Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 27, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Walter Whitman Knowi Them Well ami
Here Telle All About Them They Are
Bright Men, Capable JonrnalUtt and
flood Fellows All Rnunil.
Special Correspondence.)
WASicmoTON, Juno 18. There are
fewer changes from yenr to year among
Washington correspondents representing
tho Doston papers than there nre perhaps
among thoso of nny otlier city. In tho
New York and western ofllcos tho policy
seeius to bo for "a shake up" every littlo
while, and after it man has done Wash-
bo a serious disappointment to a
great many of Tho Journal's readers.
"Wobb" is R D. Wight, who has for
years kept Joumul readers au cour
ant with national capital affairs and
served them with puroand unadulterated
Republican politics. Ho is ono of tho
most painstaking and acenrato corre
spondents hero, and whatever ho sends
over his signature can bo rolled upon as
being correct
Mr. Wight was bom in Massachusetts
in 1813. Ho moved to Illinois in 1850.
tho leading Cauadlau journals and Is a
regular contributor to tho columns of
Tho St, James' Giuotto, of London.
CharWs A. Conant Is tho correspondent
of tho Doston Post Ho Is it direct do
sccudant of Roger Conant, a momlor of
tho Plymouth colony and ono of tho first
settlers of Salem, Mass. Mr. Conant en-
' tored journalism as a reporter for tho
Boston Dally Advertiser In 1880. Ho
I was the legislative and otitical reporter
for that paper from 1883 to 1880, and
1 during that timo his work was marked
Asa youth his health was tr, and In- by a thorough nnd comprehensive knowl-
stead of taking part in tho games of oth- edgo of polities and a keen insight Into
er boyB his sparo tlmo was devoted to j what was going on below tho surface
study. Ho comtnonccd tho battle of tho His work was always reliable, ard ho
world nloiiu at fifteen, and Is still in tho was tho possessor of such a bright and
thickest of tho fight Determined to no- vigorous stylo that his roportB wero unb
quire tho iK-st education possible, Ho took vcrsally read.
He camo to Washington as corresond
cut of Tho Post in 1880. soon after The
Advertiser became a Republican organ.
He has always been au Independent
Democrat in jwlitlcs and a strong udvo
' cato of civil service reform, and writing
for a Republican paper was not con
genial to him. Ho has leoii Tho Post's
correspondent hero for tho last five
years, with tho intermission of one year
when ho was private secretary to Gen
eral Corso, postmaster at Uoston, but ho
resigned because official life was too dull
in comparison with newspaper work.
Two years ago, In addition to his Bos
ton work, ho became correspondent of
tho New York Commercial Bulletin,
which pays special attention to business
and financial subjects. As a writer on
a university course aud graduated young,
Afterward he spent several years in
Europe, taking a course at the University
of Berlin and also studied in Paris. Re
turning from Buropo ho studied law
nnd spent three years intheofiiceof Mel
ville W Fuller in Chicago, now chief
I justice of the supreme court of the
I United States. During that timo ho prac
ticed law until tho great fire, which do- '
stroyed his library and spread such uni
versal devastation.
I During all this timo, however, ho had
lieon constantly engaged in literary work.
While In Europe lie had corresponded I
with Charles A. Dana's Chicago Repub
lican, now Tho Inter-Ocean, aud when ho
roturned to Chicago, and while praetlc
Ing law, ho wroto editorials for the Chi
cago Tribune and mado translations from ' financial affairs Mr. Conant Is regarded
ington for n congress or two he Is ordered
back to tho homo olllco. Out tho Boston
papers rarely mako changes, and as a re
sult tho correspondents mako a circlo of
acquaintances which is very valuable to
Tho oldest man in (mint of service on
tho "Row ia William B. Shaw, tho rep
resentative of tho Boston Transcript Ho
camo to Washington In 1850, having
completed his trade aa a printer at
Towanda, Pa. In this city ho obtained
a situation in the government printing
office, and whilo working at tho case
sent letters to papers in his native state.
At tho commencement of Pierco's ad
ministration ho was engaged by James
Gordon Bennett as Washington corro
ipondentof tho Now York Herald, which
position ho hold for ten years. During
that tlmo, in 1852, ho sent to Tho Horald
tho first telegraphic nows dispatch sent
from the national capital.
Prior to and up to that year leading
journals in Now York and other cities
relied solely upon tho malls for their "dis
patches." Telegraphic messages at this
early period were very expensive, cost
ing ten cents a word. Tho smallest pa
per today has a far greater service than
The Herald did forty years ago. After
leaving Tho Herald Mr. Shaw transferred
his services to Tho Transcript, and ho has
been continuously employed by that pa
per for the last thirty years.
Tho Boston Herald has always given a
good deal of space to Washington news,
and its Washington bureau has been a
prominent feature of the paper. During
the last session of congress it kept sev
eral men employed here. Henry B. P.
