Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 13, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Bit Tatmnc rrtnrliri mi Ktoqnant Hrr
Man Thl Append In tho llulnr Mnn,
the Invalid, lh Mouranr ml to All
Brooklyn, Juno T. It It no now thlnn
to the memtora of t lie Urooklyn Tabornnclc
hnrch to have their paator'n cinlnutico no
knowlolKotl by tho outnldo world, lltit
Ten they mint hnvo Iwau Kratlflml by tlio
distinction confvrnxl upon him nines Innt
Sunday. In llntonluK to Dr. TalmnKo to
day, they were IImcmiIiik to tho ohnplnln of
the Ancient nml Ilonorahlo Artillery Com
pany of MaMacliiniotta, In which office hu
wm formally Inatullutl with duo ceremony
on June 1. The organization, which I
two hundred nnd fifty yearn old, and tho
lineal ilraoondnnt of no KiikIUu oruanl ra
tion dntlnit back to the beginning of tho
Sixteenth century, lion had ninny dlntlu-
gulih'ed divines Mclinplalns, nml tho honor
m nlwnyi Immiii hlKhly appreciated. Tho
subject of Dr. Talntnuo's Burniou this
morning was "Tho Harden Uonrcr," nnd
hit text I'aalm lv, tt)-"Cast thy burdun
apon.tho Lord, nnd ho shall sustain theo."
Dnvld wni hero taking his own medicine
If anybody had on him heavy welghu,
Dnvld had them, nnd yet out of his own
Azperlouco ho advises you nnd mo ua to tho
beat wny of getting rid of burdona. Thla la
a world of bunion bearing. Coming Into
the houao of prayer thoro tuny bo no algu
of sadness or aorrow, but whoro la tho mnn
who hna not a conlllctf Whoro la the soul
that hna not a atrugglof And there la not
a dny of All tho yenr when my toxt Is not
gloriously appropriate, and thoro la uuver
All AUdlonoo oaaomblod on tho planet where
the text doe not (It the occasion! "Cast
thy burden upon tho Lord, and ho shall
sustain theo." lu the far east wella of wa
ter an io Infrequent thatwhon a man
owna a well he hna a property of very (treat
value, And sometimes battles hnvo been
fought for the possession of ono well of
water; but there la ono well that evory man
owns a deep well, a iwronnlal well, a well
of tears. If a mnn has not n burden on
thla shoulder, he hna n burden on tho other
The day I left homo to look After myself
and for myael, In the wagon my father sat
driving, and ho anld tbnt dny something
which hna kept with mo nil my llfoi "Do
Witt, it Is always info to trust God. I
havo many a tlmo como to a crista of diffi
culty. You may know thnt, hnvlng boon
sick for fifteen years, tt was no cnay thing
for me to support a family; but ntwnys
God camo to tho rescue, I remember tho
time," ho said, "when I didn't know what
to do, nnd I saw n man on horseback rid
ing up tho farm Inno, and ho Announced to
sue that I had boon nominated for tho most
lucrative oflko In tho gift of tho people of
Mm county, and to thnt office I was elected,
and God In that way met all my wants,
and I tell you It Is always safo to trust
Oh, my friends, what wo wnnt Is a prac
tical rcllglonl Tho religion people have la
so high up you cannot roach It. I had a
friend who entered tho llfo of an evaugo
list Ha gave up a iucratlvo business In
Chicago, and he and his wlfo finally came
to severe want. He told me that In tho
morning at prayers he saldt "O Lord, thou
knowest we have not a mouthful of food
inthehouael Help me; help usl" And he
started out on the street, and a gentleman
nut him and Midi "I havo been thinking
of you for a good while. You know I nm
a flour merdhant; If you won't bo offended,
I should like to seud you a barrel of flour."
My friend cast his burden on tho Lord,
and the Lord sustained him. In the
Straits of Magellan, I have been told, there
Is a place where whichever wny a captain
puts his ship be finds the wind against
him, and there arc men who all their lives
have been running in tho teeth of the
wind, and which way to turu they do not
know. Some of them may bo hero this
morning, and I address thorn face to fnco,
not perfunctorily, but as ono brother talks
to another brother, "Cast thy burden upon
me Lioru, anu no shall sustain theo."
First There are a great many men who
have business burdens. When we see a
nan harried and perplexed And annoyed In
business life we Are Apt to say, "He ought
not to have Attempted to carry so much."
