Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 04, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    wUlfo -.-.fc .,) Mm iMlll.l llWlim
. il, Willi if.M.M ri
1 r
Mason's Fruit Jars,
Jelly Glasses,
Siberia Refrigerators,
Mew Method Gasoline Stoves,
Lawn Mowers,
Screen Doors,
Screen Windows,
Screen Wire,
Step Ladders.
936 P St.
Phonic 380
JC 0-- lift
,l i)ii(ir liperof Modern Time.
PubllHhocl Saturday.
Address all oommiinicstloni direct to t!ii onion
Courier llulldlnir, ll'W N Hlreel.
li, Wkhkki., Jh. Kdltor nnd Solo Proprietor.
HunteiiiiTlo.Nl Ono Year ly Mull r C'urrU-tl
:00 Hlx Moulin, l rlj Three Months, ftOo,j
Ono iionllivVCViitsIiiraridil)' In Advance
AntRnTiKHrvTit KMfii f iimlshetl on np)lle.l ton
at llu offloc. Hpeclnl rates on Time Contracts.
OoHTnini'TioNstRliortspley sketches, poems rihI
stories solicited. Personal and Hovlal notes are
f tcllly desirable.
PaiNTisnl Wit niakeapelRltvif Fine Printing
In nil II branches Hoeletv work n specialty.
r.ntored nttlio Postnltlco of Uncoil1, Neb,
ns second olnM inntlcr.
Cushman Park
What It Meant.
i' f S v.
ffi nS )ix1? ''' ' W
ErlBlvBflaaHalaHMH '
Ho Then you wish to consider our en
gageiiinnt nt nn ondf
Shu Yes; nml If )oti think I inn going
to allow yon to trcnt niu so w linn wo'ru
married, you nru vury much mistaken.
III Onl) Itemed t.
Inn bleach of prnmlsu case counsel for
tho I1I11I11UIT nsked tliu drf " " i
"Did joti uxor kiss tho iuiiu...f"
"Yen; many a time"
"How uftuur"
"I mlinlt lmliiK kissed her almost every
evening vt hen I ralkd to net) her."
"Kvory menliigr"
"Yen; hut I was compelled to do 111"
"ConiH'lledj how's tlmtf"
"Why, It was the only way to prevent
her singing." Lustlgo Hlntter.
4th of July !
Lincoln's Ureal Celebration nt Custiman
Park. A trnluof twenty conches every Imlf
Imur from 10 n. in. to 12 ut uhdit.
ThoOUt Boldlorsofihit wot, under thn au
spices r the KnucaMor County etornn Asu.
elation, grand rounlon. Addresses by illittn
KUUbeii ucnernlsorthovar. Ilatllo of Island
No. 10. nt nlKht. Uouorul Beauregard Is ex
pected to speak nt 4 ) Hi.
The Famous Lincoln Giant vs. the Genoa
Indian Club.
Vint Hacc The Fastest Homo In Colorado
vr. tint Fastest Homo in ise iirusKa; ono miio
raeoi tV) purse to winner. , , ...
Heoond Hnco-Trotlliiii2:3SclasR, bent two
In throo heevtit; ISO purso; f,, I5 iwul I0.
ThlnllUee One ml o anil rpiit, two In
three lieatR. frce-for-Rll rune llOOj divided.
ISO, 30 and 110. All rooeR to governeil by
American rulc.
The hUtortcRt Rtoamor, Maid of tho Mitt.
Tho Hultnn of Turkey'R grent performer,
Hlankey, the High Wire Actor, t ongnRcit for
lid day nt great expenxt.
Six Bands of Music 1
Dancing nil dny and at night. Miule by
Yankee Hill Oiclie.lrn. , , ,
Tub race by hIx )rorrmloualK, grcimod mH',
gTORned pIrr, tla illih Itomlcrc, the great rwIiii
nil Rldo niiuiHeineiitH.
Anocniiloii nt 3 p. in. mid parachute drop.
Anct'imlon at night with calolum light.
