tmtmmmmmm CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1891 8 WWT5iV'.i"""-9a ?t r""- ""MMR'IBBHIIGF" """ .fcj POPULATION OP LINCOLN 65,000, BE Yacht -Sailors "' " Latest Novelty. Only 7oc Kacli. Famous Millinery Store, 11450 Street. TAKE NOTICEI ThoCotmicitttlll not U- rvionlht for any debts nimtfl liy nny into I" It" naiim, un Mt n written order luvompnnles tlm hiiiio, iFSft 0rnr 10th and P Street. V 'Dry Goods, ;! AND- CARPETS Th Courier Can be found At Hotel Lincoln New Htnnil. Wtmlior Hotel Now Htnnil. Capital Hotel New Htand. Odell' Dining llnll Now Htmut, IMS O HI. The Gotham Now Stand, lis Houtli Mill Ht. The A pox, 111 North lltli Street. Kil.YoutiK. IlKOOHtrcct. (Mason, Kletohor A Co., H2U O Htrcot. Little HnortUlicnrHtore, 113 North 12th Ht. WcsterfiQld' Harbor Hliop, llurr IIIuok. International Now Emporium, 1SI5 O Ht. OT" An extra supply of paper U always1 loft nm, 111 ensu tuner 4iuwnuvuiui at tho Gotham uppllo run short Cool Shirts AND- UNDERWEAR i7 ' " W. R.' DENNIS & CO. 1 137 O Street. Church Advertisements, Commencing April tint, Thk Courier will insert notice pertaining to noolable, festival, lecture, meeting and sermons for all churche freo of charge. Advortlwraenta for entertainments where an admission la- charged will be Inserted at one-half tho reg ular rate. ical and Personal. Whltebrvaat Coal and Lime Company. L. Qarr, Jeweler, 113d O street. Call up the L. D. T, Co., Fuouo 100. Ruth M. wood, M, D IMS P street. J. D. Trickey & Co. Jeweler, 1(030 street. Lincoln Ice Co., 1(M0 O 8t. Telephone 118L Eugene Hallett, diamond merchant, J 13 N Eleventh street. Geo. A. IUymer, coal and wood. 'Phone 300. 1134 O street. Canon City Coal at the Whltebreast Coal and Lime Co. Mia 8. M. Caffya, dmssnutrlag parlors, 1311 M street. TeWptioMSlB. U 100 finest engraved nailing card and plate for tnn at Tk Courier office. Try "The Finest" for Ico Creams, Ices, Cake and Candles, 1230 O street. Ladles kid glove cleaned or colored at Lin coln Steam Dye works, 1100 O street. Mia C. J. Gullmette, modiste, second floor' Exposition building. Tako elevator. Dr. C. B. Manning removed to uew otHoos, room 23 and S3, second floor llurr block. Elegant line of French pattern hat at Thornburn Bisters' new store 1342 O street. J. B. Barnaby, the taller, may be found at rooms 13 and 13, Newman block,1035 O st. Cheapest place in the city for millinery and hair goods Thomburn Bisters, 1342 O street. One hundred finest engraved calling cards and plate only 13.50 at Wcoael Printing Co., 1130 N street. Cabinet baths for ladles, given by Mrs. 11. D. Catlln, professional masseur, 234 south Twelth street, Kennard block. 5-23 4t Sirs. J. C. Malone, fashlouable dressmak ing, Satisfaction guaranteed. Chaso block Sixteenth and O street. tf Ladle can liave their party dresses cleaned by the French dry process at tho Lincoln team dye works 1105 O street "Not how cheap, but how good" is the motto of the uew Studio Lo Grande. Call and see their work, 124 south Twelfth street. Brown' restaurant are the only one In the city for ladles. The menu is extensive and embraces all the seasons latest delicacies while price are extremely low. Coal of every size from the best mines in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado and Wyqmlng for sale by Oeo.A. IUymer. Telephone 300. Ofllce WW O street. Coal of every size from the best mine ia Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora do and Wyoming for sale by Geo. A. Ray. mar. Telephone 390. Ofllce 1134 O street. Tim Misses Marie and Emerald Jones, (laughter of School HiiHrltitn lent Jones, entertained tlm Junior and freshman cIiikm) of tlio IiIkIi school Inst Filday livening nt n lawn pail t'i Their lieaiitlfiil town nt 313 South eighteenth street was brilliantly Mil initiated with .1 ipnnesj lantern and a largo iliitfonil Mm elected whom dancing was on J tyod. Tlm i'oiiiiaiiy assembled was a largo one, nt.d with the beautiful deeurntlon t ery pretty write win presented. Tlm suo eem of U10 notable entertainment make per tlnent tlm querry, why nro there not more hut 11 parties In Lincoln I Tho recipients of tlm Misses Jones, charming hospitality wero: Mlssw Limit Smith, Clara Smith, Nolllo New niiin, Stella Hoyet, Mario Harper, Lottlo An Iritis, Maliel Metntlf, Helen Ilownrd, llestlo Tinner, Liirln Phillips, Vlnotto MeCnndlosi. Bessie Wilnger, Mny Preutess, Knto Klnitwh, Ethel Hooper, Heurletti Hawlny, Adeline ShulUm, Stella Klllott, Oim Imhoir, Kiln Itityinniid, Arda Cliitpman, Edith Flsko, Virgil llniliour, Francos Wtlght, Dora Hnr ley. Hadlo Taylor, Grace Cook, Klmn Ben- crest, Run lllcketts, Kinnin MoWhlnnoy, El- la Mathews, Delia Mitchell, Delia Unrpontor, Mis Torp, Georgia Cnmp, Grauo llurr, Blanch Garten, Grnco Hiintsou, Minnie Heel, Delia Conger, Mix Gillespie, Stella l'lke, Helen Drown, Anna Sldole, Jennie Hugh, llesslo Muiison mid Messrs. Arthur Horner, Woodward Jones, I'M Mockott, Max Lansing. Sudlny Cook, Mr. Smith, Fredrick K. l'lillllps, Frank Wringer, Fred Cooley, Kdgar Hegan, George Klotttseh, Will Hiy iiioud, Fred WoobarU, Park Garoutte, Lou lllcketts. Mr, Coflln, Frank Wringer, Kalsey Yates, Frank Banders, Frank Mey ers, Frit Korsmoyer, Urne Kedge, Arthur Dennett, Albert Htttton, Frank Uonebraker, Krnest FoIkoiii, Kdgar Haughart, Arthur Hauler, Wymoro Murray, Herbert Regan . Tho Kutru Nous club hold the last of their meetings for tho wnson nt the residence of K H. Hirer, 1740 D street on Filday eve nliig of lost week. There wero present: Messrs and Mosdames, J. E. Hlggs, Chits. Trnpha gen, C. W. Hoxle, C. H. Hudge, Walter Dnvls, 11. 1), Steams, J. P. Mnul, Win. Mo Arthur, II. C. MoArthur, H. K. Mooro, Misses, Cook, Lulu Cnnlleld, Maud llurr, lltidy, Sadie llecker, Hattlo Becker, Messrs, II. Northam, Everett, Dr. W. L. Dayton, F. Kitchen, V. Chandler, D. Wilkinson, Fred Sholes, Chas. Miller, mid Mrs Dr. lloutz. An unjoynblo evonlng wits spent nml prize for tho season tvero nwnrded a follows: Ladle royal, Miss Maud Hurr; gentlcmons royal, W. li. MoArthur, ladle tiooby, Mrs. W. G, Houtz, gents booby, 11. I), Stearns. While the weather has hecomo too warm to continue card playing tho club propose n series of picnic' for the summer months, It Is with great pleasure that Thk CountKit chronicles the fact that on Tuesday after noon, June 30, In Graco Presbyterian church, Evansvlllo, Itul., Mr. Ham D. Cox, of tho Evening Call, will wed Mis Laura Thomp son, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. v. B. Thomp son of that place. Mr. Cox is an exceeding. ly popular member of the newspaper frater nity, and his co-worker a well a hi host of friends generally congratulate him upon the happiness In store for him. Knowing the prospective groom, his friends can also warmly congratulate the fortunate young lady on her choloe of a life partner. She