Ab, thnt man tuny not bo to blamo at all!
When a mnn plants a business he dors not
know what will be lu outgrowths, what
vrlll be lu roots, what will bo lu branches.
Then Is many a man with keen foresight
and large business faculty who baa beou
flung Into the dust by unforeseen circum
stances sprlngtug upon him from ambush.
When to buy, when to sell, when to trust
And to what amount of credit, what will be
the effect of this uew inveutlon of machin
ery, whnt will be the effect of that loss or
crop and a thousand other questions per
plex business men until the hair Is silvered
and deep wrinkles are plowed lu the check,
and tho stocks go up by the mountains nnd
go down by the valleys, and they are at
their wiu' ends and stagger like drunken
There never has been a tlmo when there
have been such rivalries In business as
bow. It is hardware ngnlnat hardware,
books against books, chandlery ngnlnat
chandlery, Imported article against Im
ported article. A thousand atores In com
bat with Another thousand stores. Never
uch adynntneo of light, never such vari
ety of assortment, never so much splendor
of show window, never so much adroit
ness of salesmen, never so much acuteuess
of advertising, and nmid all the severities
of rivalry In business bow many men
break downl Oh, the burden on tho
houlderl Oh, the burden on tho heart!
xou hear thnt It Is nvarice which drives
. tbwwnof buMnf through the street,
and thai Is the commonly Accepted Idea.
1 do not believe a word of It.
The vast niultltwdt of these business
men are tolling on for others. To educate
their chlldreu, to put the wing of protec
tion over their bouaeholds, to have some
thing left so when they pais out of this
Ufa their wives and children will not havo
to go to tka poorhouse that Is the way 1
ImbbIaU this energy In the street and
tors the vast majority of that energy.
Grip, Gouge & Co. do not do all the busi
ness. Some of us remember when the
Central America was coming home from
California, It was wrecked. President
Arthur's father-in-law was the heroic cap
tain of that ship, and went down with
most of the passengers.
Some of them got off Into lifeboats, but
there was a young man returning from
California who bad a bag of gold In his
hand) and as the last boat shoved off from
tka ship that was to go down that man
saoHUd to a comrade In the boat, "Here,
Jobs, eaten ..this gold, there are 3.000;
take It homa'to my old mother, It will
make bar aomfortaUl in her last days."
Aria, Gauga ,L'e, do not do all the busl-
i ai ias warn, aui my menu, uo you
any thnt God does not cm re anything atout
your worldly lmnlin'r I tell you God
knows more alxut It than you do. He
knows nil your perplexities; ho knows
whnt mortgagee la nbout to foreclose;
ho knows whnt nolo you cannot pay;
he knows whnt unsalable goods you liayo
on your shelves, ho knows nil your trials,
from tho dny you took hold of the first
yardstick down to the sale of tho Inst yard
of ribbon, and the God who helped David
to be king, nnd who hclol Daniel to be
prlmo minister, nnd who helwd Hnvelock
to be a soldier, will holp you to discharge
nil your duties. He is going to see you
through. When loas comes, and yoti find
your property going, just tako this Hook
and put It down by your ledger, nnd rend
of tho eternal possesions that will como to
you through our Lord Jesus Christ. And
when your business partner betrays you,
and your friends turu ngnlnat you, just
take tho Insulting letter, put It down on
the table, put your Hllilo tiesldo tho Insult
ing letter, and than rend of tho frluud'
ship of him who "stlckcth cloior than a
A young nccountnut In Now York city
got Ida accounts vutnnglod. Ho know he
wns honest, nnd yet ho could not mnko his
nccounU coinu out right, nnd ho tolled at
them day and night until ho wns nearly
frenr.led. It seemed by thoso books that
something had been misappropriated, nnd
he know before God ho was honest. Tho Inst
dny enmu. Ho know If ho could not that
dny mnko his account como out right hi
would go into disgrace nnd go Into banish
ment from tho business establishment, lit
wont over there very early, before then
was nnybody in tho place, nnd ho knelt
down at tho desk and saldt "Oh, Ixml,
thou knowest I havo tried to bo honest, but
I cannot make these things como out righti
Help mo today help mo this morning!"
Tho young mnn arose nnd hardly know
ing why ho did so opened a book thnt lay
on tho desk, nnd there was a leaf contain
ing u line of figures which explained ovary
thing. In other words, hu cast his bunion
upon the Iord nnd tho Lord sustained
him. Young man, do you hear thntr Oh,
yes; God hna ft sympathy with nnybody
thnt Is in nny kind of tot II Uo know
how heavy Is tho hod of bricks that tht
workman cartjes up tho ladder of the wall;
ho hears tho plcknx of tho miner dowir In
the conl shaft; he knows how strong the
tempest strikes tho sailor nt masthead; he
aces tho factory girl nmoug tho spindles
and knows how her arms ncho; ho sees the
sowing woman lu tho fourth story and
knows how few cnco sho gets for making
n garment; and louder than nil tho din and
roar of tho city comes tho volco of a sym
pathetic God, "Cast thy burden upon the
Lord, nnd honhnll sustain theo."
Second There are n great ninny who
hnvo n weight of persecution and abuse
upon them. Sometimes socloty geU a
grudgo against n man. All his motives
are misinterpreted, nnd his good deeds are
depreciated. With more vlrtuo than soino
of tho honored nnd applauded, he runs
only against raillery nnd sharp criticism.
When n mail begins to go down ho has not
only tho force of natural gravitation, but
a hundred hands to help him In tho pre
cipitation. Men are persecuted for their
virtues nnd their successes. Germnnlcus
said he had just ns many bitter antagonists
as he had adornnienU. The character
sometimes Is so lustrous that tho weak
eyes of envy and jealousy cannot bear to
look at It. It was their Integrity that put
Joseph In the pit, and Daulel in tho don,
and Shadrach In the fire, and sent John
tbo Evangelist to desolate Patmos, and
Calvin to the castlo of persecution, and
John Husa to tho' stake, aud Korah after
Moses, and SauI after David, and Herod
After Christ Bo sure if you havo anything
to do for church or state, and you attempt
It with all your soul, tho lightning will
strike you.
The world always has bad a cross ho
tween two thieves for tho one who comes
to savo it High nnd holy enterprise has
always been followed by abuse. Tho most
subllmo tragedy of self sacrifice has come
to burlesque. Tho graceful gait of virtue
is always followed by grimace nud travesty.
The sweetest strain of poetry over written
has come to ridiculous narodv. and as lonu
as there are vlrtuo and righteousness lu the
world, thoro will bo something for Iniquity
to grin at All along tho Hue of tho ages,
aud lu all lauds, tho cry bus boon: "Not
thla man, but Uarabbas. Now, Darabbus
was a robber."
And what makes the persecutions of life
worse is that they come from people whom
you have helped, from thoso to whom you
have loaned money or have started In busi
ness, or whom you rescued In some great
crisis. I think It has been tho history ol
all our lives tho most acrimonious assault
has como from thoso whom we havo bene
fited, whom we have helped, and that
makes tt all tho harder to bear. A man is
In danger of becoming cynical.
A clergyman of the Unlvtirsalist church
went Into a neighborhood for the establish
ment of a church of his denomination,
and be was anxtous to find some one of
that denomination, and he was pointed to
a certain house and went there. Ho said
to the man of tho house, "I understand
you are a Uulversallst; I want you to help
me lu the enterprise." "Well," said the
mnn, "I am n Universalis, but I have a
peculiar kind of Universnlism." "What
is thntr" naked tho minister. "Well," re
plied the other, "I have been out lu the
world, nnd I havo been cheated and slan
dered and outraged and nbused until I be
lieve In universal daranatioul"
The great danger Is that men will bo
como cynical and given to believe, as Da
vid was tempted to any, that all men are
liars. Oh, my trleuds, do not let that bo
the effect upon your souls) If you cannot
endure a little persecution bow do you
think our fathers endured great persecu
tion? Motley, lu his "Dutch Hopubllc,"
wns us or r.gmont the martyr, who, con
demned to be beheaded, unfastened his col
lar on the way to the scaffold; aud wheu
they asked him wby lo did that ho said,
"So they will uot be detained in their
work-, I want to be ready." Ob, how little
We have to endure compared with those
who have goue Iwfore usl -
Now, if you have come across 111 treat
ment, let me tell you you are In excellent
company Christ And Lutber And Galileo
and Columbus and Jobu Jay aud Joslah
Quincy aud thousands of men And women,
tho best splriU of earth and heaven.
Budge not one Inch, though all hell wreak
upon you lu vengeance, and you be mode
a target tor ueviia to snoot at no you not
think Christ knows all about persecution t
Was be not hissed atr Was bo not struck
on the cheekf Was he not pursued all the
days of bis llfef Did they not expectorate
upon him? Or, to put it in Bible lan
guage, "They spit upou him." And can
not ho understand whnt persecution laf
"Cast thy bunion upon the Lord, and he
shall sustain thee."
Third There are others who carry great
burdens of physical ailment. Wheu sud
den sickness has come, and fierce choleras
and malignant fevers take the castles of
life bv storm, we appeal to God: but in
thoso chronic aliments whicn wenr out tho
strength day nfter day, nud week nfter
week, and year nfter yenr, how llttlu re
sorting to God for iolncol Then people de
pend upou tluir tonics nnd their piasters
and their cordials rather than upon heav
enly stimulants. Oh, how few people
there nro completely well! Some of you, by
dint of perseverance nud care, hnvo kept
living to this tlmo; but how you have had
to war against physical nllmcntal Auto
dlluvlnns, without medical collego and In
firmary and apothecary shop, multiplied
their years by hundreds; but ho who has
gone through tho gantlet of dlscaso in our
time, nnd has como to seventy years of nge,
hi a hero worthy of a palm.
Tho world swims to bo a grent hospital,
and you run against rheumatisms and con
sumptions and scrofulas and neuralgias
and scores of old diseases baptized by new
nomenclature. Oh, how heavy a burden
sickness lal It takes tho color out of tho
sky, nud tho npnrklo out of tho wnvo, nnd
tho sweetness out of tho fruit nnd tho Ins
ter out of tho night When tho limbs ache,
when tho respiration Is painful, when tho
mouth Is hot, whou the enr roars with un
healthy obstructions, how hard it Is to bo
patient and cheerful nnd nsslduousl "Cast
thy burden upon tho Lord." Does your
head nchof Ills wore tho thorn. Do your
feet hurt? Ills were crushed of tho spikes.
Is your side palnfulr His was struck by
tho apear. Do you feol like giving wny un
der the burden f His weakness gavo way
under a cross.
While you are In overy possible wny to
try to restore your physical vigor, you nro
to remember that mora soothing than nny
nnodyne.atid more vitalizing than any stim
ulant, and more strengthening than nny
tonic is tho prescription of the text: "Cast
thy bunlcti upou tho Lord, nnd ho shall
sustain theo." We hear a great deal of
talk now about faith cure, nndsomo people
say It cannot bo done nud it is a failure. I
do not know but that tho chief advance of
tho church Is to bo in thnt direction. Mar
velous things como to mo dny by dny
which mnko mo think thnt If tho ngo of
miracles is past It is because tho faith of
miracles Is past
A prominent merchant of New York
said to n member of my family, ".My moth
er wants her caso mentioned to Mr. Tal
mage." This was tho caso. Ho saldt "My
mother had a dreadful abscess, from which
sho had suffered untold agonies, and all
surgery had Iran exhausted upon her, and
worse nnd worse sho grew until wo called
In a fow Christian friends and proceeded
to prny nbout it Wo commended her caso
to God, aud tho abscess bognu immediately
to bo cured. Sho is entirely well now, and
without knife and without any surgery."
So that case has como to mo, nnd thoro nro
a score of other cases coming to our ears
from nil parts of the earth. Oh, yo who
are sick, go to Chrlstl Oh, yo who nro
worn out with ngonles of body, "Cast thy
burden upon the Lord, nnd ho shall sus
tain thcel"
Another bunlen somo havo to carry Is
tho bunion of bereavement Ahl thcuo are
tho troubles that wear us out. If we loso our
property, by additional industry perhaps
wo may bring back tho estranged fortune;
If wo loso our good name, perhaps by
reformation of morals wc may achieve
ngnln reputation for integrity; but who will
bring back tho dear departed? Alas mel
for these empty cradles nnd these trunks
of childish toys that will never bo used
Again. Alas mel for tho empty .chair nnd
the sllenco in tbo halls that will never echo
again to those familiar footsteps. Alast
for the cry of widowhood and orphanage.
What bitter Murahs in the wilderness,
what cities of tho dead, whnt long black
shallow from tho wing of death, whnt eyes
sunken with grief, what hands tremulous
with bereavement, what Instruments of
music shut now because there are no fin
gers to play on themt Is there no relief
for such souls? Ayo, let tho soul rldo Into
tho harbor of my toxt
Tho soul that on Jesus hath leaned for reposo,
I will not, I will not desert to Its foes;
That soul, though all holl shall emloavor to
I'll nover, no never, no novor forsake
Now, the gnve Is brighter than tho nu
clout tomb whoro tho lights were perpetu
ally kept burning. Tho scarred feot of
him who was "tho resurrection and tho
life" are on tho broken gravo hillock, while
tho voices of angels ring down tbo sky nt
tho coronation of another soul como homo
to glory.
Then there are many who carry the bur
dcu of sin. Ah, wo all carry It until in
tho appointed way thnt bunlen is lifted.
Wo need uo Bible to provo that tho wholo
race Is ruined. Whnt a spcctaclo it would
be If we could tear off tho mask of human
defilement or bent i drum that would
bring up tin wholo army of tho world's
transgressions tho deception, tho fraud,
and tho rapine, and tho murder, aud tho
crime of nil tho centuries! Aye, if I could
souud the trumpet of resurrection In tho
soul of tho best men lu this audience, nud
all tho dead sins of tho past should como
up, wo could not endure the sight. Sin,
grim and dire, has put its clutch upou tho
immortal soul nud that clutch will never
relax unless It bo under tho heel of him
who camo to destroy tho works of tho devil.
Oh, to hnvo a mountain of sin on tho
soul I Is there no way to havo the burden
moved? Oh, yes. "Cast thy burden upon
tho Lord." Tho sinless ono camo to tako
the consequences of our sin! And I know
ho is In earnest. How do I know it? By
the streaming temples and tho streaming
hands as ho says, "Como unto mo all yo
who nro weary ami heavy laden, and I will
give you rest." Why will prodigals live
on swines' husks wheu tho robe, and the
ring, and the father's welcome are ready?
Why go wandering" over tho great Sahara
desert of your sin whou you nro Invited to
the gnnlens of God, the trees of llfo nnd
the fountains of llvlug water? Why bo
houseless and homeless forever when you
may become tho sous and daughters of tho
Jrd UtKl Almighty?
Fssliluiis In Fans.
Intro are gauze fans of novel design,
hand painted, with tllghtA of butterflies.
wallows and dragon files, and studded at
Intervals with mock gems diamonds, ru
bies, emeralds nud the like. They glitter
and look very brilliant by gaslight, and
ato comparatively Inexpensive. A pretty
fauof black gauze, called the "rising sun,"
la ornamented with graduated lines of
gold. It would bo just the thing to carry
with a black and gold ball gown. Some
young girls have their first name painted
on their fans. Ono seen was in crepe do
Chine, with tho word "Violet" painted in
violets upon It Tho flower fans are lovely,
but very fragile. They geucrally copy the
form aud colors of a poppy or a rose.
Sho Knew What to Uo,
Amy These newspaper articles on
"What Shall Wo Do with Our Boys?"
mnko mo tired.
Mabel Mo, too; every girl knows that
the best thing to do with her boy is to
marry him. Nw York Upoch.
,xocr3uaotxx.irt - ouuuumjn
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am: u 1 I 1 A
How to Olt-nti Tinware.
Apply common soda with n tnoistcuci
nowBpnpor mid rub with n dry pieco
Tho tlnwnro will look llku now afto'
this treatment.
How to I'rnvent Corns.
Ono of tho chief causes of corns is the
wearing of ill fitting shoos. To proven t
their growtli only ono thing ia necessary.
Always purchase well fitting shoes and
wear them in tho house for a week or
two, to accustom them to tho shape of
your feot, boforo putting them into gen
eral uso.
How to Otitnln m Passport.
Send fivo dollars to tho secretary of
Btnto, Washington. A blank will bo
sent to you, which you fill out nnd cer
tify to before n justice of tho penco or
notary public and return to tho secre
tary, who thereupon issues tho passport
Every passport must bo ronowed within
ono year of its ditto. Tiio oatli of alio-
ginnco is required in all cases. When
husband, wifo mid minor children travel
togethor a singio .passport is nil that U
needed. A separato passport is required
for nny other person, except servants, in
tho party. On tho Franco-Spanish fron
tier tho possession of a passport is ob
ligatory, and is likoly to prove of great
Bervico elsewhero nt nny tlmo.
How to Cut or Mora dlais.
Any hard steel tooth will cut glass
ensily when kept wet with camphor dis
solved in turrwiitine. A nolo can bo
readily enlarged by a round file, Tho
ragged edges of glass vessels can be
smoothed by a flat file. In fact tho most
brittlo glass can bo wrought almost as
easily ns brass by tho uso of cutting
tools kept wet with camphorated oil of
How to Eat an Orange.
Cut thoornngo In halves, longitudinal
ly, with a sharp knifo. Then insert tho
point of n teaspoon into each section
nnd with n slight twist of tho wrist dig
out tho juicy part, leaving tho pulp.
Tho best results uro with tho ripest
oranges, for whoro thoy aro slightly
green it is mora difficult to soparato tho
snbstanco from tho pulp. Special orango
spoons nro quito tho thing, nnd can bo
obtained at your jowclor's.
now to Change American Into Foreign
When nbout to leavo tho United States
It is udvisablo to sccuro whatover foreign
money you may need from a reputablo
oxchango broker, of whom thoro aro a
number in overy city. If you intend
crossing tho ocean you can often change
greenbacks for English monoy to tho
amount of nbout $100 on board tbo
steamship. It is not prudent, however
to trust to this chanco, as there aro fre
quently mora demands on the purser
than ho is nblo to meet Besides, tbo
premium charged is usually higher than
yon would havo to pay to tho broker at
tho port of embarkation. American and
English gold Is readily exchanged in
most foreign countries, but in England,
If you depend upon tho chances of tho
hour, a fivo dollar gold pieco is often re
ceived at tho rata of n sovereign, and in
Franco it is not uncommon to havo a
sovereign roceivod as a twenty franc
pieco. Both prudonco and economy
therefore suggest dealing with tho regu
lar exchange brokers, who can bo found
in tho vicinity of tho railroad depots in
most European cities.
How Grain Shrinks.
From tbo timo It is threshed, wheat
will shrink two quarts to tho bushel, or
0 per cent. , in six months. Corn shrinks
much more from tho timo it is first
husked. Ono hundred bushels of ear
will bo reduced to about eighty in tho
same period.
low to Test Milk for Water.
Thrust a dry, cool knitting ncodlo deep
in tho milk and withdraw it slowly. If
tho milk has been watered as much as
5 per cent scarcely a trace of its oil ele
ments will adhere to tho needle. If pure,
tho neodlo will bo quito oily.
How to Clean Hair llruiliei.
Dissolve a llttlo soda in warm water
aud add u littlo ammonia. Hold tho
brushes in it with tho bristles down
ward and avoid wetting tho buck. Shako
until tho grease is removed, rinse in cold
wutor and put lu tho nir to dry
. How to Iteinove Stulna.
Rubbing with common suit will take
egg stains from spoons. Fruit status
can be taken from tho hands by washing
them in clear water, drying slightly and
holding them over tho flame of a sulphur
match while thoy are moist. Stains can
bo taken from linon by laying salt of
wormwood on tho parts when wot and
How to Detect Ueutli.
If, wiien tho hand of tho supposed dead
person be held toward a candlo or other
artificial light, with tho fingers extended
and touching each other, and one looks
through tho spaces between tho fingers
toward tho light there, appears a scarlet
red color whuro tho fingers touch ouch
other, the person is still allva Tho color
is caused by the blood still circulating
showing Itself through tho tissues which
have not yet congested. When llfo is
entirely extinct tho phenomenon of scar
let spaco between the fingers at once
Uow to Dress a Shop Window.
A window dresser can secure tho best
results by working along' geometrical
lines. To bo the most attractive tho
goods' on ono sido of a window should
have tho same shape as those on the
other. Beauty of design can nover be
obtained by throwing a small selection
of tho stock Into tho window in a con
fused mass. Tho dresser should aim to
work out soma figiro in his arrangement
of the goods.
o Ci
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Common Sense and Opera Tip, all Widths,
Parker &
Our work speaks for itself, it needs no brag
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Phone 219. 1112O Street.
Op.ned Jan 1 1, '01, All Improvements
The Lincoln,
TKKMH-f.'.M TO fl.00.
ibo latter price Includes Untlis.
First-Class in Every Respect!
liinUi'L, Hull 11 nil Itei'rptloim.
Wo nro OHpcclully well prepared to enter
tain largo or Hiiinll KiithprliiKg nt llaniuotg,
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mation cheerfully Ktvcn at thoollke.
Cor. I'a ml OtbHtH. Hiikahh AMaukki
100 Engrayed Calling Cards
And Copper Plate, for $2.50.
If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards trom
same, at $.150.
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Ifiltllli ttWtnmr 1