-. r - - 'Li-J'.fi .- -. -. -- --r-. --t . r ,k ,, tm tmmAl,MTm MWW-lTWintwr- (frifrjffi'lgipffy jegMSMSfgSttW1 t'T nvP&ffV'?J$!!SmmmM& mumttmaxmmm9jmmii i w"1" ' ' - , ., CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1891 llau. '$.& it: Mason's Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, Siberia Refrigerators, New Method Gasoline Stoves; Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Screen Wire, Step Ladders. FRANK E. LAHR 936 P St. Phonic 380 mrjsm Lincoln Nebraska Souvenir Spoon. A novelty of vnhie to every patriotic Anei lenn; o( Interest to every elllrcn of Ncbrnskn. Price, $3.50, plain bowl. $4 gilt bowl. Dcscilptlon Cnpltol building In ban- relief, tpllt rnll f o r handle, Mir in o u n t c d by mnul ami wedge a historical re minder of Pres ident Lincoln. A large line of other distinctive spoons In stock. Era J.B.Trickey & CO. JEWELERS 1035 0 8t Clearance Sale ! ALL SUMMER GOODS AT ClearancePrices YOU CA.N BUY Summer Weights IN- CLOTHING, HATS and Underwear, For Less Money than Ever Before. COME AND SEE US. If you Deposit your Sayings IN THE Lincoln Savings Bank i Safe Deposit Co. 'H.K.cor. UthandPHta. THEY WILL EARN INTEREST FOR YOU Attlie Kate of 5-Five per Ct. per Annum-5 Save 3.00 a week and It amounts with Interest In five years to f 1,500.00. Bank opens nt 0:30 a. in. to 3:30 p. in. ami Saturday evenings, S to 8 p. in. Safes to Rest la Burglar and Fire Proof Vaults. ) SJPS1ST-;W,.... fll liiS.dSlsi i---SJj ,1 ijnfir rr .UiHfrnt Whim. Published Saturday. AMroM nil caininuaicittloiif itlrvct to tin' officii VVKasICL, PKINTtNQ CO , I'lrilMMllKIIR. Courier HuIMIiik, II M N Hlrrot. Trt.Ki'iioMKiVI L Wkmmki,, Jn,, Editor and Holo Pi cprletor. HUliseinrrloM Ona Vciir ly Mull or Carried i(M Hlx Montlia. tl.0W Tlin'O Mniill-N,A0c.' Olio munlli H.Vnl tiintrnlily In Advance Al)VKNTIIltMKMTIi: ltt' furolftlieil on hi)IIcaIIoii lit llm office. Hx'elnl rnlen on Time Contracts. rnxTRintTioMiHlicirtiilcr sMcliM, poenn and Metrics solicited. IVrsonal ninl Hoolnl notos are rxclftlly di'slrnhle. rmsmtni V make a sclitU' of Fine I'rliitlnir In all II liranclie. Hnclrtv work a specialty. Knlereil nttlie I'mtofllro of l.llicoll1, Neb., as nerond class tnntter. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. AMUSEMENTS. "Kajaiikn," a 1'arMnu spectacular, will be the attraction at the Kiiukn'a next Tuesday and Wednesday evening. The following If thocoiniueiit from the New York News: The production of "Kajankn" last uvenlin; attracted unusual attention, mid no doubt made n utvat success. In the llrt net were hIiow 11 xonii very bemitlful scenes, transform ations mid chnrncterlstlc dances. The second net ns devoted to marches', daiicesaud sing ing, by as pretty a lievy of youiiK girls ns ever wt re seen In chorus or ballet. Then' nre several transformation cenei in this ivt which wore marvels or mechanical anil mi tic tic art. The eight Martini's French acrobats were very line. Tim last act was given over to pantomime, and proved to la) a means of pleasing those who had seen such In childhood, and cannot fall to delight the littlo folks. "Kajankn" Is the most pleasing piece of the kind seen here In ears If It was over equalled. TIIKATIIICAI. TALK. New Turner Hall most convlnent for danc ing nud sociables for rent. Apuly 1. J, Wohlonherg'a cigar store l'.tl south 11th st. The late William Irving Paulding be iueathed the sum of '..'0,000 to Frederick Paulding to bo used in the production of "TheHtiuggloof Ufo." Agues Huntington will make a tour of twelve weeks In this country next season un der the management of Marcus It. Mayer, tier new theatre In London will not be ready for her until next March. One of the surprises that Fannie lllce promises for her new musical comedy next season will be a cornet solo. Miss Rice will also Introduce the Hungarian ballet dance which she danced nearly three hundred times at the New York Casino in "Nadjy." Minna Clule will have nil extensive report ory next season, Including "The Duchess of Pmtun , "As You Like It," Evndne, "Fnalo" Iugomar," "Homeo and Juliet," "The Hunchback," "Much Ado about Nothing" and K)slbly "The Merchants of Venice." "Jane," the now comedy which Charles Frcluuan will produce next Fall, has passed its JKUli performance In Loudon. It will be produced nt the Madison Square Thenti-u, August ltd, and If successful, will be con tinued until the mlddlu of October. Mr. Frohmnu has given as much attention to th people in this cist as lie did to his "Wilkin son's Widows" and "All tho Comforts of Home." For the complexion use