Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 13, 1891, Image 1

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WW' iw
Vob, 6 No. 27
Lincoln, Nbuiuska, Satuhday, Junic 13, t30l.
F'kicic Fivk Cunts
You Imvo nil read of the wotiilcrfttl beauty
of Spanish ami Mexican maidens, huvout
youf If one wero to believe tliu rhapsodies
of Imnglimtlvo wrltcis ho would lmvu to ro
gnrd these beauties as little less tlmu Illinois
In personal nttrnctlon. I can't tnke any
stock In the populnr notion. I haven't for
soveialyinrs not since I got it cliiiuco to
step over Into Old Mexico and take n look at
a lot of them. I was "doing" Santa Fe, and
ono Saturday heard that thcro was going to
bo n bull light at Paso del Norto the follow
ing day. I took t ho first train for Kl l'aso,
and Sunday found mo across tho river in tho
quaint Mexican town. Tlicru was no bull
fight, and my 1iohj of salvation was not
ruined tlint day. There was somo hitch in
getting u license, nnd tho lovers of sport had
to content themselves with n main between
fighting roosters. I Improved my oportuu
ities, however, by visiting tho old, old cathe
dral and watching tho congregation pass out.
came to the conclusion that tho Spanish
beauty wo hear bo much of is largely a mat
ter of apparel. The young women who woro
innntillus that concealed all of tho head, but
au oval faco with n pair of spnikllng black
eyes, looked like beauties. Those without
that bead-gear wero homely as a rule, and
only a fow passably good looking, according
to our way of thinking. When we sea pic
tures of Spanish beauties, they are generally
shown with their heads wrapped in lace.
The next time you go out to u party or a
theatro with a lady who wears n lace scarf
or bar instead of a hut, just notice the im
provement in her apiieurance. In the first
place tho wrap may cover u numlier of de
fects In lines and figure, and then there is
something soft and languorous in the meshes
of loco that lend themselves to the faco of
tho weaier.
I never ventured to push my opinion for
ward because of my limited observation.
But Frank O. Cniiicnter, tho noted corre
spondent who has circled the globe, Is doing
Mexico, nnd ho corroborates my theory, in
a recent letter he says tho better class of
women in Mexico wear no hats but their
heads are covered with black shawls out of
which their olive complexloned faces shlno,
and their dark lustrous eyes look at one with
a strange wonder, lie thinks thero is no
greater bcautiller than black, and ho "le
lieves that Mexican and Spanish women get
a great part of their reputation for beauty
from tho clothes they wear. At first sight
they look handsome, but a close examina
tion results in tho discovery that they are
rather homely than otherwieo, and many aro
decidedly ugly."
Coincidences aro interesting things. Copt.
Blllingsley and Hon. O. M. tamljertson ap
peared against each other In tho Shcody
trial nnd the captain won. Some years ago
they wero in partnership. They wero rivnls
for tho United States district attorneyship
and Lambertson won. Did you over hear
how he got it? Sometime beforo the appoint
ment was to be made ho "as n delegate to a
republican convention, uud on somo disputed
question made u ringing speech. It was ono
of those bursts of oratory that attract tho at
tention nnd comment of n state, and that
one effort niailo Mr. Lumbortson, then a
young man, a factor in iolltlcs. When it
came to tho appointment of it district attor
ney by President Hayes political forces
worked a combination that made Cupt, BIL
lngsley's selection improbable. Mr. Lam
bertson's name was then taken up by Con
gressman Tom Majors, urn! hu was appointed
without any effort in his own behalf. It Is a
fact woithy remark that ho was only twenty
eight yeuis old when this responsible position
was thrust upon him, but it is also a notable
fact that duiing teverul preceding years li"
had argued cuses in the supieme court. He
made a very successful prosecuting attorney
and some of his work attructed the attention
of his profession throughout the country.
Mr. LninbertJon Is not n beauty, but he is a
conspicuous example of the superior value of
bruin?. To look at him is enough to bo Im
pressed with his intellectual force uud capac
ity. It is one of the mysteiles which no news
paper iimn can fathom hy merchants will
allow themselves to bo taken In by every,
fake scheme that comes along. The clocks
on the operu house uud Union Paclllo comers
are iiiuto wltiuses of u familiar folly. Of
course tlio mini who got up the scheme told
the advertisers that the clocks would be run
ning two or three centuries hence, but they
have not ticked a tick for waiting mouths.
