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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1891)
'tfyprWW 4 t CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 18, tS9t 1 I tf Chicago and Erie R, R. (tUo Chicago A Atlnntlo ll'y.) In Connection with the J Erie Railway FOHMH TltK ONLY UN Km IIF.TWKK.N Chicago and New York Under Ono MiuiiiKomeitt. SOLID TRAINS. Tho Through Trains ol this latio liotwccn Clil- ongoauti .-sew orn nru rim """,""" Avoiding nnnoynnco nnd confusion of cliiuiKlng can or intflng connections. Vestibule Limited Service Vcstlbulod Limited Trains, consisting of Hag. gugo, Hinnklng and Day Coaches, with Pullman IJIuIuk and Hloopln Cars (healed by steam, lighted by gi), over this Lino i , Every Day In the Ycnr. Pullman Service to Itoston. A l'ullmnn lliurut Stooping Car to nnd from llostou dally via this route. ThU Is tho ONLY LINK Ituntilng l'ullmnn Cars between Chicago nnd Boston. BUCKEYE ROUTE To Columbus, Ohio, anil Ashland, Ky. Pullman Sleeping Car betiveou Chicago nnd abovo Points dally.; Trains Arrive nnd I.oavo Dearborn Station, CHICAGO. For further Information, call ou tho nearest Hallroad Ticket Agent, or nddross W 0 Rtaeanon, A H Tnoksr, D I Roberts, Oon. Pass. Agt. Oeti. Mgr. A.G.l'. Alt. Now York. Cleveland. Chicago Santa Fe Route ! Atcbison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Daily Train Service Between Kansas Cltv and PUEBLO, COLOR ADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kansas City anil Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City nnd Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, nnd all Principal Points in lexas. The Only Line Running Through the OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan-Handle. For Maps and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address E. L. PALMER. Passenger Agent, 41 1 N.r. Lite Building, 0 2MLJL.ttJL. NEB. Ladies' and Children's Hair Catting and Shampooing a Specialty, AT SAM.WESTERFIELD'S BURR : BLOCK. I, miles Uso Dr. I. Duo's I'tM'liidlfii! Pills from Purls, franco. That positively ru llovo suppressions, monthly derangements and Irregularities caused liy cold, weakness, shock, niiemla, or general nervous debility. Tho largo proportion of Ills to which ladles nnd misses uro llnlilo Is tho direct result of u disordered or Irregular menstruation. Hup. presstons continued result In blood poisoning uud uulck consumption. '.' pnekngo or:l for S3. Hunt direct on recolpt of price, Hold In Lincoln by It. V. Drown, druggist. ffjnno,i0 year U Win maU by John H. (louitnhitlrojr.N Y.,twoik for u, ICtailr( you limy not tnakt tuuch.but n ran teach jfomiuUkly how .utani from fit? $10 Uiy at Ih alarf, antl limit as you $a on. lloih rri. all tttrt. In any i an ol lmr ca. r&u tan cviniHt-iict at hutnt. ! inir all tour iiarv liionirnta onlvlu the ww AH U iih liiiat l ay M !tK for cf tr wornir. " aiar you, lurmiQitifr vtryiliinr, KAftH.Y, MI-UUM Iranif.t. iAiaU'LrI.Alf HiK .. AU1rM at cue, bllMUJi 10,, IllUTLMli UMStU VIGOR OF MEN nally, Quickly, Permanently Restorod. Wmkntii, Nervousness, llcblllly. nnd all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, cto. VM strength, development, and toao ulrvn to ever organ sad portion of the body, blroplo, nnturu. method!. Immediate Improvement seen. tatlur Impossible. 