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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1891)
n uimWi;MBMfcr . irnsu. CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1891 it: :u I 4. 'I' THE COTTON BL09S0M CUJP Tiik Ohi) Rkmaiims FOLSOM -Ik Mill Headquarters for Ice Cream Ices, Cakes, Candles, Etc, Our Special order depart ment for catering to private residence and parties is the most popular in the city "Prompt delivery, pure goods and reasonable prices" is our motto. ICE CREAM PARLOR NOW OPEN. 1307 0 St. Telephone 001 TO OTTIR, Lincoln Patrons We lift? to Inform ou that our Stock o( Spring add Summer SUITINGS fs now ready for jour Inspection nntl comprises nil the LATEST NOVELTIES Krom tlio Finest French i English Imj Gamut Strictly First-Glass! uckert & McDonald, THE TAILORS, 317 S. 15th St. Comtpondinct Solicited OMAHA, NEB. A Few I'nlnlt as to lUrlng hiiiI I'rlss Fighting. Tim secretary announced a comiiiuiilcn tlon from Buffalo, asking tlio club to do flno it position on horse racing mid prl.o fighting. Tho writer added tlml there was n lively dlsputo over tlio attitude of tho club, and ho hoped for an explicit avowal. "As tohoM raclnV'sald Brother Gard ner, as ho removed his spectacles and looked around the hall, "I nohhor could sco no portlcler harm In It. You simply bet dutasartln Iiom kin run do fastest. lie come In llrst, Von win jour bet. Von take do money and pay up do back rent, buy a now ca'pel fur do parlor, order a Imr'l of Hour an' git de ole woman a C'hiuy silk drons. Is dar anythln' wicked 'bout iliitf Of eo'ite If you took do money an' bought burglar tools mi' robbed a bank an' hot two policemen It would be wicked, but you (loan do It. As to prlr.o Huhtln', it's about do same. If you tied otio man to a kjU an lot do odder man kick an' bite an' pound him, dat would be wicked, but you doan do It. Do hots Isn't oblcogod to run. Ho kin bolt de Hack or hang back. So wld do man. If ho doan want to go dar an' fight ho kin stay home wld his wlfa an' chllleu an' eat anplot an' popco'u, Do poslshuu of ills club, darfore, Is dat we propose to let bosses an' folks do JUt as doy wish to In slab cases," A communication from tho "Corn Cobb School of Philosophy," located r Indian spoils, wanted to know If tho Cotton lllos sotus had a theory rewarding eclipses, and If so would It ho asking too much to ask that it bo kIvoii to tho public. "So fur as I know, ills club has no theory ' no speshul Interest In 'cllpics," re pllod Brother Gardner. "Of eo'so wo now an' den h'nr dat a 'clipso has dun nrrovo In town an' am gwlno to show olT at a sartln hour, but wo Keep right on spreadln' do whitewash jlst de same. It's uufflu to u whether (ley hov a 'clipso every day In do week or only once a y'ar. All slcli things was planned fur when do heavens was cre ated, an' it wouldn't do us no good to gal lop around an' Kit excited, If any member presold has u theory I should like to hear from him." Eldor Penstock aroso and replied that ho had ono, ami ho was about to state It when an accident occurred to prevent. Tho eldor used to own a parrot when ho lived In Detroit. Ono day he was running Ids tongtto out at tho bird when ho re ceived a "peck" which almost disabled that organ. Slnco then, whouovor ho gets ready to speak' 1 11 public, he slips a vest bucklo Into his mouth, Ho had Justdono so on this occasion whon Satnuol Shin gavo him a kick as a hint that two big watermelons wore In tho anteroom waiting for adjourn ment. The eldor was startled, and tho bucklo was sucked back luto Ids throat, and two members had to rush him out. When tho door had closed behind him Brother Gardner said "Do secretary will tnako do record dat 4ls club has no theory an' don't want oue." How In ItnUn the llody itfn llrimnnl I'rrann A French-Canadian proceeded In this fashion! Ho supplied himself with soino glass gallon jam and a quantity of tin tdacked lime and went In n lont to tho place whoro tho man was seen to go down. Ono of tho jars was half filled with lltno and then tilled with water anil tlrjhtly corked. It was then tlropiieil overboard, and noon after exploded at tlio bottom of tliu river with u loud re port. After tho third trial, each tlmo at a different placo, tho body roso to tho surface. How to Ilrntovx Mildew from Cloth. Put a teaspoon fill of chloride of limo Into 11 quart