Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 04, 1891, Image 1

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mmh (P (Pv0 iSwSS p " "- w3aS'
"PoPillAR ' PAPER 'of modern -TliWES "
Vofc. e No. 30
Lincoln, Nkbhaska, Satumday, July 4, IdOl.
The newspaper boys Imvo occasion t'j 10
Jolce with other people ovor tho selection of
1'rof. Cnulleld of Kansas as chancellor of tliu
University of Nebraska. The new chancel
lor greets nowspnper men with n cordial wel
come and volunteers the assurance that lio
appreciates the ower of the press nml means
to use It for the benefit of the university.
Ho has Riven the reortci h to understand
that ho will lio glad to nee them and to give
theiu all possible information about the uni
versity and its work. He even contemplate
having a hook in his private den upon which
to hang iiiuuiorandn of matters of intet est,
jottlug thcui down hastily as they occur and
thus giving the rcortei8 hints which they
may elaborate by making further Inquiry of
the chancellor. Too many men at the head
of public Institutions regard reporteis as
Paul Prys, usJnipectinent nuisances who are
to bo snubbed. Chancellor Cautleld fays the
state univeisity belongs to the jieoplo and
the people are entitled to all possible infor
mation about it, which he will aid In giving.
The new chancellor has made a good impres
sion on our people, and there is reason to lo
lleve that Aho .university will flourish under
his energetic rulo us It never has before.
Speaking of .the .University, are not the
big schools with which Lincoln Is blessed u
greater source of wealth and piosperity to
tbo city thou most ipeoplo lealfzei Lincoln
has grown to such it shru that there Is very
little apparent difference to most of us
whether tbo universities are in session or not,
but a little rejection teaches us that there
juust of necessity bo .considerable diffeieuco
to the city ua whole. For example, with
500 students drawn from outsldd we know
that they must dlsti ilmto among Lincoln peo
ple, a large mm of money every month for
board alone. Then there arc the Important
items of lodging, books and incidentals. It
is quite likely that many of tlio students,
coming from smaller places, improve, the ops
portuuity to by clothing while in Lincoln.
It will be readily admitted that the colleges
bring thousands of dollais to the Capital
City every year, and the money helps the
town quite Jis much as.though it were drawn
in by some commercial enterprise that kept
iUelf constantly in tho.publle eye by its ac
tivities on the street and in the papers.
Prof. Jlerrmau, the trick artist who has
wystliied tho world for thirty-live years,
has taken a loid off my .uilnd. For many
years we huvo read of .the marvelous feats of
the East Indian jugglers, until some of us
have almost been led to .think that they were
u"" , 7 ""; ,,.'" ,.
aided by some power. He nuan
has Investigated them and finds their art
crude instead of marvelous. In the first
place, lie was not able to Jlnd a juggler who
could throw a string into tho air and then
climb up It out of sight. He attributes
yarns of Uiat kind to the exaggeration of
credulous travelers. We have all lead of
tho Indian juggler who plants set-Is In u
flower pot, covers it with a cloth, makes
some incantations and then, removing the
cloth, revealsagrowlnginougoplant. When
Herrmon saw the trick done the juggler
wore a loose, flowuig suit, in .which he had
the muiiifo nlunt concealed. After working
ou the sujerstltious of the Indians he walked
around the pot and by sleight of hand sub
stituted tike mango plant, ut the same time
maintaining to the credulous onlooker that the
plant had grown there. Xu auothor instance
a juggler wearing nothing hut a breech clout
placed a cobra on the ground,covered it with
a cloth, went through his rJgamarole, raised
the cloth and the snake u'u gone. Uerriuan,
however, saw through the trick. At ono
point in the proceeding the Juggler beut ovor
and raised the cloth slightly as if to rear
range It. Tlie cobra, a trained reptile, un
derstood tlte signal and leaped into his breach
clout, where it lay out of light. Herruian
had thought of engaging an ludlau juggler
as an assistant, but after examining their
work he concluded they would not compare
with a good American artist. They have u
few tricks like those ineutioned, but they
never Invent anything new and their work
would not stand the test of critical American
Said a Beatrice man ill the city the other
day: "I would rather have stock in our
Chautauqua assembly than hi the Standard
Oil company." That was rather a startling
proposition, and when pressed for uu explan
ation he said: "Why, simply because it Is
(laying a big interest ou the investment.