Sunday, July 5th.
Atldrco by eminent dUlnen nnd dUtlu
guhilietl Koldlcri.
Water Coolers
Bird Gages
law lowers
Wire Cloth
Screen Doors
Step Ladders
Wash lactones
Gas and Gasoline
A portrait of Horace Qreoloy form tho
frontlitilccn of tho Century for July to ac
company 11 hitherto uiipulillnhod nildrcw hy
Mr. tlreoley on Abrnlinm l,incilu, wnieii,
comliiR after the liny and Nlcolny hUtory,
nnd Mr. BcIiiu'r'h revleiv of tho iminc, will bo
read with particular iuterent, not leniened by
tho knowlwlffe of IhoiKHjullar inlatloim which
exUtetl Iwtween Lincoln and Oleoley. The
nddrct win wi Itten In or about 1804, nrd In
printed from tho orlilunl nmuuierlpt.
In the Horlen of nhort nrtlohn on tlio Italian
Old Mattel r, Mr. V. J. Htlllnmn trealx of
Krn Hirtoloinnico and AlU'itlnelll, and ex
amples of tho two muster nro presented hi
woo 1-cutg hy Timothy Cole, whoso work In
this ncrlos, It will ho leuieinbeied, Is executed
after very cloo ittidy of tho original picture
and for tho most pirt In the presence, of
"Tho New York of tho Future" nnd "Jour
imllsts nnd NowitinviKer1 Agnln," tho lout
being npropos of n patter In the Oton Letter
Department on "Co'isclenco In Jouriinllsm,"
hy Kugeno M, Camp. A timely communlen
tlon from Mlai Kllm H. Beldmore treats of
tho disputed boundary between Alaska and
HrltU'i Columbia, and tho bdsln of dispute In
tin gi-owing iucNtlon l ruttlior sot forth by
tho aid of a map from recent uutheutlu
RourceR. Illchanl Hoffinan makes n nolo of
"Similar Mutical 1'hrnscs in Orent Com
poser. "
Kvcrt thing Kle.
"l'lmt j on had whooping loukIi, then
' you K't tho grlj), then nmlnrl.i, mid now
J oil liino Jiiunillce. seems to inojoticatcli
ovcrythliiK In your tow n," Hiild VlKKlta.
"Yes," hnld tho comniuter. "Kver thln
excopt thu train 1 want." Hnrpor'a Uiu.ur.
Olive llnrpar Has llreu Studying tint
llrrsi of the Mtlln Ones ut Varlnui
Warm Wnnlhur Atlnntlo llurts l'le
turit That Ksplnlii the Text.
ISpetlnl Correspondence.!
Nkw Yoiik, Juno S3. Coiuinon sense
would BttKK'tit plain dark 1)1 no tlnnnul
gowtiR and big shado lints mid nn entlru
nbseiico of furbelow mid fmicy on chil
dren's ilrutwos that nro to bb worn whilo
playing nt thu Ronshoru on tho sands, but
cointuoiiRotiso mid fashion do not always
amalgamate, particularly at our fashion
able resorts. In Nowixjrt tho aim is to sue
whose children can make thu most ex
travagant aiipearnnco, regardless of cost,
and tho result is that tho little tots nru
dressed in white llannol, in velvet, silk
nnd cashmere as often as in more sen
sible material, and then turned loose to
imddlo In tho edgo of thu water or dig
holes iti thu sand.
Quito Ton Suggestive.
Judge Nmv lw careful and stick to tho
Witness Why, my lord, If you wero to
cut mo up Into sausage meat, I shouldn't
sny nn thing dllTerent I Fllegomlu Hlntter.
A 1'imt of Iteiisini mid nil Kbit of Hon I.
Sho Theru wasn't much liiugliteroreou
crsut Ion at our end of the table. Dlilii"
j on mid jour jouug lady liao nnjtliliig In
llu Oh, jes an appetite. Life.