of water, (drain it twico, and dip the mildewed places into the solution. Lay in tho sun to dry. If tho mildew has not disappeared repeat tho process. How lo Obtain 11 Letter of Credit. Any first class bank will Issue a lottot of credit upon tho receipt of tho amount of tho credit and a Htnall commission. This letter enables you to draw any Httm np to tho amount of tho credit from any of tho bauk'H correspondents abroad. A list of those correspondents is usually printed upon tho back of tho letter. How In Make it Welsh Itubhlt. . Tho following is tho old English plan: Melt a tablestioonfiil of good butter in a saucepan and add about half n pound of rich crumbly cheese cut in half inch bits. Stir tho mass over tho fire, and while tho cheese melts pour in a gill of old ale. When thoroughly mixed add a pinch of cayenne pepper. Lay slices of thick toast moistened with boiled milk on u platter, pour the melted choose over them, and nerve hot. THE ARIZONA KICKER. How to Tell Htcel from Iron. Aquafortis applied to tho surface of steel produces n black spot; on iron tho metal remains clean. The slightest vein of iron or steel can bo readily detected by this method. How to Denioiiitrutu That Ire Hits Heat. Two pieces of ico can bo quickly melt ed in n room cooled below tho freezing point by rubbing them against each other. How to Kstltnnte What it Hone Can Hritw. A horse can draw on metal rails ono and two-thirds as much as on asphalt pavement, threo and one-third times aa much as on good Belgian blocks, five times as much as on ordinary Belgian blocks, seven times ns much as on good cobblo stones, thirteen times as much as on ordinary cobblo stones, twenty times as much as on tarth road, and forty time, as much lis on sand. How to Transplant Large Hhade Trees. In the autumn, before the frost comes on. dig a trench around the tree and cut tho roots, but not too near tho tree. Ro- Wo want the ofllce, inovo in tlio winter when tlio ground la frozen, ttniso tho tree with tho frozen mass is easily raised with levers on to a , lvetl '" " nm,,,,cr t0 do .lm proud stromr sled when It can lxi drawn nrnct t0 "mko our own ,,coll10 lir0lul of strong sieu, wiilh it tan do tirawn erect or A oup mavors for nvo y by horses or oxen. Trees moved in this ,m9t ,mve um, ft sot of llnlIlkeil nm way will grow in tho spring, DELIGHTFUL COMPLEXION EFFECTS "May bo produced by tlio uso or MHH. OKA- 'IIAM'H Kugenle Knnmel and her Hose Bloom. Tlio complexion and color aro made perfect, and tho cfost scrutiny could noi de lect, one grain of powder or the least liullca- t4on of artlftclal color. I will stake my rep utation that on any face I can Klve the most dellahtful complexion and color with F.u nU) Ennmcl mid Hose IUohkoiii, and thst no on could iotlbly tell that the rotor or comnloxlon wore nrtltlc Ul. ThU Is high arl In coametlcs. Thoy re each mare harmless than any other cot tuetto In tho world, bociumu thoy aro each ills nlvlntr In their nature, and tuns does not clog up tlio porr. When uilntt theso superb -cosmetics you may wlpo tho dust or porspl Tatlon from tho faco without marrlnir their delicate beauty. They remain cm nil day, or until wathed on". Price of each II; tho two sent anywhere for I. Kor sale by HOWAHD'H DIAMOND PlIAHMAOV, Northwest Corner N and isth mi rAivr . "i,F" . an.! a . a - .l- tiSiffSKrfor .! Suo!iffini had a starting point somowhero. faco orflaure. Send stamp for her llttlobook was that iolntf Why was It uot 'How to ie ueauiiiui." mov in hew quarters i Lincoln Trunk Factory o st 1133 ST Where we will be glad to fee all old friend and cuttomers and as many new ones as can get Into the store. O. H. WIR1CK, SUCCESSOR TO -WIRICK & HOPPER. $3000i AVKArCl I im.l.H.V. la hil.Hi Ilcicb ! Islrljr lult Itirrlil Itnvuof lil, i,Mboru ttti tnj Hrll.u,l who, n.r liutntrllcH,MUI work Indudrioiuly, la .iru Tkrt Th.i4 Ullr Tarlalk)rwHlMliilr.nltrffrlhtvllTt.lMnUlMrumlth Cll tlluttWa tf nilujui.nMI ItlHl fwl r ft tlitfMiBl. MMonv ttf iu uiiIvm .ucirMful M !. j,klltnJfulckly tttrstiL I dwr hul iw worttr Itoni !, ilUlrlcl crcounljr I MlrtJlaulil til! 4.Mt4 tilth tmi lo. httnl lrr bf, l 1 f mM .r I wee IW rb lllSKW ul MUI.II. lull t'lll-'-rif Kl . AdMrru nonet, . V. Al.l.kx. Mas . Au Mtw, Maine. "AS TO IIOSS IIACIN'." Colonel Hnofwcll Taylor then moved that a resolution Introduced by him two weeks ago and