3.tJ0 references. Ilonk. explanations Ad proof, mailed (sunled) free. Address ma mioioal oo., buffalo, n. y. c Ai Adept. Jack (who has bton called In tor punish meat ami regaled with nn account of his misdoings)-bid Dick Vim Twlllor tell you thnt, mamma? Mninnin Ym, Jnck. Jnck (rcpronohfully) And you bellovcd him? Mnmmn Yes, Jnck. Jnck Well, I don't blnmo you for y Moving him, mnuunn. Ho's tho most beau tlful llnr In tho wholo schooll Uoston Beacon. " Mo Chung. Iv f" ill "No, Harry, 1 nm sorry, hut I am sure that wo could not be happy together. You know I always wnnt my own way In every thing." "But, my dear girl, you could 'go on wanting It after wo wore mnrrled." Life. llnr Tears Were Not for the Cont. A wealthy cabin passenger who landed from the Arizona recently, and who for his wife's) snko does not care to have his natno published, tolls tho following story: "On a windy night when I turned Into my berth I found myself very restless, and nt about 3 o'clock on tho ucfft morn ing, being still unable to sleep, I deter mined to go on deck nnd tnke u smoke. I dressed myself, and as It was blowing rather hard I carried with mo a well worn light summer overcoat that I had not used In a long time. As tho breeze, though strong, was rather warm, howovcr, I had no need of tho coat, so I looked nbout for some plnco to Iny It down until I had fin ished my cignr. Then I noticed how shabby It was. and I held it up by the collar, won dering whether I had better throw It over- board or keep It until I reached Now ork and give It to some poor man. A sudden gust of wind decided the question for me. It filled tho old cont like a balloon, dragged It out of my band uud carried It n quarter of a mile to leeward. "I thought It rnthera whimsical Incident, and nt breakfast I tried to mako my wlfo laugh by telling her about it, but it did not ntnuso her at all. On the contrary, sho was so distressed that sho hastily left tho tablo lest any ono should sco her sorrow, and when 1 followed hor to our stateroom I found hor iu team. "I was very much astonished. Between you and mo she Is a more thau ordinarily I senslblo womnn, nnd it seemed impossible , that the toss of a woruout overcoat should have thus opened tho fountains of her grief. " 'Oh, James,' she said. '1 am not cry ing for tho old coat, but (sob) there were 1300 worth of lacothat I bought iu Belgium stitched Into its lining. I know you hated smuggling, so I didn't toll you about it. Doo hoo.' "New York Sun. Why Fat Men Suffer with Ueat. A well known Detroit society man, who is somewhat larger In tho girth than tho lines of beauty and tho rules of perfect physique call for, Is going to Boston thta summer to tnko u few lessons in cducntlon. Ono of tho recent hot days ho met a girl from thnt town, and after fanning himself till his arm wns black nnd bluo ho said: "I don't see why I get so hot. Other people don't seem to an Her ns I do." "Well," sho replied. "It is very simple indeed! fnt men" "I bog your pardon," ho said haughtily. "Excuse me," she twittered, "it is very simple, indeed. Stout men stilTer more be cause gravity is nn ethereal force contin ually streaming from space through every solar or celestial body. If tho body Is not movable with relation to some larger body this force of gravity becomes that form of molecular motion which wo cnll heat. As gravity depends upon tho mass of a body, uud as hent Is In ono sense gravity, it fol lows thnt tho larger a body Is the hotter It Is, hence, Mr." But she didn't finish the sentence, for Mr. was iu such a stnto of collapse by tho time sho had got to that polut ho had to bo carried out to tho hydrant. And ho isn't going to see that girl when he goes to Boston cither. Detroit Free Press. A Painful Hint. Cupid was flying Irregular between them, so to speak, as they were strolling aloug out Woodward nvenuo last Suuday afternoon. Ho was feeling