Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 27, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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rfV r.:
t -i .
Tim Omi Rkliahli.
In dill licndqunrlers for-
Ice Cream
Ices, Cakes, Candies, Etc.
Our Special order depart
ment for catering to private
residence and parties is the
most popular in the city
"Prompt delivery, pure goods
and reasonable prices" is our
1307 0 St. Telephone 001
TO 0X733,
Lincoln Patrons
We beg to Inform jou Hint our Stock of
Spring aad Summer
is now ready for your Inspection niul
comprise nil the
From the
Finest French! English
Bierj Garment Strictly First-Class I
Guckert & McDonald,
37iS. 15th St. Corratpondtnct Solicited
' l HUM &JZm
May l) produced by tlio use of M1U). OKA
HAM'H Eugenie Enamel mitt her Hono
Bloom. Tho complexion nml color nro mailo
perfect, nml tho closest scrutiny coulit nol de
tect one Brain of powder or the leant Indica
tion of nrtlllclnl color. I will stake my rep
uUlton ttiut on nny face I can give the moat
delightful complexion nnd color with En
tente Eunmol niul Bote Blossom, nnd
that no on conlil possibly tell that
the color or completion were nrtlllc
UK Till U IiIkU art In cosmetic. They
are ouch mora harmless tlnin nny other cos-
metlft III tlio world, bccuiuo they nro each ill'
ni vim.' In their nature, nml thus docs not
do up the pore. When using these superb
cosmetics you may wipe mo hum or porspi
A Delightful llrlrrnt for the Invalid,
Tourist nml I'lvnaurr Honker
Among Mm vnrlous numtiiei resorts claim
ing i-ii'onltloii 11 worthy of rollnod patron
age, none cmi compare with those of Huenn
VMn In nil thnt goes to in tko up n season of
continued delights, nml n Kojoiirn of iiilit
rent ami pleasant recreation.
Nowhere In the country can lie fomiil such
n combination of attraction niul advan
tages an I oeed by thin charming re.
trent In tholienit of the Rocky'. It enn
lHt Iki renched by the "Hurllngton" to Den
ver, nml thence by cither the I). & U. ('.,
theUouth Park, or the Colorado Midland
Hnllwn, and the trip can Imi ninilo In from
'J!l to -'7 hour, nccortlliiK to the route se
lected. The" springs nro live mile from the sta
tion, and guests are conveyed to niul fro.n
the hotel In easy tiding carriages, oitlier
morning or evening.
The lintel linn broad veranda, nml ll con
tnlm llfty room, newly furnished nml hand
somely decorated, everything In neat nml
clean, nml nn elevation of 71)00 feet renders
the cllinnto delightfully rnnl, refreshing nml
Hot It the hotel nml bath house are loctted
on the hnnksnf a beautiful mountain treiim,
nml Immediately nt the mouth of Cotton
wood Canon, n plcturepio gorge of remark
able benuty nml surrounded hy the colle
giate mouiitnliiN, Tlmps tho inont majestic
nml sublimely beautiful ((roup of mountain
penkn in Colorado, Mt. l'rlnccton, 1 4 1(H) feet,
Mt, Harvnrd, I IIVS:! feet, nml Mt. Yale, M,
101, The summits of nil tlirvti tuny lw reach
el with nnddle horned.
Blx tulle up the canon In Cotton-wood
lake, n beautiful sheet of wnter covering
nhout sixty ncicn, surrounded by lofty
crnig nml towering moiiutnlmi, nml tilled
with trout. Boating U a delightful feature
of till lomnntiu spot, nml affords endless
pleasuro nml lienlth k'vIhk exercise.
Three mile up the canon it the remarka
ble cold spring, discharging the wnter thnt
form the sparkling stream thnt run below.
One of the largest and most recent of ex
tinct, volcanic crater can be seen from thu
hotel nml I easily reached by tho curious
nml Interested in nature handiwork.
Good Hulling tuny lie had within llfty
ynrds of the hotel, all of the live stream In
the vicinity being filled with trout, Oaino
I abundant, both lnrge nml small, (a tine
buck was recently shot from the hotel ver
anda), nml sKrtHineii can rest assured of
much enjoyment.