will be warmly welcomed on her arrival In Lincoln. The funeral of Councilman J. B. Archi bald took place last Buuday afternoon at his late residence, 2031 L street. The Rev. John Hewitt dollvered an Impressive discourse in the presence of member of the family and of the A. O. U. W. and other orgnlzatlon of which the deceased waa a member. The city council was also fully represented. In cluding Mayor Weir and ex-Mayor Graham. llio remains were placed on the eastbound train and were accompanied to Freepnrt, N. Y,, by Mrs. Archibald and her two daugh ters, Bessie and Helen. Her brother, Mr. J, E, Thompson, also accompanied them. There waa a pleasant gathering last Batur of about 144) scholar of the Everett school accompanied by their teacher Mr. Jessie Styles, Miss Minnie Thompson and Miss Mary Burgeas who hied themselves oft to Lincoln Park for a pioalo and a general good time. The day was spent in boat riding on the lake and other amusemeuta customary on such occasion, and all went home happy and tired a people usually do after an extra aroaunt of exertion put forth to have a good time. The parent of quite a number of tho children were there and seemed to enjoy the holiday a well a the little folk. Mr. L. L. Hawkins 1430 Poplar atreet gave a sociable last Friday evening in honor of her guest, Mr. Margret Burchett ami her daughter, Maud, of Burlington, Iowa. The evening wa spent in playing high five and dancing and passed very pleasantly to all present Thorn present were Mrs. Margret Burchett, Mrs. Oharle Burchett, Mls Maud Burchett, Miss Rosa Richards, Miss Jennie Hawthorne, Messri. Frank and Dick Rich ards, Harry McCay, Harry Burchett, George Martin and Will Motcalf. resented by II, H. Wilson, L. I). Woodruff and J. L. Lyman, A. It. Htttton proxy for tho latter. No. M whs represented by Dr. 11. D. Mulr, L. O. Clark and L. O. Dunn, Win. Oylor going as the latter's proxy. Invitations to the wedding of 'Mix Kthel Marslnttd of this city nml Mr. .Inmes A. Drnin of SKkaim Falls, Wash., of which luentioit ttasmndo In Inst week's Couuticit, were Issued this tteek. Tho ceremony will occur In the First Presbyterian church Wed nesday, Juno J Into p. in, Professor and Mrs. Howard Caldwell entertained n number of friend very delight fully at ten Friday evening of Inst week. Those pronent wero llev. Iwls Gregory, Miss Mooro, Mr. and Mrs. J, I). Cnlliotiu mid Mr. and Mrs. V, (J. Dell. Tlio twenty-fourth birthday of Mr. It. G. Piatt wits celebrated at his home, III South Kloventh street, Tuesday evening, There wnsnlnrgu number In attendance nnd Mr. I'lntt wits the recipient of tunny beautiful mnl costly presents. Mis Hoso II, Cochran, who tin been nciid lug several mouths In Indlnuoiolls, letitrueil KntuiiUy accompanied by her cousin, Miss GertiudnClnrk, who will remain lit Lincoln about two months ns tho guest of her uncle, Major J. S. llnrwlck, Juim has brought tlm muni number of weddings, ns will bo seen by tlm CoUltini'H columns, and theie are In addition, many itn uouiicomutitH of forthcoming weddings which tho CoUltlKit will beat HU'ity to par tlculiiilro Inter, The Ailelplilnu society concert of tlio Cot tier univeislty Tuesday evening ptoved iptito a lullllnnt sticcuss. Tin elocutionary depart ment, led by Its worthy Instructress, Miss Almeiia Parker, gnvu mi entertainment Wed nesday owning. There Is some tnlk Hint If Llettteiinut Gi if llths tluut is not