Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 04, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    Ban iii mil
at ,'
' .
Closing Sale
Everything Reduced One
Half from former Price.
The Couhirr will not Ik rpnH)iiilllo for
any debt mndo by nny mm In It" mime, mi
Mil written order iiivomimnlM tlm same,
0mr I Oth and P StrMt.
Dry Goods,
The Cnurlor Can be Kouml At
Hotel Lincoln Now Htnud.
Windsor Hotel Now Htnnd.
nnnltnl ltotol Now Htnnil.
Odell' Dining llnll Now Hlnnd, IWX O Ht.
The uouiam hiiwi buuui
(Id U...t. ..... u.
AllO UUIUII1I 1.TW DU.IIU, ..Q nUtllll i.l.l nh
The Apex. 1U North mil Htreot.
Bit. Young, KttO O Htreot.
Clason, Klotohor A Co., 1120 O Htreot.
Little Hnort ClgnrHtoro, 113 North I'Jtli Ht.
Westorneld's Itnrber Hhop, llurr tllocK.
International Now Kmporlum, VIVi O Ht,
pVAn oxtrn supply of paper I nlway loft
t tlio Gotham, in case olhor Nowadoalor
supplies run liort.
Cool Shirts
1 1 37 O Street.
(Juthman irk was tlio scene of a merry
gathering of young eopl Inst Monday eve
ning tlm occasion doing one of tlio delightful
picnic of tlio I'lonsnnt Hour chili. Tlio
weather wn nil tlmt could bo desired for
micli nu occasion nnd there wn it largo nuiu
her In attendance, A refreshing lunoli was
served liy tlio Indie nnd tlio evening win de
voted to dauolng. There went present I
Misses Kntuilu Wilcox, Janotto Wilson, Ollvo
Lnttn, Mlnnlo Latin, Anna Funko, Mnudo
Hmltli, Nlllo White, Maud llurr, Mlllo
llntlmwiiy, Unlllo Hooor, llertlo llurr,
Knuiilo llnwlny, Itachnel lliwk, Mny llurr,
Cnrrlo Hill.Gortrudo Hill, Uortrudo Kleiner,
Gertrude (.aws, Fay MnrKlmll; Messrs H. T.
Ht, John, Frnnk Ifnthnwny, Clinrllo llurr,
Frank llui r, Harry H. Freoiiuin, Will Clark,
0. V. Oorwlg, Joseph Bigger, Fred limit,
Will Ilnrdy, Hnrry J. llnll, W. Mm ton
Hmltli, Will llninuioml, Clinrllo llnll, Um
Marshall, llolxirt Mulr, John I Ionian, Oscar
Funkb nnd Dr. U. F. ijidd.
On Wednesday n pnrty consisting InrKoly
of East Lincoln people plvnicod nt Lincoln
l'nrk. The following worn present : Mr,
nnd Mm. Ilnl Young, Mr, nnd Mr. Ilnlu,
Mr. Ilemle, Mr. Uuy llrowu nud Mr.
Willlnm Clark. MIm Mlnnlo Ilel'iie, Char
lotto Clark, Bird, Heinle, Florence Ilnlu.
Messrs. Will Clark, Will Johnson, Frank
KvvrU, Frank Clark, Hayinoud llnle, Ii
ltuo.Browu and Cbas. Clark,
A largo party of Lincoln people expect to
drive to Mllford today. Among them are
the following) Mew and Mesdame Beeson,
Uuolutaff, Sheldon, Coffroth, Ureen, Mios
Itachel Brock, Anna Funko, Bertie Burr,
Minnie Latta, Hallie Hooper, Olive LatU,
Theo. Law; Messer John Dorgan, Frank
Hrtthnway, Harry Freeman, W. Morton
Hmltli, Frank llurr, Fred Uouts and Dr. O.
F. Lodd.
Deputy Htnte Auditor, Myron E. Wheeler,
la nuother one, of our lonely husband, hi
wife being in Toronto, Ontnrio, visiting Misx
Mno Btout, where ulio will bo joined by her
husband. Before they return thoy will visit
Montreal, QiioIhh', TlioiiMiid Islnud, Ninga
rn Fnll, I'ortlnud, Now York, Harntogn,
Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Ciuolu
uatl, Cleveland nud Ht Iitii.
