or four dollars. This makes prices lower than any other place in the city when the prices charged on bill ot tare u considered . Geologists Have Decided the earth's earth1 crust to be over 100 miles thick. This is about the thickness of the man's head who Luys his railroad tickets by some Inferior and poorly equipped line, when be could get a ticket by the "Burlington" at the same rate. and Mrs. F. A Brown, W. D. Sewell. Mrs. M, Hodgeman, L. Ilurtis, E.H. Sapp, J. Morris, Bertha Warner, Mr. A. M. Davis, F. II, Smith, L. C. Hayues, Helen C. Sudeau, Mr. and Mr. James, M. McKeuuy, Ernestine Lyons, Anna Ledger, J. A. Bat ret, J. H. Miller, J, B. Monlux and wife, Superinten dent and Mrs. A. K. Gaudy, Professor L. L. H. Austin and F. D. McClusky. Mr. Win. E. Mooro and Mis Agnes L. Cooley wero uiarrried at the residence of Mr. C. F. Bowman, 048 north Thirteenth street Monday evening, Rev. CIihn, E. Bradt officiating. The groo 11 la an engineer In the Lincoln paper factory. Those present were the bride's (ather, G. F. Cooley, her brother Harry and Ed Cooley, and the latter'e fam ily, her cousin Aarley and Fay Huctid, Mr. and Mr. Bowman, Clark Hobson, Laura Chaffln, Mrs. Terry, Louise, Olive, Charlie and Ray Terry, Edith, Oscar and Charlie Bowman. The following young people enjoyed a de lightful outing at Lincoln park Wednesday afternoon and evening: Misses Fannie Hawley, Jennie Underwood, Louise Smith, Joe Winger, Maud Hammond, Alice Hlghter, Mamie underwood, Kate Hnelllng, Messrs, Emory Hardy, Edward Hlghter, Evans, Harry Evans. Homer Edmistou, Charles Elliott, Ray Welch, Scudder. Superintendent H. S. Jone of the schools has gone to Toronto to attend a meeting of the national council of education. He repre sent the department of superintendence ot tho council and is president of the elemen tary department, the largest and most im portant of the association' work. Mr. D. Newman and Miss Fannie Newman left Tuesday to Join Judge Thurston and party at Omaha for a trip In his private car to the lakes of Minneapolis and Wisconsin, thence to the old hom, Beaver Dam, where Judge Thurston is the orator ottheseml centenlal celebration of the city. Judge M. B. Reese, J. J. Wllleyand C. W. Sanford and families left Tuesday for Man Itou Springs, Cola, where they will take an outing. Tbey have a residence at Pike's Peak at a distance of a mile and a half above the city, the new Pike's Peak railway run ning past their door. Miss Nellie Feltou and Mia S. Alice Leese left Sunday evening (or Tronto, Canada, to attend the teachers' convention, after which Mis Felton will visit in Boston and other prominent cities In the east, returning by the first of September. Miss Kathleen G. Hearn left Tuesday to attend the convention of the national educa tional association at Toronto, after which she will visit Chautauqua and spend the re mainder of the summer with her sister at 'Keanstone, N, Y. Mr) and Mr. W. J. Byrnes have gone to Knoxvllle, Tenn., on a visit to relatives, where tbey will remain for a (ew weeks, alter which they will visit iu St. Louis, Cin cinnati and Washington, returning early iu the (all. Mlts Lillian TefTt of Toekn, Kn.. Is In the city for a few weeks, tho guest of her cousin, Miss Onn Imhoff. Mr. A. D, Craig has returned from nn en joynblo vMt with her many fi lends In Chica go nml Llttlo Hock, Ark, Mrs. J. A. Hnckiird of Falrbury, III., Is the guest of her uncle nud mint Mr, nud Mrs. M, A. Illaiichnril. Mrs. H. D. Lelitnd nnd daughter, left Mon day for Chicago and Cciil ral Illinois to lw gono about six weeks. Mi. Georgo II. Atchmnii left Thursdny for 11 visit with her mother ami sister nt LeavniiMorth, Kn. Mrs. C. L. Eaton nnd Mr. H. Adams have gone to Colorado Springs where tlipy will spend tho mi minor. Mr. Shanes, who has been visiting her sister nt .Mlmlen, 1 ettirued Thursdny nftern stay of two weeks. Mnilnmo W'oIhm has returned to Lincoln after 1111 extended iibiencti In Now York and other eastern cities. Mr nml Sirs. J. W, Winger left yesterday for Maurice, Ind,, n hero they will visit n week orten tiny. Miss Grace O leghorn of Whiting, In,, Is tho guest of Mrs. C W. Starling at her homo 1 l.'UI E street. Miss Corn Hnnly d-pnrted Monday for Rochester, N. Y., whero ho will rem iln un til September. Miss E. Lyiiuo Hoclio Is sending the siim iner with her fi lend, Miss Minnie 11, Jones, nt UturglM, S. I). Mr. W. G. Trail lelt Tuesday for North Ontario, (Jul., which ho expect to make hi future home. Mr. H. Mockott, F, K. Mockett nnd wlfo and J. II. Mockett, Jr , departed for Milwau kee