Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 11, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Each Season
'lias Its own ccutlnr malady i but with ttifl
blool maintained In asUito of uniform vigor
mid purity, by the use of A) rr's Harsnparllln,
tlio s)3tem readily ndapu Itself to changed
conditions. Composed of the best alterntltcs
and tonics, and ticlng highly concentrated,
Ayet's Sarsnpnrllla Is the mostetTectho ami
economical of all blood medicines,
"l-'orsomo years, at thu return of spring,
had serious trouble with my klduc)s. I
was unabtu to sleep nights, and suffered
greatly with palm In the small of my back.
I was also afflicted with headache, loss of
appetite, and Indigestion. Those, symptoms
were much worse last spring, especially the
troublo with my back. A friend persuaded
me to uso A)er's 8arsnparllla. I began
taking It, and my troubles all disappeared."
Mrs. (Icnevra llelanger, 24 Urldgu st.,
Springfield, Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
rilBl'AllKll II V
DR. J. G. A.YKR ft CO., LowaU, Mail.
Soul by Urumtuu. l,lii. Worth totlU.
T&yb AMAN tj
It Pays (John, i
Lincoln's Great Pleasure Resort
Now open dally to the public. The finest
picnic grounds In thu state, with fine
boating anil fishing. Oanclng
pavilions, Illuminated with
. Electric lights and
beautiful drives.
The Park Is laige and will' accommodate
everybody. Secluded places for private
picnic can be had.
Prof, Brainerd's Dioramic Yiews
A tour of the World Interspersed with funny
sketches, Hoth ptenxtug mul Instructive.
Commencing July i ith,
lit 8 p. in., and continuing one week.
Sunday, July 12th.
between 1MIOK. W. 11. I.BKOY and 11 HUH
KYLiK, 3.(0 p. in.
HlOYOf.K HACK, six night, cotninonulng
July 13tli at S::io p.m.
Uand Concert every evening from 7 until
9:30 o'clock, commencing June 25th.
Electric cars run to the Park every 1 2
minutes from 6 o'clock In the morning
until 1 1 130 at night.
On Hale at Hurley'. Shilling tiro.', Odell'x
Itcsiaiirnut and Kd. Young's.
Buy Coupon Tickets and Save Money.
Gusbman Park
Lincoln Giants
Omaha's Famous Cranes
Sunday, July 12.
Picnic Train 10:30 a. in.
Base Hall trains at 2 :3o and 3:30 p." in.
Admission islJCents.
Grandstand 10 Cts.
Nebraska's High Wire Performer, all day.
Beautiful Music!
Come out and view the Balloon race.
This beautiful park will be sold out in 5
and 10 acre tract July 22, Old Settler'
I wr-
, So Do Several Thousand ,
Other People.
oupposi? YOU! "fd,"
l & Uas .Here? ;
Waltar Wellman (lle Soma lutrre itlng
Historical anil Ottier Information A limit
tho Lighthouse of llm United Stales.
Our Llghti Free In Slilpi of Hie World.
IBpcelid Corrcspouilonco.1
Wabiiinoton, Jnly 3. Does nny con
Idernblo portion of tho 03,000,000 of
American jieoplo realize what nti itn
tnenso establishment tho lighthouse sys
tem of tho United States is? Any (lerson
who has been abroad and who returns
home will recall with what peculiar joy
tho cry, "Light, hoi" ns it sounds from
tho masthead of his ship thrills his soul.
Ho may have been weeks at sea and have
seen nothing. If ho mako tho coast at
night tho first thing that tho man at the
Little Urawnter Island, Uoston barbor.l
masthoad boos la n light. Tho captain of
tho ship, knowing tho whereabouts of
his ship, can toll unerringly just where
ho is tho moment his lookout tells him
tho character of tho light. If It bo a
flash light tho captain examines his chart
and determines from that whero ho is.
If it bo a fixed whlto light ho knows
where that should placo him. If it bo a
revolving light, ho again scans his chart
and on tho instant can como with ton
miles of his position.
Thero are 803 lighthouscson tho Amer
ican coasts, counting the Atlantio and
Pacific shores of tho United States.