Last year Tulmage preached a sermon here
one Sunday, and how many peoplo do you
think turned out to hoar him 1 Why, 35,000,"
he continued, without waiting for an an
swer. "I know that sounds big, but the tick
et sales showed the attendance, People came
from all parte of the state, and they just ate
up everything in town. Talmage got $500
for bis sermon, and you can figure the profit
for yourself. The admission was !M cents."
Dr. Talmage has remarkable drawing quali
ties, to use i theatrical term, and from a bus
iness standpoint his discourses are valuable In
proportion. Headers of the CouiUKH are
among tho fortunate oues to get noted ser
mons regularly. Each one of them, probably ,
Is quite as good as tho Beatrice effort, and It
costs the reades but a nickel, while ho may
enjoy it at their leisure and In comfort. It
U one of the features of tho Couiukr thojt
wins it many readers among the best people.
Probably no happier celebration of tho
glorious Fourth, tho national day of freedom,
can be found in Nebraska than the quiet, un
demonstrative celebration arranged by Uov,
Thayer. Under a law passed two years ago
he has pardoned two convicts, who go free
today. Both were sentenced for life. One
has been conlliied for twenty years and the
other for thirteen. It Is hard to conceive
how a man can be happier than one who es
capes a living death, but there Is little doubt
that the governor will get more genuine
pleasure out of his art of mercy than any
man over got out of tlio flr of 111 a work. It
surely mttt lw a happy day for pardoner
and pardoned.
One thing seem to lie apparent lit connec
tion with the little street ear system. It Is
i mi by men who understand the business and
have the money to start it out in the way it
ought to go. Elcctrtu cars ari'i now running
on U stteet as well a Tenth, and other Hues
will bo electrlllod a soon its they can be
equipped. Hut one of the most notable
changes is the approaching arrangement of
the various lines ho that all the cars will go
around government square, Just as In Boston
all car lines radiate from Hcully square, In
New York from Howling Green and In Chi
cago, to a considerable extent, from State
and Madison titreots. This enables a jiemon
to go to n central point a catch a car going
in any direction, and is a groat convenience.
The late Ilrowu line lunulug out to Universi
ty Place lias Just been connected with the
main system near the Capital hotel, and is
already equipped with ulectrlclty. In n
few days It will lie jom,iblo to ride seven
miles for a nickel and without changing cars,
and the consolidation of tlio various com
panies gives Lincoln ono of the biggest and
(lnest street car systems of any city of its
size in the country.
Speaking of Boston, lb uir system is one
of the Institutions that will puzzle a stranger.
The writer once had occasion to take a car
from the Adam house and watched for one
to cQiuo along. Car after car witli tho prop
er label passed by but tlioy were all going in
tho wrong direction. Finally, in n lit of des
peration, he boarded one of them and tried
to solve the riddle by quizzing tho driver.
Yes, the car was going to the x)lut mention
ed, but it would take about all hour and a
half to get thoie, although it was not over a
flftoeiisiiilnute walk distant. Tho Boston
cars, or some of them at leust, travel around
a certain circuit and all uro headed the same
way, or w era at the time in question. Sup
pose tho University Placo lino were connect
ed with the Cottier university Hue, making a
complete circuit, and, In hqpe of some pa
troimge from Uethany.Uolghtlis, a banner
was hung out reading, "Tuta cur for the ball
game." A struugor stopping at the Capital
hotel, attracted by the banner, might natur
ally take that car If lie wanted to seo a ball
game. Well, be would get there, but you
can Imagine his fetlliigs after first traveling
to University Place and Bethany Heighths.
The Urat JleuUlt
Which eoplo in rundown state of health
deiive from Hood's Sarsapurillu, conclusive
ly proves that this medicine "makes the weak
strong." It does not act like, a stimulant,
imparting fictitious strength, but ilood's
Sarsaparilla, builds up iti a perfectly natur-
1 way nil the weakened parts, puilfles the
lllnoalul .,,- to UL .,' thtim lm.
blood, andaslste to healthy action those lot-
pioper organ, tlio kidneys and liver.
Dr. C K. Ladd, dentist, lAOTt O street.
Telephone 1-VJ. Olllce hours I) a. in. to 0 p. m.
