Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 04, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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..,- g
Tiik Old Rkliaiilk
I ik Mill llcndquiulcr for
Ice Cream
Ices, Cakes, Candles, Etc,
Our Special order depart'
merit for entering to private
residence and parties is the
most popular in the city
"Prompt delivery, pure goods
and reasonable prices" is our
1307 0 SI, Telephone 601
to ott:r
Lincoln Patrons
"VVc beg to Inform yn that our Stock of
Spring a .id Summer
It now rcaJy for your Inspection nml
comprise nil the
From the
finest French I English
Eierj Garment Strictly Flrst-ClassI
it 1iKi.rr.11 out on rocitTii or jui.y and
Kuckert & McDonald,
Jt7tS. 15th St. Corrtipondenct Solicited
lOopyrlflit. 1891, by Amorlcan Press Associa
tion. All rights roamed, I
Vi. whlrx!" ex
claimed Albert,
Much must b
forgiven to the
Ixij ovpii br the
moat censorious
rfndor, for he was
not only aston
Ishcd but greatly
excited T Ii c 11,
too, lie was young,
nml although he
would sometimes
hnvu liked to
uc stronger Inn
gunge l hnu tlutt,
ho did not ilnro to
lit It frtt fniitntia
ALBKItT connected more
closely with n fttrnii nml n woodshed than
with tho Sunday school.
Therefore bo only said "Holy wblul"
It U more than likely, lu these Faun tie
roy day, that thcro may bo bora who do
not get uxcltcd on or about tho Fourth of
July, In other words, thuy aro not boys.
At nil events, thoy arc no audi boya na Al
bcrt wan. Ho had been u real, live loy
ever ilnco Ida birth There nover hail been
any necessity to Inquire us to tho origin of
nny disturbance iiround Ida father' house
When Albert wits nt homo. All Hint wns
considered necessary by nny ono waa for
his father to got hold of Albert with ono
hnnd nml the atnin with tho other.
All things considered, It waa not surprls
ItiK that Alliert wim excited when ho saw,
iylng rn the ground, Just Inslilo Ida father's
front gate, n largo, round, bright allver dol
lar. It was tho morning of tho third of July.
Silver dollnra woru not o much a mrt of
Albert's usual uxorloiico im pcunleM nml
nickels wore, and lately oven these had
been hard to got hold of, nml hero wns n
whole ontlro dollar
Some tKy would have been temptod to
koep It nml say nothing about It.niidMpend
It nt once for the necessary ammunition
for tho celebration of the following day,
but Albert wiw not oven conscious or a
feollug of temptation. Ho know well
ouoiikIi who had dropped It. Hit sister
Mngglo, olghu-eii years old, very orten stood
by that gate moonlight nights, ami nover
alone. So, although he know that it must
have been George Whlltnkor who had lost
tho dollar, then wan no struggle in Al
bert's mind aa to tho propriety of kooptng
It. Ha Just kept it without nny thought
of struggling.
And ho spout II. That waa a procedure
which ho could not undertake without con
Idornblo euro ami precaution. His owner
(bip of the few previous dollars ho had
had was nlwnys a hollow mockery Ills
aunt won accustomed to give him a dollar
every time he hail n birthday, but ho had
never boon allowed to use it. His father
bod ulwnya taken It away from him nml
Sut it In tho bank This time ho tingled
own to his toe nt tho thought that his
father knew nothing about It, nud so could
not take It away from him
80 he determined tocxeml it at once,
and with this end lu view he sought out
Ida beat friend a bad boy uamed .lames.
Albert called htm Jim, nod so did almost
called to Invite Maggie to n picnic next
day, ami Allien reflected with much dis
gust that he mid Maggie would stand by
tho gate for some time, and so keep him
wnltlng; but he knew James wns too wary
to coma till George had gone nwny, so ho
was not nlarmed,
Ho looked out nt tho front gato Instead
of going to bed, Just ns ho had done many
times before, "Goshl" ho said to himself,
"I'll bet I wouldn't go spnrktti' no gal If I
wns na big at him, I'd bo down nt the
mrnr-r nlnvln' hllllnrds."