If some ono In town had gouo to tho mer
chants with tho scheme it Is doubtful If ho
could have made a go of it without guaran
tees that wpuld protect his patron, liut tho
tonguey stranger, who stnjs three or four
days, pockets his money and skips, never
caring whether his customers get tho worth
of their money or not. If business men
would uso in uowspapeis tho money that Is
wasted yes, wasted, In snap schemes they
would not only keep It ut homo but would
undoubtedly reap greutor benefits. Tho
average peripatetic advertising faker Is u
well-dressed tramp. Ho will lie without
end, promise anything under the sun and
never hesitate to i oh a customer if he can
stave olf detection until I e leaves town.
Chautauqua I Tho show windows about
town aro hung with gay bills advertising
three or four of them, but there Is only one
real, genuine Chautauqua for unyouo who
has attended tho original, and these western
offshoots aro sorry affair In comparison;
not that there is any disposition to depre
ciate thulr work, but after all one cannot
help making comparisons. The big assem
bly on Lake Chautauqua In the southwest
corner of New York is such n marvelous af
fair that ono goes uwuy full of wonder and
enthusiasm. The lake is a gem to start w ith,
and its setting of green trees nnd many col
ored fields is a beuutllul frumo for Nature's
art. The real Chautauqua Is on such n gi
gantic scale supplied with electric lights,
waterworks, sewerage, a mammoth hotel, n
printing olllco and a dally paper, these and
tunny more ndJuncU of civilized life planted
right in tho woods, although uatuin has not
lieon disturbed by sidewalk or graded street.
Thero aro scores of cottages, modest mid
grand, but tho affair is so democratic that
thousands live In tents nnd never stop to
think that their neighbors aro more favored,
and then the intellectual entertainment
lectures, lessons, concert, sermons, exhibi
tions fifty, sixty, seventy a day, varied
enough to suit all kinds of taste, and tho
lUlilug and boating , the forty niilo ride up
nnd down the lake and the big, gay summer
hotels along tho shores, I Ittlo Mnyvillo nnd
Judge Tourgee's homo at one end and bust
ling Jamestown at the other and tho Baptist
camp giound across the hike, what a varie
ty of nmuromeuts for a tired soul. And Dr.,
now Hlshop Vincent, what n masterful man
in managing this great enterprise! Why,
it's worth n season ticket Just to see and hear
him run n "Question Ilox." Of course there
must bo lots of hitches In so complicated an
affair, but he is so resourceful that the au
diences seldom realised It. It Is worth the
prlco of admission to hear him call lor the
Chautauqua salute when the big amphithea
ter Is full nnd see tho G000 handkerchiefs
flutter nn enthusiastic resxnso. The won
der is that nioro of tho western lovers of the
Chautauqua idea do not visit the home of
tho idea, because it Is such u delightful place
for a summer vacation.
Commencement days are here, and wo
shall have the usual amount of uowspapo r
sneering about "sweet girl graduates" and
"college bred young men who cannot earn n
living." Let tho, would-be wits sneer. Com
mencement orations may not bo more origi
nal thun tho others of generations past, nnd
college graduates may not bo able to Imme
diately step into Jobs involving ten hours
hnrd, manual labor per day for a bare llv
lug. The colleges will contribute a fall
share of the successful young men of tho
time, but financial success Is not tho only
thing worth living for. Money will buy
physical pleasure, but there ure intellectual
joj s which the poor tuny hnvb as well as tho
rich, nnd tho college grndunte is trained for
them. It he doesn't get his share it is his
own fault.
This Is Riven as a truo bill, made by an art
ist for repairs nnd retouchings to a gallery of
paintings of an English lord In tho year 1805.)
To filling up tho chink In tho Hod Sea
and repairing tho damages of Pharaoh's
To n pair of new hands for Daniel in the
lion's den nnd n set of teeth for the lioness.
To an alteration in the Belief, mending
tho Cominandmcnts nnd making a now
Lord's Prayer.
To repairing Nebuchadnezzar's beard.
To mending tho pitcher of Rebecca,
To n pair of cars for Balaam uud n new
tonguo for the ass.
To renewing tho picture of Samson in
tho character of n fox hunter and substi
tuting n whip for tho firebrand.
To a new broom and bonnet for tho witch
of Eudor.
To a sheet anchor, a jury mast, and a
boat for Noah's ark.