Mr. nnd Mr. L. C. llurr nud family ex
pect to leave for Spirit Luke, lown, ubout
tlio 10th to lie roiio a month or six week.
Mis Nellie White nud Miss Anne Funko
will also be among the representatives of
Lincoln nt the fuvorito Hawkeyo tesoit dur
ing the summer.
Church AilvertUeuient.
Commencing April first, Thr Courirh
will insert notice pertaining to soo Indies,
festival, lecture, meeting and sermons for
all churche free of charge. AdvertlsemenU
for entertainments where an admission l
charged will bo Inserted at ono-tmlf the reg-vUrrate.
loal and Fereoaal.
Whttobreast Coal and Lime Company.
L. Barr, Jeweler, 1180 O street.
Call up the L. D. T. Co., Phone 100.
Ruth M. wood, M. D 1808 P street
Lincoln Ice Co., 1040 O St. Telephone 118.
Kugeno Hallett, diamond merchant, US N
Eleventh street.
Geo. A, Raymer, coal and wood. 'Pbooe
300. 1134 O street.
Canon City Coal at the Whitebreast
Coal and Unw Co.
Mies 8. M. Catfyn, dressmaking parlors,
1311 M street Telephone 810. tf
100 finest engraved calling cards and plate
for ti.V at Thr Courirh office.
Try "The Finest" for Ice Creams, Ices,
Cake and Candles, 1330 O street
Ladies kid gloves cleaned or colored at Lin
coln Steam Dye work, 1100 O street.
Miss C. J. Qullmette, modiste, second floor'
Exposition building. Take elevator.
Dr. C. B. Manning removed to new office,
rooms 23 and 23. second floor Burr block.
J. B. Barnauy, the taller, may be found at
rooms 13 and 13, Newman block.1025 O st.
One hundred finest engraved calling card
and plate only 13.00 at Weasel Printing Co.,
1130 N twee;
Cabinet bath for ladles, given by Mrs. B.
D. CatUn, professional masseur, 234 south
Twelth street, Kennard block. 5-3&4t
Ladles can have their party dresses cleaned
by the French dry proces at the Lincoln
team dye work 1105 O street
"Not how cheap, but how good" Is the
aotto of the new Studio Le Grande. Call
and see their work, 134 south Twelfth street
Never order a photograph or picture of
any kind until you have seen the work done
at the ntw Btudlo Le Grande, 134 south
Twelfth street.
Gentlemen should now get out their latt
summer's suit, take It to the Lincoln Steam
dye works 1105 O street and have it cleaned,
dyed, repaired or pressed out
Coal of every else from the best inlueslu
Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, JUasourl, Colorado
and Wyoming for sale by Ueo.A. Kaymer,
Telephone 880. Orao 1134 O street
Commutation ticket at Brown's restau
rant (good at oltber place), Ave dollar for
four dollar. Tub make prices lower than
any other place In the city when the price
barged on bill of fare 1 considered.
Major Al Fulrbrother, formerly editor of
the Call In this city, but now conducting a
prosivorouj evening daily at Durnhiun, N. 0.,
was lu Lincoln thl week on a bulmti trip,
He will visit Ills old homo In Tocumwh bo
fore returning.
Messrs MoManlgal, Courtney, Lower
Morrell, Benton, Lieutenant Governor Ma
jor, Web Eaton, Fred Howe and Charlie
Gould started on a fishing tour Sunday.
Osakls. Minn., will be their address for the
Mr. Will E. Sides who ha been a composi
tor in the Journal news room for some time,
left yesterday with his wife for hi old home
at Cameron, Mo., to take charge of the job,
department of the Dally Vindicator of that
Mis Effle Loose entertained a few friends
at card Tuesday evening. There were pres
ent: MIo Hawland, Minnie Do Pure.
Mamie Yatt Meaaers, Harry Hall, Scott,
George Cramer and Ilobert Wilton.