Men nnd wonion prematurely gray nnd
whose hair was falling, are enthusiastic In
praising Hall's Hair Henewer (or restoring
tho color and preventing baldneM.
Not aCltlsen
of Lincoln cau afford tomUitlie comfort and
safety offered him hy the North Western
Line (K. E. & M. V. lilt.) In his travel! to
and from Chicago and nil eastern points. It
is tho direct line to St. Paul, Minneapolis,
Olympla, Seattle, Tacoma, nnd all other Mln
nesota, Washington and Montana points.
All iKHwengers for theso olnt go through
without deMit transfer. 1'atronUo tho North
Western nnd avoid omnibus transfers. It Is
tho only nil rail line to thut Sanatorium of
tho world, tho Hot Springs of 8outh Dako
tn and tho direct line to Hapld City, Dead
wood nnd Ulack Hills points. To all those
contemplating a trip the coming season it of
fers a direct line and service, to till the re
sorts of Wisconsin, Minnesota nnd Noithern
Michigan. The tluest lulling grounds In tho
world are reached by this Hue. For rates
U..U iiitui iimtuu, vail hi i iu.1 j svi cvt.
W. M. Siiii'-ian, Oen'l Ag't,
J. T. Martin, City Tk't Ag't.
A Tn r I ii r lit) I.
Now Itiuoiila Klinn
W'us ns Hue n innu
AHOMrou wntit to me,
IIoilM'il IiirIiUo
Asn potentate
In dlstnut Tnrlnry.
Hut blsdiuixlitir tK
Wiisu niililen who,
Hvlnu neither )iiuiik nor fair.
With n sawllke oliu mid n temper tart,
Was n regular drug on tho nuptlnl mart -
For to marry her none would tl.ire.
Hut thu iKitentnte,
Urowlmt desperute.
With the Handles Tartar swells,
lU'ttolved to try
And a pouc supply
For this i renin of Tartar belles.
In nln were bribes
Ai.iong the tilbos.
And so he caiubt a Turtnr,
And offered to him, without wustoof breirli
Thu choice of boiling In oil to death,
Or a marriage w Ith hi darter.
Tho Tartar t;rl2i
bhiHik luexciy limb.
But mniifully mudu leply,
"If )nunlTei llfo
With suih a wlfo
I rather prefer to diet"
Sa)h the klinu, "Mv Ind,
If thing are ho bud,
I think I'll chntiu'c tho group.
TIs jou hnd better lle, b fur:
To Tartar 1)0 we'll hii) ta-ta.
Ami put hir In thu soupl"
-llarrtl Lumpoou
Thin Goats and Vests
Alpaca, Serges, Pongee, Silk Lustres,
Drab Dete, Mohair,
And all popular Publics so Cool and Comfortable in
Hot Weather .
The many styles we show will suit you. The low prices we
make will certainly please you.
Madras and Flannel Shirts
Corner O and lOth Streets.
Kye anil Kar Hitrgeon.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and aurist, 1203
O street, telephone 973, Lincoln, Nebr.
Ladles short waists at special prices at
J. W. WiNOKn & Co.
1100 O. street
lluy coal mined near your homo. Nowcrs
tie Nut Is conceded by nil that have used it to
botho best for kitchen use. l'rlce $4 40 de
livered. Sold only by Geo. A. Raymr. Tel
ephone into. 1 1!14 O street.
July, 0, 1801,
Is the date flxetl for the Grand Yellowstone
Park Excursion via tho Union Pacific "Tho
Overland Koufe." Final deposit for tickets
must bo made beforo June ftotli. Writo to
Harry P. Deuel, City Passenger Agent, liUW
Faruam Street, Omaha.
Silk grenadines and drapery nets in a
great variety at
J. W. Winder & Co.
1100 O street
"The Finest" ice cream parlors are now
open and you are invited to call. li'SOO
The best domestic coal in the market for
H.40 delivered. Be sure to try Eastern Wy
oming nut for sale exclusively by Geo. A,
Raymer, UU4 O.
A Mother's Oratltuite.