Sinco the establishment of tho lighthouso
system, which, by tho way, is older than
thu constitution, and antedates tho Rev
olution by mora than half a century, tho
theory of lighting tho coast has been
that overy lineal mllo shall bo so set
with towers that tho rays frotn their
lights shall meet and pass each othor, so
that a vessel on tho coast shall never bo
out of sight of a light This has nover
been accomplished, but each year the
government by its action is leading up
to It. Year by year tho length of the
dark spaces on tho coast aro lessened or
expunged entirely, and tho day will
come when tho wholo coast lino from
Passamaquoddy bay to tho Rio Grando
on the Atlantio, and from San Diego to
Point Barrow on tho Pacific will bo dis
tinguished by bands of light by night
and by well marked beacons by (lay.
Tho cost of maintaining tho lighthouse
system has nearly reached $4,000,000 a
year. This is a froe gift of tho Ameri
can people to tho commerce of tho world,
and for tho benefit of tho whole human
race. Tho cost is borne by tho national
treasury. No foreign ship entering our
water has to pay a penny for tho benefit
it derives. The United States govern
ment is alono of all the nations of tho
earth in this grand beneficent work.
Every other nation charges lighthouso
tolls on its foreign commerce, and lovies
other taxes upon foreign ship owners for
tho support of its lighthouso system.
Tho oldest lighthouso in tho United
States was built at tho entrance to Bos
ton harbor, on Littlo Brewster island,
In 1715, sixty years beforo tho battlo of
Bunker Hill. It cost 2,263 pounds ster
ling. It was erected by tho order and
at tho expense of the general court of
the Province of Massachusetts Bay, and
it was supported by light dues of ono
penny per ton upon all incoming and
outgoing vessels. Tho accompanying
picturo is from an old engraving of this
light) and with it is shown ono of the
first lighthouso tenders, a piunaco of
some tonnage.
From that timo until 1760 there does
not seem to have been bnilt more than
eight lighthouses of the first class. Of
these Sandy Hook light, Cape Henlopen
at the entrance to Delaware bay, the
Main light at Charleston, and tho light
at Portsmouth, N. II., were tho most
conspicuous. At that timo, 1760, thu
lighthouso system was then us now un
der tho treasury department, but it seems
that not evon an order concerning a
lighthouse could bo carried out without
personal direction of tho president, as is
evidenced by tho following letter, the
original of which hangs In tho office of
tho lighthouso board.
Mount Veiihon, Oct. 12, 1700.
Silt I have received your letter of tlio 6th
Instant. Tliu public service requiring tlio nr
ntuttcuicnt which you tiuvu made relative to
tlio llubtliousc of Newport and I'ortlaud, they
aro perfectly uKrceablo to me and receive my
approbation. I am, sir, your most obedient
servant, OeonaE Washington.
To Alexander Hamilton, Ksq,, secretary of the
treasury of tno.Unltcd States.
From this littlo beginning has grown
tho stupendous lighthouso system of to
day. It is now an immense bureau, and
JIIIf i best ''c ""
wallo nominally nnder tho treasury do
partmont, is controlled by a board con
elating of army and navy officers of th
highest rank, with an equal number of
civilians distinguished for their iclcnttflc
attainments. It Is Impossible within
tho limits of this artlclo to glvo any
thing like a history of tho system by
which this important establishment ol
tho government is maintained. Tho Im
portance of its work is known to all the
world, Somo Httlo Idea, howovor, of Iti
cost may bo had from tho fact that front
1701 until 1800 it has been maintained at
Bn oxpenso of $03,238,023. Thero arc
somo lighthouses that have cost nearly
half a million.
Tho finest lighthouse now completed
Is that at Mlnot's ledgo, Boston harbor.
Though this was
built moro than
thirty years ago,
it stands today as
ono of tho most
expensive struc
tures of its kind
in tho country,
Thu original Ml
not's Ledgo light,
which, by the
way, is built in
tho open sea, was
destroyed In 1831.
It was based on
solid rock, and
was built up to a
height of seventy
feet. In that year,
in a v 1 o I 0 u t
storm, it was car
ried aways light
structure, supply
house and tlireo
keepers wero all
swept mto tho-'.r--'5"
seething ocean, minot's ledqe light.
Tho now Mlnot's Ledgo light was started
In 1855 and took six years to complete
This was tho most Important engineering
work over undertaken by tho board ol
army engineers. Tho famous General
Barnard bus said of it, "It ranks, by the
engineering difficulties surrounding He
erection, and by tho skill and science
shown in tho details of Its construction,
among tho chief of tho great sea rock
lighthouses of tho world."