"Ohl" she s"ald. "I'vo run n splinter In
my linger."
"Ohl" said (leorge Whlttnkcr, very much
agitated, "that Is too bad, Let mo take It
out." And betook her hand lu Ida and
looked at It carefully Then he took out
his penknife.
Now n very small splinter In a girl's
! I
x tt j-
tVWS rftV
Mar bo produced by tho use of MKH. OKA
IIAM'M Kufenlo Kliamel and her Hose
Bloom. Tho eomriloxlon and color aro mndo
perfect, and tlio ofoit scrutiny could not do
loot ono iirata of powdor or the least Indlea
tlon of artificial color. I will stake my rep
utation Mini on any face I can atve the most
delightful complexion nml color with Ku-
Rsule Koamol and Hose blossom, mid
vsl no om could possibly tell thai
'the color or complexion were artltlo
Ul. This In IiIkIi art lu cosmetics. They
m nncli more harmless thnn any other cos-
nietlo tit tho world, because they are ench ills,
solving In their nature, and Mitts does not
clou up tho pore. When using these superb
cosmetic you may wlpo Mie dust or pcrspl
TStlon from tho face without marrltiK their
delicate beauty. They remain on nil day, or
until wahcd oir.
Price of each l; tho two sent anywhere for
12. For sale by HOWAHIVrt IHAMONIf
IMIAHMACV, Northwest Corner Is nud mil
Mrs. Grnhnm, 1M Post St., t$nn Francisco,
treats laities Tor nil defects or blemishes ol
face ornpurtt. Send stnmp for her llttlo book
4IIow to be nenutlful."
Lincoln Trunk Factory
o st 1133 ST
Where we will lc glad to see nil old
friends nnd customers nml ns many
ones ns can get Into the store.
a -rr.A r: t innflrtik,iot.H.n,
IlrcLi(tUlrlliii IIjr.''Hi.r.lila;
HI, Hlwf.N ii'u tuj ,rtt,itd wht
llrr iti,lnictloii,wlll Hi,kiutlutriual7,
liowlo rn TSrt IkMiuad IhilUr 4
lkltultoarthiijjrlitciitl MkUli)iMiciiirtfrntlislanM4iiit.
MIDr Stf nMulrMur,vMailMttw,, I aftllyiihl quickly
ItanUil. I dra rv kul uut workrr from it, ULirirl rtuuutjr, 1
fell tlrctdf ttugbl ut provldvd wilt, t,Hlo)iutitt l.r
hW. wk. ii niiklas OTtr SIHSS U. I !' N V. W
(4 SlUJtlltJ'llMrlllarirHKI AJJlfM II MKf,
i.C,Al'l.EN. Han . Ah issu, MuIhi,
Taffy la good, nnd you may buy a great
quantity of It for h dollar Also it la poa
ilbte to purchase for that sum very ninny
marbles nnd topi, hut no well regulated
lxy Imya much taffy, or nny tops or
marbles whatsoever, on July .1 Jnmca'
principal earthly poMMes.slon whs nil old
homeplstol, and Alla-rt owned n small
brnss cannon, coiiHeiiently a lllieral sup
ply of powiier nnd caps was first provided.
Then half itdiir.cti of the largest llrccracker.n
In the little store were selected, nud thn
reat of the money wits Inid out In llrecrnck
crsof ordinary slr.o
"Thoy ain't ns good as the blgones," said
Jnmes phlloMophlcally "but you get u heap
"Do you want nny torpedoe-af" nxked the
good old lady who kept the store.,
"Nnw," said Allien, with great scorn.
"Torpedoes N only good enough for girls."