My sou wrs In nn almost helpless condi
tion with tlux when I commenced using
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Dlanhcea
Remedy, It gave him linaiedlato relief and
I nm sure it saved his life. I take gteat
pleasure in recommending it to nil. Mrs. M.
L. Johnson, Everett, Simpson Co,, Mios. -."
and Ml cent iwttles for sale by Chas. (J. Reed,
Welding imitations, either printoaoreu
giaved In tho finest nt) loot the art at The otllce. Coirect forms and lxt
quality of stock guaranteed. Samples cheer
fully shown.
llrown's retaurnnt. Windsor block, !i!0
north Eleventh street, and 141b O street.
Fie dollar commutation tickets reduced tn
four dollars, good nt both places.
Kruse & White
1216 o ST.
Iliirlliigtuii Itoute The Outing Seaioii I
Drawing On.
People have alravly b)?n pla mill j tliul
summer trips, and we would suggest that
you post yourselves regarding the wonderful
trout fishing In Ese park, Col. Tho health
giving baths and quiet rest of Dakota Hot
Springs, the hunting and Ashing of Wyom
ing or the fashionable delights of Minltou
The Burlington will take you to any of them
speedily and without fatigue. There are
many other places in which you cau spend
the heated term, and the agent at the B. &
M. depot or city office can tell you all about
them. Call aud get a book of summer tours
and look It over. You will find it full of
good things and valuable hints.
A. C. Zikmeh,
City Passenger Agent.
The lint HirliiKii or Dakota.
These springs are rapidly becoming famous
on account of the wonderful curative proper
ties of the waters,'and the manyCtnarvelous
cures which have been effected by the ther
mal baths.
The tow n and springs are delightfully situ
ated in a picturesque valley In the Black
Hills country, abounding in beautiful scenln
effects, nnd at an altitude of 3,400 feet above
the sea level; thus insuring a pure atmos
phere nnd exhilarating climate, nlwolutely
iree from malaria.
Under the enterprising and progressive
management of the Hot Springs company
many desirable Improvements have been
made; among the number tho erection of a
commodious batli house fitted up with all
modern conveniences for the comfort of
guests. New hotels have been built and com
foi tably f uruUhed throughout, conducted In
llrstoclass style and at reasonable rates.
Those who prefer stopping utn piivate hotiee
will find ninny desirable boarding placis
where good accommodations me rurntshed
nt moderate tn-Ices.
Tho superior dally service now ulTorded by
tho Burlington Route to Hot Springs, with
through sleeping car accommodations from
Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora ami Grand Island,
makes thotilpan easy and cnjnvablo one;
and for tho benefit of nil Who desire to test
the efllcacy of tho waters, round trip tickets
at reduced intes.good for ninety days are
now on sale at all otllces of the Burlington
For pamphlet, descriptive of the springs,
mid full information us to rates, time, etc.,
apply to any agent of the compiuy, or to
J. Fuasjcis, Geu't Pfts'r& Tk't Agt.,
Om ilia, Neb.
A Cure for Crumps In the Stomnch,
Albeit Erwlu, Editor of the Leoimid, Tex
as, Graphic, says: "For thocuieof cramps
in the stomach Chamberlain's Co'lc, Cholera
aud DIurrluvt Remedy is tho best mid most
speedy I ever used." Many others w ho have
trJesl it entertain tho same opinion. For sale
by Chas. C. Reed, Druggist.
Whilo tho dainty white picturu gowns
of muslin or surah that reach the anklo
nru worn at homo tho outdoor tlretses
nro made qulto short and tho feet nro en
cased In black silk stockings and un
dressed leather or canvas slippers, nnd
they wadu in tho water with these, ns it
would bo bad form for n littlo million
niro to go barefoot. So then thu littlo
Qoelets and Vauderbllts mid other scions
of tho money Icings wear perlshnblo
clothes, though they really should not,
an it sets a bad oxample.
Ono littlo girl of about ten had a dress
of whitu flannel with yoko nnd belt of
silk, mid n whitu straw sailor hat, and
black silk stockings mid suede slippers.