Kaeclielln Daumgartiner it Co. celebrated
wool challLes undJKrench satiues at low prices
this week at
J. XV. W.KaKH.&.Co.
JJ09.O street.
Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by
the French dry cleaning process, nly 1ft eta.
at Lincoln Steam Dyo works, 1105 Q street.
Collections in and out of the .city at
tended to, Henta collected, Houses Jeased and
Estates managed. II. N. Wessel, .Notary
Public with liar wood, Ames & Kelly.
Bicycles of all kluds and nil makes skill
fully rehired ou short notice.,
oilcans, tit es and other supplies always for
sale at George & Fisbette, H4- O street.
See the flue display of Gold and Jlraes
Cages, Water Coolers and Filters and Leon1
ard Refrigerators. The largest and most
complete stock of House Furnishing goods
in the city at Rudge & Morris1.
Gliuutiiiiia Assemblies.
Beatrice, June 'M to July fltli; Crete,
Juno :t0tli to July 10th, and Fremont, Juue
2!d to Julv ilth. The Unfou Pacific will twll
tickets at an open rate of one fare for the
round trip. See your nearest Union PaWAc
Voutlilleue - Kuropean Face l'repartlou,
Ludles, If you want most elegant face prep
aration, try this one. It is pure as spring
water; no lead, sediment or other Injurious
substances, It makes your skin soft, fresh,
and clear; removes tan, blotches, discolora
tion, and lnqvarts a pearly complexion.
It your face is not what you desire it, try
"Youthiloue". 1 guarantee it to give perfect
satisfaction. I have sought for a prepara
tion that will mako complexions fresh and
young looking and nowl have found it, re
tailed at two dollars or threo for five. I have
secured tho agency for this trusty article.
J. II. Haiilkv. Druggist, Lincoln, Neb.
Call on Henry Harpham, Wi north Elev
enth street, opposite Capital Hotel for fly
nets, summer laproltes and carriage whips.
Bo suro and try eastern Wyoming Nut
coal. Best In the market, price 1.40 deliv
ered by Geo. A. Itaymer. Telephono 1100,
1134 O street.
tli of July Hates.
As usual the Union Pacific will sell tickets
from all stations to neighboring cities at ono
fare for the round trip. Call on or write to
me for particulars. E. I). Blosson, Agent
Union Pacillo System, Lincoln, Neb.
Our work speaks for itself. It needs no
brngor bluster, simply your own opinion
will testify to its merits. The Studio Lo
Grande Is on the ground floor, centrally lo
cattd and a beautiful place. Call and see us
at 134 south Twelfth street.
mHhut' fmttmm nWfwffWi
m u. -MiLim ntMMmBSssmmm t ? mm ma j
iwcsi.. )Mm mm , tutB.xmmtmsaM ., .. in, ,wu
win rarmis-vjwffjii it mm jpr'i mBSsetm i.s v. ' .tMbmimikm.miUMi
njvm Ji h luiuvuiii 1 u. u limta w . ' . m rmn&HBeBsiaaaam ms i .iiiiiumm mwu inmmiriwi
BPBDBi fmwBMSMK& mmim-WMl 1
HlHl mmMM iHffiil
wSKSaliWWMi yBIWiafBBraJBspjBMiW HQZjwurvSoKiMfi
flHKi, RPBPFali mSsWmi
1 fllt?acsc5Sai! mmmMMmmmMmtAM mAxmE25MLxn
i)s -asbaw Mwimmx mnwM w w m v"civmKsmjE
WHSSHr wmm imMfttfvWfm yvslw m WffMwMlmS 'Krai
Delivered on tho ovo of the Fourth of July
by tho firecracker to his brother fireworks.!
Oood friends and fireworks ulll I am not here
To heat you overmuch, although my spoecli
Shall bo an matchless as I o'er can make Iti
For otherwise on might go ofT too soon,
And thus this nlorious Fourth bo premature.
Tho tltuo will come when I shall kirk, jnu bet!