Mr. L. Weasel Jr., and bride, after a four
week wedding trip east, will arrive hone
Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Weasel arrived lu
St. Joseph yeterday and leave to-morrow
evening for Lincoln.
Mr. John Fitzgerald returned from Hot
Spring, Arkuusui last Saturday necompnn-
leii ny tier son ana uaugbter. un tier way
she stopped at Denver to attend the gradua
ting exercise.
Rev. Dr. Edward. H. Curti and wife with
their two children, Beetle and Dick expect to
leave for Chicago and vicinity Tuesday
where they will peud the summer.
Miss Bonnie Bonfoy, stenographer for tho
Lincoln Paint & Color Co., started for her
home In Utloa, N. Y., Tuesday afternoon,
where she will visit during July.
The friends of lira. O. M. Mayer, well
known In this city aa the sister of Mr. W.
8. Latta, will regret to hear of ber death
last Monday at Fawfleld, Iowa,
Mr. J, Q. Underwood and Mm. Howley
and the Missis Jennie Uuderwood, Fannie
Howley, Louise Smith and Alice Rlghter,
went to Crete yesterday.
Miss Racbael Brock expect to leave for
St Lout nest Tuesday where she will make
an extended visit.
Mis May Flynn ha returned from the
convent of the 8. H. C. J. in Cheyenne,
where the ha been attending school for tho
past three years.
Ml Adeline Sheldon, who ha been visit
ing Miss Katberine Howley for the past two
weeks, returned to her home in Nebraska
City yetterday.
Mr. Alf Shilling and ber sUter, Mrs. Hul
tingerot DesMolnos, departed Monday for
Este Park, Col, where they will remain uu
ttl September,
Mis Fay Marshall left yesterday for Big
Horn, Wyoming. She was accompanied aa
far a Omaha by Mlaa Rachael Brock and
Nellie Kelly.
Mr. W. L. Pickett started Thursday for
Colorado, vehere she will join ber husband,
who has recently been assigned a station on
the B. &, M.
Mr. Ralph E. Johnson went to Kansas
City Thursday to attend the three hall game
to be played there between the Senator and
the Blue.
MUs BarUett Paddock started for Propb-
etttown, 111,, Tuesday afternoon where she
will spend the summer with friend and
Mesdame F. C, Munger, Dr. Crlm and F.
A. Campbell left for Georgetown, Colorado,
Weduetday where they will spend the sum
Mr. Itlchnrd M. Alllti of I'nragould, Ark.,
who ha been vlnltlng tils brother J. J. Allln
ot thl city, returned to hi homo Tuesday.
Itov. T. H. Htelu nud family left Monday
for tho fishing rejoin of Alexandria, Minn.,
where they will spend the month of July.
Mrs. James O. Nosburgle ot l'lttslleld.
MIm., Is tho guest of her brother nud sitter,
Dr. M. K. Jones nnd Miss K. C. Jones.
Hon. W.J. Ilrynu nud Hon. John Fitzger
ald went to Omaha Huudny to attend the
f uncial of Henntor John C. Hhen.
Mr. Fred C. left Inst night for Kan
sas City, where he ha accepted a oltloii
with tho Union I'aclllc railroad.
Mis Henrietta Howley entertained a few
friend nt tea Wednesday In honor of her
friend, Mis Adeline Sheldon.
Tho Mltse liable llooier and Fniinio How
ley chnMToned a pnrty of chlldrvn nt Cush
inan l'nrk Wednesday,
Mm, Gertrude Wlggenjost of Fort Madi
son, In., Is visiting with her sou, Mr. II.
Wlggenjost In this city.
Mrs. H. K. Mooro nnd ilnuglitor, Mls Mny,
went to Newark, O,, Tuesdny where they
will spend the Milliliter.
Mrs. II, It. Nhsley nnd Ruth Maclnrlniid
left Wednesday for .Minnesota wliete they
will end the summer.
Mr. T. S. Allen ha gone to Vesta, Johnson
County where ho will deliver a fourth of
July oration to-day.
