Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 27, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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"xt tiiftahmrnacle;
The t'rrw That Wat Almost SsvimI Thn
rnloni.l Criminal Th Godly Sorrow
Tli l lmttti lit HrtrntMiice,
IIkookltn, Jtino'JI. Dr. Tnlmngo's ser
mon this morning watt nn apiwal to young
men. Numbers of theso coma to tho Tnli
crnnclo service many of thorn from coun
try home, where they received Chrlttlnn
training, which, In tho temptations of city
life, Ima lccn cn.t nlf Dr. Taltnngo onlled
his sermon "Thu Homesick Soul," nnd III
text was from tho parable of thu prodigal
on, Lukoxv, 18. "I will arise nnd go to
my father."
Thoro U nothing Ilka hunger to tnko tho
energy out of n mnn. A hungry miin cm
toll neither with ixin, nor hand, nor foot.
There has I won nmny nn army defeated,
not so much for luck of iimmiuiltlun as for
Inck of bread. It was tlntt fact Unit took
tho flro out of thin young mnn of tho text
Btorm nnd oxpostiro will wear out any
man's llfo In lliui, hut hunger mnkesiilck
work, Tho most nwful cry ovor heard on
Mirth In tho cry for bread. A traveler tells
as that In Asia Minor them are trees which
boar fruit looking very much like tho long
bonn of our tlmu. It Is called thucarah.
Onco Inn while tho people reduced to
destitution would eat theso enrahs, hut
generally tho carahi, tho bean spoken of
here In thu text, were thrown only to tho
wine, nnd they crunched llioui with groat
avidity. HutthU young man of my text
could not ovon get them without stealing
tliein. So one day amid thu (twine trotiKhs
ho begins to soliloquize. lie, says: "Theso
aro no clothes for a rich man's sou to wear;
this Is no kind of business for a Jow to Ihi
engaged In feeding swine; I'll go homo,
I'll go home; I will nrlso and go to my
I know thero nro n great nmny people
who try to throw n fascination, a romancti,
a halo about sin; but notwithstanding all
that Lord Byron nml George Sand havo
aid In regard to It It Is a menu, low. con.
temptlblo business, and nutting food and
fodder Into the troughs of n herd of Iniqui
ties that root nnd wallow In the soul of
nan Is a very poor business for men nnd
women Intended to be sons and daughters
at the Lord Almighty. And when this
young mnn resolved to go homo It was a
Tory wlso thing for him to do, and tho
only question Is whether wo wll follow
I Satan promises largo wanes if wo will
err him, but ho clothes his victims with
rags, and ho pinches them with hunger,
and when they start out to do better ho
sets aftor them nil tho bloodhounds of per
dltlou. Satan conies to us today and ho
promises all luxuries, all emoluments If
we will only servo him. Liar, down with
then to the pltl "The wages of sin Is
death." Oh, the young mnn of the text
was wise when ho uttered tho resolution,
"I will arise nnd go to my fnthor."
1 In tho tlmu of Mary tho Persecutor, n
persecutor camo to a Christian woman who
ad hlddon In her house for the lord's
sake one of Christ's servants, aud tho per
secutor said, "Whero Is that heretlcf" Tho
Christian woman said, "You open that
trunk, and you will seo tho heretic." Tho
persecutor opened the trunk, and on tho
ton of the linen of the trunk he saw a gloss.
Ha said,' "Then Is no herettohere," "Ah,"
she said, "you look In tho glass, and you
will seo the herettel" As I tako up tho
mirror of God's won! today would that in
stead of seeing tho prodigal son of tho text
we might see ourselves our want, our
wandering, our sin, our lost condition so
that wo might bo as wlso as this youug
man was, and say, "I will arise and go to
Bay father."
I The resolution of this text was formed
In disgust at his pruaout circumstances. If
this young man had been by his umployor
set toculturlug (lowers or training vines
over an arbor or keeping account of tho
pork market or overseeing other laborers
ho would not have thought of going homo.