Wild berries and wild (lowers nre abun
dant, nml grow In great luxuriance. Tho
hotel Is built upon a great glacial innrnlu e
nml I surrounded by beautiful shaded walk
while the canon and thu bank of the stream
nre bordered by fern nml Dowers. Tho
liullnii know thu virtus of these water gen
erntlou ago nml they were n favorite haunt
of the Hodmen who eagerly sought the heal
ing waters for their health giving proper
tic. Arrow head of exipilslte workmanship
nre still found In tho vicinity while specU
men mineral and vnriou kind of ngnte
will richly repay the patient seeker.
The view from the hotel is entrancing,
overlooking as It doe, the beautiful cotton
wood valley. To the southward the view I
limited by the tuowy summit of tlio Sangre
de Chrlsto range, east want acros the valley,
the town of lluena Vista, with the Park
range for a back ground, northward tho
Buffalo peaks and westward the grand colle
giate group of mountains.
"The lovely ever changing views
Of mountain, sky niul landscape
Are so gorgeous.
Much n constant delight,
And so restful."
The baths nt present consist of largo
plunge nud tub, the fenner contain over
10,000 gallon of mineral wnter each, nud
have natural heat nt the spring of 1-0 to
140 degree fnhrunheit, nml nre kept ns hot
In the bath houses ns I suitable for bathing.
The cooling niul dressing room mo con
vqulvtly connected with tho bath niul
everything i arranged In a most substantial
nml Intelligent maimer. The springs nro
tuoiu than llfty in number, nml iuclu le both
hot nml cold, nml tho celebrated iron spring
whose waters nro excellent for drinking.
Dr. O. N. Fay of lloulder, Co!o , In speak
ing of the diseases which might expect great
benellt, uientiors conumptlon, spinal troub
les, nil ailment thnt have their origin In
congestion, u forgo jwrccnt of female troub
les, such ns congestion of the liver, spleen or
stomach, rheumatism, excessive drinking,
malnrln, Indigestion, sleeplessness, kidney
and bladder troubles, in fact, nny disorder of
the system which has nnt reached tissue ills
organization. Among the umuyemeuU in connection with
the hotel nre the lawn tenuis and croquet
grounds, and there nro Innumerable rides,
drives nml walks.
No liquors will be sold nt the hotel, or near
it, but the various spring waters will lie tat
tled nml enrbonated for drinking. The
charges (including baths,) are 13.00 to 'J.oO
per day, or $10.00 to $15.00 per week, and
compared with thoe of similar resorts will
bo found vastly cheaper, nml equally ns
good, if not better.
The proprietor, Mr. J. A. Chain, lluena
Vista, Colorado will cheerfully give any fur
ther Information desired.
We herewith copy two letters and scores of
others can be submitted It desired. They
are very convincing and show tho high ami
enviable reputation these springs enjoy.
tho world. The water of the lluena Vista
hot spring, If properly applied will not fall
to give rjiceily relief In nearly nil kinds of
skin diseases, catarrh, acute bronchitis, joint
nnd muscular rheumatism, nml dyspepsia,
An analysis of the water I could not give nt
present. Thoro nre vernl spring of vnr
ions kind nud temperature In the glen above
the house. To properly develop these
springs nud then let tlio population of tho
United Htnte know what I know about
them, there would not lie room In live year
in thl part of the valley for the people who
would want to come nnd live or sojourn hem,
Yours hurriedly, with respect,
II, Julian Allen, M. I).
The II, fc M, have a line of low rate excur
sion tickets to thl cclchmtcd resort, as well
ns to nil other luiKrtant point in the coun
try, nml nil Inqulrlc concerning the same
will receive prompt and courteous attention.
A. O. Zikjikii, City Pas. Agt.
lu the l.ettur.
Tho Guv'nor Whuru tho where nro nil
thollghts, Michael f
Mlchnul Down tho well, norr.