laid on tho tablo be taken up for action, "If I remember right," replied Brother Gardner, "It was a resolushuu to do effect dat do windmill Is of greater public bcucilt dan do railroad." "Yes, uah." "Bruddor Taylor, did you eber own a wltidmlllf" "No, nab." "Was you eber personally acquainted wld a wludmlllr" "N no, sah, but I'so seen 'em." "Jlst bofo' you IntroducoJ dat resolu shuu you went up to Nyack, didn't your" "Yes, tali." "Started to return ou a freight tralnr" "11 did, salt I wanted to see do ken try." "Got frowed off, didn't youj" "Yes, sah. Conductor frowed me right off, an' I had to walk eleven miles." "I see. It may bo dat de windmill baa brought dls kontry to Its presout enviable state of clvlllzasbuu, while de railrodo hasn't bin doln' numn' to brag about, but we ain't gwluo to commit ourselves. I shall urap uat resoiusuun ouior no auey winuer, an' you bad better sot down an' stay down." Hear Admiral Calltr tben secured tho floor and said that ho had lately been the orizing a good deal about tho weather. He had also discovered that all tho warm waves had come from Florida, and all the cold oucs from Montana. These waves Where uot discov ered nnd steps taken to prevent their eprcndr It seemed to him that a cold wave could be warmed up and a hot wavo cooled otl If persons provided with tho proper ap pliances were on the ground. As congress did uot seem inclined to take hold of the matter, why didn't tho Cotton Blossom club go ahead and conduct a series of ex periments? Ho didn't sigh for famo him self, having now a plo staud In Thompson street which brought him In over ten dol lars per week, but it was a great opportu nity for the club as a club to distinguish iUelf. "Yes, I 'spoct It am," replied Brother Gardner as the admiral sat down, "but de club will leave de hull subjlck In de hands of Its weather prophet to take keer of, au' meanwhile de wise man will keep his gauze undershirt an' Ids beaver obercoat hauglu' on de same peg an' ready fur any sort of a wave. We will now bust up de meet In' an' attack a spread of watermlllycns In de banquet ball." M. (juad m New Yonic World. lien are, Mr, Bloobumper (In the course of an trgument) Ves; I'm certain of It. Mrs. Bloobumper-You shouldn't be too certain. It's very dangerous "Howsof" "Well, we read In the Bible that a cer talu man fell among thieves." Smith, Gray St Co.'s Monthly. How lo Clruute the Mouth. Thero nro few things innro umilciismit tlinn fnnl lironrli Tli"(u ninru l tu iraf . Ipal affairs oilenslvo form from decayed teeth and i ,nenn to f.1 tllcro: from mucus adhering to the walls of tho mouth nnd throat, which has been de composed by tho gases and acids of tho system. A simple nnd effective way to remedy this is to drop a few crystals of permanganato of jiotash into a tumbler of water, and garglo the throat and rinso the mouth well with it after each meal, or before going to bed and in tho morning. This solution is a perfect de odorizer of all organic decay, and neu tralizes the oilenslvo odor arising from tho decaying particles of food which re main in the cavities of or lictwceu the teeth, etc. It is harmless. A Few Hid Iteinnrks by lite Kill tor of the Great Journal. Pr.lisoNAU We never speak of ourself In tlio columns of our own paper when we can possibly avoid It, It Is not In good taste for any editor of a great Journal to do so. We shouldn't do so on this occasion If not forced to In order to set certain rumors at rest. About a year ago Major A. Iloyt Dudley struck this town with his family. Ho sub scribed for Tho Kleker and all went well for n tlmo. He was made assistant county clerk, nnd It was not until ho began to get drunk and light his cigars with deeds and mortgages that we had anything to say. Ho felt revengeful for our remarks, and In order to get even with us gave a grand party one night last wcok and cut us dead. Not only that, hut he bragged of It, and so did his wife. The Idea was to !ollttto and degrade us In asocial way, but wo don't think any oue will try It ou ngaln, We tele- ? implied up to Jollet that the major was lore, and day before yesterday ho was taken back to servo out the other two years of his service. Wo understand that his wife Is furious Ijccnuso we also learned that she Hied to perform In n beer hall con cert In Philadelphia, but we can't help It. They set out to slay