Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 04, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Rudge & Morris,
Hot Air Furnaces,
Water Coolers,
Water Filters,
Gold Bronze and
Brass Bird Cages,
Builder's Hardware.
Rudge & Morris
N Street.
Spring Shapes
Christy's London Hats.
We are the only house In the City who
tell these goods. Come in and try one.
Spring Suits
Arc being displaced by us now.
Give us a call.
If you Depositjyour Sayings
Lincoln Savings Bank
& Safe Deposit Co.
8. K.eor. lithsndlShts.
Aljtho Katej
S-Mve per Ct. pij
Have 5o) a weok itwi (It amounlH
Interost In Uvo yours to Urmn.w,
llauk opens at 0:30 it.jfui. to ;i:flO . m. nnd
Hatunlny evenings, 5 t l. m,
Safes to Rent in' Burglar and Fire
Proof Vaults.
tm HKTLJll
Tahlrqunli, tlm Cnpltnl of Itm Nation Tlm
rrcollarltlcs of tho Legislature lnil
er Kept Out ljr Captious Content
Hooly llrll, Hum Houston 1ltnge, Kt.
Special CorrcKpondcnoe.l
Wabhinqion, Juno 20, An ofllclnl of
tho interior department lins just re
turned from tho Indian Territory, where
ho hns l)eou in business connected with
Ills work as n public oftlcur for more than
a month. Ho tells somovery interesting
stories nbout tho civilized Indians, their
manners and inodo of living, their gov
ernmental machine, their chiefs, trllies-
men, sisters nud dnughteis. In the
course of a general conversation with
this gentleman a fow days ago ho guvo
me soino ideas of Cherokee life that 1
must admit were entirely now. Hero is
tho substance of his conversation, not in
his exact language ltit his ideas and ob
servations are carefully Bet forth:
Tho Cherokee capital is happily lo
cated. Tahlequah is a beautiful littlo
villugo nestling amid a quartet of wooded
hills. It is thirty miles east of tho M.,
K. and T. railroad and something over
feoventy miles from Fort Smith, Ark.
The country surrounding Tuhleounh is
about tho llnest in tho world. Wood,
water and grass are nbnnd.uit. Iron ore
and coal are to bo had for tho digging
and crop out at. tho grass roots, and the
region is dotted with health giving min
eral springs. Talileipmh Itself does not
amount to much. Nature did more for
it than man. Tho streets are wide and
kept in fairly good condition. But the
houses aro cheap and primitive. There
jiro a fow substantial brick buildings,
but the majority are ill constructed
frame structures. There nro a fow log
cabins to remind you of old times.
Tho capitol is a two story brick build
ing, with a gaudy cupola. It is too
small for its purposes. Tho treasury de
partment and the two houses of tho leg
islature aro situated on tliu lloor,
and on tho second floor tho executive of
fices, tho supremo court, tho department
of education and the auditor's ofilco arc
located. The public ofllces aro small
and cheaply furnished. Tho lloors of
tho executive ofllces aro covered with
matting, and tho chief nnd hissooroturles
sit on dollar and a half chairs in front of
plain pino board tables. Tho legislators
aro better provided for, ho far as desks
and chairs aro concerned, but tho mem
bers of the lower ltouso nro crowded as
closely as sardines in a can. The treas
ury department looks like n vlllago cala
boose. A safe is hidden under a big
counter, and the interior office is cut off
from tho public room by big iron bars.
Tho outer windows of tho otllco, too, aro
liberally barred.
The Cherokee legislators aro a happy-go-lucky
set nud miscellaneous in ap
pearance. About a third seem to le
white, a third of mixed blood and a
third pure Indians. There is ono gen
nino negro in tho lower house, an ox
elavo of a Cherokee family. Procedure
is slow. About a third of tho members
aro not conversant with tho English lan
guage, and everything said, oven to tho
prayer at tho commencement of each
session, has to bo translated. Only a few
of the members aro verged in parliamen
tary law, and tho presiding officers aro
selected more on tho score of personal
popularity than becausoof fitness for the
positions. Tho clerks are now to tho
business, like tho legislature, and every
thing is done at a snail's pace.