Ayer's Sarsapa rllla. It brings booming health to wan cheeks. Its concentrated curative power, makes AyerV Bnrsapnrilla the lest blood purifier. At Maiiltuu. Manitou SrniNos, Colo., June 'J7. Spec ial. Manitou I to the people what n sugar barrel Is to the tiles on a bright summer day decidedly attractive. There is an absence of Me and an Influx of people nt Manitou that is refreshing. These Juno days nre of the leafy June that poets prate of cool mornings, warm enough at noontime to re mind the out door waudorer that it Is sum mer, and evenings full of moonlight and coolness. The walks, drive and trails about Manitou nre so numerous that old timer of several season's experience find some new beauties whenever they go out. The country Is para dise for tho lively young woman or the brawny young man who delights in explor ing expeditions. Manitou Is best reached via the Union Pacific. The Hut Springs of Dakota. These stirlnirs are rnnlillv lieeomlnir fnmntin on account of the wonderful curative proper ties or uie waters,;ami the many (marvelous cures which have been effected by the ther mal baths. The town and springs are delightfully situ ated In a picturesque valley in the Black Hills country, abounding In lienutiful ilf. effects, mid at an altitude of !J,s0O feet above uiesen level j inus insuring a pure atmos- jiuere mm exuiiaraiing climate, absolutely free from malaria. Under tho enterprising nnd progressive management or the Hot Bprlngs company many desirable Improvements have lieen made; among the number tho erection of a commodious bath house fitted up with all modern conveniences for the comfort of guests. New hotels have been built and com fortably furnished throughout, conducted tn flrstclau style and at reasonable rates. Those who nrefer stonnlmr tttn nrlvin iimuo will find many desirable boarding places wuero goou nccninmouauons are WrnlMiocl at moderate prices. The superior dally service now afforded by the Hurllngton Route to Hot Springs, with uirouBu sleeping car nceommoi'atioiis from Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora ami Grand Island, makes the trip au easy and enjoyable one; and for the benefit of nil Who desire to test the enlency or the waters, round trip tickets at reduced rates, coo. I foe nliitv ilnv mv now on sale at all office of the Burlington Route. For pamphlet, descriptive of the springs, and full Information as to rates, time, etc., apply to nny.ngent of the company, or to J. Fkancib, Gen't Pass'rd: Tk't Agt., ' ' Omaha, Neb. DRESSING FOR CHURCH. IT IS A DELICATE ART WHICH FEW UNDERSTAND. Olive ltrcr Tells How Soma New York UoIiimi Ho It Hiime Infiiriniitloii Itr Harding Mourning Onwns for Young Lnillc The Cum lug Autumn Htylcs. Bcclal Corrcsx)ntlenco, New Yoiik, July 0. Lot us bo sober today and think about going to church, nml talk over tho most Btiltnblo dress fur such occasions. Tlino was when n lady put on her very llncst and best fir church, but now alio remember that there is a tlino for everything, and that ron oilmen, la n very convenient argument in favor of nn entirely now costume. A dress intended for church wear should not bo Kiiudy nor ovcrtrimmed, nor should it bo in too bright colors; nor, on tho other bund, Is it right to put on just anything that comes to hand. To dress in perfect tasto for church is a dollcnto gift more tlinn having tho means of buying any thing ono wants. A very modest and suitable gown for church for a young lady wns inndo of palo gray cashmere worked on tho tabu that bordered tho bottom of tho skirt in black silk. Those opened over another skirt of whito embroidered pongee. A small mantelet in black surah, with h little passomcuteric trimming and a ruftle and jabot of embroidered black pongee, is worn, and a plain whito sailor hat with a gray baud completes a cos tume that is in every way euitablo for church. Another gown which can bo worn by women of any age has an underskirt of lusterless sllic, and this is entirely cover ed, waist, sleeves and almost nil of tho i skirt, by black Spanish laco. It is looped up on the left sido nud held by two black satin butterfly bows without ends and n pointed girdle of tho name ties in tho back. The bonnet is of black chip with jet and gold liead baud and ornament in front. Nothing could bo more retlnod or clognut. A small silk or laco wrap can be worn if liked, as bouio ladies never feel fully dressed without coiuo kind of a wrap. Cashmere sorgo, plain black silk and such goods are always in good tasto for church dresses, and the wealthiest ladies in Now York