extended, Lieutenant IV rail ing well nml favorably know In Lincoln will bo stationed In his place nt tlm University. At least an effort will be nmdu lit his bchnlf. Speculation Is still rift ns to whether Mr. W. F. Meyers' return from tho enst next week will bring a continuation of tho Inter esting rumors which of late linvo been asso ciated with that gotitlemnn's name. Cards are out announcing tho marriage of Mr. John 11. Morton, of the Unit of Dean & Horton, to Miss Helen McCnudlcM Wado of this city. Tho wedding will occur Juno 24 at tho Holy Trinity. Mrs. H. D. Hnthawav went to Chicago Thursday to meet her daughter, Miss Llllie, and Mis Bortlo Burr en route from school. They nro expected to arrive In Lincoln this morning. Miss Nelllo Goshorn, who has been attend ing tho state university and conservatory of iiiuhIo for tho xist year, left Wednesday to spend the summer vacation nt her old home In Iowa. Mrs. F, N. Gibson has gone topeudtliu summer In Now Ipswich, N. H. Sho will also visit her dnughter, Miss Ellen, who com pletes lies sophlmoro year at Attn Arbor col lege this summer. Miss Maud Miller of Newark, N. J., n cousin of Mcssers I. M, mid A. S. Raymond, Is visiting nt the homo of the former and ex pect to renuiln in Lincoln during the sum mer. Mr. J. A . Foley, superintendant of tho O. & R. V. district of tho Union Pacific road, is in the city. He takes tho place of R. R. Sutherland and will tnako Lincoln his homo. Prof. Glbeault leaves noxt Saturday for his former homo in Chicago on a visit to his numerous friends and relatives. He will probably remain during the summer. Mr. J. W. Bechtol and Mis AvI Belle Monloy wero united In marrlago Wednesday afternoon at th residence of the bride's parent Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Monley. Mr. and Mr. C. A. Wickersbam left last week for an eastern trip. They expect to visit Now York, Atlantic City, Philadelphia and their former home In Chester. Mrs. Frank Smith of Alliance, who has been speudltig n fow days In Lincoln, return ed to her home yesterday, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. T. W. Smith. Tho young Indies of the Vine-street Con gregational church gave a delightful social Wednesday evening at the homo of Mrs. Jackson, 2730 Apple street. Mr. H. A. Wood.ofl'lalnlleld, III., and Miss Carrie E. Hills, cf Sioux City, la., are the guests of Mrs. B. G. Thomas of North Twenty-sixth street. The traveling men of Lincoln will organ ize this bvenlng at the Lincoln, and Join tho new society which Is being formed by the knight of the grip. Chas. Morath of Snohomish, Wash., who for tlio past two months ha been visiting frleuds and relatives In tho East Is now vis iting In Lincoln. Mr. Charles Larrabeo of Iowa, son of ex governor Larrabee has been in the city this week visiting bis sister Mrc Donald Lathrop Love. Mrs. E. J. Wright left on the Union Pacttlo Saturday for Portland, Ore., where she wilt visit friends and relative for several week. The Y. P. B. U. E. of the Plymouth Cou gregatlon church meet every Sunday even ing at 7 o'clock. All aro corilally invited to attend. Miss Lutlo B. Thomas left Monday for Chicago. She will also visit Tronto, Mott- bridge, U., where she hns been ntteuding school for the past two years. Tho reunion and picnic which wa to have beeil held at Ctithmnn park Wednesday has been K)stponisl until July 22. Frank M, Rector, of tho Clnrko Drug