Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 11, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    , Vm Vn'' -3ViW45',
I I i-L - - -"'-
Clearing Sale
Everything Reduced One
Half from former Price.
The Couhikh will not le responsible for
any debt made by nny one in It name, mi
cas a written order nccompnnlc the wiine,
Odrnor I Oth and P ttrMt.
..Dry Goods,
The Courier Can be round At
Hotel Lincoln News Htniul.
Windsor Hotel NewsHtand.
Capital Hotel Newt Maud.
Oileir Dining IUI1 Now. Htmul, IIBH O Ht.
The Gotham New Stand, 118 Houtli lltli Ht.
The Apex, 111 North lltli Htreot.
Ed. Young, 1030 U Htreot.
Little Sport Cigar more, US North 13th Ht.
Westerner's Barber Hhop, llurr UlooK.
International New Kmporlum, I3&1 O Ht.
HT-An extra supply of papers Is always ten
at the Gotham, In caso other Newsdealors
supplies run short.
Cool Shirts
1x37 Street.
( Church Advertisements.
Commencing April first, Thk Couhikh
will Insert notices pertaining to soolables,
festivals, lectures, meetings and sermons for
all churches free of charge. Advertisements
(or entertainments where an admission un
charged will be Inserted at one-half the reg
ular rate.
Local and Personal.
WMtebreast Coal and Lime Company.
L. Barr, Jeweler, UM O street.
Call up the L. D. T. Co., Phone 100.
Ruth M. Wood, M. D 1230 P street.
Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 118.
Eugene Rallett, diamond merchant, 113 K
Eleventh street.
Geo. A. Raymer, coal and wood. 'Phone
3U0. 1131 0 street.
Henry Harpham sells chamois skins for
carriage cleaning.
Canon City Coal at the Whltebreast
Coal and Lime Co.
100 finest engraved calling cards and plate
for ti.M at Thk Couribh office.
Try "The Finest'' for Ice Creams,
Cakes and Candle, 1330 U street.
Ladles kid gloves cleaned or colored at Lin
coln Steam Dye works, 1100 O street.
Hiss C. J. Oullmette, modiste, second floor
Exposition building. Take elevator.
Dr. C. B. Manning removed to new offices,
rooms 23 and 33. second floor Burr block.
One hundred finest engraved calling cards
and plate only ttt.M at Wesael Printing Co.,
1130 N street.
Cabinet baths for ladies, given by Mrs. B.
B. Catlln, professional masseur, '-234 south
Twelth street, Kennard block. 5-33 -4t
Ladles can have their party dresses cleaned
ay the French dry process at the Lincoln
team dye works 1105 O street
"Not bow cheap, but how good" U the
motto of the new Studio Le Grande. Call
and see their work, 124 south Twelfth street
Gentlemen should now get out their Ian
summer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Steam
dye works 1103 0 street and have it cleaned,
dyed, repaired or pressed out
Coal of every slxe from the best mluesln
trio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado
and Wyoming for sale by Geo,A. Raymer.
Telephone 0. Office 1134 O street
Commutation tickets at Brown's restau
rant (good at either place), five dollars for
four dollars. This make price lower than
any other place la the city when the price
barged on bill of f are U considered.
Gkolooikth Havx Dkcidcd the earth's
earth's cruet to be over 100 miles thick. ThU
U about the thtcknea of the man' head who
buys hi railroad ticket by some Inferior and
poorly equipped Una, when be could get a
Ucket by the "Burlington" at the same rate.
Mis Kthel, daughter f Huperlntetidant
lllgnellof the II. & M complcteil her eighth
year Wednesday afternoon and celebrated
the event with a rty for her little friend".