dress the plainest In church, though they naturally have fine material nnd are very careful in tho matter of gloves and boots and such like articles of toilet. Prayer books aro carried in dainty little bags, made on purpose, of velvet, satin, kid or silk, or even in net ted beads of steel or jet. Some prayer books, however, aro curried between neat celluloid covers or satin stlflly em broidered with gold. A sweet seronity nnd far away look Is always put on with tho surah dresses, and it Is very becom ing too. Tho fall Importations are now begin ning to arrive, and tho early fashion MOUlt.NIXa OOWNS FOR YOUKO LAD I US. writer gets tho first news, which is this tho coming soason Is going to bo a som ber ono as far as coloring goes. Nearly everything is to bo black. Velvet, satin. Bilk, woolen goods all black. The gen eral blackness will lw relioved with Japaneso folds and Japanese pipings in light colors wherovor pipings can be placed, and it is astonishing how many places can lo found for it. Sometimes thero will bo only ono fold or piping, and then thero may bo four or fivo In differ ent colors or shades. When neatly done this forms a very refined and pretty trim ming. The newest silks nre of the conrso ribbed kind, falllo and ottoman having tho preference. Thero will also bo some failles with a deep brocaded border for tho bottom, which is very rich nnd hand some. Olive Haki'er It la such nn unusual thing to allow women In Italy to take part in public affairs that tho uowspapers have made much of the appointment of a woman to the Congregation of Charity, which dis poses of tho trust fund for the benefit of tho poor. 3 xt II I IB mUMW frapf"nLW m-u9L2ggraPjv7V' How Mosmloiit laSJmlr. Sozodont is composed of castilo soap, drams; glycerine, drama: alcohol, 1 ounce; soft water, I ounces; and oil of wintergreen, anise or cinnamon for flav oring. The nccompanyitig powder la comjKised of eijunl parts of prepared chalk, orris root and carbonate of mag nesia. 1 1 cut In Knt Cucumbers, Cncnmliers should never Ik eaten with out vinegar and jH-pper. Otherwise the largo quantity of woody fiber contained in them would create indigestion nnd fermentation. Oil nnd salt should not bo used. They render cucumbers un wholesome, lint hero is nn excellent way to eat them: Peeli then cut into slices lengthways; sprinkle both sides with corn meal, pepper nml salt, and fry them brown. Cucumbers treated in this way make a delicious dish. How to Use Coal. Many a housckcvticr complains that tho coal supplied to her cellar is of dif ferent qualities. This hapjiens very sim ply. When the coal is poured into the cellar the larger and heavier lumps roll to the sides and bottom, wherens tho smaller kind stops in tho center. If tho coal is mixed after dellverv an even size and quality will bo insured. How Vt'uves Am Ciilmcil liy Oil. Owing to its inferior sja'clflc gravity oil forms a floating film, which defends tho surface of the water from contact with tho currents of air, and tho friction between tho winds nnd the waves is greatly diminished, in tho same manner that the friction between solids is liy ap plication of oils. How tn Htrt'tigthiMi tin, Kycs. A simple and excellent plan to preservo nnd strengthen tho eyes Is this: Every morning pour some cold water into your washing bowl; nt tho bottom of tho bowl place a silver coin or other bright object; then put your fnco into the water with tho eyes open mid fixed on the object at tho bottom; move your head from sido to side gently, and you will find that this morning bath will make your eyes brighter and stronger nnd preservo them beyond tho ordinary allotted time. How to Preserve Milk unit Cream. Put the milk or cream into bottles nnd plnco them in a saucepan with cold wa ter, which rise gradually to tho boiling point. Then take from tho flro and cork instantly. Again rniso tho milk to a boiling iiolnt for half a minute, anil let the bottles cool in tho water in which they wero boiled. Milk thus treated will remain perfectly good for six months. How tn Make Hens Luy In Winter. Mix a portion of minced meat overy day with their other food, nnd seo that they have plenty of gravel, old plaster tering or powdered eggshells to peck among. The latter mny also bo mixed with their food. How to Iteiiiiivv Ink Htnlns. Lemon juico readily removes ink from tho hnnds. Diluted spirits of niter, ap plied with a feather, tnkea ink spots from mahogany, which should bo rubbed over immediately with a rag dipped in cold water, or a whito mark will bo left. Ink spots in linen fabrics should