Mini Corn Outcnlt nud Miss Nellie Ilriin
sou have returned from a very pleasant visit
in MlnneaKills, Minn,
Judge Joseph II, Lowl of tho Court of
Appeal of Kentucky Is vMtlng his daughter
.Mr. 8. II, iluriiham.
Mr. nnd Mr. Gilllspfe returned Hat in day
from ii very pleasant visit with friends nt
Washington. Iowa.
Mis Martha Funko departed last Saturday
for Manltou Spring where she will remain
during the summer.
Mis Lucetta Dowden of Praliio City, Iowa
I visiting with her relatives at ViS north
Twelfth street.
Mr. J. C. Bencrest of the Jcuinnl returned
Monday from a visit to hi old homo lu
Mis Naoma Weaver returned lust week
from a two week visit with Miss Cora Wea
ver of Omaha.
Miss Rom llui ke of Omaha is visiting her
cousin Mrs. Will Meyer at 045 north Eleventh
Mi. E. C. 1'ost and dnituhter. lleulah. of
Atchison, Ku., are the guest of Mr. C. L.
Dr. Joseph ImholT has returned home from
Philadelphia after an absence of about three
Mr. Frank Graham left yesterday for a
visit to his old home in Washington, D. C.
I'hM Minse Gertrude and Carola Hill went
to Boitrlco yesterday to spend tho Fourth.
Mr. Anna U. Winchester is enjoying a
lslt with relatives nnd friends In Omaha.
Miss Kittle Dorgan of Now Hampton,
Iowa, is visiting her brother In this city.
Dr. J. B. Bechtal, president of the state
board of health is in the city on business.
Mr. Joseph Digger went to Beatrlco last
night where bo will spend the Fourth.
Mr. W. F. Moyer ha returned from a vis
it to his old home at Quincy, Illinois.
Miss N. Adel Simons is In Beatrice, the
guest of her brothel R. M. Simons.
Mr. Charles M. Keefer went to Beatrice
Tuesday to attend the Chautauqua.
Ex-Congressman George W. E. Dorsey of
Fremont was in the city this week.
Master Ralph White of Plattsmouth is vis
iting Dr. nud Mrs. W. S. Latta.
Mr. Dr. GifTen is visiting with her brother
Mr. Templo Held In Polk county.
.Miss Josle Dowden Is lu Sidney, Neb., on
business nud pleasuro combined.
Miss Wostermaii returned Tuesday from
a two weeks visit at Decatur, III.
Mrs. Allen, wife of John C. Allen, return
ed from Beatrice Wednesday.
Mrs. J. J. Murphy and Frank Murphy left
Wednesday for Philadelphia.
Mix Laura 1 homos Is visiting among
friends In El Paso, Texas.
Mr. W. Morton Smith attended tho Beat
rice Chautauqua Thursday.
Hon. S. J. Alexander started Tuesday for a
tour of the Pacific coast.
Tho Misses Gertrude and Carola Hill were
In Omaha Wednesday,
Mr. James Ferris spent Thursday at t'.
Beatrice Chautauqua,
Miss Edith Long I visiting with relatives
at Wbitcom, Wash.
Umpire George A. Strlef of Cleveland,
Ohio, is in Lincoln.
Mr. A. D. Stevenson left tor Hot Springs,
S. D., Monday.
Mr. John M. Bookwalter of Springfield, O.,
Is In the city.
Judgo T. O. C. Harrison of Grand Island
Is in the city.
Mrs. E. S. Sayre left Wednesday for Eliz
abeth, N. J.
Mr. C. D. Mullen wo an Omaha visitor
Hon. J. L. Caldwell left Tuesday for Salt
Lake City.
Coal of every size from the best mine
In Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora
do nud Wyoming for sale by Geo, A. Kay
mer. Telephone ftM). Office 11.11 O street.
Drown' restaurants nre the only one lu
the city for Indies. The menu is extensive
nnd embraces nil tho M-nsous latest dellcndts
while piices nre extieuiely law.
Dr. O. F. Lndd, dentist, 1105 O street.
Telephone INI. Office hours, On, m toft p. in,
We aro show lug tho most complete stock
of hosiery nnd underwear in the city. Don't
buy until you have seen our stock,
J, W. Winokii & Co.
first wo bought a lot of rockets.