A careful survey of tho rock was made
under tho orders of thu lighthouse board
by Major Ogden, U. S. A. Guueral Tot
ten, then chief of engineers, planned tho
masonry tower, ami B. S. Alexander,
then lieutenant of engineers and after
ward chief of engineers in tho army, su
perintended its construction. This great
tower still stands as a monument to tho
engineering abilities of thoso distin
guished officers. Tho last stone of this
immense structure was laid Juno 20,
1800, and its wholo cost was $1)00,000.
Another of the great lighthouses of
tho Atlantic const is that at St. Augus
tine, Fla. This is known throughout
marltimo circles tho world over as tho
American camlystlck. It is built of brick
and irou, and is located on Anastasia
island, off St. Augustine. Tho structure
is 1G0 feet high from baso to light, and
at 105 feet above tho level of tho sea
shows a first order light. It cost moro
than $100,000. It takes its 11111110 from
its spirul stripes of bluck and white, by
which it is distinguishable in day time
from other lights in tho vicinity.
But perhaps tho most weird and alto
gether picturesquo lighthouso under
American control is that on Tillamook
rock, Oregon. This is built upon a
waveswept rock about twenty miles
south of tho mouth of tho Columbia
river and ono mile from tho mainland.
It is perhaps tho most inaccessiblo piece
of God's footstool on tho wholo earth.
Though tho waves sweep over it in pe
riod of storms, there was yet at tho top
a space of about fifty feet square upon
which to accommodate a structure.
Upon this Undo Sam undertook to build
a lighthouse. Tho rugged character of
tho headland, tho tendency of tho sea
faco to landslides and tho great distance
from Astoria, tho nearest supply point,
made tho execution of tho work a task
of labor, difficulty, danger and expense.
The very first day, in effecting a land
ing, tho foreman of the working party
was drowned. Four days later four
workmen, with hammers, drills, bolts,
provisions, fuel, n stove and somo canvas
to protect them, wero successfully
landed, and a few days later fivo more
men wero got to tho rock, from which
timo the commencement of tho work
may be dated. It took threo years of
unremitting labor, and at a frightful
cost, to build this lighthouse. The
building is a square, ono story dwelling,
from tho center of which rises tho tower,
which is crowned by a gallery and a lan
tern containing a first order lens. Tho
material used is stono for tho outer walls
and brick and iron for tho interior. The
light is 48 feet above the baso of tho
tower, and 130 feet abovo tho sea.
Upon this solitary rock, miles from
any human habitation, surrounded week
In and week out by howling tempests
and angry waves, dwells tho keeper with
his family. Not n patch of green, not a
pound of earth, not a shrub, not a singlo
thing in sight but tho broad expaiuu of
ocean, and with no communication savo
at such timo as tho lighthouso tender
can visit him, this solitary mortal, like
Alexander Selkirk, must make tho best of
life. Ho well earns tho thousand dollars
which tho government pays him, and
though ho has no rent to pay, no food to
buy and no clothes to provide for him
self and his family, how many aro thero
who would exchaugo places with him?
Walter. Wellman.
It is said that thero is an nrteslan welV
at Potsdam. Mo., that is 0.500 feet" n
depth. If this is truo it Is tho deepest1
boring of any kiud in tho United States
'VcWSSiU. v
-k 4 la M js
?S'Wi i.j'j'yi'ia jM
Mr. J, K. Oreult ami Mr. V. H,
Htnno of
Mllfonl, were in town Tuesday,
Mi-Wei Uriu-v and Gertrude Alkon
Tuemlay for Hplrlt Lake, Iowa.
Colonel J. M, Knox has ivtiirnetl from n
short visit to lK'sMoluo, Iowa.
Iidlerlmlr Kixvlsnnd hMr drowlng nt Mlsi
Johnstons, 1 1 1-4 OMnt't.
Kkk slmniHxi cream, 11 delightful eloauHr,
nt Mlt Johnston's, 1114 O street.
Messrs H. II. Henry ntul K. U, Greer of
Columbus nrr In Lincoln.
Mr. Wing Allen of Omaliii was in Lincoln
n abort time tills week,
Mr. JniuoK. Ferris sHnt Huuday nt tlio
l!eatrlee Clinutnuun.