But just at present 1 am "lnjliiu low "
You hear mo shnutl And If ynu do. Just drop
Right on to what I'm going to warlilu now
Incline your cars unto the quiet tips
That I'm about to feed ton with, and don't
Fire up If I ticrrhanro should bellow "I'unkl"
I am no plnwhecl dudo. out I ran spout
With the liest of you and when It comes
To tails unfolded, the ixnwlercil one I tiara
Can raise a crop nt mm laid plaotrrson
Ily MIsKiiuri I'aHtlu Itullwuv for the fol
lowing Named Several Occasion.
Pueblo, Col., for Colorado mineral palace.
Ticket ou sale July 1 and - only and limited
for return until July 'JO, lb'Jl.
Tourist summer excursion tickets to Col
orado., Salt Lako City, Utah, and other Col
orado and Utah points of pleasure uud
health resorts nt lowest rates for round tiips,
good for six inontht.
At Auburn, Neb., teachers' normal insti
tute, July '2 to August 30, 18111.
For national educational association for
teachers, July 14 to IT inclusive, at lowest
rates, tlrst class fare for round trip plus t'i
membership fee. Tickets on sale July S to 13
inclusive; good for return ou or before Sep
tember 30, lb'.U. Call ut city ticket office,
UJ01 0 street, opposite Burr's block.
J. E. H. Mii.i.ah, City Passenger Agent.
R. P. U., General Agent, Lincoln,
II. C. Tows.knd, G. P. & T. A., St. Ixiuls,
Tho Lincoln Ice company wagons are now
making regular trips to all pai U of tho city.
Oflle. 1104 O street. Telephone, No.'-KiS.
See our beautiful individual Ice cream
moulds before ordeilug elsewhere. "The
Finest" law O street.
Are You Interested!
Tbo following frank statement from J. E.
Hare of Trenton, Texas, will bo of Interest to
many of our citizens, "My little boy win
very bad off for two mouths with dlnrrho-a,
We used vurlous medicines, also called in
two doctors, but nothing done him any good
until wu used Chamberlain's Colic, Choleiu
and Dlarrhiea Remedy, which gave imme
diate relief and soon cured him. I consider
it tho best medicine made and can conscien
tiously recommend It to all who need a illar
rhieu or collo medicine For sale by Chas
U. iiewi, uruggisi.
Henry Harpham, sells good harness for
good money, ulso joor harness for good
The Whltebreost Coal and Lime company
Is always at tho front supplying the finest
grades of all khuls of coal .
A small boy'a epidermis Just as quick
A the next one. and Uun't ou forgot 111
1 am of Chinese birth, but what's tho din
1 met a man the other tlay ho caine.
With nothing but a lint Iron and a pigtail,
Cher In lheninotcauierwlthouruiiclohoru.
And now his pigtail's gune. anil ho. fnrsnalh,
Can liUHtlo wllu tbo lautMlry Just as well
As any Yankee that ou er saw.
And so with all of us. That's rhxht. Wu'ro hr
To celebrate the glorious Fourth now See?
And ilp ullnw mo 10 cnuirii.tiiluio
My friend, the oung toy pUtol. Say. old man.
1 nover saw a fly light on jour sliupo
But what twos first to fade nwuy. And no
Small hoy lis ever tackled ynu In vain.
This or )ou must remember thai there Is
A bran new crop of bos. SaJI In and see
if you can show hat metal )nu are inado nfi
And If i oil m-4-d some help Jiut cull on us.
We're here to celebrate, and when It conies
Fuuke's 0era House was comfortably fill
ed Wednesday evening, considering tho sea
sou of the year, by Lincoln's Ojiern goers
who appreciate and endeavored to lucipro
cate for the many favors and kind attentions
shoMeiedou them by the gentlemanly at
tadiccs of that favorite resort. The pro
ceeds weie fairly large and will bo disposed
of In some maimer, to be settled in the fu
ture, probably in an excursion or u weeks
camping. The program selected for the oc
casion was "Tho Rose of Castile," The pel
foruyuico wus far fi mil that which was ex
pected, ns the company was small, consisting
of Lilt five member, and their oweis very
Manager Andrus continues to provide at
tractions that are likely to draw ciowds to
Cushmau Purk. Preparations have leou
made for a big Fourth of July celebration.