Tho Guv'nor Down tho wellr
Michael Yls, sorr. Tho mlsthresa or
dered nil the II 'it to bo lowered, iin'thnt'n
us low lw I could get 'em I Judy.
Miss MhIoiik's Misfortune.
Bho mien had skin of satin and features while
a snow,
When every swnln tho county round was proud
to bu her beau;
And young nnd old for miles away were always
glad to see
The dimple on her pretty chin, her neck of
Ami thero were not lu Illinois no, nor In othel
Such alabaster treasures ns her littlo polished
Bho reigned n queen In Jollet on benuty' golden
Did Miss Jemima Margaret EvnugcllnoMalono.
Hut lot one dark, unlucky day this paragon of
Began to uso norao washes to ornament her
Throughout six months sho squandered twelve
liotsof vaseline,
Tho oil of many a coconnut nml rice and glyo
Bho mndo ot powder flummery n clean and
howling waste,
And plastered both her checks with crenm
nud soap nnd almond paste:
Roso water, too, and lemon Julco flowed In tor
rent free.
With oriental spices from tho land of Arnby.
Sho laved her fnco lu boiling springs, she tried
Ice waters, too,
And with tho roughest kind of cloth sho made
it black nml blue;
And then she'd rub It just ns If It wcro n por
celain, With softest, finest flannel to tnnko tt white
But old tho darling cuticles fell crnmbllng
from each iiore.
And, oh, her skin of satin was satin skin nn
For rough nnd rugged was tho face, which
onco wos beauty's own
That of Jemima Margaret GvnngollnoMnlniiol
Oh, now her lot Is cheerless, for she's no moro
tho pet
Of swnln or beau, of Jim or Joe, In scornful
Tho gossips glgulo ns sho walks through ave
nue and street
With downcast head and tearful mien nnd
timid, trembling feet;
And, oh, they mark upon her chin tho dimple's
shapeless trace,
Tho parchment color of her throat, tho Jauii-
dlcoon her face;
Tho sickly huo upon her brow, tho brown tint
on each hand.
Whoso alabaster glories onco Illumined nil the
And now, ye maids, take warning nil yo who
hnvo n swalu
Yo matrons, who your sinuses' lovo would
lovingly retain,
Yo young, seductive widows who meditate to
Sotno sterling mates quite lit to take tho places
of your dead,
Avoid these cocoauuts nud paste and rlco and
And boiling springs nnd liquid Ico nnd rose
nnd glycerine,
For If you don't, you're suro to loso all claims
to pow'r and throne,
Ltko Miss Jemima Margaret Kvangellno Ma
lone! Eugeno Davis In Chicago Mall.
ration from the face without marring their
delicate beauty. They remain on nil dny, or
nntll washed off.
l'rlceof enoh 11; the twosont nny whore for
. For salo by HOWAItU'M UIAMUNI1
VilAHM.VCY, Northwest Corner N nnd I'.'th
Mrs, arnlmm, ICtt Post st., 8nn Frnnclsco.
trentH ladles for nil defects or blemishes ol
face or figure. Scud stamp for her littlo book
How to be Beautiful."
Lincoln Trunk Factory
st 1133 st-
Where wc will be glad to ee all old
friend nnd customer nnd ns many new
ones ns can get into the slQre.
A Little lllssrrtntliin imi the Use nml Mis
use of a I'ullte Klpri'sslnu.
"There' thnt V I u.vo you," ho enld n
lie pulled n bill from Ids pocket nnd passed
It over.
"Ah, yes; thanks."
"Thnnk you."
"What forJ"
"For tho V."
"Hut It's rottra."
"Yes, yes. Of courso It I now."
"It was before It never vns mine. You
simply let me hnvo it as nn nccoinmodn
"Of courso Hut I'm obliged to you fot
its return.'
"Didn't you expect Itf"
"Certainly I did."
"Then why so much iigonyP'
"It's merely nn expression of gratifica
tion." "Why should you be gratified to learn
thnt I am nn honorable tunnr Didn't you
think I wnsr"
"Why, yes; of course I did."
"If you buy n wngon load of furniture
do you express gratitude to the man who
delivers It?"
"Certainly not."