Monday. Mr. W. F. King. nsMtitnnt cashier of the Ne braska Na'ionnl bunk of Uentrice,and wife 11 re n Lincoln. Mrs. W. C. Griffith uti.l Mr. L. Lynn of Hastings are the guest ot their uncle, John S. Hoover. Mis Grnco Thompson left yesterday for Hock Island, HI., to visit with friends mid relatives. Mr. Henry St John Smith of Portland. Maine, was Iu tho city thl week on n busi ness trip. Mr. W. E. Striker or East Oraiigo, N. J. I visiting her sister, Mr Harry 8. Llppln- cott. Additional Local and Personal Page 5. Go nnd do likewise. If your whisker nre grizzly mid unlecomlng umj Uucklnghnm'H uyo nun uiey win 100K n when you were younger. LADIES HAIR DRESSING. Miss Alice .'ollyer for tho past three year with MUs Jessie Johnson has been engnged by the Thornburn Sisters to take charge of tho hair dressing parlors and she will be pleased to see her old friends and customer nt Thornburn' new storo at 1343 O street. Mis Collyer has been with the Thornburn Sister since July first RESIDENCE WANTED A nice residence of 7 or 8 rooms with all modern Improvement within ten blocks of CouitlEH otllco. Will tuko possession at once or within .10 day. Address or call on L. Wehhel, Jit., this office. Coal of every size from the beat mines In Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora do nnd Wyoming for snlo by Geo. A. Ray mer. Telephone .'190. Office 1134 O street. Dr. C. F. Lndd, dentist, 1105 O street. Telephone 153, Office hours, 0 a. in. to 5 p. 111, Think of It The Cosmopolitan Magazine, a giant among the great monthlies, and Tiik Courier will Iwtli bo sent to any address one year for three dollar. For furtucr pnrtlcul nrs read large advertisement on page eight The Muses Lizzie and Ida liouuell left ye' tenlay for Denver amlthe Rockies. They will lend about two weok enjoying the niouu tain breeze. Mr. 8. T, St John Is the guest of hi par ents In Adam county and will go to Spirit Lake, la., thl week to enjoy two weeks recreation. Mis Lillian Wright of 8t Louis returned to her home Saturday, after an agreeable visit with Ml Elllo Steen and Mis Clara Carmody. Mr Sarah Cotton and Mis Btdva Cotton of Monument, Kansas, are visiting with the family of John M. Cotton at 3731 Pear avenue. Mr. Murphy left Thuroday on a visit to friends ami relative In La Belle, Mo., where she will remain during the hot summer months. Mis Nora Steen who ha been visltiug Mis EtHe Steen ot the land commissioner' office, returned to her homo in Wahoo, Fri day. Lieutenant and Mr. Griffith are enjoying a sojourn in the east. They will visit the mountains and seaside resort until Septem ber. Ml Maud Blanchanl of Lo Angeles la visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Blanchard at 034 south Tenth St. Mrs. E. A. Kinney and grand-daughter, Miss Anna Sldel, left Thursday for Urowu vllle, Neb., torn few weeks visit with friends. Mr. Fred C. Fisher ot tho Chicago Lumber company, ot Denver, Col., is visiting with his aunt, Ruth M. Wood, at I33H P street, Mr. W. D. Slgler and wife and two chil dren, and Mosher Vaul of MoPherson, Kas., are visiting the family of Major MoArthur. Mr. Alexander McKnight, with his wife and two daughter have gone to Indianapo lis where they will spend the summer. Mr. W. H. Nelson and Mr. Frank Grahm left Sunday for a few week visit with their parent at Syracuse and Utlca, N. Y, Dr. M. H. Garten and family lett Tuesday for Chicago. Before returning they will vis It New York and other eastern cities. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Burr, Miss May Burr and Miss Nellie White left Tuesday for n six weeks' outing at Spirit Lake, Iowa. Mr. Henry Mayer of the Hrm ot Mayer Bros., departed Monday for an outing of two week at Denver ami Manltou. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Turner and daughter Miss Bessie, expect to leave next Wednesday to be gone about three weeks. Mr. John Milllgan of Lockport, N. Y U in the city, the guest ot John Schuetz of the Arm ot Steluer and Schuetz. Mis Ethel Appelget returned from Tecum seh Wednesday where sho has been visiting relatives for the Isst week. Misses Grace and Gertrude Aiken nre en joying a two week's summer vacation at Ar nold' Park, Luke OkoboJI. Now style of Courier office. invitation just in at The Brown' restaurant nre the only one In tho city for ladies. Tho menu i extensive and embraces all the seasons latest delicacies wh lie price are extremely law. Mr, Clark, to the Public. I wish to say to my friends and the public, that I regard Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy n the best prepara