She received n miinlier of handsome present
ninl the young ieople had a happy l,m," cnJ
Joying n variety f name. At six o clock
delightful refreshment wore served on the
lawn nfter which the connny disbursed
wishing many happy returns ol the day to
Miss Klhol. The invited guests were: Misses
Kthol Howe, Bird Ilniiilltou, Katie Ultehey,
Kdna Biii'lmiian, Marie Talbot, Bertha Lock
wood, Klslo Moigan, Frnnce Hurlbut. Hois
encu lloggi, Gladys Houlette, Mary Minor,
Maliel Cox, Neva lllbner, Grade Htewnrt,
Hnrel Boiiton, Clurn Mills, Connie Heir,
Mary Harris, Fhmslo Uoblnson, Ague and
Wllma Casolieer. llntllo Walters, lAina
Htout, Pansy Dlngee, Lucy and Myrtle Bent,
Corn Kelroii. Kdna Halsbury, Alice Iluut
singer, Ma Bnrtwem and Olive Hunt! Mas
ters Nelson nud Charlie Sawyer, Harry
Mellok, Frltr. and Iorlu Korsmeyer, hrnnk
Dayton, John Halsbury, A Id I llllmer, Casey
and John Hamilton, Harry White, Burnet
Holms, taratle Tlioniisoii, Harrison and Kd
ward Hunt and Burr MeU-alf.
Among those that sjicnt the Fourth at
Crete Chautauqua nro the following: Messrs
itml Mcwlamea, K. K. Crlley, J. K. Klrker,
J. Henry Smith, M. D.Welch, Milton Scott,
Balieock, Travis, W.J. Cooper, Dr. Tucker,
Chalfaut, Lyman, Mason Gregg, J. J. lmholt,
Klllott, Bossclman, Wolcott; Mesdame W.
Henry Smith, Dr. Everts, Espoy, Floyd,
Van Brunt', Misses Phoehe Elliott, Carrie
lngals, Maud Hawley, Carrie Reed, taunt
Harris, Emma Harris, Jessie Weaver, Maud
llustln, Fannie Rector, Ntllle Weaver. Jen
nie Underwood, Carmody, Steen, Abble Co
vert, Joe Winger, Florence Winger, Llbhlo
Beacrest, Marshall Hlckett. Helen Welch,
Ada Gregg: Mensem Emery Hardy, Thomas
Hall, Frank Cook, K. M. lllne, Will Mo
Shane, Bert Clough, Frank Lucore, lUy
Hussong.Cljff Cook, Clarence, I)ii Hussong,
lUy Welch ami Dr. Joseph Imhoff.
Mr. Will Maxwell who ha for ten year
filled a trustworthy position In the Capital
National liank of this city, has severed his
connection with the Institution mid leaves for
the West to-day. Ho I accompanied by f.
C. Orcoot, a capitalist and hauler of Mil
ford. Their Intention Is to start a bank In
Washington and as they have ample capital,
will no doubt be surceatful. Mr. Maxwell is
noted for hU push and iererveranco and
his gentlemanly manner will win friends for
him anvwhere. We regret the lose of such
young men from Lincoln but wish htm God
speed. Mr. Maxwell will make an extended
trip oast before joining uer nusoanu, accom
panied by hor Mirents Mr. and Mr. O. R.
Miss Bertie Burr entertained a few friends
very pleasantly last Saturday evening. Af
ter witnessing a tteautlful display of tire
works, the party spent the remainder of the
evening In dancing. Among those present
were the following; Misses Theo Laws, Bach
Brock, Minnie Latta, Olive Latta, Grace
Burr, May Burr, Anna Funke, Nellie White,
Sara Schwab and Llllle Hathaway. Messrs
John Dorgan, Frank Hathaway, Harry
Freeman, Charlie Burr, Frank Burr, Roliert
Mulr.S.T. St John, Steven L. Gelsthardt,
Frank Sander and Dr. O. F. Ladd.
The following Llucoln people went to Min
neapolis Minn., Wednesday to attend the
annual convention of the Y. P. 8. C. E.
Mr. C M. Lelghton and son, Lee, E. E.
Dudley, Mrs. S. K. and Mr. L. Leavitt,
Mrs. N. E. Towusoud, Mr. A. W. Lane,
Mis Clara Leehmlre, Mr. Dr. Castbeer,
Rev. H. 8. Wanamakerand wife, and O. E.
Mr. John Q. Denton and Mis Mary Mo
Milieu were married last Tuesday at 1404 C
street TheRov. Dr. Davis preformed the
marriage ceremony In the presence of the
relative and Immediate frleuds of the fam
ily. Mr. and Mr. Denton take up their
alwde In a newly furnished home at Twenty'
oighth and O street.