Co., left over tho 11. & M, Saturday evening for nit attended eastern trip, Mrs. T. It. McGnhey mid daughters left Monday for Wctquetusong, Michigan, whole thoy will spend tho summer. Mrs. W. S. Hendo, of Cambridge, O., with her sou nml ilnullliter, nro tho guests of Mr. niul Mis. II. C. Young. !nucnstcr Lodge No. lift, Knight of Pythlns, held n select dniico at Ctiihmatt park Monday evening, Mrs. J, V Hearer and children ntid Mrs, J, U Scott mid dnughtc mo visiting in Cherry Vnlley, Ark, Gov, mid Mis. Thayer teturned Monday from 11 week's visit with their son nt Glen wood Springs, Colo. Mr, W. C. Austin, of West Llucolh, left over tlio Burlington Saturday for Cincinnati mid lllllboio, UI1I0. The W. and II, Debuting Club held Its third banquet Sutiiidny evening. It tvns tho fnrowell meeting. Mr. F. H. McGnhey left on the Burlington flyer Tuesday for 11 trip to SniiFinnclHco ntid tho Pacillo const. Miss Mary Clatk. of Woodrllle, N, Y Is visiting her cousin Mm, John G. .Morrison,! nt ltVIl F street. Hall Stove and Eange Co. LINCOLN, NEB. Miss jinlz Is vlsltlhg friends In Wester it Nebraska mid Colorado expecting to return early in tho fall. Mr. C. E. McGctto left Monday ror Chicago whero ho expects to spend n fow months with telnttves. Mr and Mrs. Hot Springs, N01 tli western. A. Campbell loft Monday for S. 1)., via. tho Elkhord & Martul Wednesday for she will remain about Miss Cora Otttcalt Mlliueaiolis, whuio two weeks. Miss llesslo Gntchell and Mis Blanche Root returned ThuiMlny fiom 11 visit with friends ntCoithind, Mr. W. II, Duchner ntid wlfo weio pnssei. ger over tho Union Pacific Tuesdny fir Tulorre, Oil. Mis Adeline Sheldon, of Nebraska City, is visiting her cousin , Miss Henrietta Howley, 1738 M street. Misses Katherlno ntid Mary McGinty left Tuesday for their old homo in Sugar Notch, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Roberts left Tuesday morning for Colorado where they will spend tho summer. Mrs. C, A. Atkinson was rnlle'l to Jack son, O., Wednesday by tho serious Illness of her mother. Mr. John II. Httrvlett, tho colored mute printer and pugilist, left hero for Oinnlia Wednesdny. .Miss Alma Sharp started Tue9dny for Ln Fayette, Ind., whero she will remain absut two weeks. Mrs. C. N Bailey depnrtod over tho Mis souri Pacific Tuesdny for Huntington, West Virginia. Mrs. E. C. Htibbtttd took tho west bound Burlington tlycr Tuesday for Colorado Spring. Mrs. Martha Allen and sou left on the Missouri Pacific Wednesday for San Anto nio, Tex. Additional Local and Personal Page 4. HH HHaMHKZjsfllllMHBHHfl LLLLLLI HMflH . BlVWHIsJ H HH(EH iiK&H m VBI flHHLHllVSaiK J, MANUFACTURERS Ask for Ayer's Sarsapat ilia, and do not take any other. Bold by all druggist. Iron Castings and Nickel Platers. Dealers in Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. 1126 O 3TREET. jUffAArtsRjeHTER- I nxixxxfiUrxM xaexajjxisnxuxtt rrrm J 1 ,1 1 n 1 yxa F 1204-lliOe O STREET Always in the lead. Hallett has a line of a pretty souvenir spoons as was ever placed beforo an appreciative publlo anywhere. Spoons of nil kinds In oxidized silver, In sil ver and in gold, or if wanted in both silver and gold. The line Is bo extonslvo and beau tiful that really It baffles description ; you should see the various designs, thoy are ns unique as thay are handsome and nt tlio price that Hallett sells them for, you can not afford to buy elsewhere. No fancy prices, but