U he bad hod his pockets full of money, If
he bod boon able to any, "I have n thousand
dollar now of tny own; what's tho uso of
my golug bock to my father's houso? do
you think I am going back to npologlzo to
tho old man? why ho would put mu on tho
limits; ho would not have going on around
the old place such conduct as I have been
engaged In; 1 won't go home; thoro Is no
reason why 1 should go homo; I liavo
plenty of money, plenty of pleasant sur
roundings, why should I go homer" Aht
it was his pauperism, it was his beggary.
Be had to go home.
Soma man comes nud says to mei "Why
do you talk about the ruined state of tho
human soulf why don't you speak about
the progress of tho Nineteenth century,
and. talk of something mora exhllaratlogr"
It s for this reason: A mnn hover wants
the gospel until he 'realises ho is In a fam
ine struck state. Suppose 1 should come
to you In your home and you nro In good,
sound, robust health, and I should begin
to talk about medicines, aud about haw
much better this medicine Is than that,
and some other medicine than some other
medicine, and talk about this physician
and that physician. After n while you
set tired, and you would sayt "I don't
want to hoar about medicines. Why do
you talk to me of physicians? I never
havo a doctor."
I But suppose I come into your house and
I And you severely sick, and I know tho
. medicines that will cure you, and I know
. the physician who Is skillful euough to
meet your case. You say: "Bring on that
medicine; bring on that physician. I am
terribly sick, nnd I want help." If I cauie
to you and you feel you aro all right In
body, aud all right in mind, and all right
In soul you have need of nothing-, but sup
pose I have persuaded you that tho
leprosy of sin Is upon you, the worst of all
sickness; oh, then you say: "Bring me that
balm of the gospel; bring me that dlvino
medicament; bring me Jesus Christ."
Hut says some one In the audience,
"How do you prove that we are In a ruined
oondttlou by sin?" Well, I can prove It In
two ways, and you may have your choice.
I mn prove It by the statements of men or
by the statement of God. Which shall It
bsf You all say, "It us have the state
Beat of God." Wull, he says In one place,
"The heart Is deceitful above all things and
desperately wicked." He says In another
place, "What is man that he should be
ctoanf and be which is born of a woman,
that be should be righteous?" He says In
another place, "There is none that doeth
good, no, not one." He says In another
place, "As by one man sin entereth Into
the world, and death by sin, and so
death passed upon all men, for that
ail have sinned.", "Well," you say, "I am
willing to acknowledge that, but why
should I take tho particular fescue that
you propose?",: This Is the rsason, ',?' Ex
cept a'maa'be bora again b cannot see tha
kingdom of God." This Is tho reason,
"There is one name given under heaven
among men whereby they maybe saved."
r. "
to say, "Well, I nut ready to accept this
help of tho Oopol, I would llko to have
this dlvino euro, how shall I go to work?'1
liet me say thnt n inero whim, nn unde
fined longing amount to nothing. You
must haven stout, tremendous resolution
llko this young man of tho text when ho
said, "I will nrlso nnd go to my father."
"Ohl" says some mnn, "how do I know
my father wants mo? How do I know, If
I go bnck, I would bo received?" "Ohl"
snys some man, "you don't know whero I
hnve boon; you don't know how far I hnvo
wandered; you wouldn't talk thnt way to
mo If you knew nil tho iniquities I hnvo
committed," What is thnt llutter among
thu nngols of God? It is news, It Is nowsl
Christ has found tho lo
Nor nnircln can thulr Joy contain.
Hut klmllu with now lire;
TIju sinner tent, U round, thoy slug,
a ml Htrlko tho somulltig lyre.
When N'lipnlcoii talked of going Into
Italy, they saldi "You can't get thoro.
If you know wimt tho Alps wore you
wouldn't talk about It or think of It.
You can't get your ammunition wagons
ovor thu Alps." Then Napoleon two
in his stirrups nud waving his hand to
ward thu mountains, ho said, "There
shall bo no Alps." That wonderful pass
was laid nut which has been thu won
durmont of all thu years since tho won
derment of all engineers. And you
tell tnu thoro nro such mountains of sin be
tween your soul aud God, thcru Is no
mercy. Then I seo Christ waving his hand
toward tho mountains. I hear him say,
"I will come over tho mountains of thy sin
nud tho hills of thy Iniquity," Thoro shall
Ihj no Pyrenees; thero shall bo no Alps.