Dr. Thomas returned Monday from it pro
fesilonnl visit to Albion.
Miss Adolla Armstrong uf Fremont, In thu
guest of Miss Htclln Hoyt.
Mr, Harvey I'Mmlston attended tlio Dent
rice Climituii(iin nssembly.
Mr, Finnk McLnuglillu Is vlsltlue hi
mother In lliirllngtou, In,
Mr. C. K. Wnlto spoilt Hnndny nt llentrlcn,
Mix, Anglo Klslilmck Is spending thu sum
mer with frieiuN in Iown.
MiH. K. K. Crlley mul daughter nro visit
ing friends In Atchison.
Mr. Frank 8. Hurr lias gone, to Minnesota
on it IIhIiIiir exHilltlon,
Mr. mul Mr. Cluules II. Hill nro visiting
In Minneapolis.
Mayor Weir has lieeii sM.ndlug the past
week hi Clilcngo mid vicinity.
Miss Abhiu 1). Cliiiiiibvrlln loft Tuesday for
White lllver Junction, Vt.
Mr. William K, Nyiuer mid daughter of
HoMrcdgu are hi town,
Mr. W. H. Deinoreo of Hoen left for Mad
Hon, Intl., Wednesday.
Mi-. A, Llrucu Colfroth lins been visiting
III Oiualin this week.
Mr. Jaiiirt K. Ferris ient Monday nt
Crete, Cliautaiiiua.
Mr. li. K. Ktitlthxtnitcd Monday for Kpo
kiiue Fulls, Wnsli.
Mr. mid Mr. O. C. Hell wero visitor In
Heiitrieo .Sunday.
Miss IMIth Long Is Visiting 1 dative at
Wiillcoin, Wnsli.
5 Mi'. Kdwnrd Allen of Omaha was In Liu
coin this week.
Mr. M. Ij. Jolco lias gone to Minneapolis
for a tliot t visit.
Mr. J. tl, Wudswortlileft for Champaign,
III., Wednesday.
Mr. J. 1. UlenMii left Monday for New
Miss Virgil I'acu is visiting with friends at
Helvldere, III.
Mr. W. Morton Hmltli eut Sunday at
Mr. Harry Kutt of Alliance was in town
Dr. N. H. Smith returned Monday from
Mr. and Mr. Geo. 11. Clark pent Sunday
In Hentrlce.
Mr. F. W. Ferris ha gone to Travis Cltyi
Mr. Weekbak spent tlio Fourth at JHe
atrlce. Mr. G. W. Oerwlg pent tho Fourth nt
G. H. Smith left Monday for San Delgo,
I Mr. Emery Hardy Suudayed In Ileatrlco.
Kd Lanier Is in tlio city.
MIsHOiirl I'liflllu Ualluiiv fur tint I'ol
liinlni; Named Stiicrul Urrnsloiis,
Tourist Bununer excursion ticket to Col
orado., Salt Lake City, Utah, and other Col
orado mid Ctali points of pleasure and
health resort nt lowest rates for round trip,
good for six months
At Auburn, Neb., teacher' normal Insti
tute, July 2 to August 20, ISM.
For national educational association for
teacher, July 14 to IT Inclusive, nt lowest
rates, first class fare for round trip plus i'i
mumltorsliip fee. Ticket 011 Nile July S to 1!)
inclusive; good for return on or before Sep
tember :H), ISM. Call at city ticket olllce,
1-01 U treet, opposite, Hurr's block.
J. K. It. M11.LAH, City I'tteiiger Agent.
H. V. It., General Agent, Lincoln,
H. C. Town-send, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis,
"The Finest" Ice cream parlor nre now
open and you nre invited to call. l!0O
The bent domestic eonl In the market for
f 4.40 delivered. Be sure to try Eastern Wy
oming nut for saU exclusively by Geo A.
lUymer, U.'H O.
A Mother' (Irntltiule.
My sou "ps In au nlmott helpless condi
tion with Mux when I commenced using
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarihti-a
Keniedy. It gave him immediate relief anil
I am sine It aved his life. I take gleat
pleasure In recommending It to all. Mrs. M.
L. Johnson, Everett, Slmpou Co., Miss. liTi
and .10 cent Lottie tor wile by Clin. U Heed,
I III' .Null' t'lll'lip.
Ml inch full ulclile ball hearing Columbia
blcjcle. Enquire at Coi'ltlElt olllce.