"It would look ns though you expected
to be beaten out of it If you rnved because
he turned It over to you, wouldn't Itf "
"It might."
"You didn't get any Interest on thnt V,
did your"
"Then yoti'vo no reason to be grateful to
me for coining to you for itf "
"No, I can't sco that I hnve."
"Fnvor wns nil on your Mot"
"Then why In thunder do you Intimate
thnt I hnve done you a fnvor In giving
it bnckf Why didn't you sny 'Thnnk the
Lord!' It would be nbout as compliment
ry I'm n bit of n stickler on etiquette."
"So I sco. I'll be tnoru careful In the
future. I'll see that this doesn't happen
"Tlmt's right."
"Safest way is not to let you hne nny
more Vs."
"Hold on therel You mlsundurstnnd
"Oh, no. 1 might bo tatrnyed Into thank
ing you when you returned them, nnd then
you'd feci Insulted."
"No, no. Never In tho world, old man."
"I wouldn't Insult you for nuythlng."
"Of courso not. I understand that per
fectly." "Of course you wouldn't say anything
about It, but 1 might make a slip some
time, nnd then you'd feel hurt."
"No, I wouldn't; honest."
"Oh, thnt's all right. You're trying to
be nlco nnd courteous nbout it so's not to
hurt my feelings, but I know your sensi
tive nature. The safest way Is the best
way. If 1 don't let you hnve nny more
thcro'll bo nodnnger of my funking any of
these frightful blunders. Much obliged to
you, my boy, for putting mo on."
That night a young man walked uH the
way to his home, nursing his wrath as be
went, and when he got In the house he
took down a treatise on "The Use of Polite
Phrases" and tore It up nnd stamped on It
nnd then throw tho pieces out of the win
dow, nnd none of the phrases he used dur
Ing thu entire time could huvo been printed
in the book If it were to go through the
United Stntes malls. Chicago Tribune.
I k7TfS lifZ'C-SfM lMil r-:-rr-T-. '-
Wi'i-. fPi..s l.i r. .. ULirS ' ..M
r .r- ' ' -fc. tit I tit ff-i!ttii nl astir f A .sssssssl
No Fooling!
The Goods Must Go!
The Receiver Has Said So,
and his word is law. Came and price the goods, and see if
this is not the case. It's an enormous stock and you can buy
almost anything for the house or your own personal wear
that you want at a sacrifice.
Furniture, Hardware,
Dry Goods
Groceries, Boots and Shoes
Stoves, Tinware
Fancy Goods, Novelties
and in fact too many things to mention. You are always
wanting something why not get that something of us at half
what you pay elsewhere for the same.
Prices Talk Come and See!
Maxwell, Sharpe & Ross Co.
R. II MAXWELL Receiver.
WH : frWJ ( JV
, . tiwv
The Judge Can you
bring forward any
proof in support of
your assertion thnt
John Uhtck, the cblm
ney sweep, made you
nn oiler of marriage?
Tho Plulntlir-Ccr-talnly,
your honor. I
hnvo it in black nnd
Fllegende Dinner.
AAAAAA VKRI I ond.rl.ktlokrirSj
Wt fl fl II Mch toj hill luU llil l-rtou oftllatl
! , li mo Rl'l ."'J J ,
tdlal llaftrr luitrucllon.wlll wk Imituiitoculjr,
WWW Vu,w l ..n, T.r.. t . IMIr
Iwla wa lKtllil..,M hcr"r iSVjt llx.l m III Im
IS U4lW f rtuiilo;itinMI M kirk ycu ran t.rn lk.UUMH.Bt.
K SBWUtr Sr m. uul.H lucc.lul sbar.. i a.lljr ai.,1 quUklr
IsiflS I dtiir 1st euf work.r noM ilLiikl or rouslj. 1
ksn slnS'tr uuilil si.4 aill.4 llk tiu J'f
n . ok- . niiklns our t irn r.tli. ll It t.t
a4 jSUI.I . t-'ullMrtlealanrMKI . AJIr,".l oat.,
K?, Akl.kN. Boa , Au. isla. Mala.