Mr. and Mr. Lieut. Grittlth gave a party
to Miss Grace Oakley and her visiting frleud
Miss Carrie Jenkins. High-live was the
principle pleasure of the evening. Mr. Juhu
Lottrldge winning the royal and Miss Carrie
Lelaud captured the booby. Refreshments
added to the pleasure of the company of thir
ty guest.
Mr. Albert Watklu entertained a num
ber of friends Tuesday evening at her resi
dence M0 D street Some very pretty eelto-
tion, both vocal and instrumental were ren
dered by Mrs. Dow, Mr. W. O. Jones, Mr.
and Mr. Wursburg and Mr. Watklu. A
very pleasant eveulug was enjoyed by all
The ulcnlu warty at Mllford wblch was
proposed for last Saturday had to be aban
doned ou account of thecoudltlouof the roads
much to the regret of those who proposed
spending the Fourth on the banks of the
Blue, among Mllford' beautiful groves.
Miss Fay Marshall left for Omaha Saturday
where she joined a select tourist party under
the guidance of Mr. Al Patrick. The com
pany travel iu a special car, and will spend
six week or thereabout traveling aud
coaching in the Big Horn mountain.
Miss Maud BUnchard of Los Angeles, Cal.,
arrived in Lincoln Wednesday from Los
Angeles, Cal., and will visit for several
week with the family of her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mr. M. A. Blauchard of 034 south
Tenth street
A neat Httle.cotUge on Sixteenth street
has been secured for September first by a
prominent uiimari led merchant We know
you dontj wo would like to tell but we
cannot Heel
It Is probable that the young ieoplo who
go to Crete next week for n week or ten day's
outing ou the Chautauqua ground, will In)
followed by another party of tunrrld jieople.
Mr. ami Mrr. Lieut. Orlfllth left Tuesday
forali extended trip east during which tliey
will visit the mountain and seashore resorts
exectlngto return early in Septemlier.
MisHAmmle Davis of Hloomfleld, Iowa,
spent Thursday with her frleud Miss Nellie
Wright, on her way to David City, Neb.,
where she will make nu extended visit.
Mr. L. Wetwel Jr., and bride returned
Monday mid are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
M. Kohu on II street. They leave .Monday
foi Ht Paul and the Yellow Stone park.
The Bon Ton Tobacconist, 1.(0 north Elev
enth street exjieots to bo ready for business
today. Manager Hlrsh has a neat establish
ment and should do u good business,
Albert Kntzensteln Is a great man. Why I
Why because he was made the father of a
flue baby boy Wednesday. It's the Hist
child and an excellent starter.
Ml. sis Helen Gregory, Elizabeth Heaerest,
Joy Webster and Estella Curt In, went 'o
Crete Monday to camp out a few days; Miss
Hlce lifting us Chaperoue.
Mrs. Olive Iingbrldge aud Mlsi Julia
!onghrldge left Wednesday afternoon for
Minneapolis to attend the national conven
tion of the Y. P. H. O. E.
Hon. A. G. Hcott of Kearney and Hon.
Euclid Martin of Omaha, members of the
world's fair nutloual commission for Ne
hruiku, ure In Lincoln.
Miss Nellie Wright expect to leave Mon
day for different rcsots In Colorrndo, where
sho will spend the summer with friends nud
Mr. F. O. Felbynnd Mr. II. W. Felby left
with their families Wednesday for Logans
port, Ind,, where they will make their fu
ture home.
Mr. R. R. Falkner of Hastings, who ha
boon visiting her sister, Mr. L. W. Snow nt
the Llndell, returned home Monday evening.
Mrs. William Sterling of Huron, S D.,and
cousin, Miss Belle Kelly, of Chicago, spent a
few day with Mrs. Frank Sheldon this week.
a month-at. hi former bom in Washington
D. C.
Miss llachavl Brock left Tuesday for St.
Louis where she will make an extended
The party that was planned for Roca on
the Fourth was given up ou account of the
Colonel John Bradford of the Gretna He
Krter was in the city this week on a business
Dr. II. E. Greene of Crawfordsvllle, Ind.,
is visiting his brother, Attornoy R.J. Green.