When a member sjieakB in English tho
interpreter immediately arises and trans
lates his remarks into Cherokee. When
a resolution or bill is read in either lan
guage tho interpreter immediately puts
it into tho other language and reads it in
its new lingual clothing. Tho members
emoko continually when they aro not
chewing. Tho presiding officers havo no
gavels, and make no effort to maintain
order. Tho members talk to each other
across tho hall and swap jokes with the
speaker. When a clerk or iutorpreter is
reading or talking, however, a pin could
bo heard to drop, and tho best of order
is kept and tho closest attention paid
when members are speaking. Tho spec
tators crowd through tho aisles and sit
on the Aetl'fi tji front of tho members,
and frequently util fri?nds what to do
or what to say ia a loud voice. Tho
house is very primitive in its actions and
deliberations, and tho mi.iedure is very
Senate bills nro read Mfconco in tho
house, and house bills iissj read but ouco
in tho senate Two Or threo members
of tho house do all th talking, and ora
tory ia'uot oxuberuvt. Tho speaker is a
bearded hxlfbreed, and understands
both English and Cherokee. In the house
prayer is first rendered in English and
subsequently in Cherokee. Chaplains
aro provided in end? houso but not paid.
It is merely an honorary position. Tho
members pay strict attention and net
decorously during prayer. As tho Hon.
Hooly Bell, senator lrom Delaware dis
trict, put it, "Tho Cherokees try to fool
tho Almighty just the same as white
Tho bonatu has much tho advantage of
tho houso in point of ability. The sen
ators aro activo politicians and evidently
take tho lead in all legislation, the house
subsequently confirming or rejecting by
ono vote. The parties are well disci
plined. Sam Houston Bengo, of Glb-on,
is the legislative leader of the Nationals,
and Hooly Bell, of Delaware, is the un
questioned bass of tho Downings. The
loaves nud fishes are the only teal issues
between the parties. At the opening of
the session both the leaders aio decapi
tated by notice of contest being served
on them. By an absurd and dangerous
law, senators or members on whom
notice of contest is served must letiro
until the contest is decided. It can bo
seen that under tho provisions of this
law tho organization of the legislature
could be indefinitely postponed. A spite
ful, defeated candidate has only to enter
n contest against bis successful rival to
prevent him from participating in the
preliminary proceedings of the legislative
body to which ho was elected.
There aro only elghteom monitors of
tho senate, of which ten constitute a
quorum. Thus contests ngninst nine
senators would prevent tho organization
of that body. Tho contcstoos cannot
participate, and less than a quorum can
not effect an organization or transact
any business whatever. It is ono of tho
plans of tho politicians hero to have tho
seats of tho leading members of each
party nlwnys contested so as to prevent
their participation in tho early proceed
ings. At tho last session Bongo's sent
was contested, and tho Nationals not to
Ik outdone, contested Hooly Bell's seat.
There is no pretense on either side that
tho contest is other than vexatious.
Bengo, tho National party legislative
lender, is really an able man. Ho is a
lawyer and a farmer. Ho EHaks both
English and Cherokee fluently, and lies
tho reputation of being tho lxst orator
In tho nation. Ho looks like a wHto
man n littlo browned by exposure to tho
sun. It Is whispered around lie re that
he is a sou of tho famous Sam Houston,
of Texas. Ho has the Houston eyes, the
Houston jaws, tho Houston walk niki
tho Houston teuqr. It will lio remem
bered that Sam Houston resided for a
couple of years in the nation after ho re
signed tho governorship of Tennessee.
Ho lived about fourteen miles from
Lucieu B. Bell, commonly called Hoo
ly, Is n lawyer, cattle raiser and fanner.