Again, I notice that this resolution of tho
young mnn of tho text was founded In sor
row at his mlsbchnvlor. It was not mere
physical plight. It was grief thnt ho had
so maltreated his fnthor. It is n sad thing
after a father has done overythtng for a
child to have that child bo ungrateful.
How sharper thnn-a serpent's tooth, It Is,
To hnvo n thankless child.
Thnt Is Shakespeare. "A foolish sou
Is thu heaviness of his mother." That Is
tho lilblo. Well, my friends, have not
some of us tcon cruel prodigals? Hnvo wo
not maltreated our Father? And such a
Father! So loving, so kind. If ho had
been n stranger, If he had forsaken us, If
ho had flagellated us, if ho hod pounded
us nnd turned us out of doors ou tho com
mons, It would not have been so wonderful
our treatment of him; but ho Is a Father
so loving, so kind, and yet how many of
ua for our wanderings hnvo uover apolo
gised. Wo apologise for wrongs done to
our follows, hut aomo of us perhaps hnvo
committed ten thousand times ten thou
sand wrongs against God nnd uover apolo
gised. I remark still farther that this resolu
tion of tho text was founded lu a feeling
of homesickness. I don't know how long
this youug mnn, how many months, how
many years he had been awny from his
father's house: but thero Is something In
tho reodlug of my text that makes mu
think ho was homesick. Somo of you
know what that feeling is. Far awny from
homo sometimes, surrounded by every
thing bright and pleasant plouty of
friends you hnvo said, "I would give the
world to bo home tonight." Well, this
youug man was homesick for his father's
house. I havu no doubt when he thought
of his father's houso he said, "Now, per
haps, father may uot bo living."
WAS TIIK Vuodioal's'motiieu ntCAD?
We, road nothing lu litis story this par
able founded ou, everyday llfo we read
nothing about tho mother. It says noth
ing about going homo to her. I think she
was dead. I thlnkshuhad died of a broken
heart at his wanderings- A mnu never
gets over having lost his mother. Noth
ing said about her heru. Hut ho is home
sick for his father's bouse. Ho thought ho
would just like to go and walk around tho
old place. He thought ho would Just llko
to go and scu If things were as thuy used
to he. Many a man after having been off
a long whllu has gonu hoinu aud knocked
at thu door, nnd a stranger has come. It
is tho old homestead, but a stranger comes
to tho door. Ho finds out father is gone
and mother Is gone, nud brothers and sis
ters all gone. I think this young man of
tho text said to himself, "Porha father
may bo dead." Still he starts to And out.
Ho is homesick. Aro there any here today
homesick for God, homuslck for heaven?
A sailor, after having been long on tho
sea, returned to his father's house, aud his
mother tried to persuade lilm not to go
away again. She said: "Now you had bet
ter stay at homo. Don't go away; wo
don't want you to go. You will bavo it u
great deal better hero." But It mado lilm
angry. Tho night before ho went away
again to sea he heard his mother praying
in tho next room, aud that made htm moru
angry, lie wont tar out ou tho sea anil a
storm came up, and bo was ordered to very
perilous duty, and ho ran up tho ratlines,
and amid tho shrouds of thu ship ho heard
tho voice that he had heartl In tho next
room. He tried to whlstlo It off, ho tried
to rally his courage, but he could not
silence that voice he had hoard In the uext
room, aud thero Jn'tho storm and tho dark-,
ness na4 saiur wiiorui w" wrowm 'i
have'been-,t what awretcli I am. Help" me
lust now. Lord'God." And I thought' lu
this assemblage today thero may bo'somo
who may have tho memory of a father's
petition or n mother's prayer pressing
mightily upon the sou), and thnt this hour
they may mnko tho same resolution I tlud
In my text, saying, "I will arise and go to
my father."