To painting twenty-ouo new steps to
Jacob's ladder.
To mending the pillow stone.
To adding somo Scotch cuttle to Phara
oh's lean kino.
To making a now head for Holofernes.
To cleansing Judith's hands.
To giving a blush to tho cheeks of Eve
on presenting tho npplo to Adam.
To painting Jezebel in tho character of a
huntsman taking n flying leap from the
walls of Jericho.
To planting n new city in tho laud of
To painting a shoulder of mutton nnd a
shin of beef In tho mouths of two of the
ravens feeding Elijah.
To repairing Solomon's nose nnd making
n new nail to his mlddlo finger.
To nn exact representation of Noah In
tho character df n general revlewiug his
troops preparatory to their march, with
tho dovo dressed as un nld do camp.
To painting Noah dressed in nu ad
miral's unlforjn.
To painting Samson making n present of
his jaw bono to tho proprietors of the Brit
ish museum. Curiosities of Brush uud
lie Hit It.
"Jim," suddenly observed ono of three
men who wero sitting oil thosmno bench in
Union square, "aro you eddlcnted? "
"Of course," replied Jim.
"Then I want you to toll mo what 'mor
bid curiosity' is. I Just caught It in the
paper hero."
"That's easy enough done. Suppose 1
put mo hand In mo pocket and pull It out
"Would you nnd John look to boo whether
I had u plug of tobacco or me huudker
ch, f?"
"Wo would."
"Then that's 'morbid curiosity,' nnd a
mean piece of business besides, and I'll an
swer no more questions for you." Now
York Evening World.
Ayer,H I'ills mo palatable, safe for children
and more effective than nny other cathartic.
OliHiitHiuiiiit Assemblies,
Beatrlco, Juno Ski to July Otlij Crete,
June ilOth to July 10th, mid Fremont, Juno
23.1 to July (1th. Tho Union l'uclllo will sell
tickets nt an oikmi ruto of one faro for tho
round trip. Seo your ninrest Union Pacific
Have vou seen the beautiful Hm, r n,i-
grnphs of America's greatest stage celebrities
in. ma iuuuiKii umco xho Hue embraco
all tho leading nnd most pi eminent urtlsU
nml aro tho work of Falk of Union Hmmii,
New York, undoubtedly the tlnwt photo
grapher in tho country. Call In and seo
Tho "County Fair." which had a run for
Ihreo years at tho Union Square theatre,4
flow ork, will io seen nt tho Funko Mon-i
day night. Everywhere this comedy has
caught on ImmciivOy, Its great success
everywhere Is best proof (hut tho public is
surfeited with the exaggeration uud prurien
cy of tho Impoilcd drama, and crave that
which is understood nnd natural, and that
they aro tired of tlghw and the decollete
dress or tho society play. "The County
Fair" Is of tho same school n tho "Old
homestead," nnd one Is nt a los to give nn
honest Idea of it, nstheio Is such a real and
humanizing presentation. The play may bo
said to bo Idyllic, yet nnturul. The peison
ages aid described as flesh and blood, and its
chnrui lies In thoslmplciicssof the construc
tion. I lie secret of tho play's effectiveness
lies In tho fact that every detail In the ulimti-
sosof ruial life Is exploited with admirable
Hcenio embellishment. 1 ho commoner fee)
lugs of evorjday humanity are played upon'
nml the whole thing Is louuded off with
something attractive to evcrjbody a hoi so
race. It would be it dull clod Indeed who
failed to get a bit excited while the race
soeno Is on and the Jockeys mo whipping for
nil they tire worth.
Rose Coghlan Is ono of the hudest stars ut
present. She has Just cloed her long season,
uud now- she assumes the muiiiigcuteut of her
future engagements ami nil the business nr
rangments for her next season. She drives
Into tow u every day from her country homo,
nml with tlio assistance of Mr. John T, Sul
livan, superintends tho thousand uud one de
tails connected with her forthcoming pro
duction of Leopold Jordan's pluy "Dorothy's
Dilemma." Miss Coghlan lsln raptures over
the comedy, and intends that her support
shall bo exceptionally powerful, and thut no
money shall bo smred to make it one of the
most brilliant pioductlons of the coming
"A Jolly Surprise" In which Miss Fanny
Itlce Is to star next season promises to bo
ono of the important musical comedy pro
ductions of next season. The new piece Is by
Arthur Wnlluck, a sou of tho late Lester
Wullack. It Is not n song nml dance farce
comedy but a play with nn Interesting story.
