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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1891)
w fr imi'WWMMUmWrG&st c ,W ""2 sW - CAPITAL CITY COURIER; SATURDAY,. JUNE 13, 1891 .) 3 'jgf.wW' 5 f& 'I. h (F "SIBERIA" OCr in the J- MARKET And the I.ntcMt, our XHl' MHTHOD Gasoline Stoves See our line of Water Cool ers, Bird Cages, Lawn Mow crs, Screen Doors, Window Screens and Wire Screening in any quantity. FRANK E. LAHR, 936 P St. PlIONIS 380 Cushman Park Saturdny, June 13th. Annie A. Park of Boston Cornctlst, with Orchestra Mntlncc. Sunday,' June 14th. ANNIE A. PARK, C0RNHT1ST with Support In Concert Grand, Monday, June 15, K. 1'. Outing, pri vate. Tucudny, June 16, Plcainnt Hours, pri vate. Wednesday, June 17, Old Settlers An nual Picnic. Thursday, June 18, I. O. G. T. Outing excursion. See time table, D. & M. Attendance lor month of May since the 10th, 11,026. FIRST SEE US ON Refrigerators Water Coolers Freezers Bird Gages law Mowers Wire Cloth Screen Doors Step Ladders Wash Machines Gas and Gasoline Stoves Kruse ft White 1210 o ST. iJ A l))uhr li)cr of Mmhrn Tim. Publlshod Saturday. AiMrpK fill oominiinlCAtluns illroct to Un nfflco WlCBBlCI Phintino Oo., ruui.tniiKiiM. Courier IIuIMIiik, IIIU N Hlrcot. TKI.KI'IIOXie'iVI I Wwwicr,, Jiu, Kdltor niul Holo Proprietor. HltiihClill'rKiNi Oiip Year by Mnll or Carried 12 00; Hlx Mniitlin,tl.nOTlireo Months, KHj.) Ono month W Cent lnrnrntily In Advance. AtivcnTtoKMicKTii: ItAtr furnlnliiHl on application nt Hut nDlctf, HHi-ll rates on Tlino Contract. CoMTainirrioitiit Hliort spicy sketches, poems and stories solicited, Personal and Hoclal notes are especially desirable, PaiMTlKot We make a specially of Kino I'rlntliig In all lu limnetic. Society work a specialty. KnteiednttlioPoiloinco of Lincoln, Null., as second class mntler. POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 65,000. A Ite.t r.etter liar. Folminry (Hli wiw n ml lottor day for Clinmlierlfilii & Co., Des Moines, Iowa. They nmdo their llrst shipment of Roods to tlio IJawnliau Islands on that day. It con sisted of 10(1 cases contalultiK over four hun dred down of their medicines, to the leading wholesale dniR house lu Honolulu. A largo sharo of this shipment consisted of Clmmber- laln's Cough lleutedy, so much esteomea wherever It Is known for IU cures of colds anil as n preventive- and ctiro for crouj). Chatnlicrlaln & Co., havo contrnctcd for ad vertising In nil tho leading nawspnMni In tho Hawaiian Inlands, and expect to inaku their remedies as popular there as they are in any part of tho United BUtea. For wilo by drug gists. Tho Lincoln lee company wagons are now making regular trips to nil parts or tlio city. OHIce, 1104 0 street. Noverordorn photograph or plcturo of any kind until you have seen tho work done at tho new Studio Lo Grande, 134 south Twelfth street Gentlemen should now get out thoir latt summer's suit, take It to tho Lincoln Bteaiu dye works 1 105 O street nnd have It cleaned, dyed, rehired or pressed out. Tlio WMtcbrvnut Coal nnd Lime company Is always at the front supplying tho finest grades of all kinds of coal Drown' restaurants, Windsor block, U10 north Eleventh street, and 1418 O street. Fivo dollar commutation tickets reduced to four dollars, good at both places. Not nCltltelt of Lincoln can afford tomitsthe comfort nnd safety offered him by tho North Western Line (F. E. & M. V. Ml.) in his travels to and from Chicago and all eastern point. It Is tho direct line to St. Paul, Minneapolis Olympla, Seattle, Tncoma, and all other Mliv nesota, Washington nnd Montana points. All passengers for these points go