and got stayed, and must make the best of It. Wo never at tack any one, but If stepped on wo always seek to make It hot for the stepplst. A Fkw Plain Wonns. Being on this subject, and uot wishing to refer to It again, wo wish to say a few words to our home readers. The question Is often asked: "Who Is tho leader of society In this town?" We deslroto settle thnt question right here and now. Wo are. There Isn't the slightest doubt thnt wo are the only inon in this town using perfumed soap, a toothbrush and having a white shirt which buttons behind. Wo nro tho only one, so far as wo can learn, who has reg ular summer socks, eats with a fork or knows to what use to put a table napkin. Wo don't brag of theso things. We were brought up that way, and It's perfectly natural. We aro getitlonud refined. No ono over saw us expectorate on the floor while dancing, and we don't want a brick layer's trowel to eat Ico cream with. Wo trust this will settle the question at once and forever. TiieOtiiehSidk.-Wo uuderstMid thnt Hank Curtis Is telling everybody In town thnt wo tried to murder him the other day because ho refused to renew his subscrip tion to The Kicker. Thero may bo a few people In town who don't know that Hank Is tho greatest liar In Arizona, and for their benefit wo will give our side of tho story. Wo met Hank on Apache avenue and told him that his subscription had expired. Ho claimed to bo so hard up that he could not renew. Wo advised him to take lew whisky and moru Kicker, nnd ho received It lu n laughing, good unturcd way. We havoahablt when talking with a man on tho street of putting our hand on his shoulders nnd pushing him backward. It simply arises from our earnestness, and 13 generally understood that way. Hank, however, pretended thnt ho thought wo were going to assault him nnd he reached for his gun. Before ho could get it wo lrid him covered, and he gavo us n dollar to re new his subscription and begged our par don for lelng so hasty. That's all thero was to it, and he is very silly to go around lying nbotit tho matter. Wk Shall Skk. Wo understand thnt tho court house ring, which has vainly tried to use tills paper as an organ, has de claret! that we shall never hold an otllce in this town. It may be proper for us, In view of this declaration, to dellne our pol tlon. We are fitted by nature and cdiict tlou to make the best mayor this town ever had or will have if wo don't get It. It properly belongs to us, because we have tho dignity and ml- J ucatlon to grace it. If wo were mayor and 1.110 K"VLriiur camu uuru nu wuiiiii ihi re nin! Its cats past have been a set of drunken and Ig norant galoots whom every decent mnu was ashamed of. It is time for a chnuge. It la time thnt a decent, honest limn like us was put at the head of inuulo- and wo say plainly that wo If the ring sees lit to oppose us the members thereof must abide tho consequences. As to tho city printing, that will of course como to The Kicker, and there will also be considerable Job work to be donoj that, however, Is of sec ondary Importance. What the people want Is a sober, honest, educated man one even lit to grnce the halls of congress or to hold down the chair of a governor. They have found such a man In us, and we shall be nominated and elected without doubt. New York World. No Fooling! The Goods Must Go! The Receiver Has Said So,. : t -J and his word is law. Came and price the goods, and sec if this is not the case. It's an enormous stock and you can buy almost anything for the house that you want at a sacrifice. or your own personal wear Furniture, Hardware, Dry Goods Groceries, Boots and Shoes Stoves, Tinware 'N.V I ... Fancy Goods, Novelties and in fact too man)' things to mention. You are always wanting something why not get that something of us at half what you pay elsewhere for the same. Prices Talk Come and See! Maxwell Sharpe & Ross Co. .R. H MAXWELL Receiver. --i How to Clean Marble. A strong preparation for cleaning mar ble is fine pumice stone, newly slnked limo and verdigris, mixed thick with soft soap. Dip a woolen rag in this compound, and rub the stains ono way. Then wash off with soap and water. An other excellent preparation is mndo of two parts of common soda, one part of pumice stone nnd ono of finely powdered chalk, which should lie sifted through a fine sievo and mixed witli wnter. It