Theiowlllbe plenty of catchy music nnd a
number of clover specialties.
Edwin Booth says that ho hopes to act
again lu 'V.i.
J. II. Barnes has been engaged for tho next
tour of the Jeirerson-Florenco Comedy Com
pany. Jack Mason and his own Manola have con
cluded to return homo In tho fall. Mason
will go Into comic opera.
Frank MeKeo owns tho right to "A Hole
lu tho Ground" for next season, nnd lias en
gaged Charles Cowles for the leudlng pint.
Sydney ltoseufeld is adapting Audruu's
Intest ojieni for tho McCuull 0ierii Com
pany. It Is called "Bobolln."
"The Power of tho Press," which recently
had u long nnd successful l tin in New Yoi k
wlllpiobably bo produced In London next
The Madison Sqii'ire company lias startid
on a tour under the management of Al I lay
man. They go ns far us Sun Fs.inclsm,
which they reach early in August.
Nellie MeHenry's new pluy, "A Night ut
tho Circus," was phived for ono night at
Elizabeth last week. A number of New
muiiugeis were in uttendanco and pronounce
it u very big hit. It will no doubt haven
long run in New York before it starts on
tho roud.
Surdou, hi very emphatic terms pral-es,
Miss Elslo Do Wolfe, tho New York society
belle who Is to make her debut in Charles
Frohumu's production of "Theriuldor," and
says ho Is quite satisfied to leave the unfor
tunate heroine of his tragic pluy In hei
Ayer's Snrsupurllla lequires smnller do-ts
and Is more effective than any other blood
Tho following item appeared lu our last Is
sue and was in error. Trial subscriptions
are for seven months Instead of two:
Wanted To hear from young Indies w ho
will get up clubs fortho Ludies Homo Jour
nal, among their friends. Trial subscrip
tions seven mouths for fifty cents, are want
ed for tho $1,000 pri.e. Tho contest closes
July 1st. Only four weeks more. Fifteen
cents can bo reserved for every fifty. Eliza
beth C. Morrell, l'.H I Purnuui street, Omaha.
.Ill))-, !), 1HII1,
Is the dnto llxed lor the Grand Yellowstone
Puik Excursion via tho Union Piicilio "Tho
Overland Koufo." Final deposit for tickets
must bo beforo Juno ituth. Write to
Harry P. Deuel, City Passenger Agent, 1SW2
Fiirunm Stieet, Omaha.
Youtlilleiio Imriipenii I'ai'o 1'repiirtlon,
Indies, If you want most elegant faco prep
aration, try this one. It Is pure us spring
water; no lead, sediment or other luui'lotis
substances. It makes your skin soft, fresh,
and clear; removts tau, blotches, dlscoloia
tlons, and Imparts u pearly complexion,
f f vniu fmw, fi lint, wllilt vnll ilpritl-ii It. tl-v
Jv - "- " - - "J
"Youthllenu", 1 guarantee It to give jierfect
satisfaction. 1 have sought for a 'prepara
tion that will make complexions fresh uud
young looking and nowl lia vo found It, io
tnlliil nt two dollars m- thivii for live. I luivo
secured the agency for tills trusty article.
I J, H. Haiiixy, Druggist, Lincoln, Neb.
Tho Low now n Way lu Whlrh One .Mai
I'liiyi'd It on Another.
Thcro nro somo people who linvo n pecul
iar hobby. Thoy prlilo themselves on be
ing nhlo to como within a year or two of
guessing n person's o.xnct ago.
Ouo of theso gentlemen Ims censed giving
vent to this proclivity of his. TIj man
ner of his being cured of It has under
mined his faith In humanity also, but
that Is only a detail. Hu Is a doctor, but
on this occasion ho was himself practiced
n. A friend of his brought It about, lu
this wnyi They were sitting together tho
doctor and his fj-loud In tliu hotel rotunda.
Said the frlondi "How deceptive a man's
looks nrel Now I'll venture to say you
couldn't say how many summers that imiii
aver there has seen," and hu pointed to a
man who was Mttlng stiinu ten yards away
looking steadfastly to tho celling.
"Pshaw!" said the doctor, "1 say he's
do you really think I can't come within
two years nf It?"
"I my that you can't como within two
years of telling the correct number of sum
tilers he Ims seen."