Tin- Muluitit Hot .)irliiK. jvlili
The improvement that have taken plaisJMl?
the Dakota Hot tsprlngs (luting the paWjtHI"
make It now one cf the most !opulttfy,?fctlCte)lcl
tive and ileslrulile resort of theoniftm'V YFI? '
nddltioii to the laMietlts to lie Jltfrtfl-d ffOW(
the ue of the water, the MiVt Ma-rTrMfAf1 '
and beautiful natural surroiliWWlMWJfidVlV01
an efeclally nttrnctle'VWHrtVtWnll",fP '
eurntlve tiroiwrties of iW'vfhWf' inifMr W
SprliiK a rlvnl of thTrtiiMfiVrt)rWrHtJ;'W' t
jrknnns. Amlllel',li,otl 'tUHtirMh?j.lktlWV '
nre provided at''rfa!fMlMlw"r,!te.lWrtr,ltW I
Journey to nliH tVolri rtWttoiV lM'HnlcU!y'Tdl; '
.,..1.., ..,,.,, .,i;i, ;t. . i, ..
..w .- . J-T- ,- .'I" .
& MisiouH-'Villl
e-"Il81frort tlWM
nil Hno'lb
the'iiut" ppnti. "r;xe
l ..I". .,. M, .U
('ass, Agt., Omaha, Neb,
motion 'eiiJi l'obtltih t)n nVrIiiWrol!'t6',l7 iH xf nil &y M
1 ,'ni,') .' f. 1.1 .f wj JrJ.iiwF.i.H'.W ' iiSlaBLVc , Ili'K)
..i.i.i Ji.. jlvi i.i'j.uj.i ujxuir ui.i)ujjiiu i in .BasBiii riT iji j
Jiio. t; Musun, city "i-Kt.'-Aftcv n 0 jbbIbHw , .
tWet- k. rfMooHrDefetit' Vr'qir:1 MLHL i'
I ! J.. U. 1 .1 . Ilt-i tla.ll illiV fll.Jll J l.'JJ I l.nBBBBBBBaV , U J, ill i f
" '."wTi
I fMiaate
IF "La. '
"v?f g'iSBBllBsfKTH
1540 O STREET.
Notary Public and Real Estate Daalar in Glty and Farm Proptrtj
North German-Lloyd Steamship Co.,
Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines.
Also Railroad Agent for the different Companies Hast and West.
Southampton, llnvre, llnniburg, Htctten, London, Paris, Norway, Ply month, Ilrctnen,
Sweden, and any point In Europe.
1'ott Orders and Foreign Exchange Usual to all prominent points In Europe.
IlavliiK laritn racllltlr east wltli the liltruest
pared to make nil kiuil of Loans on First It
from I to& Nenrs. nt thu lowest Interest.
Warrant, also In Htutu. County anil City Certified Claims, ami wlllnlwiiM pay tMAIiiA
innrkt-t price. Cull niuUee me or Correspond with me. j to ,dJDddn3
L. MEYER, 10S North Tenth Street""' ,
.tno oilw IhjD oiiik
H. W.
iJivov lirti IjofMrtiOKj (1 IiollllJl Htcxl
The Choicest line of Perfumes. iDiMt Ferry 'gi'Flnest it
in-jvjial oioai dJlw ' c.'ilJilldmloiii tjiUiiiv"
Flower and Gardtih" Stt'ecl11"" ;' ' xorfi aJ
mi inns Jiiu' tui'T jldould lo iIdJwj n lot
4t.v tr ! i-fi. Ji!ia"liKL,,fillio bail 100J ml) 0) jjitlnUIq
127 South i4iW.atnj0,i8tjneUonioiiai
oh nlin I m-aikiiiiI I hi 11 Ptfi'junny uiitiiiilib bnn i'A
1 n lifcjn
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40auIA4t eilaT.T.T.T.Mal'U . lUIJ-'U
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nil ,3ih)i i9J ji tl.iiTfl is sail j. is onT ..aJtucUA-Xbii u, ):
Subciiptlon, New,,MnnuJacturcr,and Publisher' Agent.
C if
1 w ti
llaiikH mm Having Institution, I am pro-j
m ueiu r.Miuu .miriKUKCs, niir or riinu
I iilwi ileal In HcIkhiI HoiiiIs, Htatc, County
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