With an extra lot of whizz:
Then we emptied out our ockcts,
Ilu) Iiik smith nnd things that flrs;
8cricnts, snakes nnd Unman candles,
With n diien colored balls.
And nmo blue, things on long handle
That thoy culled "Niagara Falls."
Half a gross of iimion cracker
And a dozen monster bombs
Regular old llariium whackers,
Fit to uso when Gabriel come'
Half a hundred double plnwheols,
Shower of sparks In every one,
And a sol of wheels within wheels.
Warranted to dim tho sun;
Red IlKhts.grecu llulits.bliio lights. Mashes,
In profusion and n bo;
Thbigs Hint slow y burn to ashes,
Things that flame like Martyr Knox
Jast tho dandiest uilsccllauyl
One no carplngcrank could scoff
At then, by (leorge, tho night was rainy,
And wo couldn't set 'em ofTI
-Somervlllo Journal.
It Wis l'owiler.
Olio Fourth of July, in Pltigtown, the
boy who were flrliiK the anvil at Intervals
rati short of powder nnd started around
town to solicit money to buy some more.
When they came to Undo Billy Smith,
Bitting on tho drug store steps and telling
how his grandfather helped whip tho Brit
ish In revolutionary days, tho old man
broke off his story and wild:
"Iloyg, up'nriU of iwo years ago n ped
dler loft n keg of sunthlu' in my cooper
shop over thur. It may bo Masses or vine
gar, an' It may be gunpowder. 1 ain't any
wlso sartln what hIio Is, but you'll find It
in tho corner to tho right as you enter the
back door. Might knock In the head and
see what's in It"
Three or four of tho lioys started for the
shop while he went on with his yarn. Ten
niinuU'H had passed, und ho was giving the
red coatH fits nt Lundy's Lauv, when there
came a tremble a crash and tho coocr
shop seemed to bo lifted bodily fifty feet
into the air. All the men on tho steps
were rolled off, but Uncle Hilly wiu one of
the first up. Looking across at tho heap
of debris on lire In n dozen places he
wuved his hand and exclaimed:
"I'll be gosh duruetl if It wasn't gun
powder urtcr alll" Now York Sun.
No, No, No.
First Boston Boy Aro you going to
celebration tonight?
Second II. B. No, indeed. Do you sup
pose I would miss n meeting ot the
Ibsen-Browning society tor a tow fire
works f
July the Thiol.
"Adolphus," said Dorlnda,
Leaning on his shoulder,
"Dost know tomorrow Is tho tlmo
For lovers to grow bolder,
And to declare their passion deep In words or
tuneful lay?
For 'tis Declaration Day, Adolphus Declara
tion Day."
"Dorlnda." said Adolphus
(He well know what sho sought of
Htm and trembled), "dearest, there Is
Ono namo you'vo not thought of.
Tho day Is fit for fellows from their girls to
break away,
For 'tis Independence Day. Dorlnda Inde
pendence Day."
And Dorlnda to Adolphus now has nothing
more to say.
-Edward Bottwood in Life.
Mr. R. A. McCormtck of Cadiz, O., Is in
the city.
Mr. H. E. Shaefer went to Clarmont, Iowa
Ayer's Sarsapai ilia cure liver complaint,
rheumatism, and all diseases of the blood.
A nice residence of 7 or H rooms with all
modern Improvements within ten blocks ot
Courier ofBoe. Will take possession at
once or within 30 days. Address or call on
L. Wxbbrl, Jr. , this office.
Three Hevolutlons.
The Dutch revolution of the Sixteenth
century, the British revolution of the
Seventeenth century and the American
revolution of the Eighteenth century were
three logically connected stages in tho evo
lution of liberty. Their history forms threo
aerial chapters in the literature of freedom.