lino novelties at Hallett' ordinary low figures. Of course you know whoto Hnllett's store is I Not Well Its at 113 North Uth street. Henry Harpham the popular harness maker hns left Twelfth street to locate 011 Eleventh near P street opposite tho Capital hotel. There with lucreased facilities and moro cen tral location Mr. Uarpham' bnsluess will undoubtedly increase. For anything In the harness lino Harpham is bound to lead and If nt anytime you want anything In his linn don't forget to give him a call. m G ' sJOSTsWll I HkW a B 4skkVflMMVHififli(W OLD SAYINGS As poor as a church mottle, ns thin ns a rail, int ns n porpo As hrate as a lion, as spry ns n cnt, As at ns n porpoise, ns rough as a gale, Ah bright as n sixpence, ns weak ns 11 rat, Dr. C. F. Ladd, dentist, 1105 O street. Telephone 153. Ofllce hours, 0a. in to 5 p.m. We aro showing tho most complete stock of hosiery and underwear In the city. Don't buy until you havo seen our stock. J. W. Winokb & Co. 1I00O Street As tiroud ns n noncock. ns sly as a fox. As mnd us n March hare, ns strong ns an ox, Ah fnlr ns 11 Illy, ns empty nx nlr. As rich hs Croesus, us cross ns a bear, As puro ns an angel, as ncnt ns n pin. As smart as n steel trap, ns UKly ns sin, As ilenU ns n door nnll, ns wlilto ns a sheet, As lint ns n pancake, ns red ns a beet, A round iisnn apple, us black ns your hat, As brown ns a berry, ns blind bk a bat, Ah mean ns a miser, ns lull ns n tick, Ah plump ns a pnrtrldge, iih sharp ns a stick, As llpht ns a feather, ns hard nun roc, AHStlirnsn poker, ns calm ns a clock. As green ns n gosling, ns brisk iih n bee. And now let 1110 stop, lest you weary of me. Cut this out nnd keep for reference, nnd when In need of Paper Hangings or Mouldings, coll on us and sec whnt n beautiful line of goods we carrv. The prices arc low too. THE INTERIOR DECORATIVE CO. 1134 N STREET. A. C. 7JKMKR, President. Carl Emvick, Malinger For Sale Cheap. 50 inch full nlckle ball bearing Columbia bicycle. Enquire at Count eh ottlce. Mr. Charles M. Carter of Columbus, Ohio, formerly of this city and late deputy com missioner of publlo land and buildings un der tho Hon. John Stoen, arrived in the city Tuesday from Kansas City and left Wednes day after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends. The latter are always glad to see the popular ex-Llncoliilto and wish that his visit came of tetter ami lasted longer. Auditor and Mrs. Thomas Benton, Mr. and Mrs. McMatilgal, Mr. Martin I. Aitkin and his two sisters arrived Sunday afternoon from a delightful throo weeks' trip to Wash ington via Portland, Including: also uleasaut sojourns at Ban Francisco, Lo Angeles and ana oilier point. Mr. Fred 0. Howe of the State banking department met tho party at Hastings, A very pleasant octal took place Tuesday evening ut the Trinity M. E. church given by the Sunday school chus No. 11; tho smallest class that ha ever given a social. Tho affair was a success financially and socially. Tho Royal Brass Band discoursed some very pret ty music, and the evening was spout most pleasantly. An Informal reception was given Mr. and Mr. Oscar M. Easterday at the homo of Mr, Daniel Easterday Tuesday evening. Mr, Easterday arrived in Lincoln with his hand some bride Tuesday morning, and they ex pect to occupy the new residence O. M. has Just built on North Twenty-sixth street. The Masonic grand lodgo met at Omaha J Wednesday. Lincoln