Ho is shrewd, rotund and jolly. He
claims that ho is a Cherokee by blood
and related to half tho icoplo in tho na
tion, but ho has none of the appearance
of an Indian. Hooly lived in Texas for
a number of years, and is a college
graduate. Ho is a slick politician, but
cannot speak Cherokee, which is a great
disadvantage to him. In the debates in
tho legislature Bengo invariably gets tho
best of Hooly, because of Bongo's knowl
edge of Cherokee. Bengo will talk five
minutes in English and then five min
utes in Cherokee. Ho will swap lan
guages as often as it suits him during
his speech, and Hooly, not understand
ing tho native tongue, is placed at a de
cided disadvantage. Bengo invariably
captures the full blood support, because
he can appeal for it eloquently in the
native tongue. However eloquent Hoo
ly's apiieals In English may 1m, they aro
cold and uniuipassioued when rendered
in tho machine sentences of tho inter
preter. Tho Cherokee politicians aro patterned
after their brothers the world over.
Study a practical politician in any part
of tho world, and you will find him du
plicated wherever you go. The' aro tho
saino in the Cherokee Nation as in Mis
souri, in Illinois, in New York, in Texas.
Office is tho usufruct of politics, and it is
tho aim of tho Cherokee statesman thn
same as tho man of Missouri or New
York. By common consent the two
smartest politicians in tho nation aro
Denis Wolf Bushyhead, tho ex-chief, and
Secretary of State W. P. Boudinot. Old
Bill Boudinot, as ho is called , is a character
in his way. He is a man of a good deal
of learning, was educated in Connecticut
and is now on tho shady side of seventy
years. The Boudinots' original name is
Watio. They aro cousins of General
Stan Watio, of Confederate fame.
A missionary named Boudinot, from
Massachusetts, went among tho Chero
kees whilo they wero yet in Georgia.
When ho returned to his New England
homo he carried a joung Cherokee
named Elins Watio with him. Watio
remained in Massachusetts until ho mar
ried and adopted tho name of Boudinot.
When his kinsmen moved to Indian Ter
ritory ho joined them with his Yankee
wile, and old BUI and Ellas aro tho
fruits of tho marriage. When the old
man died tho mother returned to New
England with her two sons, wliero they
remained until tho boys wore educated.
Old Bill's eyes aro in tho middle of his
face, and his forehead sticks out like
John L. Sullivan's muscles. Ho walks
around town dressed in a heavy ulster
overcoat nud linen trousers. Tho bosom
of his shirt is open summer and winter.
Ho nover ties his shoes, and tho tops
of his stockings are invariably doubled
under tho heels of his shoes, while tho
strings on tho extremity of his drawers
trail behind. His mako up is pictur
esque, and those who know him best say
it is not the result of affectation, but of
According to the Downing party old
Bill is tho heavy villain of Cherokee
politics. Ho is always thinking, always
scheming, always working souio prob
lem through his head. His engineering
of the National party kept its members
in offlco for years, oven when tho popu
lar vote was against its candidates. Old
Bill is a student and a philosopher. Ho
is a voracious reader. Ho sleeps Uvo
hours in twenty-four, devotes about
three-quarters of an hour daily to eat
ing, mid spends tho rest of his time read
ing and writing. Ho is a great admirer
of Henry Georgo and a believer in his
theories. Ho is, however, tho strongest
kind of a Republican in United States
Bnshyhead Is sixty-two years old, fat,
good nntured and easygoing. Ho claims
to bo a quadroon, but looks like a white
man. Ho lived twenty years in Califor
nia, und was ono of the forty-niners.
His brother is now sheiid of San Diego
county, in the Golden State. Bushyhead
returned to the Indian Territory about
eighteen years ago, and immediately be
gan to take a hand in politics. Ho was
appointed treasurer about two years
after his return, served eight years, and
was then elected chief, in which ofilco
ho also served eight years. There is
nothing remarkable about him. He is a
smooth talker, learned politics in Cali
fornia, and is leady and willing to hold
ofilco tho rest of his life. His wife, who
is a granddaughter of the celubiated
Pierce Butler, of South Carolina, is a
finely educated and tellued woman, and
has contributed much toward creating
her husband's popularity.