through without depot transfer. Patronise tho North Westem nnd avoid omnibus transfers. It is tho only all rail line to that Sanatorium of the world, tho Hot Bprlngs of South Dako ta and the direct lino to ltapiil City, Dead wood nnd Black Hills point. To all those contemplating a trip tho coming Reason It of fers n direct line and service, to all the re sorts of Wlsoousln, Minnesota nnd Northern Michigan. Tho finest llshing grounds In tho world are reached by this Hue. For rates and Information, call nt 1133 O street. W. M. HiiiritAN, Gen'l Ag't, J. T. Mahtin, City Tk't Ag't. Fino silk underwear nt special prices this week at J. W. Winokh & Co. 1100 O street. Have your harness all washed, oiled and cleaned nnd repaired at 143 north Eleveuth ttreet, opposite Capital Hotel. The Hot Sprint of Dakota. These springs are rapidly becoming famous on account of tho wonderful curative proper ties of tho waters,pnd the many marvelous cures which have been effected by the ther mal baths. The town and spring are delightfully situ ated in a picturesque valley In the Black Hills country, abounding in beautiful scenic effects, and at an altitude of 3,400 feet above the tea level; thus Insuring" a pure atmos phere nnd exhilarating climate, absolutely free from malaria. Under tho enterprising and progressive management of the Hot Springs company many desirable improvements have been made; among the number tho erection of a commodious bath house fitted up with all modem cnnv.iifotiPM tnv tha w...fu... gueits. New hotel have been built and com- luriauiy lurumutu llirougnoui, COIlUUCteu In HrstClasn stvlo and at rnuormhtA ratna Those who prefer stopping uta private house' win mm iiinuy uesiraine ooawing places where good accommodations nro furnished at moderate prices. Tho superior daily service now afforded by the Burlington Route to Hot Springs, with through sleeping car accommodations from Omnha, Lincoln, Aurora and Grand Island, makes the trip an easy and enjoyablo one; and for the benefit of nil who desire to test the efllcacy of the waters, round trip tickets at reduced rates, good for ninety days are now oil sale at all otllces of the Burlington Route. For iwmphlet, descriptive of the springs, and full information as to rates, time, etc., apply to any agent of the company, or to J. Fhancis, Gen't Pass'r & Tk't Agt., Omaha, Neb. Commutation ticket at Brown's reitnu rant (good at either place), five dollars for four dollar. Till m&km nrlm Intro l..n any other place lu the city when the prices -im m on uui oi tare is considered . BUV Coal lutllMl nmr hnmi ... tie Nut Is conceded by all that have used it to . um, ,ur Kucueu use. rrice v 4.40 ae Hvered. Bold only by Geo. A. Raymer. Tel ephone 390. 1134 0 street. For chamois skins for parrlage use call on Henry Harpham, 143 north Eleventh street, opposite Capitol Hotel. Hav you been to the new hair dressing parlors of the Tbornburn Sisters at 1343 O street. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The Journal In Its mention of tho project ed Crete outing of tho Tuesday Evening club made n slight mlstako of 30 days lu tho date. Mr. J, II. Luke, who Is well known In this city, has succeeded J. K. Wait as mana ger of tho Heal Estito nows of O nspcr, Wyo. Tlio nrt reception held Monday evening nt tho conservatory of inuilo reflects much cred it uKu the young ladles of that lusts' tutlou. Mr. Frank Hathaway exwcta to visit Chi cago next week, Intending to meet his sister, Miss Llllle, ca routo from Massachusetts, Mrs. Mh'nrplcsi of Hun Frnnclseo, who was woll known In Lincoln as Miss Ida Muster, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Louise