Macfarland, ono of tho principal corre
spondents, comes from a newspaper
family. His father accompanied Colonel
John W. Forney, of Philadelphia, to
Washington when tho latter, during tho
wnr, established, at tho request of Presi
dent Lincoln, Tho Morning Chronicle to
counteract tho influence of The National
Macfarland wusorigiually intended for
the bar. Ho was educated at Rittonhouse
academy, and was preparing for Prince
ton when his father died in 1870. In tho
fall of that year ho went into tho law
offico of William B. Webb, afterward
president of tho board of commissioners
of tho District of Columbia, and read
law until 1870, when ho entered Tho
Herald bureau. In 1891 ho became cor
respondent of tho Philadelphia Record,
and has ever sinco continued to represent
that paper hero. Ho also represented for
somo years tho Cincinnati Commercial.
Ho has been offered, but declined, the
correspondence of other papers, including
tho London correspondence of ono of the
leading Now York papers. He is finan
cially Interested in weekly periodicals in
Washington controlled by tho Army and
Navy Register Publishing company. Mr.
Macfarland married in October, 1888, tho
daughter of Hon. John W. Douglass,
president of tho board of commissioners
of tho District of 'Columbia.
Mr. Macfarlund is very popular with
his associates. Ho is it member and dea
con of tho Church of tho Covenant aud
superintendent of its covenant mission.
Ho is a member of a number of organi
zations and served at ono time as presi
dent of tho celebrated Gridiron club.
Ho has a remark
ablo and intimate
acquaintance with
public men, a great
many of his father's
German and French, somo of which
i wero published In iwok form. After the
' firo he camo to Washington, nnd has
I sinco remained In this city. Ho has rep
. resented here tho Chicago Tribune, Chi
cago Inter-Ocean aud Boston Journal
friends being
only too glad to
help him along
when ho lw
camo an active
n o w spnpor
worker. As a
writer Mr.
as an authority, aud his dispatches have
been marked by that same accuracy and
intimato knowledge of his subject which
distinguished his early work in tho po
litical field. Mr. Conant is a proficient
French scholar and a great reader of
Mr. Wight has two fads. Ono Is tho ' aolld literature. Ho takes an active In-
collection of scraps. Ho Is an omnlvor
ous reader of newspapers, and everything
of posslblo interest which ho runs across
is cut out and placed in his collection.
Ho now has what is undoubtedly the
most valuable private Bcrap collection in
tho United States, and whenever a pub
lio man dies or something happens to
him and the other correspondents want
somo facta about his career they go to
Mr. Wight, and he Is ablo to produco
from his collection just tho information
they are in search of. Mr. Wight's other
fad is amateur photography. Ho delights
in traveling round in out of tho way
places and getting a shot with his camera
at somo person or thing a littlo bit out
of tho ordinary. Ho is very exiwrt with
tho camera, and has turned out somo
beautiful work.
Tho head of the Washington bureau of
the Boston Globe is A. Maurice Low, an
Englishman by birth but an American
by adoption. It is appropriate that he
should represent a Massachusetts paper
as his wife, a nieco of Mrs. E. D. E. N.
Southworth, is a direct descendant of
Jonathau Belcher, one of tho colonial
Macfarland is possessed of a clear, in
cisive stylo and ho boa a keen sense of
humor. His weekly letters to the Phila
delphia Record nre quoted all over the
If the reader of the Boston Morning
Journal should pick up his paper somo
morning at tho breakfast table and not
find tho signature "Wobb" to a Wash
ington dispatch ho would know that
something hifd happened, and it is
safe to eay that this omission wonld
tcrest in politics and for several years
was chairman of Ins town committee.
In 1880 ho was tho Democratic candidate
for tho legislature.
Walter Wkllman.
Heiieviilmice III "l.uclcy Wnlk."
IIU Conirurtuliln Sunlit Ultimo.
Special Correspondence!
New Yohk, Juno 17. A benevolent
but worldly lady recently called upon
Dr. Robert Collyer In lelialf of an ob
ject of charity ujwn whom sho had ex
pended all posslblo ersoiutl resources.
The caso was a pathetic one, the good
lady's heart was full of It, and sho plead
ed her cause in an unusually earnest nnd
soulful manner.
In tho course of it sho did not hesitate
to tell the reverend gentleman that sho
had not been in church for many years,
that sho hated creeds, was bored by serv
ice and despised mummery, but that she
could not see a human being suffer, and
that sho prayed constantly without go
ing on her knees.
governors of the old Bay State. Mr. , 1IOgT . V ,7ii r1 , , y , l '
Low's first newspaper work In this coun- " " fivo dollar bill from his pocket
try was done on tho old Waslilngton
Republican at the timo when
it passed Into tue
hands of Second
Assistant Post
master Genera
Brady. The as
sassi n ation of
President Gar
field followed
very shortly af
terward, and he
reported the
Guiteau trial for
Tho Republican,
besides "doing" wight.
tho execution of the murderer. Ho left
The Republican to accept a place on
Music and Drama, in Now York, and
was later editor of one of the news
services of the American Press Associa
tion. From Now York he went to De
troit, where ho helped ,to start The
Times, tho best daily paper Detroit over
had, and afterward went to The News.