It Is not at all surprising, therefore, that
there should be n marked similarity in the
language ot the three people in declaring
their rights, a similarity sufficient to en
able the critics ot Thomas Jefferson to say
that he had plagiarised from the declara
tion ot the United Provinces ot the Nether
lands nnd the declaration of rights by tho
British Whigs of 1089-00. The parallel be
tween these declarations is indeed instruc
tive; they all sum up In one principle: the
natural rights of men to chooso their form
of government
Miss Mary E. Smith left for Port Town
send, Wash., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Blair deputed for Seattle, Wash., Tuesday.
MU Florence White left tor Wakonda, 8.
D Wednesday where she will spend the
Well, have you bought your lady friend a
souvenir spoon yet I Of course you know it
the raging fad and to be without a souvenir
spoon, your fair one Is, so to speak, "not in
it" They are a pretty token and one that
will always be useful as well as ornamental.
There Is practical merit In them snd It is
not like many presents that are given today
and forgotten tomorrow. By the way: Hal
let ha a most elegant line of them In an end
less variety of pretty design and he sells
them at a price that Is within the reach of
even the most lowly. They range In price
from a dollar up. Go around and see him,
make a selection, send It to your sweetheart
or some other fellows sweetheart and make
her happy.
Henrv HarDham arils chamois skins for
summer vacation with relatives and friends, carriage cleaning.
What is Scrofula
It li that Impurity lu the blood, which, accumu
lating In the glands ot tlio neck, produces un
sightly tumps or swellings which causes painful
running sotes on the arms, legs, or feet) which
dsvelopet ulcers In the eyes, cars, or nose, often
causing blindness or deafness i which Is the origin
ot pimples, cancerous growths, or many other
manifestations usually ascribed to " humors."
It Is a more formidable enemy than consumption
or cancer alone, for scrofula combines the worst
possible features of both. Being the most ancient,
It Is the most general of all diseases or affections,
for very few persons are entirely free from it.
How can It be cured T By taking Hood's Bans
parllla, which, by the cures It has accomplished,
often when other medicines bare failed, has
proven Itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine
for this disease. For all affections of the blood
Hood's 8arsaparllU Is unequalled, and some of the
cores It has effected are really wonderful. If you
suffer from scrofula In any of Its various forms,
be sure to give Hood's Barsaparilta a trial.
Hood's 8artaparllla
BoldbyalldruiftsU. llifor4. J-reparedonly
ry G. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Hat.
IOO Dos On Dollar
Removal Sale
v it- I iiii i'ilS
As we intend to remove to our New
Furniture Block on 13th street, between O
. and P, about September 1st, we have con
cluded to oiler our large stock of
at nearly cost price until that time. As we in
tend to make genuine heavy cuts, these sales
at reduced prices will be strictly cash. Call
and investigate.
1 1 16 and 1 1 18 N Street.
I ff ' rrrKftrrmn . n . . . is itw s . is tMt
I l J Visit ' rlii
VSi!Ls&,liSotaklOe r. sSSE
nf-p,. mmsmzj' 'i
1204-1200 O STREET
This may look llko poetry, but
It only demonstrates how easily
Tho 0 e may bo deceived. Tho cur Is
Sometimes deceived by the cry of
Cheap gcods: and, when It refers to Paper
Hangings, the eye detects the snare
Only nftcrjou have parted with your
Good stuirsiuiaind n holy show
Made of) our stupidity. If kind
t l'roldenco has bestowed filthy lucre
Er Upon you, and you expect further faiors
From K. P., then permit tho great
Interior Decorative Co., to bnutlfy jour
3 Home In their mperlor style before
The "Crow's Feet" settle around your cj ts
Thicker than snipe tracks In n mud Hut.
A. C. ZlKMKH, t-rcsldent.
1134 N STREET.
Cam. Emvick, Manager
Special prices
Pat. Leather, us to 2s, at $1.50 was $2.00
" " 5s to ios, at $1.25 u $1.75
Straight Goat, 8s to 2s, at $1.25
1129 O STREET.
SESW-iutTPHktvoK.c-vssieiSritrWaiJ!! AirmnUK
Subtcrlpllon, News, MnnufacturciB' nnd Publishers' Agent.
100 Engrayed Callim Cards
Ana Copper Plate, for $2.50.
If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from
. . same, at $1.50.
A & 1
1. iij