Mtisser. Mlm Amy Covert has gono to Newton, Iowa, whero sha cxvcls to spend the summer with her cousin, Miss Kntherlno Hnum, Mrs. Dr. Hnrt nnd son, ncconinnled by Miss Kate McOi nth left Thursday for Mar ietta, Ohio to skik1 tho summer. Mrs. Carrie Rice nnd Mrs. Anna P. Prntt of Ht Lotili are tlio guoitsof Mrs. M. M. Do Lewis, 010 South Twentieth street. Tho Happy Evening rluh gave n dauco Tuesday evening nt Temple Hnll. There wero about fifty couples prosont. Mr. Daniel Raymer nnd Mlm Roso Greener both of this city, wero married Wednesday nfteruoou liy Judge Foxworthy. Miss Gertrude Abbott Is visiting relatives nt Minneapolis, Minn., nnd will bo gone nbout two mouths, Mr. J. W, Howen nnd Senitor Knoot re turned Thursday from tho enenmpmont of tho Sons of Veterans nt Genovn. Mrs. K. Hnllettandhertwochlldrcn.lHugh nnd Scott left Thuradny morning for Ottum- wa, Iowa, Mk. II old home. Mr. II. T. Westermnn with his sister, Mlsa Augusta, nro visiting In Docntur, 111., whore they will remnltt several weeks. Mrs. A. II. Totten nnd children of Seward, ' nro visiting her pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Canllcld, nt 1815 O street. Tho Conservatory of Muslo held Its com mencement exorcises yesterdny morning nt 0:30 lu St. Paul's church. The commencement exercises of tho high school drew n largo crowd nt tho opera houso last night. Prof. James II, Canflcld, tho newly elected chancellor of the state university Is stopping at tho Windsor. Mrs. M. E. Roberta and daughter Laura, leave on tho twenty-second for an all Hum mer tour of Europe. U. R, Holmes, city editor of tho Kearney Hub, attended tho commencement nt tho Stole University. Mr. W, 1). Backus, superlutendnnt of tho Indian Industrial school nt Gonoa, was in tho city this week. Mrs. A. T. Sullivan of Malcom Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. S. Bnrwlck of East Lin coln. Mr. George F. Johnson nnd Mr. S. S. Warner started Wednesday for Los Angeles, Cnl. Miss Maggie English entertained n few friends very pleasantly hiBt Saturday even ing. Miss Mnttie Smith of Piattmiuuth Is visit ing Miss Ella Olson, at Twenty-eighth nnd O streets. Captain J. E. Hill and daughters, who are sojourning in California, are expected home next week. Mis. C. E. Mono nnd Mi;s Maud Bodlo de parted Monday for Manmtowas, Wisconsin. Mr. Frank Sheldenhclm left Sunday for a few weeks visit nt Meudotanud Chicago Ills. Dr. Houtz and his grandson, Houtz GUI! Ian are visiting with relatives In Illinois. Mr. J, R. Stewart of Los Angeles, Cnl., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Hill. Mr. Fred W. Houtz left Sunday for n three weeks visit nt Cincinnati, Ohio. Miss Blrdlo Houseworth is visiting nt her former homo lu Burlingtsn, Iowa. Mrs. F. W. Gibson storied for Ann Arbor Mich., Friday via Burlington. Mr. E. M. Wales left for Pueblo, Col., Thursday, via the Burlington. Mrs. M. E. Faulkner and Miss Minnie, nro visiting in Pueblo, Col. Gov. nnd Mw. Thayer are out of the Jclty for a few days on recreation leut. John II. Travis left for Emporia, Kas. Monday by tho Missouri Pacific. Ex-Governor Wheaton of Manchester, N, H. is stopping at the Lincoln. Mr. Will Fisuer Jcft for Auburn, N. Y., Wednesday over the Burlington. Miss Kathleen Corey of Nebraska City Is visiting Miss Florence Hawloy. George L Taylor, wife and daughter are visiting relatives In Wisconsin. MIssJl. Wolf of Chicago is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Louise C. Otto. E. B. Henderson left Tuesday night for Leavenworth, Kas. Mr. W. Morton Smith was a Beatrice vis Itor yesterd iy. Mrs. B. F. Weaver of Omaha Is visiting Mr. W. S. Garver, 181i F street. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gregory ure visiting at Lewistown, Idaho. ' Mrs. Will Maxwell entertained a few friends nt luncheon Tuesday. Mr. R. B. Lewis of Omaha spent Sunday in Lincoln. Mr. Harry Shlanderman and sister are visiting In Decatur, III, Messers Georgo and Roy Adams left Wed nesday for IudlnnaX)lU. Mr. Mason Gregg returned Thursday from Kansas City. Mrs. Mary Wong Is visiting In Rockeby, Kansas. Dr.Frank S. Billings returned Monday from the East. Mrs. Clias. Grlftlth left Friday for Boston, Mass. Miss Bertie Cook of Blair is visiting in the city. Mr. II. T. Dobbin is visiting In Philadel phia. Mr. O. H. Baughmaii Is visiting lu Deuver. Miss M. Weeks is visiting at Slour City. Miss Lulu Harlon is visiting In Chicago. Mr. St. John says it Is true. Ladles short waists at special price t J. W. WlNOIR & CO. 1100 O. street, INew styles of Invitations just in at Tux Courur office. OF JACKETS AND WRAPS. OLIVE HARPER WRITES OF SEASON ABLE OUTSIDE GARMENTS. It's the Style to Cover Vnur Jackets with lliittnns That Are Oalled "Nail" Detailed Utscrlptlnii of tho Nowest Things Out, Accompanied with Outs. Special Correspondence. Nkw Youk, Mny 27. Somo of tlio now spring nnd early sutntnor capes hnvo n look of being nttuidud with grent nulls, llko n atcntnbont boilor, nnd otbor kinds of nnila ns woll. In fact, tho jetted nnd ninny faceted buttons tiro called "imll heads." Ono stylo of capo 1ms ii sort of V sliniMHl portion down tho bnok nnd front, nnd tho rest is plaited in nt tho Bliouldors or gathered. Tho back nnd front nro covered with theso great null head but tons, nnd tho high collar is nlso closely studded with thoin. Somo other styles hnvo n richly braided round yoke, on which tho material Is gntlierod.ntul around tho bottom nro sown two or throo rows of theso iinll heads. Thoy are nbout nn Inch nnd -mckcts ani. wiiap a half in diameter, nnd nearly always blnck, nnd, put upon tho very light col ored cloths in uso for this stylo of wrap, tho contrast is very striking. Somo of tho wrnps hnvo pinked out edges, nnd othors havo tlio edges deeply embroidered In blnck or ilnrlc silk nnd gold or silver thrends. A pretty fancy is to havo n wrap of delicate fawn or drab cloth or silk, and around tho bot tom a flat edgo of laco is sown, so that tho pattern of tho laco looks liko em broidery on tho goods. Such a ono is shown in tho first illustration. Jnckcts nro very much ornamented with flno gilt trimming. Few of them nro mado to fasten in front, n bar of em broidered trimming holding tho sides in placo. Dark bluo and black, a very fow green nnd brown nro tho. most of tho summer jackots, and theso have an as tonishing amount of gold trimming. Largo gold buttons and flat loops fasten them. Thero nro quieter nnd more re fined colors seen in dclicato tan nnd drab colors, and theso nro usually made iu the most exquisite manner, tho fronts often scalloped and embroidered by hand in self colors, which givo ft inoro elegant effect than nil tho gold and silver braid. Blazers nre very pretty this Benson, and nro in almost every instanco mudo in Scotch flannel, in stripes of indistinct Shades rather than colors. Full surah blouses, whi to or palo shades of this sea son's colors, are to bo worn with thoin, and these blouses have turn down col lars, to bo worn with tiny cravat bows of somo becoming color. They are of wash surah, nnd will bo infinitely pret tier nnd moro feminine than tho man nish shirts of last season. For carringo nnd visiting wraps, as well as thoso for evening, tho rich creamy