a good deal llko a man going past a graveyard and was whistling. "I wish you wouldn't whistle," sho said pettishly. "It Is positively rude." Ho looked nt her a moment nnd stopped. Then bo began to sing softly. Ho snug for, say, flro minutes. "Harry," sho said almost tenderly. His faco lighted up with hope. "Pleaso whlstln," she said so pleadingly that ho got pu tho next car nnd went homo alone. Detroit Free Press. An Objection to Matrimony. Mrs. Doinbu.lne Mr. Gilhooly, you have been engaged to my daughter Jano for more than two years Why do you not marry her? Gilhooly My dear madam, that would never do. It would not bo nn easy matter to find another such nice sweetheart aa Jnno. Texus Sifting? Hard Unci. Miss Summit (at tho heasido) What aro you beginning that novel over again for!1 1 thought you had nearly lluMicd it. Miss Palisade So I had But I lost tho place. Life. Which One Wat Kept? Tlicro wcro two llttlo kittens, a' lilnck and a gray. And grandmamma said, with a frown, "It will nuerdi to keep them both, Tho black one we'd better drown. "Don't cry, my dear," to tiny Hess, "Ono kitten's enough to keep; Now run to nurse, for 'tis growing late And time ynii wcro fast asleep." Tho morrow dawned, and rosy and sweet Cauio llttlo Ituas from her nap; Tho nitrso said, "Ou Into omnium's room And look In grandma's lup " "Como here," mild graiiiliiiuuinia,lth usmlle. From tho rocking chair whero sho sat: "God has sent you two llttlo sisters. Now, n hut do you think of that?" Bess looked at tho babies a moment. With their wee heads, jollow and brown, And then to grandma soberly said, "Which ono aro you going to drown?" -Fashion Dazar. A TALE OP THE SUBURBS. a Romance That Came to an Abrupt Knit. Tho wlud sighed lit fully through tho trees thnt lined tho quiet street. Tho cheerful hum of tho suburban mosquito porvnded tho sultry nlr, tho pnlo yellow moon shono biliously down on a landscape that lookod tired, nnd tho volco of Ponot scot llollainus, tho young man from down town, had a fur.zy nnd precarious sound llkoan E string getting ready to break at tho close of a wnnn ovculng dovotod to solos from the old masters. "You do not pretend to misunderstand me, Miss Naggus?" ho said appeallngly, nnd moving forward In his clinlr till lie sat on tho extreme edgo. "Why, Mr. Bellamus," sho replied, "I I am not exactly suro thnt that I" Tho young man moved forward still fur ther, nnd dropped on his knees before her with n mournful thud. "Why do you suppose I have been coin lug to see you nil these months?" bo ex claimed, "Kuto Nimgus, look nt met" "I suppose, Mr. Bellnmus, you have had to go somewhere, you know, nnd hut, ol course, when I see a young man before mo on his knees, why, then, I I" "You know ho menus business, of course," ho said, coming promptly and cheerfully to her assistance. "That's what ho meansl" The high keyed voice of Mr, Penobscot Bellamus suddenly broke, but without a moment's pnuso he went ahead on tho A string. "Knto Naggus, tho supreme moment ol my life lias cornel On your decision now rests nil my hope of earthly happiness all my dread of earthly misery. Tho tlnio has como when I can bear tho suspeuso no longer. Bewildered by your glorious beauty, intoxicated by tho magio of your smile and tho music of your voice, I have let precious time go to waste) Enchant ress of my heart, this moment must decide my fatel My wholo future, my destiny for went or woe, Ih wrapped up In Itl If tho puronnd honest love of a faithful heart, tho earnest nnd self sacrificing devotion of a lifetime can move you, denrest, lot me ofTor you" Ho paused. Ho