The Downings say that Dill Boudinot
furnishes Utishyhead with his brains,
and tho Nationals aro not overeager to
deny it. However, there is no doubt
that Bushyhead has rendered good serv
ice to tho Cherokee people, and that the
public affairs are now in much better
condition than when ho took hold, Wkluum.
Mr, Clark, tii the l'ulillr.
I wish to say to my friends and the public,
that I rvKitrd Chninticrlaln' Colic, Cholera
nud Dlnrrlura Itenirdy ns tli tnt prepara
tion In iw for Colic ami Dlarrluea. It Is
Hie fluent selling medicine I ever handled,
Ucauo It always glvc satisfaction. O. II.
Clnrk, OintiReville, T.xns. For sale by
Urns. C. Heed, l)rui?tfUt.
A Pertinent Ouetliili.
They took the Fltehbtirg road from Hon
ton to Troy At the FAlls tlm hrakuinan
thrust his head In at the door nud seemed
to luterrogatei
"llooslckr llooilokf"
Alfred Unfits looked Inquiringly around
the ear, and discowtrlng no object In need
of a physician' care, appealed to his fa
"Papa, who Is slckf" Pharmaceutical
"The r tlm l.iut Minstrel."
Primus llrlggs has lovii courting an
helirss, who, by the way, was old onotigh
to bo his mother, but she married his rival.
Secundus Yes, I know, and et Brings
sent them an eplthalainluiii he wrote and
set to music.
Primus Very generous. Was It sung
at tho weddlngr
.Seeundiis No, Thetunuwiw "Old Hun
dred "-Life.
HhiI In llliiinu Hometlilng.
Not a great while ago one of Quitman's
popular disciples of lllnckstone was do-
fending neuro charged with having
stolen a pair of shoes. When lie took the
case ho did not know of tho conclusive ovl
denee the prosecutor had. That Individual
testllled that he found his shoes on thu
thle's feet. Of course he was convicted
In spile of thu eloquent effort of thu law
yer to save him
"1 don't blame you, Imss," said the father
of thu boy, addressing the lawyer; "I don't
blnniotlo Judge, an' 1 don't blame do jury,
but I does blamu dat testimony. "-(jult-man
Uiu.i Picks,
Cliitnl 1'rogreti.
you progressing
"How aro
with your
"Well, I nin getting so that I can mako
myself misunderstood perfectly." Har
per's Bazar.
"Maid, Wile or Widow?"
He Won't J on bo mine? I would give
my life for you.
She You may take mo on those tonus
strictly. Kate Fluid's Washington
The Shah of Persia
TIioiikIiuiUiuicciI In joins, lias lialrof ineii
hue. Cray luilis are slilctly pioluliltcil In
Ills iliiiiilnliiiis, ami lii'iiie tho lnri:r xlilp
incuts totlinlriimitiytif Acr's llulr Vlnnr,
liy the use of which the Hindi's sulijccts sau
not iinly tlielrlmlr lint their lieails. Acr's
Hulr Vigor leslities the natural color of tho
hair. It should lu on ctuiy tollct-tablc.
"Sonio time ago my hair hci;an to fade anil
to fall out so Imilly that I IIioiikIiI I sliouM
lo lialil; hut the use of A)cr's Hair VlKor
lias restureil the original color ami tnaile my
lmlr strong, almiiilant, ami healthy. It docs
not fall out any more." Addle Hliaflcr, MO
Itncu st Cincinnati, Ohio.
"My hair (which had partly turned may)
was restored to Its youthful color anil
licauty by the use of n few bottles of Aycr's
Hair Vigor. I shall contlimo to use It, as
there Is no littler dressing for the hair."
