B "-"!. "'1 ,rf .., v-t- I'' IX '' . ' K, (, . f. k ,tj' 1 ' ' '& '' & 8 mammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, POPULATION OF LIKCOLK 68,000. m s aa Yacht - Sailors Lntcst Novelty. Only 75c Each, Famous Millinery Store, 11.15 O Street, TAKE NOTICEI The CouniKR will not lie retonslllo for any ilot'td mnito by niiy uno in It namo, tnt mi a written order nccomiwnlc the mine, lth an. ttrt. Dry Goods, AND- CARPETS Tti Canrlar Can to) round At Md'UtwIn News Stand. motor Howi wsws Miami, ftemlt! Motel New Miami MUTs Dining Hall News Htand, ISO) O Bt, f5r Gotham News Stand, IIS Mouth llOi Ht. th Apex, Ul North Utu'Btreet. W. Voting, ten o street. ClMon, rRUtaar A Co., 1120 O Street. IJUU Snort UUwrHtore, 113 North litth Ml. wssterneld's Harbor Blinp, liurr ItlocK. International New Kmtvorlntn, 1J.H O Ht, KfAB extra supply or papers l always lea altne Qotnam, in case other Newsdealers anselles ran snort. Tt'thi UdlM ol UimIi ud Ykiilty: On June IS, 1(1. 17. IS nnil It), we xcill beprefmred to take orders tor Seal and all hind of Fur Garment. By placing em order now you art aurd,of the ehoieeet thine, best worhmanthlp and pnmft delivery. Mr. J, D. MeCauley iff Menry A. Nevdand et Co., Detroit, a yraotteal Furrier, HU be in attendance em date named, IT tWM now ail th hteMtyle from Pari and Londonor Sbjv SvBjSS'n) By lBwVBj ' 1ewalwtattrW to rafts orttVr r rajMr teer and remodWnjf all kind of fur garment and fur: JnWs ,ts an ojyoriuMfy o tare the work done and returned to you early tn the season. My so doing you tav yourMrs soely tewed for during the summer, at tea ae- eume all reeponeibllity. Inspection 1$ urgently eoHeUed. Remember the datee. Jteepeetfully, W. R.DENNIS d) CO., Hatter and Furrier, 1187 O street, Chare AeWertUesaeate. Oomnitnntag .April Brst, Tm Courier willt srt boUom perUUUag to aoolablai, teeMrtM, Isotaras, mseUnga and sermons for aM samrsass ttem at oaarg. , AdrwrUiMMnla fw. aawrtatiHBMta whara u aiwhaloa la eJkwtffji iiJUl ba Inwrtwl at OM-nalf the reg- WkMabruaat Coal aad Ltaat Oonpany. I Barr. Jeweler, 113 O etreet. OaM p the L. D. T. Co., Phone IIW. IUeBM.Wood,M.D., lSeSP meet. J. B. Trlehey Co. jewelers, 1050 etreet. liaoeta loa Co., 1(H0 O Bt Telephone 118. ntene Hallett, diamond merchant, 1 IS N MereBta etreet. v tieo. A. Rayner, ooal and wood. 'Phone M. UN O etreet Canon City Coal at the Whitebreaet Cealaad Lfane Co, Mlas 8. X. Caffyn, dreaemaklng parlors, 1811 M etreet Telephone 910. U Mn taeet engraved oalling carde and plate far ttttft nt Tki CouMUt oAce. Try "The Klaeet" for lee Cream, Ioee, Cakes aadCandiet, 1980 O etreet Ladles kid glor.ee cleaned or colored nt Lin eon Bteam Dye works, 1106 O street, Mies C. J, GttUmette, noodiete, second floor Exposition building. Take elevator. Dr. C. B. Manning removed to new oeHcee, roonwM and 88. second floor Burr block. tegant line of French pattern hats at Thombnrn Bisters' new store 1343 O street. J. B. Baraaby, the taller, may be found at reaaat 18 and 18, Newman block,l0is O st '" Cheapiet ptaoe in ehe dty for mUlinery ajMl hair oode-ThornbnrnSieWre, 1844 O Onehnndred flneet engraved oalling cards anntMe6nlyn.50 at Weesel Printing Oa, HOT eW tWMCe Oanenet bathe for ladles, given by Mrs. B. D. Oaehei, yrofetslontl wsiawir, m soneh Tweith etreet, Bernard bloek. 6-88 4t .J.C. Malone, tnshlonahle dreaemak. illafa HI nn guaranteed. Chase bloek I O streets. M yjftfer fB 'taalai can have their party dresses cleaned bf.the Preneh dry proeees nt the Lineola '.;,' ilenea dye works 1105 O street ' ''"''."JMihoweheap, but how good' Is the ". nitenetnd4o Le Orande. CaU Bt ma fjhaJr wwrk, 184 eonth Twelfth etreet Iiwm wetnnrawts are the only ones in mm. The men is extensive inNtheeeaea 'law. The city of Lincoln and the State, a well, paid n rare tribute to Its townsman, Louis Wreecl, Jr., by sending n iHstlngulithetl dele Ration to Ht. Joseph, Mo Wednesday, to wltnos tho Ehrllch-Weenel iimrrlaKO cere mony. Mr. WmuerVi