seemed to listen a mo ment. With a look of wild alarm he glanced nt his watch. Jumcd to his feet and grnblcd his hat. "Miss Naggus," he exclaimed In breath less haste, "I have just time to catch the last train Inl Good night!" Chicago Tri bune A Cmucleiitloua Copper, t. -Life. I An Off Week In Journalism. I Newspaper Proprietor What in tho I world tins made our circulation drop olT so ! this week? ' Editor Thero'a been no Important news, sir. Proprietor No Important news, eh? How nlxmt that terrible railroad accident, and the big bank defalcation, nnd tho wnr scare in Europe, uud Editor Oh, yes, tlicro were n few llttlo things like thnt, but you sco It rained all week und there were no baseball games. Munsey's Weekly I'repaied to Open the Campaign. "Why, Cousin Jenny," said Captain Jinks, "what a beautiful complexion you have! You are tho belle of the tlanco to night." "Yes, Tom, I agreed to furnish tho pow der if papa would provide the hall. My partners must furnish the arms." "Oh, 1 see, and you expect to bring on an engagement." Detroit Free Press, i"'r '- , ?-'wP&-'--r's- The New Gulctlida. Patsy (tho tramp) Say, cull, Pro dl klvored tho Qolcoudy wo want to go to. It's India. Illrdby (the tough) Nnwl Whnt's tho beauties of Indlnf Patsy Listen I In India soap Is con sidered n natural curiosity, an' tlicro ain't au ounce of It used a year. Do wo gof Blrdby-We go.-Llght. Chivalry, iZSrn Tom Dowltt Won't you allow mo to re lieve you, Miss Holder? Miss Held (Indlgnautly)-Slrl Tom Dowltt Ah, I am only solicitous for Miss Holder. I never could bear to see a woman doing a man's work. Life. Wlint Kind or u Slum Was It? Ho walked Into a Kearney street dry goods store yesterday afternoon and asked for n pair of overalls. It was evident that lie had not been long In town, nnd tho clerks ojed him with amusement depleted plainly on each face. "Very sorry, my friend," explained the polito gentleman behind tho counter, "but this is a dry goods store and wo have no overalls In stock." "Ain't, eh? Well Just glvo mo threo of your iHist flannel shirts, nnd I won't kick." "Sorry, hut we don't keep them, either." "Show mo n pair of long legged Iwots, then." "No boots, either." "Got any plug tobacco?" "No." "Any pipes or tallow candles?" "No." "Skillets or frylu' pans?" "Not hero; you'll have to go to n hard ware 6toro." "Well, have you got nny blood and thun der novels?" "Sorry, hut" "See here, old man, I've come all the way from Alpluo to lay In my supplies, and tho first place I strlko I run upngalust a sung. I always had a kind of sneaking Idea that you fellows down horo was frauds, and now I know It. Tlicro nln'touo of them things but what I can get In the llt tlo store up to home, and hero you don't keep 'cm. So long!" nnd ho strolled out with a look of disgust on his face, uud dis appeared iu tho throng ou tho street. San Frauclsco Call. State Camp Incidents. Hero aro two stories that float down from the state camp. Early ono morning recently two Sev enth regiment men had adjoining posts. Instead of walking iu tho same direction, as they should have done, they were plod ding toward and from each other. Sud denly tho sentry ou post No. S bawled out as he saw some Jno approaching from post No. 0: "Who comes there? Haiti" The response was quickly given, "Get out, you darned Idiot, I'm the sentinel." Then a whispered conversation was held, tho result being that tho matter was to go no further. A night shortly nfter found a big Ger man doing sentry duty. Tho countersign, "Lafayette," was given out. Just utter tho sounding of "taps" n llguro was seeu