Returning tu Washington ho entered
Tho Glolie bureau, and ultimately was
placed in charge.
Last year Mr. Low sprang a sensation
on the public which attracted tho atten
tion ot public men on three continent.
"I got twenty-five dollars this morn
ing for a funeral service. I do not like
funeral money. Ten dollars of it I have
given to a ioor boy who is working his
way through school, fivo dollars went to
a poor woman to pay her rent, fivo dol
lars 1 invested in a fraud. 1 had a
sneaking idea," ho continued, with a dry
littlo chuckle and a humorous lighting
up of his beautiful face, "that tho Lord
was going to let mo have this five dol
lars, but it seems ho is not. Take it, and
I will speak to tho ladies of the church
and have them send more.
"Madam," he added, as the lady took
her leave. "About that littlo matter of
attending church, I guess you need not
worry if this is tho way you do If you
have any trouble at the gate with St.
Peter, just let mo know, and I will give
you palters of passport!"
Dr. Collyer is a man who protests
against giving with the right hand and
with the left drops his last quarter into
tho lteggar's hand. He insists that in
discriminate charity is productive of
poverty; that our people all glvo too
much; that the south of England, where
the church bears its poor from cntdlo to
grave, is pauperized lieyoud redemption,
Nevertheless ho is unceasing in general
ship of the charity resources of his
church, and would bo tho first to tuke tho
coat oft his hock to cover a man who
On festive occasions, such as Thanks
giving and Christinas, it is his habit the
The Bohring sea negotiations had as- , first thing In tho morning to take wlmt
Binned au acute phase, and Lord Sails- ho calls his "lucky walk." He puts what
bury, through the Britisli minister here, ' ever money he happens to have in his
bad informed Mr. Blaine that in caso ocket and goes out on the street. To
any more British vessels were seized it tho very first person that appeals to him,
would bo the iwinful duty of tho admiral i without question, doubt or hesitation,
in command or ner majesty s forces on
tho Pacific station to recapture tho ships,
even resorting to force if necessary.
Lord Salisbury's language was vigorous
aud loft no doubt us to its meaning.
Tho fact of the ultimatum having been
delivered was kept a profound state so
cret for some days, but Mr. Low got
hold of the Information, and promptly
sent tt to The Globe and other papers
which he represented. Tho news created
a good deal of excitement, and the dis
patch having ben telegraphed back to
Washington, tho correspondents of other
papers were instructed by their homo
ofllees to ascertain If the story was true.
Mr. Blaine was in Bar Hitrltor at tho
time, but tho British minister was hero
nnd lie promptly stamped the dispatch
its a canard. Mr. Blaine, when inter
viewed, was diplomatically silent. The
mutter was brought up In the Britisli
and Canadian houses of commons and
tho ministers were questioned, but
they refused to give any informa
tion. Meanwhile Mr. Low In later dis
patches vouched for the absolute nc
curacy of his information nnd the
president was asked to transmit tho cor
respondence to congress. After somo
delay it was sent in, "and among the
papers was the ultimatum which is now
a matter of history. It was not tho first
time, and probably will not lw the last,
that public men had obtained tho tlrit
information regarding official acts of the
greatest importance- from tho news
papers. Mr. Low dovotes a great deal
of time to tho study of foreign ques
tions. Ho has been the correspondent of
he gives every cent with a benediction,
"It is but selfishness," ho says. "1 do
it that I may eat my turkey in peace I"
Ho looks ns if ho might have been
cast in a mold that was meant for a
statuo of Benevolence massive, whole
some, kindly, large in every sense of the
word, with a light in his beautiful eyes
like a reflection of divine truth. Ho re
gards life as a study aud death but a
chango. "I would go over it all again,"
ho sjtys; "every bit of it." Mrs. Collyer
died liwt Octolier. He refers to her with
tears in his eyes.
Ho has a comfortable sunlit home here
on upper Broadway, which is presided
over by a sister who looks liko a Scotch
queen tall, large, straight as a young
tree, of extremely noble and dignified
beuring, with snow-white hair arranged
in large puffs, and a face bearing an ex
pression of having curried some noble
thought in its muscles every moment of
her whole life. Strangely enough, in
her resemblance to her brother, while
he is distinctively masculine, she essen
tially feminine in typo, yet in her face
lies tho expression of tho greater strength.
Fannii: Eihiau Thomas.
The apparent flattening of the vanlt
of tho heavens has been found to have
mi animal period and to dejwud on
clouds, it seems least flat with a misty
horizon aud less by night than by day.
Tho lowest temperature ever recorded
anywhere was noted by Gorochow, Deo.
B0, 1871, at Werchojausk, Siberia 81
'.legs. Fahr., or 113 dogs, of frost.
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