A lad at Liverpool went out to bathe,
went out Into tho sea, went out too far, got
beyond his depth and ho floated far away.
A ship bound for Dublin came along nud
took him ou board. Sailors aro geuerally
very generous fellows, aud ono gavo him a
cap and another gavo him n jacket, aud an
other gave him shoes. A gentleman pass
ing along on tho beach at Liverpool found
tho lad's clothes and took them home, and
the father was heartbroken, tho mother
was heartbroken at the loss of their child.
They bad heard nothing from him day
after day, and they ordered the usual
raourulng -for tho sad event. But the lud
took ship from Dublin and arrived In Liv
erpool the very day the garments arrived.
lie knocked at tne uoor, nnu mo tamer
was overjoyed, and the mother was over
Joyed at the return of their lost son. Oh,
my friends, have you waded out too deep?
Havo you waded down Into sin? Have
you waded from the shore? Will you come
back? When you come back, will you
come In the rags of your sin, or will you
come robed In the Saviour's righteousness?
I believe the latter. Go home to your God
today. He la waiting for you. Go hornet
But I remark concerning tuls resolution,
It was immediately put Into execution.
The context says, "Ho arose and came to
bis father," The trouble in nine hundred
aud ulnety-nine times put of a thousand is
that our resolutions amount to nothing be
cause we make them for some distant time.
If I resolve to become a Christian next
I year, that amounts to nothing at all. If I
resolve to become a Christian tomorrow,
Tlie'ii there aron ihousniid rolec here ready
rfc V i' m hiiihii '(n , M t l At Ikll IfTrih
I .M.W ....IV.I,.. ,W NFk .V Rill .. -
holva at tho service tonight to lccomo a
Christian, thnt amounts to nothing nt nil.
If I resolve nfter I go homo today to yield
my heart to God, that amounts to nothing
at nil. Tho only kind of resolution that
amounts to anything Is tho resolution that
Is Immediately put Into execution.
There Is a man who hail tho typhoid
fever. He salili "Ohl If I could gut over
this terrible dUtressI If this fever should
depart, if I could Ira restored to health, 1
would nil tho rest of my llfo servo God."
Tho fever departed. He got well enough
to walk around tho block. Ho got woll
enough to go over to Now York nnd attend
to husluets. Ho Is well todny as well as
hoovurwas. Whero Is tho broken vow?
Thero Is a man who said long ago, "If I
could live to thu year IS'JI, by that time I
will havo my business matters arranged,
and I will havu tlmo to attend to religion,
nnd I will Imi a good, thorough, consecrated
Tho yenr 1801 has como. , January, Fulf
ruary, March, April, Mny, Juno nlmost
half of thu year gone. Where Is your
broken vow? "Oh," says somo main "I'll
attend to that when I can tret niv charac
ter fixed up. When I can got over my ovll
habits, lam nowuiveii tostronu drink. "nr.
says thu man, "I amglventouncleatiness,"
or, snys thu man, "I nm given toillshuues-
ty. When I gut over my present habits,
thou I'll bu a thorough Christian." My ,
brother, you will gut worse nud worse, un
til Christ takes you lu hand. "Not tho '
righteous; sinners, Jesus camo to call."
Oil! but you say, "I agree with you on
all that, but 1 must put It of! n little
longer," Do you know thuru were many ,
who came just as near as you nro to thu .
kingdom of God and never entered It? I ,
was nt Knst Hampton and I went Into thu
cemetery to look around, nnd in that
cemetery thero nro twelvo graves side by I
sldo tho graves of sailors. Tills crew, somo .
years ngo, in a ship went Into thu breakers
at Amagansutt, alxiut tliroo miles away. I
My brother, then preaching nt Knst Hntup-
ton, had been nt thu burial. These men of
tho crew camo very near tielng saved.
Thu neoplu from Amagnusett saw tho
vessel, aud they shot rockets, nnd they scut ,
roties from tho shore, nnd these poor fel-,
lows got Into tho !out, and they pulled
mightily for tho shore, but Just before they
got to tho shore tho rope snnpped and tho
boat cnpslsed and they were lost, their
IxkIIcs afterward washed up on tho beach.