Supplies having been obtained, there re
mained o n I y
two things to
do, but these
t w o wore
enough to keep
tho lioya busy
nil day. First
a safe hiding
place had to bo
fouud, and that
waa uo on ay
matter, for
there were oth
er boys In tho
village wbc
would not lies
itato to plunder
thorn If they
b o u I d find
such treasures,
nml neither Al
bert nor James
i1M- dnrod enrry
them Into hla own house. A licking wasn't
so vary much, but It would not do to have
the powder nnd crackers confiscated.
"Say, Jim, HI toll you what," said Al
bert nt lougth. "We'll tie 'cm nil together
In a big buudle nnd keep it lu your barn
till tonight. Then nftor nil our folks has
goue to bed you fetch It over nud come
under my wludow.and I'll letdown aropo
nnd pull It up. You glvo mo tho whistle
when you come, and I'll be nil ready."
"All right," said James, nnd that wns
settled. Then It remained to quarrel about
whether thoy had spent the money to the
host advantage, James contended that
they ought to have bought some Itomnu
candles, while Albert favored the thought
of having skyrockets, and so earnestly did
each advocate his own views that they
almost emtio to blows.
After some hours, however, this subject
was forgotten in consideration of the still
more exciting question, whether any of
tho ammunition rdiould bo used thm night,
or whether It should all bo kept for the
Fourth, A boy has u great many things
to consider ou such occasions, and It was
important to decide on the way to
nvold getting licked, and at tho same time
got nil the good out of that doltni. Finally
it wns decided that it wns best to wait till
it Is a most interesting nud Instructive
thing to notice how things thnt wem to ba
tho most irrolovcnt nml Inconsequent
sometimes work together towam the most
astonishing results. In this case, If It had
not been for a hole in Mr, Whltuker's vest
pocket, a splinter, a penknife nnd a dent
little white Auger; and If Albert hadn't
oarried off two spools of cotton from Mag-JTo-bwurti.
onsKet tne day before, It would
probabjy have But this Is a little too
All went ou na the boya hod planned It
until Albert went to hla room to wait for
!nuM. To h sim.OnnrcM Whtttttlr-,n,t
finger may bo or may
not bo a matter of itm
portnnco. It depends
nuclrcumstnuccH. Or
dlmirlly M n u g I o
would have pulled It
out lu a Jlify and nuv
er thought of It again,
but under the exist
tug circumstances ItOKOltOK willTTAKEU.
took fully fifteen minutes lieforo that
finger was In such a condition thnt George
Whlttnkcr was able to let go of it.
Just before ho did so Albert apoko to
himself again, "Goshl" ho said, "what a
fool n feller is to kiss n gal's handl If he
wants to kiss her, why don't ho kiss her In
tho mouth? She'd n good deal druthor he
Very possibly George Whlttnkcr did not
know this.
Ho let go her baud with n llttlo sigh, nnd
slipped tho penknife into Ills vest pocket.
And the penknife slipped right through
and fell on the ground. Maggie saw It
fall nnd told him nbout It, nml ho
gated things, discovering thnt tho lining
nnd pocket were both torn.
"Well, there," said he, "thnt accounts
fur It. I lost n silver dollar last night. It
oat havo slipped through that hole."
MVou must I live II mended right away,"
said Maggie, with womanly promptness.
"Come back In the sitting room."
So thoy went back, Georgo nothing loth,
and found old Mr, Wilson there rending
and smoking Ills pipe. Ho did not object to
tlio courtship thnt wits on the
.ontniry approved it thoroughly, but you
would never catch him going to lied until
Maggie wns safe in her own room.
Ho looki'd up Inquiringly when they en
tered tho root i, nnd Mngglo begnn with en
tlrely unnecessary confusion to explain
what hod happened,
Mr. Wilson did not talk much, but what
he did say waa generally to tho point.
Moreover, ho was fond of a joko. Ho lis
tened while Mngglo explained, nnd then
said drylyt "Il'ml That's what conies of
a young man living alone, with no women
folks to take care of him."