friends In Bt. Joo could not but Imvo Imon llnttvrcd by tho prwence of iiucli n Inrgo iiuinlorot prominent citltcns of MImouH's sUtor Htnte. At half )ttt oven o'clock Wodnowlay evening tho nynnROnuo was llllod with nn nrrny of youth nnd beauty, both from homo nnd abroad, Mich iu has not boon seen In tho stnld old MlMioiiri town for ninny n day. Philadelphia, Now York, Chicago, Oinalm, Nebraska City, Lincoln and many other points contributed their nharo In lending brilliancy and lustro to tho happy nccailon. Tho relatives of Imth brldo and sroom were proud to como from for uway eastern and northern homes to do honor to the glad event, and tho city of Bt. Joe was rcpro. eeutetl by nearly two hundred of iti most prominent nnd rosjicrted cltlRens. Uov. Dr. Schwab officiated at the ceremony, which was Imnreselvely rendered after the form or the Itefoimed church. Burroumllng tho wel ding couple were nearly thirty of the near relatives of the contracting parties. Mist Emma Khrllrh, the bride, was sutierbiy ilremed, as befitted the occasion, her beauty and attractive presence compelling wide spread admiration. Upon the conclusion of the ceremony the entire party were driven to the Pacific hotel, the leading hostelry of tue city, where n reception lasting one hour was held. Congratulations and expressions of good will and best wishes were spontane ous and profuse, Mr. and Mrs. Weesel being showered with these friendly demonstrations of respect and approval. Bbortly after nine o'clock a proration was formed, and to tho beautiful strains of the orchestra the com pany marched to the banqueting hall, where covers were laid for two hundred guests. After n handsome collation, toasts were responded to as follows) "Tlie Bride," lUv. Dr. Schwab. "The Groom," Mr. 11. M. Buhnell of Lin coln. "Nebraska vs. Missouri," Gov. John M. Thayer. "Bt Joseph; Our Loss," Mayor W. M. Sbeppard. Lincolu; Our Gain," Mayor A. II. Weir. "A Woman's Love," Mr, A. O, Zlemer, Lincoln. "A Legal View of It," Mr. K O. Epp stein. Congressman V. J. Bryan, of this city, who was down for a toast, was detained at home by business, but sent an interesting communication, which was read by Mr. Zlemer, Ah elegant ball followed the banquet last ing until a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Weasel left for Kansas City, which place was the starting point for na extensive eastern trip. The presents were particularly handsome and costly, smbraolng gold aud silver ware, ehtaa and furniture la great variety. IuaaVlltloa to tewss present from Bt Joe and other otUes, the following Llneolnites were in attendance, conveyed thither la a special ear of the Burlington 4k Mleeouil River Railway company; Gov. John M, Thayer, Mayor and Mrs. A. H. Weir, CoL E. R. Biser, H. M. Busbnell, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Zlemer, 'Louis Meyer, Dr. W. L. Dayton, W. Morton Smith, J. E. Ferris, Mr. and Mrs, Bain Weesel, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kahn, Mr. and Mrs. H. Goldsmith, Messrs. R. Gold smith, E. Kahn, Edgar Weasel, Mr. and Mrs. L. Meyer, Mlas Pauline Goldsmith, Julius Weesel, Mrs. G.Adler and son, Mr, Wolfe. The following from Omaha: Mr. and Mrs. C Btonehlll, Edward Weesel, Julius Meyers. Edgar Snyder. From Philadelphia: A. Flesham and daughter, Henry Weasel. From Nebraska City i Miss Joeie Weesel, L. Wee sel, Br. CoL Blasr at the banquet presented the groom with a handsomely engrossed copy of congratulatory resolutions, pawed by the A. D. Marshall lodge, Knights of Pythias of this city. The alumni chapter of the Sigma Chi fra ternity gave a banquet Wednesday evening at the Windsor hotel. The fraternity men and their ladles, numbering in all seventy Ave. sat down to an elegant collation. The programme arranged included the following toasts: 'Before the War," Hon. Pat O. Hawes, XI, "SU "After the War," W. E. Hardy, Alpha Fpsilou, W. "The Msssasoits," Frederick K. Bnepberd, Alpha Epsllon, 87, i "A