by tho German sentry to como out of tho darkness uud toward tho post ho was pa trolling. Then ciituo tho cry, not "Who comes there? Haiti" but "Who Ish dot dat comes py mo? Shtopl" "Friend," was tho reply. "Como ou, frlcudt, uud If you don't say 'Lafeot' I von't ledt you pass." Tho friend passed snfely. Now Vork Herald, At the Summer Iletort. "Delia, 1 saw you ou tho porch last night with Mr. Twiddles, of Boston, and tonight you were walking on tho bench with Mr. Bungle, of Chicago. I trust you nro not flirting, Delln." "Oh, no, mnmmn; I am only mnklug a collection of souvenir spoons." Detroit Free Press. Necessary to Economise, Slmpklus Well, I wonder what the trusts will take hold of next. There Is , corner in arnica. Sllmklns By Jinks! I guess I'll sell mj blcyclo nnd buy u horse. Good News. Musical Criticism. Mistress (benevolently to maid in antici pation of n compliment) What would you do If you could play tho piano as well tu I can? Maid I should tako lessons. Nebels palter. TI.e llmubilll Girl. Sbo's a very su agger maiden, of a flguro rather tall. Ami sho doesn't talk llko other girls, but only of baseball. She's pert, and sometimes protty, nhon sho speaks aliout tho game, And she thinks to bo a pitcher ts tbo highest meed of fame. Sho'U clap hertangloved hands In gleo to cheer a splendid hit. And sometimes when her side has won she'll flirt a llttlo bit: lint If )ou sH'ak tho lnvo that docs you- fool- Ish heart enthrall, Sho'U toll ou ou must join a nlno nnd study to play ball. Sho talks of "llys" and "llnors" in u mnunor that Is pat; She can tell ynu In a mluuto 11 ho It Is that's at tho hat; Miodoteson Kvefo and Connor nud rnvosabout their "curves," And you'd lenity think sho had been construct ed without nerves. For sho doesn't mind It If a foul comes spluulug lo her side; Sho catches it and sends It buck, and looks qultu grnllllcd. Sho's up on nil t ho double plays and marks t hem ou her cult; Hut she cannot keep a score card though she makes a splendid bluff. Huuaroof tho baseball maiden and her fetch ing llttlo ways; Sho's deadlier than tho summer girl that no win ambush la; Sho comes In Ith tho springtime, uud there's lulichlef iu her eye; And though she doesn't look It sho's most In tensely rty. Kate Mastcrsoo. ' ,C'-7 yy ffia pi CARLSBAD. Dear Palmer, just a year ago wt did the Carls bad cure, I Which, though It bo decoding slow, Is as ex ceeding surot To corpulency you two prone, dyspepsia both ered inei Vou tipped the beam nt twenty (tone nnd I At ten stone thrcol The cure, they told us, works both ways) U makes tho fat man loam Tho thin man, nfter many days, nohloves a portly mlom And, tboimh It's truo you still are fat, white I am llko n crow All skin and feathers; what of that? Tho oure takes tlnio, you know, Tho Carlsbad scenery Is sublime, that's what the guide Isioks sayt Wo did not think so at that time, nor think I so today) Tho bluffs that sUiero tho panting town per mit no pleasing views, Hut weigh the mortal spirits down nnd glvo a chap thn blues. With nothing lo amusousthon or mitigate our spleen, Wo rnso and mint to bed again with thren hml meat hot vt com And constantly no mado our mnnu-ah, uono so drear as wo. When you wcro neighing twenty stononudl button slonu thrcol Wenovor scaled the mountain side, for walk ing was my Imno, And you wuro much too big to ride tho mules that there ohtalut And so wo loitered In tboahndo with Israel out In force, Or through the Pimp'srho nlloo stnocd mid heard tho hand discourse. Sometimes It pleased us to recllno upon the Teiil's Ix ink, Or natch tho bilious human lino