Captain W, H, Woodward Is spending the
week with his sou Frank at Hloux City.
.Mrs. C. L. Strickland left Wednesday for
Rock Rapids, wliere she will visit friends.
Mrs. I, milliard and daughter of Hastings
are the guests of Mrs. F. W. Townsend.
Mr. II. P. Foster Inn been confined to the
house by sickness during the past week.
Mr. Clms. Miller of Omaha Is voting his
parents, Mr. nud Mi-4. J. 11 R. Miller.
Judge J, H. Lewli of Kentucky Is visiting
his daughter, Mrs. 8. II. Burnham.
Miss Fannie Hnwley returned Monday
from a short visit to Nebraska City.
Mrs. Oscar Heckler of Leavenworth, Kas..
is visiting her parents, lU'.'il P street.
Rev. W. T. Klluoof Unlveislty Placo has
gone to Charleston, (., for a visit.
Miss Leonora Hedeudahl of Omaha Is vis
iting her uuntat'JTIU O street.
Mr, II. Oliver, Han y and Oliver Lancing,
started Tuesday for Atlanti, Gu.
Additional Local ami l'eisoual Page o.
Baldness ought not to come till the age of
M or later. If the hair begin to full earlier,
use Hall's Hair Renewer nnd prevent bald
noH and grayness.
A nice residence of 7 or 8 rooms with all
modern Improvements within ten blocks of
Couhikh office. Will take possession at
once or within !M) day. Address or call on
L. Wkshel, Jh., this office.
Coal of uvery size from the best mines
In Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora
do and Wyoming for sale by Geo. A. Ray
mer. Telephone miO. Office 1134 O street.
Mis Clara Eastman, Mr. J. H, Andrus
and H. A. Brainard were in Lincoln Wed
nesday on their way from Mllford to Minne
apolis, Minn., to attend tne annual conven
tlouoftfce Y.r.b. u js.
Mr. J. J. Cox, wife and daughter, accom
panied by Mr. J. B. McDowell of Falrbury,
sister of Mr. Cox, left Wednesday for New
York, Boston and Nantucket, Mats., to be
absent about a month.
E.HaL'et' left laV Thursday for Ottunis
wa, Iowa. He will return next week with
Mrs. Hallett and two sons, Hugh and
Scott, who hav been visiting there for sev
eral weeks.
Mrs. Will Greene eutertalued a few frleuds
at luncheon Wednesday. There were pres
ent: Mr. Frank Sheldon, Mrs. A. G. Bee
son, Mrs. Sterling, Mle Minnie Latta and
Mr. 8. T. St John ha been spending the
week with hi parents in Adams county. He
will return next week en route to Spirit
Lake, Iowa, where he will remain about two
Julia nnd Mary Fourcado from Kansas
City are the guest of their cousins, the
Misses Thlebaults' at their home 1021 C street.
Mis Florence Bake, Mis Alice Raymal.
Mr. Brunor and Mrs. Shaw, of Lincoln,
spent Sunday at the Crete Chautauqua.
Mrs. Poren of Aspen Col., formerly of this
city, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. N. T.
Jones at 307 north Twenty-fourth street.
Miss Anna Harvland of Seward, who has
been the guest of Miss Efilo Leese the past
two weeks, left Monday for Fremont.
Mrs. Jennie Marble and daughter Edith of
Tablo Rock, Neb., are visiting Mrs. Porter
and daughter at M'l south Tenth street.
Miss Llllle Wright of St Louis, Mo., and
Miss Nora Steen of Wahoo, are the guests of
Misses Clara Cornody and Elllo Steen.
Miss Ida Gannon, daughter of Hon. M.
V, Gannon of Omaha Is visiting her friend
Miss Rose McLaughlin of this city.
Mr. George Heade of Weltfleet, returned
home Monday after spending the Fourth
with his sister, Mrs, Dr. Thomas.
Mr. and Mr. Arthur W. Susman left
Wednesday for Boston. They will spend the
summer along the Atlantic coast.