Huenn Vlstn, April S5, 1S91,
J. A. Chain, Emi
Denver, Colorado.
Dear Sir You wish to know the virtue
there is iu the Huena YUta hot springs. The
following k my experience. About eight
years ago I had the rheumatlm nnd erysip
elas so bad that I could not walk, nud the
catarrh so bad that I could not eat, I had to
lie lifted In nud out of the carriage that car
ried ma to the above named place. After
staying there ten days (luthing twice a day)
1 could walk nnd eat at least live times a
day, ami In three weeks wns entirely cured,
for l could jump, rld horse back, ami at
tend to my husliie. By drinking and suutf
Ing the hot spring water I got cured of the
I advise every one who U atlllcted iu I
have been to go to Huenn VUtn hot springs,
nud they will surely thnnk me for my ad
vice. H. Jackson.
lluenu Vlstn, Colo., June 8th, 1S01.
J. A. Chain, Evq.,
Denver, Colorado.
Dear Sir: Replying to yours of the 0th
Inttnut, I teg to say 1 have not had occasion
to call nt the springs since I last saw yon
with reference to this valley as n natural
sanltarsum, I can truly say I know of no
spot on the American continent which would
be a fair comparison with it and I doubt if
ther Is a place iu this country or Europe
where asthmatic esses get such sjieedy and
certain relief. While tho hot and cold min
eral spring have stored In them a panacea
for many of the so called Incurable ailments
thnt. nlfUr-t tlm imninrt fitmUi In nil nirts of
I '
Iliiylng a Goddess.
Up nt the Grand Central depot the other
dnyn man with four or live bundles on the
sent beside him wns wnitlng for his train.
It so hnpiiened thnt another waiting pas
senger asked him a question or two, nud
tho pair were soon chatting nwny us men
will under liko circumstances. By nnd by
No, l took up one of his parcels and said:
"I'd ltko your judgment on this pur
chase. Aro you up on nrt?"
"Why, I'm fairly well posted, I think."
"I don't purtend to be. I'm only a plain
farmer, nud I know more nliout pumpkins
than nrt. One o' my gals Is n school
teacher, nnd she's right on the top notch of
nrt, spellin' nnd tellln' tho names of stntes
and governors. I bought her this pleco of
statuary ns n present. Mebbo I've hit it
nud mebbo not. What sort o' stuff is tt,
tO lK'glll with?"
"That's plaster of Purls."
"Come from Pnrls, ehf Orter bo purty
good. Whnt docs the flguro represent?"
"A Greclnn goddess, I should say."
"Well, that orter be all right. I'd prefer
a Michigan or Wisconsin goddess, ns I've
got some land out there, but I couldn't
nllord to be pnrtlculnr. hat's tho value
of It?"
"You pnld a qunrter, erh,ips."
"The feller waujed u quarter, but I liest
him down to fifteen cents. Looks purty
near like marble, don't it?"
"Quite so."
"Is the position what they call classical?"
"Got plenty of clothes on?"
"Expression of the fnce nil right for n
"It is very good, Indeed."
"Is It good 'null to stand on n parlor
orgnu with only one lamp In the room?"
"Quito so."
"Well, I'm glnd to henr It. It wns n
lectle resky mo picking It out, but I gitex
It will pass. I'll call It Manner, a Grecian
goddess, who was a bos? school teacher. If
It happens to strike my gat all right, it's a
go. If it don't she'll knock her head off nt
one swipe, nnd I'll use the pieces to chink
up rnt holes." M. Quad In New York
Evening World.
The Correct Time,
Oh, but be was a dudollous swell, nnd
when ho went to call on n fashionable
youug woman on Cass avenue she wns
pleased beyond expression, At half-past 8
ho started to go.
"Must you go so soon?" she inquired.
"Out I ussunh you, mydeuh MlssFwnwn
ces," ho entreated, "it Is quite lute."
"Why, It is only half-past 8 o'clockl" she
"Yaas, Miss Fwnwnces, by yoah time,
but, don't you know, tt is quite uftuh 12 by
London time, nud wenlly, I must be going.