There will be a good game of base ball be
tween the famous Lincoln Giants and the
Genoa Indian Club. A number of fast trot
ting and running horses have been entered
for the days races, which piomUes to bo very
Interesting nml exciting. Among other at
tractions will be the Tub races, for which
six professionals Imvo U-e u entered. At
p. in. tlr.'io will lie a tmlloon a sccusfm and
Miruchute drop which will bo repouUil in tho
evening, using calcium lights. Tho manage
ment Is exceedingly liberal as well as atten
tive and organizations desiring to have out
ings should make dates for the pai k in ad
vance. Tlio first of a series of open air concerts
was held ou tho Capitol grounds Thursday
evening by the Conservatory Milltaiy band.
The bund is composed of the Lincoln Mili
tary band and some of tlio luhnuccd pupils
of the Conservatory under the leadership of
Professor George II. Aschuiuiiu, A large
platform was erected for the occasion and a
very succeKsful programme was carried out.
The members of the band are as follows:
Pi of, Atchinanii, Messrs Gatehouse, Sheldon,
Morton, Bailey, Semmelroth, O'Sliea, Lyons,
Williams, Smith, Curtis, Greer, Quick,
Wright, Franklin, Miller, Shaw, Ellenwood,
Howe, Miller, Peteis, Hugenaw uud Weiss.
The woist cases of scrofula, salt rheum
uud other diseases of the blood, are cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
To making things go muud, my plnwhcul friend
Can get there Just the same. If he perchunco
Does luuiv his hair ami dress In fancy colors.
Likewise tho rocket is no slouch. Not much!
For oft upon occasion have I known
Ills frisky nllm to lake tho hair right off
A man's head Isittcr than his wife could do It.
, .... ,, , ,, , ,,. .
'" " "'"' "indies ami Ureek I re:
The countless cannons, and tho nigger chasers.
And tho torpedo, on whoso modest phiz
No smllo of triumph rests. and yctnf all
JhU noble band there Is not ono of us
Who has displayed tho sund of this young
And now, my friends, go forth and do your
And If jou mako a ll.le of this day,
Why. do It so that Uncle Sam w III hrar.
Throughout tho land, tho best reports of you.
Tom Mahmon.
(,'nsliiUHit Park Special Trains.
Until further i.otlce, B. & M. trains will
run as follows lietweeu Lincoln and Cush
mau paik,
IIYffiifsifii j Ijenve Lincoln T;30 I'-Jl, and
return from Cushmau at 11 r-x.
.SVif urdii lis lienve Lincoln at :W P-M and
leturn from Cindmiau at 8 I'-M.
,S'iin(i Iave Lincoln at 10:30 a-m,
J:30 p-M, 3:30 I'M and ft:30 l'-u; returning
f i om Cushmau at 11 a-m, 3 p-M, ft r-Jt and U
P-M, and S;J0 p-M.
Regular train No. Tl leaving Lincoln
at 4:'J0 p-M daily except Sunday will also stop
at Cushmau, Ifnoifng tickets, louud trip
l ate of Ift cents will apply to all.
Flue silk underwear nt sK.vlal prices this
week at J. W. WlMiKH&Co.
1 100 O street.
Gkolociihtk Havk Dkchiki) the earth's
earth's crust to be over 100 miles thick. This
Is Alsout tho thickness of the man's head who
buys his railroad ticket shy some inferior mid
lioorly equiped line, w lien ho could get a
tick et by the "Burlington" at tho same rate
For Mule Cheap.
ftO Inch full ulckle ball Injuring Columbia
bicycle. Enquire nt CouiUKH olllce.
The Dakota Hot Springs.
The improvements that have taken place at
the Dakota Hot Springs during the past year
make It now ono cf the most opular, attrac
tive and desirable resorts of the country. In
addition to the InMiellts to bo del I veil from
the use of the water, tlie stqieiior climate
and Iwuutlful natural surroundings render it
nn oiqicclally attiactive resort, while the
curative properties of the water makes the
Springs it rival of tlie famous Hot Springs of
Arkansas. Ample hotel accommodations
are provided at reasonable rate, and the
Journey to and from can now lo quickly and
comfortably made via tho ''reinout, Elkhom
& Missouri Valley Railroad, the only nil
rail lino to the Hot Springs. Excursion
tickets aro sold at reduced rates. Full Infor
mation can Iks obtained on application to
W. M. SlIII'MAN, (If n. Agt.,
Lincoln, Neb,, or
Jno. T. Mustin, City Tkt. Agt., 1133 O
street; E.T.Moore, Depot Tkt. Agt., Cor.