shades of ladies' cloth or tho delicate pinkish drab or tan nro em ployed, and they are trimmed richly. Tho two in tho illustration aro sam ples of theso dainty wraps. Tho top ono is of cream white cloth, with overlaying occordeou plaited ruffles of blnck point d esprit, and stripes of fine black laco jetted with fine cut beads nro placed lengthwise upon it. Tho Tudor collar is a mass of KVXNLMO WHAI. beading o v o r lace. The lower ono is of black fnlllo with a delicate fernliko pattorn W CAItUtAOE WIIAI-. of blnck and steel beading down the front. It is edged with French lace and lined with dovo colors in taffeta changenblo silk. The taffetas silk in its iridescent color is qulto a favorite for homo dresses for young ladies. It requires very little trimming, nnd that of dark colored or black velvet. Ono of tho prettiest styles I havo seen for street dresses for tho summer is a light voighvnnd light colored wool, with a ruflle of flno French lace around the bottom of the otherwise plain skirt, jind about oighteoi. inches deep. Tho plain bahquo also hAs a flounce of the same width of laco, 1 ml full epaulets of tlio samo cover tin! upper part of tho nnn. Tho effect is liht, graceful, modest nnd very elegant Any of the plain, light colored goods of tho season would-be pretty mado thus. A very handsome visiting dress just finished by ir first class dressmaker for Mrs. Remington is of dark blue camel's hair ami fuillo of the same color. Tho sleeves aro high and puffed, ami of tho camel's hair. Tho basque is of the silk, coming down well over tho hips in tur ret points. The skirt is of camel's huir in turret points over tho silk plaiting. The collar is high and has lapels reach ing to tho waist, bordered with a narrow band of ostrich feathers, and inside this Is a narrow vest of gold tinsel braid. The toque bonnet is of dark blue velvet, with gold tinsel bows and ono piuk rose, Ouvk Habpkb. w m 11 if M TTI l I LiJ i i IvlMalti W ir r I IB fen, WSm ffiL ru J . 1 Ml SPECIAL SALE BOYS' OF $2.7 5, This Week at the Globe Clothing House These Suits are strictly all wool, late styles and well made. We give you a selection from 50 Suits in medium and light colors, all seasonable goods. The regular prices for them arc $3.50, and $5.00. You can buy them this week only for $2.75, at the GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Corner O and lOth Streets. Have You Attended the Great Sale OF- Dry Now in progress at the Kilpatrick-Koch Dry Goods Co.'s Store. 15 18 and 1520 O Street? If not, you should lose no time in doing so. We recently Closed Out from a New York Importer, a large consignment of French Novelty Suitings and we are placing the entire lot on Special Sale so as to give our custo mers some extrordinary values in this line. We are also sell ing Wash Goods, Bed Spreads and Lace Curtains at marvel ously low prices. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS GO. The Peoples' Store. Dry Goods. Groceries. Shoes. 151S-1520 O Street. Telephone 448. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH ICB CREAM IFOR SUNDAY DINNER, AND THEY. WILL RECEIVE. PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbush Makers of Bon Bons and Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water. sii The Hot Water Pipes circle the four top burners, thus No Extra Gas is Consumed in Heat ing the Water. CAIL AND SEE THEM. W. B. WOLCOTT, Telephone 273. SUITS FOR ,'&'. US FOR THIS CUT REPRESENTS THE NKW Goods Dangler Cabinet Gas RANGE showing the patented Hot Water l Attachment. 230 South Eleventh St. . M - S-3BT. X' I- v .'V ' c " ' -' si i :.i Jrt I xrfl'i