Oh, what it solemn day it was I bavo
been told of it by my brother when these
twelvo men lay nt tho foot of the pulpit '
and ho read over them tho funeral service!
They camo very near Bhoro within shout
ing distance of tho shore yet did not nr
rlvo on solid land. Thcru aro soinu men
who comu almost to tho shoru of God's
mercy, but uot quite, uot quite. To Ihi
only almost saved is uot to bo saved at nil.
I will tell you of two prodigals, tho one
thnt got hack and tho other that did not
get back. In Virginia thcru Is u very pros
perous aud beautiful homo lu many re
spects. A young man wnndered off from
that homo. He wnndered very far Into sin.
They heard of him often, but ho was al
ways on tho wrong track. He would not
go homo. At tho door of that beautlfui
homo ono night thero was a great outcry.
Thu young mnn of tho houso ran down nud
opened tho door to seo what was tho mat
ter. It was midnight. The rest of tho
family wore asleep. Thoro were tho wife
and tho children of this prodigal young
man. Tho tact was ho had come home nud
driven them out. He said: "Out of this
house. Away with these children; I will
dash their brains out Out into tho
Tho mother gathered them up nud tied.
Tho next morning tho brother, the youug
man who had stayed at homo, went out to
find this prodigal brother and son, nnd he
came whore ho was, and saw tho young
man wandering up and down in front of
tho place whero ho had been staying, nml
tho young mnn who bad kept his integrity
said to tho older brother: "Hero, what does
nil this mean? What is tho matter with
you? Why do you net In this way?" Tho
prodigal looked nt him and said: "Who am
I? Who do you tako mo to Ihj?" He said,
"You are my brother." "No, I am uot; I
nm n brute. Have you seen anything of
my wlfo and children? Aro they dead? I
drove them out last night in tho storm. I
am a brute. John, do you think thero Is
any help for mo? Do you think I will over
get over this life of dissipation?" Ho said,
"Brother, thero is just onu thing that will
atop this." Tho prodigal rati his linger
across his throat nud said: "Thnt will stop
It, and I'll stop It before uight. Ohl my
bralu; I can stand it no longer." That
prodigal never got home. But I will tell
you of a prodigal that did get homo.
Ill England two young men started from
their father's house and went down to
Portsmouth. Tho father could not pursue
his children; for somo reason ho could not
ieavo home, and so ho wrote a letter down
to Mr. Grtfllu, saying: "Mr. Griffin, I wisli
you would go aud seo my two sons. They
have arrived in Portsmouth, aud they are
going to tako ship nud going away from
homo. 'I wtsh you would ttersumle them
back.!' Mr. GrltUn wen t and lie tried tqr
persuaue mora uhck. aie porsuauea oue w
go. j Hon went with very easy 'persuasion
uocauseine .wosvery. uomesioK. ainuuiy.
The other young man said: "I will not go.
I have had enough of homo. I'll never go
home." "Well," said Mr, Grifllu, ''thou If
you won't go home I'll got you a respectable
position on a resnectablo ship." "No you
won't," said tho prodigal; "No you wou't.
I am golug as a common sailor; that will
plague my father most, and what will do
most to tantallzo nnd worry him will please
mo best
Years passed on, nnd Mr. Grifllu was
seated tn his study ono day when a mes
sage came to him that there was a young
man lu Irons on u ship at tho dock a
youug man conuemneu to ueatli who
wished to see this clergyman. Mr. Grldln
member timt young mail 1 you irieci to per-
weui uown 10 iuo uoca aim wenion snip- 'Ufa also customary to wear sackcloth mid
board. Tho young man wild to him, "ou R0 ,,Uo mornK ,,t thu tltneof an eclipse,
uoin Know me, uo your- ro, no snmj . leagt lllltli ti. gun ja8 been rescued
"I don't know you." "Why, don't you ro- , ,i, r,,t. .lr.iu-nn whlrh n,k tn dn.
suade to go Home, ami no woutunt gor lagt tho eml)eror Wtt8 petitioned. Ho be
"Oh.ycs." said Mr. Grllllu. "Aro you that ' 1.,.. ... linurtitinii ,,u 1,1. ,-.nrfi. nr,iarMi
manf" "Yes, I am that man," said the
other. "I would like to have you pray for
mo. 1 navecommiweu muruer.nuu 1 must
uie, uut 1 uunt wuuv iu ku ul1 01 mis
world until some oue prays for me. You
are my father's friend, aud I would like to
have you pray for me."