Mn and S street, or to J. R. Buckham, Gen.
Pass, Agt., Omaha, Neb.
To Diiluth.
Cruel fate I
Hod, forsooth I
Hloux City , v
Won too.
More' pity j ij h '
Too, true.
Our boys
Didn't play, .
Lot equipoise; ' -sa
Atu hay.
Dave growled,
Oh, .My I
Crowd howled,
Ivl, hit
People toured,
Gut disgusted,
Players cowered
Storm busted.
Change came;
Welcome too,
Brewers game,
Followed Sioux.
Pietty play
Tui'sdny last.
Hank O'Dny
Pitched fast. ,
His arm
Never tiuer
Wiought harm.
Poor Brewer. -1
Milwaukee schemed,
Captain fumed,
1'itcheis steamed,
Coacher groomtd,
Davles Vlckery
Twilled ball.
Lincoln's hickory
Welted ball,
Howe's men
Milwaukee outtmttcd,
Fell, then,
Bieweis fatted.
We won
Tho riiiiio
My sou;
Nice game.
Next day
We Inst.
They ay
Luck crossed.
Then again
ie .. . .
Hank'slhalu .VWJ
Worked fdn.
We play Denver here Sunday,
Another pitcher Is said to be ou the way.
The Lincoln club Is In Kaiins City today.
Kid Durnbroiigh wus In excellent trim
Vlckery wasn't quite so swift Wednesday ; .
but lie was effective.
Roach has Itevu put on the bench for two
weeks without pay.
Raymond's coming back they say, bring
ing with hlui Khret, Louisville's crack
Much Interest U centered In tlw forthcom
ing state tenuis tournament to tie held 111
this city.
Stuffoid's popularity Is slightly ou tho
wane; but ho is all right. He has simply
had uu off week.
Dave says ho will keep Stafford out of tho
Held In tho future in order to keep his pitch
ing arm in trim.
O'Duy never pitched a prettier game than
that of Tuesday when ho succeeded Stafford
in tho third Inning. Six men struck out In
seven Innings and two base hits!
Unless currant rumors proveto be without
foundation Micro will bo some more, Impor
tant chnugts In tho eroniil of the Lincoln
club liefore another week goes by.
Itistheoplulon of non-prejudiced observers
that Lincoln and Milwaukee are very evenly
matched clubs. The Brewers aro u llttlo
stronger at the bat, while, Dave's men are
better llelders.
For a family medicine, Ayer's Sugar Coat
ed Pills are unrivaled. They eradicate ills
caw. Uulck uml Comfortable Trip.
Two new trains have been added to tho al
ready excellent connections eatt that tho
Great Rock Island Route lins lceu offering
to its patrons.
The Lake Shore & Mich. Southern has put
ou a new train, leaving Chicago daily at 10:
30 a. in., and the Fort Wayne (Pennsylvania
Lines), one at 10:4ft a. m.
These are dally trains, scheduled ou fast
time, mid ai rive at New York City next af
ternoon at U o'clock, and via tho first men
tioned Boston passengers reach their destlnas
tlou but 'J hours later.
The Rock Island Route Sleeper leave
Omaha daily at 4:30 p. m., and arrives at
Chicago alb. 05 a.m., in time to aiake thU
luiortaiit through connection.
For rates and tickets apply to
J. I.. 1)K Bkvois, Geu'l Agent Pass. Dept,,
Pith & Fiirnam His., Omaha.
J. no. SKHAhTtAX, Gen'l Tkt. ifc Pass. Agt.
E. Kt John, Geu'l Manager.
Timely Advice.
Now Is tlio time to provide yourself ami
family with a reliable remedy for lowel
complaints. It is utmost certain to bo need
ed, mid no family can nffoid to be without
It. It costs but a trillo and miy bo tho
means of saving much suffering, If not lite.
There are many different lemedtes ai use,
but Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy Is undoubtedly the liest. 'iH
and 50 cent bottles for sale by Chas. C. Reed,
WiiknGiwntSaii), "We will light It out
ou this lino if it takes all summer," ho proba
bly refered to the "Burlington," as every
body knows it is tho only "lino" woitli light
ing. for in tills part of the country. '
X n e