bo wet with milk nnd covered with common salt before the articles aro washed. An other way to take out ink is to dip the nrticlo in melted tallow. Ink stains may also bo removed from whito fabrics by n little salt of lemons, diluted muri atic acids, oxalic acid or tartaric ucid and hot water. All strong acids, how ever, injure tho fabric, aud tho spots should bo well rinsed in cold water after they aro used. How to lletleve lllieiimntlc Tains. Llmo or lemon juico, used in liberal quantities, frequently relieves tho par oxysms of rheumatism. Ono noted phy sician claims that by tho persistent use of this simple ncld for three days (all stimulating liquids being avoided) the most confirmed rheumatism will relax nnd the tone of tho muscular and nerv ous system bo restored to its usual char acter. Another siniplo remedy is to bathe tho parts affected with water, in which potatoes havo been boiled, as hot as can be borne provious to retiring. Obstinate cases havo yielded to this sim ple treatment. How to Cure Warts. Touch the wnrt daily with a little lunar caustic or with nitric- acid or aro matic vinegar. Tho caustic and acids cause stains, which wear oil in a short time; tho vinegar scarcely discolors tho skin. Applying tho warts to the con ductor of an electrical machine for sov eral days in succession will also reinovo warts. How to Purify Water. A saturated solution of tiermauganato of potassa will speedily cleanse foul water. About a teaspoonfnl to a hogs head should bo used. Another method is to put a tablespoouful of pulverized alum into a hogshead of water aud stir the water well. Tho impurities fall to the bottom and tho water will soon pos sess nearly all the clearness and fresh ness of tho finest spring wnter. How to I'liiy Ilaecarat. Tho dealer aud each side of the table have two or threo cards. Tho object is to get as near nine as possible, and tons and court cards do not count. If tho two first enrds dealt do not together amount to fivo tho player asks for an other. If above fivo ho does not. The sole question in doubt is whether a play er whose two cards togethor inako five ought to draw a third card or not. Be cause of this doubt French courts havo ruled that baccarat is not a gamo of chance. SUMMER SPECIALTIES I Thin Goats and Vests Aipaca, Serges, Pongee, Silk Lustres, Drab Dete, Mohair, ' And nil popular Publics so Cool and Comfortable1 '"ih ( ' i Hot Weather. i . , i The many styles we show will make will certainly please you. SEE OUR ELEGANT Madras and Flannel Shirts BEFORE YOU BUY. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Corner O and lOth Streets. K.K.D.G.CQ. The Peoples' Store We have decided to continue our SPECIAL RE DUCED PRICES on all SUMMER -:- GOODS during the month of July in order to reduce our stock pre paratory to putting in fall goods. Come and Look us Through and Get) Some Bargains. I KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. . Dry Goods, Groceries, Hoots and Shoes. 15 iS-1 520 O Street. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH ICB CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER, AND THEY. WILL RECEIVEj PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbush Makers of Bon fions and Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water. U. MEYER, Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in City and Farm Property AGENT North German-Lloyd Steamship Co., Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines. Also Rnllroad Agent (or the different Companies East and West Southampton, Unvre, Hamburg, Stetten, London, Paris, Norway, Plymouth, Jiremen, Sweden, and any point In Europe. Post Order, and Foreign Exchange Issued to all prominent points In Europe. Hiivliitliirtpfacllllli'i'Htvltli t lie liliaitui llnnks ami Having InstltiitloiiK, I 11111 pru imreil to make all kimU of l-oaim 011 First Hen Estate .MoittinKcs? Cltvr or Farm l'r iiortv from 1 to a ear-, ut tho lowest Interest I m, Meal In Hclionl iTomls, HtiUo. Cm 1 y V , city Warrants, nlo .1 Htate, County mid City CertlllcHl Claims, nnd will ilwiiys nay tho sliest market price. Call and sco moor Correspond with 1110. "mmm L. MEYER, 108 lMUW'M -. .mi. ! "lUUTONM LVOH. m IN suit you. The low prices' wc :.ii.i Telephone 44S. US FOR-- FOR THE North Tenth Street. I ALWAYS HAVE THE NEWEST HOOKS II Y THE MOST POPULAR AUTHORS Cw-i' .' HlWf IWUL.ifc Subscription, News, Manufacturers' nnd Publishers' Agent. 'tf i i B nt . .? it r f "ffrtHftfrMti Ifcfcr i-r - 1 11 r " ' t-MfcJ"JCM1- 1 ii r- it -v-"-T-vswMiilHMiWirn"TTitsl uj. - 'ni .ftf-'j UJj2jj22