George wns fully us much embarrassed
as Mngglo was nt this kind of a speech,
but there didn't seem to be nny way of
concealing his confusion, while Maggie
busied herself looking for n needle nud
thread. So ho stood still ami suffered
him. It was it Hue situation for n boy
with n dollar's worth of fun in his room,
and an Impatient chum whistling outside,
of a Fourth of July.
It seemed n long time to wait, for Albert
wim nwnko before four o'clock, but ns a
matter of fact Mr. Wilson went tip quite
enrly to his boy'a room, Kntorlng, he
found Albert fully dressed, looking out of
tlio window, listening to various noises lu
tlio village. There were tears In his eyes,
but ho brushed them nwny beforo turning
to speak to his father,
"I understand," said tho father, "thnt
you bought somo firecrackers yesterday."
"Yes, sir," said Albert.
"Iiot mo see them," said Mr. Wilson, nnd
tho boy brought out his bundle nnd opened
It. "Thnt N a line lot. Where did you
get thu money to buy them with!1"
"I found It, sir."
"Where did you llndltf"
"lly tho front gate."
"Didn't you know who It belonged to?"
"No, sir," said the hoy, hesitating a lit
tle; nml then with a desiernte burst of
couragu he saldi "Yes, I know well enough;
but, Pop, don't you know It's the Fourth
of July? I reckon when you was n boy
you wouldn't 'a' gone 'round hunting up
owners for silver dollars when thoy jumped
right up nt you, nnd you hadn't got no
money nor no llrecrackers."
Now, Mr. Wilson did not. suppose for u
minute thnt he would have done nny such
thing, nnd moreover he liked the boy'a
frankness, nml although ho did mo the
strap occasionally, believing that ho ought
to do so, he did not like It any more than
Albert did. It wasn't tho first time the
boy had put him In a quandary.
"Well, my son," ho said, not unkindly,
after ho had considered a moment, "I am
willing to make allowances, but you must
remember to bo honest nbovo nil things,
You must pay back thnt dollar."
"Yes, sir," said Albert, delighted nt get
ting off so ciu.lly.
Hut after he had escaped from the house
nnd Joined Jim, nnd tho two woro disturb
ing the peace to the best of their ability,
ho saw a well known figure coming down
tho vitiligo strvet, nnd ran toward It.
"Say, Georgo Whlttnker," ho exclaimed
' breathlessly, "nin't you going to be my
I linitlmrt"
WhlttJtkcr laughed and said, "Why?"
" 'Cos if you are," said Albert, "1 don't
a'poso I'll have to lie in any great hurry
about pnyiu' back thnt dollar o' yours
what I found. It'll bo nil In tho family,
you know."
And Georgo laughed agnln, and told him
he needn't lie lu nny speclnl hurry.
And after tho firecrackers wero nil goae,
Albert said confidentially to Jim, "After
all, it makes u feller feel heaps bettor to get
his money honest, don't It?"
"I don't know," said Jim.
No Fooling!
The Goods Must Go!
The Receiver Has Said So,
and his word is law.
this is not the ease,
almost anything for
that you want at a
Came and price the goods, and sec if
It's an enormous stock and you can huy
the house
or your own personal wear
Fuur) to Fuee vilth Nit I lire.
r-" v , r
while Mr. Wll-
son chuckled to
hi in so if, and
a o live thing
nbout "helping
a lame dog over
a stile," turned
back to his lead
Hut Maggie
didn't (1ml her
thread, If shu
had, perhaps Al
bert wouldn't
havo been found Mlt. wilON
out. Slio searched through her work bas
ket, and there was no cotton there. She
waa an exceedingly human young woman,
and she grew angry.
"That Albert has been rilling this bas
ket again," she said with somo temper
"He Is always in mischief."
Then it sudden thought came to her.