"Well, I never bet, but I ccrtnluly fee)
IUe doing It lu this case. I say ho has seen
thlrty-llie summers."
"All right. Now for proof to the con
trary. 1 happen to know him."
And the friend piloted the medical gen
tleinaiiover to where 'the subject of his
guess was still gazing celllimw-ard.
"Robinson, o'.d man," wild the friend lu
a soft sort of tone, "how many summers
have you seen or winters)1"
"I why, none at all, you know, none at
nil." He spoke in the piteous monotone
thut sometimes distinguishes the blind. "I
have seen un summers. But if you mean
how old 1 am" ho smiled faintly, think
ng ho was correcting his friend's metaphor
"why, I nm thlrtytwo."
Tho fi-leimthaiikeil hlin; tlio doctor gnzeil
again ut tho vacant though lifelike eyes
and said, ns he walked away, "It was n
Binnll sort of trick, V
"But you didn't como very near to tho
correct number of summers hu linil seen."
But the doctor only walked nway mood
ily, muttering something about hating
practical jokes. And ho has become very
chary about venturing to guess any one's
ago. Chicago Tribune.
A Ileum In Your Own Kyo.
J I jewlk7
Caution Ncrtmaury Now.
Fond Young Husband (In Boston) Aro
tho shutters closed, my dear?
Beautiful Young Wife Ye3, love,
"Blinds dowuf"
"They nro."
"Kcyholo plugged?"
"It Is."
"Auy policeman hanging about when
you looked out just now?"
"Then como here, dearest. I waut to kiss
you." Chicago Tribune.
Tlio Popular CuniMilutu.
Slkesey (the newsboy) Say, Sinikcscy,
th' sonker at the big perlltlcal incetln'
said ther man they'd vote for inns' lmvo
fitness and fidelity. Wat docs that mean?
Smikcsey (tho bootblack) Iaiiiiiho see.
Fitness ami lldel Oh, it means ho mils'
bo able tor fight un' fiddle. Good News.
Utlier Tlmu lluy.
"I never saw a man so readyto borrow
trouble ns Jones is," remarked one reporter
to another.
"Never noticed It."
"I have. He has asked mo to lend him
my fountain ihjii three times this week."
Washington Post.
I'erlU of tho Flrt Horn.
Young Mother (sobbing) Oh, Georgo,
come herol Baby's faco and arms aro nil
broken out with an eruptlonl What on
earth shall wo do?
Young Father Send for tho quarantine
officers at once, oughtn't we? Epoch.
Ludits who me fond of horn-hack riding
should call nml see Heniy Hnipham, U'i
uoith Eleventh street before purchasing side
Kiddles, w hips, etc.
L,J J $ .
I I Jf-weTny' i I
It jfm pietty hard lo wait three dnys to mo
Lincoln nnnlhilatoOmnlia.
Hut we did them up so beautifully that wo
wero amply repaid for waiting.
If Omaha covered Lincoln with liny and
trailing pumpkin vines when wo were defeat
isl by a scoio of fi to II, where was Omaha
Monday w Ith a score of II) to ".(
Omaha was Just everlastingly wulloed,
Tim liinbs were Its I to tho slaughter anil
had to ho carried nway In ambulances, brills
isl and bleeding.
It's fun todownOmahn.
And Lincoln ueer (mured sand over her
metiopolltau rival so mercilessly as on Mon
day, Pet haps O'Dny wasn't at his Is-st,
Hut there was no occasion for him to exert'
himself, It was our game all tho way
thiough and Elteljoru's lightning pitchers
weio as naught. Htnll'ord played center
Held nnd succeeded In getting himself credit
isl with seven "P. OV put out. Thero wns
a good deal of slugging, every member of the
Lincoln club with the exception of O'Day
making a base hit. Ilurkett nnd Tourney mndl)
three each. Cllue, Tourney and Jack How o
each lined out a two bagger. Each of the
nine men crsd tho homo plato with n tally
concealed about his iersou once, uud Rogers
went through tills Interesting I Ittlo opera
tion twice, NoUsly mado nu error. Yes',
It was a very pietty game. Omnhn got 7
base hits off O'Duy, secured by Shannon,
llalllgan, (lillllu, McCnuloy and Elteljorg;
bu t most of them failed to bring lun run.
Oiffen, howevir, made a very nent two
bnto hit. For their seven hits tho Lnmbs
got just seven errors. All they pulled out of
the battle wns two runs which nobody be
grudged them.