Charge to Keep I Have," J, H. Ing worsen, Tbeta Theta, t& "A Loyal Big," Dan U. Wheeler, Jr., Al pha Kpslton, '8B. uur wives and Mothers," u. U. unose, AlpbaEpalloa,f33. "Will n Big Workr Hon. j. v. woire, Lambda, TO. "Why I Am a Big," Judge W. R. Burton, Rho, no, Mr. . L, Palmer, general agent .at Omaha of the Atchison, Topekn & Santa Fe railroad was a Lincoln visitor Saturday. Mr. Pal mer has been In the Banta Fe service for a number of years having cllmed the ladder from a minor position to the one he now so ably fills. He was formerly traveling pas senger agent for the territory north of Kan sas and west of the Mississippi river under general agent Mr. 8. M. Osgood at Des Moines, later was made freight and passeu ger agent with headquarters at Omaha. Recently the territory was made general agent west of the Missouri river. That ha is reliable and capable railroad has thus been demonstrated by various promytioas. Tax CouatKR extends congratulations and hope soon to hear of Mr. Palmers further success as a mere pleasant gentleman it would be most dUBcuH to find. The commencement exercltes of the state untveratfy took place Wednesday morning with an nansuslly intsrsstlng program. The foBowtngteaMstof the graduates: William T. Blown, John B Fogerty, Cbaa. B. Greg ory, Anna Rogers, isabelle Rogers, Cbas. Behett, Barn Bohwab, William F. Taylor, Marlr K. Wedgwood. Minor it. William. Richard O. Williams, Fannie A, Baker, Frank B. Bishop, Ida Bonasll, Thomas E, ChappeU, Rose E. CoUlns, Albert A. Faurot, Henry A. Reus, William H. Wheeler, Rosa Boutoa, Edith M. Brass, Clarence O. Fletcb. er, David A. Haggard, Hervey B. Hicks, James W. Me Creaky, Par A. Rydberg, Guy P. Thnrber, Albert M. Troyer, Florence N. Jones, Cbas. E. TtegUy and Thomas A. WUUams. .The University horns and orchestra held their annuel commencement concert In the CAPITAL CITY COURIER, University chapel Monday evening. "The Rnso Maiden," was very successfully render rd under the direction of Professor and Mrs. Mensendorf, The chorus consisted of forty well cultivated voices which added materi ally to the success of tho cantata. Bolos were rendered by Mrs. C, B. Llpplncott, So- Srauo Mis Ida llonuolt, alto, Mr. II, J. W. eamark, tenor: Mr. Thomas Ilorrldgo, bass, and Mr. II, Northani, barltono, Tho orches tra furnished Instrumental mualo nnd special mention should lie made of Mr. 1). Ilesso of Deatrlco and Mine Lmilso Bhaefer of Chicago conservatory of manic, who nro both violin ists of much merit Tho family nf Dr. W, B. LatU were most agreeably surprised Tuesday morning by tho unexpected arrival of Dr. Bamuol Latta of Woodridge, Cal who was accomanlcd by his llttlo son. This Is tho first visit of tho doctor to his parents for flvo years, and tho latter, as well ns his sisters, Misses Mlnnlo nnd Olive, liavo iclvcn him nn exceedingly warm welcome Ho expects to remain In Lincoln about ten days. Tho doctor's friends In this city, of whom thcro nro many, nro pleased to hear of tho young Llncolnlto's con tinued prosperity In his far away western home. They nro nlso pleased to hear that amid tho rooos of California he has not lost Ills devotion to Lincoln and Nebrnska. ItnffordsTilKCouniKiimiicli pleasure to announce tho forthcoming nuptial of MIm Kthel Marstnnd, of this city, and Mr. J. A. Drain of Soknno Falls, Wash. Tho former Is widely known as ofie tho most popular nnd accomplished young lady residents In Lincoln whllo tho prospective groom It a rising bank er iu his newly adopted homo In tho North west, having moved to Washington from Lincoln nbotit a year ngo. The nrrango ments for tho happy ovont havo not been fully completed: but it is understood that tho ceremony will tnko plnco In tho First Presbyterian church at flvo o'clock In tho afternoon of the twenty-fourth of this month, ltov.ur.E. 11. Curtis, ofllciating. Society Is just now Interested In the ques tion. Does Mr. W, T. Meyer Intend to mar ry whlta visiting at his old