"Oh, Georgo!" she exclaimed. "1 wonder
If It wan your dollar that ho bought such a
lot or iiretvorkH with."
"What's that? What's that?" said Mr
"Oh, nothing," said Maggie, "only Albert
bought a lot of firecrackers today from
old Mrs. Jones. Sho wns speaking to mo
about it, and I wondered whore ho got the
George laughed. "That's all right," he
said. "If anybody fouud It I hope- It was
Albert." Uut Mr. Wilson looked grave.
He said nothing, however, nnd Mngglo
presently fouud some thread and mended
tho pocket, and tho two young -K-ople weut
out to the gate again. When they got out
side Georgo gathered up his courage and
spoke desperately. "Mngglo," ho said, "I
wish you would mend all my clothes."
Maggie laughed. "Why, 1 hope they
don't nil need mending," she said.
"Of course," stammered Georgo, "I mean
when they do need It."
"Well," said Maggie, hanging her bend,
"1 don't, know but what I might under
take to do thnt,"
"Ilut I menn for always, for nil yonr
life," exclaimed George
After thnt there was some moro conver
sation, mid old Mr. Wilson had to como
to tho door twice to toll Maggio how Into it
was lasforo sho came- In. When she did
como lu ho lookod nt herprcttycloscly, but
sho only said "Good night, papa," and he
kissed her and she went up stairs while, ho
locked up. Then ho followed, and going
on up to the attic he very quietly locked
Albert's door on tho outside. If that
deluded youngster had not hud his head
out of the window looking for James
ho would probably have heard his father,
but as it was he drew up the bundle all
right, nud hiding It under his bed lay down
without knowing that ho was a prisoner.
He was one, though. Mr. Wilson had
been a boy himself, and ho had assigned
J AHiert's room
to him with
special refer
ence to thu fact
that climbing
out of tho win
dow was out of
tho question.
Therefore Al
bert had noth
ing to do but
to wait, when
he found his
door locked
next morning,
until such time
ns his father
saw fit to come
HAOOIK. 1111 HXll ralaoaa
She Your society refreshes mo greatly.
He Thank you, Then you won't mind
If I stay another hour?
She Oh, dear, no' You have such n
country air about you It's a perfect plculo
o be In your presence. Life,
Furniture, Hardware,
Dry Goods
Groceries, Boots and Shoes
Stoves, Tinware
Fancy Goods, Novelties
and in fact too many things to mention. You are always
wanting something why not get that something of us at half
what you pay elsewhere for the same.
Prices Talk Come and See!
Maxwell, Sh.rpe & Ross Co.
R. II MAXWELL Receiver.
Not runny After
Of course It was a good Joke. Hadn't
thu boss said that he didn't waul every
body lu the ofllei! running lu to see him on
every little pretext? Hadn't ho told one of
tho clerks that If the latter wanted any
thing brought to ids attention ho ahoitld
bpeak to his Immediate superior and have
tho matter come to him through thu prop
er channels?
Naturally, In view of this, every onu was
tickled when tho assistant bookkeeper said
to the bookkeeper:
"Mr. Smith, will you plcasu ask Mr.
Brown to ask Mr. Wllklustoask Mr. John
sou to ask thu boss if I can get olT Friday
at A o'clock?"
The bookkeeper saw the humor of the
thing at once and promptly delivered the
message to Mr. Drown, .-tud so It went up
step by step to thu boss, who smiled a sick
ly sort of Bmlle when tho request wits re
pented to him.
"Ah, yes," he said, "tho assistant book
keeper seems to bo n greatstlckler for office
"Yes, sir," returned Mr. Johnson; "he
was anxious that the request should reach
you through tho proper channels."
"Quite right," snld the boss. "Now, I
might call him in and give him my answer
lu person, but that would hardly bo lu
conformity with his idea of propriety,
would it?"
"Well, sir, I suppose It is only a llttlo
"Yes, yes, of course. Very nmuslng, this
steplndder business. Now, Mr. Johnson,
will you plenso toll Mr. Wllklns to tell Mr.