Mo round to getadrluki Anon tho portlor's piping touo embittered you nnd mo, Wlion joti wcro weighing twenty stono nnd I but ton stono three. And, oh, those nn fill things to entl No pud ding, eako or pic, Hut Just a llttlo dab of meal and crust absurd ly dryi Then, too, that water twlco a day, ono swallow was enough To tnko one's appotlto away, tho tepid, awful stun) Torturod by hunger's cruel stings, I'd little olsn to do Thau feast my eyes uou tho things proscrllwd nnd cooked for yout Tho goodlus uciit to you atoue, tho husks all full to mo. When you wcro weighing twenty stono nnd t weighed ten stono three. Yet happy da) si nnd rapturous Ills! nnd sweetly dismal date! When, sandwiched In between tboso hills, we twain bemoaned our fato. Tho llttlo woes wo suffered then llko tnlits have sped away, And I weroglad to aharo again those Ills with )nu today To flounder In those rains of Juno thnt flood thnt Austrian vnloj To quaff thai tepid Kalsorbruun nnd starve on victuals statel And often, leagues and Icaguos away from where o suffered then, With envious learnings I survey what cannot bo again! And often Iu my quiet homo, through dim and misty eyes, I seem to sco that curhaus douio blink at tho radiant skies; 1 seem to hear that Wiener baud abovo tho Tent's roar- To feel tho pressure of your bond and hear your volco once more; And, better yet, my benrt is warm with thoughts of you and yeurs, Cor friendship hath a sweeter charm than thrlco ton thousand cures! Bo I am happy to havo known thnt tlmo acroes tho sea When you wcro weighing twenty stono and 1 weighed ton stono throe. Eugeuo b'lold In Chicago News. Their Illscusslon. "Very Interesting conversation In hero?" asked papa, suddenly thrusting his head through thu curtains into the recess where Ethel, Mr. Tompkins nnd llttlo Eva sat very quietly. "Yes, ludoed," said Ethel, ready ou tho instant with a reply. "Mr. Tompkins uud I wcro discussing all our kith und kin, weren't we, Eva?" "Yeth, thnth what you wuth. Mlther Tompklnth timid, 'May I have a kith?' and Ethel said, 'You kin. "-Smith & Gray's Monthly. lie Hail. "Poor man!" exclaimed the impulsive, warm hearted lady, "you look as if you had known somo great sorrow." "You aro right, mum," unswered the battered tramp, gratefully accepting the doughnuts ami bowl of fresh milk. "I have." "May I ask what It Is?" "Yes, mum," ho said, with his mouth full. "I lost both my parents when I wns nothlu' but a small boy." "Had you uo friends?" "Yes, mum. I had nn uncle. I lived with him till I wns a good sized chuuk of a hoy, nnd then ho died." "And you had no other friends?" "Only an ituut, mum; I went to live with her next. I was very happy at my nunt's, till till" "Don't speak of it, my poor man, if It awakens painful memories." "It breaks mu all up, mum; but them's worse to como. My uuut she" "Died?" "No, She was a widow, my atiut wus, you know, uud she up and married again. Married u menu, stingy, ornery cuss of a man He drove mo out of thu liniise lo fore ho had been tlicro three weeks," "And then?" "And then, mum," said the dejected traveler, a frightful spasm of pain distort ing his face at the recollection, "I had to go to workl" Chicago Tribune.. Iloth Sides of thu Uuostlon. "You know what my daughter's voice K" said a Third street two listed woman to the leader of a choir up town, who was looking for a singer. "Yes, madam," ho said submissively "I should Miy so." "Yes, madam, ho continued, bracing up, "and I may say that I also know what it Isn't." Detroit Fruo Press. llHlf and Half. Johnny Pa, what does tho paper mean when it sayt that Mr. Llttlesolu has taken Miss Urowu as the partner of his joys nud sorrows? Pa It means, my son, thnt they aro to enter upon life upon the share nud share alike principle Ho will tnko all tho Joys and let her have nil the sorrows, Boston Transcript. B .A. 3jT:IC . Lincolv, : Nebraska. Capital, $250,000 Ojh'rrrS iiml Dli triors: John II, Wrlghl, I'rcs. T. K. Handers, V.