lodge No. 10 was rep- Messrs. Ira and John Davenport, of Now York, who own vast poso4loiis In Lincoln and Nebraska, spent Sunday in Lincoln. Miss Jennie Kldd, who ha boeu spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Kior, left Saturday for her home In Morrison, III, Miss Lizzie Reeves left over the Burling ton Wednesday for Corry, Pa., where she will make an extended visit with friends. Miss Rolln Bust, of Columbus, Ohio, and Mis Maud Itemlck, of Los Angeles, Cal., aro visiting Miss Bessie Clark oi this city. Mr. Carrie Rico and Mrs. Anna P. Pratt, both of St. bouts, aro tuo guests of Mrs. 31 DeLovis at 040 South Twentieth street. MIssMabello Tuttleba been elected a dek- I gate to the annual convention of tho Y. P. ' B. C. E. to meet in MluneaolIs. Minn. The picnic of the Pleasant Hour club which was to have been hold Tuesday was J postponed until sometime next week. Ex-Senator Nebtt of North Platte, one of ' the orator of tho legislative session of two year ago, wa in the city this week. Mr. George Irvine of Texas, a cousin of Mr. Elgin Mott of this city left last night for his home after a visit in Lincoln. Mr. II. W. Brown and family departed last week for a two week's trip througli Colorado und Southern Dakota. MUsCora Donley, tt ho hit been spending the whiter In Lincoln, has returned to her home In Morguittown, W, Va. Miss Lottlo Clark has returned from Cam- New styles of CouniKit ofllce. Invitations Just In at The To Cat Off the Supply. "Pa, why do thoy place a period after Capt. nnd Col. r" "I don't know, my son, unless it is bo cause there nro so many thoy wniit to put stop to them." Detroit Freo Press. Peculiar To Itself In many Important particulars, Ilood' SarupsrltU li dlHorent from sua superior to any other medicine. Peculiar In combination, proportion and prep aration of Ingredients, Hood's Bariapartll pot testes tlio full curative value of the best known remedies of the vegetable kingdom, l'ecullur In Its medicinal morlt, Hood's Sariapa rllla accomplices euro hitherto unknown. Peculiar In strength nud economy Hood's 8ar lapurllla Is tlio only tncSlcliio of which can truly bo lal J, " 100 doiet one dollar." Mcdlrlnei In larger and smaller Iwttlcs require larger doiet, and do not produce as good rciults a Hood's 8ariaurllla. Peculiar In Hi " good uauio nt homo " there Is moro of Hood's SanaparlHa told In Lowell, whero It It made, than of all other blood purifiers. Pesullar In Its phenomenal record of tales abroad, 110 other preparation hat over attained tuch popularity In to thort u time. Do not to In- duced to tukeany other preparation, lleturetoget Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbyalldruggliti. fljttxforfV 1'roparcdonly by C. 1. IIOOI) i. CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Matt. 100 Doeos Ono Dollar egsgasssesssegsssasssssessse Who Wouldn't Buy Fine Shoes? At 20 Per Cent Discount I The Entire Stock at your disposal. (Sales for Cash Only.) ED. G. YATES, 1120 O STREET. J2SS3SSS22SS3S5e223S;SSS2S25?!?3333g3??2S3K22 life la. I MS n MAnQtrgnAnR eoaTUMjsL 65M.tB. "luwiun mumum f-MTxCt.AfcM. 1f l. sjfvJi nmV-vc -. I I ALWAYS HAVE THE BY THE MOST POPULAR AUTHORS ,von. cnaaasttf stttsiy Subcrltion, Netts, Mnmifactuier' nnd Publishers' Ajjent. w HEH KOU WANT FINE JOB PRINTING See the WESSEL PRINTING CO. tm -inmwns.i ..jiiTa w. jut !., 1 ij LL.'liTTfMrlBtlaMiaW w" ' flii'ft rmiuPJ jyuBg'f?11"