home, Qulnoy, Illl His friends affirm that the visit has a tender object, while tho gentleman himself strenuously denies the soft Impeachment. However the prcpoudrenco of evidence seems to be with Mrs Grundy, and It will not be at alt surprising If, Upon his return, Mr, Meyer Is accompanied by one of Quln cy's fair young ladles. He left Lincoln Mon day evening and will be abeeirt two or three weeks. Mrs. Mark H. Tliton was at home to her lady friends Baturday afternoon, and not withstanding the inclemency of the weather, a large uumber availed themselves of her kind hospitality. Mrs. Tliton was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Dr. Dorrit and tho two ladles on this occasion as well as heretofore, proved very successful entertainers. A pro fusion of roses and smltax added greatly to the tasty arrangement of tho pleasant home and dainty refreshments helped to round out a very enjoyable afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Campbell of West Point, Neb., era the guests of Mr. and Mrs H. Zehrung. They are enjoying their wed ding tour, and will leave hero in a few days en route to Hot Springs, S. D. .Mrs. Camp boll was formerly Miss J. C. Stephenson of Dayton, O., a leading society lady and well liked by every one. The happy couple will travel west to the coast, taking the steamer there for Australia, and will be gone several years visiting the principal cities of the con tinent Misses Minnie and Olive Latta returned Monday from Alliance, Neb., where they spent a couple of weeks the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Smith, formerly of this dty. They were joined during their stay by Miss Nellie White and other Lineola young folk, and their sojourn was rendered very pleasant by tho hospitality of the Alliance people. A trip to Deadwood was an inter esting feature of their visit and one that was thoroughly enjoyed. Walworth. N. Y.. June 10. Tho Misses Anna Yeomant, daughters of L- T. Yeomans, and whoso wife is the sitter of Mrs. Grover Cleveland wero married here today. The rormer became tho wire of Joseph Reed of Beatrice, Neb., while tho latter was mar ried to Charles W. Hamilton of Denver. The ex-President and wife were in attend ance. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weesel gave a recep tion last night at' their residence, 17&1 M street to relatlv es and intlmato friends. The event was commemorative of the wedding of the host and hostess, yesterday being the flrst anniversary of that interesting occasion. The evening was agreeably and enjoyably spent with various social amusements. The Beatrice Chautauqua Assembly have got out a very neat program with cuts of the different speakers and conductors of tho different departments. Hon. Ignatus Don nelly and Prof, Jobu Freeman will dlicuss the Booou-Shakeepeare question. Ex-President Hayes will also deliver and address on July 4th. Ere the month of June draws to a close Mr. Sam E. Lowe will have graduated from the law department of Ann Arbor, whore during tho past two years he has won dis tinction both as an orator and student. Mr. Lowe is expected to arrlte In Lincoln some time about July 1. The friends of Miss Lou Ji. Tail of Beat rice will be glad to learu through the Beat rice papers that there is a prospect that Ex Mayor Tait who for some months put has resided with bis family in Chicago will re turn to his old home to take up a perma nent abode, , Bister Letltla of the Catholic school, died Tuesday at Council Bluffs. Sho left Lincoln last Saturday for the Mother Hospital at Dubuque, Iowa, but died before reaching her destination. Bhe will be brought to Lincoln for interment in the Catholic cemetery. Mr. J. C. Seacrettof the Journal left Wednesday night for Baltimore and other Eastern points. Mr. Seacrest with Cbaun coy M. Depew, will this evening be a guest of the Press club of Baltimore at their an nual banquet Mr. Archie Ensign went to Alliance Wed nesday where be will spend