is used in the same manner. Iron rust can be usually removed by rubbing with lemon juico. How to llemler Fabrics Incombustible. Many deaths would bo prevented it ladles engaged in household work would wear incombustible or noil-inflammable garments. Tho process of so treatiug linons and cottons is very simple. Steep tho goods in a 7 er cent, solution of sul phate of ammonia, or a SO per cent, solu tion of tuugstato of soda and then dry them. If they nro now held in tho ilamo of a candle or gas lamp they will not take fire. That portion of the fabric which was in contact with tho light will bo como charred, but it will not inflame, and hence tho burning stato will not spread to tho rest of the garment. Steep iug in borax nnd hot wnter will have a similar effect More Thau Ills Head Was In Ills Hat. It was gusty on the North river yester day morning, and most of the passengers who stood on the decks of the ferryboats held their fingers on the brims of their lints. One mnu on nn Erie railroad boat clutched a last season's white hat flimly with both hands. The tile was so evidently a relic of tho past that his extreme caution to prevent It being blown away aroused some ridicule, and as tho refrain of "Where did you get that hntf" grew more marked and personal the owner angrily withdrew his hands, ns though ho might need them presently for another purpose. Tho next momcut tho old hat was In the river. A burst of heartless laughter followed It as it floated away. "Never mmd, old man," cried a truck driver consolingly. "It was called In long ago." "Mebbo 60," snld the bareheaded man savagely. "But tho three months' com mutation ticket from Pnterson that was stuck in the band wouldn't hnve been called In until Oct. ll"-Now York Sun. jfiartf fbt V&Kw ( Wt ik.' sra "sW- il WaTI'IT -" Ti u. tmym'HK rl S .KTSL A fHIH l AHHftlHhS) If LH SHU a n. Montgomery, President. Herman H. Hchaucrg, Vice l'icst. Joseph Uoelimcr, Cashier, O. J. Wilcox, Assl. CnMilor. ft German National Bank, LINCOLN, NEIi. Capital Surplus $100,000.00 30,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues letters of credit, draw drafts on all parts of the world. Foreign collections a speclnlty . Don't Take It. "There Is ono paper thnt will destroy tho polish of any oue It may come in contact with." "Bless me, my good man, wbnt Is Its name?" "Sandpaper, madam." Euchange. Ily the Sad Sea Wat en. How to ltettore Faded Writing, Often tho writing upon letters nnd other documents becomes faded and al most illegible. If thoy aro of importance tho writing can bo easily restored by first covering it with 11 solution of prus slate of potash, nnd then adding, over tho prusslate, some diluted muriatio acid. By this means tho faded letters will assume n permanent and beautiful dark blue color. "Ah, Jim, we poor folks has our trials!" "Yes, I's had a good many; but It ain't the trials what annoys me, It's the ver dict they brings In arterward," Life. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE- BOND. J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor. This beautiful new house under Its present management will be conducted In thorough first class style on the American plan, rates $2.00. It has ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES including passenger elevators and bath room on every floor. Tho sleeping apartments are large and elegantly furnished nnd may be had either single or en suite. We have reserved a limited number of rooms tor city patrons and are pre pared to give excellent table board with or without rooms at reasonable rates. Call and see us. TH9 BON D Telephone 482. Cor. 12th and Q. FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- AtchUon, Leavenworth, St.'joseph.knnsah City, St. Louis ami nil Points South, East and West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Patrons Wichita, Hutchinson nnd nil principal points in Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springb of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers ail Free Reclining Chair Cars on nil tralm. BiPXT'f Vf J, E. R. MILLAR, City Ticket Agt R. P, R. MILLAR, Gin'l srmt ( r l' 1 41 K ias..-. BEWraE ii irfi 1 in 1 1 1 jj 1 j" T mi -1 j 1 1 r7 -u-M.frj. x ygJwjAat' iMiftfrdMiiAtti limiiT ,a, ,rffa,lJ't"-' j -marfirfsiii rMl &. mmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmamzmammmmmmmmmmm