i' . ;. V ,' ' fr sTTFTT'TTfepsTrT Chicago and Erie R.R. (Uto Chicago A'Atlnntlo ll'y.) InJConncctlon with the Erie Railway KUUM8 THK ONIiY UN 13 ItETWKKN Chicago and New York Under One Manaxcuient. SOLID TRAINS. Tho Through Trillin ot tliln Lino hotween Chi cago and New York nro run noluli thus avolilltiK nnnoynnco nnd confusion of climmttiK car nr mUiliiK connection. VestibuleJLimited Service VoMluulcd Limited Train. conMnlng or llag. bko, Hmoklusr mut Dny Coaches, with Pullman DIiiIur iindMlecp Jim Ours (heated by utontii, lighted by gas), i;iver this Lined Every Day In the Year. I Pullman Service to Boston. A Pullman Iliiifot Sleoplni: Car to and from lloitoii dally via thU route. t Thin lithoONLYILlN'njlluiiuliti: Pullman Cars betvoonChlcago nml Hostoti. BUCKEYE ROUTE To ColumbiiH.tOhlo.nntinAshlniiJ, Ky. Pullman H'.oopltiK Cur between' Chicago nml nbovo l'olntstjlnlly.r, Trains Arrlvo nml I.eavo Dearborn Station, Chicago.; For further Information, call on tho nearest ltnllrond Ticket Agout, or nddroas W 0 Rltmtjoa, A M TaoW, '. D I Robsrti,! Qon. I'am. Aut. Gen. Mgr. A.O.P.Agt. Now York. Cleveland. Chlcngo e Santa Fe Route ! Atcbison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN- CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dallv Train Service Between Kansas ClU and' PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, nnd DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kansas City and Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, and all Principal Point in Texas. The Only Line Running Through the OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan Handle. For Maps and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address S. M. OSGOOD, GenU Ag't E. L. PALMER. Traveling Agent, 1308 Farnam St., O 2 -a. IE! -&. , 1TBB. A 15 Gent Shut FOR 10 CENTS AT SAM WESTERFIELD'S, BURR : BLOCK. LadleH Vhv !'. I.i) Diik'h Periodical PIIIh from Paris, Franco. That positively ro llovo suppressions, monthly derangcmenti! ami Irregularities cniiHvil by cold, weakness, shock, anemia, or general nervous delll ty. Tho largo proportion of Ills to which ladles nnd mlssos nro liable Is the direct result of a disordered or Irregular menstruation. Hup. presslons continued lesult In blood poisoning und quick consumption. VI pacliauu orlt for 15. Sent dliecl on receipt of price. Hold In Lincoln by II. W. llrown, druggnt. fCftri).(0 jrnr lli Injr tm1 f JrhnR, louiUhi,lroy N ,mi vwjiU firut l.tmltr, you itinv lint iumW mutti, tut fin trtfti y 4iuUkty liuiir U mi 11 frtnif&t f iui u ty mi iiivibii(iiuiiwit j i pv in, lit lit i. ii ( in any ri 01 tint rlr. you tin cum n if nrt at home, civ Injf aU jour tline,i r tre iiiutntiitionlytw tht woik All If uw I. rial ay M Itt Ut tttry "t'tkir W ttart ton. funi Whine fvtivit.lnp t'AB!IA,HlHIUM IfarnrX I'JUUH tl.AltS HlK .. W.lrcu at onea, bllteui a iui iviiiu ai't AAtm AGENCY I A pamphlet of Information and at. tl faciei me iaw.,.uunillK jiuit liyi ;uuiain t'nienii, m?o,'iru sJuarai, ixiprrmnis, inn l"y vAMcMI MUNN m, UU. .301 llronilwar. . New York. '-nrv1 Lixcolv, : Nebraska. Capital, $250,000 Ojh'ccit an J Dirvtlors: John 11. Wright, lre. T. K. Handem, V.-P- J. II. McClay, Catdiler. A H ltnymoml, II P Lull, Tluw Cochran K U Hlzer, Clin WeM, K Ij Hholdon. General Banking Business Transacted, Accounts Solicited. Lincoln Eloral Conservatory Corner G nnd 17th Streets. Out Flowers andTlesigns For Weddings, Funerals, Parlies, Receptions, Etc. General Collection of Plants. Visitors Always Welcome. City Orders by Telephone Promptly Filled. W. S.SAWYER & CO. Price List Free. Telephone 34 REMOVAL .4. Lincoln Shirt Factory To 1402 O Street. In Its new location this establishment will Imvo heller facilities thnu over for turning out llrst-class work, nnd an Increased lino or Gents' KurnlshluK Goods, will always bo on mile. To our business has been added a LADIES' TAILORING DEPARTMENT In which garments of nil kinds will bo miido to order nod nnvthimr from tho Hinnllest uu- dcrgarmculto tho llnest Dress or Cloak will bo skillfully executed nnd mndo on short notice. In this department wo emnloy om. of tho best cutters and litters In tho country anu satisfaction is guaranteed in every par ticular. Our factory will hereafter bo known as tho $ Lincoln Shirt Mfg. Co. A. Kntzcnsteln, Hr.. Mutineer. Cnll nnd seo us. Cor. 1 1th and O Hts SMALL & WALLACE Steam Laundry SUPERIOR -f Custom Work. We are especially well picparedto laun dry, Lace Curtains, Ladles Garments, Fine Fabtlcs Etc, having special methods for doing this work not only satisfactory In appearance, but without injury to garments as well. GutUima's Siirts, Gillars ani Cuffs, and all kinds of Fine Staich work beautiful done up. Give us n tilal. Leading PHOTOGRAPHER! Flno Tltm Cabinets f3 per dozen Hpcclnl rates to students. Cnll and see 011 r work. Studio, 1214 O Street. Open from 10 n. in. to i p. in. Hundnys. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Office: 239 South Eleventh St. McMurtry Block. Office Phone 561. Residence Phone 562, LINCOLN, NEB. LINCOLN AD IMiTITVTK or 1't.MUMillir, BU.rtliuml.nnil T)n'rltliiK. U t tin Wit nml Iniymt (V llfgo In tho Vt, uil NtiKlPiiU In atteliilaiiev loot wr. Mill lontu tirrimnil lor laulm la fruni ,tnl iiiotitli;. (.xinTltuaM fnc-ulty I'itmiih liutriu'tlon. Ikiu tlful llliitirutiil citiilomic, mIIiv- journal, iinii tnveinu'iM of iunminlili, wiiu fnti l,y tu.Mn lnif mJ-tllUIDQE & UOOSi; Lincoln. .Vcb ijK H H L 1 1 1 j' ggg f3HOGRGSIiIE UVCIIRK, .,11 , 5?lir,K'a.,.J?0" t0 HIUiTUK, O.T.A. h.'lii,lVA'VVl,J'".Lb,('."irD Ani1 nx1!?,", poitaf 0 laid. Tea C.l ycr paeL, uoe or loan CAPITAL CITY COURIER, mmm, MR. AND VIRS. BOWSER. Tim limit of I tin IIoumi Oft on llm Trmll of the Deadly Microtis. "Wlint'a the inattvr, nnd whnt have yon got thoror" quorlwl Mm. Dowser im ho enmo homo tho other day halt nil hour ahead of his usual time, nml being loaded down with 11 heavy purchnse of something- "Don't nay n word not n word, nml don't bother me for ten inlliittesl I Inpo I'm In time to nvurl the dnugorl" Sho turned pale mid foil upon tho sofa, nnd ho hurriedly broke tho string securing the pnekago, seized tho three itiart bottle! which comprised Its content nnd rushed up stairs, down the back stairs, down Into the basement and up ngaln A Strang, dlsiiKreeablo odor followinl him ns lie hustled around, nml by tho time ho had re turned to tho fitting room Mm. Dowser had recovered sulllclently to nsk "Mr Dowser, what on earth nro you do ing, nnd what In tho name of goodness Is thnt HtufTP" "What liavo I been dolngf Saving our lives, Mr. Bowser saving tho life of every 0110 under this roof!" "But I I didn't know our lives were lu datiKcr ' "Of course not. If tlio house wa on llro from top to bottom nnd tho llreinuti pitch lug our furniture out of the windows you mlKlit possibly rvnllu tho fact, but It hai never struck you that death silently lurks In every room lu this house." "How you tnlk, Mr. Bowserl Whnt has been tho dauber liniigluu over usf" "MIcrolK-H, Mra. Bowserl" bo whispered, nil ho sat down and wiped his heated faco. "Mlcrolies nnd bacteria millions of "onil" "Itcnn't Iwl" she replied. 'Can't Itl You've lived In New York two week, been out ns far ns Brondway once, and you think you know nil about Itl I know, of course, but having bo many other tilings to see to this 0110 slipped my mind until today '' "But whnt causes thnt terrlblo odorr" ''Nothing terrlblo about It, ns I seo. On tho contrary, i rather like It. It is the odor of disinfectants, Mr. Dowser the odor of something which has no doubt saved our lives ' 'IlowT By killing off thu microbes nnd bnctorla, which would soon have entered our sjh turns nnd produced terrlblo Illness, if not death,'' "Well, 1 suppose you know best," sho snld, ns sho opened a window to let a yard or two of tho carbolic smell dnduo out. "Certainly 1 do, certainly. All husbands do. Mrs. Bowser, let mo ilrnw you n pict ure of a microbe. You can then realize tho danger which menaced us." Ho drew tho Insect, and ns sho surveyed It in surprise nnd disgust, ho continued "Nice tiling to have about forty of those birds cnuteritiK around throunb your sys toni, oh?" "Where do they como fromf" "Sower gas. Dy this thno tomorrow tho houso would bavo been swarmliiK with them, nnd notliltiK on earth could Imvo saved us from typhoid fever or diphtheria. If tho microbe wiw the only thing to look nut for I shouldn't havn been bo anxious, but there is tho bacteria." "What's thntr" "Here is a picture of him. Comes in the same way, nnd his mission is to eat out tho lungs. It Is calculate! that 2,000 of them will cat out tho strongest man's lungs lu a month." "And they were in this house?" sho nsked. "RlKht here, lu this houe." "And ready to be absorbed Into our sys tcmsf" "Not only ready, but nnxlous." "You are sure 'you don't mean cock roaches? I saw two under thu kitchen sink yesterday, and was going to nsk you to get some powdered borax." "Mrs. Dowsc'r," hubcgnii.ns ho stood up, "nro you KrowliiK soft lu tho top of your head? Do I know a Bengal tiger from a woodcuuekr" "I I suppose so." "But 1 don't know a microbe, or n bncto rla from (i cockroach?" ho thundered. "But I never heard you speak of them before, nnd I I" "Do you imagine that 1 or any other bus band sits down and tells his wifu nil ho knows?" ho shouted. "Because I haven't told you thnt a jack rabbit's legs have three joints Is that any reason why I haven't known it for forty yearsl" "But this Is medical science Isn't it?" sho softly protested, "And suppose It 1st Do you suppose I've gone sloshing around all these years with nothlncc but n recipe for making soft soap in my head?" She was silent, nnd nfter striding up nnd down tho room n few times he halted bo fore her and continued "A wlfo Isn't expected to know these things, of course, but I'll ho accounted a pretty husband and father nnd member of a scientific club if 1 didn't know nil about microbes and bacteria.'' "But that picture of a bacteria looks like a lobster," she persisted "Lobster! Looks like 11 loliitor, does It? Very well, Mrs Bowser, this discussion will end right here. It Is plain enough that you haven't tho necessary knowledge to appreciate it." "llut don't you" "Never you tulud, Mrs. Bowserl Let It drop right here. Is supper ready?" Tho odor was so Btrong in tho dining room that tho butter tasted of it, nnd nfter supper tho cook called Mrs. Bowser into tho kitchen to nsk "Is it goiutf to bo llko thts all tho thno?" "Oh, no. Mr. Bowser had to kill off tho mlcrolK'sand bacteria, you seo." "What's them?" "I'll have him como out nnd explain." "No need of it, nm'nin, for my bundle Is all made up, and I'm going. A man who'll drag dead cats through Ids own house would cheat a poor girl out of her wages nt thu end of a month Microbes and bac teria, eh? I don't believe HI Let him show them to mo up In the Zoological gaideusl" When Mrs. Bowser told Mr Bowser what had occurred ho bristled up, got red in the faco and exclaimed: "I seo how It Is, couldn't carry your point with me, and so you went out nnd upset tho girl' Mrs Bowser, you aro treading on dangerous ground very dan gerous A husband may bu a worm, but If that worm Is stepped on too often lie turusl" M. Quad In Now York World. 1'lctorlul I'h rate. "OrnTINO A MOVK OK HIM." -Life SATURDAY, JUNE t3, mmmmmm A MODERN MAIDEN. I'm a Rlrl of today, nnd I licit Icavo to say, When proposing don't fall on jour knccii It Is .bad Mr )onr punts, and my Joy 'twould etilmtieo If Insteitd )ou would gho mo a . I'm cnouith nf n prude to consider It riulu When a fellow ' too f reo u It It a miss, But reason nor kciko neor unrrniit nlTcmo When lie limits himself to n . I once went ton hall with a fellow whoso nll Was proof nKalust e ery mishap: But I took hliu to tnsk when hu eiitiuedto nsk, "My dear, won't )oii sit on my " Thotnth by nil men adored, I ntn freipieutly bored By their calling mo "nngel"nnit "ilne." But hot toolfciid-thelr nitrations I end Dy sending regrcts-nml my . Now York Herald, Keeling fur n Dog, There wni 11 young ninii, followed by 11 bird dog, walking around the Delaware nml Lackawanna depot nt Hoboketi tho other ilny, and an tho dog's tnll appeared to have been lately out oil pretty eloso to his ears, a stranger made bold to liiiiilroi "Excuse me, hut Isn't that a bird dog?" "HuKslr." "1 thought so, though ho looks very queer. Meet with an accident?" "No, Mr. 1 cut Ids tall olt myself." "(lot Injured, did It?" persisted thu man, "Not nt nil, Mr, I did It out of feeling for the dog. I'vu had him llvo years. Up to threu months ago I was worth tlO.Ooo, but then I got scooped out of every shil ling. The dog had an elegant brush nnd carried It its proud ns it king, hut when I wns reduced to poverty hu felt tho change nnd reall.ed that a proud tall was Incon sistent with the social standing of a poor man's dog, I therefore cut It oil' and maihi his looks agree with my old clothes, and Iiu'h happy again," M. Quad lu Now York Evening World. Ho Is 1111 Aristocratic Coachman. Ho'h coachman for a North Sldu family. Hu apparently knows all there Is to know about a horse, and when ho gets on thu box with his lUcryona lire englnu wouldn't mako him turn his vehicle an eighth of an inch. Hu Is Hodlgullled that ho Is almost nwu Inspiring. Ho is a coachman with nil tho trimmings, Hu came into thu houso a day or two ago, shortly nfter breakfast, nnd said hu would llko to go away for nu hour or two. "I want to taku somu clothes to a shop to bu mended," hu said. "Certainly, James," assented Ids em ployer. "I won't bo gone long," hu said apolo getically. "All right." "And I won't tlru thu horses, so If you want them later" "Thu horses!" exclaimed tho head of tho house. "For heaven's sake, how far Is It?" "Only 11 short distance, sir, nnd I'M bo careful to keep them fresh." "Jim what do you want them for?" "So awkwanl to carry n bundle, sir. Then It looks bad. People would say, 'There goes Brown's coachman with tho week's washing.' It wouldn't do tho fnm By any good, sir." Then Brown dropped his morning pa per, gnoped, nnd finally said: "All right; taku 'em. Do you want a footmun too?" Chicago Tribune. A llegliiiilng. Dlgby (showing his new purchase) I think I can make quite a horse out nf lilm, Hlgby You certainly lmvu a good frame work, Harper's Da.nr. Not In 11 Hurry, As a Fort street man was plugging his way homeward about 12:30 a. m. tho other morning ho