about two weeks visiting with relatives. He will also visit Deadwood, Hot Spriugs and other towns in the Black Hills before his return. Mr. Guy Smith of San Jose, Cal., is in the city vkutlag with his unrle, J. B. Strode. He is a son of General George S. Smith of Omaha, formerly surveyor-general of Ne- Mrs. E. C. Hubbard of Lynchburg, Va., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. II. V, Ulbson, 1887 L street Mas. Hubbard is a uelce of ex-Gov, Hubbard of New Hampshire. George Browu of Superior, president of the Nebraska funeral directors' association, is iu Lincoln for the purpose of attending the an nual meeting of the association. Mrs. Lucy A, Crandall of Denver, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Paddock, left Thursday euroute for Europe where she will spend the summer months. Mrs. Fred Funks with her son Earnest, de SATURDAY, JUNE parted Friday for Manltou Springs where they will be joined later by other members of the family. Tho funeral of Gall Cotton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cotton, took place Wednesday afternoon. Theltov, C. il. New man officiated, The colorol MethodlsM of Omaha and Lincoln held a picnic nt Cuhmnn park Friday. The CllpHr Imiid furnished the mtila for tho occasion. Mrs. E. J. Walter, Mist Mable and Master Raymond Bperry, formerly of Lincoln, but now of Aurora, Neb., arn visiting friends in this city. Tho senior's promenndo took place Wed nesday oven ing In Grant Memorial hall, It was very largely attended nnd proved a very succowful nlfnlr. Miss Nellie Whllo Is expected to return from Grand Island In the course of a couple of weeks. 8ho will be accompanied by Miss Carrlo Wasnier. Auditor mid Mrs. Thomns II. Uentou nnd party, who aro touring In tho wettand north west, nro exiecte4 to return sometlmo next week. Sir, CHIT It. Cook, Into private secretary to J. D.Mncfnrland of tho First National, leftThuroday for a trip to Now York and Baltimore. Mr. Will L. Seism, Grand Chancellor of tho KnlgnU of Pythias and Past Sachem of the Rod Men, Is In tho city. Additional Local and Persontl Page 4. Man Is often deceived In tho ago of n worn nn by her gray hair. Ladies, you can appear young nnd prevent this grnyness by using Hall's Hair Ronewer. Hallett, tho enterprising jeweler has just received another Invoice of beautiful souve nir spoons which now mnkos his stock tho largest nnd most varied In the cl y. You should seethe new designs. Ainone them are tho Fortynluers nf California, The Pil grims Landing, Niagara Full, nnd 'The Chi cago,' besides several different styles for Lin coln which are Hnlletts own and excluilvo designs. Ho has them in teas, coffees and orange spoons nnd in tho latter has a genuine novelty. It's shape Is not only very pretty but the newness about it Is n sort of taw edge on one side of the spoon which is used to cut the veins iu the orange when required. There's no place in Lincoln that so many novelties in spoons may be teen as there it at Halletts. Think of it The Cosmopolitan Magazine, a giant among the great monthlies, and Thk CoDRlxn will both be sent to any address one year for three dollars. For furtner particu lars read large advertisement on page eight Hunry Harpham tho popular harness maker has left Twelfth street to locate on Eleventh near P street opposite tha Capital hotel. There with increased facilities and more cen tral location Mr. Harpham's bnslness will undoubtedly Increase. For anything In tho harness lino Harpham is bound to lead nnd if at any tlmo you want anything in his line don't forget to give him a call. Dr. C. F. Ladd, dentist, 1105 O etreet Telephone 153. Office hours, 0 a. m. to 5 p. m, We are thowlng the most complete stock of hosiery and underwear in the city. Don't buy until you bavo seen our stock. J. W. Winokr&Co. 1109 O Street. Too Much So. Harry Strange,, me boy, you don't get on better with Mlsa Keens. Sbe'a an aw fully bright girl. Chollle That's the twouble. She's too bwight Always casting reflections, don't you know. Pittsburg Bulletin. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a psenusr medicine. It is carsfullr prepared from Ssnaparills, DsadtUon, Hsadrake, Dock) FlptlMews, Jnalper Berries, and other well known and valuable vegetable remedlei, by a peculiar coaablaaUon, proportion and process, (trlas; to Hood's Ssnaparilla euratWe powsrnot possessed by other medicines. It effects remark able caret where other preparation fall. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best blood partner before the public. It eradicates evtry Imparity, and cares Scrofula, Salt KheuBi, Bout, Ptmplts, all Humors, Dys pepsia, BUloutnett, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Oensral Debility, flmarrb, Bhsnmatlsra, Kidney and Urer Oomplalsw, overcomet that tired feel inf, creates an sppttlte, and builds up the system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Hat met peculiar and unparalleled tucceis at home. Such bat beoome IU popularity In Lowell, Mass., where It la made, that whole neighbor hood are taking It at the tarns time. Lowell dragfttts sell more of Hood's BarsaparUla than of all ether aarsaparlllas or blood purifiers. Botdbydrugglttt. SI six for. Prepared only by O. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO boss On Dollar IMOQUAlNTta WITH TMI OIOOKATHV Of let COUNTRY Will OIIAtt MUCH IN'ORMATION MOM STUDY 0 THIS MP Ot TWI Chicago,RockIsland& PaciflcRu The SIUOT BOUTS to and from CHICAGO, BOCK ISLAWD. DAVENPORT. SSS MOINES. council, BLtrrva, watertowk, aioux FALLS, KTKNKAPOLI8, BT. PAXIL, AT. JOS JtPK, ATCHISON, LKAVENWOIITH. KANSAS CITY, TOPXKA, SKN VER, COLOBADO BP'NOS asdVUXBLO. SOUS VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Through Coaches, Sleepers, Free Bocllnlng Chair Oars and Dining Oars dally between CHI CAGO. DBS MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS nnd OafAXA. and between CHICAGO nnd DENVER, COLOBADO SPRINOS and PUEBLO via St. Joseph, or Hansss City nnd Topeka. Via Th Albert La Router Fast Xxprets Trains dlly between Cbleaico and KlnneapoUs and St. Paul, with THTtOUOH Becllning Chair Cars (TREK) to nnd from tboae point and Kansas Citr. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake and Sioux FiUls via Bock Island. , . . . . For Tickets, Map. Folder, or deired Informa tion, apply at any Coupon Ticket Office, or uddrost I. ST. JOHN, JOHNMBABTIAN, Oea'l Manager, Qeu'lTkt.fcPaaa.Agt-, CHXCAQO ILL. 13, 1891 Hali Stove and Eange Co.. LINCOLN, NEB. mnaBBamnmni 'tR,M tMnBsnBsnBsnBBntsntBntsnBsnBsnBsnBsnBsntBntBntBm . . v BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV " ' V '1,' nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBBnnn , ' SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBml tmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm "BjajBBH - X atnBBanBaaaWSBRmntnmVsW J kWW!ia X BLm MANUFACTURERS Iron Castings and Nickel Platers. Dealers in Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. 1120 O STREET. pi un?Art$Rictm:R- V bTsswb an jry m smj K9n pa 'ixBtrw vrrni ri ma j mixi.u , flwf jrjn r V vIvLnvPn BBBBjsBBjssMsanmSjsBKsSBSKvasBBsB 'ltVNCOfflsnR 1204-1206 A. C. Zikkkr, resident. KSgaSgfe2 BHStT 'sSBsT" fiQs anmmmmak ' tSSB VS H Lnananananmni 'kSBmw BBmnaamB) Who Wouldn't Buy '- Fine Shoes? At 20 Per Cent Discount The Entire Stock at your disposal. (Sales for Cash Only.) ED. G. YATES, 1120 O c 100 Engraved Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from same, at $.159. WESSEL PRINTING COMPANY. .0. llEB O STREET ' gTOSaSMmSJgsy Tbe Interior Decorative Go. 1134 N STREET. We are just in receipt of a lotT of Imported Papers that for Beauty of Design and Richness of Color can not be duplicated in the West. We Invite Inspection ! Cam, Ei.wick, Manager ggggggggggggg STREET. jgggggj 'Ism? W .'? , "Jr ' . ' ... 'I . u. .)'.." T-. J :'? :'V'V.S '& - .','.' ."-?'v. . 'Wi jfji VlLl I . -'"X 'Pi &. !, ;; ih ii fc?a 1 i J&r&i