Drown to tell Mr. Smith to tell the assist
ant bookkeeper that his services nro dis
pensed with. And while yon aro passing
tho messagu down you might add that if
wo havo nny moro of this steplndder busi
ness I'll kick the wholu ladder over nud
throw It out of thu ofllco." Chicago Tribune.
(' .aaLLBllkaZ" rsviuWBi
!-" A.aftaaHillrJaHlrT1
C. K. Montgomery. President.
Herman It. Hchalwrg, Vleu Pre!
.Joseph Iloeliiner, Cashier.
O. J. Wilcox, Asst. Cashier.
German National Bank,
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues letters orcreilll,drawdrafts on all parts
of the world. Foreign collections 11 specialty.
Dr. H. S. Aley, Specialist
S-tecliil attention paid to tho treatment of these diseases
by means of electricity.
All tion-mnllKiiaut tumors of tho womb removed without
the use of the Ituife.
All operations for Injuries from childbirth skillfully per
formed. Displacement of tho womb cured In most cases without
the uso of Instruments.
Kplli-psy, St. Vitus' Dniu-o, Sciatica, Neurnlj-lu, Hysteria,
illtlurent forms of paralysis, Deformities, and all other
forms of Nervous Tumble successfully treated.
Consultation at ofllco or by mall 11.00.
Newmnii Illock, O Ht., bet. 10th nndllth, Lincoln, Neb,
Hours-!) to 12, -! to S, 7 to 8.
Morn Thuii III Share
Of tho late Bishop Ames thu following
anecdote is toldi Whllu presiding over a
curtain conference in the west a member
began a tirade against universities ami
education, thanking God that ho had nover
been corrupted by contact with a colleg
After proceeding thus for a few minute,
thu bishop Interrupted with thu question:
"Do I understand that the brother thank
God for his ignorance?"
"Well, yes," was tho answer, "you ca
put It that way If you wuut to."
"Well, nil 1 hnvu to gay," said tho bishop
I.. I. lo c.n.,ia, .liel.n1 tfltlll "fill I linVI. tn
tit Ilia dii.V(v ...w.v... w..w, .... - ...... . .
say is that the lirothur has a good deal to
thank God for."- Now Jersey Mirror.
lU'ijumU fiir Old Hooks,
Mr. Faux, the mamiger of Smith's lb
brnry, has discovered moro than ono rival
among his correspondents to tho man who
naked for a copy of "Door's Dnut." There
Is thu gentleman who wroto for "Dlvo and
tin " nml fK.limill.ll Ills orilop wllnn It was
queried to "Ive and Ho," Increasing It also '
by a request ror union's "incKy trim."
Another correspondent wished to rend tho
works of "Harry Stoille." He must have
been n friend of the Irishman who wns
well acnualnted with the writings ni I
"Denimos TheeueV nnd "Thookydleds."
J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor.
This beautiful new homo under Its present management will be conducted In
thorough first class style on the American plan, rates $2.00. It has
Including passenger elevators and bath rooms on every floor. The sleeping
apartments are large nnd elegantly furnished nnd may be had either single or en
suite. We have reserved a limited number of rooms for city patrons and are pre
pared to give excellent table board with or without rooms at reasonable rates.
Call and see us,
a- TH6 BON D -tf-
Telephone 482. Cor. lath and Q.
.aataWj WiH aM taU HL.'afHV
Atchlson, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas
City, Si- Louis and all Points South,
llnst and West.
The direct line to Ft, Scott, I'm eons
Wichita, Hutchinson and nil phclpal
points In Kansas.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas Pullman Sleepers nvl Free
Reclining Chair Cms on all trains.
City Ticket A gt. Ci;Vl gsnt
ilirti'rtitthMA 1
.jwjislktitixifi i.' . jt--M-i- Wv' u-