tion in use for Colic and Dlarrhma. It is the finest selling medicine I ever handled, because it always gives satisfaction. O. H, Clark, Drsugoville, Txas, For sale by Chas. C. Reed, Druggist Have you seen the beautiful line of photo graphs of America's greatest stage celebrities at The Courier office? The line embrace all the leading and most prominent artists and are the work of Falk of Union Squaro New York, undoubtedly tho finest photo grapher In tho country. Call In and see them. Ilurllngtuii Ho lite The Outing Benson Is Drawing On. People havo already b ja 1 plaining th ol summer trips, and we would suggest that you post yourselves regarding the wonderful trout flailing in Estes park, Col. Tho health giving baths and quiet rest ot Dakota Hot Springs, the hunting nnd fishing of Wyom ing or the fashionable delight of Manltou The Burlington will take you to any ot them sieodlly and without fatigue. There are many other places In which you can spend tho heated term, and the agent at the B. & M. depot or city office can tell you all about them. Call and get a book of summer tours and look it over. You will 11 ml it full of good thing and valuable hint. A. C. ZlEUEK, City Passenger Agent, Hood's Sartaparllla I a psculisr medicine. It Is csrefullj prepared from SartspsrUls, Dandelion, Mandrake, bock Pipeliiewa, Juniper Berries, and other well known and valuable vegetable remedies, by a peculiar combination, proportion and process, giving to Hood's SartapsrIUa curative power not possessed by other medicines. It effects remark able cures where otbsr preparations tall. Hood's Sarsaparllla 'Is the beat blood purifier before the public. It eradicates every Impurity, and cares Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Rolli, rimplei, all Humors, Djra iiepela, DIUouineii, Sick Ileadacho, Indigestion, General Debility, QMarrh, RheumatUm, KUnoy and liver ComplalmY, overcomes that tired feel ing, creates an appetite, and builds up the system. Hood's Sarsaparllla lias met peculiar and unparalleled iucce at borne. Such hat Income Its popularity In Lowell, Man., wlirra It It made, that wliolo neiguunr boodi are taking It at tho tama time. Lonoll druggUU sell more of Hood's Sarparilla than ot all other araparUlas or blood purifiers. goldbydrusijUti. glislxforfJ. rreparedonlyby C I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Matt. IOO Do One Dollar Lincoln, N,eb$ ynly iSth. 1891.' m m m w. , H. SMITH EHQ-, U.H. A, DEAR WILLIAM i- Do you look on the dark Mdo of things? Arojoiion good terms with ymrself, your neighbor, nnd thu world In general? Do you over contcmplnto shuirilng on" this mortal coll? Dear William, permit us to cnmlol6 Willi you, II not your liven your physician mennt well when ho told you 'twas, but Its not. It your shoes. You get the wrung sort. Try u Johnston nml Murphy "KOItHKCT ttllAPK" next time, nud seo If things ilont grow brighter and straighten out ngiitn. Lire will bo well worth tho living for you yet. Thoro nro shoes Hint try mens "soles," nnd you've lieen wearing Just that kind. Wllllnm ilont spoil your feet, temper, disposition nnd proef Is In life with nny more of 'em. Life's too hort logo groaning through It for tho sake ofjustn llttlo Judicious care In selecting the right sort. Ilo circumspect, W. H. nml oblige, YouiN III koi mI Knltb, 1015 0 Street. S. B. NISBET, tmiArtaRjeHTi:R- tfxixaxaivt m ruru jm ,ituu.ujuxix "rrn ,-, HT .ri tlE5 Se9R9bsbRw 1204-120G O STREET tSSSA,SSSSSZEjySSSZP&j& REMEMBER: The next time you are down town to look at those Patent Leather Shoes and Oxfords displayed in the west window. ..ll" ED. G. YATES, 1120 O 8TREET. 33S3SSSt Wo Ileltovu Wo Have A Thorough Knowleilgo ur Tho Ins And Outs Of Tho Wnll Taper Huslness. Wo Hnvo The Hest Equipped Htoro And Fur Tho Most Extenstvo Line Of Good THE Interior Decorative Go. P v' 1134 N STREET, Nebraska. Wo Oiler Our Hervlces To AH Who Contemplate Upending 10 Or 10,C0O III Decorating Their Home Or Place Of IliistnesH And Who Wish Tho Most And llest For Their Money. A. C. Zeimer, Pres. Carl Elavick, Mgr. Removal Sale -- As we intend to remove to our New , , Furniture Block on 13th street, between O and P, about September 1st, we have con cluded to ofler our large stock of FURNITURE at nearly cost price until that time. As we in tend to make genuine heavy cuts, these sales at reduced prices will be strictly cash, and investigate. Call H I AUG. TH. GRUETTER & CO. m 6 and 1 1 18 N Street. j If Xgxxxaexsm gmmiTummw.' 11 11M.1.1I MHMtlum .'wwt'.a4w,jMgg xc ra M. V&3. j? u-. V a.. i . 1- gr3jaMMW