Mr. Griffin went from judicial authority
to Judicial authority to get tho young
man's pardon. Ho slept uot night nor day.
He went from influential persou to Influ
antlal person until some way he got that
young man's pardon. Ho camo uown on
the dock, and as be arrived on the dock
with tho pardon the father tame. He had
heard that htsson.nnderadlsguised name,
bad been committing crlmo aud was golug
to be put to death. So Mr. Grllllu and the
father went on the ship's deck, and ivt the
very moment Mr. Grlllln olTercdtho pardon
to the young man, the old father threw his
arms around tho son's neck and tho son
said: "Father, I have doue very wrong aud
I nlff Vfrj'sorfy "tl5li HffcrevW broken"
your heart. I a.n very sorry." "Ohl"sald
tho father, "don't mention It; it don't
make any illfTercnco now, It Is nil over. I
forgive you, my sou," nnd ho klsscd-hlm
nud kissed him nnd kissed him.
Today I offer you thu pardon of tho gos
pelfull pardon, free pardon. I do not
care what your sin has been. Though you
say you havu committed n crlmo ngnlnst
God, against your own soul, ngalust your
fcllowmnti, against ynnr family, ngnlnst
thu day of Judgment, against thu cross of
Christ whatever your crlmo has been,
heru Is pardon, full pardon, nnd tho very
moment that you tako that pardon your
heavenly father throws his arms around
about you nud says: "My son, I forgive
jou. It is all right. You are as much In
triy favor now as If you had nover sinned."
01 there is joy on earth nnd joy in heaven.
Who will tuku thu father's embrace?
There was a gentleman in n rail car who
saw lu that samu car thrcu passengurs of
very dilTerunt circumstances. Tho first
was a maniac. Ho was carefully guarded
by his attendants. His mind, llko a ship
dismasted, was Ix-ating against u dnrk,
ileaolatu coast, from which no lielu couhl
comu. Thu train stopped, nud tho man
was taken out Into tho asylum to wastu
away, perhaps, through years of gloom.
Tho second passenger was n culprit. Tho
outraged law had seized on him. As tho
cars Jolted thu chains rattled. Ou his face
were crime, depravity and despair, Tho
' train halted and ho was taken out to tho
penitentiary, to which ho had been con
demned. Thcru was tho third passenger,
under far dl.Terent circumstances. She
was a bride. Kvery hour was gay us a
J mnrrlagulH-lt. Llfo glittered and beckoned.
Her companion was taking her to his fa
ther's bouse. Thu train halted. Thu old
man was thero to welcome her to her new
home, nud his whlto locks snowed down
' upon her as ho scaled his word with a fa-
I titer's kiss.
Quickly wo fly toward eternity. Wo will
soon bo thero. Somo leave this llfo con-
I domncd. Oh, may it bo with us, that,
leaving this fleeting life for tho next, we
mny find our Father ready to greet us to
our now homo with him forever. That
will bo a mnrrlngo banquet! Father's wel
come) Fnther's bosom! Father's klssl
Heaven! Henven!
James Keeps Ills Place.
Thero Is a small boy working In a mer-
fsnti llii out nltllalittintit Itt tlita tnivn t1irt lu
not ,koly to l)u mllgwi whlj0 uo tny8 ,
Now York state and tho present laws stand
as they do. .More than tnis concerning
this young man It would be rnsh to proph
esy. Now, the merchant who employs lilm to
do a great many things very badly Is large,
! red of face, pompous and dignified. He
wiuf uiicu in uiu twiiiiiu Kiiuury n iv iuiiiiii
ton when Hoscoo Conkling sat down, met
aphorically speaking, ou a statesman from
Jimtown or somo other place. Since that
tlmo this merchaut has been Conkling
esquo, particularly when rebuking nn em
ploye. Now the small boy, who mny bo called
James, succeeded tho other day In perform
ing somo especially villainous action that
drew down upon him thu wrath of his em
ployer. So ho was called Into tho presence.