-P- .1. II, McUlay, Cashier, v v A H Ilaymoinl, IIP ban, Thus Coehran K ItHlier, diss West, K I, Hlioldoii. General Banking Business Transacted. Accounts Solicited. REMOVAL ease Lincoln Shirt Factory To 1402 O Stroot. In Its new locution this establishment will halo bdier farilities thau over for turning out flrst-elass iiorlt, and au Increased linn of dents' Furnishing (loods will always ho on sale. To our business hits been milled a LADIES' TAILORING DEPARTMENT In which varments of all kinds will bo made to older and anything mini tho smallest 11 n ttorgarmciit tu tho finest Dress or Cloak will ho skillfully executed and limilo un short nonce. 111 mis iiupnriiiioiH wo employ one ofllic'liist cutlers and litters In the country ami siiiistnetion is guiiraiitoeii in every par ticular. Our factory will hereafter bo known ns the Lincoln Shirt Mfg. Co. A. Katrenstelii, Br., Manager. Call and seo us. Cor. 1 lib uud O His SUPERIOR WORK T) -no to- ..-SMAL!N Steam Laundry 2014-16 O Street, Office 138 N. nth St. Tele. 579. Leading PHOTOGRAPHER! Kino Hust Cabinets W per dozen. Hpeclal rates to students. Cnll and sco our work. Studio, 12140 Street. Open from 10 11. m. lo 4 p. m. Huudnys. SSS VO-rrUl I V tiirKIliJW OUl" A'raiBKYJotN 1 A pamphlet of Information aiidab. siracioi m iaw,iuwn,a ,uw ,uy y Obtain l'atenti, lavosn, rrtaei xMarks, coprrisms, itniiru.. .AMraM MUSS HUM t3Ul Broadway, aew if era. tAHAH IMAOQUAINTIO W,TH Th 0l0O4HV O' 1HI COUNTRY WILL OtTAW MUCH IN'OAMATlON MOM A TU0Y Of THlt MAP 09 TNI Chicago.Rock Island & Paciflc Ru The DniECT ROUTE to and from ClflCAOO. HOOK ISLAND. DAVENPORT, DK8 MOINEH, COUNCIL, BLUFFS. WATEItTOWN, SIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS. ST. PAUL, ST. JOS EPH, ATCHISON. LKAVENWOHTH. KANSAS) CITY. TOPEKA, DKNVEIl. COLOUADO SP'NOS and VUEHLO. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS cf Through Cosches, 81epers, Free Ilecllnlng Chair Oar nnd Dlnlnx Cars dally between CHI CAOO. DES MOINES. COUNCIL BLUFFS and ' OMAHA, and ltwon CHICAOO and DENVER, ! OOLOKADO 8PIUN03 nnd PUEIILO via St. I Jostiih, or Kansas City and Topeka. Via Tho Albort Loa Route. Fast Express Trnlne dally between Chtcatra und Minneapolis and St. r-nul, with THUOUOH Itecltnlng Chair Cars (FUEE) to and from those points and Kansas City, Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake and Bloux Falle via Rock Island. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired Informa tion, apply nt any Coupon Ticket Office, or address E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBA8TIAN, Qen'l Manager, Oen'l Tkt. dc Pom. AgU CUICAOO ILL- LINCOLN for QfXMMt am issririTi. 1 r riMUMiiii-. fclmrtliuiul, and Tj i- rltiiiif. I the hot and Ur-'i-it t llee in the West i Mildents la ntU-ud,uic ltt.t Siu Inn. prriunM ,or Imsinru la from .1 14 jnunllis, Ks'rit-iKisl (aeulty 1'irsoiuil lusiriu-tkui. Urnutlful UliKlrHtislcsinlisnif, tMllrk-vjournalu, mid "VclmriKof H'iiiimiulili, sent frv ly.Mrrlii ULLtllltlDUa A K0O3E, Lliieuln, Neb PHOGREMIVE UUCIIKB. .. ., . MP l.l'o'UI Note to Joiix bttusniK, O.T. A. U..II,H lUChlosiro and nofr, Htace paid, Iheslloke.t JrctotcarilsyourwrjIisnJlrd. Tea VeaU cr sack, one ,r iunj &fa& 1,1. w j. , t mr v-T , t,t Srf f