So sowwy, don't you know, but what
cawn't bo cunhed must be unduuhed, don't
you know. Good night, Miss Fwnwnces.
You'll be nt the tea toniowow, of conhs?
Good night." Detroit Free Press.
,. tj .zBn7 , .rnnnk v j,
ft MaBBBBBamHIr alKjl? HI
Eilnlhthcd Dec. to, 1SS6.
'l German National Bank,
fi LA'COLAr, iVEH.
f .) Capital Paid up, $100,000.00
'J Surplus . . . 25,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues letters of credit, drnwdrnfts on all parts
ofthe world. Foreign collections a specialty.
Officers nml Directors,
IIKHMAN II. BCHAIIKlta, President.
C. C. MUNSON, Vice President.
O. J. WILCOX, Assistant Cushler.
Why J I in Wns I'miled.
We have an incubator, also a small col
ored boy to run errands, wash dishes, etc.
On the arrival of the former tho little
darky was very curious to know nil about
It. He examined the article thoroughly,
then nsked' "Sny, Miss Julie, whnt fur dnt
'nr ting?"
"Thnt's for hutching chickens, Juntos,"
I explained.
"Fur to hetch chickens? Whnr you put
de eggs?"
"Inside," I answer, "nud the lamp under
neath nnd tho wnter mnke the necessary
heat and moisture."
He looked qulzlcally nt it for an Instant,
then asked, "Miss Julie, whnr you put de
hen?"-Phllndelphln Record.
Family Discipline.
Colonel Fizzlctop was under the pnlnful
necessity of administering a severe cast I na
tion to his son Johuny. After he had com
pleted his labors he said sternly to the suf
fering victim
"Now tell me why I punished you?"
"That's It," bobbed Johnny; "you nearly
pound the life out of me, and now you
don't oven ktiow why you did It," Texas
Simple Arithmetic.
Shoe Dealer Shoes should not bo worn
right along, um'nm. They should bo given
n clinnco to get back their shape. Buy twe
pairs, ma'am, and wear one pair one day
ami the other the next.
Fair Customer Will shoes last longer
that way?
Dealer (with confidence) Yes, Indeed,
ma'am, twice ns long. New York Weekly.
Musical Item,
"How beautifully your daughter plays,"
said Mrs. Pcterby
The musto ceased nt that moment. Tho
door opened and a German professor said,
"Pefore 1 tuning dot piano I vnuts
mine tolliir and n half. "--Texas Slftlngs
Sbb nna
?lia.' aH
Dr. H. S. Aley, Specialist
Special nttentlon paid to the treatment of these diseases
by means of electricity.
All uun-ninllgnant tumors of tho womb removed without
the use ofthe knife.
All operations lor Injuries from childbirth skillfully per
formed. Displacement of the womb cured lu most cases without
the uso of Instruments.
Epilepsy, St. Vitus Dance, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Hysteria,
dltlereut tonus of paralysis, Deformities, nnd nil other
forms of MeivousTioiible successfully treated.
L'nusiiltutlon at oillee or by mall fl.uu.
Xewmnii Hlock, O Ht., bet. 10th nud 11th, Lincoln, Neb,
Hon rs -11 to VI, S to 3,7 to 8. CUT THIS OUT
J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor.
This beautiful new house under Its present management wilt be conducted In
thorough first class style on the American plan, rates $3.00. It has
Including passenger elevators and bath rooms on every floor. Tho sleeping
apartments are large and elegantly furnished nnd may be had either single or en
suite. We have reserved a limited number of rooms for city patrons and are pre
pared to give excellent table board with or without rooms at reasonable rates.
(Jail and sec us,
TH8 -f BON D
Telephone 482. Cor. 12th and Q.
Atchlson, Leavenworth, .St. Joepli,Knnsa8
City, St. Louts nnd all Points South,
East nnd West.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, I'msons
Wichita, Hutchinson and nil principal
points in Kansas.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas, Pullman Sleepers aid Vice
Reclining Chair Cats on all trains.
City Ticket Agt. UsVl jjnt
Jsl.,1,. iKJ. '-