Tho dignified merchant expanded his chest,
frowned aud proceeded to annihilate the
small boy with a look. Tho small boy
would not annihilate.
"James 1" said tho merchant haughtily.
"Yas, sir," said James not at all haught
ily. "I wish you to listen to mo."
"Yas, sir," said James.
"This sort of thing won't do at all, air."
"Yas, sir," said James.
"There can be no apology for such pro
ceedings! Do you hear, sir?" said tho mer
chant. "I will not hear of an apology,
"Yas, sir," said James, "but I haven't
made nono."
Then the seance closed, nnd James is not
yet discharged. Thu haughty merchant is
still thinking the matter over, nnd does not
sue his way clear. James does. Now York
Lnille Hiding Sltleway.
Thu Introduction of thu stylu of riding on
horseback sldu saddle is attributed to Anna
of Bohemia, consort of Richard II. She it
was, according to Stowu, who originally
showed thu women of England how grace
fully nnd conveniently thuy might ridu ou
horseback sideways. Another historian,
enumerating thu new fashions of Richard
U's reign, observes:
"Likewise noble indies then used high
heads, and corsets aud robes with long
trains, and seats on sldu saddles on their
horses, by tho example of tho respectable
Queen Anna, daughter of tho king of Bo
hemia, who first introduced tho custom
into tho kingdom; for before women of
every rank rode as men."
Stothard, lu his beautiful illustrative
picture pf Chaucer's "Canterbury Pil
grims," appears, according to the above
quoted authorities, to havo committed nn
anachronism In placing tho most conspicu
ous female character of his fine composi
tion sideways an her steed. That tho indy
ought to hnvo been depicted riding tho
male fashion might have been inferred,
without any historical research on tho sub
ject, from tho poet's describing her as hav
ing nn her feel "a pair of spurres sharne."
Detroit Free Press.
The Oreut Sun Dragon.
It Is the belief among both tho Ignorant
ami tin iwlitpiitpfl nlAHHAA fit Hhlnn. that
j eclipses of tho sun nro cnused by a great
urugon wmcil uixempi-H iu uuvour me cen
ter of our solar Bystom. An eclipso which
was vislblu In tho Celestial empire occurred
nt n tlmu when tho peoplu weru celebrating
tho birthday of tho emperor. Now, It is
,.. .nutiti, tn f-Alitiruti fill nVMllt nlml
' j tuo ym raiment that can bu afforded;
vourit. Here. Indeed, was n dilemma. At
,,,B birthday Iguored aud commanded tho
people to go Into mou ruing until tho sun
Bhftll n.gCued." St. Louis Republic
Jonfclns llrcaks Louse.
Miss Fendersou U ono of those lovely,
nymphlike innldens who seem tho incarna
tion of somo poet's dream of beauty. She
is somewhat above medium height, with a
lithe, graceful figure, exquisite in its pro
portions, and 11 (waring of mingled ease
and dignity. Tho clustering locks of her
bright, golden brown hair contrast strik
ingly with her large, velvety lashes over
arched by strongly marked eyebrows. In
moments of animation or excitement tho
pale tea rose tint of her cheeks deepens and
Hushes llko "a rosy dawn," and her brill
iant ees glow with redoubled luster. Hers
Is not the beauty of coloring alone, for her
features have a cameoliko delicacy nnd
.regularity, Now Orleans Picayune.
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600 Cloth Top Lace Shoes
FOR $4.00.
Parker .&
Our work speaks for itself, it needs no brapj
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We are especially well prepared to enter
tain larKoor ttmall gatherliiKs at IlamiuetK,
Halls, Heeeptlons, Kie. ltntes anil mil Infor
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