Mrs. R. P. R. Miller and family have re
turned from Canton, Mo., accompanied by
her sister, Miss Lida Forman.
Mr. C. A. Wlckersham and family return
ed Sunday from Atlantic City, N.J. , aud
other eastern pleasure resorts.
Mr. C. F. Crelghton nnd family departed
Tuesday for Green Springs, Ohio, where
they will spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Roberts returned
Tuesday from a few weeks outing iu the
mountain resorts of Colorado.
Mr. E. W. Baugbman, editor and publish
er of the Twin City Times, with his wife,
left yesterday for Denver.
Col. W. W. Wilson returned Wednesday
after spending six weeks at the watering
places of the Atlantic coast
Mr. Nells Neilson started for the east
Wednesday whero ho will take passage for
Hamburg, Germany.
Mrs. J. D. Mines aud daughter Hazel of
Hastings are guests at the home of Mrs. R.
Mines at 'JC'll K street.
Miss Bertie McBride left on Saturday for
Missouri and Kansas, where she will send
the Mouth of July.
Mr. M. L. Boach, formerly of this city,
but now residing at Portland, Oregon, is vis
iting Lincoln friends.
Judge M. B. Reese and family leave Mon
day for Manltou, Colo., where they will
spend about six week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Burr, Miss May Burr
and Miss Nellie White will leave tomorrow
for Spirit Lake, Iowa.
Mrs. F. 8. Spafford and daughter of Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, Is visiting Mrs. W. A. Pres
ton, 1030 K street
Mis Anna Funke went to Spirit Lake,
Iowa, yesterday where "she will remain a
month or six week.
The Misses Gertrude and Carola Hill re
turned Sunday evening from the Beatrice
Meesra Joseph Bigger and Welch returned
Sunday evening from the Beatrice Chautau
qua assembly.
Miss Amy Covert ha returned to her home
'Jl30Rt,afteraix week sojourn with re
latives in Iowa.
Miss Amy Covert has returned to her
home, 2130 R street, after a sojourn with
relatives in Iowa.
Mr, Lew Marshall was among the attend
ants at the Chautauqua assembly at Crete
last Saturday.
Mr. Herbert Hill, son of state treasurer
Hill bas been seriously ill during the past
two week.
Mlase Dena Loomis, Cora Hardy and
Anna Barr went to the Crete Chautauqua
Superintendent W. 8. Jones of the city
schools is la Toronto attending the council of
Mr., Bauuel Inman and wife left Tuesday
for a visit with relatives and friends at Fork
Rapids, Minn.
Mr. Clask Lllllbrldge of Springfield, Mass.,
is the guest of his brother, Professor D. R.
Mr. Frank Hathaway and Mr. Charlie
Burr left yesterday morning for Spirit Lake,
Dr. C. F. Ladd, dentist, 1105 O street.
Telephone 153. Office hours, 0 a. in, to 5 p. m.
Think of it The Cosmopolitan Magazine, a
giant among the great monthlies, and Thk
Couhikh will both be sent to any address one
year for three dollars. For furtner partlcul
am read largo advertisement on page eight
Uallett's line of souvenir spootiH is the
most attractive in the city. In fact Hallet
leads In everything In the silverware and
Jewelry Hue. This however is nn old and
well ktiown reputation that the pioneer Jew
eler established years ago. Of course you
have seen Bouvenfr spoons either at the home
of some friend or in the store windows and
you must admit of their novelty and useful
ness. The average present given a young
lady Is some trinket that is soon broken, lost
and forgotten. Not so with a souvenir oon.
These pretty token are collected and kept
for life and young ladles find In them year
of remembrance. They use them now and
after marriage even more so. Think how
pretty it Is tor a dozen people to be seated at
a table aud each have a spoon of different
design aud city. There are numerous ladies
in Lincoln that have a dozen spoons of as
many different cities or design. They make
the most useful, yet the most novel and inex
pensive token you can get Go see Hallet,
113 north Eleventh street and secure one or
more before the best of the assortment Is
picked out
New styles of
Couhikh office.
invitations Just Iu at Thk
Brown's restaurants are the only ones In
the city for ladles. The menu is extensive
and embraces all the seasons latest delicacies
wh Ho prices are extremely low.