Another wore n pretty gown of figured
blue silk nnd velvet made ns in tho mid
dle flguro in thu first illustration. Tho
collar, forearm pieces mid panel nro of
velvet, and with it is worn n Phrygian
cup of bluo silk with velvet band. The
silk stockings mid wading slippers com
plete thu outfit. Tho tan on tho fnco
forms another part of it.
By tho side of tho bluo dressed girl is
hor independent littlo sister in a red vel
vet kilted skirt and blouso, with a Tnm
O'Shantcr of tho same, and a cunning
little doeskin jacket for cooler after
noons, mid this also is to bo worn while
playing on tho Bands, making a bright
bit against tho dun colored beach and
thu bluo of tho sen.
Even daintier is tho littlo pink aud
white suh of tho littlo girl on tho right
of tho irooiid picture. Tho dress is of
whitu challio with largo pink polka dots,
as to tho skirt, whilo tho waist is of pink
surah mid tied around tho waist with
bow and ends of pink libbon. Tho ecru
straw hat is turned up, with a tuft of
plumes which stay but a short timo in
curl in tho sea air, but sho has her wad
ing slippers nnd her clam shovol and is
happy in spito of pink silk aud feathers.
Prettier and more simple is tho green
cashmero dress of the middlo figure, that
of a dainty and preciso littlo miss of
twelve, who is, however, not too big to
play in tho water aud on tho sand. Her
hat is a black openwork straw, covered
with forgottiionots mid their leaves.
Ono more littlo seaside suit mid I shall
have done with Nowport babies. This
is of blue and white flannol, tho skirt
and jacket blno aud the vest and sash
and Tain O'Shanter of white flannel.
The Casino children's dances uud the
parties given for tho little ones at New
port are tho occasions for great display
in children's dresses, but it is at Sara
toga that tho greatest extruvagance is
shown. Little dresses are often made
entirely of Mechlin, Vnlenciennea or
even old English point lace over ullk or
satin Blips, and the littlo necks and arms
are often decorated with jewels which
are strangely out of place on children.
Wash Goods, Organdies, Linens,
White Embroidered Flouncings,
Muslin Underwear, Silk Mitts, Unlaundried Shirts,
Hosiery, Ladies' and Children's Shoes.
We will Close our Store all day Saturday, July 4th.
1518-1520 O Street.
Telephone 448.
m m
1 ifMJsZ f V-aP
Itx T JL-T
Sutton & Hollowbtjsh
Makers of Bon Boris and Chocolates.
AlsoDelicious Ice Cream and Soda Water.
Dangler Gas Stoves
Have you seen the beautiful lino of photo
graphs of America's greatest stage celebrities
at TilK CouitUR ottlcel The line embrace
nil the leading aud most ptoinlnent artists
and are the work of Falkof Union Squat e
New York, undoubtedly the f.uest photo
grapher in the country. Call in and see
Henry Harpham, harness, saddlery and
turf goods, 143 north Eleventh street, opposite
Capital Hotel.
Tho finest mull mid lawn, whito silk
nnd most dolicato of laces, are used for
children's dresses there, and the most of
them it! 0 pure whito, with only tho rib
bon trimming to give color, It is ho
much warmer at S iratoga than it is at
Newport that it requires thinner ma
terial. Asbury Park is the children's paradise
though, for there tho youngsters are
rigged out in their oldest clothes nnd
given big, shady old hats, nnd shovels
and crab scoops, and away they go for a
whole long day of unmixed delight
without anything to hinder them from
having all the fun they want.
At Coney Island and Rockaway the
children are dressed in the best attiro
their parents cau afford. It is often a
very poor best, but the children don't
mind as long ns old ocean is there to
give tho same tan he bestows on those of
more exclusive society.
Olive Harpul
Telephone 273. 230 South Eleventh St.
'ttlLi4sL. -l-Mt&4mlLTjii&iliLu.. ...,