(lalilo tlnpp, UcorKcaua, Alu.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
DR. J. O. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mai.
Sold by all DruKgliU ami IVrfiuntri.
In Tin HUIrlrt Court I-anrimter County,
I. Ij. Illiicknmn. Howard An!i- and Mrs.
Allien, (list mi mo unknown defend
ants, will take notice that on tho llitli day of
March, IM)I, Walllim'foni A Sliauin pliilnilllN
herein, lllcil their petition In tho dlntrlct court
of IjiucaHtereiniuiy, Nebraska, against said
defendants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain uiorlKHV" ly tlm tie
Icudiint lllackiuan to tlm plalnllll's upon lot
twenty-six fJI) In block two (21 In Irvliuj
I'laco addition to the city or Lincoln In said
Umcuster county and state of Nebrauku to
secure the payment of a certain promissory
nolo dated Hopt. II, lKs, for tho sum of fcV,(M
and alo ono oilier cortaln note dated July
at 1 1, 1 Sill, forthosiimof IlllVOileacli due und
payable on or before thu llrst day of July
Isuo: thai thuro Is now duo upon said notes
and mortem,''! tliusuiii oflimuiO nnd interest
t Hereon irotu mo uaiuoi inu sum noiim ior
ulili-h mini loirei her with the Interest thuru-
on plalntllle pray Jnduliiuiit and lorn decree
that tho defendants bo required to pay the
same, or that tho Bald promises maybe sold
to satisfy tho amount round due.
You are required to nnswer tho said pe
tition on or beforo the lath day or July lsill.
Dated Juno Ml, IS'JI.
Wai.mnmkohii Hiiami-
ll-l-lt their Attorneys.
Lincoln's Great Pleasure Resort
Now open dally to the public. The finest
nlcnlc L'roimds In the state, with fine
boating nnd fishing. Dancing
pavilions, Illuminated with
Electric lights nnd
beautiful drives.
The P.'irk Is large nud
everybody, hecludcd
" picnics can
will accommodate
places for private
be had.
JULY 4tti,
Lincoln's Grand Celebration.
Basket picnic, amusements, nnd rare at
ti.ictlons. Fine displ.iy of fuewoiks in the
cxenlng. Miiic anil dancing day and
Lincoln vs. Nebraska City !
Hand Concert c en eenlngfrom 7 until
9:30 o'clock, commencing June 25th.
Klectrlc cars run to the Park every 12
minutes from 6 o'clock in the moinlng
until 1 1:30 at night
An Admission will be Charged
On Kale nl Hurley's. HhlllliiK llros.', Odell's
Kcstauraut and 1M. Young'.
liuy Coupon Tidtts ami Snif .Watty,
Gents' Paragon
-" "g1 t irjrew.Kun..r-.HMWBiK--f
1540 O STREET.
The Season's Novelties!
Just Arrived
A beautiful line of
Tea Gowns
Lntcst cuts and designs,
made of Challies, Henriettas
and Combination Goods.
are elegantly
made up, are very stylish and
will be sold at
Popular Prices.
We have also just received
a limited quantity of Long
Military Capes made of Chev
iot, Camel's Hair and Broad-
Cloth. If you have not al
ready a Spring Wrap, please
call and see the new and beau
tiful designs. '1 he sample
lines now being shown for fall
trade by the manufacturers in
New York show these same
1023 0
t v
r tgv sjc-lV w-iJJWyv.LZ2E'T
Fine Dress Patterns
Polka Dots, Combina-
tion Suits, French and
English Goods. We have
about 35 of the most stylish
patterns left and have conclud
ed to place all of them on
Special Sale next week, same
to be sold at
These goods certainly de
serve your inspection. They
are rich in
and the
very latest fashion. A selec
tion of fashion plates
with each dress.
of White French Flannels in
Blue, Red and Black Stripes
at Sr.75, $2.50, $3.50, $..oo.