Mr. Clark, to the Public.
I wish to say to my friends and the public,
that I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Dlarrhu-a Remedy as the best prepara
tion In use for Colic and Diarrhcea. It is
the finest selling medicine I over handled,
because it always gives satisfaction. O. H.
Clark, Orangeville, Texas. For sale by
Chas. C. Reed, Drugsist
Unpardonable Rudeness.
Miss Mnrlft Oh. say, ma, I happened to
say something to Jennie Flgg about our
cook being a widow woman, and she says
"widow woman" kinder low to herself, and
then snickered. I wonder if I said any
thing out of the way
Mrs. Gastruck Of course you did. You
ought said "widow lady." Aiu't you never
going to learn no manners? Indianapolis
Prison Statistics.
Said the superintendent of the Texas
penitentiary, at Huntsville, to a newly ar
rived delegate:
"You have the privilege of working at
any trade you prefer."
"I'd like to keepondrivin cattle, to Kan
sas." Another gentleman In the same institu
tion wauted to be a sailor. Texas Sittings.
It Is True.
First Boarder Here I've waited an hour
(or soup, and uow that it has come there's
a roach in it.
Second Boarder That proves the truth
of an old maxim.
First Boarder In what way.
Second Boarder That all thlugs coma
to htm who waits. Detroit Free Press.
Mr. Frank Graham left Friday to visit for
Hood's 8r-
has by Us
merit and
Its wonder
ful cures
won the con
fidence of
the people,
the most
pop ular
blood pu
rifier and
cine. It
cures scrof.
uls, salt
r h e u in ,
kldner and
llrer com.
plaint, catarrh, theumatlim, etc. Da sure to get
Hood's Sariaparllla, which Is peculiar to Itself.
Hood's Sariaparllla sold br druggtitt. Ill six
for 15. rrepartdbr C.I. Hood a Co., Lowell, Matt.
IOO Dotas On Dollar
ttftftTVC A
Bliss us. Blister,
i i' i i
"'iert IgHOHMttr n ., 7m ".) to br Itthttr.
An lll-nitlng IxHit or shoe Is not eondusle (o lilUs ; more llkoly
to produce blisters, and where, oh where, Is lillss If IdlMers pre
vail? On the other hand, a perfect fitting shoe Is a JomoW easy to
sell, easy to wear, iiinkluit fast friends with every one that wears
It. The shoes Hint aro manufactured to-day conform to t lie re
iliilremciitH of the nveniKO foot much better than the shoes that
wero made three to Ave veitrs ago. We have no old shoes In our
shop. Bvcry blessed pair of them was iniido expressly for us nud
over Iho Improved lasts of today. This Is one of llio reasons we
hnvo so little trouble to fit you. The other aud mnln one Is n pretty
fair knowledge of the art of fitting, coupled with a real dcslro to do
It thoroughly (,nd conscientiously. You don't have to pay any
thing extra for the "know how." That "know how" Is worth a
good bit to us, Is It worth anything to you 7
Yours for Fits,
1015 0 Street.
nxixtiTtfrxaxmtxnxj.i utuuuui rrr mmu i i i i.uan .
iaO-4-liJOe O SXIJliET
REMEMBER: The next
time you are down town to
look at those Patent Leather
Shoes and Oxfords displayed
in the west window.
1129 O 8TREET.
if,- Thorough
The Kxpcrl-
Hhrewd cnce-
Business linn
Mounts to success
Upon Iho stairway of
Known uldlltv, wide
I n II ue nee, andsolid merit.
Interior Decorative GO. Paper Hangings and Mouldings,
Removal Sale
As we intend to remove to our New
Furniture Block on 13th street, between O
and P, about September 1st, we have con-
eluded to offer our large stock of
at nearly cost price until that time. As we in
tend to make genuine heavy cuts, these sales 'I
at reduced prices will be strictly cash. Call
and investigate.
1 1 16 and 1 1 18 N Street. .', ..,,,-
' ' I 11 y1.
. if i
4, V
' i
J 1. 1
" AA'akti-
fiii-'V' ilsWiJliT-ar 1
.i- .4 x. iu.