Monday's gnino made three out of four
with Omaha, nml everybody's happy.
Wnlt until tho 10th.
Milwaukee is all right.
Stufford remains tho favorite with tho
Lincoln will make lb. first visit to Denver
next week.
To the American Association:
the Grass."
"Keep off
There will be lots of fun when wo get nt
Nick Youngs' wnrnlug will huvo the effect
of preventing desertions.
In the Mn Jor league, New York ha climb
ed up where it can touch Chicago.
There wns n gratifying Increase in tho at
tendance Monday. It should bo kept up
when tho boys leturu.
Umpire Strleb, while ho limy not be ns
good looking, Is nn Inllultely better judge of
linse bull than his predescessor, Collins,
Dnvo Rowohns lieeii singularly unfortu
nate so far this season In the number of
games s)stM)iicd, It Is estimated that hols
out fully $-',000 from this source alone.
Wo lost the first game to Kansas City, and
by a bad score, too; but our club usleemed
Itself Thursday, when the tally showed 10 to
'J. O'Dny and Rogers held down the points
lu the hitter game.
There are some H'ople who aio very cur
ious to know the pnitlculnrs of thut dllllculty
between Dnd Clmko nnd Norman linker of
Omaha club. According to the Bee Clarke
has bieu suspended.
Neither Elteljorg nor O.Dny was nt Ills
best ut Mondays game. Hut the grounds
wire lu such n bud condition nud the weath
er so unfavorable that nobody could bo
feilously blamed. No errois were charged
up against Lincoln.
1 l.e shooting tournament nt Lincoln park
this wiek has bten very successful, notwith
standing the uuprnpitidis wiathtr. Lend
ing shots from various points lu the state
have been in attendance and much interest
has bten manifested by Ircnl sportsmen.
The June races of the Nebraska ExK-itinu
association will bo held on the l-'ith, pith and
17th of next week. Arrangements have been
made whereby all railroads lending into the
city will cany pns-eiigeis at one and one
thiid fine for tho round trip from Juno 14
to 18. There will bo a very laigo showing of
horses, and the prospects for a successful
meeting nre certainly very good.
For bracing up the nervis, purifying tho
blood and curing sick hi adacho and dyspep
sia, there Is nothing equal to Hood's Huisnpu
rllla. Bicycles of all kinds uud nil makes skill
fully repaired on short notice. Wrenches,
oil cans, tires and other supplies always tor
sale ut George & Fishette, Uii O street.
See the Hue display of Gold nml Hrnss
Cnges, Wnter Coolers and Filters and Leon
ard Refrfgerutois. Tho largist and most
complete stoik olljHomo Hirnlfhlng goeds
lu the city at Rudge.
Gkolooistk Havk Dkcidkh tho earth's
earth's crust to bo over 100 miles thick. This
Is nliout tho thtckness of the mini's head who
buys his rulh oud tickets by some inferior und
poorly equipped line, when he could get n
tick et by the "Burlington" nt the snmu rate
Flannel shirts clenned w Ithout shrinking by
the Frenclf dry cleaning process, only 1ft cts.
ut Lincoln Strain Do woiks, 110ft O street.
The best domestic conl in tho inuiket for
ii.U) delivered. Ho sure to try Eastern Wy
oming nut for sal exclusively by Geo. A,
Raymer, IIUIO.
Wiiks Giiant Said, "We will light it out
on this Hue if it takes all nuunier," ho i-obu-blyiefeied
to the "llurlliiRtoii," ns every
body knows It Is the only "lino" woith light
ing for In this part of the country.
Salesman Wo havu this pntteru In cor
tain long! lis only. What Is the size of your
table? That may help you decldo.
Prospective Hrldo(blushlng) Wolmvon't
got our table yet. Hnrper's Bazar.
Unity Is Hleli,
Tho woeful expression of n Dcs Moines
teamster's countenance showed his deep anx
iety was not entirely without caue, when ho
enquired of a druggist of the sniuo city what
was best to give u baby for a cold. It wns
not. iit'CiwHury for him to say more, his coun
tenance showed that the pet of the fnmlly, l(
not the idol of his life was In dlntiess, "Wo
glyo ourlmhy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy"
wns tho druggists answer, ''1 don't like to
give the baby such strong medicine," said the
teamster. "You know John Olesou, of the
Wntteis-Tulbot Printing Co., don't youf" en
quired tho druggist. "Ills Imby when eigh
teen months old, got hold of n bottle of Clinm
hcrlnlu's Cough Remedy and drank the whole
of It. Of course It made the baby vomit
very freely but did not Injure it lu tho least,
nud what is more, it cured the baby's cold.