met n well known young so ciety fellow coining out of an elegant resi dence at about 140 miles an hour, standard time. "Hello," exclaimed tho homeward bound man, as the other landed up against n tree box, "you must Im lu a hurry," "No," ho said meekly, "that wns tho cause of tho dllllculty. I wns not, but the girl's father wns Will you fnvor mo with tho time?" He was favored, nnd with nil "Ahl good morning," he scudded oil down thu street. Detroit Free Press. Up to the Times. Father (indignantly) How docs It hnp pen, sir, that you have such a miserable re port this term? Small Sou (born under tho shadow of Bunker Hill monu.nent) I guess it's be cause you ain't n school director any more. Good News. One llelter. She I hear that Mr. Shellleld Hall has written such it line thesis that it will soon bo out lu print. Lopher, VI S. Oh, that's nothing. My thesis was out in print before I wrotu itl Yalo Record. I'iiII of Alarm. Frank Blanche seems nwfully shy. Whnt do you suppoo makes her bo timid? May Shi's probably afraid you nro not going to propose. Mil usoy's Weekly. Touched llnttoin. "Ed and Minnie had another falling out last week." "Serious quarrel?' "No, hammock." Washington Post. I'.quill to Ihneigfiif lea. Country Editor What's the matter now? Pi essman We're out of Ink. "Well, rub the rollers with tho ofllco towel," Good News Applbd A red brocaded sofa and a dim light In tho room. Two people sitting talking In tlio kuiubvr twl- lights gllNIIII. Tho)outh found sudden rnurago and klssod tho maiden fair. Thu maid was ery angry, nnd exclaimed "Huw could ouduru" Tho jouth raised up I1I1 linger, and ho pointed that was ail To w here a hoinchuld motto wn hanging on thu wall A motto done In worsted nnd hung In phUnent le. Which Mild "Do unto others as you'd hn them do to j on." -J. II. SmIUjr. j(... , T- , -if j imifwufrfyitfa i-ww "" t'fti1' 1891 10 YOU WANT to reach steady u and liberal purchasers in this part of the Country? WE HAVE advertising space for onln ot rninnnnliln nnl " sale at reasonable, not "cheap," rates. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSrnHEBOOKSELLER Tho Choicest lino of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry V Finest Flower ant' Garden Seeds. 12 7 South Eleventh Street. SIDEWALK AND BUILDING J. A. Most Popular Resort in the 'City. Odell's New Dining Hall, S. J, ODKLL., PitoiwiiKioK -o 1528 O STREET. o- Meals 25 els. tgjnKmmmmJfKSnisnSnmlk 2KfflEli5Sfii&5 THK DIltKCT l.lNi: TO Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis, St. Joseph, Kansas City, And all polutH Knst nnd South, Denver and trie Pacific Coast, ALSO TO DeadwooJ, Lead GUy, the Celebrated Hot Springs of Dakota And all polntH lu the lllaelc III1U, THROUGH VESTIBULE TRAINS daily iu:tvki:n DENVER, OMAHA CHICAGO Pullman Palace .Sleeping Cars. Reclining Chair Cars, Seats Free. Fatuous Burlington Dining Cars. Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna, Paris, London, Havre, Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin, Londonderry and all European Points. CANJIIKSTlli: iu:aciiki IVY THK "BTJsi-iinsra-Tonsr eotj AiJltVoutiectKttlth tillthe'popiilnrllurfJoroceniiMcamfthlps. A.O. .IKMKIt, City Pan.. Ant., Lincoln. J. KitANCIS, Oen, l'a. Ast..Oiunhn, Nph TMt MwbflUht " 'A f-1 ' ' iniiik THia, SPACC1 1 I . - imm, ro " Ml 5 1 m m m m"n m -AND- VITRIFIED PAYERS BUGKSTAFP $4.50 per Week. Nebraska's Leading Hotel. THE HURRAY Cor. lath nnd Ilnrnoy HU., 02.A.ZX.A.. irxa. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Modern Improvements and Convenience. B. 8IU0WAY, Pro-rletor. V HIQBY, Principal Oltrk m" B, BRICK " J t