It Is not necessary to give poisons to cure n
cold or for croup either." Tho teamster
already knew tho value of tho Remedy, hav
ing used it hliuiclf, nud wns now sntlsllcd
that thero was no danger in giving It even to
n baby.
Coal of every size from the best mines In
Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado
nml Wyoming for wile by Geo.-A. Rnymer.
Telephone U1MJ. Olllco Hill O AtreeL
Dr. C. F. Ludd, dontlst, 1103 O street
Telephone lKI, Olllco hours t) n. m. to 5 p. in.
Kaechelln llaumgartlner & Co. celebrated
wool challles amlJFretich sutlncs nt low prices
this week nt
J. W. WtNOEIt & Co.
1109 O street
CiitltniHii I'nrk Special Trains.
Until further notice, B. & M. trains will
run ns follows between Lincoln nnd Cusli
uiaii park.
BV(iir(f(i Lonvo Lincoln 7!W I'-M, nnd
return from Cushmnu nt 11 I'-M.
SnturiUtyn Leuvo Lincoln nt :'M nml
return from Curhtuan nt 8 l-M.
,S'ioii(i(s Lenvo Lincoln nt 10:30 a-m,
U;!J0 I'-M, iiiliO J'-ll nnd r:.'t0 i-m; returning
from Ciislimnii at II a-m, II i'-M, ft r-.M nnd 0
1--M, and 6:'M I'-M.
Regular trulii No. 71 leaving Lincoln
nt 4:-0 '-m dally except Sunday wllluUo stop
ut Cushmuu, huoing tickets, louud trip
ruto of 1ft cents will apply to all.
Seo our beautiful individual Ice cream
moulds iM-foro ordoiing elsewhere. "The
Finest" l!Sil) O street.
Wedding Invitations, either printed or en
graved In tho I'ne-t stylo of the art nt Till:
CouiUKU olllco. Correct forms und best
quality of stock guaranteed. Sninples cheer
fullr shown.
Ho sure nud try eastern Wyoming Nut
coal. Best lu tho market, prlco tlAO deliv
ered by Geo. A. Raymer. Telephone .100,
mi O street.
Silk greniidlms and drary nets hi n
great variety at
J. W. Wi.tocit & Co.
111)110 street
"The Finest" leu orojin pallors nro now
open nud you ure invited to cull. lS0O
stl eet.
For harness call on Henry Hniphnm, l-i'-i
noi th Eleventh street, opK)slte Capital Hotel,
Coal of every size from the best mines
lu Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois Ml ourl, Colora
do and Wyoming for snl by Geo. A. Rny
mer. Telephone JKXI. Olllco ll.'tl O street.
K) nml Kur .Mirgi-iiu.
Dr. W. L. Da) ton, oculist uud nurist, I20.'i
O street, telephone IlT'i, Lincoln, Nebr.
lliirllliKtnu Itoiiti- The Outing Seiixin Is
Draw lug On.
People have already begun planning their
slimmer trlH, and wo would suggest that
you K)st yourselves regarding the wonderful
trout ll-hing III Ivjtes park, Col. Iho lieultli
KVK imths and quiet rest of Dakotn Hot
Springs, the hunting and fl-hing of Wyom
ing or tho fashionable, delights of Mnultou.
Tho Burlington will take you to any of them
peodtly and without fatigue. Thero nro
many other places in which you can sieud
the heated term, nud tho agent ut the II. &
M. depot or city olllco can tell j ou all about
them. Call and get a book of summer tours
and look it over. You w ill find It full of
good things and valuable hints.
A. C. ZlKMKIt,
( ity Puvvmger Agent.
Buy a Uttlu gem jKH'ket savings bank nt J.
11. Trickey & Co's for 41 cents. Its the popu
lar fad of the day.
Our work speaks tor Itself. It needs no
brag or bluster, simply your own opinion
will te-Ufy to Its merits. The Studio Its
Gran K is on the ground lloor. centrally lo
cuti d and n beautiful Call nnd seo ,us
nt 131 south Twelfth street.
int-iriftjir "
'tHtfV.i.l -Ai.